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/lit/ - Literature

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20981126 No.20981126 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it, she possessed genius.

>> No.20981168

idk who tf she is. Hey, fuck you. I'm just kidding.

>> No.20981183

/lit/ only hates her because she hated manlets.

>> No.20981186

Mad pussy best pussy

>> No.20981261

>/lit/ only hates her because she hated manlets.

>> No.20981264 [DELETED] 

she's totally unreliable

>> No.20981270

Prove it, show something superior to a mediocre poem from goethe, if she cannot match even the mid tier content of a genius like Goethe, can you say she’s a genius?

>> No.20981281

Fuck that Kraut.

>> No.20981290

Did you even read him? How can anyone dislike Goethe? is it just to be contrarian ?

>> No.20981308

the bell jar , she absolutely demolishes a manlet trying to hit on her. Only chad Ted could satisfy her

>Verification not required

>> No.20981316
File: 197 KB, 938x1390, DAE6BB67-7F58-4B4E-9B09-5B2A6E71CC69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm stuck, stepbro! Help!

>> No.20981335

Dumb post. Even if something was posted you'd immediately deride it with preconceived bias. I won't fall for your tricks, plebeian.

>> No.20981340

Her best stuff is unironically her diary

>> No.20981352
File: 49 KB, 330x319, 1644658253223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.20981386

All you’d have to do to remove such biases is either post a bit so obviously good that I couldn’t complain (for they would be a genius, geniuses can do this no?) or at least, explain why you think the thing you would post is genius and why it’s worthwhile so I cannot say what I dislike, so even if this is the case you don’t really have an excuse. Put up or shut up if this were a board dedicated to painting you’d show paintings no reason to be embarrassed of the work you consider genius.

>> No.20981427

>if this were a board dedicated to painting you’d show paintings
Paintings are not as open to interpretation as poetry, numbskull.

>> No.20981517

Oh, do you think painting requires more skill than poetry? That poetry isn’t a question of technique? Why? What’s led you to the belief that poetry and prose are not questions of skill and technique that can be analyzed from a cold standpoint in the same way that painting is?

I see no reason for this belief and it’s neither the belief held for most of human history, most of history saw writing as mechanical formulae, techniques, craftsman-like and from a place of control, I can grab you five poets off the top of my head who I don’t like personally but I can’t deny the excellency of their technique, if you can’t point out the quality of their technique then it’s very clear you don’t think she’s a genius you just like her personality, you are empathic, people can do the same to paintings (from pollacks to kinkades to debates of old masters and contemporary artists) people can do the same to food, to music, basically any art.

The same way you’d praise how an image is done in a painting you can do it in poetry, same way you can praise the dialogue in a film you can praise the wording of a poem.

Put up or shut up, show something of genius from them.

>> No.20981536

Suicide Off Egg Rock

Behind him the hotdogs split and drizzled
On the public grills, and the ochreous salt flats,
Gas tanks, factory stacks- that landscape
Of imperfections his bowels were part of-
Rippled and pulsed in the glassy updraught.
Sun struck the water like a damnation.
No pit of shadow to crawl into,
And his blood beating the old tattoo
I am, I am, I am. Children
Were squealing where combers broke and the spindrift
Raveled wind-ripped from the crest of the wave.
A mongrel working his legs to a gallop
Hustled a gull flock to flap off the sandspit.

He smoldered, as if stone-deaf, blindfold,
His body beached with the sea's garbage,
A machine to breathe and beat forever.
Flies filing in through a dead skate's eyehole
Buzzed and assailed the vaulted brainchamber.
The words in his book wormed off the pages.
Everything glittered like blank paper.

Everything shrank in the sun's corrosive
Ray but Egg Rock on the blue wastage.
He heard when he walked into the water

The forgetful surf creaming on those ledges.

>> No.20981570

Shut up nerd. No one cares what a tripfag has to say. Go outside, touch grass.

>> No.20981577

The Rabbit Catcher

It was a place of force—
The wind gagging my mouth with my own blown hair,
Tearing off my voice, and the sea
Blinding me with its lights, the lives of the dead
Unreeling in it, spreading like oil.

I tasted the malignity of the gorse,
Its black spikes,
The extreme unction of its yellow candle-flowers.
They had an efficiency, a great beauty,
And were extravagant, like torture.

There was only one place to get to.
Simmering, perfumed,
The paths narrowed into the hollow.
And the snares almost effaced themselves—
Zeros, shutting on nothing,

Set close, like birth pangs.
The absence of shrieks
Made a hole in the hot day, a vacancy.
The glassy light was a clear wall,
The thickets quiet.

I felt a still busyness, an intent.
I felt hands round a tea mug, dull, blunt,
Ringing the white china.
How they awaited him, those little deaths!
They waited like sweethearts. They excited him.

And we, too, had a relationship—
Tight wires between us,
Pegs too deep to uproot, and a mind like a ring
Sliding shut on some quick thing,
The constriction killing me also.

>> No.20981613

>Behind him the hotdogs split and drizzled

ah yes, beautiful, the grease of hotdogs dripping, real height of mind here, real beautiful! i like how the five stresses clearly intended here disappear immediately due to laziness.

>On the public grills, and the ochreous salt flats,

an inconsistent lexicon immediately, hotdogs and grills have no business in the same breaths as “ochreous” there is also a sloppiness when “on the public grill” is said which is a kind of tumbling over of the breath.

>Gas tanks, factory stacks- that landscape

so minimal if may as well be prose in all cases Dave the “a” assonance sounds yet the marks of lack of control (note the density of punctuation and miniature list) demonstrate she couldn’t keep her ideal of clear speech along with the ornament.

>Of imperfections his bowels were part of-

image destruction here, what does anyone see when they read “that landscape of imperfections his bowels?” the phrasing is sterile on account of it not showing anything.

>Rippled and pulsed in the glassy updraught.

rippled and pulsed is fine but generic wouldn’t be out of place in a page where a heavily prosaic genre writer wanted a patch of purple, glassy updraught is another failure, what do you see when you read this? the image isn’t formed until briefly in the next line then immediately abandoned,, nor is the sound particularly good.

>Sun struck the water like a damnation.

terrible flaw of technique, to relate and materialize a concept like damnation is doable, unadvisable and difficult, to relate the image to a concept however creates a mental slime, neither a concept related properly nor an actual image, no one sees anything “like a damnation” only the edgy who feel depressed and like the idea of damnation would like this line simply because they like to be told about the emotions they already feel, this requires no skill.

>No pit of shadow to crawl into,

only half decent image in the entire poem and it is forgettable.

>And his blood beating the old tattoo

trying to sound quirky for quirkiness sake and a cheap alliteration, while I’m not against alliteration for its own sake it should be consistent, here there is none of that.

>I am, I am, I am. Children

meaningless to anyone who is not her, and thus those who do not care for her personality will care nothing for it.

>Were squealing where combers broke and the spindrift
Raveled wind-ripped from the crest of the wave.

>> No.20981614

a patch of purple with no purpose in image nor narrative.

>A mongrel working his legs to a gallop

ugliness for its own sake.

>Hustled a gull flock to flap off the sandspit.

again, just trying to sound quirky, if this strikes anyone I ask them to explain why it strikes them.

>He smoldered, as if stone-deaf, blindfold,

too many images at once and trying to be playful about it, the last word makes the line fall apart when said .

>His body beached with the sea's garbage,

again, terribly chosen words, what does this register have to do with the previous, why would anyone like the idea of “sea garbage “ is there anyway worse way to describe the beauty and treasures of the sea than to call it “sea garbage” like a child would?

>A machine to breathe and beat forever.
>Flies filing in through a dead skate's eyehole
>Buzzed and assailed the vaulted brainchamber.

again attacking the weak emotionally, if one hasn’t a drop of depression these lines mean nothing, your hate of life is not a good measure for what makes art good.

>The words in his book wormed off the pages.

passable but not memorable.

>Everything glittered like blank paper.


>Everything shrank in the sun's corrosive
>Ray but Egg Rock on the blue wastage.
>He heard when he walked into the water

same as the above.

>The forgetful surf creaming on those ledges.

ah yes what a melancholic way to end your suicide poem, “creaming”

Lmao get outta here with that low energy life hating pessimistic denial bullshit, being sad doesn’t make you smart or erudite it just means you’re sad.
You’re free to explain line by line what you liked technically about any of these lines or the lines in the second poem.

How can you say to touch grass, yet you simp depressed for a female poet who killed herself? Absolutely go and touch grass, or better, read more poetry and cultivate your taste.

>> No.20981628

There’s a chapter in The Bell Jar where she’s worried about a blind date she’s going on with a Latin American because Latinos tend to be short, and then she proceeds to shit on Latinos for being short. It’s pretty racist tbqh

>> No.20981651

This is one of the cringiest posts I have ever seen on /lit/. It's fine to not like a poem but trying to deconstruct it line by line with cliched commentary is really lame. Anyone can go through lines of any poem and do that. Your comments aren't even insightful, just lame platitudes of derision. I'm not even OP, I just happened upon this thread and could barely believe my eyes. You clearly have a very pigeon-holed view of poetry that you like. Don't be so insufferable.

>> No.20981667

arent you the guy who writes terrible poetry in archaic language?

>the venom is its emanation, the venom is its essence, both at once, the emission essential.
hhahahahhahahah how is that not "a patch of purple with no purpose in image nor narrative."


>> No.20981670

>This is one of the cringiest posts I have ever seen on /lit/.

You cringing at someone trying to explain what they like and don’t like is indicative of you.

>It's fine to not like a poem but trying to deconstruct it line by line with cliched commentary is really lame.

Why? Why is it lame to say what is bad and good in a poem? Why should it be this nebulous thing?

>Anyone can go through lines of any poem and do that.

As they should, that’s what people do when they’re actually studying someone like Milton or Shakespeare, they consider the line and judge the quality.

>Your comments aren't even insightful, just lame platitudes of derision.

Platitudes like metrical scansion errors, platitudes like incongruent registers, platitudes about the bad images, platitudes about weakness in breath and assonance controls, such are not platitude but the meat of analysis.

> barely believe my eyes.

WOW, I’m going insane, someone is saying, what they dislike, about an artist they don’t like? Wow! Real incredible stuff here, mind blowing.

>You clearly have a very pigeon-holed view of poetry that you like.

That’s called having a taste, your lack of one is again; a fault of yours.

>Don't be so insufferable.
See the previous line.

>> No.20981678

shut up virgin

>> No.20981684

>incongruent registers, platitudes about the bad images, platitudes about weakness in breath and assonance controls
hey that's just like ur opinion man

>> No.20981685

The narrative in that poem is based on tantrik and kabbalistic schema, the emanation in question refers to Blake’s concept, the venom to the taoist comfort of Ku in its relation to non-being, the emission is to do with the Hindu concept of kala; the essential is the form world, and mind you! I do not call myself a genius nor shill myself as for public consumption but instead always seek refinement and consider my poetry to be solely religious and for an individualist purpose, not art proper! As for a patch of purple, nah the whole poem is in purple since I intentionally write in the decadent style, even try to ape the mahakavya stuff! There is absolutely a narrative in the poem it’s simply not for any reader who is not an occultist, for this reason I do not consider it art proper.

If you are going to shill a poet as a genius you should have some metrics to say why so!

>> No.20981688

Literally married with kids, >>20981684
Say it outloud or describe the images you see in the lines.

>> No.20981696

cringe LARP

>> No.20981709

I wish I had a wife that killed herself in this manner. The moment I'd find her I would fuck her hot corpse right then and there. Sweet necro pussy is right there, ready to be taken.

>> No.20981715

Holy shit what a tool

>> No.20981718


>> No.20981727

The larp of what, knowing why you like and dislike a thing?
“Whoa! What’s all this religious stuff? Where’s the hot dogs and suicides ?” Cope, seethe, dilate, you will never be a woman and a good day to you all.

>> No.20981736

>sky daddy

>> No.20981798


you must be really good at writing self insert fanfiction. maybe self insert you some bitches or something while ur writing all that nonsense

>> No.20981800

You are either lying with appeals to some weird sense of authority or must have a very unfulfilling family life if you feel the need to tripfag on 4chan's literature board and spew out sophomoric criticisms.

>> No.20981832

it's a tripfag. of course he has an unfulfilling life. and it's the accursed frater asemlen. one of THE worst tripfags. bros i miss cvmgenvs

>> No.20981845

I might like her if she was capable of writing about anything other than blaming her father for dying young, blaming Ted for her failing marriage, or wanting to kill herself.

>> No.20981861

That chick was going places, and then suddenly she dropped right off the radar. Wonder whatever happened to her.

>> No.20982212

/lit/ only hates her because she hated manlets.

>> No.20982333

Hotdogs and Suicide is a sick name for a punk band

>> No.20982471

frater i remember the first time i gave you a line by line analysis years ago and now youve taken up the act. im not any of these other anons but its not becoming of a man your age and faith to be behaving this way. this website is influencing you badly. consider this a call to a better path sent your way by the Spirit. not only will you be happier for it, but i believe your poetry will improve too.

>> No.20982510

This is pure, unadulterated cope.

>> No.20982573


>> No.20983574

keyed desu

>> No.20983591

Frater my brother, wtf happened to the /lit/ discord? It's just full of zoomers who joined it thinking it was "lit" fr fr

>> No.20984232

Don’t take it the wrong way, I’ve always been a shitposter I simply withhold it while using a name since I see the name as for archival purposes largely, as for the line by line, I genuinely believe nothing has refined my taste more than being critiqued and the verse shat on in specific, the above is simply me treating Plath like I would any other poem I come across good or bad.

Depends on which one you mean, last time I was on Genlit I basically was banned for a mix of anti homosexuality, anti transsexuality and shitting on modernism a lot, the other more famous lit server was actually much worse and is better now, I’d link you some discord servers but I don’t wish to use the thing for another month.

>> No.20984504

give us dat link

>> No.20984537

Are you having a bad day frater? Tomorrow is the Elevation of the Holy Cross, purify your mind please.

>> No.20984678

Hughes is miles better.

>> No.20984740

What collection should I start with? I respect anyone who can an hero.

>> No.20985862


>> No.20985885

absolutely wrong

ask anyone who knows, they'll tell you

>> No.20985889

THIS. Ted is a much better poet. Idk what these niggers see in Plath.

>> No.20985942

That's definitely a tranny.

>> No.20986471

/lit/ only hates her because she hated manlets.

>> No.20986731

Yeah, she’s a genius, but /lit/ will never recognize her because she’s a woman.

>> No.20986875

wow that kills any empathy i had for her. what a nasty, ugly souled woman

>> No.20986877

she did? based as fuck

>> No.20986880

Not a fair comparison. Hughes is a man, Plath is a woman. The worst male poet is as good or better than the best female poet. You have to consider them as separate leagues, like with chess, and so a great woman poet is a woman poet who is better than most other woman poets.

>> No.20987516
File: 90 KB, 1024x1020, 5A6DC000-91FC-4285-89AB-A222873606D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trip fag is also a discord fag

>> No.20988417

Great poems, don't know why but a lot of great poets are women

>> No.20988432

And the worst italian and French poet is as good or better than the best English poet but no one is treating you like an interior scum anon

>> No.20988487

There's also the nigger waiter

>> No.20988576

Read her works.

>> No.20988672

I mean it’ll be hard to deny it.

>> No.20988889

>works /lit/sissies into a seethe because they're scared of women
Sylvia's cool as far I'm concerned, anon.

>> No.20988909


>> No.20989199
File: 102 KB, 447x422, bell jar bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care much about her writing, but I like these verses.

> Not God but a swastika
>So black no sky could squeak through.
>Every woman adores a Fascist,
>The boot in the face, the brute
>Brute heart of a brute like you.

>> No.20989548

I don't care what anyone says, she was a whore.

>> No.20989556

Controversial opinion but anyone who makes fun of manlets cannot be in possession of genius.

>> No.20989684

Scandalously stupid way of thinking about art

>> No.20989723

I've witnessed the oblivion that is frater on discord servers in the past. I'm fairly certain he's serious about being married and having kids, but I was always baffled by his sort of clearly autistic behavior. There are too many hilarious details about him, but one of them which stands out is his admission that he's a member of like, hundreds of discords, most of which he doesn't post on, but stays connected to just to like idk, observe or whatever. His way of writing(prose) is also kind of sociopathic, and reminds me of this one guy I knew in college who was a literal schizophrenic. His philosophy is a very cringe mix of fascism+phenomenology mixed with like, subcontinental will to power type thinking. A frightful human being, I pray for his children and wife.

>> No.20989789


>> No.20989809
File: 83 KB, 680x743, F01317F6-3EA6-4018-B606-15D6DFE18D74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An opinion only a manlet could hold
It’s completely fine as long as you’re crazier than they are.

>> No.20989835
File: 23 KB, 540x413, frightening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both things are true anon. Its the best and never do it.

>> No.20989848

yeah she killed herself, so she was smart...

>> No.20989850
File: 59 KB, 1080x1065, E93C5C95-09DB-47F8-8B02-A344B979B97B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but sincerely

>> No.20990120

Too bad she never used it