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/lit/ - Literature

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20975412 No.20975412 [Reply] [Original]

>all her novels are based on her childhood/teenage years in rural Holland
>her self-insert gets raped in all of them


>> No.20975426
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>no bottles

>> No.20975438

>Mein Kleines
>Not Mein Kampf

>> No.20975465
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>In 2021, Rijneveld was selected by American poet Amanda Gorman to translate her work into Dutch. Rijneveld initially accepted the commission, but later withdrew after Dutch race advocate Janice Deul criticised the publisher for commissioning a white translator for the work of a black poet.

>> No.20976001

That shit is old

>> No.20976018

That shit is old

>> No.20976028
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>> No.20976100

I read Trooney, I read Moshfug, meh.
Is this enbee you guys shill all the time worth reading or is /lit/ just insane?

>> No.20976106

Who are they and troony?

>> No.20976138

femoid contemporary writers that /lit/ sometimes posts about because they boycott Israel

>> No.20976442
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>> No.20976450

>is /lit/ just insane?
Worse. It's a bunch of 20-somethings that desperately try to build an identity as intellectuals to compensate for their physical inadequacy, but are held back by their mediocre intellect and utter lack of taste and culture.
Also, they don't read.

>> No.20976455

When's she transitioning?

>> No.20976465

From her pic, she already did.

>> No.20977749

Is it any good?

>> No.20978035

Are people still discussing her?

>> No.20978915 [DELETED] 
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Kill yourself tranny. Stop making bait threads and do something useful with your life, like killing yourself.

>> No.20978960

>A sweater and no makeup is transitioning
Maybe the term is “crossing” since she’s just a cross dresser. Hope she’s well

>> No.20978993

Why are you mad?

>> No.20979003

he's so sexy

>> No.20979009

>terrible haircut like a teenage boy who hates barbers and thinks it's cool to have hair covering his face
>hair clumped together probably because its greasy
>mannish jaw
this person looks more like a boy pretending to be a woman than an actual woman.

>> No.20979055


>> No.20979056

You’ve never been to Europe.

>> No.20979128

Lmao. Seething

>> No.20979134

>this person looks more like a boy pretending to be a woman than an actual woman.
And this doesn't turn you on? Weird.

>> No.20979147

Different anon. It doesn’t. She’s been traumatized apparently, and I feel sorry for her. I’d be her friend before ever considering her as a lover.

>> No.20979190

>She’s been traumatized apparently, and I feel sorry for her.
How charitable of you.

>> No.20979199 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20979211

Do you think of anything other than transgendres, or is that just running on a loop in your brain 24/7?

>> No.20979216

Probably wrote it as some sort of fetish fic.

>> No.20979221

>rural Holland

haha, what?

>> No.20979344
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>the polish version is already out
>the english one won't be published until 2024


>> No.20979382

>crocodile grafted to a songbird
wtf this is not ok

>> No.20979394


>> No.20979408

it doesn't identify as she anymore you fucking bigot

>> No.20979424

Read for yourself. I wouldn't trust the sexless opinions of the ugly men that populate this board. If you have any autonomy, and aren't herded by the braindead trends of this board, you might find some merit. Eileen by Moshfegh is a personal favourite, but Normal People also stands by itself.

>> No.20979449

It’s a duckrabbit

>> No.20979482

oh so he detransitioned? good for him, I hope for his sake the damage to his penis isn't permanent.

>> No.20979993

She was born a woman. He identifies now as male. Dumbass

>> No.20980005

This just goes to show that black folx need their spaces

in Africa

>> No.20980006

literally all of contemporary dutch "literature" are ego documents written by women about >muh trauma and >muh vagina

>> No.20980022

With a jaw like that? Doubt.

>> No.20980207

>She was born a woman
And remains a woman. “Gender” identification means nothing to sex realism.

This is all she’s posted for here. To start one of these idiot threads that does not go here

>> No.20980230

If you don't like this thread just leave then.

>> No.20980252


>> No.20980330

No, you leave. Take it to the board it belongs on. You’ve never read her

Me no like other anons. Me not obsessed with anything of the sort. That is why I want it out of here, duh. There’s no such thing as transitioning anyway

>> No.20980893
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Any french anons?

>> No.20980929

>Becomes tranny

>> No.20980986

its also out in german italian spanish and french . I dont know what english publishers are doing

>> No.20980987

been learning the language for 19 months now.Tried to read it but the language was so poetic from the beginning that i realised i wasnt ready for it yet.But the first paragraph was stunning

>> No.20981050

> mother’s selflessly raising children
> no profit motive
Excuse me I’m no college city boy with an education but isn’t passing on your genes fulfilling the highest individual prerogative biologically speaking?

>> No.20981271


>> No.20981339

>I am not a dutch girl
>I will never get raped by a 6ft 4in dutch chad
why live

>> No.20981693

Who wouldn't? Prime tomboy

>> No.20981780

I read The discomfort of Evening and I honestly can't understand the hype now, it is not bad but surely not great, maybe not even very good

maybe not even good

>> No.20981894

It's good. The ending isn't, but overall it's fine. Dutch farmer-calvinism is kino.

>> No.20981945

>sex realism
read the cyborg manifesto before pasting ben shapiro grifter shit like a facebook boomer nigga
fuckin' pseuds if you hate trannies atleast do it properly

>> No.20982194

I found it really forced. A lot of the bad reviews I found where due to the gross things that happen but those didn’t bother me, I just found them uninspired or boring. Maybe I’m desensitized and the shock was the point idk, just was a meh book for me.

>> No.20982197

Also the portrayal of grief was meh. I think the book is overhyped

>> No.20983331

Her second novel is the good one

>> No.20983433

My guess is, same with for example Aneantir, is that the translator they want is occupied.

>> No.20983540

I don’t hate them (hates Shapiro a bit) I feel sorry for them. Their identity is that they hate themselves for who they are. It’s sad and they need help, not delusions.

>> No.20983542
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>> No.20983582


>> No.20984889

lol saved

>> No.20985424

He's so goddam precious. I'm waiting for an English version of his books of poetry

>> No.20985453

No. That person will be forgotten by 2030s.

>> No.20985832
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I don't think so. He's strong enough to endure and probably win some other award

>> No.20986486

I would kiss him mercilessly

>> No.20986745

That's a girl, anon.

>> No.20987386

He's so sexy it's unreal


>> No.20987897

I bet ze'd start crying the moment you pinned zer arms behind zer back, before you'd even put it in.

>> No.20988235


>> No.20989395

Even better

>> No.20989409

its some dumb simp. same shit as a namefag avatarfag or tripnigger.

>> No.20989459

You gay??

>> No.20989575


>> No.20991375


>> No.20991416

I already read the new Michel H. in bulgarian while englishfags still are waiting.