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20975187 No.20975187 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got some book recommendations on occultism from a Christian perspective? Preferably Easern Orthodox if possible. By this I obviously mean against occultism, but with an informative overview to help us notice it and protect against it for example.

>> No.20975193
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>> No.20975216
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>> No.20975224

>be 80 IQ christ kike larper
>see a super spoopy drawing
> just ink on paper
>'by jove, it's magic!'
>open tome of angelic prayer
>sit inside a circle of salt repeating the jesus prayer
>safety at last
>crisis averted, the devil gained no ground
Why are christians so based?

>> No.20975227
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>> No.20975236

Was Guenon against occultism? Are there no more serious writers (i.e. before the 19th century)

>> No.20975241

>Are there no more serious writers (i.e. before the 19th century)
About occultism?

>> No.20975246

>Mauss was born in Épinal, Vosges, to a Jewish family, his father a merchant

>> No.20975252

Yes, against occultism. Like from saints or church fathers.

>> No.20975264

Why have you heard of the Bible? The Desert Fathers? St. Austin? Albertus Magnus? St. Thomas Aquinas? Cotton Mather? The list is long.

>> No.20975268

The Jews are the greatest occultists.

>> No.20975269

Yes, but I moreso posted that chart for the inclusion of Father Seraphim Rose and for the overall systematic takedown of contemporary spiritual evil. I recommend Fr. Seraphim Rose and Fr. Spyridon Bailey because they are Orthodox priests who wrote books against occultism. As for older material, I don't know. I don't think that occultism was as much of a concern in the Orthodox world at that time seeing as how Freemasonry was and still is Anathema. I'll post a link to an in depth audio series in occultism from an Orthodox Christian perspective.

>> No.20975302

>The Desert Fathers?
Oh I didn't know they talk about the occult I thought it was mostly about monasticism where they don't run into occultists. I'll check out Magnus and Mather.

>> No.20975320

Honestly I tried to read Seraphim Rose a bit but it felt like the audience was Americans and his belligerent style didn't resonate with me. I like polemics but it felt like he was bordering on rants. But thanks for the course and maybe I should give more of a try to Seraphim Rose if he's the only one discussing occult in the ways that it manifests today. I assumed the occult didn't change much seeing that it's also an ancient tradition.

>> No.20975370
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Np. Here's another chart I've seen posted here. Fr. Spyridon Bailey is in it and he also tackles occultism.

>> No.20975639

Thanks anon I shall start with the Desert Fathers then.

>> No.20975725
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>> No.20975767

Going to pass.

>> No.20976035
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>Christian perspective?
Any number of Christian Grail/alchemy/kabbala material. Would start with Evola's Grail one and picrel.

>> No.20976113

>We review and recommend more than 80 books on occult, philosophical, scientific and religious subjects, many of which are almost completely unknown to either occultists or the general reader.
>We have not reviewed any books about black magic, witchcraft, the fantasies of conspiracy theorists or the speculations of psychics. If that's what you're looking for you won't find it here. If, on the other hand, you're looking for books that provide clear and plain answers to the many questions sincere seekers after Truth and Wisdom ask, you're in the right place. To read our book reviews, browse the categories below. To learn more about what books we review and why, or how and where to obtain them, read the notes in the sidebar.

>> No.20977222

Pick one.

>> No.20977269

>a bunch of merchants

>> No.20977316

This is funny to you?

>> No.20977330

The Daemonologie

>> No.20977656

Have you tried >>>/x/

>> No.20977936

Can someone explain what occultism means?

>> No.20977955

>Evola's Grail
>Christian perspective

>> No.20979130

Mysticism without religion

>> No.20979598
File: 202 KB, 263x373, triadotekt – thronebody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The foistening star of Satan, and Moloch, contra the fastening sun of Lucifer, and Lilith.

>> No.20980135

Occultism is a modern phenomenon kind of. Before we just had gnostics, witches, and muslims to worry about.

>> No.20981540
