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20970012 No.20970012 [Reply] [Original]

Green flag reading list for women?
I've been on a few dates with this qt artgirl.
I'm debating on whether her interest in literature is worth withstanding her bipolar artgirl problems (they're already showing after like 4 dates)

>> No.20970014

Also I'm 27 and she's 18 so that will cause problems too
she's cute though

>> No.20970034

She's cute so it's okay

>> No.20970049

true all that really matters

>> No.20970064

Nabokov I think is a green light regardless of anything. Shows that they’re willing to set aside morals for prose wrt Lolita & enjoy an old white man

>> No.20970079

So far I get the impression she's more plot-focused. She certainly doesn't share my appreciation for prose but she has read some good classics
Not sure how to ask her if she likes Lolita without coming across as a predator considering our age gap tho

>> No.20970113

>can read
Literacy at all is a giant red flag. W*men have no need of letters; their only right and just purpose is bearing and rearing children.

>> No.20970116

>t. shitskin

>> No.20970129

The Bible, and nothing else.

>> No.20970145

It depends on what you are interested, honestly, there isn't such a thing as "forbidden books", it is more like certain people are too stupid to handle certain books.

>> No.20970151

>worth withstanding her bipolar artgirl problems
i can assure you, they are not

>> No.20970194

Dating a med student who is a christian and reads theology and entry-level highbrow /lit/ (loves Wendell Berry, so that’s a plus in my book). Slowly exposing her to better books when she has the time. Will have her read Musil next

>> No.20970203
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>> No.20970217

Nope, white, but honestly wouldn't be against converting to Islam or whatever the Amish are at this point.

>> No.20970231

what kind of theology is she reading?

>> No.20970234 [DELETED] 

so you've degenerated to the level of a shitskin, they have to cover their women in hijabs and can't let them drive and stuff, because the men and women are inferior.

>> No.20970245

Currently, apophatic theology. She’s reading Karl Barth at the moment. He goes over my head so she is helping me

>> No.20970368

Wow, actual real theology. I don't personally agree with a lot of Barth's theology as I'm not protestant, but I have to give credit to the guy. He's a very interesting guy to read, although I think Brunner was more correct in their debate. Still, all the famous Swiss theologians of the twentieth century are top notch. Congrats on the girl.

>> No.20970374

saggy tits

>> No.20970377

Good choice, do not ask about Lolita directly but maybe ask her if she likes to read about morally gray characters or more dark stuff
You can ask about Lolita as an example but honestly I don't think having read Lolita means shit

>> No.20970386

So a book about wars, slavery and rapes, I mean if you want to know if she is capable of reading stuff that are not morally pure I guess this works too

>> No.20970395


>> No.20970401

you'll literally never even come close to a chick with tits like that.
Incel standards are hilarious

>> No.20970412

simping for some whore that will have pancake tits by the time she's 35

>> No.20970432

That means being based.

>> No.20970436

That is why you are supposed to get someone better than a whore with tits. They will all get old.

>> No.20970451

What's truly inferior is adopting an ideology that lowers the birthrate significantly below replacement level. I'll pretend to believe what I must to get a wife that will actually bear me children. Enjoy your atheism and fur-babies.

>> No.20970458

Where do you even meet someone like that?

>> No.20970492


>> No.20970496

You don't. That anon is an schizo.

>> No.20970519

Reading is a red flag anon.

>> No.20970543

Anything dostoevsky is neon green.

>> No.20970564

As a woman who loves Dostoevsky I don't understand why there are so many people here on 4chan that adores him
Am I missing something?Some weird ideology I didn't see or it's just because he was anti-Semitism?

>> No.20970582

probably a LARP but it's nothing that weird.
His grasp of the human mind is just incredible. For me he is great because of the way he describes the racing mind of troubled people.
You're appalled by his protagonists yet they are unmistakably human. And upon honest inspection, you probably see a bit of yourself in them.

>> No.20970598

Ok thanks I love him for this same reason

>> No.20970662

>I'm 27 and she's 18
Rly... 27 and dating a 18 year old bipolar art girl.
Get some standards dood, what the fuck is this..


>> No.20970764

It was never my intention to date an 18 yo, it just kind of happened over time after us being friends and talking a lot
then we fucked when drunk so can't really back out now or I'd be a complete asshole who pumps and dumps an 18yo

>> No.20970846

Less than 10 years age difference is socially acceptable.

>> No.20970853

yeah if you're 40-50
not if you're 27-18

>> No.20970988


>4 dates
Hope you've fucked already anon.

>> No.20971247

I once slept with a women who literally only had a Bible in her bedroom as a bar one night stand. I genuinely still feel an undying affection for her and how amazingly kind I felt she was. I obviously have repented but yeah it was weird.

>> No.20971261

It was a joke, most women are like that, anon.

>> No.20971275

>17 years old
holy shit for once I'm glad I'm British. Imagine being LEGALLY cucked from prime teenage pussy.
"Barely legal" my brother in Christ if she's 18 she's in the double digits

>> No.20971280

Thanks for the inadvertent recommendations

Why do we keep pretending 18 year olds - especially 18 year old women - are children that need to be protected from consequence? Yes they are retards because the American education system churns them out that way on purpose but until our consent laws reflect that why should we hold them to a different standard?

>> No.20971323


Everyone is just buttmad that they're at peak legally accessible sexual attractiveness. Most everyone deeply resents the existence of the attractive young woman. Most men can't access them (anymore, if ever) and most women aren't them (anymore, if they ever were in the first place). Dane Cook became a Bogdanoff and he bagged some woman under half his age (a bit older than 18). She'll likely divorce him, but he has the money and the pussy will probably be worth it. Legally, there is absolutely nothing that anybody can do about it based on social norms or AoC laws alone.

Who dares, wins. Well, if he has a pile of money, other things going for him (many people actually find him funny, believe it or not) and tries.

Houellebecq's points were distinct, but nature is deeply cruel and unfair. A distinct point is senescence: The really horrible thing about growing old is that if you become very old, you don't get 30 years of basically being 25. You get 30 years of basically being 55-60 when you're long busted and have lower stamina. It would be a bit different if you enjoyed an extended "prime" adulthood, but as I said, nature is cruel.

>> No.20971406

I used to watch his stand-up specials. I thought he was alright. Not an object of hatred like some people assume he is, i.e., I don't get why people find him polarizing.

>> No.20971611

Interesting points, anon. I agree with you, I just resent the double standard I guess. I'm sure many 18 year old women are perfectly aware of what they're doing in dating older men like Dane Cook (I also thought he was funny when I was younger) or even the 27 year old anon. My aunt married a man 16 years her senior and she died a very, very rich woman because they started a business together. Hot women use their looks or youth to get by. Everyone has a hustle.

I chose the wagie route because I'm not hot for a woman, I'm completely average looking, and nobody gives a shit - as they shouldn't. What irritates me about hot women/young women is not the women themselves, it's rather that everyone around them pretends that they don't have their own agenda when they make decisions like that.

I resent modern elitist feminism's insistence that women (especially young women) are brainless NPC's that are constantly in danger of being taken advantage of by older men. That they don't have a shred of fucking agency. Maybe they are making a mistake, but that's their business. Nobody cares when ugly women fuck up or when men fuck up, so let's stop pretending that it's somehow more tragic because it's happening to a hot woman.

>> No.20971621

I was never particularly attractive to women but I managed six or seven girlfriends over the course of twenty years so I must have been doing something right. Last May was the anniversary of losing my virginity in 2002 but it passed without incident

>> No.20971626

wow what a courageous and based statement my noble brother man
heroic even

>> No.20971627

People (especially older women and certain kinds of "moral upright" homosexuals) have a huge stick up their ass if you're five years older or more than your girlfriend. Tipper Gore moral majority types make weird bedfellows with anti sexist gays.

>> No.20971631

Do you believe that not doing those things make you superior how? Because it forces you to constantly entertain women like a clown in the hopes that they'd like you?

>> No.20971633

>I'm debating on whether her interest in literature is worth withstanding her bipolar artgirl problems
Nothing about a woman is worth this. Find a girl you want to fuck that is as barrable as possible.

>> No.20971640

If it was good enough for Salinger, it's good enough for you.

>> No.20971712

So when is the wedding anon?

>> No.20971723

Because he's trad as opposed to degen.

>> No.20971731

damn look at them tiddies

>> No.20971736

>Love is love... NOOOOOO NOT LIKE THAT.

>> No.20971749

>she's 18
dont talk about green flag when you can mold her to what you want.
wtf man

>> No.20971754
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Do fat girls read? I really want to be with one but I'm afraid they might be innately lazy and distract me when I want to read. Can you at least use them as a book stand or cuddle into them while you read?

It's weird hot girls like the one OP didn't even make my dick twitch but this does :/

>> No.20971799

you will never be a father

>> No.20971803

>27 & 18
so I take it you have a house and significant income and intend to start a family, which she is aware of and both she and her parents conset to?
if not and god forbid you're some antisocial loser with a dead end job who sometimes reads I'd tell you to not pursue this further because it's weird.

>> No.20972242

I am already your father.

>> No.20972261


We get it, you've lowered your standards and are willing to fuck a fatty now. I never have been, and I never will. t. virgin nearing 40, solitude is preferable to dealing with a fat human being (they also smell BAD when you get close to them, they don't wash that scent out of their flaps).


As long as he's a gentleman and watches himself he can score that teen puss before it's too late. Take advantage of her naivete while it is legal to do so. Do it, anon, don't let these losers try to discourage you.

>> No.20972263

It's hopeless

>> No.20972284

Would you go so far as to say that "it's over"?

>> No.20972293

>but until our consent laws reflect that why should we hold them to a different standard?
I mean OP said he got drunk with an 18 year old. The age you can legally drink at is 21 - OP could easily get his balls chewed out over this

Also, shit thread

>> No.20972658

we did

>> No.20972662

I'm from Belgium, legal drinking age here is 16

>> No.20972670

What problems?

>> No.20972673

I have a well paying job, but I only just started. Not the reason we're dating at least, I've known her for a while, from when I was still a student last year (I started uni late)
I'm pretty social actually but you raise a good point about perspective. I do want a family in 5 years or so but that is something she isn't thinking about at all, given she's 18.

I don't know. I think I'm just going to give it a couple months to see how it goes. As others have said, she's an adult and can make her own choices. If it doesn't work out I'll feel pretty bad about it but well that's how all relationships end

>> No.20972717

>given she's 18
should already be carrying a child desu nigga

>> No.20972863

>uses desu in its intended meaning and not as a noun

>> No.20972898

What did he mean by this?

>> No.20972942

dude that's kinda gimpy ngl

>> No.20972986

>Fat girls=>Lack of physical activity=>Introvert hobbies=>Probably reading
The chances are higher. Make sure she ain’t dying her hair or some shit tho

>> No.20973022


>> No.20973031
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What was that desu? You're massive faggot and can't handle the truth?

>> No.20973168

You live different lives. I want different things out of life than her
and her problems just aren't relatable for me anymore and vice versa

>> No.20973445

Nigga she is chubby, not fat
Secondly, they usually read more but beware of what they read

>> No.20973481

>Green flag reading list for women?
protip, if a """woman""" is reading, then that's a man, baby

>> No.20973489

If you're that much older than her you likely have some level of financial security, try to get her materially dependent on you and then emotionally dependent on you and then you have a wife for life. Don't pass up this opportunity many guys would kill for just because she reads different books than you.

>> No.20973492

-Good poetry (not the Instagram-tier shit popular rn)
-Good novels and absolutely no fucking YA
-A good percentage of classics (it depends on what she is interested)
-Some theater (same as above)
-manga and comics are ok, but should be a minority in her library
-at least some non fiction (same deal with the previous points: no dumb "le white heterosexual capitalism is bad" or similar)

Good luck with your relationship, i only wish you happiness and joy

>> No.20973493

Nigga. She fat. You've been fucking fat chicks.

>> No.20973499

Worst post of the day award

>> No.20973500

She goes beyond chubby.

>> No.20973506

If you can't tell the difference you are a retard, and "at least" I'm not a virgin like you
Fucking incel

>> No.20973518

Nah, she's is in the perfect spot

>> No.20973528

she is unironically far above clinically obese

>> No.20973530

>gets told the girls he fucks are fat
>y-your an incel
Kek. She's a BIG girl anon, but cope however you want.

>> No.20973532

Thank you brother.

>> No.20973541

Nigga, get real

>> No.20973545

She is big? Yes
she is fat? No
Too braindead to understand differences

>> No.20973546

Whoa whoa whoa, what's this 'nigga' shit? We use desu round here, desu.

>> No.20973554
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Mashallah, brother

>> No.20973560

Don't put your dick in crazy without giving her a fake number first.

>> No.20973564

It's fine. I need some excitement in my boring ass life

>> No.20973572

based, wish I had a cute artsy pixie girl to fuck, enjoy

>> No.20973600
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>she's not fat, she's just big
>you lack the extreme brainpower necessary to understand my delusions
I'll make it real simpl. Take this women who for the sake of simplicity, we will call "Bertha". Now if we take the difference of Bertha and Big we are going to have some left over.
>Bertha - Big > 0
I reckon about 10-15 lbs but it's hard to tell without a picture of her standing. The excess we get when taking the Big from Bertha is what we would call fat. Bertha is not just Big. She is also fat.

>> No.20973639

the only girls I've ever dated who were legitimately cute read and liked fiction and did stuff like read books on their lunch breaks are all certifiably insane and I pity the guys who end up marrying them and the children those women will bear. The only thing worse are girls who are really into the retard-tier stuff like Twilight, Neil Gaiman, manga, etc.

>> No.20973704

>Why do we keep pretending 18 year olds - especially 18 year old women - are children that need to be protected from consequence?
Because teenagers are children. Sure it's all legal if both parties consent but I don't understand why someone in their late 20s would want to bother with a retarded teenage girl other than for a quick fuck. Someone in their late 20s has perhaps graduated college, started their career, living on their own, etc. while 18 year old girls are still in high school learning algebra and doing TikTok dances during lunch... Pretty substantial difference in maturity, intelligence, life experience...

>> No.20973746

No one except wh*te people give a shit about it
18 is legal in muttica

>> No.20973766

Well to be fair black people don't care about age because their life expectancy is basically 18 lol and also Asians are all pedophiles

>> No.20973770

So whitoids are hag lovers?
Wh*tes really are betas

>> No.20973772

She's fat by every standard you stupid nigger. You're fucking a manatee.

>> No.20973782

Mature mommies with huge titties > dumb zoomers who don't even know how to suck a penis

>> No.20973829

Beta crakkkatoid

>> No.20973871

Sagging into my mouth ideally.

>> No.20973881

Faggot europoid opinion. Enjoy your anorexic models.

>> No.20973887

Young men don't know about tit jobs. You need a bit of sag to them.

>> No.20973892

Whites make you feel inferior, so you seethe. You speak english and your faggot immigrant parents ran away to a white country to be glorified welfare queens.

>> No.20973902
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Look at those pictures, anon. The industry is messing with you, not even joking.

>> No.20973921

32% bodyfat+ is obese
That ‘woman’ is at least 40

>> No.20973922

Eh who gives a shit, if you’re both happy everyone else can fuck off. Life is short and all that (probably shorter for you cuz you’re so much older ayoooo)

>> No.20973983
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Older women give me the ick, I cant control it

>> No.20974006

she's literally a child you freak

>> No.20974014


>> No.20974016


>> No.20974040

I’d fuck her too but look at that belly bulge dude. She’s fat. Her titties cover for a lot but get real. When your stomach flops out like that, you’re fat.

>> No.20974062

Imagine being this anon lmao

>> No.20974074

When you start seeing the thirty year olds you know doing the same shit you figure why not get the younger version.

>> No.20974075

I'm American, you're just infected with chronic nigger-brain.

>> No.20974079

Fairy tales, to your children, obviously.

>> No.20974153

>I let my fetishes rule me
You give me the ick, and that’s normal.

>> No.20974225

Toastie roastie

>> No.20974259

Based, my friend
Thick bitches are a blessing

>> No.20974263

I didn't say obese either and people say Americans lack nuance

Yeah but there's a limit

>> No.20974389

The girl in that picture is fat. You're a spiritual nigger, that's what half of your replies start with "NIGGA SHEESH" and then go on to defend liking fat girls.

>> No.20974409

>spiritual nigger
Do a favor to the world and neck yourself, retard

>> No.20974420

Maybe you're an actual nigger, who knows

>> No.20974498

>Green flag reading list for women?

>> No.20974570

You're a pussy for even attempting to justify yourself to these people.

>> No.20974589

I’m just thinking out loud.
Nothing is morally wrong about sexing an 18 yr old.
Tbh I’d sex 16+ if they’re hot

I’m concerned about the sustainability of the situation

>> No.20974641

>I’m concerned about the sustainability of the situation
Probably depends greatly on her family desu

>> No.20974651

This is what americans call "not fat"?
Fucking disgusting

>> No.20974661

Their food industry has been running a psyop there for quite some time. Check >>20973902.
And a calorie is not a calorie! Counting calories doesn't work.

>> No.20974968

I'm alerting the authorities that you'd even consider this. scum.

>> No.20974991

Amerimutt moment

>> No.20975013

This desu famalam

>> No.20975029

Based, who gives a fuck what the fags and women on this board think.

>> No.20975035
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>> No.20975135

Get that groinal malaprop out of the thread

>> No.20975712

Is Slyvia Plath a red flag? My cousin was gushing about how she loves her books and she's reading Bell Jar at the moment and it got me thinking. Not that I want to fuck her haha

>> No.20975735

>green flags
not reading at all or reading light fiction. any philosophy or tankie shit and you're playing with a time bomb

>> No.20975859

>he doesn't play with time bombs

>> No.20975915


>> No.20975933

Was she a virgin? I don’t know bro it sounds like she belongs to the streets, you could dum her without remorse

>> No.20976720

can i see your boobs

>> No.20976730

>Where do you even meet someone like that?
here's 40 places

>> No.20977106

This boards gotta be full of trust fund kids or something right?

>> No.20977115

Oh come on you definitely do

>> No.20977117


>> No.20977123

Not all of us. I'm a 40 year old autodidact who lives in the ghetto

>> No.20977128

Please read Woolf. And touch grass.

>> No.20977129

God good Europe just needs to be nuked

>> No.20977177 [DELETED] 
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I pumped and dumped a girl who I thought was 18 and ended up having her pursue rape charges (which she later dropped). Definitely not a situation you want to be in. Marriage or murder are your only options at this point. Godspeed.

>> No.20977241
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You're supposed to settle down with a 30 something woman who's slept with thirty guys, like the rest of us. weirdo.

>> No.20977454

No joke


>> No.20977666

What's wrong with you?

>> No.20977914

Don't be ridiculous. She's already fucked more guys than I've fucked woman despite our age gap
that's the modern woman for you

>> No.20978295

>euro woman
>virgin at 18

>> No.20978314

This post embodies the 4chan incel

>> No.20978506

t. woman

>> No.20978510


>> No.20978515

go back

>> No.20978997

More like
t. Sex-haver

>> No.20979067

>it just kind of happened
motherfucker, I have to deliberately go outside to even have a conversation. "It just kind of happened"

>> No.20979069

>I'm debating on whether her interest in literature is worth withstanding her bipolar artgirl problems
It's never worth it if you want a "relationship".

>> No.20979763

>nobody cares when ugly women fuck up
this seems really true for some reason. Thanks femanon, you're alright

>> No.20979766

Objectively correct.

>> No.20979773

>implying 30 year old women are substantially more mature
No thanks. Plus, a woman is most fertile from 15-25, so if I were to want a family, I'd look for a girl 18-25 tops.

>> No.20979820

>>implying 30 year old women are substantially more mature
They are.
>I'd look for a girl 18-25 tops.
I'm not trying to imply in my post that there's anything wrong with wanting to date a younger woman. I'm in my late 20s and I also would prefer someone in their early to mid 20s but someone who is 21 is much different than a literal teenager. I was 18 and 21 years old before and the changes in myself between those few years were substantial and this applies to most young people. 18 year olds are retarded and have close to zero life experience, a 21 year old is noticeably less retarded and has a bit more experience.

>> No.20979822
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Then give her some life experience, if you catch my drift

>> No.20980728

No that would be weird, I didn't even get a full hardon when she asked me to give her a footrub so there's no way

>> No.20982414

I doubt it.

>> No.20982795

kill yourself

>> No.20983158

Woman or just seething incel? Which one are you?

>> No.20983495

I married a semi-bipolar woman, she had a fantastic body and 10/10 tits. Its been 17 years of hell, she's still struggling with the same shit she did in her 20's. She threatens to kill herself now and I just say "Okay honey, that's nice." My soul is dead, 1/10 would not do again.

>> No.20983592

How long did you take to decide to commit to this?
You thought she’d get better?

>> No.20983960

If and 34 year old can have a long-term relationship with a 24-year-old, then I'm sure you're fine.

>> No.20983968

>whether her interest in literature is worth withstanding her bipolar artgirl problems
No. they aren't.
Her interest in fellatio maybe, but not her interest in literature.

>> No.20984435

Unqualified Reservations

>> No.20984525

I doubt those types ever read anything. Every arthoe I met hated reading with a passion and said cringey shit like "expressing yourself is more important than meddling with thoughts of others" and similar stuff.

>> No.20984709

Take your pick.

>> No.20985022

Too old

>> No.20985034

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to fuck 13 y.o.s you’re all faggots lol

>> No.20985048

At 18 you’re supposed to be old enough to not fuck with them for a few years.

Pedophiles aren’t cool, creep

>> No.20986488

If you're unironically going on /lit/ to get a "green flag reading list for women" then that probably should be a red flag for her about you, kek

>> No.20986560


>> No.20986573

What the matter incel, can't get a woman your age?