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20958074 No.20958074 [Reply] [Original]

I've converted

>> No.20958095

Finally a thread about ereaders how refreshing

>> No.20958099

Finally a thread about ereaders how refreshing

>> No.20958105

E-reader chads, are you large text or small text gang?

>> No.20958560

E-reader chads, are you large text or small text gang?

>> No.20958597

You're a faggot.

>> No.20958605

E-reader "chads" operate technology on a "I served in 'nam" level.
>Oh no the luminosity of this page is 0.002 watts too high, I believe I may die...
Just get glasses and a lamp.
And if you think books are too heavy, your skeleton ass is not worthy of consuming them anyway.
Tis' the weight of knowledge.

>> No.20958611

To what? Homosexuality?

>> No.20959897


>> No.20959902
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I hope you get raped by a gorilla.

>> No.20959909


>> No.20959910

Luminosity isn’t measured in watts

>> No.20959914
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Thinking about getting a Kobo Sage bros. I have a Clara (wonderful little device) but I want something bigger. The Sage is 8 inches and the only thing bigger than that is the Elipsa but I don't like the fact that it doesn't have a warm front-light.

I like e-readers because I can get 75% of the books I want to read completely for free.

>> No.20960547

The fuck do I care what it's measured in. Thats the point, you care too much about pointless gay shit.

>> No.20960556

Well thats nice

>> No.20960692

Any of these with a backlight that aren't hundreds of dollars yet?

>> No.20960855

are you from 2002

they have had backlights forever, you could get a kindle paperwhite for $99 literally everywhere a couple years ago (i did) but now that i'm googling it, apparently they are ~$150 now, fucking hell. still not "hundreds of dollars" tho

>> No.20960858

It really just comes down to EPUB or PDF

>> No.20960863 [DELETED] 

I have 7 ereaders, I want to collect them all on my shelf. I spend more money on them than I ever did on books.

>> No.20960865


>> No.20960871

E-readers are for psychics whilst books are for hylics whomst are still using primitive technology. With my Amazon Kindle Paperwhite™ I can sit in a full lotos and upload to Source more directly.

>> No.20960917

Do you have that new paperwhite? The 6,8 inches one? Is it good for reading double column pdfs?

>> No.20960924

I hate those kindle reviewers, why do they all have to be so fucking bad?

>> No.20960926

>skeleton ass
Excuse me, but this is a no nigger zone.

>> No.20960983

I flip-flopped between both (spend a bit of time converting some PDF-only books to Epub which ended up as a waste of time, spend some more time turning scans of books that were already available in Epub into PDFs, which was also a waste of time), so on and so forth. I settled on getting myself a device big enough to read both, and not worrying about all of the books in my digital library being the same format (kind of like the paperback versus hardcover debates you see here occasionally, or even the physical book versus e-reader debates; the answer to all of them is always, without fail, "use both," or "whichever one you like." Ultimately neither side is superior, each has strengths and weaknesses, etc., etc.

>> No.20960986

Hey guys can you give me advice on what ereader to buy.

>Only kindle is available in my country
>I will only buy a used one since new ones are too expensive.
>I will not buy books. Only pirate
>considering this for two reasons: reading on phone is distracting and heard good things about e-ink here.

Considering all this what are my options. How old (gen) should I go for used models? Do old ones have battery issues, processing issues? Are they sturdy? What about screen size and storage

>> No.20960991

>free book
>it's blank

>> No.20961009

>How old (gen) should I go for used models?
If you are going to read mainly things in English and literature, I think anything goes. Go for the cheapest one.
>Do old ones have battery issues, processing issues?
I sold a 4th gen one earlier this year and it was working just fine. I think the battery was working ok, the only problem I had with it was that it started losing color whenever I was reading outdoors in the sun, but I think that isn't a thing with newer models.
>Are they sturdy?
Yes, they are ridiculously sturdy. I saw some broken ones for sale online and I honestly have a hard time understanding how people manage to do that. It is way bulkier than a tablet.
>What about screen size and storage
It is usually 4 gb, the screen size is ok for regular pdfs with a single text and for mobi/epub whatever it just works.

>> No.20961530


>> No.20961541

>The fuck do I care what it's measured in
Good lord, you're an idiot.

>> No.20961669

anybody have experience with e-readers for pdf reading? thinking about the onyx book but its like $500 and from china. I only need an e-reader to read pdfs of texts that would be hundreds of dollars in print.

>> No.20961672

That shit is too fucking expensive. And too fucking big. I mean, dunno, it might be worth it for very specific cases, but I think it isn't worth the price for a regular person.

>> No.20961709

How do i convert EPUB to PDF???

>> No.20961718


>> No.20961772

Thanks anon thought calibre was only an epub reader. Now i can download even more books i probably wont read

>> No.20961825

It doesn't matter, I use those things to have options. Physical books make you get stuck with whatever you are carrying.
This >>20958605 is the dumbest fucking person ever.

>> No.20961867

You can get the 8 inch Sage that >>20959914 mentioned and turn it sideways and read larger PDFs like that
Almost all of the large (i.e., over 9 inch) e-readers I've tried I've had to return. They just aren't currently as refined and developed as the standard 6 inch ones

>> No.20962094

I just want to carry all my books with me and not see my phone for more than 30mins a day. Also piracy.

>> No.20962111

>Aunt gets a new Kobo
>Decides to give me her old Kobo Aura H2O since I was looking into ereaders
>Shit rocks
>Factory reset it and set things up
>New system update
>The update somehow bricks the device
>Won't even give a discount for a new device
Fucking kikes are just as bad as Amazon

>> No.20962120

I'd prefer a dedicated device but I'm going to get one of those android ones or a hisense if they become availiable in my area because I will not deal with that bullshit comoany ever.

>> No.20962127

Do they have sd card slots?

>> No.20962149
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There's the Remarkable 2 that you can import pdfs on. It won't read any other firnats and is primarily for note taking. I'm getting it since converting epub to pdf is easy for the minute things that aren't availiable in pdf

>> No.20962162

All the kobos after the Aura H2O (1st version) remove it and only the 1st kindle.

>> No.20962224

what's the best ereader that i can upload stolen pdfs and ebooks on, wanna get rid of my books

>> No.20963070

Actually you can get 100% of the books you want completely free

Intellectual property is a lie

>> No.20963074

Piss off, Remarkable shill.
Nobody wants to pay that much for an e-ink tablet

>> No.20963077

Being a lanklet who can't even hold up a book does not make you more White, faggot.

>> No.20963079

Downloader Calibre and then it doesn’t matter. Amazon kindles are really cheap and it’s pretty easy to use them without an account. Otherwise, if your autism is really severe, get a kobo or even a diy kit

>> No.20963081
File: 44 KB, 580x877, Amazon-Kindle-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these from back in the day. I noticed they are going for a pretty penny in eBay. Should I sell or keep?

I also have a first gen kindle paperwhite that I found on the bus over a decade ago. This is my main reading device. Have been looking into Kobo's

Weird though is that after all this time pirating books, I've recently started purchasing and reading real ones again

>> No.20963125

I'm okay with just using my phone to read all the books I pirate in epub format

>> No.20963150

It's a notetaker over an ereader and it's whole gimmick is feeling like paper. Nothing else is like it and if you just care about PDFs it's got everything else you can use epaoer for. I want to read and annotate what I read. According to Mortimer Adler it's a must.

>> No.20963157

>it's a tablet, but it uses e-ink and it feels like real paper and trust me guys its really cool you should get one

>> No.20963166

I'm not a shill. I just think it's cool. I'm getting it for uni after my dentist showed me his.

>> No.20963194

What is the best cheap e-reader? I usually read on my phone and while I didn't lose any eyesight over it, in the last 6 years, it's still rather strenous to read for a longer time.

>> No.20963244

>If you are going to read mainly things in English and literature

Only going to read english yes. But what about non-literature stuff?

>> No.20963306

go to mobileread forums. that bricked kobo is fixable if you can remove the sd card.

>> No.20963329

Ah I see it's the daily shill thread. You can tell half the posts in this thread are advertisements. A couple repeat.
Like the first two posts: "Finally a thread about e readers how refreshing". Which sounds like something written by a robot.
Then there's the really long posts that go into excessive detail.
Sorry lol I don't buy that a real person would write that much of an effortpost ti describe their e reader to a stranger. You marketing guys need to do a more subtle job with the astroturfing. At least make an attempt to mimic the lingo and rhetoric seen on the board.

>> No.20963336

its a good device bro

>> No.20963350

Thanks man! I really hate using my phone.

>> No.20963356

Is this it?

>> No.20963424

Then you should check out the available models. And non-literature like textbooks? Then it doesn't really work with those double column pdfs, you could zoom and use the touch, but it is kinda clunky, I wish they still had that duokan stuff that reads a double page pdf in order.

>> No.20963444

Kindle Paperwhite 2021 is decent enough. The form factor is better than the Kobo Libra 2's and it has USB-C so it won't be that one device for which you never keep the cable around.
It nags about enabling wifi when I add books to collections, and sometimes books don't appear in the device library at all unless I fiddle with conversion in Calibre. Some PDFs take weeks to show up.
Getting to sit down to read anything I want outside for hours any time I want from a truly pocketable device without worrying about battery life is worth the price imo. I suppose I should keep it away from firmware upgrades for a while and jailbreak it for a better experience.

>> No.20963460

>What is the best cheap e-reader?

A second hand Kobo Clara HD. They're cheap now, because the new Clara 2E was just announced.

>> No.20963481

All book show up for me immediately

>> No.20963626

I have Kindle Paperwhite 2021 and it's much better for viewing PDFs than PW 2018
If you view them horizontally you can only see half a page at the time and it's basically like a A5 page format, which is good enough.

>> No.20964104

Why would you even need a e-reader ? I have been reading books on phones and computers for years the first time I heard of "e-readers" I thought it was a joke like some stupid sarcastical joke on consumerism

>> No.20964141

Phones aren't that great to read outdoors. And they have those stupid fucking notifications.

>> No.20964148

They're just great
Buy a kindle and you will understand

>> No.20964153

Also e-readers are pretty much free lol
You can buy an ereader for x dollars and sell it 2-3 years for around x dollars. It's kind of like renting them.

>> No.20964178

I think luminosity is measured in 'lumens' or 'lumins' or something.

>> No.20964205

>not returning lost things to lost and found
Non-White poster alert

>> No.20964313

Just bought myself a paperwhite signature edition. I've been wanting to get into reading and was juggling between physical hardcover vs an e-reader since it's nice having the physical book but I don't have much room to store all of them. Plus with e-readers you can read them in bed at night and if you know where to look you can get books for free. In the long term I think the kindle will be worth it.

>> No.20964320

..and regressed at the same time.

>> No.20964354

Smartphones are the antichrist and I hate using them for things there are better alternatives for.

>> No.20964361

I just like that I can use an ereader one handed, it makes selling plasma better.
Font size control is nice as well.

>> No.20964601

of course it is, see

>> No.20965230

You will regret this, that I can assure you

>> No.20965265

inshallah brother (EPUB)

>> No.20966566

Why use an e-reader when you can use your phone? If you're gonna read from a screen might as well not waste money.

>> No.20966571

>Just get glasses and a lamp.

I bet you listen to vinyl records too

>> No.20966621
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decided to throw together this image just for you and every other retarded nigger that asks that same question in these threads

>> No.20966840

So the only benefit is being able to read outdoors? Waste of money.

>> No.20967220
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>> No.20967419
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>not going maximum zoomer chad and reading pirated epub books on ur phone
shiggy diggy doo

>> No.20967478

Non-touch ereaders are superior because theres no digitiser layer meaning the ink is closer to the outerlayer. Modern kindles fucked this up, meaning the best e reader for text is the 4th gen kindle despite its lower resolution

>> No.20967605

I can do that on an ereader too though

>> No.20967612

This. I find the principle of the closer it gets to emulating reading on paper, the better it is, regardless of concept or how it's implemented. You don't swipe a finger across a page to turn it.

>> No.20967614

I do that but the problem is that I like to read on long camping trips and it’s too taxing on my phones battery. I’d rather buy an e reader than carry 5 power banks with me

>> No.20967691

Ive apostatised

>> No.20967722

The ability to read in sunlight may not be useful to everyone. It is to me. But the absence of glare is important even indoors.
Tried reading on the phone, but the screen is too narrow, and short line length causes me great discomfort. Also, font has to be smaller than I'd like (dont wanna develop nearsightedness).
It's possible to disable swipe gesture and only use taps. You'll have to tap something to change the page anyway - be it a physical button or a screen. But I get that a button is more pleasant.

Imo, Kindle is the best thing ever. Cheap as dirt (got new Paperwhite 2021 for 100$), decent screen (could be whiter, though).
Jailbreak is easy, then install Koreader and read any format.
My tech-noob sister have jailbroken her kindle with me giving instructions over fucking Viber video call. It took an hour, but still.

>> No.20968022

what book is that haha

>> No.20968624

I thpught the kindle 5 didn't have it either.

>> No.20969817

is paperwhite 2021 jailbreakable yet?

>> No.20970240

The new method was published in the end of April, I think. Is called "WatchThis". You can find it on Mobilereads forums. Works on firmwares up to 5.14.2 iirc.

Even though Amazon released new fw 5.14.3 that prevents this JB, the new devices are still being sold with older fw versions (my last order was in July from German store).
In short: if buying from Amazon, order asap while they haven't upgraded their kindles. If buying from a reseller, ask for firmware version. Perform JB according to the instructions, then disable autoupdate.

>> No.20970256

>no DJVU
There is no perfect e-ink device?

>> No.20970263

No, most of them fucking suck on some aspect. The ones who don't, kinda still suck because they are expensive as hell.

>> No.20970500

Can you install the original firmware back later on, or is it permanent?

>> No.20970506

Yes, you can reset it.

>> No.20970550

>Got done working out
>Decided to take a bath for the first time in years
>Nice hot bath while I read Stoner on my Libra H2O
Max comfy, lads. I think I might do this more often

>> No.20970574

I want to get a Libra 2, but keep waiting for price drop. Now I am curious of the Clara. What is the ideal screen size? Any other brands that are worthwhile? Never owned an e-reader before and dont want to give money to bezoz

>> No.20970620

sadly my pw is or something so I'll have to wait anyway

>> No.20970639
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>> No.20970642

Nta but fuck off, Stoner is good and it deserves its place in /lit/core for a reason

>> No.20970755

>what it LUMINosity meaured in

>> No.20970902

in watts.

>> No.20971178

With that logic also removing the screen light would benefit. While I'm not saying you is wrong. I'm just saying that I prefer a higher resolution

>> No.20971349
File: 516 KB, 1248x702, amazon kindle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello son, here is the family library. Enjoy!

Build a library for yourself and future generations. Electronics are temporary.

>> No.20971358

what makes you think that book will survive more than data on a solid drive enclosed in tight box?
even if some apocalypse comes and it discharges the data will be retrievable

>> No.20971391
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>> No.20971401

For me, it's the humble iPad Mini 6.

>> No.20971654

>hello son, here is the family library. Enjoy!

Hands his beautiful Indian child a Hard Drive full off epubs that he'll be able to transfer into his Kindle.

>> No.20971662


>> No.20972180
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Right, because we all know books are indestructible.

>> No.20972340
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Me too :/

>> No.20972362
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Are big form-factor e-readers approved by /lit/? I've been eyeing to spend my Amazon gift card on Kobo Elipsa 10", it truly does seem like the superior reading experience for my PDFs, especially for a note-taking type like me.

>> No.20972387

Of course 10" is superior. You're not gonna zoom/scroll every page on a 6.8" kindle, are you?
A bit too large for casual fiction reading, and the price makes me gag, but I fully support your choice!

>> No.20972433

I've found a used kindle 4th gen 2013 model with buttons that I can get for cheap. Should I go for it? Or should I increase budget and go for later models. I just want it to have decent battery life and not break down within an year.

Also what's with the color lose in sunlight thing

>> No.20972461

what an absolutely homosexual comment
koreader sorts out any and all pdf issues on as little a screen as 7". as far as "note taking" is concerned, just do notes like a normal person by highlighting and then adding a note, fucking freaks

>> No.20972494

This is not a conversion, but a realization of what real beauty is
I'm so happy for you my brother

>> No.20972531

I don't know, I think so, and you can find replacements for it. Mine was exactly that model and it wasn't even sunlight, but I enjoy sitting on my sidewalk and reading, if my kindle "backcover" was against direct sunlight, it would start losing contrast after a couple of minutes.

>> No.20972537

They are not that portable, which makes it somewhat pointless.

>> No.20972538

>free pdfs on a jailbroken kindle
Truly is the chad way to be. I don't need a big shelf anymore.

>> No.20972541
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Thanks friend. It just happened out of the blue when I hit my 30s and has become very apparent this past month for me I have been doing no fap or porn. I wasn't getting aroused at all, even from regular pics of hot girls I would normally into. For the past few weeks I've been thinking my dick was dead until I started seeing fat girls and suddenly I wake up.

>> No.20972569

>and you can find replacements for it

I'm buying directly from a user. So no replacements. I'll check out the sunlight thing before buying

>> No.20972572

battery replacements...

>> No.20972573


And its 2gb not 4

>> No.20972581

Yes, but that is kinda whatever, I used to have that exact model and it probably only makes a difference if you are using it to read manga.

>> No.20972740

Why pdf's? Unless it's textbooks

>> No.20972808

Chubby girls are a great refutation of pessimism (plus usually they are better at sex, don't know why but i can't complain)

>> No.20972875

I was one of the first to review a kindle model back in the day. I wrote a scathing review and they sent me a more expensive model to win me over. Only time I've ever made a net profit from reading.

Not a big deal at all on devices with higher resolution screens. Doesn't look pixelated and is more convenient.

>> No.20972941

Ereaders are a tool to read what you only need to read once and find what you need to keep on your shelf. Try before you buy.

>> No.20972943

I just know you fancy yourself some sort of elitist for having a preference as if that's unique to you

>> No.20972945

Physical books are also a necessity not for supposed durability or aesthetics but for the soul of reading's and your sakes.

>> No.20972950

You's a pussy ass nigga

>> No.20972951

What I just said is literally the opposite of what you are implying. Only get physically what you won't just consume?

>> No.20973080

Is it dumb to read/pirate a book on the ereader then if I like it buy the physical copy but most likely never read it again for aesthetic reasons on ym shelf lol

I haven't reread a book since my late teens or early 20s since life is so busy an dyoy often feel like you should read a new
or different book

>> No.20973135

I'm literally exactly like this
Also ita veey rare that I read more than one book by the same author because life is short, I'm a slow reader, and I need variety.

>> No.20973157

I've transitioned

>> No.20973159

right up my alley

>> No.20973175

t. big paper

>> No.20973223

Nothing will beat the feel of a book and having a library of your collection

>> No.20973263

The thing naysayers forget is that with epub you can become your own publishing house. Get a printer and print the epub, simple. suddenly there is no limit to the amount of books you can make.

>> No.20973275

I dunno mang, going to z-lib and downloading nearly any book you want is pretty sweet.
Ereaders do suck when it comes to textbooks and deep philosophical tracts. But everything else is a pleasure.
t. Ereader enjoyed since 2011

>> No.20973299

Yes, clicking and getting a book 10s after feels amazing. I live on a farm and there isn't a library nearby, those things are amazing.

>> No.20974209


>> No.20975706

If you intend on using any hard drive regularly it's probably not going to last more than 10 years. Let's say you ae able to retain it for 30+ years, future devices might not even support the same file types or the extraction tools might be difficult obtain. I would love to be in the room watching your average zoomer trying to figure out how to use a floppy disc. Meanwhile, you just buy a book for $5 and keep it on a shelf.

although this is technically true it's not economical. Unless you can print large quantities at a library or office it's going to cost much less to simply purchase it

>> No.20975877

You're overselling how difficult it is to transfer a collection to a new hard drive and/or simply just start fresh when necessary.
Digital books are usually less than a single megabyte in size. They can be downloaded and transferred by the dozen in a matter of seconds.
Imagine you have a thousand books on a Kindle versus a thousand paper books. Imagine how much more difficult it would be to get a thousand physical books to another location quickly. You'd likely need to do it by the truckload, if you even have access to that. Its tedious and expensive. Meanwhile the Kindle user just tucks his Kindle into his bag and casually walks, drives, bikes, or Ubers wherever with it, bringing their thousands of digital books with them.
The floppy disc example doesn't make sense here. Of course zoomers would have trouble with them--technology is evolving forwards, not backwards. Try getting someone over the age of 60 to put together their own gaming PC.

>> No.20975886

Yes. Reread books. Looking like a poser makes you think and act more like a poser. Only add stuff to your shelf you will actually read again, the stuff you enjoy, love and find interesting. Caring about aesthetics on a book shelf is just narcissism.
>I want people to think I'm smart and cultured because I 'finished' certain books so i'll buy a copy i will never read to dusplay as a trophy
You have no respect for books and the best way to appear snart and cultured is to actually be so and for it to be naturally revealed through conversation and discussion out of others perception.

>> No.20975895

>he doesn't transfer his ebooks to stone tablets for maxxing environment and durability

>> No.20975917

The conveniance is great especially if your libarary sucks but I worry about instant gratification tempting potential readers to download a bunch of books and then never read them due to choice paralysis like it is with other forms of piracy.

>> No.20975926

>even if some apocalypse comes and it discharges the data will be retrievable
How? You would need electricity.

>> No.20976070

I've been getting into Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy. It's basically what got me into reading again this year after a decade hiatus
Read: The idiot, Notes, Anna Karenina (which I absolutely loved and think is my fav book rn), Brothers K
All on my kindle.

Started reading War and Peace which I liked so then I bought a physical copy. Then I purchased crime and punishment to read after since I'm sure I will enjoy it and now want to own a physical copy of Anna karenina

I'm so conflicted now with whether I should buy a book when I experience it for the first time. Especially if I move on to other authors

>> No.20976084

It's cool having your first time on the kindle but considering you enjoy dostoevsky and tolstoy and have read other works, getting a physical copy first is a safe gamble or to call it otherwise, an investment.

>> No.20976136

Yeah I guess. I'm reading war and peace physically. Something I've been doing is copying passages or quotes out the book on a notepad. Then at the week type it out on my digital notepad

It's kind of nice writing it out. And made me realise how bad my handwriting is now lol. It was always bad but after years of mainly typing its worse

>> No.20976196

That's really good. You're doing what a reader should be doing. Now you just need to start writing your own commentaries and annotate

>> No.20976250

>your own commentaries and annotate
I don't know how :/

Should I start by writing what I thought about the quote after I type it out on my PC?

>> No.20976851

That's a good start. Writing diwn what you're thinking and feeling as you're reading is also a good way. This is heavily shilled but barely actually read, 'How To Read A Book' by Mortimer J. Adler. Donct worry about the faster reading part, just everything else. It details how to get the most out of reading and the different levels of reading. Therecs this other book, pleasures of reading in age of dustraction that's a midwit way of saying "Books good, phone bad, kindle solution" but it has this grear passage by Machiavelli I find my motivation to keep reading challenging works.

>> No.20976865
File: 3.00 MB, 2500x2615, 1662954915114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When evening has come, I return to my house and go into my study. At the door I take off my clothes of the day, covered with mud and mire, and I put on my regal and courtly garments; and decently reclothed, I enter the ancient courts of ancient men, where, received by them lovingly, I feed on the food that alone is mine and that I was born for. There I am not ashamed to speak with them and to ask them the reason for their actions; and they in their humanity reply to me. And for the space of four hours I feel no boredom, I forget every pain, I do not fear poverty, death does not frighten me.

>> No.20977442

Believe and convert.


>> No.20977501

>t. hank hill buttocks

>> No.20977636

Is it really as good as people claim?

>> No.20977884

That’s good, OP.

>> No.20978479
File: 409 KB, 900x900, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20978490


>> No.20978508

I have a joint physical library of books with my gf.
I have a hard disk of pdf books, textbooks, and journals, and stolen audiobooks.
I have an audible account.
And I have the university library.

A true intralektrual gets his knowledge via every possible source.

>> No.20978547

Why use audible if you pirate ebooks anyway?

>> No.20978551

Probably to practice learning another language.

>> No.20978948

it's not that difficult for civilizations to make it, especially that the knowledge is already here

>> No.20978973

Once you discover that epubs are the mp3 of the written universe and that z-lib is the Napster you will get it finally. Its been a decade since ereaders have been on the market btw.

>> No.20979008

Pretty much. I have a Kindle, but end up reading mostly on my smartphone because I'd have to lug another device around.

>> No.20979018

>Jailbreak is easy, then install Koreader and read any format.
is format really an issue, though? I don't think you really lose much by reading in mobi.

>> No.20979087

Koreader is open-source so you know what it's doing, and I believe there's a lot more settings and it's easier to install your own scripts and apps (if you want), for example you could write a 4chan app for ereaders. Not sure about the last point because I don't have it myself, but I will switch to it once jailbreak is available, because it gives nearly inifinite possibilities, whereas original Kindle software has finite possibilities.

>> No.20979111

>Not a big deal at all on devices with higher resolution screens. Doesn't look pixelated and is more convenient.
The pixelation is not the problem, retard. The problem is how our eyes react to the display. Reading on e-ink is virtually and mechanically no different that reading normally on paper. Reading on an LCD display, on the other hand, is entirely different.

>> No.20979250

>My tech-noob sister have jailbroken her kindle with me giving instructions over fucking Viber video call.
Viber sounds like a sexting VOIP. The helping tech-noob sister sounds just like a porn plot too. I guess the new generation of zoomer porn is remote masturbation. Thanks for the tip on jailbreaking kindles. I didn't know you could unlock other formats.

>> No.20979263

Mine is in a drawer somewhere but I read so much on it
I just hate that there isn't one of these without amazon's leash out of the box for cheap, I think I might dog mine up and load other software on it

>> No.20979278

You do that, really? I consume every movie or TV show I pirate. I don't do it with books, but books are a bit different. I don't download a bunch of fiction for fun. I have tons of reference and academic books.

>> No.20979288

Hard drives will go to shit in an apocalypse, but M-DISCs won't. There is archival grade digital technology and ways of protecting the medium itself.

>> No.20979829

anon it's very simple, and >>20975886 explains why. Only buy books in hardcopy if you're going to reread them. Otherwise, pirate them for free.

>> No.20980234

Jailbroken Kindle or Kobo? Do I still get to use kindles fancy features in koreader? Because honestly, just converting an epub to kepub then transfering to a kobo isn't hard and they can also natively support pdf and other formats and have their own fancy features.

>> No.20980686

You're overselling how reliable and linear it is to retain data. Most people aren't cataloging and failure-proofing their data storage. If they are then they're most likely using some cloud-based platform (won't even get into the cons of that). You're also glossing over the fact that devices do fail unexpectedly. Lastly, since you're so optimistic about technology why even store it? All of these books will probably be available on the internet so why not just download it when you need it?

Buying a hard copy and putting in on the shelf is much easier and safer.

>> No.20980704

I love my kindle. It's largely the travel book for me. Also when reading to the child, my kindle has a backlight and makes it a lot easier to get the kid to sleep as I can have the light off.

>> No.20980734

large text in every screen

>> No.20980770

I mostly use small text when I'm actively reading and big text before bed because I slowly drift away and it's difficult to focus my eyes on the smallest text

>> No.20980792

I can’t vouch for other e readers but I just got my first, a Libra 2, and it’s pretty good. The bookstore built in sucks ass but if you’re downloading stuff and transferring with Calibre it feels good to read from and has good lighting and a decent battery

>> No.20981079

I think I heard that the pen experience on that is not very good. Do your research first (unless you have more money than sense, in which case, please buy me one too)

>> No.20981158

How is that not portable? It's a flat tablet. Are you putting things in a purse?

>> No.20981161

In the era of global warming you have to be a fucking moron to keep going for paper books

>> No.20981194

used sony e-reader, you can find them for less than twenty bucks. The battery will probably last like 8 hours or so at a time even old, and you can replace teh charger with a PSP charger(tons of clones on ebay)

>> No.20982272

in the era of the great reset you have to be a fucking moron to believe the global warming myth

>> No.20982276

Bad bait, lefties type all lower case like trannies

>> No.20982296

Just got a tablet. Anybody got some tips and recs for what books I should get?

I went out and bought a Libra H20 that I found for half price. The bookstore seems both lame and too expensive (compared to what I thought an e-book would cost), but Calibre and gutenberg and other stuff helps

>> No.20982486

It doesn't matter, most paper is made out of reforested wood. If anything, you are helping to control the global warming, retard. Unless you are buying those books to burn them all later.

>> No.20982660

I'm ordering a the new kindle paperwhite. Should I install KOReader first thing? I've never used it before but keep hearing that I should.

>> No.20982664

>Lists all the possiblepotentialmaybe faults of storing things digitally

>Blatantly ignores the definitive oxidation, moisture and general damage caused by the environment and usage to the physical books

Not him, but that’s precisely why people can’t take you seriously. You’re overselling how robust ‘reliable’ paper is.

>> No.20982667

Dunno, I ordered one too because of the bigger screen, I just bought a regular kindle, but the screen size seems to make a difference, going to sell it and whatever. I just hope that 6.8 is enough.

>> No.20982680

And honestly, why the hell they don't allow people to mess around with at least part of the kindle firmware is beyond me. They could at least let people mess around with the UI and the reader app.

>> No.20982723

No electricity, no books. Special box to put books in, still can read books.

>> No.20982738

the possibility of your house catching fire and all your books burning to ash is far higher than the internet just being shut of across the whole town/state/country etc. and never coming back.

>> No.20982751

Just have a solar panel

>> No.20982752

Fireproof box. I only need a book to read a book. You need electricity and something to interpret and display the file to read a book. For longevity and durability, once you lose electricity you have lost your entire libarary forever.

>> No.20982756

Panel breaks, computer breaks, wires break. Book in strong box don't break long time. Grug smart.

>> No.20982757

What if Grug loses key? What if moist in box ruin book? What if insect gets in and eats book?

>> No.20982761

... whatever
paper is way better for note taking

>> No.20982766

Box just strong seal, not locked. Box not moist, if is, add special candy from new shoes. Insects not get in, strong box.

>> No.20982771

Then I make my solar panel indestructible too.

>> No.20982843

It's not a simple either or breakdown. Depends on what you do with physical books after you're done (donate, pass on), how much you read on a e-reader, whether it or a physical book was purchased used.

>> No.20983022

Can't. Hasn't been made but my box has. Fuck you, Grug wins. Also Grug has pet dinosaur that eats forcefield dogs.

>> No.20983027

If it contains non-free (as in freedom) software it's not worth your time as you have no control over your device.
Pick one that can run open source reader and you're good to go.

>> No.20983054

there's also threads for requesting disk images of the firmware if nothing else works. i thought my kobo was bricked for good but that fixed it.

>> No.20983361

Show pic of the box

>> No.20984086

Phone screens hurts my eyes when I read for long hours.
It drains battery.
It's also distracting since I have kuroba on it.

>> No.20984199

great img saved

>> No.20985166

Just speaking from experience. I have books from when I was 3 or 4 years of age. My kindle I brought 8 years ago is completely dead.

>> No.20985318

Google industrial storage or post apocalyptic storage. Gun cases are actually pretty good.

>> No.20985342

Perhaps you can help me. I have a reader that is not a Kindle, and I’ve convinced a friend of mine to start reading more using his Kindle. I’m setting him up with Caliber and pointing him to libgen, but don’t want Amazon or anything to bust any of his books if he’s going to the effort of trying. Do they do any sort of DRM bullshit or validation if you run a book through a conversion and send it to Kindle via Caliber? If so, what is best way to help mitigate that?

>> No.20986594

Just buy a used one.