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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2094286 [Reply] [Original]



Due to technical legal difficulties, monetary contest rewards postponed to TAR 8 until further notice. Our website is www.theaprilreader.org

>> No.2094290

sometimes voluntary work is the best work. sometimes.

looking forward to next release

>> No.2094303

agreed. money always ruins the quality of things. look at college

>> No.2094393


>> No.2094816

bumping for the evening crowd. After this I'm done

>> No.2094829

I submitted a while ago.
Maybe I'll submit again tonight. I just don't want to submit any of my best stuff in case it gets stuck next to a poem about Indian television programming or a parrot with a surgically attached penis.

>> No.2094836

>implying the quality of a work is dependent on the quality of other works

Oh you.

>> No.2094842

Would you pick a ring out of a pile of dog shit?

>> No.2094847

>Don't publish Rangaha
>no shit
>problem solved
It's like magic

>> No.2094850

That's fallacious.
You should stick to fellatio.
You do a better job with that.

>> No.2094861

That's true ;_;

>> No.2094886

How does a nigga submit?

>> No.2094892

By sending it to theaprilreader@gmail.com
Source: OP's e-mail field and having had a work accepted myself.

>> No.2094893

what he said

>> No.2094948

Most would pick a ring out of some dog shit. And, more than likely, you would too.

Besides, TAR has become better lately. I doubt they'd publish parrot dick porn, now.

>> No.2094969

does anyone have that list someone made that ranked the stories/poems so far?

>> No.2094981

It's not worth anything if it's just some fucking guy's opinion. If any sort of consensus were to be reached then that would be worth saving.

>> No.2094993

"some guy's opinion" is more than what you've got

>> No.2095077


Hell no, parrot-dick-porn is last week's stuff. Next issue: "Coprophilic Infants and the Curry-luncheon."

>> No.2095088

For all the people who knock TAR:

I don't see you submitting anything better.

>> No.2096744

Here's hoping next issue is a good one.

>> No.2096754
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wait say that again

this time, in english

>> No.2096761

have many people submitted this month? if not maybe something i submit will get in

>> No.2096938


Give me an idea and I will write it and submit it.

>> No.2096950
File: 132 KB, 880x587, 1315550312051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's celebrating Bothersome's greatest post so far on /lit/!!!!!!!

Well done, I knew you had it in you!!!!!

>> No.2096953

Write a story about a hipster who slums it for a while, finds it unbearable, then calls his/her dad for a few thousand dollars.

>> No.2096957

fuck his shit acquire cyberpunk. Or hell, science-fiction for crying out loud... you know how many stories on here have science fiction themes? VIRTUALLY NONE. VIRTUALLY FUCKING NONE

What the hell /lit/. Seriously

>> No.2096963

Write a good one and fucking submit it faggot.

Good science fiction is as hard to write as non-cringe worthy erotica.

>> No.2096967


Quit whining like a faggot and make some.

>> No.2096969
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>> No.2097007


I wrote a decent science fiction piece in TAR... nothing to rave about, but not kill-myself-awful... though it was pretty soft science fiction...

>> No.2097030

What did you write? Was it "Blue"?

>> No.2097044

I've got two poems in this next one.

>> No.2097053

When's the deadline for submission?
Also, I get the serialization thing, but is there a word limit? Like, if someone submitted, say, a 20,000 word work, would you run it at all?

>> No.2097058

Considering they release new editions on the 1st of every month, the deadline's gotta be sometime soon.

>> No.2097066

Guess I'll wait until next time, then.

What a poor excuse for procrastination.

>> No.2097174

What did you submit?

>> No.2097210

None you say... challenge accepted!

>> No.2097419

I like this attitude. It's easy to criticize TAR for what it lacks, but it's only going to be as good as what all y'all submit. I submitted some stuff I think is good...hope it gets in.

>> No.2097423

Concerning the monetary contests, can I submit things that have already been posted on /lit/ and my blog? Or does it all have to be brand new content?

Also, is poetry allowed in these contests or is it all prose?

Sorry if these questions have already been answered somewhere and I missed it.

>> No.2097432

There should be no problem if you posted it on /lit/, because it probably got pushed off the edge of page 15 by now. But if it's on a blog somewhere, it might look like you stole it. Just sayin'.

>> No.2097435

I used to think that, but I've Googled lines from my poems and they actually come up for a quite a long time after 404. And I've seen them in archives like the Green Oval and stuff.

>> No.2097438

But nobody else is going to google them. It's not like other channers memorised them.

>> No.2097907

Bump. Maybe we could have that best of TAR list. How many people read this zine and does TAR advertise on the other boards?

>> No.2098065

I think a lot of people are reluctant to read the back issues, when TAR wasn't all that great, content-wise.

Some guy already went through and ranked some of the stories/poems. Anyone keep that post?

>> No.2098071

Found it.

Anonymous Tue Sep 6 06:04:00 2011 No.2061299 [View]
I have to say that the poetry is a lot worse than the fiction, without fail, in each edition of TAR.

All of these are in order of edition, not in best-worst order. Those works not mentioned are too mediocre to even make it to "shit tier." ("Shit tier" is more of an accomplishment than not being mentioned. You wrote some terrible parrot porn, so it gets named. Congrats.)

"Blue" (April)
"Damaged Goods" (Poem, May)
"I Couldn't Agree More" (Poem, June)
"The Son Also Dances" (August)
"The Bandits and the Spider" (September)
"Jesus at the Airport" (September)

"Hungering Evening" (Poem, April)
"Bored Out of My Mind in PSYC305" (May)

"Back When We Won Both the Battle and the War" (Poem, April)
"My Voyage" (Poem, April)
"Autumn Redgate" (May)
"Forever" (Poem, May)
"Dog World, I Am a Dog" (June)
"The Adventures of Boris the Tentacle Monster" (July)
"The Creature Beside Me" (July's parrot porn)
"Pillage" (August)
"North" (Poem, September)

>> No.2098107

Submission deadline you say? Welp, TAR happens to be in murky waters on the subject. On a regular basis, TAR encourages writers to submit material prior to the 24th- but because we're already on the 23rd, I wouldn't worry much in this context. So long as we receive submissions prior to the 1st of october when we release, TAR will attempt to incorporate material into the next issue.

On a equally murky note, TAR does not have any solid rules on serialized fiction. Four-issue serialization capping sounds reasonable to me- hence, works of 16,000 words would be more or less the limit. To be fair however, we often allow works larger than 4,000 words to run in TAR. If the 20,000 word piece were of significantly high a quality, I would consider running it

I wouldn't worry about troubling us with questions- both of your queries raise issues that we had not fully considered until this now. At the moment, I see no problems with content written or posted prior being submitted to TAR for contests. On the other hand, seeing as poetry is notoriously hard to judge I would personally shy away from giving awards to this kind of content.

These are just my personal opinions. Both of these points will be referred to the other editors for a final decision, which we will announce via twitter. Since prize money is not going to be awarded for issue 7 however, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Also, in a shameless attempt at sell-out marketing I'd like to happily announce TAR now has a Facebook page. Considering the success or failure of this publication relies almost entirely on spreading the TAR around, I'd like to strongly encourage our readers and authors to add us and spread the message

Link: http://www.facebook (dot) com/pages/The-April-Reader/172076039538799?sk=info

>> No.2098177

its is only just now getting a facebook page?

oy vey

>> No.2098214

take the facebook link and post it everywhere. In an hour you could have a few new readers/writers.

>> No.2098218

Like what, spam other boards?

That seems pretty futile--not to mention annoying.

>> No.2098226


Boards? I meant blogs/websites. Shit outside of 4chan. There's no point posting it on other 4chan boards.

>> No.2098244

I'm actually interested in doing something like this for TAR, because I've been in it before. It's really in every submitter's best interest to get TAR's name out there.

Where do you suggest I do it, specifically?

>> No.2098251

Not that guy, but I'm guesing just posting the TAR url on forums for literature and writers is a good idea, as well as on youtbe videos that are on the same topic.

And Prole, if you haven't already, you should maybe spend a bit of time increasing the sites visibility. Submit it to all the search engines and attach a lot of relevent keywords to the site.

>> No.2098255

Oh, and stick something on the TAR site so people can comment directly on it. Link it to facebook or something. And don't let anons shit all over it with hate. Moderate the comments. People can say what they want here, but on the site it could actually do harm.

>> No.2098325

Jesus at the airport has been my favorite so far.

Blueberry Girl should be at least shit tier (even though honestly the shit tier erotica has been more entertaining then most other stuff I've read on TAR). Some of the poems in this placement don't make much sense I mean the war one wasn't very good. Blue was okay but it didn't leave much of an impact.

>> No.2098335


the war poem is placed in shit tier

>> No.2098343

My bad I meant the poem in the okay tier. The poems in the best tier aren't that good either though. The shot tier war poem probably shouldn't be mentioned by the poster anyway.

>> No.2098419

He said the poems are particularly bad. Which poems should be in best tier? None?

>> No.2098429


This list is either very wrong, which I am inclined to believe, or my memory is severely impaired.

>> No.2098452

>thinks opinions are wrong

Oh, Anon, you so crazy.

>> No.2098507

Concerning the poems.
>April Issue.
"Back When We Won Both the Battle and the War" - Shit tier is where it belongs or possibly less.
"My Voyage" - Shit tier is fine for this one as well but at least there's some effort to make it flow.
Hungering Evening" - Could be better. Probably would be in shit tier.
A Feminist Poem, Nostalgia, and Sinecdoche are all better than the war one and probably at the level of "Hungering Evening".

>May Issue
"Untilted" isn't bad but not very good. "Forever" is about as good as "My Voyage" (low end shit tier). The best poetry in this issue is by Tai but "Damaged Goods" probably shouldn't be in the best out of all the issues or even his best in this issue. It's good for this issue though. This issue had pretty shitty poetry.

>June Issue
Has the worst short poetry so far. The Haikus are better then the others though. The poem "I couldn't agree more." is probably the best in this issue. Allen Head's poems don't suck.

>July Issue
Didn't care for any of these honestly. I like parts of "Plus one and I", "To a Lampshade", and "untitled". But as a whole this issue sucked for poetry.

>August Issue
Allen Head doesn't suck here, again. They don't really do great though. "Everyone is an addict" is entertaining. "Assimilation" is okay probably high shit tier level.

>September Issue
"The Nape of Your Neck is Softer than Love" better title than poem. "The Wall" doesn't suck and "North" is forgettable meh.

>> No.2098511

It's basically very wrong.

>> No.2098516

opinions absolutely can be wrong

>> No.2098552


You can agree or disagree with opinions, but they are not wrong.

>> No.2098556

I think that you are gay. Is that wrong? If it is it's still my opinion.

>> No.2098583

I disagree, but if it is your opinion, you are entitled to it.

>> No.2098614

I disagree still. I am not entitled to an opinion.

>> No.2098637

Well, don't sell yourself so short, Anon.

>> No.2098671

Submitted a piece. Hope you TAR guys do alright and pick the best of the best.

>> No.2098680

What's the title so I can look out for the best of the best...

>> No.2098696

Are people really this dumb?

1. A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

>> No.2098700

I suppose you think this definition proves opinions can be wrong.

>> No.2098702

You know what? You are absolutely correct.

>> No.2098709

If your high school offers a course on critical reasoning, you should take it.

>> No.2098754

So what has /lit/ liked from TAR? What has stuck out in your mind as good stuff? Fuck that guys opinion list and tell me your opinions.

>> No.2098765

the bandits and the spider probably is the best story so far

>> No.2098780

Do yo guys give your names when you submit or jus leave it as Anon?

>> No.2098786

I thought the deadline was mid-month?

>> No.2098787

Reported for advertising.

>> No.2098788

when's cut off date?

>> No.2098818


>> No.2098840


Advertising? This is a project started by /lit/ for /lit/. You must be a pretty major asshole.

>> No.2098841

Not to mention TAR makes 0 money. Advertising what? Free stories and poems? Faggot.

>> No.2099194

They usually ask you what Name you want on the piece. Just tell them anonymous if you want that.

>> No.2100016


>> No.2100020


Sci-fi story submitted today.

But who knows whether it will make it in?


>> No.2100129

How many submissions does TAR typically get a month? Prole... If you are there.

>> No.2100191
File: 21 KB, 480x360, Space Ghost marveling at his successful first internet troll attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mon visage quand my piece was accepted


>> No.2100232


My face when I read your piece. >:(

>> No.2100563


>> No.2102378


>> No.2102397

At least bump the Facebook page, faggot.

http://www (dot) facebook.com/pages/The-April-Reader/172076039538799?sk=info

Add this shit, assholes.