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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 119 KB, 1024x768, 1662778114901144m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20969234 No.20969234 [Reply] [Original]

Could this be the reason why he was such an edgelord nihilist? Wagner said that his chronic masturbation is responsible for his world views. I believe this is true since masturbation is no different than drugs and destroys your body,mind and soul.

>> No.20969258

A thread died for this.

>> No.20969285


>> No.20969367
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Do you think Wagner did this just to piss him off and embarrass him?

>> No.20969406
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He was just trying to help his friend. Posting the rest that Op didn't.

>> No.20969414
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>> No.20969427

That's quite funny. Absurd, really, to see Wagner as some keen-eyed masturbator detective, and Nietzsche being caught out.

>> No.20969434

I know, imagine actually posting books on the literature board. Hopefully that crocodile cunt comes in to shill it for free soon so that this thread can be on topic at last.

>> No.20969440

Based. Fuck these clowns.

>> No.20969447

What book?

>> No.20969494

>those gay fingernails
Sorry Anon

>> No.20969530



>> No.20969545
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I want my foreskin back.

>> No.20969561
File: 258 KB, 690x722, Wagner_4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just when I thought the man couldn't possibly become more based

>> No.20969567

Crazy how standards changed. I'm feeling healthier cause I at least stopping watching porn but I'm still sick. Easy to understand why so many men went to brothels. Yet feminism in my anglocuck disaspora 'nation' has priced me out of access to clean whores. Imagine that, sex is safer than ever but a decent whore costs hundreds of dollars an hour and if you want to spend the night with one she expects you to take her to dinner first. Not to mention the monetary transaction is illegal and even the online marketplace was shut down, so that a man has to seek borderline illegal means to contact the women like he's engaging in goddamned human trafficking, and then communicate using literal code words such as calling the payment a 'gift'.

>> No.20969582

like you could tell if it was even a troon hand or not

>> No.20969607

This actually explains Nietzsche's Allzumenschliches period tragically well, he had to repudiate the entire Bayreuth scene. He even makes comments in there about how they're all philistines and hangers-on of the one-sidedly great man, who is blinded by his own power and becomes hardened up and kitschified in the process.

Poor Nietzsche. He really was just an extraordinary guy with tons of raw mental and spiritual power, going around trying to connect with people and finding only better-adjusted philistines and mediocrities who wanted him to play their second fiddle.

>> No.20969615

Why didn't he just stop cooming

>> No.20970459

What else was there to do then? Seriously. If you're sick all the time like Nietzsche was and a social life is basically impossible for you, what else are you going to do with your time? Besides read thousands of books and write thousands of pages, like he also did.

>> No.20970599

>masturbation is no different than drugs and destroys your body,mind and soul
So, do you think sex does the same thing? Because your animal hindbrain literally can't tell the difference - it's all just getting off.
You hung-up purtianical Ameritards are just repeating memes from the Victorian age.

>> No.20970666

>Poor Nietzsche. He really was just an extraordinary
Sickening. If this is your attitude to reading and the reason for it, you will remain forever at pleb level. You don't even understand Kant's problematics. It's all just another stupid story to you. Fuck you. You don't deserve to set your eyes on a book of philosophy.

>> No.20970715

>trying to connect with people and finding only better-adjusted philistines and mediocrities
Alternatively, he was an arrogant shit who shored up his own ego by deriding others.
The basic task of any organism is adapting to its environment. Nietsche failed in this as spectacularly as anyone in history.

>> No.20970722

I forgot that masturbation wasn't considered a vice until the puritans came along

>> No.20970737

To be fair, the Greeks and Romans thought it was a waste of time and energy. They would rather get laid - and usually did.

>> No.20970916

Wagner had sex with hot women all the time, wherever he went. So the Nietzschean incel experience was alien to him.

>> No.20970925


>> No.20971054

>implying Nietzsche's masturbation habit doesn't impact his writing
low iq-take

>> No.20971180
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>Wagner said that his chronic masturbation is responsible for his world views
Yes. Wasting of the sex energy, (excessive venery (cooming) is the cause of all psychic maladies. Not surprised he was a chronic wanker. It shows in is writing and attitude.

>> No.20971235

This is not true that there is difference between cooming and drug use. Both are bad, but there are differences in the effects. Ejaculation has been shown to lesson androgen receptors in parts of the brain for days after the event, for instance. So a chronic coomer would have a feminized brain. Also, prolactin increases after ejaculation, which has an antagonistic relationship to the body's utilization of testosterone. Serum test reduces for one week from a single ejaculation. There is also a 15 day dopamine reception refractory period where dopamine reception is non-optimal. Low dopamine is associated with low motivation and listlessness. So a chronic coomer would be constantly demotivated and devitalized. And also it must be said that this no doubt contributed to his eventual insanity. And it most certainly would have contributed to his bad attitude that was apparent in his writing.
Good show OP. It all make sense now. I am not surprised he was a coomer.

>> No.20971239

Based anti-coomer wagner.

>> No.20971677

there's really no base for anything you said

>> No.20971830

ITT: Schizophrenia

>> No.20971863

The idea that Nietzsche was treated badly by Wagner is an utter fiction. Both Nietzsche and Wagner remembered the days of their friendship fondly.

From Nietzsche:
>"I always think of him with gratitude, because to him I am indebted for some of the strongest incitements to intellectual independence" (letter, 14 January 1880).
>"Certainly those were the best days of my life, the ones I spent with him at Tribschen and through him in Bayreuth (1872, not 1876)… And the disillusionment and leaving Wagner – was not that putting my very life in danger? Have I not needed almost six years to recover from that pain?" (3 February 1882).
>"I have had such experiences with this man and his work, and it was a passion which lasted a long time – passion is the only word for it. The renunciation that it required, the rediscovering of myself that eventually became necessary, was among the hardest and most melancholy things that have befallen me" (16 July 1882).
>"I am better now and I even believe that Wagner's death was the most substantial relief that could have been given me just now. It was hard for six years to have to be the opponent of the man one had most reverenced on earth, and my constitution is not sufficiently coarse for such a position. After all it was Wagner grown senile whom I was forced to resist; as to the genuine Wagner, I shall yet attempt to become in a great measure his heir (as I have often assured Fräulein Malvida, though she would not believe it)." (19 February 1883).

And from Wagner:
>The friendship deepened into something like a father-son connection. "Strictly speaking, you are, aside from my wife, the one prize I have received in life," Wagner wrote to his disciple in 1872.
>"I lack the ability to keep bad experiences in mind; with Nietzsche, for instance, I can think only of his friendly aspects" (Cosima's Diaries, 28 December 1881)

>> No.20972667
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>Because your animal hindbrain literally can't tell the difference - it's all just getting off.
That's not true at all. The hormones associated with the senses of touch, smell, taste, even vision, i.e. REAL experience, are NOT released when you masturbate in front of a screen. Masturbation is natural enough in "moderation" because full-blooded men need to release steam, but it becomes unnatural when your hormonal system is taken off course on a regular basis and it becomes a compulsion (this is where the cooming meme originates).
Over-masturbation used to be regulated naturally since, to masturbate, you need to be both physically aroused and receiving a strong sexual stimulus. Porn's extreme stimulating effect and ubiquitousness today makes it so powerful that it can overload the whole sexual reward system in the brain, making you able to masturbate seemingly at will, and also compulsively (i.e. a coomer). This is similar to how drugs overload the brain's reward system to become addictive and all-consuming.
That all wasn't a problem before high definition high speed internet porn.

>> No.20972691


>> No.20972738

There is no limit to your retardation, nor there is any chance to redeem yourself in the future. Masturbating or not to you won't matter because you were born to be a brainlet. So dont worry OP.

>> No.20972746

Did you even finish high school anon, or have you been getting all your education from youtube?

>> No.20972760

ngl bros I haven't touched my dick in a week and I can already feel my mental and physical powers multiplying. I have attempted a nofap streak several times but the difference now is I read more books and try to hold back any lustful thoughts I might have. I think I'm going to make it :)

>> No.20972767
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It's true to a certain extent, but not how much as you think.
You see, while it's true that this thing caused the animosity between the two of then (who used to be good friends) this addiction of his actually made him write a lot of "positive" stuff. He was clearly writing for himself, as a way to give himself tools to transform himself from something that his inner core was repulsed by (which is a noble thing actually, because it takes some courage to see something in yourself that repulses you in others, and then take steps to change it).
You can see this a lot in Beyond good and evil, in which he talks about what Will, willpower is, and he takes back the city of the soul from Plato.
He also discusses this in Daybreak.
He never mentions masturbation specifically because what he talks about can be applied to anything really. Absurdly, even a christian could apply it (for example a christian that notices his anger) although it applies more for people that notice in themselves behaviours that is not "honorable" under a classical perspective (for example his addiction, or a person who doesn't stand up for themselves at work)

>> No.20973302

Masturbation is more noble. Imagine actually wanting to engage with the second sex directly. I have more respect for myself than to do that.

>> No.20973378

>(which is a noble thing actually, because it takes some courage to see something in yourself that repulses you in others, and then take steps to change it)
More on this?

>> No.20973412

Masturbation makes me very depressed bros and I can't stop doing it...

>> No.20973417

Me too. I jerked off for like 5 hours last night and I want to kill myself because of it. How the FUCK do I stop

>> No.20973575

>high definition internet porn
While there is some merit to what you say, the question, in regards to porn's consequences for mankind, is described by 'the effect of degeneracy' from the basis of 'intuive physical pathos' (you say it's bad because it's behind a screen rather than on paper, and bad on paper because it's not in imagination, and bad in imagination because it's not real life - but there is a kind of processive chain/continuum of allowable deviations) than than that of 'porn zaps your vitalty,' and degeneracy, in it's modern, 'industrial' form, with all it's possible media-instantiations, has existed for at least 200-300 years (de sade, 1700s salo 1900s). This also get's me thinking: high definition porn just replaces drugs: people don't go out as much, they get everything they need from the screen. Thus, it's dishonest to make the argument that 'it was better 50 years ago,' because it was just a different kind of drug use - it would have been alcohol, or xanax or whatever boomer ssri garbage they were munching. And omitting that, you omit a greater question: are porn addicts actually congentially-hormonally-overstimulated? Are they the biolobotomized / estrogen-libidinized children of women who took too many antidepressants and birth control pills?

>> No.20973584

Coomers are the white blood cells of civilization.

>> No.20973590


>> No.20973646

It doesn't make me depressed as long as I don't watch porn, and it's also a lot faster. I've seen people say porn helps them spend less time fapping, but that seems like nonsense. If you watch porn you spend time looking for the porn you want, which prolongs the process, and over time you need to look for more cause you get bored with what you have. Every time I've ever kept a porn folder I ignore 90% of it and go online for new stuff.

>> No.20973656
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>Every time I've ever kept a porn folder I ignore 90% of it and go online for new stuff.
Same here. Dopamine truly is the molecule of more.

>> No.20973903
File: 337 KB, 683x1024, Alina-Becker-Morrigan-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Evola, both Ride the Tiger and doctrine of Awakening. The already mentioned Daybreak and Beyond good and Evil by Nietzsche talk about this as well.

>> No.20974246

>“To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities—I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not—that one endures.”

It all makes sense now

>> No.20974298

Who is that /lit/eral semen demon?

>> No.20974637
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I might tell you. But the reason I'm posting her in this thread while encouraging you about self-discipline and overcoming, is to show you how you too can control yourself and strengthen yourself if you choose too. All you have to do is not surrender to your lowest, weakest instincts.
Also learn to read dumbfuck coomer nigger.
It truly does, anon

>> No.20974671

The reason people judge Nietzsche so harshly isn't because they're *not* like him in these stories, but because they're *too much* like him and that distance makes them uncomfortable. If they'd learn to forgive themselves for their cringe past, they could forgive Nietzsche for any slander thrown his way.

T. Someone with alot of cringe in his past who's learned how to forgive himself. I forgive you, too, for your worst cringe.

>> No.20974696

Yeah this is very based. I reccomend a book about this topic, "The courage to be disliked".
Most anons are overly self aware and critical, thus end up living in perpetual shame and hypocrisy

>> No.20974718

How would Wagner know that N. was a chronic masturbator? It's just pure speculation because N. had bad eyesight and was unlucky with women. This is just 19th century nonsense.

>> No.20974776

>T. Someone with alot of cringe in his past who's learned how to forgive himself.
How did you do it?

>> No.20974828

Read this book
it tackles it HARD

>> No.20974886

One of /lit/'s finest pleasures is reading a based post that's like a thunderclap of enlightenment while browsing during an abyssal bender and then the based follow-up anon who always completes the moment with a based book recommendation

It's an abstract kind of feel

>> No.20974926

Thus Spoke Coomer: A Biography

>> No.20975026

>contributed to his eventual insanity
he went insane from masturbating? He had mental health issues since he was a child, Wagner provided no evidence he was masturbating. He explained the reasoning behind his "bad" attitude in his own words before, there's no need to use speculation on Wagner's part to figure out why.

>> No.20975055

It's interesting how widespread the belief that masturbation caused blindness was. I'm a huge coomer, and my eyesight has continually degraded. I wonder if nofap will improve my eyes.
>but le experts said-
19th century science is more compelling to me than today's judeo-scientific propaganda

>> No.20975261

At least you lads haven't fallen for the prostate massage meme like me.
It's impossible to step away once you activate it. I want to go back.

>> No.20975275

How is this book reputable? What are the sources? Is is a gossip book like the ones on celebrities?

>> No.20975285

How do you cope with the shame

>> No.20975295

Chronic masturbation was impossible in Nietzsche's time, there was no porn.

>> No.20975305

Wagner was extremely histrionic. His music is worth listening to of course, but the rest of what he said and did was just stirring up shit and being melodramatic. This is probably more of the same. Maybe Niet was a chronic masturbator, but Wagner's word on it means precisely nil

>> No.20975307

Yes there was

>> No.20975319

>prostate massage
Isn't that like taking it up the ass?

>> No.20975324

Like magazines? Since when does that compare to HD porn?

It's true that Nietzsche used drugs though.

>> No.20975339

With what stimulation? Masturbation is really a modern phenomenon because of the free porn. It was ever a issue before outside puritan madness.

>> No.20975350

No you retard, porn addiction is not contingent upon the type of porn available or the ease of availability.
It's like you'd argue there were no alcoholics prior to the invention of spiritus liquors

>> No.20975354

>edgelord nihilist
Christianity is nihilism. Thinking there is a heaven is nihilism.

>> No.20975359

Firstly, you don't know what's modern. Secondly this >>20975350

>> No.20975367

Wrong. Don't bend the words to your mind, bend your mind to the words.

>> No.20975376

>porn addiction
Are you saying Nietzsche jacked off reading Sade? Porn addiction is a modern phenomenon, it did not exist in his time.

>> No.20975386

You fucking christcucks and your porn addictions. Stop projecting, only you guys fall to porn.

>> No.20975389

>Porn addiction is a modern phenomenon
This is baseless

>> No.20975394

I'm not a Christian, stop projecting. Play the ball not the man

>> No.20975415

>Porn addiction
Only HD porn is addictive, the stimulus from books is not hard enough, you'd have to be a woman.

>> No.20975444

You lack vitality, that's why Christians get addicted to something as meek as porn. They're diseased.

>> No.20975454

>the stimulus from books is not hard enough
Only because you are aware that there's HD literally in your pocket. Stupid zoomer.
I went to school with a lad who had a tub full of porn mags under his bed, like 40-50 glossys, his bedroom smelled like semen, he was addicted to porn and masturbastion in the time before the interwebs when the only other way to see porn was on a vhs when your parents weren't home.

>> No.20975458

You can't even read simple sentences.

>> No.20975562

You're diseased and you're not even Christian, you're the very worst.

Modern HD photography. There was not even porn photography when Nietzsche was a kid, only drawings and Sade.

Fucking Christcucks projecting their addiction unto their enemy...

>> No.20975566

Obviously not, since neetzche was a cumbrain

>> No.20975578

If Nietzsche lived in our times, he would be taking HRT.

>> No.20975603
File: 93 KB, 800x677, 72868567891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck dude, so addictive.

>> No.20975606

So, there were porn drawings. Whether he was a kid or not is irrelevant.
The fact is he was addicted to masturbation, and it was possible to be addicted to porn at the time by drawings and Sade as you say. Thanks for providing the information to disprove the baseless claim that porn didn't exist therefore addiction was impossible

>> No.20975615

If you're not aroused by this it's purely because you've become desensitised. If you were fully healthy you'd get an erection looking at merely the calf muscle or the underparts of the forearm of a well toned woman

>> No.20975623

Real life women get me hard all the time, not out of proportion drawings or smut. Are you a woman?

>> No.20975635

That's not stimulating. At least invent that Freddy was addicted to whores or drugs, don't project your own porn addiction.

>> No.20975652
File: 605 KB, 675x655, asdasg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit everyone in this thread needs to get fucking laid you're all fucking annoying.

>> No.20975676

They're all porn addicted coverts to Christcuckoldry. This is like an AA thread.

>> No.20975708

that scene was also in the Wagner miniseries, in the final episode, after he completes the Ring Cycle

>> No.20975715
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he looks like Sharpe

>> No.20975781

philosophy is gay and unnatural

>> No.20975796

Religion is gay and unnatural.

>> No.20975808

>Nietzsche was accused of masturbating based on his temperament, by a man that Nietzsche was feuding with

How stupid do you have to be

>> No.20975811

This is what started the feud

>> No.20975825

The real theme of this thread should have been that Wagner/Nietzsche had their falling out because Dick caught Frank stroking it and became super awkward over it.

>> No.20975838

Wager and Nietzsche were friends until Cosima got between them. It's always the bitches man.

>> No.20975844

So first from the most remotely conscious reading of what was just posted, we have the stark fact that there was no evidence of masturbation whatsoever.
Then we have the fact that this came from a man who was feuding with Nietzsche at the time.
Then we have the fact that Nietzsche didn't "go insane" so much as his brain popped with a latent neurological problem that was shared by his father.

>So a chronic coomer would be constantly demotivated and devitalized

Nietzsche declares the very same thing. He was not a masturbator, at least there's no reason for a sound minded person to think such a thing

>> No.20975848

>Wagner, i told you so, i don´t want an unstable man near my children!!!

>> No.20975865

No. Nietzsche broke with Wagner after going to one of his shows (to which Wagner had cordially invited him) and being displeased at Wagner's artistic turn. Wagner became something Nietzsche didn't like.

>> No.20975874

>Richie, I told you, your friend Freddie almost fucked me the last time he was here!

>What!? That chronic... masturbator!

>> No.20975896

Nietzsche was ascetic, a man of true discipline. That's what the christcucks can't fathom.

>> No.20975897
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Wagner had mystic intuition.

>In his Bayreuth phase Wagner's personality assumes a dictatorial demeanour. Once again the unimpeachable Glasenapp is a reliable witness: 'Yet a further feature was drawn to our attention, which was not just characteristic of this final period of his life. It was not possible to keep anything hidden from him; he always knew everything. When Mrs Wagner wanted to give him a surprise of any sort, it would turn out that he had dreamt about it the previous night and told her in the morning.' In short, as the German idiom runs: he spits in your soup. Glasenapp continues: 'This ability to see through people often appeared demonic, particularly with strangers: his penetrating gaze would enable him to discern a person's foibles at a glance and it often happened that, even though he had no wish to offend a person, he nevertheless touched on the sorest points.'

>> No.20975910

This was post facto cope

>> No.20975916

Who's that faggot in the picture? Talk about slave physiognomy.

>> No.20975950
File: 233 KB, 652x632, Neetzsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20975968

As an adult it does nothing for me to throw words like "cope" around. Fact of the matter is - I'm right, and it's easy information to find. care about the truth more

>> No.20975976


"Chronic masturbation" also meant "couldnt find a partner". 19th century masturbation woo did exist but think about it broadly with more details. It was a loser stigma just like so many other ostensible illnesses or bad habits or whatever.

>> No.20975977

Both Nietzsche & Wagner were great dudes, get over it christcucks.

>> No.20975996

>on a literature board
>doesn't know Adorno

>> No.20976027

Judeo-Christian-Marxist pig.

>> No.20976045

Folk medicine/psychology on 'neurasthesthenics', dubious and libelous (N had a thing for Cosima). Wagner was a genius, but Bayreuth became a yesman circlejerk, which N caught the back hand of for not staying in and not proselytizing Wagner-Schopenhaurian psuedo-christian aesthetics.

>> No.20976080

It's accessible through the anus but not like a dick. Unfortunately it's a completely different type of orgasm, one that you can have many of. It's similar to how female orgasms are described, it builds and you can just have them back to back without ever touching your dick. It's not that I feel gay about it but I do feel immensely terrible about being abnormal. I sorta blame 4chan because seeing things about it while young made me curious and I never really did more than use a finger from time to time. But now I've stepped up to using aneros and actually had a purely prostate focused orgasm, I find it very hard not to do it ever again. I would recommend only if you have wanton disregard for your hopes of finding a woman who isn't repulsed by the very idea. I have no hope for it. I don't wanna be pegged or anything either, I just like the feeling, I'm sure any guy getting stimulus there would say the same even if they'd be embarrassed to admit it.

>> No.20976109

i never try it but i remember an escort that i used to frequent told me that she had a client who requested her to insert a dildo upon his ass, and then she complimented me because i have a big dick and wasn´t a homo like that client of hers

i was like what the fuck

>> No.20976130

I think a dildo is pretty gay. I don't like dicks or men whatsoever. Having experienced it is hard to come back from. Prostate is only a couple inches deep so it's not like you need to really get in there but an asshole is still dirty. I'll refrain from further ruining the thread since I've digressed here. But I guess what I'm trying to say is don't be open minded. I still do jack it normally but there's both. Now instead of 2 to 3 times a day it's 1 to 5 times a session. which is usually once a week. In some ways I guess it's better for me overall, but still fucked up. I don't really want it anymore.

>> No.20976168

can´t you just forget about it? for example a person who only gets off with weird porn but if he´s self-disciplined he can stop watching porn and he returns to his usual senses in 2-3 months and doesn´t hard because of his weird fetishes

>> No.20976198

I actually tried once. Literally destroyed the massager and got rid of it entirely. I just ended up ordering another one because I kept craving the feelings again. It's definitely way different from regular masturbation in a way that you want that sometimes more than the normal way. I don't really know how to stop. It's not like I ever even quit jerking it for longer than 2 weeks in my life.

>> No.20976234

your story makes a nice cautionary tale then, like that time i was watching trap videos because those discord trannies did a succesfull propaganda around 2018-2019, i had to go cold with porn to not watch that shit anymore

being a sexually frustrated young man is suffering indeed

>> No.20976269

I never liked traps or futa or anything with a dick. I don't even like porn all that much anymore either, sounds do it for me, I don't watch asmr shit though. Mostly just anonymously sexting, girls seem to like my voice so I can usually have mutual masturbation with audio. Course none f them believe I'm a virgin either when I write short amounts of basic bitch erotica. But I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone, honestly. It's not even like I'm unable to have sex, I'd consider myself celibate but not involuntarily. I just realized my degenerate activities are in contradiction with the idea of waiting for marriage, and finding a woman waiting for marriage, and it basically makes me abandon all hope.

>> No.20976514

He really was one of us.

>> No.20976519

>Because your animal hindbrain literally can't tell the difference.
But your spirit can, and it has its consequences.

>> No.20976530

Nah, he went insane from masturbating.

>> No.20976544

When I read nietzche I can't seem to grasp what he is saying. Like right when I think I get it he goes on a tangent about something completely different than what I thought he was talking about. I know I am not the smartest, is he just over my head or is he just rambling half the time dragging out his point and I'm getting lost in the bullshit?

>> No.20976558


Looking at this? >>20975603

Dumb fuck.

>> No.20976573

>Bayreuth became a yesman circlejerk, which N caught the back hand of for not staying in and not proselytizing Wagner-Schopenhaurian psuedo-christian aesthetics.
This is a myth. The Wagners were always accepting of Nietzsche even when he started to reject their ideals (see their friendly last meeting). But Nietzsche thought it was necessary to slowly ghost them while savagely insulting everything Wagner believed in for no other reason than to distance himself. Nietzsche says as much when he would later reflect on this period of his thought. The break was entirely on the side of Nietzsche.

Nietzsche's sister also records Wagner telling her that he had been quite lonely since Nietzsche left.

>> No.20977002

You know, that's a good question. Because I don't even know if I'm fully aware of the path I took towards it.

I think alot of it involves gaining emotional awareness. I've done alot of work recently opening up old emotional wounds. I tend to be easily addicted to electronics and games, and the reason I'm addicted is it lets me distract myself. Instead of distraction I've been focusing more on delving into myself, processing emotions, and importantly not shying away from thoughts just because they're uncomfortable.

To me cringe results from a mixed emotion of pain and disgust. It occurs after I remind myself of my past, but when I also haven't processed the emotions of that past. I feel disgust at yourself, and pain to relive it. And this feels like an assault on who I am today, because I'm aware that I'm contiguous with that past self. The cringe is me wanting to criticize my old self, to distance my current self from it. It's an ego defense.

When I let go of my ego, (it takes real work and courage to do), I find alot of emotions lying beneath everything that spring up, and I find how often my past behaviors are based in pain. And when I gain that emotional awareness of the pain driving my cringe, I find it's easier to have sympathy. Because I recognize myself in the past as a human being with emotional strife and real human problems, instead of as a punching bag caricature to try and distance myself from.

So yeah, I guess it comes from alot of difficult emotional work and reflection. Even harder is to find ways to forgive yourself now. Turns out hating yourself is very paralyzing. Of course this doesn't mean to excuse yourself from being better, but learning to live with negative emotions better helps you develop a better mental space to improve in.

>> No.20977022

>The Wagners were always accepting of Nietzsche even when he started to reject their ideals (see their friendly last meeting).
I've done this myself. Sometimes I've been in situations before where I'll feel strong feelings of attraction, yet they cannot be requited. Either she's married, or dating, or just not interesting.. some blockage. Yet I'll continue to feel the emotions anyway.

The path forward is untenable. I can't keep being around this person and reinforcing the emotions that have no outlet, but I also can't just go be by myself, because solitude with strong desires is too painful. So the only 'solution' is to turn those feelings into aggression, and force those around me to reject me. Then the inevitable solitude feels less painful, because for one it gives me a false sense of agency, and for two it feels better to be isolated from people with whom you have antagonisms than for those you have attachments.

..wasn't Nietzsche in love with Cosima?

>> No.20977267

This actually makes a lot of sense.

>> No.20977401

nietzsche is a pseud either way lol

>> No.20977667


>> No.20977732

Very moving

>> No.20977978

How is he a pseud.