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20968682 No.20968682 [Reply] [Original]

I need reading material on why Jews are so evil, aggressive, subversive and hostile to everyone else, especially Europeans.

I must know. I hate them so fucking much, I cannot articulate it with words.......................

They need to be dealt with, or mankind will just continue to suffer

>> No.20968686

2016 was six years ago bud

>> No.20968687

That book by Uriel Da Acosta.

>> No.20968689

>2016 was six years ago bud
Thank God anti-semitism has increased exponentially since then.

>> No.20968692

The Bible

>> No.20968696

>the jews selected me out of the society my fathers built

>> No.20968706

>>the jews selected me out of the society my fathers built
I'm not sure what you're implying?

>> No.20968714

He tried to shut you down by saying you aren't cool, then you double down on affirming anti-semitism is a good thing, so he pivoted to saying the Jews are strong and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.20968741
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>the Jews are strong and doesn't afraid of anything.
The Jews are terrified of losing their systems of control, because the moment that happens, there will be a global purge of Jews.
It will happen sooner than anybody thinks

>> No.20968773

E. Michael Jones

>> No.20968778

The control is all mental. Don't get me wrong, if the economy collapsed there'd be famine and mass deaths but I don't completely buy into the idea of the elites being able to sic the military on the population if it came down to it. That's the point at which the power structure has collapsed if it comes to that.
One of the most cucked countries on earth Canada was forced to repeal the mask mandate (at least temporarily) because of a few hundred based retard christian protestors truckers who could have literally stormed the highest seat of government in the country and turned the officials out on their asses if that had been their intention.
Anyway OP there's an author named Marcus Eli Ravage. You should probably also look into Miguel Serrano.

>> No.20968786

tfw no jewish ian curtis gf

>> No.20968792

I'm very much looking forward to the future. Everything will come full-circle

>> No.20968803

>The control is all mental.
I should probably qualify this statement cause there's also an enforcement arm of the social engineering project but I think the point is taken.

>> No.20968805

If you're a Christian or Muslim, then you're equally as bad.

>> No.20968845

>If you're a Christian or Muslim, then you're equally as bad.
Debatable. There is no more extreme text than the Talmud.
And I am a Hitlerist

>> No.20968883

>Debatable. There is no more extreme text than the Talmud
Christianity and Islam were both controlled oppositions, dumb cunt. The Kaballah speaks of your beloved Jew on a stick more positively, hence why Masons follow it. Jesus was literally based on Satan whereas Allah is Satan with no intermediary. Watch this:
>And I am a Hitlerist
I don't care what a moron like you is. Hitler was controlled opposition. The biggest supporters of antisemitism come from Jews themselves, and many referred to Hitler as a Moshiach. They were practicing eugenics on their own people and trying to kill off the ones who assimilated.

>> No.20968895

The Old Testament

>> No.20968906

It's all a controlled opposition to fulfill Jewish Messianic prophecies revolving around building the Third Temple and the mass sacrifice of gentiles needed for Tikkun Olam. Much like their ritual of believing they can transfer sin to a chicken before sacrificing it during Kapparot, they likewise believe they can transfer sin to gentiles and Abrahamists before mass extermination. They call Europe Edom, descendants of Esau, and Arabs as descendants of Ishmael, and they prophesize both will mutually destroy one another. All Abrahamists fall into their plan. Their God is a jealous and angry one, and Jewsus is likewise a narcissistic POS who confined the sacred dimension to his Jew flesh.

There is a cabal of elite that engineered many modern conflicts and events to fulfill Jewish Messianic prophecies.

>> No.20968907

>your beloved Jew on a stick
Not a Christian.

I don't care what an autistic schizophrenic thinks.

You are an example of what happens when an impressionable young brain happens across redpilled information, but hasn't the capacity to filter the crud from the gold

>> No.20968917

You're an example of a narcissist who prefers to remain a semi-Jew puppet rather than fully penetrate the darkness of their myths, which is prevalent in all of the Abrahamic trash traditions. Someone like Ludwig Klages, who used to be a national socialist, understood the true heinousness or Abrahamism.

So long as you adopt their mythological framework, you will remain cucked to a large extent. Consider suicide.

>> No.20968921

>heinousness or
heinousness of*

>> No.20968928

Yeah cause the Talmud is the only text that is wholly original to the Jews, whereas the Bible is rife with Greek philosophy and a hodgepodge of content incorporated from numerous other cultures like the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Persian.
The Talmud displays two things that the Jews have a genuine talent for: law and autistic quibbling.

>> No.20968936

>So long as you adopt their mythological framework, you will remain cucked to a large extent
I reject their mythological framework. I am a National Socialist.

I wish you well in the difficult period of your 'transition'

>> No.20968973

Those who are sympathetic towards Christianity or Islam merely want to become the new Jews, and thus, they will never truly throw off the yoke of the Jews.

>> No.20968986

The Bible is trash and barely had any Persian or Greek elements. Its core mythological framework is still Jewish. It has a lineage of Semitic prophets that had revelations like M*ses, Isaac, Jacob, John, Abraham, Adam, and so on.
You can sprinkle shit with all the gold you want, but it's still shit.
Every single Christian, Muslim, and religious Jew deserves to die, including the women and children.

>> No.20968994

>Those who are sympathetic towards Christianity or Islam merely want to become the new Jews, and thus, they will never truly throw off the yoke of the Jews.
Can I suck your cock?

>> No.20969003

You can slit your throat. That'd be better.

Icchantika filth. Suffer for thousands upon thousands of kalpas. I'd do Zazen over the corpses of your entire accursed family.

>> No.20969019

>I'd do Zazen over the corpses of your entire accursed family.
Ladies and gentlemen, the stable mind of a chair-ridden autist.

>> No.20969040

Zazen is typically done in half lotus, full lotus, or Burmese while sitting on a zafu.

I am not racist. Abandon Abrahamic dogma, and I'd have no problem with you. You have many other viable options.

When I take the throne, I will ensure not a single mosque, Cathedral, or synagogue will stand.

>> No.20969043
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>When I take the throne, I will ensure not a single mosque, Cathedral, or synagogue will stand.
Do it.

>> No.20969077 [DELETED] 

I am an incarnation of Kanishka the Great, and one day after my great satori, I shall take the throne and usher a new age of the Dharma. All of Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, and West Asia shall have their Abrahamic filth annihilated and embrace the Dharma. Not a single iota of their Abrahamic past shall be remembered.

For the liberation of all beings where no being is liberated, I shall annihilate the Abrahamic Dharmas in the name of our true and imperishable natures that is always there, even amid delusion.

gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

>> No.20969079
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>> No.20969086

>>20969043 #
I am an incarnation of Kanishka the Great, and one day after my great satori, I shall take the throne and usher a new age of the Dharma. All of Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, and West Asia shall have their Abrahamic filth annihilated and embrace the Dharma. Not a single iota of their Abrahamic past shall be remembered.

For the liberation of all beings where no being is liberated, I shall annihilate the Abrahamic Delusions in the name of our true and imperishable natures that is always there, even amid delusion.

gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

>> No.20969089

I need reading material on why poltards and incels are so evil, aggressive, subversive and hostile to everyone else

>> No.20969111

It's class, OP. They're just very smart and rich. Manipulation comes naturally to people with brains and hurting the poor is just what out of touch richfags do, just look at how many wealthy gentiles are on board with globohomo.

>> No.20969141


>> No.20969153

SSRIs and other antidepressants actually cause more damage in the long-term. Most research into antidepressants is based on a flawed and outdated neuroscience modality, but they still push for it due to Big Pharma. The research tends to undervalue how diffuse neurotransmitters can be involved in multiple functions (e.g., serotonin doesn't just regulate mood), how altering its levels may cumulatively induce functional neuroconnectivity damage (e.g., disrupt the Default Mode Network), and so forth.

>> No.20969159

>Manipulation comes naturally to people with brains
No it comes naturally to people without scruples. Brains allows them to be effective at it.

>> No.20969169

It's class. You're seeing middle class rage.

Ironically, nazis are doing the same thing poor blacks are doing when they complain about whitey ruling the world..

Wrong. Manipulation is not always a negative thing. Someone with scruples can manipulate things for the greater good, and that's what manipulative Jews think they are doing. Being in a leadership position means having to manipulate the plebs to some degree, it's just part of the job.

>> No.20969206

I think part of the problem is that a good chunk of the elites don't realize they are the elites. You see it a lot in communist circles: the (often Jewish) children of doctors and Harvard professors insisting that even though their parents both make 250k a year, they are working class. They imagine that they are fighting against the real elite, a mostly theoretical group of old money Draco Malfoys who never have to work or suffer in life. For some reason, they think the white middle class is on the side of those elites. Nobody told the modern bourgeoisie that they are bourgeois.

>> No.20969209

You want to read the works of Kevin MacDonald. Obsessive, exhaustive pain-staking study of the mind of the Jew.

tl;dr: Jews were able to survive because they have evolved super-advanced tribal ideologies and collective thinking. The notion of the "individual" is what they push on the west to destroy group action and collectivizing, which is why they were able to thrive for so long and whites are a scattered unorganized blob of inaction.

>> No.20969217

This Is My God by Herman Wouk
A Night of Questions: A Passover Haggadah by Joy Levitt
Man Is Not Alone: A Philosophy of Religion by Abraham Heschel
God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism by Abraham Heschel
The Hebrew Bible translated by Robert Alter
Everyman’s Talmud by Abraham Cohen
The Guide For The Perplexed by Moses Maimonides
The Shulchan Aruch by Joseph Caro
Living a Jewish Life: Jewish Traditions, Customs and Values for Today’s Families by Anita Diamant
The Joys of Yiddish by Leo Rosten
Living Language Hebrew - Complete Edition
Becoming Israeli: The Hysterical, Inspiring and Challenging Sides of Making Aliyah by Akiva Gersh

>> No.20969266
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What you describe mostly applies to Conservative and Orthodox Jews. Most of the modern Jewish ruling class is Reform, and they are gradually tossing that clannishness in the trash.

>> No.20969279

The problem is that Orthodox and Conservative Jews like Chabad are fine with sacrificing and killing the reform and non believing Jews. Hitler was literally backed by them after all.
It's better to just drop Judaism altogether for your own sake.

>> No.20969289
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The Old Testament. It blatantly says that Jews are cursed sinners forced by God to wander the earth and destined to killing His Son

>> No.20969542

"Christians have replaced Jews as gods chosen people"
Slit your throat, you crypto-Jewish trash. There are NO chosen people.

"I have never endorsed the claim that the Nazi big-wigs belonged to a superior race. However, I must also add that I have consistently refused to accept the claim of another such race as the chosen people. The arrogance is identical in both cases, but with this important distinction: after waging war against mankind for more than three thousand years, Judaism has finally achieved total victory over all nations of the earth."
- Ludwig Klages

>> No.20969554
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See pic rel.
For more metaphysical stuff read Miguel Serrano, Julius Evola, and Savitri Devi. Also the Jewish scripture itself.