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20966736 No.20966736 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.20966751

A whale of a time

>> No.20966754
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Refuted by Nietzsche

>> No.20966778
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>> No.20966813

No, that's Moby Dick

>> No.20966883

No, he's right. And it's not hard to do.

>> No.20966966


Two hundred pages of self-deprecation, phrased in a subtly self-serving way.

>> No.20966971

christcuck drivel

>> No.20967037

Confessions by Saint Augustine

>> No.20967043


one of the most beautiful works you'll ever read. I envy your first time

>> No.20967085
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a long spiel about Genesis

>> No.20967087


>> No.20967100

Women are forever cursed since mary took and ate the fruit. It is up to the rational male to prevent her from becoming promiscuous and delusional

>> No.20967107

just a bunch of christian bull crap

>> No.20967115

Ill show your something hard. Your moms unit.

>> No.20967119
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You dropped your hat, king.

>> No.20967126

You'd think feminism would imbue a sense of responsibility to the lesser sex but it actually accomplished the exact opposite. It should be illegal to be this illogical

>> No.20967287

>Oxford edition

>> No.20967292

>since mary took and ate the fruit

>> No.20967301

An insightful look into the mind of one of the old Saints of Christendom.

>> No.20967325

You should understand the zeitgeist of late antiquity before reading it but it's one of the best books of all time, have this exact edition on my table right now

They were pears numbnuts

>> No.20967326

Tradcaths don't even try to be this retarded

>> No.20967329

>You should understand the zeitgeist of late antiquity
Any good sources for a qrd? I'm pretty well versed in history but not as much as some my age

>> No.20967376

Not really "sources" but here's some stuff to know
>Book is written in the decades after Christianity was made legal but was not yet the mainstream religion in Rome
>"Christianity" at this point was divided between Christianity as it is known today and Gnosticism (if you don't know what Gnosticism is you shouldn't be on /lit/)
>The most relevant camp of Gnosticism at the time was Manichaeism, which was based around the teachings of a prophet from the Persian empire and believed in heavily contrasted binaries of good and evil and the inherent evilness of the material world
>Augustine was swayed away from Manichaeism by the writings of Plotinus, who reinterpreted Plato into "Neoplatonism" in the Roman era, who didn't even care about Christianity but hated Gnosticism
>Augustine writes the book as a bishop, and it is about both philosophically recounting his life story and defending his status of importance as a bishop from potential critics

>> No.20967407

Thanks my nigga

>> No.20967469

How did early even Christianity have gnosticism? Was it Roman or did the Jews have something similar already going on in some weird cult?

>> No.20967707

The basic Gnostic idea of God as the Demiurge goes back to Plato's Timaeus. The idea of the material world being bad and there needing to be someone to "pierce the veil" fits analogously to the Old Testament God being seen as the Demiurge Jesus "piercing through" close enough for it to stick. Keep in mind that at the time of Jesus Israel was heavily hellenized and it kind of made sense that that would be in the consciousness of it in the moment.

>> No.20967714

I dont know what gnosticism is

>> No.20967727
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Bow before your god

>> No.20967751

i read aurelius before that one and holy shit it's miles better
shame i can't get paperback aquinas anywhere

>> No.20967760

> Was it Roman or did the Jews
It was Greek

>> No.20967761

What is better?

>> No.20967768

aurelius, of course, i already want to re-read meditations

>> No.20967778

Judging by how he types, he's probably a braindead zoomer so he liked Aurelius

>> No.20967788


>> No.20967793

Got em

>> No.20968898

But feminists like you somehow surpass that level of retardation yes. Now you have the government these days funding single mother whores and bastards like you who dont deserve to live and soon the rest is history

>> No.20968960

I thought zoomers never read and are on tiktok or on phones all day. What happened to that narrative every one of you were trying to peddle? Also rent free because zoomers live inside your head mentally without lifting a finger off of their phones to do so

>> No.20968988

This. He's a proto-so¥boy

>> No.20969010

A book

>> No.20969083

Theres a subset of zoom zooms who became tradcath larpers because they think its "based" and only read meditations and act like it changed their lives

>> No.20969150

A story.

>> No.20969166 [DELETED] 

>fucks and does drugs when young
>I'm saved now you guys are all evil sinners
I hate christards so much. Augustine and the church fathers are bitter old decrepit men. Chrysostomos even said theatre is a great sin. You only realise how mentally sick these people were once you read them.

>> No.20969190 [DELETED] 

Says a lot about men that women would rather be single mothers than committed partners. Your patriarchal "love" was built on domination and contempt for the "weaker sex".

>> No.20969232

t. never read confessions

>> No.20969740

>I thought zoomers never read and are on tiktok or on phones all day. What happened to that narrative every one of you were trying to peddle?
Zoomers both "read" and are on TikTok all day

>> No.20969750

>Chrysostomos even said theatre is a great sin
Incredibly based. Plato said the same but in his own words. Cope harder faggot.

>> No.20969811

very true

i liked his morals but super hard to get behind when the punchline is
>i was extremely indulgent in all manners of carnal pleasure and had a charmed life but the most morally significantly wrong thing i ever did was picked some pears off a tree

>> No.20969821

Women shouldn't be allowed to be single mothers. Fritzlmaxxing is a must for all men of good character.

>> No.20969830

No one explained how he's being self-servient. The point off the pear part was that he did it for no reason. Everything else was because he was weak and didn't resist carnal temptations. But why do evil for evil's sake? That's evil in itself. Fucking whores because you're a perverted sophist is just being weak and useless.

>> No.20969837

'nuff said

>> No.20971549

never read Nietzsche or Augustine

>> No.20971792


I like it.
I was born into a tradcath family but catholicism or faith in christ never clicked with me at that time so for a long time i was an atheist and hated religion.
A couple of bad experiences happened to me and that lead me to meet new people who introduced me to confessions which we discussed often and made me realize things about god that i wasn’t aware of before. Always a good read if you’re struggling with faith but at some points augustine gets very dramatic.

>> No.20972289

I liked the part where he and his mother shared a hands-off orgasm together during the last time they saw each other.

>> No.20972298

>But why do evil for evil's sake?
He was doing it because it was fun and risky (= stimlates adrenal glands and results in dopamine release when successful), not for evil's sake.

>> No.20972612
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>> No.20973114

A bad translation. Read fj sheed.

>> No.20973219

This doesn't disprove what the other anon said. Here Augustine is trying to convince himself that he stole those pears because he was "totally depraved" and wanted evil for evil's sake, when in fact he probably did it for one of the reasons mentioned here >>20972298
A perfect example of self-delusion and slave morality if you ask me.

>> No.20973258

>i know better than augustine because i just do
Very compelling

>> No.20973281

Yes. Why should I take him at his word? I'm pretty sure you don't believe Muhammad's claims about what motivated him to believe in Allah, and instead look for alternative psychological explanations to explain his behaviour. Why should I treat Augustine any different?

>> No.20973292

What do I care what you do? The discussion was about why it was important for Augustine.

>> No.20973762

>the action was the reward in and of itself
>the action was clearly harmful to someone and morally wrong in the society he lived in
>the action was rewarding to him because it was clearly harmful to someone and morally wrong in the society he lived in.
Looks like evil for evils sake to me. Are you upset that he didn't include modern psychology in his argument?

>> No.20974145
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>just a bunch of christian bull crap

>> No.20974324

Catholic cuckoldry, though has some interesting philosophical ideas which are not strictly related to Christianity.

>> No.20974778

>though has some interesting philosophical ideas