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20959023 No.20959023 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ that commies are afraid of?

>> No.20959025

Sam Hyde is the Devil.

>> No.20959027

Probably Atlas Shrugged. I unironically saw people saying it is a dangerous book.

>> No.20959031

The Notes from The Underground by Dostoyevsky
The Unique and its Property by Stirner
History and Utopia by Cioran

>> No.20959036


>> No.20959038
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The titles says: "Of the indifference regarding society".

>> No.20959039

Mises, Rothbard, Hoppe

>> No.20959061

I went to a large book shop in my city the other day. Under ayn rands books it noted that some people consider her to be a conservative fascist but they wrote that this wasn’t true. The books were being recommended.

>> No.20959066

I fucking hate americans so much. A "conservative fascist"? What?

>> No.20959071

I’m in Australia

>> No.20959076


>> No.20959081

How what

>> No.20959086

It was noted under the book that some people consider her a conservative fascist. Which edition is that?

>> No.20959091


>> No.20959092
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Commies loathe nationalism.

>> No.20959097

It literally says
>Nobody owes you shit and you don't own society shit. Make money and fuck bitches
It's literally nigger mentality but high brow. Hilarious that commies seethe over such a basic observation.

>> No.20959102

Ha ha you're correct! The Other Side is so stupid and they are always mad too! Thank goodness Our Side is the right side.

>> No.20959111

No, it has nothing to do with that. Rand still values certain things such as justice. And you do owe someone something if they did something for you. It is basically anti-charity and some other stuff. An extreme version of tit for tat considering all kinds of relations.

>> No.20959116

Americans and all anglos should be gassed in Chinese death camps. The world would be a better place.

>> No.20959119

And all things considered, that Atlas Shrugged wouldn't even be a thing if society gave John Galt money or even recognized his stuff. That "Who is John Galt?" phrase that everyone says, isn't random. She is criticizing how people who "make things happen" don't get recognition.

>> No.20959123

There was a note on the shelf holding her books, sorry

>> No.20959126
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>> No.20959137
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- Judaism in Music
- Modern
- What is German?
- On German Art and German Policy

>> No.20959141
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If I remember correctly the Nazis were the only ones afraid enough of books to burn them :^)
Thinking it’s retarded =/= being afraid
I’m also not afraid of people in wheelchairs
Also weird to see the ancap kiddies making a comeback on /lit/, is there a til tok influencer nowadays or something?

>> No.20959145

Any books on how to be a communist while not consuming Disney product?

>> No.20959150

Any books on how you can't support the working class, while also denigrating them all as racist, and inviting Saracens to rape their daughters?

>> No.20959157

Liberalism =/= communism

>> No.20959159

If Gesta Danorum is the national epic of Denmark, then Italy should have The History of Italy by Guicciardini. The actual answer is that Gesta Danorum is not a national epic...

>> No.20959162

Any books though?

>> No.20959163
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I saw people saying that more than once, might not be your case, but it is not like it isn't a thing. I'm not an ancap, just saying what I observed.

>> No.20959182

>Communists didn't ban books
Is that a joke?

>> No.20959191

12 Rules for Life

>> No.20959196

Cuck thread

>> No.20959199

Lasch, Revolt
Lasch, Progress
Ehrenreich, The New Left and the Professional-Managerial Class
Gottfried, The Strange Death of Marxism

>> No.20959237

Communism doesn’t work

>> No.20959260

Communists are listed multiple times here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_book-burning_incidents

>> No.20959262
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this but unironically

>> No.20959264

probably any self improvement/financial books

>> No.20959289

It true! The Other Side is so bad and stupid and Our Side is good and right! The only question is whether the Other Side is really stupid or if they're just pretend to be stupid to cover up how evil they are.

>> No.20959328
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>The Other Side is so bad and stupid
No, they are simply Not Us in a zero sum competition with Us.

>> No.20959340
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Neither do Communists.

>> No.20959345






>> No.20959346


>> No.20959373


>> No.20959376

I’m glad that these knuckleheads roid, at least they won’t raise more retards this way

>> No.20959388

Commie bot is stuck in a loop

>> No.20959390

Based. I still remember antifa mobs harassing bookstores because of Andy Ngo or what was his name

>> No.20959393

that's correct

>> No.20959398
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>or as i call it, the douche-house

>> No.20959410

None retard

>> No.20959414

Anything outside of their Discord server.

>> No.20959435

Real communism? Anything that justifies the cooperation of the classes. Milquetoast liberal "communism"? Lenin.

>> No.20959489

Yup. Are you okay?

>> No.20959492

Anything Evola.

>> No.20959507

It actually is. You dumbfuck.
t. Dane who's read it

>> No.20959512
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Chat logs that are brought up at Parent/Teacher meetings.

>> No.20959518

The best refutation of Marxism, and by proxy, Communism and all revolutionary doctrines that are downstream of Marx, is explained by Oswald Spengler in just a few paragraphs within his essay Prussianism and Socialism. He explains that doctrinally, Marxism is really just capitalism from below. The whole point of Marxism is a critique the current order and the prescription for revolution by and for the disenfranchised. This is how liberals and disenfranchised pets are able to co-opt Marxist symbols and rhetoric. The mechanics apply to any group which stands outside power. Class revolution, racial revolution, and Marxist technique work for either. Spengler refutes Marxism entirely by pointing out that Marxism doesn't really step outside the paradigm of capitalist liberalism, and also why he advocates for what he calls Prussianism, which prescribes a co-operation of the classes. Moreover, the best refutation of Communism is a history of the late 20th and 21st centuries. National Socialism and Fascism were refuted in the most important political arena: war. Communism was never refuted in war, but it was refuted economically. Communism more or less collapsed in the Soviet Union because it was failing to compete against the alternative model in the West, and the only other major Communist power liberalized and capitalized before collapse could happen. For some reason, people still imagine that China is a communist country because they parade around communist symbols, but this wrong. You refute communism entirely by pointing out that communism failed.

>> No.20959528

The Holy Bible

>> No.20959539
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This is the final enemy of the commie. In fact, they hate it so much that they burried it long ago, so that most don't even know it or never read it. Because if a commie reads it maybe he would try to refute it and make it more famous (like Marx did with Stirner). So it's just never talked about, that's how much this is feared.

>> No.20959549

> communists collectivize and overthrow the czar thus proving their superior might and later defeat the world's largest rival power in a war
again proving superior might and by proxy communism

>> No.20959551

>Thinking it’s retarded =/= being afraid
>I’m also not afraid of people in wheelchairs
...You think people in wheelchairs are retarded?

>> No.20959563

Ah yeah, yet another one that thinks he knows what the book is about just by reading the title

>> No.20959567

Then educate me. The Wikipedia page seems to affirm what I gathered.

>> No.20959591

For communist leaders like Stalin communism was of course just a perfect tool to gain power and rule over people. He didn't really believe in the ideology, just as most presidents that run for office larp as religious to appeal to the religious masses. So yes, whoever he overthrows he does it because he was smarter (which is a form of strength), which proves might is right, but that doesn't prove the validity of the idiology he used, as it was only a tool for enslavement of the people. You can use a sword or you can use words to brainwash people, or both in his case. The "normal" people that call themselves communists are just braindead sheep for falling for it.

>> No.20959634

Marxism Leninism is first and foremost a form of Economic Critique. The (few) direct economic prescriptions made by Marx are more or less outdated and have to be re-examined in a modern context. The conflation here is that Soviet Style Control Economies are THE communist style of economy. In actuality the Soviet Control Economy was developed (mostly) by Stalin in reaction to the unique circumstances of the Soviet Union. It was extremely successful in developing the primary stages of economic development which is why the Soviet union had the highest economic growth save Japan until the Brezhnev era.

The Socialist Market Economy developed by Deng Xiao Ping is a recognition of the inability of the Soviet system to progress far in regards to Secondary and Tertiary sphere of development. It's incorrect to call it Capitalism for a number of reasons. Firstly, Capital in China is not controlled by a class as in Capitalist countries. Investing is notoriously difficult in China and the vast majority of financial capital is controlled by State-Run banks. It should be noted that Chinese make a distinction here between a Socialist system and the stage of Socialism. Meaning the Chinese system is ORIENTED towards Socialism but isn't in a stage befitting the term Socialism (as despite the lack of a Capitalist class there remains a sizeable but neutered bourgeoisie).

A good point of comparison is how Soviet Communist Thought after Stalin was INCREDIBLY stagnant and controlled. Whereas Chinese Communist theory is a pretty diverse and growing field. BTW I am not Communist I just find it interesting! Sorry for bad English I am Kazakh (but white!).

>> No.20959638
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>take 4-8 Communists to kill 1 Nazi Soldier
>Killed more of their own people in war than any enemy
>Killed more of their own people in peace than any enemy

Somehow considered succesful doctrine. While National-Socialism took most of Europe and had Allies scrambling to capture technology upon their defeat, Britain and America took Scientists and data, Soviet Union took shoes, chairs and tables despite arriving in Berlin first

>> No.20959651

When will Joe Rogan fight this man?

>> No.20959665

The Soviets took a lot of Scientific knowledge it's just that the Nazi scientists fled en masse to the Western allies as they knew they wouldn't try them for any of their crimes. Soviets took almost all of I.G. Farben's research for example.

Westerners also looted, just mostly the Fr*nch

>> No.20959670

What am i looking at

>> No.20959675

Soviets were not a scientific people, despise them firing rockets in to space, over and over again.


>> No.20959685

And they took Hugo Schmeisser

>> No.20959701

Rubberized concertful?

>> No.20959712

>Nobody owes you shit
>nigger mentality

>> No.20959725
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He is correct, deep sense of comminity, shared blood, heritage and valued are responsible for everything you enjoy. It is nigger mentality to fuck each other over for a few pennies or material possesions. This hustle and get rich mindset is a search for family, belonging and duty.

>> No.20959745

Commie hate nationalism (except for all the successful ones)

>> No.20959748


>> No.20959764

Only Adelphi can publish shit like this (sound good tho)

>> No.20960128

Most leftists I talk to seem to be genuinely afraid of Guenon, Savitri devi, and Evola. They want those books to be burned and never attempt to argue why they are bad. The rest would be any Eco-fascist literature you can find, as they are hard-pressed to argue against the "green right".
Ayn Rand is probably one of the most important feminists as she helped form the modern mentality. Few people really understand how much her material is their bible.

>> No.20960146
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Ayn Rand was a disgusting lesbian feminist jew. Women should not beowed to have opinions. It is so pathetic how so many """conservatives"" like her and not superior intellectuals and artists such as Dragos Kalajic.

>> No.20960150

Secret Agent by Conrad

>> No.20960172

Are you kidding? The Secret Agent is hilarious. Conrad obviously doesn't really know what he's talking about but Ossipon was a funny character and the Professor is memorable and worth familiarizing yourself with if only for his influence on Ted Kaczynski.

The Man Who Was Thursday makes some of the same points but with more grace and without being so generally over-the-top.

>> No.20960196

>The (few) direct economic prescriptions made by Marx

Why are you being disingenious? Marx literally ends the Communist Manifesto with a list of ridiculous demands regarding economic and social restructuring.

>bro let's just depopulate cities and move everyone to the country where we'll cover all land in soil and manure

>It was extremely successful in developing the primary stages of economic development which is why the Soviet union had the highest economic growth

it's because the Soviet Union illegally annexed Eastern Europe and installed puppet governments that were complicit with their economic plunder.

>Meaning the Chinese system is ORIENTED towards Socialism but isn't in a stage befitting the term Socialism

It's actually very close to the economic model of fascism as described by Mussolini where corporations serve as organs of the state and are used to direct the flow of capital and raw materials to directly improve lagging sectors of the economy or certain geographic regions.

And I don't mean fascism as an insult, here it is a compliment. Bravo to the CCP for pivoting.

>> No.20960198

The full image has more national epics

>> No.20960208

History does not care. Everything you just said could be applied also to the Romans versus Carthage, and you know how that ended.

>> No.20960209

You are a fucking pussy bro.

>> No.20960226

What are you talking about? She was more into her egoism. You could say that she was a somewhat feminist, but I don't think that she was that worried about gender.

>> No.20960236

I really don't see Leninism as an economic critique. To me, Lenin appears as the praxis to Marxist theory. But Marxism and everything downstream of that, whether you're talking about Leninism, Maoism, or Communism broadly is obviously predicated on economic critique. The logic of that critique can be applied to things other than economic classes is my point, and that's basically what you see today, but the greater point here is that communism, in general, has been refuted in practical terms by either the history of war, the history of economics, or history in general. That various sorts of thinking existed within every system doesn't really matter in that regard at all. So if communists want to point out that this or that worked, that's fine, but none of it can be said to work well in the long run. If it did, we would all be communists.

>> No.20960240

Not sure I understand your disagreement. I agree Conrad is hilarious.
The book pretty clearly mocks communists. They are depicted as a bunch of resentful losers.
Man Who was Thursday is also a great book.

>> No.20960246

Also pretty sure The Professor is meant to be a pathetic character.
Idc how he influenced some retarded terrorist.

>> No.20960254

Yes, bitches get triggered all the time, that is my intention. Thanks for being yourself.

>> No.20960255

The Unique and Its Property By Stirner
The Will To Power, Twilight of Idols by Nietzsche
Economy and Society by Weber
Socialism and the social movement by Sombart
Politics, Murder, and Love in Stalin's Kremlin by Paul R. Gregory.
Karl Marx and the Close of His System by Böhm-Bawerk

>> No.20960257

Did National Socialism not end up doing the same thing when they privatized public industries? I mean, it seems like the mature phase of all socialism and fascism regardless is big business becomes organs of the state. Mussolini just cut to the chase. If I recall, Lenin prescribed something similar at one point and that's why he recommended in his pamphlets that they go after the little man bourgeois rather than big industry but I could be wrong about that.

>> No.20960285

Marxism-Leninism is not really a economic critique, Its the ephemeral all catch phase for the post-rationalization of communist failures.
>Firstly, Capital in China is not controlled by a class as in Capitalist countries. I
This is clearly false. China decommunized in the 1970s with the overthrow of the gang of four, and decollectivization of the common property of the Peoples' Communes and agricultural collectives. Marx said that communism is abolition of wage labor, and China has seen growth of its proletarian base since the liberalization of the Chinese economy by Deng. China is not moving in a socialist direction anymore - they have a growing amount of billionaires higher than most countries, plenty of foreign investment companies operating within their country, and a stock exchange. They are members of the IMF, World Bank and WTO. They are fully integrated into the world capitalist system. Xi himself says China will never move back towards a planned economy.

>> No.20960309

Also, there is no such thing as a "market economy" in socialism or communism. Communism is the abolition of commodity exchange in place of centralized planning. Engels said this, capitalism is the anarchy the market. In a communistic society, production is planned according to need. There is no longer markets, because commodity exchange no longer exists. Goods, and services, come collectively will come from society from a planning board.
Marx says this explicitly in the Nationalization Of Land
>"The nationalisation of land will work a complete change in the relations between labour and capital, and finally, do away with the capitalist form of production, whether industrial or rural. Then class distinctions and privileges will disappear together with the economical basis upon which they rest. To live on other people's labour will become a thing of the past. There will be no longer any government or state power, distinct from society itself! Agriculture, mining, manufacture, in one word, all branches of production, will gradually be organised in the most adequate manner. National centralisation of the means of production will become the national basis of a society composed of associations of free and equal producers, carrying on the social business on a common and rational plan. Such is the humanitarian goal to which the great economic movement of the 19th century is tending."
China is not doing any of this, they have privatized their business, operate on the law of value since they use commodities to grow their national income, and therefore are moving away from abolishing generalized commodity production and eliminating the proletariat as a class.

>> No.20960317

You dont owe anyone anything if they do something for you. That makes you a pussy for thinking that way. I shoulda been more clear. But apparently faggots like yourself take insults as a sign of "winning". I dont know what thats about but okay lmao

>> No.20960344

But to add this. Marx says communism is the real movement. Engels said anything that advances the real movement is better than any program a lot of Marxoids forget those words. Improving the conditions of working class people is more important than being a loser who spends all your time on the internet arguing with people instead of making life better for yourself and others.

>> No.20960375

She wasn't a lesbian. She advocated for laws against homosexuality and cucked her husband with other dudes constantly.

>> No.20960392
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anything dealing with parapolitics or occultism. easiest way to send them into a meltdown over nothing. they're very adamant about defending post-christian "satanist" organizations and the moral authority of the cia