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20956982 No.20956982 [Reply] [Original]

Any body else liking the new trend in Feminist Greek retellings?

>> No.20957033

Yes. Connecting to the past with modern sensibilities. If it's bad it can get another version. You do it.

>> No.20957036

Dunno, I didn't even knew that was a thing. What is the deal with it?

>> No.20957054 [DELETED] 

>Any body else liking the new trend in Feminist Greek retellings?

>> No.20957081

Feminists seething.

>> No.20957200

>Connecting to the past with modern sensibilities
I think it has more to do with the fact that these books are relatively easy to market, on the one hand because they contain characters and stories that people already know (much like Marvel movies and remakes) and on the other hand because so many of these books have been churned out lately that at this point this type of books has an established "fanbase" of people who will buy them regardless of their quality. You are retarded if you think there is any serious literary justification for the existence of 100 carbon-copies of terribly written YA novels about mythological subjects with the same girlboss gimmick.

>> No.20957243

I’m honestly concerned about the number of people who only know about antiquity through pop trash like miller.

>> No.20957319

Oh yes, the girls have been dying for more Homeric age mythology.
You're retarded for thinking the bad ones will stick around for long. And there are good ones.
But again, do better.

>> No.20957610

>Oh yes, the girls have been dying for more Homeric age mythology.
The fact that these novels continue selling and receiving rave reviews from braindead females on Goodreads indicates that, yes, that is indeed what the girls want these days. I'm sure the fad will eventually pass, and they will find a new historical period or genre to apply their girlboss/LGBTQA formulas to.

>You're retarded for thinking the bad ones will stick around for long
Where did I say that? I merely explained why these books are currently receiving so much attention.

>there are good ones.
No there aren't.

>do better
OK Oprah

>> No.20957646

>I'm sure the fad will eventually pass, and they will find a new
Which is a mark of failure, and they’ll never be reprinted or mentioned or remembered. Only the good ones survive. You seemed full of doomer gloom over it.
I’m always amused at the mentions of Percy Jackson around here. YA. If a woman had written it, they’d have hated it.

>> No.20957653
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The United States needs to be destroyed. It’s currently the single greatest source of evil, even more than Russia. I hate the United States with every single fiber of my being.

>> No.20957671

It’s been this way for decades, froggy.
Yes, the entity of the US needs to go away, and be replaced with a confederation of localities of free people, in order to save the country, and the rest of the world.
Nationstates are a pox

>> No.20957682

I dont care for the re-tellings of female characters. I guess there's enough info there for something. Romance stories between male characters (achilles and Patroclus) seems odd... because these authors would probably be screeching oppression on twitter if a man wrote about some amazon or Sappho based love story.

>> No.20958094

Why not? you cant read a Augustan age translation of of Latin classics or Victorian retelling of continental works without absolutely drowning in the customs of the time? Shakespeare has been continually rewritten from the day of his death. It fine.

The fact that find even a apparently serious feminist classics scholarship to be of low quality is different point.

>> No.20958115
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>a Augustan
>It fine.
>The fact that find even a apparently serious feminist classics scholarship to be of low quality is different point.

>> No.20958163

I genuinely don't get it. Ancient Greek literature is already full of nuanced depictions of homosexuality and female empowerment. Making Achilles gay is not fucking groundbreaking in any way. He always WAS gay. All these books do is present it in the most conceivably shitty and boring way. They just dilute Greek myths into the format of a YA novel or a TV soap opera, smoothing out every complexity and ambiguity, removing all the beautiful poetry and imagery, and destroying any aspect of the story that required the reader to learn anything about the way the Ancient Greeks understood drama and narrative form. When reading Medea or Lysistrata, I have never once found myself thinking "gee, I wish this was presented in the style of a shitty erotic novel". That would defeat the entire purpose of reading it. Do the people who buy this drivel seriously think they are somehow dunking on the Ancient Greeks? I doubt any of them have even TRIED to read a work like the Iliad. If they did they might realize that it's not as a black and white as "ancient writers are evil misogynists and modern MFA graduates are enlightened geniuses". In fact, I believe you can gain more humanity and compassion and empathy from a few lines of Homer than from a thousand pages of this soulless corporate virtue-signaling pigfeed.

>> No.20958252

>He always WAS gay
No he wasn't. Are you forgetting his entire conflict with Agamemnon in the Iliad was spurred by the king taking his female concubine? He was bisexual at most, homosexuality in ancient Greece was an entirely different concept to what we have now

>> No.20958340


>> No.20958342

Bros, I just want to write kino books like the classics. Why readers and publishers must be like pic related?

>> No.20959331

Women are the niggers of gender.

>> No.20959355

it gets worse https://www.goodreads.com/it/book/show/58984703-wrath-goddess-sing
AGPs are writing books now. clearly self inserting how they want to be magically turned female instead of transitioning. homer is turning in his grave

>> No.20959356
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Daily reminder that the jewish sister of Mark Zuckerberg is head of a project to stop nationalists, right-wing, fascists and nativists from using their own national epics in defense of their home and people.

Donna Zuckerberg

Online Project/Journal Eidolon

>> No.20959362


>> No.20959366


>> No.20959369

westoids are subhuman

>> No.20959374

you will never get your foreskin back

>> No.20959420
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Because they have no loyalty to their host nation, being self-described as jews not Germans or Britons or French, they are far more likely to be involved in movements, ideas, concepts and actions that are against the interests of their host-nation, but profitable for their own people.

This is the origin of all anti-semtism.

>> No.20959438

>host nation
>This is the origin of all anti-semtism.

>> No.20959459
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Im not Christian, my objection to them comes from behavior and refusal to join the nation.

>> No.20959471

muslims are 1000 times more antisemitic than christians
hindus are 100 times more antisemitic than christians
even chinks are more antisemitic than christians

>> No.20959486
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>> No.20959626

I like some of the non-fiction that gives more perspective. Stories like Le Guins Lavina are fine.

I don't care to see the myths hollowed out and turned in to YA schlock or whatever.

>> No.20959920

based retard

>> No.20959928

back to /pol/ tranny

>> No.20959977

>comparing Pope's Iliad, Dryden's Aeneid, or Tennyson's Idylls with the cheap consoomerist capeshitification that this feminist retelling shit is.

>> No.20960050
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>> No.20960103

You won't do shit. You'll just continue paying your taxes like a good boy and they will continue coming to israel.

>> No.20960197

You're right. I was using "gay" as a shorthand for "liking dick". The modern concept of a "gay" identity is bullshit anyway. Medical studies specifically avoid the word "gay" and use the term "men who have sex with men" for this very reason. The Ancient Greeks understood this, which is why characters like Achilles cannot easily be co-opted into the retardedly simplistic contemporary American political discourse. Which just goes to show, again, how fucking dumb these books are and how intellectually bankrupt their readers are.