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/lit/ - Literature

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20955096 No.20955096 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20955121

>only english
monolingual anglos are the biggest plebs in the word.

>> No.20955131 [DELETED] 

You should the shelves of Italians, Spaniards or Frenchies. It's literally all stuff in their language, including translations.

>> No.20955139

I know. The shelves of eurofags are hardly better. It's usually just native language + English.

>> No.20955144

I don't think they have the technology to take high quaity pictures of their bookshelves t b h

>> No.20955150 [DELETED] 

Fuck I didn't know Gaddis books were that THICK.

>> No.20955225
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True. We don't have smartphones nor cameras in my country.
Also true

>> No.20955418

>youtube leftist philosophy
And you felt proud enough of this to make an entire new thread?

>> No.20955429


Reminder that "monolingual" has absolutely no effect as an insult on English speakers.

>> No.20955445

Where are you from? I'd kill to have that edition of The Histories
Also, are the Colihué translations of Doszto good?

>> No.20955464 [DELETED] 

Neither is "ESL" yet that it's somehow used as an insult.

>> No.20955526
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I'm from Argentina.
The translation seems good (left)
I already have another edition (Gredos, Augusto Vidal's translation - right), so I'm re-reading it.

>> No.20955595

Losada is a communist publisher.

>> No.20955690

On the Road is the only book I’ve ever thrown in the trash.

>> No.20955752


Native English speakers, to clarify. ESL absolutely does have an effect because it suggests that native speakers can see through the odd word choice made by the presumptive ESL. Funny thing, I am a native English speaker and I've been called ESL on here after writing correct, complete sentences. I think it's because the vernacular is so mongrelized now that writing properly raises alarm bells, "you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded."

>> No.20955757

I'm from Argentina too but I can't find The Histories in most bookstores, am I retarded?
Thanks for the comparison, the one on the left is better

>> No.20955772 [DELETED] 

"Monolingual" can also have an effect when you are into literature since it suggests you're a phony uncultured pleb as opposed to a patrician polyglot like the aristocrats and intellectuals of yore.

>> No.20955783


Not when you're a native English speaker, which was my original point. It's like making fun of someone because they're rich, or white. It comes off as silly and adorable.

>> No.20955808 [DELETED] 

It applies to everyone into literature. Reading literature in the original, particularly poetry, is considered a patrician pursuit. It's one thing you don't feel offended, it's another thing it has an effect.

>> No.20955885

>Not when you're a native English speaker
Haha. Many anons get assmad when you call the out for being a monolingual anglo.

>> No.20956504

That's too bad for them, I guess. They're feeling insecure about something that they have no need to feel insecure about. They won the lottery.

>> No.20956521

a classical education involves knowledge of latin, ancient greek, and french. sorry about your common core bro

>> No.20956632 [DELETED] 

>this is what monolinguals actually believe

>> No.20956645

Is High-Rise good?

>> No.20956729
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That Robinson Crusoe is the only FS book I own. The illustrations are nice but I really dislike the paper and the font used gives me an uneasy feeling.

>> No.20956761

I really enjoyed it, probably my favourite Ballard.

>> No.20956777 [DELETED] 

what's in that surrealist game box?

>> No.20956893
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>> No.20957140
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A little bit clean

>> No.20957174

Do you still have that one shelf or did you ever finish the second one.

>> No.20957196
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I have seven, two for the kids, two decorative single type shelves and two built ins, and the temp shelf with loebs

>> No.20957452

>Naomi Klein

Ballard and Parenti make up for it though

>> No.20957783
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>> No.20957786
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>> No.20957820
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>> No.20957876

>biggest plebs in the word
RIP spelling

>> No.20957902
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Looking to finally own a physical copy of Anna Karenina to get my shelf going.

Which translation and cover should I get? I was originally going to look for a hardcover but seeing how annoying war and peace is to read as a hardcover I'm thinking of just going paperback cover. I read the Constance Garnett version on my kindle.

>> No.20957960
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I started reading regularly only about a year and a half ago, so my shelf probably looks very entry-level.

>> No.20958016

Shelflet, any recommendations for one I can order online? Tall preferred over wide

>> No.20958069

Anon, don't dismiss yourself: your bookshelf is pretty good
Keep going my friend and be happy about yourself :)

>> No.20958251
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I'm literally taking a shit right now.
Great books, it's a solid selection, but...
Odio como los libros en español tienen los títulos al revés.

>> No.20958256
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hello OP

basado disfrutador de borges

like yuor collection anon.

absolutely criminal I am the first to salute you with a (You). very nice collection anon, wish I had my loebs with me.

you may enjoy The Great Game by Peter Hopkirk

how is marcuse' 1d man?

>> No.20958322

Man, those books look like they've never been read.

>> No.20958324
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I don't own a shelf