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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 320 KB, 1600x840, D490890F-9947-4585-B6D4-8A3C81783DC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20955382 No.20955382 [Reply] [Original]


Previously >>20953325

>> No.20955384

Fuck mods and fuck jannies.

>> No.20955388

Lately these threads keep descending into "two anons arguing with each other until bump limit." Where did the comfy posters go?

>> No.20955391

I wish all /mu/, /g/ and /tv/ tourists fucking hang themselves

>> No.20955394

Prostitution is based, if I ever run out of money I'll just open a brothel

>> No.20955396

Where you banned for off topic or are you mad they’re not clearing out off topics?

Seriously though, fuck troll, and fuck off board shitposters

>> No.20955403

It’s a nazi troll poster. He doesn’t care about your comfy.
Probably ban evades

>> No.20955410
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>> No.20955411


>> No.20955413

i am a comfy poster. i remain present and also very comfy.

what are you all reading today?

>> No.20955417

Neither, I just don't like them.

>> No.20955419

I was trying to read Plato's Symposium but most probably I'll spend the day reading my bio textbook and Game of Thrones fanfiction

>> No.20955420

these threads have been getting filled so fast

>> No.20955423
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Stop calling casual, calm discussion trollposting. There has been good contrubutions in the last few threads. You dislike and want to ban them for having wrong-think.

>> No.20955425

i tried reading symposium the other day because i wanted to find out what plato thought about beauty, but as far as i could tell he was more interested in talking about love. maybe he goes into beauty later in the dialogue idk, i decided to just try to figure out what beauty is by myself.
i didn't figure it out

>> No.20955428
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And some urban spelunking thing.

>> No.20955430

That's good point, actually.
I think that most of this feeling in my mind boils down to a psychological defense against regreting. I get stuck in this anxiety of going for one goal only to find out that I wasted time and energy into a dumb dead cause and that I should have gone for something else. I fear taking decisions and actions because I fear regretting them when it is already too late.
At the same time, this is all paradoxal since not taking any action at all waiting for the perfect answer to miraculously come to me out of somewhere is the worst decision since it is obvious that things will be a lot worse if I do nothing and I only have any chance of improving my life if I do anything instead of rotting until I die.

>> No.20955436

very nice. epicureanism frightens me though, if i'm being honest with you. i am a bit of a scaredy baby when it comes to epicureanism

>> No.20955441

I really enjoy looking at fantasy concept art desu, of all kinds

>> No.20955448

The absolute worst thing in the world for me was a teenager was having to help my mom go shopping, and inevitably there would be some group of girls my own age out by themselves and I would just be stuck with my mom feeling like a fucking dork.

I think I have unresolved trauma from that.

>> No.20955456

just fuck an 18 year old

>> No.20955457

Spamming is troll in my book. No one cares about your tard Ukraine bro sundial bullshit. Wrong board and yeah, wrong think. We’re getting entirely too much nazi propaganda in here.

No, I don’t like the Marxist trolling, but two thirds of that are anti-Marx and the rest is enquires for economics. Unlike the pro Hitlerarian history books that have a board already

>> No.20955477

It’s the most comfy of philosophies
Look up the little essay book Reclaiming Epicurus by Australian Luke Slattery

>> No.20955478

exactly. That fear is hard to get over but the more you succeed the easier it is, thats why people say start small. you build confidence through competence which starts with being able to do the little things first. good luck anon. I hope your situation improves.

>> No.20955480
File: 2.00 MB, 1200x1200, anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spamming is troll in my book. No one cares about your tard Ukraine bro sundial bullshit. Wrong board and yeah, wrong think. We’re getting entirely too much nazi propaganda in here.

>No, I don’t like the Marxist trolling, but two thirds of that are anti-Marx and the rest is enquires for economics. Unlike the pro Hitlerarian history books that have a board already

>> No.20955485

Yeah. You racked up courage to try and can handle defeat also with courage and possibly try again and succeed
And that's the tip of the iceberg

>> No.20955487
File: 308 KB, 500x600, 1659950950408359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop posting the wrong images on an image board.

Any good lit on homesteading or small scale farming?

>> No.20955489

based do your fucking jobs

>> No.20955493

And so the two spergs have arrived....

>> No.20955502

>if i'm being honest with you.
This is a no nigger zone.

>> No.20955505
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>And so the two spergs have arrived....

>> No.20955507

Argue after the bump limit when everyone migrated.
I hecking love sundial bullshit btw. Also cool knights in armor with swords and shit. Imagine that, fucking swords and shit!

>> No.20955509

You need money to start a brothel

>> No.20955519
File: 481 KB, 1045x800, Evacuation of Malta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a break from /lit/, and came back.

It's still pretty dull. Either I've beaten everybody who'd argue with me into meek submission or they've killed themselves. Or they've adopted my arguments and will no longer argue with me.

And there is nothing sweet in such victory.

>> No.20955525

>having trauma from shopping with your mom

>> No.20955530

>>>20955457 (You)
I’m going to ignore him now, but yeah, you’ve gotten three separate responses from him already and at least one tag along chud.
Lit ‘s been overrun with qa/pol shit for a while. Sad days ahead.

>> No.20955531

How the fuck are we on the next thread already

>> No.20955532
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I think hookers are more critical.

>> No.20955538
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>spergs out in a caustic rant
>opponent throws his hands up and walks away
>Ah, the sweet taste of victory

>> No.20955539

I've got money backup, steady income would be the issue. instead of eating up my backup until i have zero moneys i'd just open a brothel

>> No.20955542

>entirely too much nazi propaganda in here.
By what metric

>> No.20955545

>>>20955457 (You)
>>stop posting the wrong images on an image board.
>Any good lit on homesteading or small scale farming?
I have a bunch.
Check warosu though. I’m not talking to you anymore

>> No.20955549

I'm usually involved in most of these arguments.

>> No.20955550

>pro Hitlerarian history books that have a board already
What board is that? Since when did 4chan have /nazi/?

>> No.20955551
File: 147 KB, 1023x996, 1656173856304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fall is coming.

>> No.20955558


>> No.20955561

/his/ is stuffed to the brim with Marxists, it's the most left-wing board on the site

>> No.20955563

i am a white man. do niggers even say that? i would think they'd say something more like "if im bein' real witchu" or something like that

>> No.20955565

I want a collapse and widespread crisis so that the most retarded niggers of society such as feminists and trannies literally die because they can survive only at terminal pre-collapse capitalist

hope europe freezes and collapses desu

>> No.20955567

>peepee the orange
What’s Trump going to do in the fall?

>> No.20955568

ok i'll give it a read

>> No.20955569

>the sweet taste of victory
i think you grossly misread, my chap.

Say, would you care to... argue about it..? =)

>> No.20955570

Oh great, that means you can keep your Marxism/anarchism crap there too! Goodbye.

>> No.20955575

I am happy, I love fall so much. If Heaven is real it's a place in an eternal autumn. I would like that.

>> No.20955577

So they’ll know the best Hitler/nazi histories.
Hahaha. I hear this line all the time. “__ is the most Marx/leftist board” (its full of chuds)

>> No.20955578

I did three counts over the covid lockdown period of three month inbetween; hitler threads were posted 4/10 is this still not the case?

it's tragic that it's the same on /lit/ only swap hitler for neitschrrr

>> No.20955582
File: 178 KB, 400x400, 1644748662799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a pumpkin, not an orange.
Same. Late september through Christmas is the coziest time of the year, especially in midwest US.

>> No.20955583

Such a child

>> No.20955589

Fuck you. I don't even know what seasons are. It's over 100 degrees today and all September will likely linger in the 90s

>> No.20955591
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Harvest comes in, vegetables taste great, squashes will have fully cured and be ready to eat, berries, pickles and preserves get opened, firewood put up in spring and summer gets burned.
I love it too.

>> No.20955596

Go back to Ukraine

>> No.20955602
File: 42 KB, 479x359, desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based misanthropic desert dwelling Anon

>> No.20955605

The nazi poster is actually making decent posts. All you're doing is three word one liner seethe
>ur a child
>go back!
>too much nazi
You're nore obnoxious than he is. At least he actually posts books

>> No.20955606

why do you think he came from ukraine

>> No.20955626
File: 139 KB, 800x1095, 800px-Thomas_Carlyle_lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Ukraine and Russia. Im Scottish. But please, let us not be enemies. What are you reading or writing?

>> No.20955645
File: 600 KB, 828x785, 1661303155217302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just occurred to me no one after (a little less than) 20 years has written the definitive novel or essay about the Anon experience. Someone should get on that. Not me, though.

>> No.20955697

seethe tranny

>> No.20955701

I want a collapse so all the fat americans (which is around 90% of americans) can die desu

>> No.20955705
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>> No.20955708

Best thing I did all year was escape the "overweight" range and go into "normal". First time I haven't been overweight since 3rd grade.

>> No.20955715

It's not because I love them, it's because I still live at home and work for them (same as my older sister, but at least it seems like she will be able to move out soon).
I need to move out ASAP, but then what? I can only get low-paying jobs (and even then I'm not so sure). Even people who didn't drop out of uni are struggling financially.

>> No.20955719

Good job anon
do you have an ab routine?

>> No.20955762

What do you watch on youtube?

>> No.20955767

What's with americans and the obsession to "move out".

>> No.20955791
File: 510 KB, 838x450, 1660228588122735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is great news, /fitlit/ is truly the greatest of board combos.

Abs are made in the kitchen. Shed bodyfat with a cut.

>> No.20955799

I'm a spic. We have a joke that when you get married, you just build another room at your parents'.
I just want to leave my comfort zone. Plus, my parents won't be around forever.

>> No.20955838

Then stop posting that nazi-lib propaganda. (Part Scottish on both sides myself) It's embarrassing (and starting to irritate, though I should just walk away and go back to the books) Already posted them here >>20955428

>> No.20955851

Lad, why can't you be tolerant of differing views? /lit/ is special because it's home to all kinds of people. Diversity is our strength.

>> No.20955857



>> No.20955865
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>Then stop posting that nazi-lib propaganda.
No. Though do share more of that term. And what are you farming?

>> No.20955870

oh ok. so the first thing would be to work towards getting out of your parents house. If they are going to apply pressure for you to be some one you dont want to be you need to remove that pressure point. unfortunately that might mean doing something you equally dont want to do, the only upside being that you doing it is working towards making a life you want to wake up to. the alternative is stasis and it sounds to me like you are not happy with the way things are (or else you wouldnt mind getting out of bed for it). while you are working on getting out of your parents house you can work toward finding out what you want out of life and build toward that. I think the hardest part is probably finding something you can convince yourself you will not regret building towards later down the line. I dont have any good advice for this because it is a deeply personal search but I will say that the more honest you are with yourself the easier it gets to find something and its easier to be honest with yourself when your self talk is less critical. I hope you find your zest for life anon. good luck

>> No.20955874

>Im Scottish
r1a-z284 master race?

>> No.20955893

Thomas Carlyle was so based. The only based Scottish person.

>> No.20955899



>> No.20955905

>Can't loan book from foreign library because it's in another country
>Literally nobody is selling it online or if 1 does it's at some absurd price that will be even higher because they don't ship overseas so you'll have to spend extra on a proxy service
>Library refuses to loan it to your institution through InterLibrary Loan



>> No.20955911

Protocols vs. Parameters

>> No.20955920
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Zoomers are disgusting and pathetic.

>> No.20955924

>Abs are made in the kitchen
brainlet fucking take. abs are a muscle and your obliques are not going to grow on their own

>> No.20955935

Good. accelerate

>> No.20955952
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The sheer volume of growth you would need to have abs visible under execess body fat is far beyond what 99.9% of men are able to achieve. Loose body fat, then focus on increasing muscle mass.

>> No.20955957
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>> No.20955966

that's cool but I asked anon what's his ab routine if he has any, you started talking about bodyfat which was irrelevant to my question

>> No.20955977
File: 18 KB, 512x468, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference between artist and autist is the u r.

>> No.20955981


>> No.20956002
File: 106 KB, 771x676, 1640178673256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the benefit of doing a routine dedicated to a specific muscle group when you whole aesthetic and health can be improved to a far greater extent and give you better defined abs and belt by cutting.

Hope it works out for you man.

>> No.20956017

This is a dumb edgy teen's idea of a good ideology. When taken seriously you are subject to it's peer pressures and when there's the right conditions it leads to a lot of murder and innocent people suffering this mob mentality. It's worth discouraging and snuffing out.
Diversity is their phobia

>> No.20956029

that's cool but I asked anon a specific question and I assume you aren't him

>> No.20956034

>a dumb edgy teen's idea of a good ideology
>it leads to a lot of murder
>It's worth discouraging and snuffing out
I want you to think hard about what you just wrote, and why it's ironic.

>> No.20956035

post physique

>> No.20956043

>This is a dumb edgy teen's idea of a good ideology.
Why is it bad?
>it leads to a lot of murder
Why is this bad?
>It's worth discouraging and snuffing out.

>> No.20956058

>Why is it bad?
Because it's totalitarian and evil.
>Why is this bad?
Why is murder bad? What's wrong with you?
Because if we don't, Nazis will take over. We saw this happen in Trump's America, with an actual insurrection that literally almost overthrew the whole government.

>> No.20956069

>Because it's totalitarian
Why is this bad?
>and evil
What does this mean?
>Why is murder bad?
Yeah, why is killing people (designated by the ideology, not at random) bad?
>Nazis will take over.
Why is this bad?
>We saw this happen in Trump's America
Unbridled zionism? In this case I agree, it should be snuffed out.

>> No.20956073

>Because it's totalitarian and evil.
Allowing free thought is totalitarian and evil. It's amazing how easy it is to completely control you people.

>> No.20956077

I am become anime the jiggler of tiddies
my new robot body is the stomper of cities
an army of a hundred thousand hello kitties

>> No.20956081

But freedom of thought always leads to sexism, racism, and homophobia. You see this in unmoderated free speech websites like 4chan.

>> No.20956093

Agreed. The human mind is innately evil and dangerous and must be carefully handled.

>> No.20956096

You're already the worst imaginable kind of totalitarian murderer so trying alternatives can't hurt.
Maybe censorship leads to those things. Personally, since I was a child I saw the swastika as a symbol that I was not allowed to think or say certain things. Before any understanding about history there was an understanding that something about this was off limits for some reason and therefore interesting.

>> No.20956132

>ooooooooh my comfy max head patterino tummy rubbing inclusive promoting warm huggable vtuber is back online yaaassss queeeeeeen OwO
become an hero

>> No.20956146

Your sarcasm is not necessary, brother. Do not fail in love of your neighbor. A silent prayer is the best remedy for frustration.

>> No.20956148

So what happens when the elites die in 5-15 years? they're all senile boomers
even larry fink is almost 70

>> No.20956152




>> No.20956155

>A silent seething and coping while you take it up in the ass is the best remedy for frustration.
ftfy cuck

>> No.20956164

Their preserved DNA will be used to create clones as soon as China develops the technology. We will never be free from the grip of Bill Gates.

>> No.20956166

awwww are you frustrated:((((

>> No.20956187
File: 64 KB, 494x621, 1659276159985992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could be if school shooters could be convinced not to shoot up schools and instead target globalists.

Hypothetically, that is.

>> No.20956215

I'm not a fan of random killings, but I do sometimes wonder why White Nationalist shooters don't target someone more worthy of death than random grocery store shoppers. It would be nice to watch an actual corrupt organization take a few bullets instead of random walmarts.

>> No.20956231

MKULTRA shit, it's the globalists pulling their strings in the first place.

>> No.20956232

Because they're conditioned anon, Alex Jones was right.

>> No.20956238

TIL I absorbed the narcissism of my father and I'm subconsciously trying to redeem him

>> No.20956247

I really enjoy the visual presentation of these pics.
What's this style called?

>> No.20956250

I cannot live without a conflict in my life whenever its family, the world or myself.

>> No.20956260

Fashwave, I believe. Check out the unlawfully detained Mr. Bond for some excellent music in the style.

>> No.20956281

How long do you guys last in bed?

>> No.20956301
File: 49 KB, 851x445, 2wsdnnnnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a non-christian explanation to the reason for suffering?
I'm troubled by this specifically:
I live near an institution that teaches and takes care of kids with orthopedic problems.
Sometimes I'll walk by and see some poor parents walking their child to the building. I'm talking about 12 yrs old kids who can barely walk, their legs all bent in unnatural ways, and I'm wondering what these souls ever did to deserve such a deal.
Please refer me to some philosophical or theological work because I can't get this shit out of my mind.

>> No.20956306

0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds

>> No.20956312

with condom? 45 minutes. without condom? 45 seconds.

>> No.20956315

I'm going to sell my car so that it's more difficult to be a degenerate drug user. I barely leave my house, so insurance is a waste of money, and I can sell my car for triple what I paid for it.

>> No.20956316

Bro without religion there is no good reason. You could say that they have some capacity to improve the world nonetheless

>> No.20956321

3 minutes sober full penetration. an hour drunk. on coke I can go all night if I can get hard.

>> No.20956322

I never had sex in 30 years.

>> No.20956335

A non-religious explanation? You should already know this. This is a world of cause and effect. The very stuff of life is genetic mutation and variation, which sometimes have maladaptive results. Suffering happens when creatures are not adapted to their environment. Either their needs are not met, or they're victimized by other creatures, or they have a maladaptive genetic variation. Suffering is inevitable.

>> No.20956338

Wizard powers should soon be manifest. Keep us posted.

>> No.20956340

Don't you get tired and bored

>> No.20956346

it's overyhpyed, like going to highschool parties.

>> No.20956365

Unironically 30+ mins. I couldn't cum
Right now I'm 2 years without sex so I won't probably last long, but eventually it will build back up and this worries me, I think around 15-20 would be ideal

>> No.20956393
File: 97 KB, 470x645, 1662162154149027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Symbols, strong iconography
>A mythology that includes an enemy and a promised and
>Heroes and villains, aka us vs. them
>A purpose in life, a mission
>A tangible reason why life sucks so bad

What else do I need to create my own cult/movement?

>> No.20956399
File: 389 KB, 1024x900, 1659015682985182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Fashwave. They're very evocative, i do love the emotions and thoughts they invoke.

For a music style that echos the sentiment, try Von Thornstahl, Darkwood and Blood Axis.

>> No.20956406

charisma enough to convince people all of that shit you come up with is true.

>> No.20956412

Such things are the basis for any society. But it all must correspond to real things in the real world, otherwise it will be nonsense and nobody will join.

>> No.20956415

We live in the technology era, anon, I believe that all it would take a skillful schizo is to make gnarly and catchy pictures like these fashwave pics, or maybe write some easily digestible books to get things going.

>> No.20956416

My sister's pregnant and I kind of suspected as much, but for all the wrong reasons. My sister is probably a sociopath, and if not that, she's definitely not the kind of person I would leave alone with a child. I know my parents kind of fucked her up like they did all of us, but I don't think she's more capable than them in putting another person's needs ahead of her own unless she's getting something on the back end. I think she's probably doing this because she wants to fit in with her new partner. She does things like this all the time where she adopts something that will give her social clout, whether it's changing her life story or her clothes or pretending to care about some cause because there's some benefit for her, but as soon as it stops being fun for her, she's out like it never happened. She's more financially successful than me and our parents think that proves she'll be a good mother. I had to do a double take on that because one of the reasons she's more financially successful is that I've lost jobs because she's shown up to my workplace to start a scene. I don't know what the fuck she's going to do when she's left alone with a screaming baby, and it costs her money.
I feel really bad for the kid and it's not even born yet. I feel especially bad because I suspected she was planning to trap her partner months before she broke the news. She started showing signs of her usual projects to get more clout, and the way she was phrasing it, I immediately thought, 'Oh fuck she's going to try to have a kid'. Really sad I was right.
The really fucked up thing is she never wanted to have kids. But her current partner has kids already, and I think she felt the kids took attention away from her, so pregnancy was her solution. If you're jealous of actual fucking children, maybe don't have kids, sis.
It's depressing as fuck she's probably going to continue a cycle of abuse because she essentially wants what she thinks is a flashy accessory.

>> No.20956422

>it all must correspond to real things in the real world
Everyone's got a difference perception of what the real world is.
That's why you have flat-earthers, incels, fascists, SJWs, 1000 different religions and cults...
It shouldn't click with a group of people and get the ball rolling.
Not even for monetary gain or power, just to see a meme spread.

>> No.20956430

congrats you'll have a tranny niecephew

>> No.20956437

>Everyone's got a difference perception of what the real world is.
and this doesn't actually affect the real world

>> No.20956439
File: 665 KB, 806x770, pol-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That does not motivate people, never has and never will. The only thing that does is a gifted public orator who can infect a crowd with energy. The message is secondary to this.

>> No.20956443

Which Darkwood? I found a few.

>> No.20956444

I think her partner will leave her and I really hope he takes the kid. I don't think she'd fight for custody unless the kid is getting her attention, so you might be right. FML

>> No.20956446

>Everyone's got a difference perception of what the real world is.
Yeah, but always in relation to the small piece of reality experienced by that person. It's not arbitrary.
>That's why you have flat-earthers, incels, fascists, SJWs, 1000 different religions and cults...
They all have their set of evidence (some more rigorous than others) that can prove at least superficially that their beliefs are true.

>> No.20956454
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, 1660682734917932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at church with my parents.

>> No.20956461

What happens at church on a Wednesday?

>> No.20956463

>We saw this happen in Trump's America
We saw this happen in Bush/Obama era. It was actually always present, but had seized power at the tail end of the Kennedy era, if you catch my drift.

>Why is killing innocent men women and children bad? I am confused

>> No.20956467

venerating a jewish man

>> No.20956473

It does when you get enough people to believe, or even consider, something.
It does when you get ONE unstable person to believe it.

>The message is secondary to this.
I agree, the message is always secondary.
What a gifted orator is, is a medium. Same as these pictures and media. It's all a spectacle now, it's all going into echo-chambers and planting an idea in people's heads.

>> No.20956476

thats a good primer and I think it would get peoples foot in the door but I think you would eventually still need to sell it. especially if you encounter opposition with equal skill at manipulating the heard.

>> No.20956477

>Why is killing people designated by my ideology as "to be killed" bad?
can you give me an answer?

>> No.20956487

>It does when you get enough people to believe, or even consider, something.
>It does when you get ONE unstable person to believe it.
it doesn't, what is real remains real. what changes is just how people view it and what they might do because of that view (depending on the view)
i was talking specifically about the real world

>> No.20956490
File: 399 KB, 1920x1370, 1660683317637037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We eat supper and then the pastor talks and there is like a group discussion.

>> No.20956491
File: 667 KB, 846x654, 1654203176333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German, one eyed god and Caucasian Tales are two of their songs.

>> No.20956492

The original, untainted artwork, is here! https://www.ascendingstorm.com/p/light-of-conscience.html

>> No.20956495

You guys have it backwards. A gifted orator will lose followers if it can be shown his rhetoric is false. A strong message is far more important than some pretty boy with a microphone. Hitler wouldn't have resonated if he didn't speak the truth as perceived by the majority of Germans.

>> No.20956497

>They all have their set of evidence (some more rigorous than others) ...
> prove at least superficially that their beliefs are true.
That's it anon.
Evidence becomes meaningless in the face of confirmation bias, of faith.
What evidence is there that space is fake? That Jesus resurrected from the dead? That the earth is flat?
Of course there is "evidence", otherwise no one would believe that shit.

>> No.20956498

Anything good for supper?

>> No.20956507
File: 970 KB, 1204x1065, 1655146959017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler wouldn't have resonated if he didn't speak the truth as perceived by the majority of Germans.

Hitler literally writes out that his gift of oratory is the prime reason he is successful, he himself said that his world-concept was secondary to the need for a strong, gifted orator.

>> No.20956509

What denomination are you?

>> No.20956523

Yeah, so? That's just Hitler's opinion.

>> No.20956526
File: 130 KB, 991x2048, 1662329644391808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bbq pork chops

>> No.20956532


my love she wont have me, and I understand
she wants a rich merchant and I have no land

>> No.20956535
File: 1.04 MB, 1500x2247, 1653943814008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a far more informed opinion on what is needer to influence a crowd.

Delicious. What did you discuss?

>> No.20956548

Now that I think about it, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe most people are programmed to follow the leader regardless of the particular rationale of his ideology. That would explain quite a bit about the world.

>> No.20956562
File: 261 KB, 1094x1600, 6bc4419d5ae03f71de7f34c4b43f9501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know yet. The talking part hasn't started yet. I think it is about the individual and the family and how each fits together in harmony the way God intends and stuff like that.

>> No.20956569

Not him but infamously Emmett Grogan gave a speech at a hippy conference about liberation that was an Adolf Hitler speech translated into English. After everyone applauded, he revealed the author.

>> No.20956571
File: 12 KB, 500x436, heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to gtfo cyberspace. bye, /lit/, ily

>> No.20956576

now youre gettin it.

>> No.20956577

we are flying through these threads wtf were at like 2-3 threads every 24hrs

>> No.20956583
File: 161 KB, 640x640, fit-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, anon. A strong, vital leader than can channel a crowd paired with a robust ideology that can withstand attack is truly ground-shaking.

Hope it's a good one for you.

>> No.20956613

>fuck troll, and fuck off board shitposters
no, fuck jannies. there's always going to be trolls. what you're doing is the equivalent of saying "fuck roaches", when the reason your apartment is fucking crawling with them is that your retarded roommate won't take out the trash piling up in his room.

>> No.20956624
File: 94 KB, 960x1282, 1649544661003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. Is that the symbol of like the I thinj the Hungarian legions in world war 2? They were cool. I like Hungary and Germany and also Bulgaria.

>> No.20956626

classic case of generals decaying over time. starts out slow and comfy, then you get a few regulars who use it as their private debate arena and trolling ground, and they'll never ever leave, they just keep attracting more and more cancerous parasites to your board. there's a reason generals used to be banned on this site except for a few containment boards.

>> No.20956649
File: 83 KB, 850x400, quote-a-nation-lives-forever-through-its-concepts-honor-and-culture-it-is-for-these-reasons-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-81-96-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Romania. Legion of the Arch-Angel Michael, or the Iron Guard. A quasi-Fascist Orthodox group that briefly took over Romania. Leader was Codreanu, who wrote a rough autobiography of his life called For My Legionaires.

Very anti-semetic, very-passionate, very nationalist and very Christian. I would recommend him.

>> No.20956662
File: 35 KB, 404x280, winter-portrait-beautiful-siberian-cat-260nw-553928614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah I remember now! They were cool.

>> No.20956673
File: 17 KB, 364x350, 0054_-_vkRsjGU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew about something really well like those autists who read the entire oeuvre of a single obscure author, at least I could say that I actually know about something.

>> No.20956689

i'm in my last year of law school and interviewing for full time post-graduation jobs. i can usually hide my autism, but there's no stopping it in interviews. the interviewer will talk on and on about something, then stop and look at me--no question or anything. i never konw what to say. do they want me to carry on a conversation? ask another question? wait for them to ask something else? it's totally unclear and i have no way of navigating the interaction. i usually just say "oh, that's really interesting/helpful/i didn't know that/etc." i had one today that ended on such a note. i addressed his last comment in my thank you email (without sounding desperate--i can at least write, thank god). i like the work i'm going into but this aspect of the rat race is soul crushing and making me depressed. /end blog

>> No.20956693
File: 267 KB, 800x1251, siberian2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard about this Romanian Orthodox philosopher called Dmitru Staniloae who was really cool and smart.

>> No.20956702

i'm potentially moving to LA for a job next year and this is the biggest downside for me (native midwesterner)

>> No.20956709

depends on how drunk/kratomed i am, how long since i last had sex, and how recently i masturbated that day. complicated matrix of varables.

>> No.20956728
File: 2.07 MB, 3840x2160, 4765180-Corneliu-Zelea-Codreanu-Quote-Nothing-frightens-the-Jews-more-than.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not familiar with him, he may be mentioned in the book i referenced. Was he a contempary of Cuza?

>> No.20956730

why is top left empty

>> No.20956731
File: 40 KB, 645x380, Norwegian-Forest-3-645mk062211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and he supported Germany in the conflict against Judeo-communism.

>> No.20956734

think anon, think!

>> No.20956743

well i sleep for 8-10 hrs if that's what you mean

>> No.20956760

Based Midwest chad.

>> No.20956766

new word just dropped: goyslop

>> No.20956769

first day on 4chan?

>> No.20956772


>> No.20956774
File: 46 KB, 383x561, 1640105772604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id recommend readinf For My Legionaires then, he was a student under Cuza at the University of Įasi.

>> No.20956851

>he supported Germany
>against German communists
So he didn't support Germans, just capitalists

>> No.20956900
File: 86 KB, 448x256, junger_v_sartre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German communists
Not quite. Look at every Communist leader and agitator, almost without fail they are jewish, as well as the financial scandals that led to millions of pre-inflation marks being stolen, again by jews.

>> No.20956941
File: 125 KB, 398x398, 20220906_195543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling the crack kicking i. I achieved deification by smoking crack at my whole foods. The world as I know it is under my sway, only I can leave meatspace and enter into the quantum foam. You're the pawn but I'm the king.
As I confidently approached the cashier I could tell that a panic attack was at its incipient stage; she was in no-way ready for this life-altering moment.
I leaned over and pointed back at the path I'd just walked.
"Do you know what I left behind there?" I inquired pensively
"N-no" she stuttered
"Seven deductions, six inferences, five suppositions, three extrapolations, two conclusions, all amounting to the total discrediting of epistemology all the way back to Socrates."
She was taken aback.
"D-did y-you find all the groceries? Your looo"
I stared this Karen down and proclaimed: "There are no groceries here".
The NPC behind me(some jackoff holding a dozen frozen pizzas) begins to record this.
I looked back at him and said "I knew you'd do that before I even entered this joint".
One could hear a pin drop at this point.
I got back to the cashier and inquired: "Where's the final boss?"
"I'm omniscient. But I don't know the location of the man behind the CCTV."
"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about, s-sir"
"You will soon"
The manager ran out. Disheveled, fat, middle-aged.
"What does this man want?"
"You only ran out because the four walls were closing in on you. And now the monitors will be compressed"
"What are you talking about? I've already called security! Three big men will be here soon"
I pointed directly into his face.
"Your sexual preferences don't interest me."
The manager starts sweating profusely.
"What are you talking about!?"
I threw on a slick smile.
"It's not about what I'm talking about. This is not discussion."
"Then what is it?" He cried.
I took two steps back. Raising my arms up in an embracing position.
"This is not discussion. THIS IS PHILO-CHEMOTHERAPY"
Everyone in the store collapsed down onto their knees.
Year 0 has just begun.

>> No.20956946

Not all state socialists are Leninist. Look at the state of them now! Olaf Scholz isn't even socialist at this point.
But imagine WWII not even happening. A Yugoslavian level socialism pushing the capitalists around till they get out their financial troubles. (But the jews, the )))ewzzzz) Hefty socialists boot the bankers out... But this is about noses and last names with you, so the holocaust was all worth it, right?

>> No.20956976

Any advice on how to get more into poetry analysis as an undergrad? I need to bullshit my way through this graduate-level poetry class that I'm trapped in.

>> No.20956984

In a collapse only fat americans will survive on account of their immense fat storage

>> No.20956985

>Lose virginity in fwb situation
>Teaching me sex
>Always tells me to cuddle her after
>Fall in love with her during this time
>She doesn't feel the same but is really sweet about it saying it's ok to love her and it's natural, that she still loves me in her own way and how that's what's important.

Lol I've been trying to end it with her multiple times but she always laughs knows I'm lying and don't mean it. Then she tell me to come give her a hug or something and before I know it she is full comforting me and I'm in bed with her again. She tells me shes not done with me yet and wants to be the one to teach me everything about sex and reminds me you're supposed to love your first.

I know it's going to end badly but I can't stop lol. It's like being in a different dimension when I come over to hers. And the time we did mushrooms I decided I don't want to ever love anyone else and even did this thing to her which I vowed I will never do to another woman, even a future wife which we both were laughing about but she said was really beautiful and means a lot to her lol. But yeah how does she know I'm lying when I try to end it with her, she has this way of getting me smiling about it and admitting she was right

>> No.20956990

>I'm in the top 20 percent of american men
Feels good man

>> No.20956998

We value independence
Lol America is really becoming a latin american country since this is basically the norm now

>> No.20957005
File: 36 KB, 640x696, 1652510394011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im talking about the the November uprising in the German Empire in 1918 that spawned the very real stab in the back legend that caused the German Empire to collapse, almost all key playere were Jewish, as were the heads of states of several short lived Socialist Micro-states.

>> No.20957006

>Hitler is LITERALLY satan
Kek you fell for the post war mythology

>> No.20957015

once again, language is inherently schizophrenic.

language is communication
if you have to communicate with yourself, you are SPLIT
angels don't think
ratiocination is contradictory to henosis

never use language except to communicate with truly separate minds
For other humans are SPLIT from you, but you must not be SPLIT from yourself

thinking is inherently schizophrenic
if you have to think, you must not know
but the truth is already somewhere in your mind
so you must be SPLIT from it
thinking is contradictory to henosis
never think unless performing truly scientific cognition - that is, not thinking about what you know, but about what the world
for the world is SPLIT from you, but your mind should not be SPLIT from itself.

>> No.20957016

Kek do you siege tards really still exist? Ive met you fags irl and you're all the most dysgenic freaks Ive ever seen

>> No.20957019

I want to buy The Augsburg Book of Miracles (aka. The Little Book of Cosmic Horrors) for my dad but all I can find is garbage where would someone acquire strange and bizarre books most places don't carry? I don't care about price if it's something decent or used

>> No.20957028

Are you the guy who wears her necklace

>> No.20957034

Nah bro you'll love our year round summer. You'll hate all the mexicans, traffic, pollution, crowds, and cost of living though.

>> No.20957037

also, music is a form of language - sounds are CONVERTED to meaning. Music is inherently schizophrenic.

Same with all art - a painting converts visuals into meaning references to feelings and experiences, it is a language - it is schizophrenic.

>> No.20957040

>H-he was a misunderstood hero
Follow your leader

>> No.20957048

that is, if you take art to communicate something about your own mind - if you merely take it as the experience of the producer, then it is not schizophrenic, for the producer is ACTUALLY SPLIT from you, they are not your mind - it is communication.

>> No.20957051

you're a fucking 90 iq tard

>> No.20957062

>misunderstood hero
He certainly was an impressive leader but not misunderstood until after all the post war propaganda. He was just a leader of an industrial nation vying for superpower status. He lost and of course losers are ALWAYS evil right? No war ever occurs without some great meta narrative underlying it?

>> No.20957067

Ah. Not as familiar with that period.
To the meme. Yeah, more familiar with all the various ways christians have made these people into demons for not accepting their ridiculous fairytale about a flying carpenter.

>> No.20957104

Tales from the ghettos

>> No.20957112

I see.

>> No.20957117
File: 1.45 MB, 1482x1608, theyism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using singular 'they'.

>> No.20957121

>"oh, that's really interesting/helpful/i didn't know that/etc."
That sounds a bit weak, though it's hard to say without the specific context. What I might do in such a situation:
a) Try to expand on what has been said, assuming that they want me to continue the thread of thought. Providing more details, going into aspects not yet mentioned.
b) Ask a question. Something that has not yet been directly adressed, some unmentioned scenario. "How would this apply in the case of X?" This is actually very important. In almost every job interview you should present yourself as being actively interested by also asking questions yourself. Simply providing answers and then waiting for the next question is usually not a good strategy. People often expect you to maintain an actual conversation.
c) Politely or playfully contrast or even oppose what has been said. This is a bit more risky, but can have good effects. Basically pointing out exceptions or limitations or possible problems of whatever argument is being discussed. People want so see that you can think cirtically or independetly and aren't just being constantly agreeable or a Yes-man.

>> No.20957132

This poster here is deranged, spamming this all the time. Clearly they have a mental illness.

>> No.20957147
File: 239 KB, 512x512, 1661506081374014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I do post this regularly, in a vain hope to bring you salvation.
Do you not hear how braindead you sound?
One step away from twitter ebonics.
"Who up pondering they orb"

I'd imagine a literature board would be more keen on preserving language...

>> No.20957177

Bros, just realizing that I have a friend who cares about me :D

>> No.20957228

Bros I showed up early to class and it was a mistake. Theres people here chatting and I'm scared

>> No.20957238

In my early 30s and haven't had friends since I was like 20

Is there something wrong with me? I don't particularly want any yet in embarrassed at the same time about not having any. Weird thing is I get along fine with people at the workplace or whatever activity. But when I sense they want to invite me out somewhere I freak out and start distancing myself.

I don't know why I'm so autistic about place I go and don't have that sense of adventure of going to new places. For some reason I like my places I go to be very specific and any deviation I get thrown off. I have never even used a different petrol station for my current car. And only this year used a different pump than I normally use. I hate using new shopping centres or supermarkets. And if in FORCED to use them I research on Google maps the carpark layout and everything. Why tf cant I just do shit on a whim

>> No.20957250

yeah, i know it's weak. that's why i'm beating myself up over all this. i appreciate the help, though anon. i know the things you listed are what i should do but i just can't execute in the moment, thanks to my 'tism. i think part of the problem is that throughout the interview the tone will shift multiple times from "interview question" to "conversation," and it's hard for me to keep up with the changes. if it stayed in one mode, i think i could adapt. but alas.

i really liked it when i visited and know year round summer isn't a bad thing. i'm just used to the upper midwest and the seasons regulating my emotional life, and also cataloguing my memories. permanent summer sounds like purgatory to me, in a sense. none of the things you listed really bother me--lots of place, including where i live now, have them. cost of living is a shame, but i can swing it with my line of work.

>> No.20957257

i'm the same way anon. this is how i made it through all of law school without making any close friends. i have close friends from high school, undergrad, and grad school, but we've grown apart as we all get older. not sure what the answer is, but you're not alone.

>> No.20957310
File: 10 KB, 120x109, 1631373929567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made the last /wwoym/ thread and I regret it. These threads should die.

>> No.20957332

>have close friends from high school, undergrad, and grad school
>We've Grown apart
It's not like you dont have friends, you just don't hang out as much as you'd like to. Sounds pretty heckin' normie. Other poster sounds like actual, diagnosable autism.

>> No.20957335

Current thread author here.
Agree. Running on fumes about the whole place

>> No.20957348
File: 96 KB, 688x960, Parintele-Dumitru-Staniloae-de-Dinu-Lazar-12-via-Roncea-Ro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumitru Staniloae was a Romanian Orthodox priest and theologian.

>> No.20957396 [DELETED] 

i got like $50 in my amazon account idk what to order

>> No.20957410


Contribute, don't bemoan it.

>> No.20957418
File: 336 KB, 1800x1261, Watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who has spent and wasted thousands on watches over the years I've come to the conclusion, all you really need is either a citizen eco drive that suits your style (I like pic related with black leather strap) or/and a Casio f91w (the timer is handy). Don't even fall for the automatic/mechanical watch meme for your daily. Why would you spend the same amount or even more, just for a watch that tells time less accurately?

Then maybe splurge on another watch if you really must for special occasions. Now this is I guess where you can spend money on the automatic meme.

Anything else is not really necessary and desu I don't even see the benefit of smart watches yet.

>> No.20957431

I basically feel that I'm too old to do some of the things I want to do.

>> No.20957447

I can live with two. Casio Gshock for active and casual lifestyle. Then a mid-range automatic for office/special functions.

>> No.20957454

Most people who oppose nazism can't actually explain why. I oppose it because they're competition for me and advocate for german supremacy while I'm not german and would in fact like to nuke germany, but they can't actually justify their opposition to nazism besides
>it's... LE EVIL!
which doesn't mean anything.

>> No.20957459

No I don't think I will

>> No.20957472
File: 293 KB, 720x685, BT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a good, smart watch to wear with a suit?

>> No.20957485

>tfw need an automatic hydrocarbon to get any accuracy
Try timing something on an atomic while your em field is blocking half the signal while also magnetising the shit out of all the components.

>> No.20957489
File: 83 KB, 486x599, 1652924596212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant smart in the stylish manner, not one that has smart phone connectivity.

>> No.20957509
File: 585 KB, 1280x840, img_feature_sp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citizen have some nice dressier watches. I think this is one of their stupidly expensive models costing thousands but I'm sure they have some nice similar style ones under $200. Seiko too.

But yeah don't go for luxury brands. They're a meme. If you do, Keep your shit stealthy and get the seiko/citizen equivalents in the same price range.

>> No.20957527

I do like the clean face, can you expect a mechanical watch at $200 or will it be battery powered?

>> No.20957547

Yeah I'm pretty sure you can with the seikos. They have some really nice divers with metal straps. But you need to ask yourself, why? I like a lot of their designs, only flaw for them is that they not quartz, they are all automatics I fell for the meme. They tell time less accurately and by the end of the week they're often a couple of minutes lagging or more forward.

Citizen eco drives are solar powered. Mine is like 8+ years old and still going strong. Perfect for a set and forget daily

>> No.20957555
File: 384 KB, 1080x1618, Cirz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a nice citizen. Unfortunately it's automatic and $350ish

>> No.20957566

Not me. I can explain it, but they don’t like to see themselves that way, or are just practicing liars. You don’t know it’s not strictly German. How many people in the world think this? I could probably count them on one hand.

>> No.20957568

It would be something to wear witn a suit at formal occasions. I appreciate the advice, thanks anon.

>> No.20957569

>Offer thy flower
>To ocean of piss and bile
>Complain not.

>> No.20957581

In the piss a lonely flower
grows into a forest
treasured golden shower
a goldmine for the florist

>> No.20957615
File: 97 KB, 1200x900, Mosley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we sure showed that fash who was shitting up the board

>> No.20957619

>At least 50% of the ideology is rambling about the superiority of the germanic aryan race
it's obviously about germans, just includes other issues as well

>> No.20957621

>a forest
No, the piss usually just call me tranny and drowns me out

>> No.20957625

Quartz isn't generally going to give you more accuracy. Atomic quartz for most people is going to give you more accuracy, but if you buy something that just says quartz, it's not going to correct itself.

>> No.20957668

I might do that but this time at least I gave you a shitty piss poem to signify I appreciated your contribution, at least in this single instance. I promise not to call you a tranny if you promise to post nice/shit poems instead of talking about how much you love censorship or whatever.

>> No.20957677

Er I think you're misconstruing a few things. The Aryan race thing comes out of a fascination with eastern everything-- while Germany did believe they were the descendants of Aryans, the reason why they have that fanfiction is justified by "because the Hindus said so, and they were writing shit down before anyone else". A lot of people who were into Germanic Aryan race theory were also hippy dippy yoga fanatics who thought Brahmins and them were on the same level of wokeness. Aryan superiority in Hinduism is still a big thing and what the Germanic theorists were trying to make happen in Europe was a similar caste system. Things like race science were pretty late to the party and were mostly imported from the US and UK where Christian race science was all the rage. The idea of Hindu caste systems was already too ingrained in the German system for them to accept wholesale the kind of "white is right" colourism that was present in US and UK systems, to the point where most of the hatred against blacks was because blacks were considered American mutts, and Americans in general considered to be race mixers with no caste system whatsoever. You have to consider when they were occupied after WW1, the Americans sent loads of black GIs to Germany. Hitler was okay with recruiting Indians from POW camps for soldiers despite India being technically Britain at the time, because he thought they'd have the right idea about Aryans ruling the world. People like to forget that the German definition of Aryan included a lot of races that the Allied powers were interning as prisoners in their own concentration camps, and it wasn't necessarily Germans only who were Aryan.

>> No.20957691

The board is currently getting swept by /tv/ spam. Asking them to go back to their board isn’t censorship

>> No.20957700

>I have no confidence. Just self-doubt.
You seem confident about doubting yourself

>> No.20957711

Sounds trannyish. According to gay sexology trannyism is a spectrum.

>> No.20957718

Watches are obsolete. Everyone who wears a watch now is either old, a rich show off, or autistic

>> No.20957733

>Watches are awesome. Everyone who wears a watch is either suave, a rich gentleman, or artistic.

>> No.20957736

So which of the 25 points don't you like?

>> No.20957739
File: 90 KB, 640x954, Cristo_crucificado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He died for your fucking sins, and you don't even care

>> No.20957740

I often think about all thesuffering I put jesus through just because i wanted to masturbate

>> No.20957748

Every part of your body breaks the more you use it, except your muscles and your brain. If you waste all your good jizz screwing your hand like a retarded monkey, your kids are going to have autism. Is that what you want? Why do you think old men have low sperm count? They cummed too many times.

>> No.20957752

Currently nine pages to the board. Heavy pruning.
Good. Riddance

>> No.20957846

I just came right now and my balls hurt :(

>> No.20957854

pitchfork says:
>The Beatles Announce Deluxe Revolver Reissue With Unreleased Studio Takes
really? the beatles announced that?

>> No.20957878
File: 520 KB, 1280x1094, 1280px-Sofia_(37536243674) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never been to Bulgaria but I like it. I think that it looks cool and it has a cool name and I like their flag, their natural landscape, and their aesthetics and architecture.

>> No.20957881

I want to watch my guts slowly ooze out of my stomach! As I slit the abdomen open
the intestines gradually poor into a messy canopy. As I stand there in the dim light
slowly the faint blue stomach cancels it's reservation in the upper bowel.
What a sickness, murdering by repeated organ removal self inflicted
as I reach in, my bladder falls right out, can't seem to extract, I'm insane so I'll switch to eviscerating the rest of the stomach painfully I gaze
I now stab myself in the right kidney to committed loss of consciousness convulsing and squirming

sorry, I'm not a doctor I just remember basic stuff and that fucking pig dissection in high school

>> No.20957884
File: 104 KB, 1024x663, thumb_1024x663_Враца_център.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulgaria looks so cool and based.

>> No.20957886

Relationships are shit. Men's and women's ideas of love are irreconcilably different. Why do so many people thrive on constant contrived drama. This is so fucking dumb. Call me you fucking whore

>> No.20957889
File: 323 KB, 1067x1600, P1060513_levels_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Bulgaria?

>> No.20957894

I just had to explain to my girl that movies, television, all of that shit isn't real after she said she thought that because Dr. Gregory House was a really good at his job and was tolerated for being a prick that she could likewise be great at her job but still find success even though she's a dipshit. I mentioned that she had used the new Game of Thrones show as an example the other day of men and women's roles throughout history and she asked what I meant. I said that it's fake. It's not real. Fabricated. She kept asking what I meant, what do I mean, because it's still representative of reality in that men get shipped off to war and women get raped.
She literally doesn't understand that it's fucking fiction and is what some mentally ill person wrote. I can't stand how fucking stupid she is anymore.

>> No.20957895
File: 286 KB, 1280x959, Nevsky_Cathedral_Drone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femoids are gay and cringe. I like Bulgaria.

>> No.20957904

Just stopallowing her to have opinions

>> No.20957905
File: 501 KB, 1280x853, Родопско_зелено (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F*males are retards. They probably don't even like Bulgaria.

>> No.20957911
File: 81 KB, 450x600, 450px-Митрополитски_храм___Св._Николай___-_Враца_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu

>> No.20957913

Yeah, I love humanity!
Humanity deserves light and happiness!
I am desolate, but I do need fellowship too!
Sorry, I diverged.
Yes, Bulgaria is wonderful~ never been. I'm sure it's great, y'know. :) Hope we get world peace soon. G-d bless Bulgaria! I've just been so vain...
in an upbeat mood so

>> No.20957915
File: 203 KB, 800x533, Trigrad_gorge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yeah

>> No.20957921
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a bulgarian roommate once. he ... didn't fuck.

>> No.20957922
File: 391 KB, 1280x960, Тракийско_светилище_Белинташ_в_Родопите.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so majestic

>> No.20957934
File: 163 KB, 720x960, Hayredin_Carkva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's what I'm talking about

>> No.20957942
File: 263 KB, 900x600, Vratsa-by-night (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that in the Orthodox Church, it is permitted for a man to beat his wife as long as it is for the purpose of discipline, and not simply out of blind rage?

>> No.20957959

I think you dicked her a bit too hard.

>> No.20957977

I've been meaning to.... y'know... murder someone with a chainsaw. You're getting lucky tonight. I want to split wide open your sternum and decapitate you as you wonder in agony what is going wrong. I say to you that it's so good to be straight edge. There's french fries roasting in the oven room, with pumpkin seeds. It's now time to take you out to the disposal, oh man, it's hard to get a grip, it seems buttery, no- waxy, your slippery parts. Later I have neapolitan ice cream, the strawberry. To rest, I put my slippers and robe on and sleep, laughing and rustling dizzily, in front of the fireplace.

maybe to the trash it goes...

>> No.20958001

> i click the astrology video
> i hear a male voice
> i press the back button

if i dont get the female oracle voice, I exit.

>> No.20958022

Found the jew.

>> No.20958052

This song cleanly sums up the zoomer predicament... "the box" being social media...the generally doomerist vibes. The falseness of all the old idols "deny your maker" the futility of their economic conditions "he who tries/ will be wasted"


>> No.20958075

>bro, society is totally like this song, bro

>> No.20958104

Why are you watching astrology videos?

>> No.20958134

Who knows. I think I went thru a recommendation clickhole that triggered latent thoughts about this girl I'm trying to actively forget about. I dont think I intially YouTube searched our astrology signs. Anyway I know it's all fake. 'Connections' aren't real, it's all retarded cope bullshit that I've kept up under the guise of 'having fun' and is now causing me emotional whirlwinds. I will occasionally lapse from bag brain into these states but ultimately I know that I'm projecting all of this 'connection' , 'soulmate' bs onto this stupid girl and need to stop.

>> No.20958232

it's abstracting from personhood, and so dehumanizing, and therefore based

>> No.20958264

i really like saying "oh yeah" like how luigi says it

>> No.20958325

Found the chud.


>> No.20958326

>woke up at 3am again

>> No.20958346
File: 134 KB, 1024x1024, 1662533438804530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I hit my 30s I'm beocmign really attracted to fat chicks :/

I'd be so ashamed to be seen with one though

>> No.20958382

let's imagine i want to read and understand hegel. i will of course need to first read kant — but to read kant, i need to first read hume. to read hume, i should first be acquainted with locke.
who do i need to read before reading locke? i've already read plato and (some) aristotle.

>> No.20958447

Skip all that and go right to Stirner. Trust me.

>> No.20958475

>therefor based
She begs to differ

>> No.20958511

been reading about Sylvia Likens and Furuta Junko. what do you think Nietzsche would think about these crimes? i know what Dosto would probably think, he already touched on the subject in Rebellion from TBK. but i wonder what Nietzsche would think

>> No.20958521


>> No.20958662

it's available to preorder from Taschen, 40€

>> No.20958674

No. I will continue to, with increasing frequency.

Some ebonics, like "y'all", actually serve to increase the complexity of the language. Bringing the distinction of a plural and singular "you" back into English is unequivocally based and ebony-pilled.

>> No.20958680

I pay to see a prostitute every now and then. Not to fuck or anything, just to talk to. And I think she enjoys the break and pretending to be a therapist lol.

Ive known her longer than my wife and don't know why I find her so easy to talk to about my problems than my wife.

>> No.20958685

then how about you stop diligently formatting them like the autistic newfag generaltards tell you to, and stop spamming them as soon as the previous thread hits bump limit, or before? just something to consider.
these threads were better and comfier a few years ago, when the only constant was "write what's on your mind" in the OP, the images were varied, sometimes funny, sometimes interesting, sometimes beautiful, no one ever linked to previous threads because why in the fuck would you, and no one ever made a new thread before the old one had 404d, and sometimes it would take 5 days. I don't know where the fuck all the autism came from

>> No.20958695

Between dropping out and killing myself.

>> No.20958710

you're retarded and waste money, just give them the 50 bucks and fuck them

>> No.20958718

Nah that's cheating. And I stopped fucking her before I even met my wife.

I like talking to her and helping her out with stuff. She surprisingly gives good perspectives and makes me realise what needs to be done

>> No.20958726

faggot post

>> No.20958729

>She begs
as she should ;)

>> No.20958753

God I'm so lonely and tired

>> No.20958765

Will TV and internet ever be banned? looks like countries that have them simply stop breeding and go extinct

>> No.20958848

instead they're going to ban meat and combustion engines. that those are two things traditionally associated with masculinity ... idk man idc it's over and when i say it's over i mean western civ not my non-existent sex life.

>> No.20958869


>> No.20958916

>I don't know where the fuck all the autism came from
interesting thing is, I've seen exactly the same thing happen on other boards. it's not just /lit/ that has this problem, this "the party never ends" mentality is something that's become more prevalent in a lot of places.
maybe I'm overthinking, but it could be that the people treating threads like they're chatrooms with a persistent history are discord addicts who have never experienced forum culture and they just don't get that you don't need to constantly spam low-qality posts just to assure yourself that you're still alive, you just make a thread when you have something to talk about.

>> No.20959700

>>Lose virginity in fwb situation
>>Teaching me sex
>I decided I don't want to ever love anyone else and even did this thing to her which I vowed I will never do to another woman, even a future wife which we both were laughing about but she said was really beautiful and means a lot to her lol. But yeah how does she know I'm lying when I try to end it with her, she has this way of getting me smiling about it and admitting she was right

>> No.20959735

some essential functions should be delegated to single function devices which are durable and jerk werk like looking at time so when you do it all device runs out of battery or fails somehow you can still look at time

>> No.20959782

yeah I think you're right, there's probably a lot of overlap between avid generalfags and discord users. of course generals are also typically crawling with tripfags. it's a very particular kind of poster, one that any board would be better off without, if they could just keep their autism in their chatrooms

>> No.20959873

what do YOU think?

>> No.20959903

i think there's obviously some kind of morality intrinsic in humans, and that our societal values arise from that. christianity is one such example of this; but there must be some basic ethics hardcoded into us (i.e., raping babies is probably revolting on a biological level).

i'm pretty unclear on nietzsche in general, so i'm curious as to what his take on this kind of thing is.

>> No.20959919


>> No.20959965
