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/lit/ - Literature

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20953325 No.20953325 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ - Write What's On Your Mind
Bliss edition
prev: >>20949823

>> No.20953329

What makes a book "literary fiction" as opposed to "genre fiction"?

>> No.20953358

"literary fiction" is what normies call pseud books

>> No.20953361

Was just listening to "Bliss" by Windows 96 on my way to work this morning. Great song. Any other Windows 96 fans?

>> No.20953371

I want to read the Breaking Bad of literature, but I don't know where to find such masterclass writing outside of the pages of the television show's script.

>> No.20953372
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>the Breaking Bad of literature

>> No.20953376
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Reminder that you're GMI if you want to MI

>> No.20953380

What do you watch on youtube? I mainly watch beautiful asian women having armpit massages, or amateur mma fights.

>> No.20953385

I've recently discovered retellings of caving and cave diving accidents and incidents. They're really fun and I'm learning a bit about caving and caves in the world. It's nice.

>> No.20953387
File: 68 KB, 885x885, 1638071721538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fear is that something deep within my unconsciousness doesn't want me to make it, so while I can tell myself I want to make it and I'm going to make it, I'm just betraying my nature.

i just use youtube for music

>> No.20953388

I really like this music video

>> No.20953394

I have the same fear. Always trying to fight this unconscious urge for failure. I'm doing well, but I'm always afraid that this force will prevail and I will just succumb to nothingness, lay in my bed staring at the ceiling and doing nothing all day. A negative consequence of this fear of mine is that I can burn myself out easily and am always dedicated to my hobbies. It has many positive consequences though. Always improving, always good to others so that I never fall into nothingness.

>> No.20953399

I like this music video. The way the band members will laugh, and give each other looks of agreement regarding clips from the movie Cars makes me laugh for some reason.


>> No.20953405


Sounds like obsessional neurosis, you’re fating yourself into not making it. Read Rat-Man

>> No.20953411

>My fear is that something deep within my unconsciousness doesn't want me to make it,
Correct, it's called Satan, and you need God's help to MI

>> No.20953413

Not falling for the Freud meme.

>> No.20953416

Unironically how I started thinking about it recently. It's helping me be more calm and determined. I try not to be too schizo about it, though, as I also think that it's just an obsession I have with no real foundation in reality.

>> No.20953430

Bruh so my armchair diagnosis was right.

>> No.20953433
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I hate that I want to be a streamer. I hardly watch streamers at the moment, and before I never watched streamers at all. Only when I go back years to back when I was in mid years of high school do I remember actually watching a couple of streamers, and that was only for games I thought I would never be good at so I just watched someone else play (cucked, I know). Yet for some reason the idea of being a jester, trying to entertain hundreds of people while I play a video game entertains me. I think I see streaming a little bit differently from normies, and maybe that is what gives me this drive. I took a theatre class in middle school and while I hated theatre and don't really care for movies, I was good at improv, and my hypothetical approach to streaming would be that of a continuous improv performance, reacting to chat and thinking quickly to give them the most entertaining experience possible. I could have character arcs and the like all acted out in real time in a medium predominately used to share real-time gameplay footage. It's a shame that most streamers don't seem to see the potential of streaming as an artistic medium and instead just boringly play video games and show their boobies for free money. I take the idea of streaming too seriously. Some guy also probably already has me beat to this idea and is executing it in ways that are far better than I could ever imagine. This shit is all retarded. I wish this drive was instead backing my desire to write a novel or get a good programming job rather than being a loser that plays video games for other losers on the internet.

Now look at 'em yo-yos, that's the way ya do it
You play the vidya on the twitch TV
That ain't workin', that's the way ya do it
Money for nothin' and your chicks for free

>> No.20953438

Bukowski writes too many poems about writing poetry and his book sales.

>> No.20953451

I hope you're all doing well this evening gentlemen

>> No.20953452

The symtoms are right, but when he starts going into anal shit and whatnot, that's where I draw the line. I'm willing to go as far as to say that I think that way because my parents have been pressing me my entire life to achieve a lot, but also always telling me that I'm a worthless sack of shit that can't do anything properly and have a fundamental laziness in me. They have been telling me about this fundamental laziness in me that I will never be able to get rid of since I was 7. Schizo shit. I hate that people project their insecurities onto others, especially their kids.

>> No.20953454

Likewise. Speaking of gentlmen; yesterday was the first time in my entire life that I've bought a perfume bottle for myself. I usually just use what I get as gifts. I went to stores and tried every single one, followed fragrance influencers and figured out which one I liked. I bought Givenchy's Gentleman. And I might buy Wood Original 2 soon, for a winter smell. Any other perfumebros here?

>> No.20953466
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I will never self-actualize.

>> No.20953471

>Givenchy's Gentleman
>Over 100 dollars of my currency

Are you paying for the prestige or is it actually worth investing in odours?

>> No.20953474


Ya I was kind of fucking around. Real shit don’t say it’s schizo, I think a lot of people, even without being told it growing up, have taken up this fundamental laziness in our generation. I’d be weary of calling it schizo shit, you seem connected to reality and ultimately it’ll take breaking through your thinking to take some type of action. Even in what you say, you’re somewhat letting your parents be correct, and not just then but permanently. Most kids are lazy, same with teens, etc. Doesn’t mean it has to be that way forever. There’s no cure and it gets hard when attention span and energy plummet, but you can break out of it.

>> No.20953479

I know it may sound dumb, but part of is for the prestige. Probably not worth investing since you can find scents and notes that you like and just buy a cheap unmarked mixture at a perfumery in your city, if you have one. I wanted to treat myself to something a bit more expensive since it was my first time buying one. It was also at a decent discount so i paid 400 HRK (€53) for it.

>> No.20953491

I am taking action against it, I don't really struggle with laziness in my life, however, I am sometimes afraid that I will slip into it and never come back out. Though as time passes, I am more and more confident in myself and that it won't happen. I feel this sort of fundamental balance and anchor within myself as the years go by and I prove to myself, that I can, and did achieve a lot, and if I continue putting in the effort, will continue achieving.

>> No.20953494

Girl I'm seeing has the same name as a childhood friend except diff spelling. Growing up everyone and our parents joked about us being together but I spilled my spaghetti and professed my feelings for her when we started fooling around as teens. Which scared her off obviously.

Anyways, it's this childhood friends dad's bday soon and it's a milestone one so I have to go and was told to bring my +1. how do I not feel awkward bringing her around? Am I over thinking it that everyone will find it funny or even consider this new girl to be a cope. Will my childhood friend think I'm coping or feel uncomfortable by being with someone with the same name as her after her rejection years ago lol.

It honestly was just coincidence.

>> No.20953499

I like this song https://youtu.be/mAZC4oe9VM0

>> No.20953503

Does it really matter what they'll think? You know it's not a cope and that's kind of the only thing that matters. It makes sense to be concerned about this, but if they start being weird about, just laugh it off and joke about it. Show them that you're cool about it and don't think that it's weird, which in reality, is what you actually think. I wouldn't mention it or joke about it unless someone else does, though.

>> No.20953517

I'm more worried about my childhood friend judging me or lowkey mocking me over it. Eg. If she's obviously not as pretty as her she'll make "she's pretty" comments which I know what she is meaning and makes me insecure and want to break up with them. Over the years I always felt she judges who I'm with, like she doesn't approve but at the same time gets weirdly overly polite/interested towards her whenever introducing them. Then seems to talk to me more than normal or pulls me away to have our own interactions and conversations. Which then makes who I'm with eventually ask about her, either on the way home or a few days later.

But then if I see her at an event and I'm single, shes normal and we talk normal to each other

>> No.20953523

Oh, it's "fathomless," not "fat homeless."

>> No.20953527

And then now I'm literally bringing over a girl who has the same name as her. So I think she might be extra harsh this time round

>> No.20953529

Seek help

>> No.20953538

i got some books but i don't want to tell you what ones because you might spoil them for me >:(

>> No.20953542

You're letting her get into your head. It's literally a non-issue. If you love the girl that you're with now. Why would the girl from your childhood pose any issue to your relationship. Your relationship is yours only and only you and your girl can make it work or fail. I'm sure your current girlfriend wouldn't be happy that you're letting this childhood friend make you so insecure. Also, why not talk to your girlfriend about it? She's there for this exact thing.

>> No.20953546

If you told us without being autistic about it, nobody would spoil them for you. Definitely don't share them now.

>> No.20953549

Would any of you be able to answer my question about Ernst Cassirer? >>20953535

>> No.20953550

grrr but i have no one to tell. surely you wouldn't spoil them just to spite me ;_;

>> No.20953554

Of course I wouldn't, but I wouldn't be so sure of other posters here. Especially now that you've said that you don't want them spoiled for you.

>> No.20953557

Last event I went to was my 20 yr class reunion. It was nice but a tad boring. It was this past Sunday

>> No.20953565

Death to america
Death to england
Death to germany
Death to france

>> No.20953566

Probably something Vaporwave but I was actually alive when Win95 came out. I was like 14

>> No.20953567

There is no longer this spirit of belonging in classes of today. I'm 20, and my girlfriend is 18. Back in highschool I've noticed that my class was split into these small groups and there was even a certain hostility between the groups, and even between individuals inside groups. There was no classic "class belonging" felt. My girlfriend's generation is even worse. Nobody wanted to pay for a collective gift for the headteacher (which is a custom here) and half of the class didn't even go throwing flour and paint on the last day of school. Everybody has beef with everyone in the class and the lack of belonging to the class is felt even more from what she tells me. It's sad and I don't think I even have to say that neither mine nor her class have held or will hold reunions. A bit sad since, even though we were so splintered, I'd like to see all of these people again in one place.

>> No.20953570

Pipe down Muhammad

>> No.20953573

I wasn't even born then, but I used it for a few years before Windows Vista came out.

Also, I swear that the captcha is getting harder and harder as this thread progresses.

>> No.20953580

posting itt is a form of self-actualization, just a gay one

>> No.20953587

I would prefer mohamedans to regular amerimutts/krauts/bongs/frogs desu
they're lesser golems for jews and globohomo

>> No.20953590

I mean not a whole lot of people showed up to be frank, I saw almost zero of my old buddies. Recognized a lot of the females but almost none of the guys save for a handful. I think girls like reunions more than dudes do. The food was alright, the valedictorian told me I could bring a guest so my roommate came and he devoured four plates of food. Had intense shits the next day. This one guy, Murrad, put us on his tab for beer because we were low on cash. Most of the people had nice careers, some were doctors, one was a guidance counselor and one a pediatrician. I had nothing to show except being a self taught thinker and writer and musician. Felt kind of depressed afterwards. The people were nice overall though my roommate liked to bring up his sob stories which made people uncomfortable there.

>> No.20953595

Well you're Abrahmic anyways so it doesn't matter. Same root cause.

>> No.20953597

Sounds a bit lame, but I guess most reuinions are like this. There's something nice about that too, even though it might not feel like it.

>> No.20953601


>> No.20953602

I'm at the dunny kruger peak of philosophy. I haven't read any serious philosophical text ever but I have read enough /lit/ memes to fool the average noob

>> No.20953611
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i rlly like the tv show House lol
i also have no friends haha

>> No.20953630

Maybe because you're posting degenerate .webms.

I screwed up the captcha 4 times in a row for this post.

>> No.20953647

Anyone feel like telling me the next Euromillions numbers? I'm sick of being a slave cunt

>> No.20953673

No its reality, full stop.

Its not like I didn't enjoy it

>> No.20953674


>> No.20953677

how can me being abrahamic be a reality when i'm not abrahamic? take meds anon

>> No.20953678

I can look it up for you even though I'm a Burger, probably might be hidden from us over here

>> No.20953681

Look up the next winning lottery numbers?

>> No.20953687

Whether or not you're Muslim (im just taking an educated guess here that you might just be getting off being a contrarian asshat) you're shilling for them and they come from the same root Judaism and Christianity come from. Cope and seethe at your discretion.

>> No.20953690

Yes hold on

>> No.20953692

Dumb coomer

>> No.20953696

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.20953699

07 - 10 - 22 - 29 - 44
Lucky numbers are 04-05

>> No.20953701

I am coping a bit because I'm trying to quit porn. Seeing anything sexual online is a temptation and it makes me angry. Didn't think quitting porn would be this hard.

>> No.20953702

I'm sorry yeah its a dumb argument. I don't even know why I bothered

>> No.20953705

I'm pretty sure he meant the NEXT winning tickets. Like, the ones that haven't been revealed yet.

>> No.20953707

Its easy for me because I'm 40. After like 35 masturbation seems more of a chore than anything else

>> No.20953708

Well they aren't available to me from what I looked up so I dunno

>> No.20953710

Fuck it, I might actually buy a lottery ticket for the first time in my life. I see that Eurojackpot has an offer 3 for the price of one. Let's see...

>> No.20953724

Are you retarded or trolling?

>> No.20953733
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his writing is more about the human condition and the best source of that is his own life for him, his life consisted of him living in the gutters until he made it with his writing, only ones that have hard time empathizing with his poetry are silver spoons

>> No.20953740

How do you figure? Islam is literally descendent of Abraham. You're one being dense here.

>> No.20953742
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I'm starting to believe that I'm close to the Nietzschean Ubermensch. Only thing that could stop me is extreme physical pain I suppose. But the amount of terrible things that happened to me never stopped me from naively loving life

>> No.20953747

3x0000000000000000000000000000000000.1 chance of winning is still pretty much 0

>> No.20953748

>i'm close to the plagiarism of voluntary egoist that even the author didn't reach because he missed the point of the thing he wanted to copy by adding his own cherry on top of a thing it didn't fit
that must be a wonderful feeling

>> No.20953760
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>mustache man: i will tear down all the values
>glasses man: to be free from values and set in stone rules, right?
>glasses man: you're going to be free from inherently subjugating values that people use to control you, right?

>> No.20953779
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I've always hated fat girls when I was a teen and in my 20s, yet here I am in my early 30s and suddenly I'm finding bodies like this really hot. Especially if they have nice faces.

Wtf is wrong with me? Is it some sort of cope that younger fitter girls are probably becoming unattainable?

>> No.20953781

Ended up not buying them. Some payment issue. After all, I'm buying them for the experience of filling out a lottery ticket, so I think it's smarter to just go down to the store and buy them in person, the physical form.

>> No.20953783

>spend time pouring strong feelings (hate) on a group of people
>surprised they made a nest in your head rent free
tends to be as such when the chickens come home to roost

>> No.20953786

I've always prefered chubbies, even as a teenager when fit girls were easily available. More fun to fuck with that soft pillowy mass. However, fatties usually have loose cunts, and they fart a lot.

>> No.20953791

>Wtf is wrong with me?
You're american (=niggercattle) and most likely fat yourself

>Is it some sort of cope that younger fitter girls are probably becoming unattainable?
no, it's just that 90% of americans are now fat so you consider it more normal than before

>> No.20953805

My tastes in women have only changed slightly. I use to not care too much about boob size now its like imperative they have big tits. Average girl for me then would be someone like Mila Kunis now its more like someone like Ariana Grande or Kaitlyn Dever. Not much has changed.

>> No.20953814

>Americans are niggercattle
Why are foreigners such abrasive people? Can't you talk to us without being a rude retard for once in your life?

>> No.20953819

how would i translate "beauty out of suffering" into latin? i am a currently a latinlet, unfortunately.

>> No.20953821

>imlying you aren't a niggercattle
prove me wrong niggy

>> No.20953825

not him but how is one supposed to prove that over an anonymous imageboard

>> No.20953827

Ask in /clg/

>> No.20953828


>> No.20953830

the fuck? so you skipped windows XP (the best windows) entirely?

>> No.20953832

I come from the midwest, if someone is nice to you, you're nice back because its THE LOGICAL THING TO DO, how about this Pierre, you come over here and we can talk like civilized adults and the instant you mouth off, I'm gonna knock the piss out of you, understand?

>> No.20953835

It's messed up to because i feel I would be too embarrassed to be seen with these types, or even be interacting with them besides on a platonic or professional level

But now in finding them so hot especially if they have really good and slimmer faces

I really like small tiddies now with good hips and thighs. Or if they have big tiddies I want the rest of them to be fat

>> No.20953837

>fatties usually have loose cunts
there's a reason for that

>> No.20953839
File: 65 KB, 720x540, 1662533654646600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the armpit hair this is looking really hot to me

>> No.20953841

Nah, I used that one a lot as well. My father had Windows XP, but my grandfather had Windows 95. I spent a lot of time at my grandparents', so I used both a lot. My dad even kept Windows XP until around 2016, but I was already using Windows 7 and 8 by then.

>> No.20953842

There's this scene in Pink Floyd's The Wall where Pink (Bob Geldof) has destroyed his hotel room, or trailer, or whatever, and has meticulously organised all the resulting trash.

That's the best way I can describe what I'm currently writing. It's an absolute train wreck.

>> No.20953845

i've never understood the attraction to larger women. i want to be able to pick her up and toss her around, and i certainly don't want her thighs to be 2x the size of mine. to each his own, i guess

>> No.20953849 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up niggercattle

>> No.20953850


>> No.20953854

what kind of thing are you writing?

>> No.20953855

Alright that's it

>> No.20953857

don't do anything rash, anon... put the gun down

>> No.20953859

Genre fiction uses the tropes and plot points of a genre, while literary fiction uses style or character development as its central element.

>> No.20953864

i finished moby dick and now i am very sad because i don't have anything to read. i feel like nothing will ever be the same

>> No.20953866

Time to find a new book and get on with it.

>> No.20953867

Yes, like "therapist", not "the rapist"

>> No.20953868

yeah. i just need a few days to mourn lol

>> No.20953870

Did you get a response? I'm curious.

>> No.20953875

nope, not yet. the last post in the thread before me was like 7 or 8 hours ago. seems like a pretty inactive thread

>> No.20953876

Think it's not really worth it for a few weeks but 7, 12, 29, 33, 40, 2,7

>> No.20953878

I'm not trying to be a dick, but what did you like about Moby Dick (lol)? I gave it 2 stars on Goodreads. I only like the part where the protagonist met that nigger and any interaction with the nigger was interesting until he got deaded. Otherwise it was boring as fuck.

>> No.20953899

there are two things that i liked. the first is how the narrator talks to the reader. this is kind of hard to explain, but i'll try. there's a whole lot of arguably irrelevant and useless information being dumped on the reader for most of the book (the anatomy of whales, whale skeleton fun facts, history of whale paintings, whaling ship particulars, etc.) — despite the fact that i'm never going to use this info in my entire life and could easily get by without it, melville somehow manages to deliver it in a way that makes me not care. it's like he is so charismatic and jovial that i feel like i could listen to him ramble about that boring shit forever and still have a good time. i'm not sure i understand it myself, to be honest.

the second thing is the transcendent moments littered throughout the fun whale facts. every now and then melville just ramps it up to 11; a good example of this is the ending of the chapter "castaway." it's moments like this that will cause me to stop reading and take a brief walk around my house before returning to the book. usually these moments happen at the end of the chapter, but not always.

maybe it's just not for everyone, idk. there is something beautiful and endearing about the autism in that book. it's just great

>> No.20953905


It starts with a writer in late fifties Hollywood receiving notes from a producer about references to bottled water as a ubiquitous consumer goods. Basically, everything else, the aliens, the spacefights, the time travel, that's fine, but the bottled water is just too unrealistic and has to go.

The writer goes home feeling dejected, but decides to lift her spirits she'll write a book with all her own ideas. She starts to write the book and it's, more or less, a fairly accurate description of our reality. The book continues as her writing her book, and we're introduced to a character who is himself a struggling writer, except he writes books. The book he's trying, and failing, to cultivate interest in is one called "IN THE FUTURE THERE WILL BE BOTTLED WATER", what's this book about? Well, it's about a Hollywood writer in the seventies trying to get a film made that is less Star Wars and more A Clockwork Orange. Her ideas are all laughed at, like the notion that technology will make us helpless and stupid and, of course, bottled water.

The main problem is so far it only serves as a vehicle for just clever, postmodern, horseshit. There's some bits that I think are actually 'haha' funny, but the main problem is there's no direction. I've written myself into this corner where the reader is expected to just forget about the only character that isn't a character's character. I'm hoping I can, more or less, tie all the character's and their character's plot together.

>> No.20953910

29 came up in the last draw, you reckon it'll come up again?

>> No.20953917

Originally I wanted to play it pretty much straight. It would basically have been a conversation between an author an editor and an agent. I think I might just go back to that. It's starting to feel gimmicky.

>> No.20953918

honestly it sounds interesting. it sounds like you have a sort of nebula of different ideas you want to convey that aren't related to one another to a degree that you are satisfied with. i'm not sure i'm in any place to give advice, but it might help to meditate on what it is you want to convey to the reader. specifically, try and think of a singular, all-encompassing (albiet, perhaps, abstract and broad) theme that you want to have all of your "clever, postmodern horseshit) orbit around. it doesn't need to be any particular message per se, but at least have a general sort of unifying motif to tie the nebula of themes together.
maybe you could look at it as finding the "final cause" or function of your book. probably easier said than done, lol. good luck with it either way

>> No.20953919

I have read a decent amount of books but i have forgotten about most of them and that fact makes me very sad. It feels like i have wasted my time away.

>> No.20953920

is there anything shared in common about the books you tend to remember?

>> No.20953936
File: 11 KB, 256x256, 342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't remember ALL of a book just as you don't remember all you did in a day, but some things stick in your mind, some bits you can consciously recall, others come upon you involtunarily, they become memories like all the others, that's the joy of it, it enriches your associations, like coming across something in life that makes you recall a memory, an image from India, which you've never visited but in a novel.

>> No.20953938

you know what i meant...

>> No.20953940

that's something i've been trying to put to words for a while. nicely put

>> No.20953947

hmm...good question anon

I sadly only remember the flamboyant and less restrained ones, which makes me feel like i might be a midwit. Epic marvellous stuff from Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Melville, Dosto and the caustic bitterness of people like Bernhard, Marquez, Bolano etc. Nothing in between. Not even a comfy Tanizaki or a Borges. I tend to like Hollywood shit i guess.

I don't remember philosophy or poetry at all. Maybe some Montaigne or a line from Nietzsche here and there. Hope that answers your question.

>> No.20953966

>makes me feel like i might be a midwit
well, if it helps at all, i can't imagine a midwit reading most of that stuff for enjoyment, so you're probably not one. it makes no difference, though.
sounds to me like you remember a lot of pretty great books. i don't think there's anything to worry about — philosophy and poetry aren't for everyone. as long as you're enjoying the act of reading itself, it's worth it imo

>> No.20954040

Never move back in with mom or dad.

>> No.20954044
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Womenbros... not like this..

>> No.20954049
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>> No.20954058

That's what you get for rimming tinder chad assholes while you were desirable, roastoid. Now you can't settle for beta and beta has already adapted to celibacy anyway.

>> No.20954061

I just had a dream where Patrick Bateman and Jean were on a phonecall at night, and at first it was about business or something, but after they hang up Patrick called her back and started doing his autistic rant about clothes or something, and I could feel Jean smiling in the dream, and they talked for like two hours, then finally Patrick said something about how he wakes up at 4 AM and Jean should go to bed so she can wake up at 5, and Jean was like, I don’t know if that’s a good idea or if that’s healthy or whatever, and I forget the wording but Patrick said something like Jean, in the eleven years we’ve worked together, have I ever given you advice I couldn’t back up, idk the wording but it conveyed something like Jean, I’ve never given you advice without reason or I would never tell you something just to fuck with you. Then the phonecall ended and Patrick was super sad because he knew he would end up killing Jean.

>> No.20954065

Oh and it was followed by a dream where a new American Psycho movie came out and I was watching it with my dad and he was laughing hysterically at practically every scene

>> No.20954069
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that's probably because it's so bad it's a comedy

>> No.20954072

wonder what will happen to western societies in the next 10 to 15 years
gon be fun

>> No.20954073

The movie in my dream was actually about bateman and he was some kind of comic book superhero in it and he was slaughtering gangs of men and then he joined some team of criminals after breaking out of prison and they were all afraid of him because they knew was a Psycho

>> No.20954078

betraying your nature is the point. or at least transmuting your relationship with it.

>> No.20954099

I would if I could by I dont read

>> No.20954109

your mom gave so much of a fuck she sucked me off over it. so thats one person I guess.

>> No.20954111

can someone explain to me how the new president of signal is a research professor at nyu but only has a bachelors in "rhetoric"?

>> No.20954122

>we can talk like civilized adults and the instant you mouth off, I'm gonna knock the piss out of you, understand?
regurgitating what your nigger masters say to you to keep you in line... as a way to prove you arent nigger cattle? a bold strategy. no, wait. its actually just retarded.

>> No.20954124
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I'd fuck her

>> No.20954129

she is female, people expect less of them thats why they are promoted in academia so often. if women were held to the same standard as men (which is the true definition of "feminism") this wouldn't happen. but a movement thats run by women is bound to lack logic grounding for its raison d'etre so this shit happens

>> No.20954136

>late 90s
what the fuck was happening back then? I mean I was a high schooler then but I assumed most guys were fucking in my school. hmmm

>> No.20954145

Why do you guys here always talk about women, women, women, women. It's honestly so boring and tiring.

>> No.20954149 [DELETED] 

i'm thinkin glowie.

>> No.20954162

because we theorize about what we cant practice.

>> No.20954170

>Lose my virginity in fwb setup
>Teaching me sex
>Always told me to hold her after
>Really enjoy the intimacy and get stupid thoughts we were a couple or something
>Tell her I love her
>Give me the whole "I love you too but not in love with you talk" and tells me im so sweet, how it's natural and that it's important to love your first and that your first loves you too.
>She knows I'm kind of sad about it and when I try ending it she always turns it into a joke saying I don't mean it, starts kissing me all over until I start smiling and shit then seduces me again

Wtf lol. Im all sad about the situation then she has this way to make me feel all happy about it. She's so sweet about everything I can't even be salty. It's so fun being in love with her even if she doesn't feel the same. What should I do?

>> No.20954209

She is using you to feel better about herself because you lack skill and experience in relationships. It gives her satisfaction to look at you as a student and she will never take you seriously. Why are some people so fucked? I know that it seems like you guys are having something genuine, but from the outside it just feels like she is too immature to experience real love and sees love as a competition or someting where it's important how much experience one has.

>> No.20954213

Maybe if y'all stopped theorizing and just worked on yourself without focusing on women, and letting them come as a consequence of that, you would get some bitches on your dick. (I do not support getting bitches or one-night stands, hookups and the like)

>> No.20954214

Its ok anon we get it you're gay

>> No.20954218

Only for books, which is what we're here for.

>> No.20954219

that sounds pretty good. lets theorize about how best to stop theorizing and work on ourself (so long as we focus on the desired outcome of getting women).

>> No.20954226

Are you retarded? Just stop thinking about women, life will present chances where you will meet ones who suit you anyways. If you aren't ugly as fuck, that is.

>> No.20954229

Seconding this >>20954209
You can't judge the situation soberly because you're high on cunt clouds for the first time, but this is emotional exploitation. Virginity should be lost either in genuine relationship or casually to some slut you don't care about, not this toxic charade you've got yourself involved in.

>> No.20954235

but how will I recognize these chances and exploit them (understand that engaging with me in this conversation for so long you have joined in with the hoard of people theorizing about women. being meta about it doesnt change anything).

>> No.20954239

>just worked on yourself without focusing on women, and letting them come as a consequence of that,

Never works like that. You don't understand causality.

>> No.20954247

It does if you follow the golden rule: A) be attractive, B) don't be unattractive.

>> No.20954251

I'm not trying to have a debate about this. I'm trying to explain to you that trying to change yourself FOR women doesn't do any good to you. The only thing that matters is being your honest self and coming to terms with whether that bring women to you or not. Maybe you'll be someone who gets women all the time, or someone who will meet someone only at 30 years of age. I've met so many people that are trying to "game" the system of meeting women. Women aren't there to be "met" as a specific activity in my opinion. You meet them through friends, college, family, etc. I really disagree with the idea of meeting females on purpose, with the goal of having sex or entering a relationship. It blinds you for who you are, and who she is as well. A relationship isn't a goal itself, the person is.

>> No.20954252

>and letting them come as a consequence of that
Women don't approach men, if you expect women to approach you you're a neutered manchild like the ones expecting their parents (or someone else) to do the work for them

>> No.20954256

women have approached me before. 3 times, to be exact

>> No.20954264

Personal anecdote, they do. I'm not particularly good looking, I look okay and I take care of my health and hygiene. I've also never in my life approached a girl solely to go on a date with her. There's always been a period where I've known her for a while. Why would you go on a date with someone who you don't know? Dates are courtship, and you court someone that you know is a good fit for you. I've been approached 4 times in my life (am 20), and the last girl, that I am dating now (planning on marrying) is a girl that I've approached, after knowing her for 2 months. Women are people and you need to realise this before you fuck yourself up for life.

>> No.20954266

I've been approached by many women, about 20 over the years.

>> No.20954267

It depends how intimidating you are. If you appear masculine, solitary, deep voice, etc., they're unlikely to approach. If you're simply ugly, they're also unlikely to approach. See >>20954247

>> No.20954269

Im not trying to have a debate either. I am trying to trap you into theorizing about women on a literature board. I have succeeded and will now continue to not read anymore of your weird effort post about how best to get women. I mean come on. their are more important things in the world to spend your time on...

>> No.20954271

Good one, but it's a general discussion thread and I was steering the conversation away from falling into the usual "uhh hurr durr i need to figure the system out to get women".

>> No.20954275

Also, I wasn't theorizing about women and how to get them, but about how doing that is harmful and stopping you from seeing how it really is in life.

>> No.20954278

i wonder how attractive /lit/ anons are on average. on a similar note, it would be interesting to see the average attractiveness of each board. which would be highest? maybe /fit/

>> No.20954282

i'd be more attractive than all of you niggas. Sseethe

>> No.20954284

nah, i'm ridiculously handsome. like outlandishly, unrealistically handsome. you can't compete sorry mate

>> No.20954285

ok send me your picture along with your workplace address and then we'll see who's more attractive

>> No.20954287

ok post your phone number and social security number and i will send you the information you requested promptly

>> No.20954290

samefagging btw

Also, are there 3 different modes to this captcha? I've only realised this now. 1. with the slider 2. no slider ,already adjusted 3. no verification required (which i'm getting almost always now)

>> No.20954293

>claims to not be theorizing about women
>spent three post making claims that the best way to get women is to work on yourself king in stead of talking about getting women on 4chan
sounds like the postulation of a theory to me. and the fact that you are defending it further means you are in fact theorizing about women... on the internet... with someone who told you out right that he is fucking with you... multiple times.

>> No.20954295

sure just give me your address so i can send it by mail

>> No.20954302

I understand that you're fucking with me, I just want to be clear that you shouldn't think of the best way to get women, but of how to be a more honest and genuine person. Stop thinking about how to get women, how to get more friends. Just think about how to be a better person. Those things are not goals, those things are consequences of life that you either get or don't get. I might stop responding to this after this reply btw.

>> No.20954310


>> No.20954343

I get it, I see it clearly and soberly but when she calls me over it's like stepping in another dimension. We did mushrooms together one time and during the trip I made a vow to her that if I ever get married, that she will always be my truth and how i am going to hide her in me, loving her in secret more than whoever ends up being my wife. And kept going on about betraying my future wife for her and how I'm not going to love them on purpose lol. I even kissed her palms and said I will never do that to another woman not even my wife lmao

It sounds so idiotic but I've never felt so sincere about anything and she found it so funny

>> No.20954347

That's actually fucked up. You need to not be in a relationship for a while bro.

>> No.20954350


>> No.20954354

I’ve noticed the same thing with older women as o myself get older, wtf

>> No.20954366

Lol she said it was beautiful when we were laughing about it but then again we were on shrooms

>> No.20954376

It's really easy to convince someone of something on shrooms. You should be really careful bro. I feel like you're limiting your own self when you are with her.

>> No.20954383

>I feel like you're limiting your own self when you are
What do you mean? She really is a beautiful soul though. I've never felt this way about anyone and highly doubt I will ever be able to replicate it

>> No.20954392

Do you ever feel guilt or stress that you're not good enough for her? Or that you need to give her more attention.

>> No.20954424

Well yeah that's why I posted but she just has this way of turning it positive and having me laughing about stuff again. Like I said, I've tried ending it before a bunch of times but she always knows I'm lying and don't mean it lol. And when I'm stressed whether about us or life stuff she is always so comforting and intimate. Literally does stuff like kisses me all over my face til that feeling goes away

>> No.20954439

what's a premise for an argumentative essay that's really retarded and bad? i want to practice my sophistry

>> No.20954445

i meant prompt

>> No.20954449

It's not worth it man, she manipulating you emotionally. You're hooked to her. When you're feeling good yourself, is she always that nice to you, or does she turn nice when you're feeling like shit? Does she get extra nice and acts like she needs you when you want to leave? I used to be exactly like her and I know how these relationships end, if you're lucky. I don't want to say that me and her are exactly the same but I have a hunch that we're quite similar in how I used to be. Trust me man, it will hurt but you need to have no contact anymore. Don't believe the lie you're telling yourself that she's unique and you'll never find anything like her. I can't even explain how much better a healthy relationship feels like, even though in the beginning it'll take some getting used to. Love isn't something that comes to you and is intoxicating. True love requires a lot of effort on both parts. Love is a choice that you keep making every day. Are you willing to make the choice to sacrifice a part of yourself every day for the rest of your life for her, for someone who wants you to never truly love anyone else, even if you find someone? Will you sacrifice yourself every day for someone who doesn't love you back and finds you loving them silly? Don't lose yourself in this, brother.

>> No.20954459
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I have began to enjoy reading in public and have had several great conversations with people in book shops and cafes. About politics, world-views and current events.

>> No.20954466

i drank way too much coffee. i've got the jitters, and bad. what do

>> No.20954467

I have twin nieces 3 years old. At what age should I gift them war and peace and Anna karenina?

>> No.20954469

you were supposed to read it to them aloud when they were 2 years old. it's over, anon.

>> No.20954471
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Go for a run or lift weights.

>> No.20954476


>> No.20954504

Broke up with her. I dont feel sad for her as a person, but because I won't have someone to send memes to for a while. She was old, I need a 16 year old to have summer love with.

>> No.20954509

Furries being able to wear their costumes to work.

>> No.20954514 [DELETED] 
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Good man.

>> No.20954519
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Good man.

>> No.20954523

This is by far the most retarded philosophy I've ever encountered.
>man builds character through suffering and pain.
>what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Lol no. Suffering will traumatize you. Turn you into a shell of your former self. Suck out your soul and then leave you desperate and depressed.

The most successful people. Those who lead the good life never had to suffer. Sure they had goals and they worked for it but things just simply lined up for them.

>> No.20954539
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This is what weak people think. Life is suffering and hardship, it is the only thing in life you can be sure of. Overcoming it and living is the greatest joy to be had. Because a rare few are in the position to avoid most hardship does not mean the 99% do as well.

>> No.20954553

This is what he truth is. What weak people really do is glamorize their own suffering as if life is some shonen anime where you can collect experience points and level up.

The guys who didn't go through childhood poverty and trauma? Yup, they are the ones fucking bitches while driving sports cars, with an Ivy degree to boot. That chick who now owns a million dollar company? Almost never had to face real failures in life and had such backing which made ger bold enough to take steps.

And its not even about material success. People who didn't suffer to their environments simply lead better more content and peaceful lives.

>> No.20954556

It's not about suffering. It's about living. Sitting behind a computer screen, sipping coffee, and posting on anonymous boards, isn't living, and everyone knows this implicitly. And the problem with all that is in a world where people need something to live for, and they can't live for God like they used to, a vital conception of the world, the person, and the person's life within it is the closest you can get. If you don't go in that direction, you've not only distance yourself from God, but from life itself. And what do you have left then? Nothing, but sort of vague progressive hopes that one day you'll overcome these, but you won't, not while you're human.

>> No.20954559

"america was built by women"

>> No.20954562

post body

>> No.20954563

I was commenting on the meme. Not your post.

>> No.20954566

Why? Want to jack off?

>> No.20954574

There is no life without God. It is not too late to believe in God and live a religious life. To whoever turns away God assigns a satan, that will tell the person that they are on the right path. Then upon death the matter will be made clear, and there will be no distance great enough the person will wish was between him and the satan, but it will be too late, he will have had the chances he was supposed to have. There is no "other". Worshiping yourself in lieu of worshiping God is just satanism. "Life itself", this is a lie.

>> No.20954586

I'm not making a case for or against God. I'm only pointing out that, logically, if you don't have God, and you don't have some sort of vital outlook, you don't have anything. That's not to say that vitality can replace God, or that the absence of God isn't also nothing, but only that the absence of both is without a doubt nothing.

>> No.20954590


>> No.20954593

But to be clear, vitalism need not be man-worship or humanism. If anything, it's closer to a view of man-for-God than man-for-man simply because it places something above man.

>> No.20954594

The (non) "white" latin american

In between paranoid rants, a victim complex and racist slurs the white latin american decides he wants to migrate, carefully, researching his ancestry, a mixture of andalucians, sicilians and mistery meat criollos in search of a italian grandparent to get a citizenship he finds out he has a native american great grandparent... now, paranoia has invaded his mind, growing like a weed trough his psyche, the immense fear now has brought upon him a curse; self awareness, he starts looking himself on the mirror and notices, his hair is dark, and so are his eyes, he has dark circles too... his features do not resemble those of anglosaxons, then what is he? Is this because of the native dna? he wonders, on search of an answer he finds out a cope, "europeans can also have dark features", "yeah, that 12 or 6% is not enough to be non-white... right? Finnish people is white and 10% asian too right? haha".

wishing he was purer, he swallows it, hiding his fear, and now his skin too, he starts carefully avoiding the sun and covering each inch of his body, like a dead, crippled and diseased sick man trying to escape from the unbearable shame of his sallow "olive" skin, rotting piece by piece in represed fears and anxiety.

finally the paperwork is finished, he got his citizenship, and he's ready to move, while he walks by to the airport, a triracial favellado steals his phone, but he's too weak and scared to fight back, so he retails in fear while his phone is being robbed, after all, he's "white", he never got the benefits of being brown enough to not be robbed and have hood knowledge.

he carries on and reachs the airport, takes his plane and... he finally arrived to the place of his dreams, Germany... but Germans break his soul as soon as he arrives; they ask him in broken english... "are you a turk?", his eyes are now completely empty, devoid of light, for the white latin american was never white, but a despicable wop

>> No.20954596
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>People who didn't suffer to their environments simply lead better more content and peaceful lives

Not true. Suffering is not all terrible, hardship is a better word as suffering implies victimhood. Those who have known hardship or difficulty and overcome it lead more fulfilling lives. This is why comfortable middle clas families have the highest rates of suicide, self-harm and substance abuse. If life was as you say, there would be no reason for this, in fact the reverse would be true.

Overcoming adversity provides the greatest reward, our brain chemistry supports this. Material pleasures, cars, food, video games, they always fade in time and suffer diminishing returns but a hard won struggle can last a life time.

This is how children and women think. You are the Last Man. I have great contempt for your mindset.

>> No.20954598

>Then upon death the matter will be made clear

If he had any balls he would've done it right now. There's such an accute lack of justice in this world and such a great human need for it that we imagine justice. No one should waste their mental space and their lives over this

>> No.20954614
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Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

>> No.20954615

>Those who have known hardship or difficulty and overcome it lead more fulfilling lives.

Sure. Easy to say sitting behind a computer when you don't have to walk 10kms daily in a desert just to get some water. Your pseudo-machismo bullshit can only convince comfortable teenagers to do some pushups, nothing more.

Adversity is just that.... Adversity. The more you have it the objectively worse it will be. Period. It will impede your progress, create problems and setbacks. Force you to remain stuck and not able to progress.

And the idea that it'll chiselle you into something stronger is laughable. Most people who go through real shit lose a part of them by the end. Meanwhile look at those who never suffer, never face adversity. Things work out for them naturally. They are bold and strong and rich and full of life. Look at their beautiful faces as they laugh their lives away. Better jobs, better careers, better home lives, better everything. Especially a better healthy psyche.

>> No.20954622

The most miserable I've ever been in my life is when I was the most comfortable.

>> No.20954652

brainlet tranny argument

>> No.20954673
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>Sure. Easy to say sitting behind a computer when you don't have to walk 10kms daily in a desert just to get some water. Your pseudo-machismo bullshit can only convince comfortable teenagers to do some pushups, nothing more.

Because we have conquored the basic means of life does not mean i live a life without struggle, because Africans have been unable to locate water in their homelands until we showed them demonstrates the need to reject comfort and bliss.

>Adversity is just that.... Adversity. The more you have it the objectively worse it will be. Period. It will impede your progress, create problems and setbacks. Force you to remain stuck and not able to progress
Aversity needs to be overcome continually otherwise we end up like you. Unable to overcome what you should be able to, unable to bear stress or discomfort. This is shown in the rearing of children, placing them just beyond the threshold of their comfort zone provides immense benefits.

> the idea that it'll chiselle you into something stronger is laughable. Most people who go through real shit lose a part of them by the end. Meanwhile look at those who never suffer, never face adversity. Things work out for them naturally.
I am saddened you lacked a role model who showed you how to embrace hardship and tame it. Your arguments boil down to look at these celebrities, they are rich, vital and things work out for them. The entire world is designed to make you think that when inside it is a rotten, manufactured hellscape of fake human beings pretending it is real.

Same, i loathed myself and that among other things motivated me to change.

>> No.20954677

just what i was looking for. this is going to be tough but i'll give it a shot

>> No.20954681

neet days are over.
moving out (at 30) out of the parents place and into the rent wagie arc. tough times ahead

>> No.20954687
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Take comfort in that fact, Brother. Id strongly advise meal prepping. Good luck to you.

>> No.20954691

it's your transformation arc. you will become a seasoned soul and more complex man.
then when you're 50 you'll finally write your epic novel. think of it like you're dosto on his way to siberia

>> No.20954692

it's all hopeless, there is no real reason to get out of the bed, to do anything

>> No.20954694

Holy shit, has anyone here taken any creative writing classes in university? I have unfortunately signed up for some and they are terrible.
>Positive feedback is heavily stressed, negative feedback is discouraged
>students put about five minutes into critique letters with simple thoughts like "This was good, I liked this part, etc."
>in-person critiques is just a bunch back patting and circle jerking over lamely written lines
>Other students' writings are usually shitty fantasy that sounds like fanfiction or just regular badly written fiction that honestly reads like a 5th grader wrote it

I am baffled. There is no actual critique, no actual standards, no actual goal of improving. Why even have these classes? It's just write whatever makes you feel good, and tell your fellow students things that make them feel good during critique. Are writing teachers secretly assholes who don't want to train better writers because they don't want to be replaced?

>> No.20954695

sometimes the weather is beautiful. that gets me out of bed sometimes

>> No.20954702
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There is no real reason to stay in bed then.

>> No.20954717

>because Africans have been unable to locate water in their homelands until we showed them demonstrates the need to reject comfort and bliss.

Pathetic colonial self-wankery again by a guy who never went to Africa. Now that they are mentioned I'm sure all those Congolese who had their hands cut off came out as stronger "ubermensch" after all that suffering.

Or maybe they just died in squalor at the hands of Europeans who were born into 100x the comfort in comparison.

>Aversity needs to be overcome continually otherwise we end up like you.

There is no ontological truth to the idea that adversity and problems can always be overcome. The above example proves it amply. Goals can be achieved without it as well. Infact the less adversity there is the better will it be for achievement of said goals. Unnecessary suffering is just that..... Unnecessary. And its a fact that the people who made it always happen to be those who had the least rocks on their roads.

>I am saddened you lacked a role model who showed you how to embrace hardship and tame it

Yes I'm not a Bourgeou teenager who needs some "redpilled" Guru to tell me to lift weights and invest in stocks. Let alone lie about the nature of suffering in this world and glorify an objectively shitty situation.

>> No.20954718

It's not just creative writing classes- universities realized they could make more money if they dumb every subject down enough that as long as you're average or a little below average you can complete (and pay for) a 4 year degree.

>> No.20954724

I was taught to do a compliment sandwich when critiquing something:
>Say something the author does well
>Say something they could improve on
>Say something else the author does well

>> No.20954726

ha. you're overrating me, anon.

>> No.20954730

I literally cannot understand why everyone here hates women so much.
I used to "hate" women back in high school because they weren't like my anime waifus (which frustrated me) and because I was too shy to talk to the really hot ones. But that was that, it never went beyond me being sexually frustrated, and the more I think about it, the less I can hate women:
Men have done me much more harm across my life than women.
Men commit much more crime (magnitudes more brutal as well) than women.
I am of the idea that men are better than women overall, but I don't see why the hate for women. I don't undertsand why every religion shits on them so hard, why entire movements exist to hate women.

>> No.20954737

I had a writing class similar to this once. It was actually reasonable.
>Talk about what's working
>then talk about what isn't working, ONLY if you have tips for improvement.

But now, the two "teachers" I have are way too protective over students' feelings.

>> No.20954738
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>> No.20954744

I used to play Counter Strike Source with bots for hours and have so much fun. I had binds to turn on slow motion and stuff and I would just have a blast exploring maps.

>> No.20954745

don't sell yourself short

>> No.20954751
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You can do it. I am encouraged by your bold step, keep taking them.

>> No.20954754

>233 posts
>46 posters
ratios are getting worse

>> No.20954755

45 of them are me. matter of fact, how did you get here?

>> No.20954773

Its not that I hate them. But I do avoid interacting with them so its easy to internalise the hate. I've barely had any positive interactions with women. There's nothing interesting to talk to them about (that goes for 99% of men as well) and they do create suffering

>> No.20954792

>what is a conversation

>> No.20954803

there is, it is easier

>> No.20954838

reading this made me sad. the fact that people actually think this way is deeply depressing. I hope you get better anon.

>> No.20954841


>> No.20954852
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Why would you want ease?

>> No.20954856

is it an intro class? it could very well be that people dont even really know how to constructively critique things. it is a honed skill after all, putting what you think is good or bad into coherent thoughts let alone putting them delicately enough to not hurt a strangers feelings. Wait until you get into higher level writing courses. people in those will tear your ass apart.

>> No.20954861

this is the crux of your dilemma. you only see value in ease. why did you come here and post this? is it not easier to not whine one the internet?

>> No.20954863
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>Pathetic colonial self-wankery again by a guy who never went to Africa.

You are either dark-skinned or a kike, I now understand why you think the way you do.

>> No.20954864

Will learning to code broaden my intellectual horizons at all or is it a pure career move?

>> No.20954868

>I'm sure all those Congolese who had their hands cut off came out as stronger "ubermensch" after all that suffering.
Idk but it probably stopped them from stealing.

>> No.20954871

depends. the more theoretical parts can be intellectually stimulating but nobody but professors in university and some autists cares about that.

>> No.20954872

been learning C for the past few months and it has been really fun. i like being schizo with it, trying to create associations between the coding and what i know about philosophy (for instance, trying to create a perfect function that embodies the platonic form of it's task, then combining those functions to see how the forms can build heirarchies). i'd say it's broadened my intellectual horizons, i guess. it's also just a fun side thing to do

>> No.20954876

it can help with re conceptualizing problems to make them more manageable and understanding code language does make understanding how tech works much easier. It can also be a gateway to linear algebra and definitely logic since if then statements are literally And statements. obviously you will have to make the connections yourself, wrote memorization will always only lead to competency in regurgitation.

>> No.20954878

Im a Virgo.

>> No.20954884


>> No.20954887

I was born in September.

>> No.20954900
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have sex

>> No.20954916

Thanks, these are encouraging answers. Makes it a little more exciting

>> No.20954928

yeah but I mean like, why do you integrate that into your identity?

>> No.20954945

I don't want to work. I don't want to acquire marketable skills. I just want to lie in bed all day.

>> No.20954956
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The Last Man.

>> No.20954958

why do you want to lie in bed all day?

>> No.20954965

Its the simple truth. Of course to notice things about this world one would be required to leave their bedrooms, so I can see where all this veneration for pain is coming from.

>White guys who were born into comfort and luxury cuting off hands of hundreds of thousands of congolese who were born into struggle is perfectly justifiable

The comfortable upper class white guy in his colonial mansion destroys the lives of millions of struggling africans who live in huts. If that doesn't prove my theory I don't know what does. I don't need to be a shitskin to notice this basic fact.

More colonial self wankery by losers

>> No.20954969

I don't see value only in ease, I enjoy struggle and hard work, but as long as there is a goal or a reward at the end of it.
The thing is that everything seems uncertain and most likely to fail no matter what I try.

>> No.20954971

You will work, you will be thinking about adding several new marketable skills later in your free time or while on the clock, and you will only use your bed for sleeping and sex. You will persevere and die when your time comes.

>> No.20954976

if things fail are you going to be worse off than if you never tried in the first place?

>> No.20954980

I think you probably want something else, you are just not being honest with yourself.

>> No.20954994
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>The comfortable upper class white guy in his colonial mansion destroys the lives of millions of struggling africans who live in huts. If that doesn't prove my theory I don't know what does. I don't need to be a shitskin to notice this basic fact.

Why does one race have a confortable house and the other has a hut made of mud? Because one tree rejected comfort and dared to tame the land around him. Same as he did when he owned Africa, now that we returned Africa to the natives, its a starving, dangerous hell.

>> No.20955012

reading your posts makes me think you are a bot of some kind. all this binary thinking. not all suffering is life ruining just the same as not all suffering is constructive. some things you cant come back from. that does not mean that suffering is not necessary for growth. it just means that not all suffering is useful for growth. you could argue that any suffering that can be constructive isnt real suffering but then you are arguing over the definition of a term. and I do t care to indulge in such pedantic faggotry.

>> No.20955044

A rickshaw puller in the streets of Indonesia struggles daily physically under scorching heat , earning like 2$ tops for it. He can barely save any of it after food, rent and bills. He can't send his children to school. And whatever he saves goes to paying back his debts. He lives in constant fear of the wrath of police, government and his own customers. He wants to quit but this is all he has. The constant struggle is close to breaking his spirit.

Today's he's pulling the young fair daughter of a top ranking Army officer. She never physically exerted herself besides in the gym to get those nice thighs. She was always intelligent and had the best tutors to prepare her. She managed to get into one of the top institutes in the country(infact that's where she's going right now.) . Since she never had to face much struggle besides studies she's bold and charismatic and confident in herself(instead of meak and submissive and unsure of herself) . She's decent looking and in college she becomes the chick that every guy vies over. Her confidence gets further boosts since life is always good. She's not afraid to take risks.

Eventually her easily happy attitude and good aptitude gets her a leadership role in a top advertising firm. She can easily make more money than 70% of her country that too working in an AC cabin. But she has other dreams. She saves some money and leaves her job to become a YouTube star. There's literally nothing to lose, she has all the money she'll ever need and the company will hire her back anytime. It starts rough but slowly and steadily she gains followership and within a couple years becomes a small scale celebrity.

>> No.20955051

I saw a bloke today who reminded me so much of myself. I pitied him more than the tramp high on heroin on the street corner. Why?

>> No.20955052
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You are responsible for placing your own goal and reward at the end. You do not value those out before you because another has put them there. Think, over the course of a few days or weeks, what a worthile goal for yourself would be. Then strive to bring it to fruition.

>> No.20955059


But fags like >>20954994
And >>20955012
Will actually tell you that pain and suffering is a good thing in life and turn you into some kind of "greek god ubermensch"

>> No.20955061

Currently pooping on the clock.

>> No.20955065

it's because women usually play a hidden role in all the crimes or violence committed by men to you or historically. They will intentionally set up men to fight over them and incite violence.

'Hoes get horny, niggas die' - Tupac

'I keep my head, both of them where they supposed to be
Hoes'll get you sidetracked then clap from close feet' - Jay Z

Beyond this they actively corrupt the 'father' in man. Just look at men who begin to understand and mold themselves into the woman's ideal. They become obsessed with money at all costs, tatted up (women live in a myth of symbols and images), violent, vain, promoscious etc. To be fair these traits appeal to the most to directionless, fatherless women but they do in general trigger the most based brain of a women. The point is that women can bring out from man, his most worst qualities and actively draw him away from the patriarchal project that is long term and dutiful.

>> No.20955078
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>Will actually tell you that pain and suffering is a good thing in life and turn you into some kind of "greek god ubermensch"

No, you stupid kike. Why do you keep changing what is being told to you? Are you truly retarded or just wish misery on people?

Adversity musy be overcome, continued refusal or inability to overcome adversity is what leads to your point of view.

>> No.20955080

Ah the "my relatively positive situation is a result of some individual exertion of will and not circumstances completely outside anyone's control in which I was just a free agent who was at the right place at the right time and did the right thing" fallacy

Also the "i am a sum collective of my race" fallacy.

Its funny how these guys become le heckin free individuals when it suits them and then become their own race when it doesn't.

>> No.20955098

>Are you truly retarded or just wish misery on people?

>telling people to literally glorify their pain.

>Why does one race have a confortable house and the other has a hut made of mud? Because one tree rejected comfort and dared to tame the land around him. Same as he did when he owned Africa, now that we returned Africa to the natives, its a starving, dangerous hell.

I'm sure this is what the fat colonial born to aristocrats who lived an oppulent life in the city told himself as he ordered his men to cut off arms of every man woman and child.

>> No.20955109
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This is why you were colonized.

>> No.20955116

That anon is 100% white, only white people are that obtuse.

>> No.20955122

He's a SEA creature.

>> No.20955141

>Nazi lib is getting trashed again
>can’t move on. “But this is my only home. I got nowhere else to go!”

>> No.20955148
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>> No.20955155

Picky eater -> poor diet -> low energy. I have slowly tried to eat healthier even if I dislike the taste but it eating for sustenance makes my depression worse.
I think I care too much about what my parents think to pursue what I (think) I want. They would rather have me take over the family business than let me starve doing what I like.
I know not everyone can work at what they like, but at least they can cope with alcohol/drugs or use their families as motivation. I can't do that.

>> No.20955163

getting into archeogenetics desu
breddy interesting

>> No.20955165

Both of you live under a delusion that's all I can say. I will go on to challenge maxims like

>struggles create a man
>pain Chisels you into a God
>what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

everywhere. I know how appealing these things could be to a weak faggoty lower class creature who wishes to conjure some control over his circumstances when there isn't much of it. Pure slave morality mindset

Meanwhile the rich powerful beautiful and strong will keep on living their lives with minimal road blocks

>> No.20955180

This isn’t what feminism is. This is IDpol again. A liberal button to rattle the chuds. They want you rattled and demoralized. Death and destruction at the hands of such fools is a side effect they actually want.
Twinkie brains like you fall for it

>> No.20955188

Nah, you're being deliberately, if not disingenuously, obtuse. People are born in this world into both far better and far worse circumstances than you or I. That does not mean that one does not, through productive struggle, develop as a person.

>but richer people have it better and poorer people have it worse
Does not matter. I am talking about internal, personal development and growth. Struggling and overcoming struggle is an essential part of that.

>> No.20955197
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How do I get better at composition? I won't be satisfied until my writing is overcomplicated and verbose enough to make picrel proud

>> No.20955210

I struggle not solely because I wish to grow stronger, but mostly because there is nothing beyond the struggle but the never-ending void. Giving up on struggling means accepting death.

So I'll continue struggling like a worm under the sun till I die.

>> No.20955230
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>Notes From Underground, the poster.

>> No.20955244

>through productive struggle, develop as a person.

I reject the thesis that struggle leads to developement in the first place. There are countless examples. Those who struggle the most also happen to the ones in most squalor. "Productive" is the only relevant keyword here. Anyway I'm out,

>> No.20955263

I was thinking about romance. I have seen how special it is to write characters together that genuinely love each other, and never give up no matter what. Loyal, Compassionate, and Intimate until the end. I don't see this being written anymore, it seems people value deceit, lies, and unfaithfulness as entertainment in stories, and if not that, tragedy or misery, or betrayal.

Why can't romance be simple and delightful for these authors? Why do people prefer to be miserable and sobering, when they can be imaginative, and fun, and happy? So many people hate happy endings, especially in writing when it is trumped up as cliché and boring.

>> No.20955264

You reject the idea of evolution by natural selection?

>> No.20955270

You're worried about something that is silly. This woman looks beautiful, so I think you should be more focused on what's inside as opposed to outside.

>> No.20955276

He means personal development, you nonce.

>> No.20955278

I hate being a wagecuck

>> No.20955283

Based, i just found out about those massage videos recently

>> No.20955284

I think about this a lot. Only solution is to write and read happy romances ourselves.

>> No.20955296

You're braindead if you can't relate the two. He rejects the idea of struggle as a positive despite knowing this is how life fundamentally works. Why are you special? How are you going to advance if there's nothing pushing you to advance? There's no way to say this kind of shit and not be utterly retarded.

>> No.20955305

Future generations will be born with the urge of mutilating theit genitals and the parents will help them do it

>> No.20955311

does it ever get better or is this all there is

>> No.20955315

The jump in femcels comes from transwomen who went from being M to F but who still can't get laid

>> No.20955330

My brother in Christ, I'm sorry to tell you, this is false equivalence. The functions of gene selection in nature are not directly comparable to the functions of personal growth. While I agree that struggle tends to facilitate personal development, your analogy is as broken as your swollen prostate undoubtedly is.

>> No.20955334
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That actually makes a great deal of sense.

>> No.20955336

>Future generations will be born

>> No.20955337

thought that was eminem at first

>> No.20955345
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>Literally Social-Darwinism

>> No.20955346

>are not directly comparable
Why not retard?
The environment creates the pressures I have to respond to. If there is no pressure I have no need to maintain anything. Organisms degenerate and individuals become lazy retards like all you faggots.

>> No.20955354

I think you need to re-read my post.

>> No.20955356

post 9/11 America

>> No.20955360

Cicero's pretty direct and precise. Lawyer after all.

>> No.20955366

is it possible that you are low testosterone? maybe testosterone and vitamin D and B complex supplements could help with your energy problems. I also suffer from a chronic fatigue condition and vitamin D and B complex have helped me a little bit. Im sorry your love for your parents makes you feel like a slave to their whims. Not much I can suggest for that instead of dont let that happen. If your parents are worthy of the affection you have for them they will be happier to see you succeed at something that is your own rather than what they set up for you, even if they dont realize it right away. Though I know this is easier said by an outsider and dont really know your situation that well. I hope you can figure it out anon.

>> No.20955369

last post

>> No.20955370

>Why not retard?
I think you dropped this -----> ,
Because they both have features not shared by the other.

>> No.20955372

You're not engaging, just pretending I said they were the exact same thing. The same principle applies like I explained in detail and you're too dumb to talk about.

>> No.20955376

there are also countless examples that it does. some of them biological (body building, immune strength etc). Its a hard fact to deny.

>> No.20955380
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Gene selection is tantamount to meme selection, meme being in the Dawkins sense. Being exposed to difficult circumstances increases the likelihood of an organism to better adapt to its enviroment. Be it behavioral or biological, one affects the other.

A highschool biology pupil could explain this so you.

>> No.20955385

not him but isn't supplementing testosterone a bad idea? i think roids fuck with your natural testosterone production after you stop taking them. might be a bad idea in the long term

>> No.20955386

Next thread.

>> No.20955399

That's good point, actually.
I think that most of this feeling in my mind boils down to a psychological defense against regreting. I get stuck in this anxiety of going for one goal only to find out that I wasted time and energy into a dumb dead cause and that I should have gone for something else. I fear taking decisions and actions because I fear regretting them when it is already too late.
At the same time, this is all paradoxal since not taking any action at all waiting for the perfect answer to miraculously come to me out of somewhere is the worst decision since it is obvious that things will be a lot worse if I do nothing and I only have any chance of improving my life if I do anything instead of rotting until I die.

>> No.20955405

In modern environment how would you even know something is a date?

>> No.20955409

Indeed. We can write the stories, and be the happy endings we want to see, then continue to live in the end, in the wish fulfilled.

>> No.20955421

I think the clinical consensus is that if you are proved to be bad at naturally producing testosterone then adding it cant hurt because the usual side effect is that it makes you bad at naturally producing testosterone. dont quote me on that but I know that my doc said that if I showed low T he was going to put me on supplements of testosterone. Unfortunately have something that doesnt have such an easy solution (its some kind of acute narcolepsy that I just throw caffein and vitamins at).

>> No.20955435
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Id have to check the packaging or the format or the genitles.

>> No.20955437

exactly. That fear is hard to get over but the more you succeed the easier it is, thats why people say start small. you build confidence through competence which starts with being able to do the little things first. good luck anon. I hope your situation improves.

>> No.20955491

No one here reads enough to be able to spoil them

>> No.20955499

>There is no longer this spirit of belonging in classes of today.
Was there ever? Wasnt it always just a hollywood trope

>> No.20955515

Ive noticed captchas have been getting more difficult lately. Anyone else?

>> No.20955590

in about 27 years time

>> No.20956163

I'm reading a book on the philosophy of physics and am debating in my head whether it would be worth creating a thread on it. I'm worried I wouldn't be able to give adequate answers to anons asking questions but the info in the book is super interesting and I think anons might enjoy it.

>> No.20956377

Do it anon

>> No.20957007
