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20954168 No.20954168 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good book I could read together with my gf on our train while travelling? Something short, maybe romantic, relaxing... we both like the classics, my favorite author is Faulkner, hers is Dostoevsky, we're going to be riding the train for some 6 hours through all manners of countrysides, over rivers and lakes and I just wanna surprise her with a book while being huddled together.
Thanks in advance!

>> No.20954176

>through all manners of countrysides, over rivers and lakes
Drop the books and just look outside, you ain't getting that kind of experience that often.

>> No.20954241

Quit LARPing. You aren't really doing any of those things

>> No.20954255

Dante's Paradiso, she can pretend she is Beatrice.

>> No.20954257
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you sound like a massive faggot bruh but no worries tell your girlfriend to read pic related to boost your testosterone and become a man of value

>> No.20954268

My twisted world

>> No.20954277

I’ll use this thread to ask. What is LARPing?

>> No.20954283

LARPing means pretending to be someone or something you're not, for example OP pretending to not be a faggot

>> No.20954286

Thanks for being the only sane person in the thread..

>> No.20954298

Ok enough with the trolling, you could read Tristan and Isolde, it's as romantic as it gets and fairly short. Should be good to do in 6 hours, my friend

>> No.20954329

You have a gf? How did you do that? Please I need step by step instructions

>> No.20955717


>> No.20955734

The New Testament (Douay Rheims Version)

>> No.20955737


>> No.20955738

The Kreutzer Sonata by Tolstoy. Whole thing happens on a train, and would be perfect for a couple.

>> No.20955756

rape her. women get turned on by pain anyways, so its best just to cut to the chase.

>> No.20955848


>> No.20956032

little prince

>> No.20956176

Obviously not by acting like you are right now.

>> No.20957285


>> No.20957564
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>> No.20957612

Honestly you can find lit about any old place in Europe. Just get something translated from the local region. What nation are u going thru?

>> No.20957674

Roleplaying basically

>> No.20957767

ok ok what else?

>> No.20957773

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.20957779
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>> No.20957787
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>> No.20957803
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>> No.20957816
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If you're going to travel through the countryside and nature, then just look outside the window and enjoy the view, you faggoty nerd. Not reading a book for 6 hours isn't going to kill you and your girlfriend. Enjoy your time away from the degeneracy of city life and globohomo clownworld as much as you can.

>> No.20957822
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Start with a club.

>> No.20957843

>posting that image
>my gf

>> No.20957845


>> No.20957855

Seconding CotC. The idea of a guy sitting down with his girlfriend and reading that epic of schizophrenic insanity is the funniest possibility in this thread.

>> No.20957861

Live Action Role Playing.
For the sake of simplicity, I'll give you a reductionist description:
"LARP" originally refers to what is essentially RPGs but you use your real life body and swing a prop sword instead of moving minis and rolling dice.
Now it can also refer to people who are pretending to be someone they're not, usually online and just because they enjoy playing make-believe. They don't always realize they're LARPing. An example is political extremists insisting they're going to form a group of resistance fighters and start getting violent, even posting pictures of themselves with tacticool gear, but never do.

>> No.20958102
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Dead Souls is a fun read

>> No.20958306

This. There's a time for everything anon.