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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.31 MB, 2550x3225, luxleftedit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20948632 No.20948632 [Reply] [Original]

we all know that leftism is deplorable but what can i read that will go deep into why it is utterly and completely false in every sense of the word? i don't want defenses of right wing thought. it's self evident that rightism is correct and doesn't need defending. i want violent eviscerations of leftism on all fronts

>> No.20948640

you sound like a teenager

>> No.20948642
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>> No.20948651

Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

>> No.20948657
File: 99 KB, 662x1000, 61F86gkH36L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government - Glenn Beck
Godless: The Church of Liberalism - Ann Coulter
The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the Left - Dinesh D'Souza
Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us - Donald Trump Jr.

>> No.20948660

12 Rules for Life

>> No.20948667
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pic related

>> No.20948679

the absolute state

>> No.20948700

boomers DO NOT read, so who the hell os the audience for these?

>> No.20948713

Just read what they write. Nothing is funnier than seeing Marcuse try to claim that the reason we don't have socialism is the sexual repression of the proletariat.

>> No.20948724

Just follow left-twitter and watch all the infighting. There’s no one tract you can read to understand just how dumb it is, since each individual tract *sounds* good, but only in self-defeating dialectical-retarded in-fighting action can you understand its bottomless stupidity.

They listen to audiobooks

>> No.20948742

Trump jr. looks like Dave Rubin.

>> No.20948756

this is accurate. I used to be more or less left wing in my opinions and as I got older I spent more and more time around supposedly like minded people. I had been exposed to a fair share of right wing propaganda, much of it on YouTube, the so-called alt right pipeline. None of it ever convinced me. But spending time around leftists? That's what did it. There's nothing that will make a thinking person realize how completely braindead leftists and their ideas are than actually being around them. They're incredibly effective radicalizers, but not in the way they would like to be.
People like the god awful youtuber thoughtslime are not outliers. they are the typical leftist m I knew many people like him in real life and these individuals have made me into a rabid reactionary.
read the major thinkers of modern day leftism, they do a better job at demolishing leftism than any right winger ever could

>> No.20948761

The traditionalists are your only option. Julius Evola, Guido De Giorgio, René Guenon, Gaston Georgel, Elémire Zolla, Mircea Eliade, Carl Gustav Jung, Johan Huizinga, Giorgio Colli, Robert Hughes, Clive Staples Lewis, Sergio Quinzio, Konrad Lorenz, Nikolai Berdyaev, Ezra Pound, Romano Guardini, Joseph Ratzinger.

>> No.20948774

Literature itself is kind of right wing. Leftists would tell you a cave painting made by aboriginal Australians is of the same value, and if anything we should have less literature because it's oppressive.

>> No.20948779

Exactly this, the *average* leftist is actually insane. It sounds reasonable, as the implicit ideology we were all socialized into, but it's actually confronting to it that'll show you how schizophrenic it is. Sadly this allows some people to cope: "I still hold to the ideas, I'm just not insane like the others!" (see: Destiny).

>> No.20948796

Any anecdotes?

>> No.20948802

check out Christianity and Culture by Eliot

>> No.20948809
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>> No.20948817

RIP Barbara Ehrenreich. She was weak, but PMC is a good theory.

>> No.20948825

that pic has nothing to do with the post you're replying to

>> No.20948838

so can you explain how Destiny is a leftist when he supports capitalism and liberalism which are two things that leftists shit on all the time

>> No.20948847

Correct, the absolute state is something the anti-left are concerned with fighting

>> No.20948848

Not the guy you’re replying to but leftists reveal themselves to be completely pathetic people without any semblance of a soul if you spend enough time following their accounts or getting to know one irl. They shroud themselves in an armor of excuses and explanations for why they are poor, weak, bad at school, working a shitty job, unable to get laid by a person of conventional attractiveness. You begin to realize that the reason they come up with so many “analyses” of “late capitalism,” the inherent CIA-backed pro-capitalist “biases of academia,” and why they are all agender/troon/whatever is out of pure cope from being a total failure. Don’t get me wrong, (((capitalism))) does run the media/academic institutions and shoves its liberal propaganda in every crevice of American-led western culture it can find, but the reasons why we don’t like that and why they don’t like that are completely different. They are secretly anti-civilizational parasites who hope everything crashes and mankind perishes before everyone collectively realizes their cope-motivated grift. I may not be saying anything you don’t already know about the average antifa scumfuck, but I’m saying this extends to every single lifelong marxist no matter how seemingly sophisticated or intelligent.

Also they completely lack an aesthetic sense and are utterly uncreative and imaginative. This is very significant to me because it shows they would be incapable of creating another society and a new culture. “Proletarian” art is always empty vacuous trash. Which is humorous because leftists always try to claim the arts. The true artists of history are almost always cancellable types with “petit bourgeois” consciousness who are far too individualistic to ever be accepted by the true dyed in the wool communist.

>> No.20948850

internalised right wing values.

>> No.20948859

> we are against leftism
> picrel is peak rightism
both politics are shit and we should seek for something better, fucking dumb /pol/ack

>> No.20948860

> They shroud themselves in an armor of excuses and explanations for why they are poor, weak, bad at school, working a shitty job, unable to get laid by a person of conventional attractiveness.
So the horseshoe theory was right all along

>> No.20948865
File: 103 KB, 1170x947, venture backed anti-capitalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all PMC and lumpen attack dogs of the DNC.
They hate capitalism because they don't want to be dependant on capitalists, but have immense contempt for the working class.

>> No.20948867

Basically except centrists are shit as well. The truth is not apolitical normieism but Culture beyond politics.

>> No.20948882
File: 765 KB, 1170x1511, 7C80E75C-0187-41A3-87DD-D43DD7214F1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting screenshots of Twitter is a valid critique of political thought

>> No.20948885

Current society behavior looks like modern art - they all larp as artist seeking for something new, everyone feels like another Malevich's bastard, but actually just replaying the same idea for million times, there is a quote in Odessa 'when whores stop delivering profit you should not change a sign, you should change bitches'.

>> No.20948888

not really anything interesting, since these people are themselves very uninteresting, but I'll give you one. but remember, this shit isn't particular exciting or anything.
basically I was hanging around with this white homo who was part of my friend group, he was actually kind of fun to be around most of the time. So he's white and gay (actually bi but tomato tomahto), I'm half middle eastern half white and straight. Despite being very accepting of faggots and even trannies at the time, I still used the word gay as a term of disapproval, i.e. that episode of some show was fucking gay. He never seemed to mind that. He also fucked trannies from time to time, to which I'd jokingly sometimes say you're so fucking gay. all fun and jokes. But before you think it was just me making borderline homophobic jokes all the time and him never saying anything of the sort, know that this motherfucker would spout super anti lgbt shit just as a goof. calling gays degenerate, saying he doesn't pass about any trans woman that came up in conversation, shit like that. he did that often with me and all the fucking time with the gay friends in our circle and he tolerated it when i did it to some extent.
So, that's all fine. But like I said, I'm half middle eastern. I'm a minority technically speaking, although you wouldn't 100% be sure if you just looked at me and didn't know my name. Let me tell you, god forbid if I ever made any racist joke. That was an absolute no go. and it wouldn't even be anything super offensive like sandnigger, where you could make an argument that it's not okay to say that because it includes the word nigger, no it could be more or less harmless shit like towel head, or gook, or beaner. shit like that. he'd tell me i can't do that. when I'd cite someone like zizek for instance who would say we shouldn't take things like this seriously, if we're loose about things like that, the slurs actually lose some of their impact, the response would be "hurrr if we don't use slurs the real racists win" that hurr is an actual quote btw and note added by me.
at some point I just had enough of the hypocrisy of this white guy telling me, an actual minority who experienced racism and discrimination as a kid in my very aryan town, that I don't know what discrimination is and that I should learn from my experiences. like go fuck yourself white boy, don't tell me how to deal with the racism i experienced. and furthermore how the fuck is it okay for you to do that but not for me?
anyway i gradually stopped associating with him and it followed that i stopped associating with that group entirely. not just based on that but tons upon tons of storied similar to that regarding different issues. not to mention the retarded youtube videos i watched that just convinced me further that leftism is, in the words of Lenin, an infantile disorder.
fuck leftoids

>> No.20948894

Yep it's 100% true. Leftists have flanderized themselves to an extreme degree.
Just look at what's happened with J.K. Rowling for the perfect example. Rowling is and has always been a leftist yet she is not quite leftist enough is she. You can look like a leftist, walk like a leftist, talk like a leftist... ah but if you don't drink like a leftist on tuesday, sorry but you're out. It only takes one. This is the ideology of an unstable extremist. Dissent is not tolerated. That's all there is to it.

>> No.20948907

I was making a joke but in general I agree with you. There is not a single political position that addresses the main problems of humanity

>> No.20948924

nta but they shit on it all the time yes, but they're completely subsumed in both. leftists are very hypocritical in reality. just look at hasan piker. in the 2v2 debate with nick fuentes, sargon, destiny and himself, hasan said that profit is theft. (verbatim quote btw. not out of context. just thrown out as basically a one liner. sorry no timestamp atm) but every single day he profits off of other people's videos he watches on stream and buys a fucking 3 million dollar house and then he actually gets the people that pay for it to unironically spout "socialism is when no house" in defense of him. same with liberalism. trannies and faggots are a product of liberal society. actual socialist or communist governments were never in favor of such bullshit. but one wouldn't know that if the only people educating one about politics are hasan piker and his ilk.

>> No.20948931

>that profit is theft
buys a mention in California

>> No.20948932


People who define themselves by what they are not do so because they cannot defend what they are...
....or because they know deep inside they are nothing.

>> No.20948933

>everyone against leftism is a stupid/pol/tard
typical leftoid. everyone to the right of you is a nazi, we get it

>> No.20948937


>> No.20948939


>> No.20948946

ouch. i was wrong all along. hail leftism

>> No.20948961
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anon be honest with me did you just reply to yourself with "based" thinking nobody would notice

>> No.20948966
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>> No.20948969

>posting screenshots of Twitter is a valid critique of
the twitter Left, yes.
You can post screenshots of fascist trannies all you want, I'm not on their side anyway.

>> No.20948973

No, I'm not that anon, I actually think he brought a valid point into the thread, otherwise a good thread. I don't disagree with the anons above, I just think he said something brilliant.

>> No.20948980
File: 46 KB, 614x198, index333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

discord is better for such purposes, it's from midjourney developers server

>> No.20948983

Leftists are scared of reality. They care about race much more than non-leftists.

>> No.20948990
File: 16 KB, 451x421, 1644629178583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon be honest with me did you just lie to me

>> No.20948993

The absolute state of Burgerlit

>> No.20948994

why are you guys are obsessing over a bunch of mentally ill losers with very little power in the real world because they're terminally online on Discord and Twitter

>> No.20948996

Not interested

>> No.20948999
File: 4 KB, 223x226, 3D7154E6-80F2-478E-8AB2-38C05FCF9438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm not on their side anyway.
You’re right, pic related is the side/site you chose
Btw if you don’t know who that is, gtfo 4chan newfag

>> No.20949004

Literally whomst

>> No.20949006

>he doesn’t know the reason this site has a captcha

>> No.20949013

I reverse searched your pic and stumbled upon a reddit thread telling his story, reading it right now.

>> No.20949023

I can give you a quicker explanation.
Guy is Kimmo Alm, Swedish neo nazi and pedophile. Spammed this side for 6 years with ~1500 different ips a day. First with cp, then with his own site anontalk

>> No.20949035

>very little power
i wish that were true. sadly modern day leftists are the true inheritors of the christian tradition and christians were the ones who actually displayed the most effective will to power in history. the weak won out over the strong and the egalitarian leftists are the ones who carry on that tradition. they are indoctrinating children's classrooms and as the saying goes, get them young and they're yours forever. you're underestimating the danger that weak people pose when they join forces

>> No.20949077

To add to this, he is also the reason why mentioning a certain name on this site gets you immediately banned

>> No.20949103

which name?

>> No.20949127

Look into some recent ai art threads on /g/. Someone found him for something unrelated and the jannies are going absolutely ballistic

>> No.20949160
File: 66 KB, 720x1092, 51QqQ-4wcAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Ellul.

>> No.20949174

>The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the Left - Dinesh D'Souza

>> No.20949274

It would literally be the other way around, wouldn't it?

>> No.20949460

You know you can just read foundational leftist texts yourself right? If it's so evidently deplorable then that would surely come across directly. Why would you need some middleman huckster to do it for you unless it isn't obvious, or you're a retard?

>> No.20949473

To say two lines of
incoherent strawmaning
the left cannot meme

>> No.20949512

I fucking hate how much my career success can be pointed to me being a shitskin. Hell if things go well I'll have some Arab/SJW angel investors supporting my company.
My very existence has became a talking point for crap like this.

>> No.20949544

>People who define themselves by what they are not do so because they cannot defend what they are...

People on the right tend to hold actual values though such as truth, religion, self-reliance, community, etc. Leftists seen completely flexible and adopt whatever CIA psyop is currently being pushed, solely defining themselves as standing against whatever is updated as bigoted in current year.

>> No.20949546

>/lit/ hasn't even read one twentieth of these

>> No.20949569

Yeah, this is without a doubt the cringiest normiecon take. They’ve been completely brainwashed against the most effective right-wing movement in hundreds of years. Both sides of the spectrum competing over who can save da jooz the most effectively lol

>> No.20949575
File: 98 KB, 602x498, main-qimg-a0dcda0ecda0c1a159c48151bd9b7c74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need militarism and aristocracy to return. All over society we have unqualified people in important positions, making it worse we have them elected by common consent, compounding it further most are minorities who have never had a government or state last longer than a handful of generations.

>> No.20949589

turning germany into a heap of rubble sure was smart

>> No.20949604

dumb nazi apologist

>> No.20949607
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>> No.20949612

not to defend leftism, but is there a single political sphere on the internet that doesn't make themselves look completely retarded and has zero infighting?

>> No.20949619


>> No.20949639
File: 153 KB, 826x1360, 1654455071873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what can i read that will go deep into why it is utterly and completely false in every sense of the word?
bowden completely destroys it in under 80 pages

>> No.20949641

B-but Jesse Owens won that one race! Le master race btfo!

>> No.20949680
File: 50 KB, 640x808, Pol_Pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any book about communist revolution should do the trick.

The best argument against communism is that every country that tries it completely shits the bed. Pol Pot's regime was probably the worst.

>> No.20949688


>> No.20949740

So this is the power of /pol/reddit.....whoa

>> No.20949742

American polemics are unironically 10/10 hilarious.

>> No.20949750

>scandinavian countries with mixed economies permeated by social democratic (i.e., leftist) thought remain the most succesful societies on the planet

>> No.20949793

You might want to read substack blogs if you want to get a good grasp of what's going on in America. It's not exactly anti leftist lit but it sounds like the kind of thing you might enjoy.





>> No.20949795

If you are so confident that "rightism is correct" then you should just read the foundational works of leftist thought and your enormous right wing brain will generate arguments refuting every sentence you read. That is the only way to systematically BTFO every single leftist argument and thus affirm your obsessively binary view of the world.

>> No.20949811

First of all, Scandinavian governments are far from being leftists, even though they can't be considered fully right-wing either. Second, their success is not due to their politics, but to the fact that they're historically young and have just started to grow (they're basically the children of the world, surfing their healthy moment). Third, I can assure you that life is far more interesting, exciting and permeated by meaning in the south of Europe despite the crisis they're going through.

>> No.20949812
File: 382 KB, 630x957, 1652948306710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody in modern politics belongs there. All across the West, Democracy is leading it to ruin.

Homogenous nations of Northern Europeans remain the best, Sweden is no longer counted in this because of blacks and arabs. This is why the Nordic Resistance Movement has greatee support.

>> No.20949824

This but unironically. Read Marx, OP. And then read about the way real communist regimes interpreted Marx.

>> No.20949826

>famous for siswet
>no longer counted because of blacks and arabs
Okay :D

>> No.20949833

>Sesame Street memes made him racist

>> No.20949842

I asked on /g/ and got a warning. Can you just explain the drama you're talking about?

>> No.20949849


Also militarism and aristocracy destroyed europe with WW1, there’s a reason they’re no longer around, and it’s not le jews.

>> No.20949861

Industrial Society And Its Future
Also Xi Jinping to get a sense of how freakish and retarded western leftism is (all leftism really, since china isn't leftist in practice but natsoc)

none in the left actually applies their original works. they have written new gospels

they don't. they go full nazbol/fascist because marx was a fat bourgeoise kike who never worked a day in his life and has no idea wtf he's talking about

>> No.20949873
File: 240 KB, 903x2000, 1654063134446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conflict is part of life, it makes you stronger as all of European history shows. What is deadly is the demographic replacement by far lesser people, Indians, africans and arabs do not belong in Europe. Pair that with a political system based on not accepting responsibility for mistakes and consequences for your actions and you have doom.

>> No.20949874

Xi Jinping is a Nazi, he kills millions of people in death camps.

>> No.20949882 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 675x1200, FZyM9iiVEAALzDZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone in that image is thin

Are those European commies? In America they all look like this.

>> No.20949885

>hyperedgy post
>naked greek guy in pic
You guys are caricatures of yourselves

>> No.20949891


>> No.20949897

Not really drama. A dude repurposed art generating ai to solve captchas, and the jannies don’t want a second Kimmo Alm level threat to this site. Since you’re a newfag you don’t remember, but large potions of 4chan were unusable between 2006-2012 on days were the nazi pedo decided to run his spam bots, which is why any mentioning of the guys name or his GitHub gets you immediately banned and the thread nuked

>> No.20949924
File: 101 KB, 500x763, 1662137334720195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was it that i posted that was in error, kike?

Do not be ashamed of the human body.

>> No.20949937

Der Gegentypus ("The Anti-Type") by E.R. Jaensch is a devastating takedown of the psychology of left-wingers. He basically says that leftist propaganda targets people who have difficulty comprehending reality due to a lack of sense perception. In other words, the types of people who fall for leftism are those who cannot parse information accurately. You won't find Jaensch's book in English for obvious reasons, so you'll have to read it in German.

>> No.20949941

Just checked /g/ again and it seems like ai Art threads get out right nuked because some janny is mad that they keep generating Voldemort fighting jannies art kek

>> No.20949946

Death to America politics

>> No.20949957

just say the name you fucking pussy. what, are you afraid of getting banned? do you not know that you can unban yourself in less than 5 minutes?

>> No.20949963

that's great since my native language is german

>> No.20949970

Oh I’m not afraid, I was just too late to witness the name and I don’t have enough technical knowledge to find him myself in the hundreds of fake captcha scripts on GitHub. Trust me if I knew the name I would spread it as fast and wide as possible because I think it would be funny to see /b/ and /pol/ completely unusable again for years

>> No.20950012

>700 followers vs 17,000
There's no shortage of freaks in any political movement, but this sort of freak is far more common in left wing circles.

>> No.20950027

>it's just a bunch of sjws on twitter bro

>> No.20950046
File: 737 KB, 1170x1675, AA3BE974-04AB-48CD-AFD8-22AD9EE00F93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U sure bout that lmao

>> No.20950054
File: 1.09 MB, 1000x1790, 1661090495846663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter in no way represents real life. It is a means of control.

>> No.20950077

speaking as a true reactionary, this guy is not nearly radical enough. he is in fact well to the left of me. furthermore he's a kike so i disavow.

>> No.20950081
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>> No.20950085
File: 94 KB, 700x892, aGXnd17R_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>war is bad, except for defending Israel
>bailouts are bad, except for bailing out Israel
>Claims to be American, married in Israel

>> No.20950108
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While hopes for dethroning the managerial elites lay with a radicalized Middle American social
force, Sam had no illusions that success in elections was enough. In “Message From MARs,” a 1982 essay, he wrote, “the New Right will not be the spearhead of the Middle American Revolution if it is concerned only with politics in a narrow formal sense. It must go beyond the tactics of electoral coalitions and roll call votes and develop a strategy for the seizure of real social power,” by which he meant extending control to “the means of communications, the means of production, and the instruments of force.” He believed this task would entail “a far more radical approach to political conflict.”

>In “The Secret of the Twentieth Century,” a review of Kevin Phillips’s The Politics of Rich and
Poor , Sam disputed Phillips’s assertion that a post-Reagan era left-liberal populism might evolve
into a coalition of radicalized middle-class White voters, who could “be brought into the same
political tent with an underclass” of non-White minorities allegedly victimized by a “Reaganite
corporate establishment.” Citing the rise of A1 Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and David Duke, Sam argued instead that an ethnic identitarian conflict might be on the horizon.

>"[T]he emergence of overt racialism is one species of the decomposition and fragmentation that has been occurring in the United States ever since the unifying bourgeois fabric was shredded."

>But he acknowledged that “since purely racialist movements can appeal only to members of a
given ethnic group, which by itself is a minority, no such movement, black or white, can take power in the United States merely by relying on racial rhetoric and ideology.”

>Success was to be found in a political formulation that could “synthesize its appeal to group
identity (racial or national) through an imagery of ‘us against them’ with a demand for the redress of economic grievances.” Sam argued that a “nationalist-socialist program” was the secret key to
political power in the modern era, and was understood by successful politicians from Adolf Hitler to Franklin Roosevelt.

>If there is to be a successful ‘new nationalism’ in the next decade, its leaders will have to understand the secret of the twentieth century and how to use it, whether the ‘nation’ is that of Jesse Jackson or George Wallace.


>> No.20950109

that recursive baby holding a book tho

>> No.20950116

>muh not real reactionary
Horseshoe theory proven once again

>> No.20950119


>> No.20950123
File: 3.98 MB, 1920x1400, 6374848297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How unusable are we talking? Because there's organized spam campaigns all over certain boards.There are also several bots that can solve captchas...


>> No.20950130

Even leftists have to agree with this because they are pro-science... right?

>> No.20950132

Bronze Age Mindset is all you need to correct your mind.

Politics is not grand theories of human nature, and "the good" and self-sacrifice for "the global human community"

Politics is, and has always been about friend versus foe, and maximizing the benefits for yourself, and the punishments for your enemies.

Simply never support anything that doesn't directly benefit you. Form mafias with your friends. Be loyal to nothing else. It is that simple.

The best mafias go on to be dynasties, and shape nations. The ones that fail to legitimize (and thus seize monopoly of violence) their actions, remain as mafias.

>> No.20950137

whoever screened this is an actual hero, more real journalism than all the faggots with jobs do in ten years

>> No.20950142

Because left v.s right are not absolute but relative terms.
In the american context for most people an average liberal is considered left wing.

>> No.20950149

hi anon. hast du ne Freundin? wenn ja darf ich die bitte mal ficken? ich bin in hessen aber ich komme zu dir egal wo du wohnst. bitte. kann ich ihr auch ins Gesicht wichsen wenn sie schläft? bitte anon.

>> No.20950160

Good post except for the fact I stopped reading immediately after I found out you were Middle Eastern.

>> No.20950161

As I mentioned earlier, Kimmo Alm managed to amass 1500 banned ips and around 50000 deleted posts a day as a single guy with 2008ish technology. The ai based captcha solving is also probably much faster than regular captcha bots. Good thing /lit/ has some of the slowest jannies on the site btw, on /g/ the thread would’ve been nuked in a minute after me first mentioning Voldemort lmao

>> No.20950170

Klar komm rum, ich wohn in Freital

>> No.20950175

So because he has critiques of Capitalism, he has to return to a Stone-Age barter system? Tell me anon, you don't agree with everything your government does - but do you still pay your taxes? Jesus, I thought /lit/ would be too smart for chuds like you

>> No.20950176

They're bought en masse by their own publishing committees and handed out free at fundraisers and dinners. It serves the twofold purpose of providing an insinuation of value through gaming NYT sales metrics and qualifying the "writer" as an intellectual.
Anybody who reads these unironically is subhuman and should be provided a blackpill prescription.

>> No.20950183

Ich lauf sofort los. bin in 3 tagen da. kann ich schonmal ein bild von dem geilen stück sehen? wo treffen wir uns? wie wär's mit der aral in der Dresdner Straße?
sei ja da. ich würde alles tun für pussy

>> No.20950185

>like go fuck yourself white boy, don't tell me how to deal with the racism i experienced. and furthermore how the fuck is it okay for you to do that but not for me?
Why is it that white people are the ones super into the woke shit?
In my experience I've rarely heard a black person irl be super sensitive about these topics.

>> No.20950189

>ich würde alles tun für pussy

>> No.20950203

>You might want to read substack blogs if you want to get a good grasp of what's going on in America
my sides

too many people just live on the internet, going outside is a good way get a feel for how the world is doing

>> No.20950205

>he has to return to a Stone-Age barter system
you're essentially making the socialism is when no house argument. i also did not say anything to that effect. address what i said and maybe I'll give your kike ass a proper reply

>> No.20950206
File: 121 KB, 1024x1000, 1653616788405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a simple mechanic but am i correct in thinking this was a coordinated effort to influence /biz/ to buy in to a new cryptocurrency?

>> No.20950211

>buys a mention in California
Ooh! A Twitter mention! Do you know where I could buy one?

>> No.20950215

>but do you still pay your taxes?
kek. this idiot is actually paying taxes.

>> No.20950220

>ich würde alles tun für pussy
>wants to fuck a man that has no freundin

>> No.20950225
File: 1.84 MB, 1538x906, 84847473626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Several marketing companies specialize in that.

>> No.20950230

you don't speak german do you?

>> No.20950236
File: 435 KB, 1856x1144, 7373626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20950239

>Why I'm not a liberal
Marx also wasn't a liberal

>> No.20950260

Pol Pot was great
Fuck intellectuals, fuck urbanites, fuck left handed people and especially people who wear glasses.
He got rid of the elite.

>> No.20950278

Why do leftists exalt fascists of the past but hate fascists of today when they're the only ones capable of still making the world worthwhile and livable?

>> No.20950282

You have to pay taxes when you have a job, anon

>> No.20950295

>he doesn't make his money illicitly
like the good leftist that you are

>> No.20950361

I've known people from both extremes. And in my experience radical political positions are usually just an expression of unhappiness about one's own life. Political positions always reflect something deeper about the individual who holds them. Basically if you feel very insecure or your personal life is shit, extremist politics gives you something to vent all your dissatisfaction on. If you feel trapped in your life--bad financial situation, unhappy marriage, crappy job, etc--this finds expression in a politics that is paranoid and apocalyptic. Really any politics that expresses extreme anger at the world or at certain groups. You feel your own life is ending, so it must be the world that is on the verge of collapse.
At the last place I worked, a pizza place, there was a self described anarchist. He would at every available moment shill his politics unasked. Which you could tell was just stuff he was regurgitating from Reddit. He was very much a nerd, possibly autistic, and his voice sounded like a little girl. He listened to metal music. You could tell that the anarchism was really just a power fantasy to puff himself up.
At my latest job, I work with this older man 62 years old and a trump supporter. He rants about politics a lot. All the familiar fox news talking points and conspiracy theories: Obama was a socialist that wanted to bring America down, Harry Potter is spreading immorality/witchcraft, Biden sent baby formula to immigrants at the border at the expense of real Americans, Obama wasn't born here, great men like Trump or Roosevelt are great because they take what they want without asking etc etc. But above it all there was a recurring theme: doom and gloom. The narcicisstic belief that there is some other group out there constantly plotting your demise, that you are unwanted or unheard.
These are not the views of a happy person. He's talked a bit about his personal life, and it has started to become more understandable why he holds the positions he does. He describes his marriage as loveless, his wife runs a small business that is not doing well, and his wife inherited a farm that she wants him to run. And he is a 62 year old man working 6 days a week without repreive. Everytime I see him there's something bad that happened: he had a bad fall or got sick. He does not have anything to look forward to, so what do you do then? You identify with a rich man who "does what he wants" to make yourself feel more powerful. You talk a lot about revolution. And you find some outside group who become the imaginary source of all your problems.

>> No.20950381

For me it's the opposite. As I got more and more in control of my life and my environment, became more mature and started a family, etc., I realized how fucked and how unfair everything is and how insane it was that I had to do so much work just to achieve a healthy mindset. Let alone acquire the things I wanted once I had that mindset. This made me feel infinite compassion for all the guys out there right now working at McDonalds with no end in sight, with nothing to comfort them but watching another shitty show at the end of the day. Or all the women who have been duped into not having kids until it's too late.

Sometimes society is fucked and it's okay to want to fix it.

>> No.20950389

and how should these problems be fixed and by whom

>> No.20950432

If the implication is that solutions have the possibility of failure or of creating more problems than they solved, of course that's true. But that's simply life. Again, sometimes it is possible to look at something very broken and think "Boy howdy, does that need fixing," and simply be right. Not everything is some zen koan about how the more you do, the less you do. Political movements emerge for a reason. For example, there used to be no safety regulations or limits to the working day. Surely you agree with the agitation that led to redress in that situation, which was often violent and led to armed clashes with the government and even with mercenaries hired by capitalists?

According to your philosophy, you aren't allowed to answer me with a positive assessment of when such agitation is okay and when it isn't, because that would be "thinking you know better" or whatever, in violation of the Daoist wisdom about never doing anything. In this case, you would be "doing" something too: telling workers not to strike, telling workers not to risk their lives in one of those confrontations.

But that is all of politics. Not to choose is still to make a choice. Not to act is to act: it is to act in favor of the status quo. A vote not for the radical candidate is a vote for the equally, in principle, radical act of declaring the radical candidate radically wrong.

"Radical" is from "radix," which simply means root. Different people have different views of what the "root" of a problem is and what the roots of the solution may be. If you think present society is at base (at the root) fine, then anyone who wants to make major changes to it will be "radical" (against the root, in favor of uprooting it and planting a new root). But they obviously think you have substituted an evil or dysfunctional root system for healthy roots.

You are not the "norm" and they the "radicals." You are both radicals. This is how late capitalist progressivism sows the seeds of its own destruction, by its utterly condescending worldview in which everybody else is "whoa whoa whoa slow down bud... don't rock the boat..." but they are themselves "the boat." Who made you the boat in the first place? This boat has the worst crony corporatist government in human history, people dying of fentanyl overdoses and addiction, normalized prostitution, rampant obesity and cancer, children watching porn and cutting their dicks off. Why shouldn't it be rocked? At what point does your koan fall apart? We aren't living in some perennial society up in the mountains where there is an obvious flow of things to be respected by default.

Your civilization disrupted that flow to begin with, in the name of rationality and freedom, and it has created an irrational, unfree world. There's nothing prima facie extreme about realizing this and feeling an equal right to make further modifications.

>> No.20950438

Explain what I got wrong please

>> No.20950471

I asked to fuck his girlfriend, not him.
I'll translate my posts verbatim
hi anon. do you have a girlfriend? if so could i please fuck her sometime?. i live in hesse but I'll come to you no matter where you are. please. can i also cum in her face when she sleeps? please anon
I'll start walking right away. be there in 3 days. can I also see a picture of the hot piece (of ass)? where do we meet? how about the aral (gas station) on Dresdner street?.
you better be there. I'd do everything for pussy.

>> No.20950486

>Sometimes society is fucked and it's okay to want to fix it.
I'm not denying that there are real problems. And some of the things my coworker ranted about were legit grievances. I'm not advocating being a passionless worm. I've worked shitty jobs and I do have empathy for the people that work them.
But when someone gets to a point of ranting about how there's some other group out there plotting to kill them. And that demise is constabtly right around the corner. That kind of paranoia in my experiemce is often just an expression of one's own life not being in a good place.

>> No.20950494


2016 andies are cringeworthy at best

>> No.20950510

Also you can have political views about changing things without believing you need to kill those that disagree with you politically. Those are the kinds of people I'm talking about. I'm not just talking about people interested in politics. But rather that overly plugged in dude who cant stop ranting about politics to everyone. I'm talking about people whose politics only expresses itself in constant grievance and hate, who have no real interest in improving things tangibly.

>> No.20950527

kill yourself you fucking faggot

>> No.20950528

>This boat has the worst crony corporatist government in human history, people dying of fentanyl overdoses and addiction, normalized prostitution, rampant obesity and cancer, children watching porn and cutting their dicks off. Why shouldn't it be rocked?
Holy shit you are exactly the type I'm talking about. Everything youve listed is a real problem. Just not a problem that can simplified down to something as abstract and meaningless as "the system". Not to mention that many of the things you listed are oroblems specific to America and not universal, so they can't be blamed on some system as a whole because there are other countries with thee same free market system that dont for instance have a problem with obesity.

>> No.20950549

>it's self evident that rightism is correct and doesn't need defending
It's not evident to me, care to explain?

>> No.20950626

no, i don't waste my time telling basic facts to retards