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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 619x782, 3CDC5C23-E055-4CA3-BC1D-C69A0B89EB5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20942461 No.20942461 [Reply] [Original]

IQ test here: https://test.mensa.no/

I’ll start:
>138, Crime and Punishment

>> No.20942463

Faggy thread.

>> No.20942672

online iq tests aren't real. you have to sit with a psychologist over a period of 2 days.
>t. 110.

>> No.20942710

>169 IQ
>Call of the Crocodile

>> No.20942729

Journey to the End of the Night
155, no I will not go find you the useless paper my mother had framed that says that really is my IQ

>> No.20942788

Im not gay enough to get an IQ test but:
>failed intelligence and aptitude test to get basic manufacturing/warehouse job
>went to neurologist for unrelated shit and was told I preformed significantly below average on cognitive tests and they wanted me to come back but I had no money

Im not lying I think I might genuinely be a bit retarded, I’ve had multiple very serious brain injuries, but they happened over time so I was able to get educated before really fucking my brain up to the point it is now. It takes me a very long time to read anything or to think about things in general.

Favorite book is probably out of the silent planet by CS Lewis

>> No.20942828

>The Tunnel by William H. Gass

>> No.20943019
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I'm about to start the cosmic tril. Soon, fren

>> No.20943203

If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place."

>> No.20943204


>> No.20943214

>200 IQ
>The Bible

>> No.20943219
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>> No.20943244

128 but online tests are a meme. My favorite novel is probably Catch-22

>> No.20943251
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>The Golden Bough

>> No.20943254

>210 IQ
>The Holy Quran

>> No.20943258

120, Lolita

Am I retarded guys?

>> No.20943261

Yes, but not in a way you think you are.

>> No.20943270

Les Miserables

>> No.20943271

>999 IQ
>The God Delusion

>> No.20943273

>88 IQ
>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.20943274

subtract 30 from this mensa iq test

>> No.20943284

>72 IQ
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.20943333

>The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.20943339

>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.20943342

>The Idiot

>> No.20943344

>fanged noumena

>> No.20943365

>Mein Kampf (in the original German)

>> No.20943370


>> No.20943397

>the communist manifesto

>> No.20943426

Will as representation of the world

>> No.20943475

>The Gambler

>> No.20943477

Mein Kampf

>> No.20943490


>> No.20943504

Fuck off Gardner your Goodreads reviews were all pruned for being fraudulent. The jig is up

>> No.20943515


>> No.20943522

Midwit take
What’s that

>> No.20943540

Dosto seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels

>> No.20943558

Witcher series

>> No.20943566

C'mon anon , you know that was a funny post

>> No.20943582

it actually is E.T.A Hoffmann's The Sandman, but that isn't considered a book and just a short story, I also thought about 'The Wendigo', but that’s also a short story

I start to wonder if I'm actually smarter, but just lack concentration and motivation, I didn't even want to look over my answers, just wanted to be done with it
I blame my internet addiction

>> No.20943629

Well I'm sure you feel right at home on /lit/

>> No.20943685
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Is this a scam? I don't think I'm that smart
>Summa Contra Gentiles

>> No.20943690

please stop giving corporations valuable data such as IQ or DNA tests thanks

>> No.20943692

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.20943694

(It was done to me in person by suggestion of my teachers when I was 8, won't do shitty online faggotry).
>The sound and The Fury, Don Quijote, La Regenta

>> No.20943695

>The Reign of Quantity and Teh Sign of Times

>> No.20943720

Are you seriously going to paste that thing every time someone mentions anything by Dostoevsky?

>> No.20943772

kgv Bible

>> No.20943794


>> No.20943806

>The Multiple States of the Being

>> No.20943823

Don quijote

>> No.20943862
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Im a retard just for wasting my time on this stupid test just to show it to you retards. I just guessed on the second to last item but apperently got it right.

Fav book is either white noise or don quixote

>> No.20943878

Let's determine if this is a fucking scam. I got stumped at exercise 20 and have an estimated IQ of 98. When did you anons get stumped?

>> No.20943883

a thousand plateaus

>> No.20943951

Around the last two

The test is ofc not that accurate since it’s online, but it’s from Mensa so it’s generally considered to be a good estimation. Your actual IQ is slightly higher or lower
DNA tests?

>> No.20944237

>Demons by Dostoevsky

>> No.20944245

Somewhere around the final 3 or 4

>> No.20944325


>> No.20944379

Industrial society and its future

>> No.20944451

Depending on the test, 70-145: In Praise of Darkness

>> No.20944456

at least say something believable like anti tech revolution. ISAIF is just a rant about leftoids with some Ellul sprinkled in to make himself sound intelligent

>> No.20944546

whats the point of even reading when i get 107 iq from this test. this shit just serves to increase my hate of any high iq complaining about their invented problems.

>> No.20944594

It’s a good series lad, very good. Have fun

>> No.20944651
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Goodreads officially promotes F Gardner’s books for all the horror titles, mate. Look up any horror book and Call of the Crocodile and the rest of Gardner’s books will be the top recommendations. Thousands are adding them to their “want to read” lists daily.

>> No.20944653


>> No.20944658

IQ is a measure of your strength of memory and the people who disagree make IQ a part of their personality

>> No.20944706 [DELETED] 

How To Kill A Nigger 101: The Complete Guide On How And Why You Should Kill Niggers

>> No.20944709

Believe what you want faggot. Favorite book

>> No.20944721

it's about reasoning power

>> No.20944730
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>> No.20944733

it isn't

>> No.20944738

Blood Meridian

>> No.20944813

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.20945071

>The Lightning and the Sun

>> No.20945090

>believing in a jewish-american invention

>> No.20945095

The Sorrows of Young Werther.

>> No.20945100

183, Green Eggs and Ham

>> No.20945135

MDMA can heal your brain and nervous system if you use it therapeutically.

>> No.20945217

>69, The book says clean room
Jew suck rite guis hehe

>> No.20945246

>Sword In The Stone

>> No.20945252

210 here, yes they do.

>> No.20945260

Nine million IQ
None! I'm too smart for those darn squigle squaglez!

>> No.20945401

How’d this happen? Someone sticky this.

>> No.20945413

>129 iq
>The corrections or Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.20945434

Can't you study for an IQ test and get a better result?

>> No.20945471

Dosto was a degenerate pulp fiction writer who was paid by the word to fuel his insatiable gambling addiction. If you like his work you are the literary equivalent of a soccer mom picking up a harlequin romance novel in the check out line at the local super market.

>> No.20945494
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no favorite book necessarily, but my favorite short story is To Build a Fire by Jack London

>> No.20945527
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>The Odyssey by Homer

>> No.20945556

Not exactly. IQ tests are typically foremost a measure of spatial intelligence. You can increase your spatial intelligence both permanently and temporarily though. Listening to Mozart for example is proven to give you a short term boost.

>> No.20945583

You’re full of shit. You can certainly study for them.

>> No.20945637
File: 42 KB, 1105x934, 47fbba59878d3d3e1003e252e7c9b29d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Cicero Trilogy, Robert Harris

>> No.20945647

Holy based.

>> No.20945646

A link to a youtube video is not an argument.

>> No.20945710
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took this test while durnk off a few glasses of wine

The New Testament

>> No.20945782

IQ tests are an example of a classic "self-fufilling prophecy" that if you get a low or high score it determines your self worth from that point forward and you're stuck (especially if its a low score) in a cycle of self-doubt and second guessing. its psychologically harmful and can have adverse effects on your mental well-being. point is: don't fall for the trap.

>> No.20945787

Please tell me why you like the corrections. I wanted to love it, but it was just so mid (no offense). I liked it fine, but it was not better than middlebrow. Pointing out that Americans are anxious and depressed is not profound if you are unable to add anything interesting to the conversation. And the book felt too long. I remember really liking the chapter about the father’s development. It was written creatively and wasn’t as mid as the rest of the book.

>> No.20945790

Stunning reviews

>> No.20945847

why is everyone ITT smarter than me?

>> No.20945858


>> No.20945884

Anon they post on 4channel no one here is smart.

>> No.20945917

>DNA tests?
Anon's probably talking about 23andme and the like

>> No.20946081

>Call of the Arcade

>> No.20946090


>> No.20946138

What do you get in online ones?

>> No.20946141

Thats why im glad i got over 130 when i was in high school. Ill never take a test again and keep believing im smart

>> No.20946156

>152* (*when I was 15, so I might be retarded now)
>no favourite



>> No.20946162

You can be high IQ and still be short/ugly/fat/etc, are you stupid? (don't answer that)

>> No.20946204
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The Bible.

>> No.20946242

Critique of Pure Reason or Ulysses

>> No.20946245


>> No.20946315
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Which is weird, because when I was checking my IQ with a professional psychologist I got a 140

Fave book - Lolita by Nabokov/The Catcher in the Rye by Salinger (it's a tie)

>> No.20946601

The Bible

>> No.20946730

The Bible

>> No.20946802

The God Delusion

>> No.20946811

it involved verbal etc. pleb shit. this is the real deal and youre shit at it, and youre never gonna get anything from any actual intellectual material.

>> No.20946832
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>> No.20946995
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The Bible
Based. Midwits will never understand.

>> No.20947076

Artemis Fowl

>> No.20947127
File: 30 KB, 840x440, Screenshot_2021-07-19 Full Scale IQ Test Results.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE, so this test is heavily biased to native speakers. add at least +10 points, imo.

The Three Leaps of Wang Lun - Döblin

>> No.20947278

Tao te ching

>> No.20947303

>probably around 100
>Norwegian Wood

>> No.20947334
File: 54 KB, 640x428, CtnRt1QWEAAMF6U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>War and Punishment

>> No.20947440
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I took this test 2 years ago from Mensa Norway and scored 135.

I just took it again tonight and scored 100. Is it possible to drop 35 IQ points in 2 years?

>> No.20947627

The Complete writings of Sigmund Freud

>> No.20947665

yeah, your IQ probably fell by now faggot thanks to internet and porn addiction

do the test

>> No.20947684
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post a screenshot of your actual results

i don't believe you when you just type it

my iq fluctuates depending on how much brainfag i have and how willing i am to do well on the test

i took the test multiple times. i got as low as 90 and as high as 140

>> No.20947699

the online test is bullshit

you get different scores every time which means it's not an accurate test

>> No.20947701

yeah it is useless, your IQ fell since then

>> No.20947812

Is it at least roughly accurate though? I've taken it twice, scoring a 107 and a 112, and have spent the last 24 hours in a state of abject despair

Where would I go to take an accurate test? I can hardly stomach the prospect of midwittery. Mental retardation would be preferable.

>> No.20947821

don't worry about it, anon. you hardly even qualify as a midwit

>> No.20947905

Alright, I guess you're right. I'm still a little apprehensive though.

I've been powering through the Greeks, and the revelation that I'm not a 130 iq spiritual hyperborean gigachad has made me wonder if my time wouldn't be better spent in sexually degenerate discord haunts.

So how about it? Can an upper midwitt straddling the line of standard deviation seriously stand to gain anything from literature?

>> No.20947956

i was only teasing. you take the brain number too seriously. do what you enjoy. if you like literature, take what you can from it. trust in your own rationality and ability to judge things for yourself. doing that will put you above most people who delegate their thinking to people they think are very clever

>> No.20947987

I don't read books, they're for losers

>> No.20948013

This but unironically

>> No.20948538

Did you take the vax?

>> No.20949085

>Principia Mathematica

>> No.20949098
File: 272 KB, 1170x1625, 8AF3A566-E85D-487B-94CD-0300D33B961E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 Plateaus

>> No.20949234

>You can be high IQ and still be short/ugly/fat/etc
Yes, but guess what: you can be low IQ and be those things too! With high IQ you can make up for it by getting more stimulation from intellectual pursuits, while low IQs are left in emptiness and non-comprehension.

>> No.20950684

What site?
>left in emptiness and non-comprehension
High IQs can have that too if they're burnt out and/or unhealthy

>> No.20950757

OP BTFO'd himself
>midwit iq
>midwit writer

>> No.20950824

>High IQs can have that too if they're burnt out and/or unhealthy
No, they can always play games and board games and win most of the time. That's enough. They need to stop whinign.

>> No.20950976
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You're right, because I can solve a rubik's cube I need to sit down and check my privilege.

>> No.20951260

>Stand on Zanzibar
My actual favorite book is probably a math book but I can't recommend that to people other than my math friends.

>> No.20951347

>less than 1 in 1000 IQ
prove it, also post math book

>> No.20951371

Probably the bible (from a secular perspective)

>> No.20951512 [DELETED] 

Reminder to subtract 40 from every answer in this thread. Because IQ tests are basically just pattern recognition tests for artists and anyone who takes them seriously is literally retarded

>> No.20951595

>Prometheus Rising
fml, everything after question 25 was incomprehensible