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20940690 No.20940690 [Reply] [Original]

the holy trinity of fantasy writers

>> No.20940769

It's actually Jack Vance, Howard, and Tolkein but I still respect your opinion

>> No.20940776

Your personal trinity, perhaps.

>> No.20940811

it's a fact tho

>> No.20940815

there is no such thing as 'fact' in subjective rankings

>> No.20940818

No, it's an opinion, nigger.

>> No.20940828

Borges, Dunsany, Peake

>> No.20940833

Who's the third dude

>> No.20940834

quality isn't subjective

>> No.20940842

Good taste.
Some kooky bong who wrote a poem about how he loves negroes.
Then why did you post Tolkien?

>> No.20940846


>> No.20940849 [DELETED] 

The reddit trinity

>> No.20940853

lord byron

>> No.20940871

It's Wolfe, Le Guinn, and Murakami actually

>> No.20940891 [DELETED] 

The beginner trilogy
The patrician trilogy
The reddit trilogy
The pseud trilogy

>> No.20940909

>>20940690 (OP)
The beginner trinity
The patrician trinity
The reddit trinity
The pseud trinity

>> No.20940968

Now we're talking
Lotta pseuds itt

>> No.20940973


>> No.20940977

Lovecraft had a gimmick that he repeated for 30000 stories, Tolkien is reddit's favourite author and singlehandedly ruined fantasy.
Blake is the only good author of the three.

>> No.20941017

Is Lovecraft even fantasy? kek he's more like horror. Clark Ashton Smith is more like fantasy and was a better writer than Lovecraft.

>> No.20941058

the smartest latinx

>> No.20941063

I was joking but i do love gaiman

>> No.20941435
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>Blocks your path

>> No.20941493

>HEV flatline

>> No.20941519

Is he ever finishing book6&7?

>> No.20941556

>>Blocks your path
Yes he does, but what does that have to do with his writing?

>> No.20941561


>> No.20941690

Dunsany, CAS, Leiber, Vance, Tolkien, Howard, Anderson, Jin Yong, HPL, Brackett, Zelazny.

>> No.20941700

maybe Azathoth. outside of that I don't think so.

>> No.20941704

How can anyone who enjoys fantasy, literature or fantasy literature even stomach pretending to like Gaiman?
He's like the hacks hack.
>Le Guin
Fuck no. I will never not be mad that people pretend she's good. Hurr she has good prose, no she fucking doesn't. The only way you'd consider her prose good is if her opponent is Hope Hodgson or some shit.
If it wasn't for her politics and social class she would never have been pushed by the con crowd.

>> No.20941711

Read his dream cycle stuff.

>> No.20941866

>the silver key series
>mountains of madness
>the whole outer gods mythos

>> No.20941897

William Blake

>> No.20942879


>> No.20942886

>mountains of madness

>> No.20942924

There was no such thing in Lovecraft's own mind. It was something tacked on superficially afterwards, especially by the likes of Derleth.

>> No.20942943
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>lovecraft referred to his work as yog-sothothery

>> No.20942970

>Can I eat your ass
What's your starsign first?

>> No.20942979

how people without a scatfetish ever get within a million mile radius of desiring this is beyond me
It's the least appealing place on her body to put your fucking mouth

>> No.20942987
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well lovecraft might not have thought of it as a completely continuous mythos but he did use characters repeatedly not just gods but nyarlahoteps and such as well

>> No.20943058

How can you include Lovecraft but not his best bud
I know Blake was one of the first to do his own personal mythology, but is that really enough to count?

>> No.20943063

>I know Blake was one of the first to do his own personal mythology, but is that really enough to count?

>> No.20943091

Okay he was not one of the first so it means he didn't do it at all and influenced no one at all

>> No.20943156

I picked up some thick chronicles of Narnia book with all the stories.

Is it worth reading or a waste of time?

>> No.20943169

It's an entertaining read. Less compelling than LOTR but more soulful.

>> No.20944216

Tolkien took a direction more akin to an ancient epic, while CS Lewis stuck to the more fairy tale aspect of fantasy

>> No.20944227
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You have to go back

>> No.20944362
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A filthy antisemite, like the other two

>> No.20944409

Kek, blow it out ur ass kike boy.

>> No.20944476
File: 87 KB, 830x382, FantasyWriters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the holy trinity of fantasy writers

>> No.20944584

You're talking to yourself dude

>> No.20944589

Tolkien loved Jews and Lovecraft literally married one

>> No.20944595
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Wow, very edgy. Upvoted!

>> No.20946351


>> No.20946357

Cringe post

>> No.20947408

There isn’t a single author in the history of any genre that comes close to having as elaborate a universe as he created

>> No.20947428

Lovecraft is such shit it is truly indescribable. To speak of how truly shit Lovecraft is would be enough to drive any sensible man raving mad straight into the mental asylum.

>> No.20947430

Calling William Blake a fantasy writer is just anachronism, plain and simple

>> No.20947481

He's not calling Tolkien a beginner, but people's first introduction to serious fantasy, which isn't wrong, he deserves the recognition

>> No.20947488

>serious fantasy

>> No.20947489

People here call magical realism fantasy. It's some weird cope that probably stems from compensation and trying to claim more respected others to either prop themselves up, or insult them out of spite.

>> No.20947500

And they let you go on 4chan in there? lol surely that’s good for your mental health

>> No.20947501


>> No.20947502

no, but youre a moron

>> No.20947508

>William Blake
Why dose blake have a colorized photo but Lovecraft 2 centuries later a b&w photo

>> No.20947515


>> No.20947518

Lovecraft was stuck with a yee yee ass iphone 4

>> No.20948202

He's not fantasy.