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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 261 KB, 693x482, queen of lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20934157 No.20934157 [Reply] [Original]

I think she's in trouble. Says here she's not doing too well. Is there anything we can do to help??

>> No.20934162

She's in trouble Analbros. Says her cheeks are not doing too well. We can clap her cheeks to help analbros.

>> No.20934169

You think that would help??

>> No.20934185

Her cheeks are in our solar system and visible to us anon. Other girls are not close to us and we aren't able to see the cheeks from them.

>> No.20934240

i want to kiss her feet

>> No.20934267

she looks like a fucking ghoul here

>> No.20934324

Take that back

>> No.20934336

She's a Kitty kind of girl. She thinks she wants a Vronsky, but she needs a Levin. Let's hope her Vronsky rejects her so she can find her Levin, bros. Maybe, with some luck, it's one of us.

>> No.20934396

Emmiebros are mentally ill

>> No.20934497

we can subscribe to her onlyfans

>> No.20934542
File: 52 KB, 655x597, 08228F3D-5D89-46A0-BBA5-59E9094639B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katbros are starving

>> No.20934576

Healthy cum is full of neurotransmitters that can be absorbed vaginally, thereby bypassing first-pass metabolism and going straight to the female brain.

The potent mixture of dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin has been scientifically proven to make women happy when they are creampied regularly.

>The results showed that sexually active women who never used condoms showed significantly fewer depressive symptoms and also slept better than women who always or usually used condoms, says Sara C. Nelson at The Huffington Post. The findings also indicated that the women in the study who described themselves as "promiscuous" yet regularly used condoms were just as depressed as women who were abstinent.

What you can do to help qt.3.14s who are depressed is to become the sort of man they would bf, and then cumming in them several times a day.

>> No.20934831

I used to watch her videos until he made one about all of her bad experiences with dating and I realised she was just a another fucking whore. also she has a boyfriend now so I will never watch her again

>> No.20934839

Oh no, my emmierino. I'll pray for her to get better, not really because I'm not religious, but I'll try to think about asking whatever is out there if there is anything to make things better for her.

>> No.20934855

>She moved to the big city and immediately got depressed.
Honestly kinda racist.

>> No.20934885
File: 435 KB, 768x512, 1661932341639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20934914

>not doing well

She IS a woman...

>> No.20934924

Same, unsubscribed the moment she posted that video

>> No.20934934

But yes, putting personal life stuff mixed with her content is kinda cringe unless it is something extremely relevant to the channel content itself. As in "I'm sick, that is why I'm not posting a lot of videos and whatever."

>> No.20934938

You are two beautiful souls anons

>> No.20934942

Dumb sperg.

>> No.20934955

i miss her bros

>> No.20934971
File: 238 KB, 454x274, mogging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

katbros, do you think she knows that she's mogging her sister into oblivion? That poor girl looks like Joyce Carol Oates at age 22.

>> No.20935027

She is literally made for genetically superior black cock

>> No.20935059

We're not.

>> No.20935060

I'm tired of having this shit on /lit/ even ironically. seriously, who cares about eceleb cancer? has this girl written a book? no? she just talks about what other people have written? well then, if she wants to share her hot opinions she can come here and post them anonymously like everyone else.

>> No.20935063

women literally can't do that

>> No.20935065

>She goes out with BOYS! WHHHOOOOR. Sh'e probably having the sex with him now!! REEEEEEE

>> No.20935072


>> No.20935092

Heart breaking isn't it

Can't do what?

>> No.20935095

>Can't do what?
meant to reply to the post bellow yours

>> No.20935103

Right you are lad. Very well, carry on then

>> No.20935119

>Le not capitalizing words
God, I hate zoomers so much.

>> No.20935128

This. She moved in with her bf lmao

>> No.20935147


The two that I like have the better fans as they're hardly ever brought up much less given whole threads. I guess we're not beta-orbiting them and are just sincere fans of the content.
No, no need to mention them at this time. Doesn't matter

>> No.20935158

Who are they anon, enlighten us.