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File: 233 KB, 800x1200, taylor-vixen-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20930840 No.20930840 [Reply] [Original]

books about dealing with addiction to pornography?

>> No.20930846

Books about bringing your libido back and getting hard at girls again.

>> No.20930847

My diary desu

>> No.20930874

You are tooling around a porn site. Disconnect from the internet

>> No.20930876

Your Mind on Porn
The Shallows: What the internet is doing to our brains.

>> No.20931220

You can start by ceasing the posting of these graven images.

>> No.20931224

I doubt you're actually addicted. You're probably one of those people that thinks thinks masturbation is bad for your life.

>> No.20931462


people seeking help for addiction doesn't need it, if they would have needed it god would have already helped them

you should watch more pornography

>> No.20931483 [DELETED] 

death grip is bad for your sex life

>> No.20931486

what sex life

>> No.20931489

porn is sex life to your retarded monkeybrain

>> No.20931491

How to cure?

>> No.20931492

easypeasy is really good
its like when people say "just dont watch porn lol!" but actually making sense
I havent watched porn in two weeks since I read it but I have fapped to non porn pics or bryce dallas howard two times during this week which still counts as a relapse I guess

>> No.20931498

>2 weeks
where are the 4 years easy peasy guys? i'm genuinely curious

>> No.20931510

probably not on 4chan
I dont think it would be possible to last that long while lurking here regularly

>> No.20931545

would you guys give me permission to lose my virginity to a prostitute?

>> No.20931547 [DELETED] 

Permission granted, soldier.

>> No.20931584

>I doubt you're actually addicted. You're probably one of those people that thinks thinks masturbation is bad for your life.
So you actually believed the therapist?

>> No.20931599

I have enough death grip to take a long time to cum, but not enough to cause boner or cumming problems. It's kind of adaptive up to a point tbqh

>> No.20931610

Prevention is the best medicine. But after it's too late, you have to completely quit. It must become something that you don't do anymore, like a paradigm shift in your mind. Eventually your body will heal. It might take a long time depending on how bad the problem is but it's worth it. If you're not getting better, you're getting worse.

>> No.20931621

why would anyone read book about such a mainstream topic? only the mediocre write about those

>> No.20931638

Infinite Jest

>> No.20931835

embrace it until it bores you, because it will soon if not connected to subjective illicitness and shame. Other than that, read some actually erotic literature and porn will seem just too base

>> No.20931846

the studies have been done

the real big brain move is to watch solo girl videos, nothing but a net positive for the brain

i recommend inthecrack.com

>> No.20931849

ever since I've started listening to death grips my ability to talk to women has gotten worse

>> No.20931854


>> No.20931858

what if the only solo videos that get me off are mom roleplayers like xev bellringer or natalie wonder

>> No.20931866
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>the studies have been done


>> No.20931886

what studies

>> No.20932084


>> No.20932181

Not really what you wanted but you should probably read The Coiled Serpent cos it's excellent.

>> No.20932216
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>> No.20932890


>> No.20932905

I've been a year without porn since reading easy peasy. It's a genuinely good resource.

>> No.20932906

That's the problem. I don't fap for a few days if I can stay occupied, then it's fully clothed stuff for a week, the next week it's partially nude pics, then partially nude or risque videos. I haven't watched actual porn in over a year but it has a similar effect

>> No.20932929

Go ask your pastor

>> No.20932953

Muhammad was born from the ass of a pig why would I listen to him

>> No.20932974

Been doing no porn and no fap for around 3 weeks now.

Haven't even been getting boners or half chubs. Has my dick been fried by porn?

If you do fap. Is it ok to do so to social media pics of girls you know? Like face pics and clothed pics?

>> No.20933029
File: 108 KB, 500x651, 1600313268252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do like I did, get a chronic prostatis, have retarded doctors misdiagnose it for years, leading to damage to the peroneal nerve, making you lose ~50% sensitivity in your dick and balls and a complete loss of libido.

>> No.20933032

Solo female is the only heterosexual genre.

>> No.20933038

Doctors strike again.

>> No.20933061

Weird to say, but never trust a male doctor with urinary/bladder/prostate issue.

>> No.20933127

>Ted Bundy
Porn made me kill people.
>Charles Manson
I've been looking at it all my life and it hasn't affected my anything.

Who can you trust?

>> No.20933171

Easypeasy works very well. I fell off the wagon but I went from barely making it past a day to a whole month my first attempt and then streaks of three weeks. My other problems in life lead me back to porn so I have to work on those problems as well which is a huge component of the process of addiction you can't ignore. The primary aim is to eliminate porn entirely and quitting masturbation in general will follow. So if you wack off, as long as you weren't purposely using stimuli (soft core, "erotic literature" or anything that feeds the urge counts as porn) you haven't set yourself back. Stuff like imagination fixes itself a week after quitting pirn. It intrudes on thoughts way less and it's a lot harder to rev yourself up with it alone. The biggest hurdle I think is leaving 4chan but seeing as it's the only place I can consistently talk with like-minded or at least non-drones (I'm aware of the nefativity in that statement) I'm struggling with it. I limit myself to not just blue boards but actual sfw boards. So avoiding places like /co/ in which it's primarily an /e/ for western media. I only go to /fit/ for the sticky and primarily browse /lit/ instead. I've pushed towards cutting out taphets of porn culture in my life so I only read very select mangas which I've put on hold until I bring up my reading level and attention span back to where it was before porn.

>> No.20933279

Not weird to say. I don't trust a lung foctor who smokes or a female psychiatrist.

>> No.20933294

Yeah, but I'd assume prostate's a male doctor thing. But as long as you don't have a cancer they don't give a shit.
I guess women have to deal with UTIs on a constant basis so they relate more. Still fucked tho.

>> No.20933335

i just want a cuddle bros

>> No.20933348

Why do women deal with UTIs so much? Is it do do with tampons or something?

>> No.20933373

Its just structural, according to what my doctor told me, because our track is longer and less humid. She explained it wasn't abnormal for the generalists I saw to first assume it wouldn't be an infection, because they are pretty rare in men, but once they've done a few blood screens and that *FUCKING* citoscopy, they should have put me right away on antibiotics.

>> No.20933377
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>women discussing the humidity of their urinal tracts on my board

>> No.20933414
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>dear diary, today i talked to a real woman and she acknowledged that she pees

>> No.20933432
File: 13 KB, 300x225, NoComment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of my treatment is to go to a young qt physiotherapist touch my dick and balls and her put her finger up my ass every two weeks.

>> No.20933442

> That reading comprehension.
Male urinary tracks are longer, thus we get (a LOT) less UTIs. Fuck.

>> No.20933446
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>> No.20933672

i do it prone
anyone else?

>> No.20933704

I now watch astrology-relevant porn so I make sure male performers are my sign with the corresponding twin flame sign female. It's surprisingly more exciting.

>> No.20933926

one of them is blaming porn instead of taking personal responsibility

>> No.20933961
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Our tree-climbing ancestors wouldn't care

Go ahead and have at it

>> No.20933962

Easypeasy claps very well. I fell off the wagon but I went from barely clapping it past a day to a whole month my first attempt and then streaks of three weeks. My other problems in life lead me back to cheeks so I have to work on those problems as well which is a huge component of the process of clapping you can't ignore. The primary aim is to eliminate cheeks entirely and quitting clapping in general will follow. So if you wack off, as long as you weren't purposely using cheeks (soft butts, "erotic anal" or anything that feeds the bulge counts as cheeks) you haven't set yourself ass. Stuff like imagination claps itself a week after quitting cheeks. It intrudes on cheeks way less and it's a lot harder to rev yourself up with anal alone. The biggest anal I think is leaving 4cheeks but seeing as it's the only cheek I can consistently clap with like-minded or at least non-drones (I'm aware of the thiccness in that statement) I'm struggling with cheeks. I limit myself to not just blue cheeks but actual sfw cheeks. So avoiding cheeks like /co/ in which it's primarily an /e/ for western buttsex. I only go to /fit/ for the thiccy and primarily clap /lit/ instead. I've pushed towards cutting out taphets of clapping culture in my life so I only clap very select mans which I've put on hold until I bring up my clapping level and attention sex back to where it was before cheeks.

>> No.20933973

I think there is a lack discussion on the effect of porn on women. Partly because men, superficially, think it is a good thing (my girl wants to do X, I saw X in porn, so this is good), and partly because women abhor self reflection and contain their analysis to "I saw a hot girl and it made me sad cause my body isn't as hot" and the idea that they never did this until porn came along is obviously laughable, that is just an integral part of being a woman.

What I mean is women who have a script in their head, like a AI that had been feed transcripts of every video on Pornhub. It's like fucking a malfunctioning sex droid glitching out randomly generated dirty talk, passionlessly deploying positions and acts it has determined you have a 93% chance of finding 'hot'. So many of them are voyeurs of the self, wanting to watch themselves be wanted.

>> No.20933980

Women's sexiness has plummeted for me since the early 2010s because it's become too intentional, and when it becomes intentional it inevitably revolves around anticipating what men want and then trying to maximize it, which also disastrously leads to listening to what men say about women's sexiness.

Women have all homogenized into the same woman, doing the same stupid shit. They have internalized "I have to be sexy (to men) always," which is a shell of shiny glossy plastic covering a shell of "What I assume men find sexy," which is fucking retarded. I'm not just talking about how they dress and make themselves up either, I'm talking about how they act, even the noises they think they're supposed to make during sex. I feel like I'm hooking up with another dude's porn fantasy. A retarded, autistic dude at that. I am living in the real life equivalent of some coomer's version of Oblivion that he modded to make all the girls anime whores with bulbous and unnatural looking hips. Everything tastes American and plastic, everything has a glossy neoprene sheen on it, I can't even see the real woman underneath all this shit anymore.

>> No.20934007

Cheek's sexiness has plummeted for me since the early 2010s because it's become too ass, and when it becomes ass it inevitably revolves around pooping what men want and then trying to maximize it, which also disastrously leads to listening to what men say about cheek's sexiness.

Cheeks have all homogenized into the same cheek, doing the same stupid shit. They have internalized "I have to be thiccy (to men) always," which is a anal of shitty potty plastdick covering a anal of "What I assume men find thiccy," which is fucking farted. I'm not just they about how they clap and poop themselves up either, I'm talking about how they act, even the noises they think they're supposed to make during clapping. I feel like I'm hooking up with another dude's cheek fantasy. A refarted, thiccy dude at that. I am living in the real life equivalent of some clapper's version of Oblivion that he modded to make all the cheeks anal butts with bulbous and unnatural looking shits. Everything tastes American and plastdicks, everything has a glossy neoprene sheen on it, I can't even see the real cheek underneath all this shit anymore.

>> No.20934022

12 Rules for Life

>> No.20934049

12 Cheeks for Life

>> No.20934090

Interesting post

>> No.20934111

How do you even have a “porn addiction” lmao
Process addictions are retarded. “Porn addiction” is as stupid conceptually as a “shopping addiction” — bitch if you do it too much just do it less. You’re bastardizing the word by applying it to stupid shit.

>> No.20934116

Everyone that frets over the relative straightness of porn is dangerously gay.

>> No.20934123

Obviously not serial killers.
There are people that spend 8+ hours a day manufacturing and consuming the most deranged guro monster snuff 3D renders imaginable that wouldn’t so much as be rude to a bad waiter IRL. Blaming porn for inborn psychopathy is silly.

>> No.20934125

Kys tranny

>> No.20934129

Jesse what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.20934132

>bitch if you do it too much just do it less
I can say the same about heroin, or literally every addiction.

>> No.20934144

Heroin like virtually all actual addiction vectors causes severe physical withdrawal.
You aren’t going to need to check into a hospital because you cancelled your subscription to brazzers or whatever.

>> No.20934146

>paying for porn

Lol lmao

>> No.20934165
File: 162 KB, 800x1200, 800px-Greg_Lansky_2016_by_Glenn_Francis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think of this gentleman every time you want to jerk off to porn. You're not stroking your dick, you're stroking his wallet.

>> No.20934353

How am I a tranny? I'm a guy, so obviously a man is more qualified to understand my psychology than a woman because they are also a man. And that us my expetience. Women should not be allowed to counsel men professionally. They're jyst as baive and if not even more ignorant than tjose who didn't get an expensive piece of paper. Actually I don't trust any doctor, especially women. I wouldn't have a woman perform surgery on me because if they heard me say that there's a good chance they'd "accidentally" commit malpractice.

>> No.20934565

I just watch nudist videos with girls, it's good

>> No.20934579

just jack off or don't, you making it a problem only perpetuates the cycle of shame that porns bringing you. there are better things but it's not a bad thing to jack off if youre only doing it like once a day you're fine just try to bring that number down, all in good time

>> No.20934593

it's dopamine withdrawl

>> No.20934608

>implying I pay for porn
>implying I watch anything including a dick
>implying I don't solely watch cute chubby amateur women solo masturbating
I pity the fool that has molded his entire sexuality around being aroused watching another man fuck a woman he is attracted to.

>> No.20934665

I masturbated too much today and can clearly feel the negative effects. The solution probably isn't hysterical moralism but to wank less.

>> No.20934683

you are weak

>> No.20934686

>and can clearly feel the negative effects

The I have started to notice that there is definitely a down, a hangover, from jacking it. There was a point where I could jack it 7 or 8 times a day every day not consequence. Now it's like I hit 3 in a day and I know I am being excessive and am going to feel like shit the next day. There was a part where I hadn't figured out this shift had happened and thought I was seriously depressed, but now I realize its the equivalent exchange of busting nuts.

>> No.20934687

>implying I pay for porn
you're the product

>> No.20934743

Yeah but it's the same feeling as boredom and not something as serious as actual withdraw. Just start doing sonething with your lufe niw that porn usn't taking a chunk iut if tgat space and you're fine. The feeling is less than a cold and we don't go all out on illicit substances when we have a cold because we don't like having a runny nose.

>> No.20934793

>it's dopamine withdrawl

It's not though. If porn addiction actually had anything to do with dopamine, stopping using porn would give you tremors/restless leg syndrome, heart palpitations, intestinal problems and diabetes.

>> No.20934802

I'm behind 7 proxies and have so much anti-tracking, anti-cookies and anti-advert software installed that 90% of webpages are completely inaccessible to me.

>> No.20934821

you're the product

>> No.20934878


>> No.20935081
File: 44 KB, 478x600, 1659669632515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents put a playboy magazine in my drawer when I was 11, they thought it would be funny, but it kickstarted by coomerdom so I was already seeking online porn when normal kids in my class were too shy to say "boob". I have been extremely lucky not to suffer from the infamous slippery slope of porn that makes you search for harder and harder stuff; vanilla things like the OP pic still work for me but it doesn't make the hook any softer. I still react to this type of imagery like a damn fiend looking for his fix (that's why I clicked).

Yes, I've read the resources in this thread, but I think the system has been ingrained too deep in me. You don't revert 17 years of habituation. I'm not talking about a daily basis kind thing, but it's there. Haven't fapped for days, hasn't crossed my mind, and then... hot babe on /lit/. My reason knows not to click, but I click anyways like an animal of pure impulse. Every fucking time. Ad infinitum.

>> No.20935093

>My parents put a playboy magazine in my drawer when I was 11, they thought it would be funny

Let me guess, you are white.

>> No.20935097


>> No.20935116


>> No.20935242

same i have agp though

>> No.20935256

>You don't revert 17 years of habituation.
This belief is LITERALLY the only thing keeping you hooked.

>> No.20935405

>You don't revert 17 years of habituation.
not by next thursday no, but reverting 20 years of habituation is even harder.

>> No.20935412

Makes sense

>> No.20935454

I know. I’m behind 7 proxies and have so much anti-anal, anti-thiccy and anti-advert fartware installed that 90% of cheeks are completely inaccessible to me.

>> No.20935490

I like this idea, gonna try this

>> No.20935561

You are exactly as preoccupied with and exaggerating the differences between genders/sexes as a troon. Trannies and MRA/Peterson types are two sides of the same coin. Profound gender psychosis.

>> No.20935746

I had an easier time getting rid of drugs, smoking and drinking than masturbating.

>> No.20935756

That's because there's zero benefit to giving up masturbation. Drugs, smoking, and drinking all have a negative impact on your health, physically and psychologically. Masturbating is natural and healthy. You only need to stop masturbating once you have a girlfriend/wife.

>> No.20935770 [DELETED] 

Watching girls finger their cunt is not really pleasant but closes of their faces, especially the mouth area or them moving their tits is actually quite arousing.

>> No.20935784

Wrong. Also, female on female massage porn is the best porn.

>> No.20936639


>> No.20936697

Based, especially if its Asians.

>> No.20936707

How do I tell the difference between an Asian girl and guy? Help me out bro :(

>> No.20937334

/lit/ is probably one of the weirdest places on 4chan. sure, you get the incel mass shooters on /pol/ but /lit/ is a lot more revealing. You have somewhat "smart" people who have no emotional intelligence at all. You end up with posts like this, that comes off as a schizo rambling. I don't even read but I always come to /lit/ because of shit like this.

>> No.20937548

I'm the first anon he did. I giggled.

>> No.20937855

Ok genuine question, is it actually possible to revert 10+ years of porn addiction? Is there anyone here that has successfully done so?

>> No.20938018

There are people who reverted twenty years of addiction to hard drugs. Porn is a cakewalk in comparison if you believe you can. The fear of not getting all of your life back so you'd rather throw it away than face the music is what stops long term addicts.
>I'll still have cirrhosis
>I'll still have been abused
>I'll still be alone
>I'll still have destroyed all my relationships
>My body will never be as strong as it used to be
>I'll still have wasted most of my life
The answer is to not fall for the sunk cost fallacy or nihilism and embrace how still so much of your life can be so much better compared to the addiction.

>> No.20938235

in this day and age most people start when they're 10 and quit soon after public school is done, so roughly a decade. Plenty of people have done it.

Imagine two people resisting a cigarette. When offered a smoke, the first person says, “No thanks. I’m trying to quit.” It sounds like a reasonable response, but this person still believes they are a smoker who is trying to be something else. They are hoping their behavior will change while carrying around the same beliefs.
The second person declines by saying, “No thanks. I’m not a smoker.” It’s a small difference, but this statement signals a shift in identity. Smoking was part of their former life, not their current one. They no longer identify as someone who smokes.

>> No.20938748

>>I'll still have cirrhosis
>>I'll still have been abused
>>I'll still be alone
>>I'll still have destroyed all my relationships
>>My body will never be as strong as it used to be
>>I'll still have wasted most of my life
this stops addicts?

>> No.20938918

Yes, It's weird but the fear of facing all this hardship and not at least having the drugs to "balance the scales" scares them. They're scared a life without addiction isn't betyer despite it always being so.

>> No.20938976
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>> No.20939059

>Porn is a cakewalk in comparison
It costs zero, nothing, there is no resource limitation. It's accessible 24/7 on your computer or phone. There is no overdosing, no refractory period due to the Coolidge effect. It's not illegal and there's zero risk of getting caught. It's completely private and no one in your environment has a clue. It's celebrated by society as a harmless a good thing, even by doctors. Sure, it can't kill you, but don't underestimate the damages.
Nice easy peasy fragment, except they're not offering the cigarette, they're putting it in your mouth and you decide if you light it or not. You're given a taste before having a say in the matter. This is the reality of navigating the internet. Block as many sites on your hosts file as you want, if you want to browse with some level of freedom you will inevitably stumble upon triggers again and again and again and again. A social situation where you have to refuse a cigarette arises every once in a while; resisting porn is constant. You're staring at the thing. It's one click away, permanently. And yes, I get the point: you're not supposed to resist and use willpower, you simply have to integrate in your mind that "it's not something I do". Well, that's some naive bullshit. The pathways are there, rooted, your mindset is just a flimsy shield against the inevitable relapse. You can physically separate yourself from any other addictive substance, but in this case, it follows you.

>> No.20939069

You watch porn because you're degen leftist atheists, you guys will fucking hang together with the producers

>> No.20939082

You live in sin and God punishes you rightfully for it. Start going to mass or the demons will never leave.

>> No.20939249

One has a vagina, the other has a dick

>> No.20939274

I'll take a cute Asian boy in that case

>> No.20939288

I'm not underestimatong by saying meth and heroin are worse than internet porn. I'm aware of the issues with internet porn, It's why it's still such a huge an issue but the effects it has on your body are wirse even though porn addiction tears through you too. Believing innit's hold and piwer over you is why you don't beat it because it literally is as trivial and simpke as don't look at it.

>> No.20939296

Don't give me that it's everywhere crap. That fuvking sucks but you wouldn't whack off in front of family if porn popped its head around. What you do is yell at the guy shoving a cigarette in your mouth and don't light it.

>> No.20939323

>That fuvking sucks but you wouldn't whack off in front of family if porn popped its head around.
Brilliant analysis really.

>> No.20939346

My spelling is a mess but I am right. If porn suddenly popped on the tv screen while in the living room during a kike ad or something you wouldn't start resistimg the urge to give your willy a wank with everyone else there. You just get upset that some kike put porn on daylight tv and move on from there.

>> No.20939350

Just because porn is intrusive in ouridern "culture" doesn't mean it's as dangerous as other illicit substances. It's still the easiest addiction to quit.

>> No.20939531
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1632555945277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, that wasn't sarcasm anon, it truly is a good point. You wouldn't act like a degenerate in front of or with your family. It's a nice observation. You dismantled my point. You wouldn't snort coke in the middle of breakfast with your kids because you saw sugar on the table. You would just move on. Therefore, it's not everywhere. Foiled on a technicality once again.

Someone fucking drown me.

>> No.20939600 [DELETED] 

i think ive seen her guzzling nigger piss in some video

>> No.20940623

nuh uh

>> No.20940777

this desu

>> No.20940782

yes, you're being brainwashed into a soulless porn goblin and your brain is being rewired

>> No.20940907

>Lasts longer
>Not scared of doing it raw anymore because I know I'm not gonna cum
>Partner actually has to try and get to my dick's sensitive spots when jerking/sucking me off
>Cumming still blows my mind whenever it does finally happen

I assume it will get old soon but we're slowly getting the orgasm time to around 30 minutes.

>> No.20940933
File: 48 KB, 308x400, uuuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must be unusual because I'm a wizard for life but seldom look at porn.

>> No.20940944
File: 2.99 MB, 1870x1393, 1637487575883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image is relevant to this thread

>> No.20941000

Fiction or non-fiction?

>> No.20941025

Sauce anon

>> No.20941096

dont worry theres hope. im 27 and started around 12. same thing, not delving into the really grotesque stuff. just stuck with vanilla for like 15 years.

easypeasy was the best reading material. a major thing for me was decoupling porn and masturbation. i conditioned myself to associate porn + masturbation with migraines and feeling like shit. indeed i often got migraines and had a bad day after porn + masturbation. when i got the urge to look at porn id think of these things and then just go masturbate without porn. porn is not something i reach for anymore, for now, & i hope it stays that way.

images don't trigger me nearly as often. seeing girls irl triggers me hard.

>>20940944 embarrassing image

>> No.20941148

do americans really?

>> No.20941157

I'm in a strange limbo where I still experience lust and don't have a gf but find 99.99999 ... % of sexual material on the internet repulsive. I could use my imagination but I am only turned on by women who are turned on by me. I don't want to be a toad beating his dick to strangers. It's an abstract kind of feel.

>> No.20941163

fuck are you saying

>> No.20941194

she doesn't do benis in bagina, though

>> No.20941260

>there's zero benefit to giving up masturbation.
Personally I feel less tired when I don't overdo it or not do it at all for a while.

>> No.20941267

So are we not supposed to jack off after a certain age or something? Or is it only detrimental for people with fucked up brains?

>> No.20941312

>she doesn't do benis in bagina, though
you say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.20941761

>soft core, "erotic literature" or anything that feeds the urge counts as porn
What about phone sex?
I don't want to have real sex yet but I've done sexting quite often, pictures usually very little and mostly audio based. What about purely audio? It's what gets me off most anyway. I assume it's just as bad.

>> No.20941956

one way i differantiate being addicted and just pmoing is that porn consumes me rather than me consuming porn. its spending 4 to 12 hours a day gooning high and having voice chats with other degenerate losers vs busting a nut in less than 20 minutes. its just night and day in terms of everything: the pleasure (tho its debatable whether i felt more pleasure or needed more porn to feel the approx same amount of pleasure), the emptiness afterwards, the time spent, the amount of interest i have in the world outside porn........ its just a totally different experience. that said i have some porn that in the marie kondo sense brings me joy and i dont wanna delete it.

either way imo unless youre deep in, ie gooning for hours on end every day and have a fulfilled day every day (hobbies outside porn, interactions with friends, obligations like school or work etc) and you dont think about porn unless youre jerking off, id say youre probably fine and not addicted and that if you feel like youre troubled that you should search for help elsewhere so as to actually do it and not waste time on porn on its own. your unease is an amalgamation of more than just porn, its not a single variable kind of thing.

>> No.20941969
File: 490 KB, 245x200, 051B78EDD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and having voice chats with other degenerate losers

>> No.20942035

not reading the thread but, i solved this by jacking off as much as I can 2 times a week, after doing this libido goes down, even if you could continue you no longer feel the need to and becomes tiresome, it helps to keep focus during the week, a couple of wanks do not take more than 30 mins, on the other hand if you are spending hours and hours searching and looking at porm and its not even about getting off , there is definitely a problem
>20 mins
not watching that stuff, probably will use it to jackoff tho, asmr has been always coomer tier

>> No.20942075

>having voice chats with other degenerate losers
What level of gooning is this

>> No.20942092

The Darkness That Comes (Cooms) Before

Before any action, just ask yourself, "what would Kellhus do?"

Would he masturbate? Only if it had a purpose beyond gratification. Would he save a devoted follower who he had manipulated into damnation and had painfully and slowly tortured from death? Only if he knew why he was doing it.

One must condition the ground, and then only stride upon conditioned ground. Only then can one claim "I am master here!" even to transtellar hyper advanced rape aliens and the gods themselves, and be speaking truth.

>> No.20942140

>reading all that just for quitting porn?
i ain't gonna do that nigga

>> No.20942163

i have books on the importance of retaining your seed if you want those

>> No.20942179

Amygdalatropolis by B. R. Yeager comes to mind.

>> No.20942285

Shut up nigger.

>> No.20942305
File: 102 KB, 1024x733, 915d0-raffy-taffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is watching or lsitneing to asmr breaking no porn/fap?

I dont really "watch it" just listen to the sound effects and whispers as I fall asleep.

>> No.20942308

No it's perfectly fine as long as you don't actually cum from it, that's the harmful part

>> No.20942455

If you find it arousing then don't watch/listen to it at all. The best way to keep nofap is to not even expose yourself to any tempting material.

>> No.20942513
File: 365 KB, 1080x873, Asmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I mostly watch qts. Like I said 8 jsut turn it on, ff the paid promotion then turn off the screen. And it's not all of them, some hit different than others.

I don't get aroused or anything but they do feel relaxing and put me to sleep

>> No.20942568

I use ASMR for going to sleep, so I don't get caught up in the waifu side of it cause I am rarely looking at the screen. I will not listen to really ugly girls though, refuse to support them on principle, but will take an average who sounds good over a pretty face with shit production.

>> No.20943374
File: 184 KB, 578x1024, download (87).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman, who is just someone with a shoe and clothing company who would dress up and walk about in her clothes gets me absolute diamonds, I've blown more loads to her clothed pics than all actual porn combined


>> No.20943442

Can books make people horny and coom?

>> No.20943448


>> No.20943472

Just stop watching porn.

>> No.20943474

I fixed death grip by getting an onahole. Read the guide over at /jp/ ona.
I got magic eyes lolinco.

>> No.20943596

so what's he saying

>> No.20943606

What was the name of this artist again? I love this kind of shit

>> No.20943640

Just close your eyes nigga haha
or watch the most degenerate shit until you are disgusted with yourself and involuntarily stop

>> No.20944262

The only way to quit is to watch even more of it. Trust me.

>> No.20944367

awful taste desu

>> No.20945144

that doesn't sound right, but i don't know enough about addiction to say you're wrong

>> No.20945202

You need to hit rock bottom to quit. Of course safely without dying or anything like that.

>> No.20945230

Porn gives you ED dude

>> No.20945240

This but solo trans

>> No.20945249

Porn is healthy, you should watch some right now

>> No.20945970
File: 1.04 MB, 2160x2880, 02e76c95-15a6-4257-89f9-1ce3b4e0ce0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20947181

anyone read sadly, porn by tlp?

>> No.20947186

he already said solo female

>> No.20947202

I've travelled so far down the rabbit hole by now that I can only get off to the most debased shit. I have cum to actual rape videos.

I deserve to burn in hell, but this all just stems from never being given the oppurtunity in this life to form a genuine, mutual, intimate relationship with a member of the opposite sex.

Its not completely unfair to state that women themselves drove me to this. I tried, I tried so very hard time and time again.

There is only the porn now.

I have always been alone and always will be.

>> No.20947519

This resonated with me. Thanks.

Well said.

>> No.20948302

made me laugh ngl

>> No.20948374

addict cope
you cannot look at the shit people watch, the delusions they cultivate, and tell me it isn't illness

>> No.20948691

Wtf! I'm trying not to jerk off and watch porn, then i see this shit. I need to leave this place for good.

>> No.20948801

My waifu is my catharsis as well. There's worse ways to cope than porn.

>life is better without porn
Is complete bullshit if you have nothing. I love my egirl waifu :3

>> No.20950023

are 3d waifus ok?

>> No.20950159

Doe listening to /r/gonewildaudio count as porn?

>> No.20950277
File: 85 KB, 294x258, 1650965661404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made it almost 6 weeks now with no fapping or porn. 3rd week - 4th week was harshest, I kept getting this sickly horny feeling and lapsing into porn fantasies briefly, and for a while I got painful blue balls, even though I was never hard for more than a few seconds before getting ahold of myself. It's gotten a little easier since then, I'm used to resisting and letting it pass, and I feel like I could go forever if I just keep telling myself there's no point to it, it only moulds you into a cuck and a loser, etc. Still have some lapses into fantasizing for a few seconds, and sometimes waking up in the morning I'll be humping the bed while remembering some porn, before seizing control and stopping. Sorry about TMI I just wanted to share my experience somewhere since this is easily the best attempt I've ever had.

>> No.20950289
File: 72 KB, 575x562, 1596505127218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great test is still to come

You're gonna make it

>> No.20950379

does she have worms in her fingers

>> No.20950696

Magic's not real.

>> No.20950701


>> No.20950806

Is this a Steve Donoghue reference?

>> No.20950870

there's no such thing as a rabbit hole. You're just into that shit. Been watching porn for years and my tastes have stayed the exact same.

>> No.20950882

This homogenization of women is incredible to behold in the zoomers. There are gangs of middle school / high school girls that walk around my suburban neighborhood in packs of a dozen ALL wearing the exact same short shorts and white t-shirt with long white socks and sneakers.

The purposeful uniformity among the youth is something I didn't witness growing up. We had skaters, jocks, emo kids, hippies, etc., and they all wore similar clothing but always with variation. This is something different. Something strange is brewing in a society of young people too afraid to stand out from one another at all.

>> No.20950886

There's nothing more draining or anhedonia inducing than orgasm. Nicotine and alcohol affect me less.

>> No.20950927

I was an alcoholic, and smoked a lot of weed in my life. I even smoked a pack of cigs a day at one point. I quit each of those vices in turn, with alcohol being the hardest. I'm 3 years sober now and found I enjoy life so much more without the fog of those substances...

but porn... porn has been harder than anything else. I've been trying to quit for years now and Easy Peasy definitely helped me get the furthest, but I've only made it 21 days in my longest effort. I just get too damned horny, uncontrollably. And having overcome other addictions in my life I'm familiar with the sense of unstoppable force, that no matter what you think or want, the desire for your fix will manipulate and convince you until you give in. I am certain that there is addiction going on in regards to porn.

That said, within 7 days of no porn or masturbation, I find myself much happier, more focused, with more passion and zeal, I'm more driven, more excited to work on creative projects and socialize. I am in every way a better version of myself without porn. When I finally give into the dark urges... I feel the old emptiness, so dark compared to the thrill of purity. The energy and zeal is gone, only the fat, sedated sense of the animal inside that has had it's fill.

I encourage anyone considering it to try going 7 days without porn or orgasm to taste what life could be like without the dulling drug of porn.

>> No.20950956
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>> No.20950994

yes, absolutely

>> No.20951136

Why is it that the porn trajectory seems to have a common pattern and direction. It starts with typical sexual fantasies of beautiful women... but the further down the spiral you go, the more it seems to be about degradation of woman, than anything else. Normal porn, to incest family porn, to gang bangs, to BDSM, to rape porn... to gay and tranny... It's like there is a pattern of constantly pushing taboos and going into darker and darker places. As if the sickening shock and guilt is as much a part of the intoxicating thrill than the simple arousal of beautiful women. I feel like this is the path that serial killers went down before they started carving girls up... and we're repeating it for millions of young men on fast forward.

It makes me wonder how much of this surge in gay people in society is directly correlated to either childhood abuse or going too far down the degeneracy rabbit hole of internet porn... especially at a young age.

When I was 12 my friend and I found a Max Hardcore DVD in his dad's office... we watched it and I remember feeling sick..this is sex? Some old man prying a girls mouth open with some metal thing and fucking her face until she pukes? To this day I am turned on by rough sex and dominating porn and I have to wonder how much that fucked up porno from when I was 12 had an effect on me. At the same time, having sweet, intimate sex with my gf that is loving and gentle is amazing... idk man, human sexuality is a mystery to me.

>> No.20951253

Anything by Houellebecq

>> No.20951328

>Why is it that the porn trajectory seems to have a common pattern and direction
It applies to absolutely everything in the world. The point of mystic traditions is teach you to notice and comprehend those patterns enough so that you can use it to affect yourself and your surroundings. That's also how magic, math and real science works. The anon who wrote those posts is clearly a practitioner.

>> No.20951340

power and dominance is a mysterious part of sex but it's the most obvious up front one so unrefined people will hyper emphasize it. it's like how american food is all disgustingly over sugared and over salted to people from other cultures, even modern cultures with good cuisine. americans upped the sugar and salt in everything until it's the only thing they can taste anymore. sweetness and saltiness are parts of the wide world of flavor but theyre supposed to be only parts.

some other cultures do it with spices or spiciness which is a different thing. they load everything with so much that they need ten pounds of it to taste anything. but then 'spicy' is all theyre tasting when they do taste anything.

porn just does the same with the childish fetish thrill of degrading something weaker than you

>> No.20951342
File: 222 KB, 599x752, 1662500998290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like there is a pattern of constantly pushing taboos and going into darker and darker places.

It was the salad tossing that got to me and made me want to quit. I felt pure disgust as more and more videos featured a beautiful woman playing the trombone with her lips wrapped around some dude's chocolate starfish.

>> No.20951378

You guys are so dramatic. All this psychological shit you guys feel is just you people reading shit online and internalizing it. Porn is bad like this site is, or endless scrolling is, it messes up dopamine if you do it for hours. But it isn’t debilitating if you use porn once every couple of days. When I was younger I used to snort adderal and jerk off to porn for 12 hours straight. If you’re not doing shit like that and you just watch porn, coom in 15 min, and go about your day you’re probably ok

>> No.20951451

>When I was younger I used to snort adderal and jerk off to porn for 12 hours straight.
whoa guys, we should take his advice

>> No.20951453

My porn choices have remained pretty consistent and vanilla throughout life.

>> No.20952094
File: 428 KB, 1726x2784, 28cf5fc8faa2573ea6ef2e2d1108377d7bae48f8-1726x2784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this can turn you into something even worse than a sex addicted: a sexologist

>> No.20952169

Yeah probably.

>> No.20952313

not op but does anyone here know how to deal with it at night? i can force myself to stop when i'm awake, but when i go to bed it takes forever for me to sleep unless i jack off

>> No.20952320

Read the Bibile.

>> No.20952447

Congrats fren. I am in the same boat. There is a key difference in that the urge to PMO is fulfilling a biological need, while drug do not. Even having a harem to satisfy this need would not solve the problem and would only create more problem. Limiting use of porn at the very least is a great improvement.

>> No.20953051

top kek anon thanks for the laugh.

>> No.20953058

A bit of strong alcohol puts me to sleep

>> No.20953065

Nigga just rub one out when it gets hard. Just stop watching porn for it.

>> No.20953068

Is it ok to fap without porn? Is it ok to fap to social media pics of girls you know or do you have to do complete no content faps

>> No.20953092

I'd say avoid all external stimuli while doing it.

>> No.20953102


>> No.20953109

Yes it's like 500 pages of ranting about how you can't make decisions for yourself, how even your porn fantasies are about how some situation forces you to have sex, except you don't have fantasies because you're incapable of fantasizing which is why you consume other people's fantasies by watching porn. It's all like that and somehow stays entertaining.

>> No.20953118

That's the whole point.

>> No.20953770

>reads quran
>goes from being an neet coomer to a pedophile rapist

>> No.20953817



>> No.20953846
File: 126 KB, 687x916, 1662508073218865_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should loosen up anon! Why don't you grab it, one more time can't hurt right. If it's bad why does it feel soo good.

(and read a fucking book after for once)

>> No.20953950
File: 134 KB, 1024x1024, 1662533438804530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing no fap or porn for over a month and now I'm attracted to bodies like this out the blue after hating fat girls my whole life


>> No.20953959

>his mind cinema is boring to him

>> No.20953981

Same for me. Suddenly I find nothing more atractive than curvy women with cow tits and hairy pussy. Pregnant women and lactating tits are also kinda hot. I want nothing more than to knock up a girl and keep fucking her when her belly is growing and milk is dripping from her nipples.

>> No.20953995

Nofap confirmed psyop from the fat woman lobby?

>> No.20954140

Always was

>> No.20954393

>it isn’t debilitating if you use porn once every couple of days
>I used to snort adderal and jerk off to porn for 12 hours straight
Do you think that perhaps your perspective might be skewed?

>> No.20954401


>> No.20954425

That is the most disgusting ass I have ever seen. Looks like a little boy. Disgusting.

>> No.20954432


>> No.20954569

no. tantric tards are just as hedonistic as the normies. in fact tantric tards are 100% normies who delude themselves they hacked it. this is exactly why women are drawn to tantrism: mix of sex and fake enlightenment.

>> No.20954577

it's just the opulence of the breasts

cute girls dont need big breasts to attract orbiters, contrary to average girls. And if you dont see the face, then you need to see for your self an orgy of flesh which becomes beauty

>> No.20954578

yeah get off 4chan its a demoralisation psyop.

>> No.20954591

So that just mean you want influence on the world. its what 99% of men of all history want and it's utterly normal. Instead of being a generic competitor on the sex market, where 99% of men never have the upper hand over women, because women are the alpha predator (even more so in democracies) so you want to turn the table.

>> No.20954601

>not reading the thread but, i solved this by jacking off as much as I can 2 times a week, after doing this libido goes down, even if you could continue you no longer feel the need to and becomes tiresome, it helps to keep focus during the week, a couple of wanks do not take more than 30 mins, on the other hand if you are spending hours and hours searching and looking at porm and its not even about getting off , there is definitely a problem
This is indeed the only right approach. The next step is destruction of the libido, but it's super hard and in fact most people don't even want it lol.

>> No.20954605

>keep scrolling past this thread
>keep thinking "damn i wanna eat her asshole"
>click pic
>see her face in detail
>i no longer want to eat her ass
>repeat every day this thread has been up

It is like you created a metaphor for porn addiction with your very thread OP.

>> No.20954655
File: 264 KB, 964x756, 1636584279848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It starts with typical sexual fantasies of beautiful women... but the further down the spiral you go, the more it seems to be about degradation of woman, than anything else. Normal porn, to incest family porn, to gang bangs, to BDSM, to rape porn... to gay and tranny... It's like there is a pattern of constantly pushing taboos and going into darker and darker places. As if the sickening shock and guilt is as much a part of the intoxicating thrill than the simple arousal of beautiful women. I feel like this is the path that serial killers went down before they started carving girls up... and we're repeating it for millions of young men on fast forward.

It has nothing to do with abuse, contrary to the atheist propaganda. And another thing atheists push for is ''sex is about power'', as another delusion to avoid seeing that atheists are just hedonistic coomers exactly like people before them. (atheists love to view themselves as having the moral high ground, but once they see they have nothing to offer than the previous ruling classes, they loose their only narrative they used to take pwoer)

The reality is that women absolutely love all the thing you talked about. Yes women love to be fucked like in max Hardcore or like in Woodman's videos. Women say it explicitly and they keep doing it.
Women don't love the guy infatuated with beautiful women. What In their teen age men know unconsciously, then very much consciously in their adult age, is that women
-never value the eternal beta orbiter
-women will have debased sex with the first stranger who ''makes them vibrate''

Women don't give a shit about relationships. Women just want to larp over a few days as the non-slut girl and then they want the sex, and they want it bad.

The second strategy women build to avoid viewing themselves as slut is their fantasy of ''summer love'', which is just the situation with the ''stranger which makes them vibrates all over'' extended to a few weeks of casual fun sex with no string attached and zero bad consequence for the girl (especially no pregnancy, which is reached thanks to normalization of abortion).

And by the way, women cannot be tainted, because women are not pure to begin with . Purity of women is myth, built by men but which women find very very useful. Jews know that women are whores, contrary to romans who think women are pure lol. So jews only define jewisness through women, because only the mother is sure to be known by the community. On the opposite side is literally homosexuals like greeks and romans who keep basing their lineages on purity of women, which we all know is a lie.
This is why I will always respect more jews than goys.

What a girl utterly despises are 2 things:
-being called a slut, but only outside of the romp
-having physical contact with repulsive orbiters (but still wants all their attention and all their money) which is why tinder and other onlyfan are a godsend and makes women thrive in democracies

>> No.20954707

Women don't want to to be respected and make love in the dark with their devoted provider. What women want is to be fucked raw by an Adonis they barely know who makes them squirt everywhere and fuck them until they can barely walk.

Women want the convulsive orgasm where they lose consciousness to the point that they roll their eyes and lose their social self, getting in touch for the first time their true self, ie the sheer whoredom. You think they will get that by looking into the eyes of their generic subservient beta appliance fucking them in the missionary position?
Think again.

Everything you see in porn is the truth about women. And that's why you hate it.

>> No.20954734

This is ripped from easypeasymethod but basically the reason you are hooked is like ninety-eight percent emotional/psychological and only five percent chemical/neurotransmitter. You psych yourself out and tell yourself that you need it when you don't. Just stop, and view any dopamine withdrawal you feel like a head cold, something that will be got through shortly.

>> No.20955128

Women in the porn industry are so hooked on sex that even their official husband is from the industry because only those males can satisfy them

>> No.20956038

her face looks better in other pics

>> No.20956276


>> No.20957023
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suffer and die then no one cares

>> No.20957072

GROOMER tier antis'

>> No.20957364

DO NOT fall into the ASMR trap anon, seriously
You may find it relaxing now but eventually you'll be turned on by it and it will become porn

>> No.20957432

Not a popular answer but this is the only real thing that will truly help. Also >>20931220 >>20930874

>> No.20957435
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>> No.20957648

no, on /lit/ you get situationally retarded people such as yourself. its not that hard to understand what hes saying

>> No.20957808

This is what works for me.
Jerk off once in the morning, and again at night if I'm not tired, WITHOUT porn. That's it. I guess if you have a higher sex drive you can do it again in the middle of the day, or twice, or whatever. I used to jerk off into the toilet when I was taking a shit on my work break, cause I'd just get bricked up at that time of day.

The point is to just not watch hardcore porn. I like nude art and attractive ASMR girls. Since I do this, it's also easy to enjoy jerking it to just my fapbank.
The difficult part is how much better I feel when I do this. I feel mentally clean, with stronger erections. And of course, that makes me want to watch some hardcore porn cause I get horny.

So I just don't. Just don't watch it. This is foolproof.

>> No.20957900

You're a retard

>> No.20957917

It's probably not good for you to spend a lot of time whacking off to porn (if nothing else because it consumes time), but there's something peculiar about a lot of the anti-porn crowd in that they seem to use it as a sort of scapegoat for their own failings—viz. they think it's their "addiction" keeping them from becoming successful chads, etc, and if only they could solve this problem they'll stop being failures. It's a common phenomenon. For some people it's booze, for others junk food, or videogames, lack of discipline generally, and so on. And I say this as a man who is not particularly fond of pornography.

>> No.20957923

You are insane

>> No.20958038

really? I read Whatever, Particles and Serotonin and there's not much porn talk in them

>> No.20958062

anyone else go through this structure in a similar way with literature and art (in a good way), where you want increasingly complex and dense works to go through? i started reading somewhat casually a few years ago and now i really only gravitate to linguistically or conceptually dense novels or poetry. somewhat same with film, back in highschool i thought tarintino was the end all be all but a few days ago i spent 5 and a half hours watching matthew barney's river of fundament. i feel like there is an endless amount of lit and art that connects to itself that i want to dive deep into. anyone else??

>> No.20958201
File: 65 KB, 720x540, 1662533654646600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When doing no porn. Is it ok to fap to pics like this? Or this >>20953950

>> No.20958208

to a thot?
no sir
not today

>> No.20958211

holy shit you coomer just stop looking at naked women on the internet

>> No.20958279

yes the feminists keep saying they love to analyze society and its problem, but weirdly enough tey refuse to analyse why men are incels and keep looking at porn. they refuse to apply Historical Materialism to see what material condition or lack therefore drives incels. They refuse to do it precisely because the condition is what you said.

>> No.20958313

weird question but where should I try to find softcore magazines to buy? I think it'd be a way that I can still fap but not have to use the internet

>> No.20958337

I'm with this guy

>> No.20958524

Japanese softcore nudes and gravure. Some adultstores have a foreign section, otherwise you can get them off of Jap Amazon.

>> No.20958528 [SPOILER] 
File: 229 KB, 1000x1375, pbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Playboy Special Editions, basically all nude softcore photography with none of the articles. Stuff like their Vixens, Nudes, Lingerie, Playmates In Bed, editions.

>> No.20958543

Hey neat

>> No.20958586

The Coombrain Chronicles by A.H. Kamen

>> No.20959855

eww, why would you wanna fap to a fattie?

>> No.20959863
File: 49 KB, 680x559, 1657090839777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never give up anon

>> No.20959886

I'm at like 4 weeks now I think.

I have barely been getting aroused this whole time, though today I've been getting semi chubs. it's making me wonder why I'm doing this

>> No.20959996

Thanks guys. By the way, do you think you could furnish a link to one example of the Japanese magazines? Just so I know what exactly you're talking about.

>> No.20960117

Bejean magazine for japan is pure photoshoots of models. But basically every Seinen manga magazine comes with a centerfold these days too.

>> No.20960119
File: 117 KB, 768x1024, 1611805448619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20960429

>all sold out and only available digitally

>> No.20960545

oh god, no I'm afraid of trying to quit porn. this is absolutely fucked up.

>> No.20961037

what you get for eating that apple bitch

>> No.20961045



>> No.20961102

This guy here.. lol finally woke up with a boner for the first time in a long time

>> No.20961151

I don't think I understood any of this, but I found the whole thing hilarious. I hope that was your intention.

>> No.20961160

you can be addicted to heroin, maybe to alcohol if you do it long enough.
Masturbation to porn is not addiction, its not causing any withdrawal symptoms, if it creates any health or problems they are not measurable, most argue its indifferent to body at most.
You do it because you want to do it, but there is nothing in act that could be qualified as addiction

>> No.20961170

clamped and vaccinated

>> No.20961224

We jack off because we watch porn or we watch porn because we jack off?

>> No.20961296

You probably have low testosterone, as I did. Start going to the gym and focus specifically on your lower body– learn to properly squat and deadlift, and your libido will return along with higher energy and confidence levels. If you don't want to go the gym, at the very least try to do squats with your own bodyweight. Better sleep, diet, and vitamin D also help a great deal as well from what I have heard.
As a word of advice, your T-levels and libido will likely fluctuate, but don't let an apparent lack of progress discourage you. A few weeks ago I was getting morning wood every day, but then when I didn't one day, I was extremely discouraged and started to let sexual images back into my life just to see if my dick still works. You can probably tell how that went. Now I am back at square one.
I think in the long run having somewhere you can channel that sexual energy is imperative to lasting in recovery.

>> No.20961336
File: 187 KB, 2000x2000, romans 715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do it because you want to do it

>> No.20961370

I read the easypeasy book to quit smoking last year in December. I woke up and opened /lit/ and saw people talking about the book like it was magic and became curious. I woke up with no intention of quitting that day. I downloaded the pdf and read it on my laptop. I spent 4 hours or so reading it, and after I finished, I had one more cigarette and said goodbye to it just like the book told me too, and that was the last time I smoked. That was more than 9 months ago, and I haven't smoked since, or desired one.

>> No.20961399

Yes, just do it and realize that virginity is not a big deal, but if it's giving you a mental hangup go for it

>> No.20961413

Do it for the sake of knowing what sex feels like, but do not get addicted to hookers and easy pleasures.

>> No.20961417
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>> No.20961454

Only difference between an escort and a regular woman us that one of them has a Louis Vuitton bag

>> No.20961584

>drop porn
>do literally anything else but to watch porn
Here, send me $10

There's people with actual chemical addictions dying from their abstinence. If you can't get rid of such weak, feeble habit, you're beyond salvation.

>> No.20961617

>charles manson
>serial killer
they psy opped you good huh

>> No.20961746

I woke up with morning wood today. And yeah I workout, but just body weight stuff. Pull ups being my hardest exercise.

Squats I do on 2 days a week. One day, 5x25, other day 5x50.

Maybe it's the sun thing. I lost my job over no vax and haven't worked in about a year and only go out once a week if that. During summer I used to have my coffee or think outside but it's been so cold the past few months

>> No.20961752

I jacked off first before ever watching porn. But I can't say for certain what it turned into. Looking forward at a lonely, porn-less life, are we never supposed to jack off? Did cavemen ever get addicted to jacking off? Orgasms are a dangerous fucking drug, and the whole thing is a fucking trap and a mess.

>> No.20961757


>> No.20961763

Based. Regular porn with a guy and girl grosses me out.
In the words of Charls Carrol, "Dicks in pornoes that's like I just can't think of anything weirder, and I never could relate to it. I'm seeing another guys dick. I don't know unless dicks turn me on, but they don't."

>> No.20961783

>the system has been ingrained too deep in me. You don't revert 17 years of habituation
It's called being a normal human with a functioning libido. Don't be so over dramatic.

>> No.20961792

Good on you to stay fit. For me I need to be in the gym to work out, but I guess everyone is different. Yeah, might be the lack of sun. Maybe go for walks? That has been doing a lot for my mental health lately. Having a social life helps a lot too, I think, though I'm not on top of that. I'm a loner by nature, get almost no social interaction during the day apart from my family, but earlier in the year I spent some time in a Catholic men's group and felt really great. I was able to interact with people better and felt palpably more attracted to women.

>> No.20961796

I started jacking off when I was 12 because I saw a woman doing striptease in some late night adult channel. For me, masturbation was always a result of visual estimulation.

>> No.20961812

If you coom.
You have doom.

—A. Nonymous c. Now

>> No.20961837

>Having a social life helps a lot too, I think, though I'm not on top of that. I'm a loner by nature, get almost no social interaction during the day apart from my family

That could be it too. I hate having a "social life" but I think my old work place really did fill my social needs at the time.

>> No.20962261

how old are you? if young I would say no, just try harder to talk to girls. but if in your late 20s, sure, might as well go for it at that point. it might help you get more comfortable around women

>> No.20962268

meant to reply to >>20931545

>> No.20962309

what the fuck?

>>20931545 NO. if it's a mental hang up GET OVER IT OMFG. why are you allowing your life to be oriented around sex

>> No.20962968

everyone's life is oriented around sex, unless you memed yourself into thinking you're asexual. and obviously it's better to get a gf, but I figure if someone's getting older, and they have disposable income, escorts become a fair option

>> No.20963018
File: 27 KB, 450x600, samaze_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm not sure. I just think we need more philosophical porn

>> No.20963072

My dick has been randomly awake all day after not even cracking a boner in over a month of no fap/porn

Are you allowed to look at hot friends social media pages? Not going to touch but I want to look at pretty girls and see if they can still turn me on

>> No.20963128

You're not addicted. You're just bored because you're a NEET and have nothing else better to do.

>> No.20963178

Yes even worse since it's also prositution

>> No.20963289


>> No.20963494


Wtf is this? This clip felt really nice like she was talking and breathing on my neck

>> No.20963548

Tell us more about your dick why don't you.

>> No.20963558

It's all down hill from there if you do. Two virgins that love each other are kinda clumsy but a way better experience in my opinion.

>> No.20963882

This is the problem. There really is very little motivation to do it without some shitty self-help book tier justification; if one were actually going to assuredly be rewarded with some pleasant sexual release at the end of it that would be one thing, but as it is, as a neet loser, you'll be coom free for life or just go back to your former habits or just slightly reduce; in which case, why not not slightly reduce yourself to begin with? Do you really feel a sense of completion from not touching yourself?