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20925166 No.20925166 [Reply] [Original]

Why did it die out? The predictions from 100 years ago have been spot on
Will we see a resurgence in the coming years?

>> No.20925175

>includes Wagner

>> No.20925185

Lol nice try, well poisoner

>> No.20925207

>Why did it die out?
The entire world view of the current system is based on preventing the Neuromyth of Eugenics.
Watch segments at 13min and 47min https://youtube.com/watch?v=PNWseolei_A
>Will we se a resurgence in the coming years?
Yes. If you only look at birthrates by ideology, right wingers have 3 times as many offspring than leftists.
Watch Ed Dutton for conservative birthrates, he says traits like being religious are .7 inheritable, meaning they grow through birthrates, making future generations much more religious than current ones. All of this means leftoids physically die out and their ideoly dies with them, unless they successfully psyop the current youth.

>> No.20925215

You're nuts to think this is a good thing. Have fun in your theoretical totalitarian state.

>> No.20925235

The thing is that the current big system will collapse and many small pockets of order will emerge, the rest is disorganized wasteland. Within those small pockets different kinds of government exist, but those that are hard and pure will be most likely to survive or even thrive and expand like the ancient Romans. In a small scale, localized way hardcore ethnocentric conservative zealots are the ideal form of rule from a evolutionary point of view. It's only bad if it gets too big and add people into it's ranks that don't want to be there. If it's basically just a group of a handful of clans where almost everyone knows everyone else and have bloodline connection, selfsacrifice is eugenic behavoir. I look forward to one drop rule following Warlords breeding whites back into the most plentifully race of the earth.

>> No.20925245

There’s no point in exterminating dysgenic people when you need them for your point of reference in identifying non-dysgenic people. You would constantly have to refill the bottom of your hierarchy with new people in order for the people at the top to remain superior. This would keep happening until you ran out of people, resulting in the superior group cannibalizing itself.

>> No.20925471

what's wrong with Evola?

>> No.20925510

>not including Speer's autobiographies

>> No.20925516

This has nothing to do with eugenics.
Larp, faggot

These threads are worse than the evola, guenon threads. I can’t believe ten or so people manage to poison this board by jerking off every few days.
This will never be your board, people outside your bubble will never agree with you, yet it’s entirely unreasonable and impractical to ban you.
You should go to a further echo chamber like pol or kohlchan.

>> No.20925538

>This has nothing to do with eugenics
Maybe you should get your eyes checked out then

>> No.20925539
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>this thread

>> No.20925581

Vague conservatism doesn't make for the endorsement of theories about racial preservation, let alone racial supremacy. Millenials are just barely over 50% white in the United States of America and the large majority of those find this sort of eugenics anathema. So how would they ever come around to this even if conservatism is growing? They obviously would not. Measuring growing sentiment among a dwindling population and worse, forecasting that along a linear progression of time, is a mistake.

>> No.20925642

So this chart is supposed to incompass eugenicist literature, but there is not even Galton in there. What?

>> No.20925645

Did you bother reading the text under the eugenics theory section

>> No.20925656

>Unrelated to eugenics

>> No.20925659

Its a secondary source, while the rest of the chart is shitted up with primary sources by nazi failsons like goebbels. Why not have the father of eugenics on your chart and let us hear it from the man itself?

>> No.20925675
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Rosenberg didn't preach Nordicism, stop making charts for books you didn't read you illiterate Amerimutt.

>> No.20925680

You do realize Hitler's Empire was written by a Jew, right?

>> No.20925686

The Third Reich wasn't a “Nietzchean” this chart sucks balls.

>> No.20925691

>No Rudolph Jung
This is how I know you haven't done your homework.

>> No.20925697

>Race pill
>Only stupid dead white men who blew their brains out when life got hard
Real "eugenics" you got there, bro.

>> No.20925704

It’s really more about the people who influenced nazi eugenics and Hitler more than a total rundown of eugenics - race of masters book is actually good though if you’re interested in the entire history of it
Okay retard, is that why he mentioned “Nordic” 450+ times in his book?

>> No.20925713

Ah yes because his books are available in English right?
Dumbass kraut

>> No.20925733
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This is how I know you haven't read shit, you retard. His use of the word "Nordic" was strictly qualified by this pronouncement:

>”nothing would be more superficial than to measure a man's worth by his physical appearance (with a centimeter rule and cephalic indices). A far more accurate measure of worth is conduct."

The earliest period of National Socialist racism was characterized by the writings and speeches of Hitler himself. Hitler's contentions with respect to race were no more and no less shocking, interesting or spectacular than similar statements made by any number of Anglo-Saxon eugenicists of the period. More significantly, in his specific references to race Hitler was content to employ the exceedingly vague term "Aryan" to denote his select race, founders of the State, society and culture in Europe. Under the rubric "Aryan" Hitler included all the European peoples, apparently (2) reserving the status "inferior" for non-European peoples of the world. Nowhere in Mein Kampf does he specifically stipulate the physical type of his superior race. He refers, however, with unqualified approval to the writings of Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Even if he had not, any comparison of the general ideas on race and society found in Mein Kampf with those of Chamberlain's Grundlagen would have made his intellectual debt quite apparent.

>> No.20925746

It is, you're just lazy and retarded. It's on ARPLAN.


This whole website is well sourced and of academic quality, fuck chart posters.

>> No.20925758
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Listen nigger, i know Rosenberg’s nordicism is not phenotypical nordicism
Nowhere did I say it was
You don’t have to get so butthurt because you’re not blonde.

Myth of the 20th century is an easy read/watch and that’s why it’s the first book
Now fuck off, I am an expert racist

PS I just searched his wiki and of course it lines up with the chart. It’s almost as if I have read all those books and know what I’m talking about

>> No.20925771

There will be no resurgence because entropy always wins.
The genetic material of the population has decayed to such a dependent and diseased condition, that they wouldn't ever revert this trend - they don't have the will or desire to reverse this trend.
The species is going to die out, diseased, miserable, and alone. This is the arc of all history. This is the way of all flesh.

>> No.20925785

You're hopeless, that whole Wiki contradicts the quote from Rosenberg, which is in the book. This is all Guenther's racism painted all over it, which is at complete odds with Hitler and Rosenberg, who's theories had not been sufficiently definitive. Hitler's Aryans had remained vexedly ill-defined, while Rosenberg had not necessarily equated physical type with individual achievement, so there is no “Rank”, only Guenther does that hogwash.

>> No.20925822

let’s repeat this part from wiki
>Rosenberg built on the works of Arthur de Gobineau, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Madison Grant and the Klansman Lothrop Stoddard as well as on the beliefs of Hitler.

Oh my god… it’s almost as if the chart takes you from Hitler to de Gobineau/Chamberlain/Grant/Stoddard
Wow the person who made the chart is a genius

I don’t care for your seething

>> No.20925862

Correct, but Again, Roseberg doesn't promote Nordcism. Chamber (Hitlers Racial mentor) nowhere gives a specific morphological identity to his "German," although he does wax enthusiastic over the tall, blond dolichocephal (long head). And on the other the hand he doesn't deny creativity nor value to other races, same as Rosenbreg. That Wiki serves no justice (because it's Wikpeida) because it uses phrases like “Master race” and the use of strict hierarchies, that's all illogical and contradicting to their beliefs, it's all mixtures of Gunethers theories of Nordic supremacy.

>> No.20926088

Rosenberg absolutely promotes nordicism - as historical nordicism
The concept of Nordic blood being the fertile seed that was responsible for various civilizations absolutely classifies as “Nordicist racial thought” as described in the chart

It is you who is implying that I somehow mean blonde hair blue eyeism but I do not mention it anywhere.

You are trying too hard man

>> No.20926110

I think it would be more productive if WNs shifted from a biological goal to a goal for the advancement and propagation of a particular civilization. It will take recognizing that in the universal catholic church, protestant evangelism, Nordicism, and the white man's burden are all one in the same idea - and this is the Faustian idea as explained by Oswald Spengler.

>> No.20926131

It will take identifying the commonalities between and the synthesis of the universal spirit ideal and universal blood idea, and pushing that idea forward.

>> No.20926140

And assessing that in both Godfrey of Bouillon and Cecil Rhodes is one and the same tendency.

>> No.20926156

Actually this is sort of the point of the chart
Evola does a good job in refuting the vulgar aspects of biological racism while effectively pivoting towards spiritual racism - similar to what you described with Spengler (but slightly different)

>> No.20926168

Oh no, a race to the top instead of the bottom? That sounds horrible!

>> No.20926259


>> No.20926367

I still love the fact that modern nazi whores use the derogatory term of national socialist (Nazi) to describe themselves.

>> No.20926404
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>> No.20926444

Starting with the Myth is hardcore, I read it 20 years ago, when I was a schoolboy in berlin, an old copy of my great-grandfathers heirloom.

>> No.20926467

I read all of the books listed in this chart, ask me anything.

I am serious.

>> No.20926494

God damn this board is retarded.

>> No.20926504

Do you think National Socialism presents a positive path forward?

>> No.20926516
File: 68 KB, 640x759, thatsme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Young unachiever male with no genetic potential or intelligence traits that looks like pic related believes in eugenics

youd be the first to get the chop, pal

>> No.20926534

Isn't Eugenics outdated?

>> No.20926594

I see that less as an advancement and more as an attempt to go back in a certain direction. But you can't go back. You can only go forward. A real synthesis would necessitate conceding that we once believed in a world of spirit and later a world of matter and finding a skeptical common ground, rather than conceding one or the other is true but with certain concessions to the other. There's a nod to the history of ideas that is missing.

>> No.20926618

>No Fabian Socialists
They did more to advance eugenics in the West than every right-winger combined.

>> No.20926638

I do not. NS was an answer to the class struggle, with its failure through war, class struggle will take its place.

>> No.20926671

Do you really think evola should be on that list?

>> No.20926684

Evola is more of a philosopher of human spirit with great influence by Nietzsche (who was in no way a NS) so its extended reading but no NS essentail.

>> No.20926848
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For some, yes.

>> No.20926975

So you think communism is inevitable?

>> No.20927052

>You didn't think race was only biological did you?
We are talking about eugenics. Evola rejects biological race in his "commentary on the racial theorists listed above" that is a big cope.

>> No.20927645

Obviously is not consideringvthat is falling.
The futurecis rwo empires at the east and the west in a balkanized race struggle.
Non-whites dont believe in universalism.

>> No.20927671

The problem with eugenics is its female-driven. Society is better off with men deciding reproduction in all areas

>> No.20927695

Wrong. When given free reign over their bodies and destinies women tend to select predominantly Anglo-Teutonic men who constitute the pinnacle of God's creation. This holds true regardless of races therefore Anglo-Teutonic men are especially popular with Black, Latino and Asian women with the latter being the only race of women deserving of being impregnated with Anglo-Teutonic seed.

>> No.20927726

Right wingers are so dumb loooool

>> No.20927747

Woman's reproductive instinct being eugenic by default is a myth. The human sex drive at base is plainly out of control and to think of it as a trustworthy guiding source for decision-making is mentally ill.
Take this as a common example >>20927695
Logically speaking, is it eugenic for nonwhite women to prefer white men? Sure, but that's a mistake because it creates mixed races. A man's sex drive might tell him to impregnate literally every single woman on earth if given the chance.

>> No.20927750

Just the religious ones. This thread is filled with decadent copers.

>> No.20927755

Tryhard and pathetic attempt at creating a smartass intellectual background to a dead low IQ dalit ideology

>> No.20927756
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>women tend to select predominantly Anglo-Teutonic
HAHAHA go sleep already, subhuman ang*o. Nobody selects your ugly men.

>> No.20927792

The guy I was replying to isn't religious in anyway you imbecile. You're literally all stupid, all the lot of you. The racist souless atheistic cockroaches who pretend to be religious are even worse.

>> No.20927811

If low intelligence bothers you this much, shouldn't you despise blacks?

>> No.20927825

I thought most /pol/tards had mass suicide'd themselves recently or baka because of how peaceful and non-edgy 4chan and the internet in general feels lately

>> No.20927850

Is it true Otto Skorzeny killed Nikola Tesla?

>> No.20927862

I don't understand how you think it's possible for people who read books to fall in line with your faggot belief systems. You're going to have to burn a lot of books to create the echo chamber you're pining for.

>> No.20927879

t. reads outdated race science bullshit and thinks he reached enlightenment

>> No.20927885


>> No.20927894


>> No.20927914

Mein Gott many of these are shit.
>Myth of the 20th century
Neither approved to be taken into the SS archives nor even got the stamp for official National Socialist doctrine. Hitler even said he didn't read it.
>Young Hitler I knew
Most likely ghost written. the intro to Hitler and the power of aesthetics had some interesting things to say about it
>Myth of blood
Anyone who talks about spiritual race needs to shut up.
>Notes on the third reich
Evola didn't know anything about the NSDAP (or DAP back then) pre WWI. It was founded in 1904 in trantenau and was the culmination of a multitude of factors in Germany but mostly Austria going back since the French revolution.

Also the early 20th century eugenics stuff is okayish but read some actual book about Eugenics. Dysgenics by Richard Lynn is all right.

from that chart Hitler's Revolution and Mein Kampf are most important.

Also if you want to understand National Socialism I'd recommend these two:
Hitler's National Socialism - Rainer Zitelmann
National Socialism: Its Principles and Philosophy - Carlos Videla (this one also serves quite well as a addition to Mein Kampf since it explains some concepts further and references it a lot)

If you want to read more about race specifically in Nazi Germany there is Race and the Third Reich by Christopher Hutton
And if you want to know more about National Socialism pre-Hitler I'd recommend Austrian National Socialism before 1918 by Andrew Whiteside. It's not a great book but one of the only ones written on it.

>> No.20927966

So much pushback to my ideas. Oh well, criticism is jewish

>> No.20928009

>He doesn't believe in spiritual eugenics

>> No.20928174
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> why did it die out?
the literature:

>> No.20928184

You've never read a single book about eugenics have you?

>> No.20928198

I've read the Inequality of the Human races, 1,2, and 3 several times. Also Mein Kampf and the Foundations of the 19th Century.

Sounds like you're the one unable to understand them.

>> No.20928214

Sounds like you only pick works on eugenics which weren't taken seriously in any scientific community. Also mein kampf's eugenic ideas doesn't do any wuzzing. Seems to me you are just retarded.

>> No.20928261

> Sounds like you only pick works on eugenics which weren't taken seriously in any scientific community.
Literally I wish you good luck killing 1third of the population for having crooked fingers and demolishing all hospitals so nature can do it's job unhinged.

To me you sound like one of those hypothetical hypermutts from the future in Gobineaus book. Lacking all sort of social notions, you and your folks do nothing but accelerate the process of humans going back to mudhuts and ooga booga around a fire, like those jungle niggers you supposedly despise.

>> No.20928277

>dude we’ll just like outbreed them!
how did they get so numerous in the first place then you baboon

>> No.20928283

>Literally I wish you good luck killing 1third of the population for having crooked fingers and demolishing all hospitals so nature can do it's job unhinged.
So you have indeed not a single idea of what eugenics is. Also like I said Gobineau has never been taken too seriously. His only real influence was that race and history can be intertwined and that's about it.

>> No.20928295

> So you have indeed not a single idea of what eugenics is.
It's not socially viable. Only incels and autists would advocate for it, that's saying enough.

>> No.20928309

>It's not socially viable
Except it is. Nazi Germany, America and some other states have implemented it to varying degrees. Germany especially was quite succesfull in it. With modern methods, further understanding of genetics and further proof of genetic deterioration in many developing nations it has only become more possible. You just don't know the first thing about it.

>> No.20928331

eugenics is a factor in every society, you fucktard, im not even a nazi to realise that there are underlying social and environmental causes that shape the human gene pool...

idk why im defending a /pol/tard who proably actually looks like that, but holy fuck do I fucking hate stupidity.

Also fuck Nazis lol, bunch of leftist troons.

>> No.20928359
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Is it fun to sit there contemplating powers you'll never have, pouring over these books to make sure your daydreams are just right? Are all these hours of your life well-spent?

>> No.20928365

>Nazi Germany, America and some other states have implemented it to varying degrees.
Nazis were autists. Read a history book.

I understand the segregationist laws in the US during the aftermaths of the civil war to a certain degree. They were specific to the Southern society and had certain reasonings behind; their society simply was unequal. Everything else is cope.

You can't just unironically argue for racial segregation in a society were racial diferences have become almost indistinguishable. The good genes are too dispersed among both black people and "whites". Wether these good genes were once the monopoly of a single race is only a historical question.

> the French are no longer those tall, strong and blonde men from the past
French author, 18th century

Race does actually not exist in the 21 century.

>> No.20928418

Do you think religion would be a healthier larp option for him than dead political ideologies from the 19h century or nah?

>> No.20928434

>Nazis were autists. Read a history book.
Great argument. They weren't though.
>in a society were racial diferences have become almost indistinguishable
They simply haven't. Not even close. Look at anything from differences in violent crime to IQ and level of education. All dese differences are still significantly present within all nations from the USA to all of europe

>> No.20928457

> They weren't though.
Nazis don't make societies, or only really bad ones. Also they lacked the social abilities to mantain their power over the conquered territories.
> Look at anything from differences in violent crime to IQ and level of education.
What a great comparison to the ancient difference between shit tier tribes of 50-100 people and huge empires inventing philosophy and theology, building pyramids and palaces, etc. The fact that you actually need scientists to measure this stuff in huge numbers to actually get a meaningful statistic, while in earlier times the lower races were described as blemmyes and pygmies, cannibals and such.

>> No.20928471

>Nazis don't make societies
they did. They offered themselves as a revolutionairy option to Communism and adressed many of the issues we still have today. Read a book.
>Also they lacked the social abilities to mantain their power over the conquered territories.
Lmao, no.
>comparison to the ancient difference between shit tier tribes
I'm not. I'm talking about modern day societies where these differences between the races are still present

>> No.20928481

> they did. They offered themselves as a revolutionairy option to Communism
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.20928497

Hitler was highly critical of non-revolutionairy and reactionairy movements and said that one Revolutionairy idea requires another to win which was in his eyes national socialism. It has also become quite common nowadays for historians to describe National Socialism as a revolutionairy movement because it was in all aspects. Like I said, read a book

>> No.20928504

Revolutions are for chimps, niggers and overly muttified subhumans.

>> No.20928508

you sound like you belong in that group

>> No.20928515

You're the one calling for the violent destruction of institutions and the ruling class.

>> No.20928520

All I said was that Hitler was a revolutionairy and is largely recognized as such. He himself was actually quite proud that it was a non violent revolution.

>> No.20928530
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>being complacent and passive means I'm civilized and superior

>> No.20928536

Hitler was mentally ill. So were the people around him. It's no wonder they lost the war.

>> No.20928570
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>> No.20928592

A vague, sardonic and bitchy reply. Expected from such a faggot cuck.

>> No.20928618

This chart was made by dago, and he is trying to convert /pol/tards to Traditionalism by sneaking Evola in. Many anons on the Guenon discord don't approve of it and are giving him shit for it. It kind of makes me wonder if dago is a fed to subvert Traditionalism and Perennialism.

>> No.20928623

when anons stop being anons, it ruins the appeal of 4chan, dont ever mention actual usernames or names, please

>> No.20928634

Im an agent of the counter-initiation m8

>> No.20928671

I thought the chart looked too much like a caricature of something, that explains it

>> No.20928693
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I’m trying to raise worthy anons from 1488 race warriors to Knights of the Grail

If any of you had actually read the two Evola books listed you would know that he references and critiques all the other books listed.

Wannabe Brahmins are the ultimate gatekeeping pseuds

>> No.20928751

Maybe Evola should not be referencing books that in reality had no influence on Nazi racial policy or talk aboout spiritual race like some sort of crackhead. I'd suggest you read an actually good book on the topic.

>> No.20928770

>books that in reality had no influence on Nazi racial policy
what a pseud comment
you are probably a kraut seething over the fact that they all their race ideas were taken from Americans