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/lit/ - Literature

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20923631 No.20923631 [Reply] [Original]

um, based?

>> No.20923640

holy fucking based batman

>> No.20923710

I’m going to buy it.
I probably will never read it because woman author but I want to financially support her for her unwavering commitment to tranny genocide.

Just like I will never read Sally Rooney because woman, but I buy her books because I support her virulent anti-semitism

>> No.20923719


>> No.20923759

sounds problematic

>> No.20923767

Imagine being a billionaire, and having access to the most high-end makeup and cosmetics in the world, and THAT is the best you can do to your face.

>> No.20923769

Can't believe she wrote a book about chuds. That's crazy.

>> No.20923778
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I'm a very empathetic person but I can't conceive of how men read and listen to women, consider their perspective, any of that. It is absolutely baffling to me.

>> No.20923780

I'll bet your results from caking concealer over your stubble and smearing lipstick onto your gob yield an even worse outcome.

>> No.20923789

Doubt it. I'm probably the most attractive guy on this shithole.

>> No.20923925
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>> No.20923951

Bit mental to go from writing about a wizard boarding school to this

>> No.20924016

Based as fuck. She understood how to achieve posthumous glory.

>> No.20924042

When did 4chan start hating transfolk? Is this a /pol/ psyop?

>> No.20924061 [SPOILER] 
File: 355 KB, 750x993, 212F6553-E325-42E7-B741-F8A33F8A731B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t be weirder than her appearance in this

>> No.20924104

So, newfag or from discord?

>> No.20924125

Everyone hates transfucks. You're welcome

>> No.20924149

I don't get it. I'm supposed to hate trans people? Mayor Lori Lightfoot is more based than many of the women with influence in the country, and way more based than old coal-burning menopausal women. I'd rather have her as a mayor than JK Rowling.

>> No.20924158

Seconding this. Will wait for it to be translated to Portuguese and will get a copy as soon as they're available.

>> No.20924161

Wait, it’s real? Lmao

>> No.20924209
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No seriously is she one of us? Does trannies live rent free in her head that she needs to capitalize on it?

>> No.20924234

Imagine her in a black lace nightgown holding you over her knees paddling you red-assed while saying in her thick, syrupy, plummy British voice, MUMMY. DOESN'T. LIKE. PRONOUNS.

>> No.20924242

>raises eyebrows

NPR is such a fucking rag

>> No.20924276
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>I'm a very empathetic person but I can't conceive of how men read and listen to women, consider their perspective, any of that. It is absolutely baffling to me.
It's not for no reason that Celia Friedman published under the name C.S. Friedman because her space opera novels wouldn't sell as well to the mostly male audience if they knew the author was a woman. But as it turned out, they liked em

>> No.20924383
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We now live in a timeline where people discuss trannies all the time. It's even bleeding into irl normie conversations. Just tiresome having same discussions and arguments about these freak clowns.

>> No.20924392

She hates trans people because she was mistaken for a man her whole life.

>> No.20924414

I wonder how many groomers he will avada kedavra into 41%.

>> No.20924440

You don't have to be a /pol/tard to hate troons.

>> No.20924449

You will never be a woman

>> No.20924593

obviously not rent free if shes making money at their expense.

>> No.20924613

Why not just get it in english, anon? You're posting here so for sure you can read the language

>> No.20924742

Yes. Calling people 'fags' lost its sting, because nobody really cares about homosexuals anymore. 'Cucks' served as a replacement insult for awhile, but now they've moved onto trannies.
In the old days, trap threads were pretty normal on 4chan.

>> No.20924797

Wizards were originally for her kids, now she is writing for herself.

>> No.20924821

I don't like Rowling but I'll buy this book for political reasons

>> No.20924848

She was willing to play ball with the sjw politics until they said a man is a woman. She knew that was the line you don't cross.

>> No.20924919

Laffo at the anons paying to "support" a woman who is worth a billion dollars. Absolute marks.

>> No.20924920

the culture war bullshit has made people on 4chan support books crying about cyber bullying

>> No.20924945

>seething trannies
Are you poor too?

>> No.20924946

You're a funny guy

>> No.20924952

The unfortunate thing with trannies is if they weren’t so preoccupied with mutilating and embarrassing themselves they would be inventors, scientists, visionaries. But instead they think they just think they’re girls

>> No.20924953

I did not know the whole story, but basically she originally said "women menstruate" and people went batshit crazy over this statement ?

>> No.20924957

I would breed her, if possible, so hard. Ywnbaw

>> No.20924965

Even billionaires cannot resist chavving out in England, absolute slag

>> No.20925463
File: 1.40 MB, 3337x4100, J.K.Rowling-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real life isn't like your troon fantasy, you degenerate tranny. For someone who is close to 60, she looks infinitely better and healthier than most millennial and zoomer women today, and of course, you trannies who will never be a woman.

>> No.20925477

unless it's some kind of computer science, if you see a girl name on a paper there is still zero chance that a female was involved in research

>> No.20925480

There was an article/tweet that used the politically correct term "people who menstruate", she sarcastically pointed out those are already referred to as "women". Trannies went apeshit over it, because FtM that didn't have their reproduction system removed still menstruate (and a lot give birth), and MtF naturally can't menstruate, so to them "women menstruate" implies first are still women, while the second never will be.

>> No.20925495

She looks normal. It's like brit genes never activated for her.

>> No.20925507

She looks like shit. Guarantee everyone here salivating over her is a tasteless Ameritard pig whose standard for an attractive woman is just for them to be under 80kg

>> No.20925529
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Her mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.

>> No.20925540

I'd be too expensive to buy it from the US, maybe I can get the ebook, though.

>> No.20925559


>> No.20925565 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20925580
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>The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Every single time with the culture wars. I fucking hate modern day politics

>> No.20925605

>get flamed on social media once
>never stop bringing it up for the rest of your life
top boomer

>> No.20925651

> why wont woman shut up about her harassment um sweaty, that's kind of sexist

>> No.20925666

No amount of billions will make you a woman, trooncel

>> No.20925688

I'm not salivating. I'm not into MILFs or GILFs (much the opposite, I'm a pedophile). I'm just saying she looks fine for her age. She's a grandma

>> No.20925709

anons getting worked into a shoot over here

>> No.20925813


>> No.20925844

The book has a twitter account with Julius Evola in the @.

>> No.20925850

Not him but I've been here since 08. This attitude started getting popular around the mid2010s. It's part of the eternal summer.

>> No.20925858

the entire post-2016 internet is one huge psyop designed to turn you into some kind of radical loony no matter where on the political spectrum you started out at.

>> No.20925920
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she's just trolling now

>> No.20925941

replace 4chan with the world outside your bubble and the answer is when they started high pitched screaming and going after our kids.

>> No.20925983

is that legit, though? there was also controversy that in her last novel the killer was a trans, but turns out it was just a guy who knew they were looking for a guy and dressed as a woman to avoid suspicion

>> No.20926162

J/K Trolling

>> No.20926190


>> No.20926199

>4channer obsessed with transgenders
>Lectures people on getting outside of their bubble

>> No.20926213

I can’t believe she did this. It’s about 1,000 pages long too… wut

>> No.20926214

That's my great gripe with all this.
Before, we wouldn't even have to think about them. You could literally live out for YEARS without the topic coming up. Now it comes up ALL THE DAMN TIME

>> No.20926323

People these days are too easily swayed. One could be the smuggest Guardian reading cunt on the planet and as long as they hate trannies, people will flock to them.

>> No.20926326
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>> No.20926391

is /lit/ a reddit board?

>> No.20926410
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>guy in a dress

>> No.20926447

>trannies collectively kvetch and go absolutely batshit, biting at the cultural hand that feeds them
>author says fuck it and doubles down, releases a book about trannies go absolutely batshit against the author and her books that fed her delusions
KEK!!!! I'm leaving multiple positive reviews and buying at least a half dozen copies to hand out to family members who will love this lol.

>> No.20926492

This is all well and good, but who even reads murder mysteries in this day and age?

>> No.20926527
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>> No.20926536

>trannies denying reality and continue lowering the statistic
>ACK ACK ACK ACK A-...............................
Make that 29 to 31.

>> No.20926553

>r*ddit hates trannies
Keep coping tranny

>> No.20926558

Lol dude he refuted you

>> No.20926570

tranny seethe
even without billions and without makeup shes still a woman, something you will never be

>> No.20926576

The well has dried out with imagination I see. What could be more mundane that writing about that? I'm sure she'll cave eventually and start writing about Harriet Potter who transitioned

>> No.20926601


>> No.20926622

That's ridiculous, there's no way this can be accurate. Even with the 42% meme the average should still come out to at least 50 or something.

>> No.20926657

guess taking experimental hormones and extreme surgeries that disrupt your natural anatomy isn't good for your health

>> No.20926663

Same anon, thanks a lot for explaining it to me. This is quite saddening to hear.

>> No.20926666

Nigger, an average lifespan of 30 just isn't something you see in the modern world.

>> No.20926685

Is it really surprising? What the hell is an aging tranny going to do? If you're like 20, and you can pull it off, that's one thing, but once your looks start to fade, and the prospect of dressing up like an anime doesn't get you horny anymore, your entire life is a joke. There's no coming back from that.

>> No.20926690

i don't.

>> No.20926694

transgenderism isn't something normal. it was created in the 20th century, as an attack on society

>> No.20926697

>it was created in the 20th century
no it wasn't.

>> No.20926710

Friend, for 30 to be the average, assuming the suicide rate really is closer to 50%, if 50 out of 100 trannies were to kill themselves, on average, at 25, the average trannies who doesn't commit suicide would still only live, on average, to at most 40, which, no matter how much taking estrogen raises your risk for cancer, how much it decreases your bone density, etc., still doesn't sound even remotely plausible.

>> No.20926741

its not possibly to have transgenderism without the surgeries and hormones prescribed for it. Magnus Hirschfield pioneered the term transsexual, later in America academics formulated the pseudo science theory of gender identity and rebranded it as transgender.

>> No.20926745

So you're saying we have to get it to 100% at 25? I'm going to need more gifs

>> No.20926803

>its not possibly to have transgenderism without the surgeries and hormones prescribed for it.
yes it is. outwardly conforming to societally prescribed gender stereotypes is not necessary for being transgender.
trans people have existed for thousands of years in places like india, thailand, precolombian america, etc. with text and archaeological evidence to back that up.
it's crazy that you dickheads speak so confidently about shit you know almost nothing about. if you're going to post on /lit/ maybe you should actually try reading a book sometime instead of endlessly /pol/shitting.

>> No.20926814

Murder mysteries are still big among middle age to old women. They only ones 4chan anons might have read is by playing an Ace Attorney game. We aren't the target audience.

>> No.20926849

Anon above obviously uses tranny to denote the particular physical transformations they put themselves through, which have only been available to a century. Eunuchs or transvestites don't fit the bill. He isn't talking about identifying as whatever.
Feel free to endlessly argue semantics on this very serious topic.

>> No.20926861

>J.K. Rowling's new book, about a transphobe who faces wrath online [...]
lmao bless her heart. I have zero interest in reading her books but man now that is some next level banter.

>> No.20926862

>Eunuchs or transvestites don't fit the bill.
i'm not talking about eunuchs or transvestites but places where men actually adopted female gender roles or existed as a third gender.

>> No.20926866

the alphabet people are starting to get a little too mouthy, even for normies. this is hardly a surprise.

>> No.20926881

>yes it is. outwardly conforming to societally prescribed gender stereotypes is not necessary for being transgender.
you see the concept of gender identity did not even exist until the 20th century. So the idea that a woman or man is how you identify yourself is just completely modern.

>trans people have existed for thousands of years in places like india, thailand, precolombian america, etc. with text and archaeological evidence to back that up.
1. they don't. You can show eunuchs, crossdressers, people who did roles usually given to females, priests who cross-dressed for ceremonial reasons, males who were made dress up as girls for a pervert's sex slave etc none of these are the modern conception of transgender people
2. ask yourself why you need to search in exotic cultures. We have thousands of years records in Western culture. If trans people were as numerous as there are today it should be easy to find them but you can't because they cant have existed.

Also ask yourself, if woman and man are social constructs, and trans women claim to have always been women, then how can people be born with a social construct?

>> No.20926899

>you see the concept of gender identity did not even exist until the 20th century. So the idea that a woman or man is how you identify yourself is just completely modern.
>2. ask yourself why you need to search in exotic cultures.
Also ask yourself, if woman and man are social constructs, and trans women claim to have always been women, then how can people be born with a social construct?
oh boy

>> No.20926966

Looks like it’s Argentine specific. Maybe with all the ladyboy killings it dropped

>> No.20927026
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that's ten years too many

>> No.20927100

You’re failing to take into account that the average human lifespan (in America) is about 78. Recalculate with that in mind.

>> No.20927110

>man dressing as a woman to commit a crime while avoiding suspicion
Haha holy shit, the subtext there is strong I'm surprised no one else here pointed it out.

>> No.20927164

>literally all jews

>> No.20927171

Your all problematic, transphobic, homophobic, islamophobic, jewphobic assholes. Fuck you and fuck donald drumpf.

>> No.20927196

How does this bait still work

>> No.20927204

>now they've moved onto trannies.
So what's next?

>> No.20927218

trannies were mostly harmless until burgers imposed gay marriage on the country and trannies started to demand locker room access, female sports, etc. and to say everyone who didn't think they were Real Women was LiterallyHitler.
Acting like that makes everyone hate you.

>> No.20927228

>Estrogens were first introduced for medical use in the early 1930s
Nobody gives a fuck about sociology.

>> No.20927248

She talks so much about trangenders that I'm pretty sure she's a closeted tranny chaser

>> No.20927290


>> No.20927299

>Nobody gives a fuck about sociology.
you don't because it undermines your argument.

>> No.20927326

Regardless of how you feel about her and her views on this tranny stuff, that's no excuse for being a terrible writer

>> No.20927332

unfathomably based

>> No.20927339

just 40% yourself lmao the woman is a milf

>> No.20927443

Yes because it makes trannies seethe

>> No.20927454

We support all forms of trolling

>> No.20927493
File: 192 KB, 500x491, SPANKING SOBS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need pics of JKR in her early 20s for research purposes pls

>> No.20927683

Have you ever interacted with a troon?
Mentally ill overly aggressive degenerates.

>> No.20927759

I mean she is not good when you compare her to the greats, but she can still tell a story. This will be terf kino

>> No.20927820

I kind of want to go back to "Canadian" being an insult again.

>> No.20927833
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>Have you ever interacted with a troon?
I have lived in a city of over 1 million people and never have even seen a tranny. This is an entirely manufactured problem that exists only on the internet, of people being mad for the sake of others about people being mad about those people. It's all made up problems. None of this affects even remotely close to a single percentage point of people.

>> No.20927929

Yeah i get you, i live in a city with 2 million people (i mean there are only 10 million people in the world so it is a significant percentage) and i've never seen any deaf people, so why are there sign languajes? I think people should stop making up shit and getting themselfs in things that not inmediatly affects them. My life is too hard already to complain about things external to my daily life, so i get angry when people debate about things that don't concern them, people should just talk about their legs, arms, body trunk and head, nothing else.

>> No.20928046

This book appears to be a facisinating look at what happens when an author goes completely unhinged from spending too much time online

>> No.20928097

She's almost 60. What do you want?

>> No.20928114

>Wants to kidnap trans teens from their families because Ben Shapiro says it's bad
Who is going after whose kids here? Republicans are the ones sending CPS after parents for not putting their kids through conversion therapy

>> No.20928118

>In the old days, trap threads were pretty normal on 4chan.
>In the old days
Half the threads on /soc/ are traps

>> No.20928226
File: 76 KB, 1200x1631, monica-bellucci-for-cartier-the-culture-of-design-campaign-january-2021-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monica Bellucci is a year older than her and still profoundly fuckable. She was 56/57 when this pic was taken.

>> No.20928492

I live in a city of 700 000 people, have seen one in a restaurant and one in line at an election and two of my close friends from my CS undergrad became trannies LMAO

>> No.20928524

It's just that normal discussion about trannies got banned from every other "public" corner of the internet, so we can only talk about it here.
I'm a TERF and talking about trannies is basically one of the only reasons I ever come to 4chan.
This guy gets it.
What fucking cities are you guys from? I'm back in grad school now, so I'm surrounded by the assholes.

>> No.20928533

Ever since NPR gave a rave review to that tranny rape/murder fantasy "Manhunt" where J.K. Rowling is crushed and burned alive, I've never been able to look at them the same. They're a bunch of captured shills.

>> No.20928546

> flamed on social media once
> once
Dude, they've never let up. When she tweeted out support for Salman Rushdie, the first reply to her tweet was "you're next." The trannies have been wishing death upon her nonstop for the past two years, ever since she came out with her gender-critical beliefs. And given the rate at which things are going, some derranged tranny is probably gonna Shinzo Abe themselves a DIY shotgun and take a crack at her.
And all this because she said something right. An objective fact. That the trans movement hurts women. They hated her because the truth she spoke contradicted the lie that they lived, and they knew it. And they've never let up since
Seriously. Name a single person who's hated more by the trans community than JKR.

>> No.20928560

their dads

>> No.20928562

This guy gets it.

>> No.20928607

This is off topic but I really wish there was more quality tranny on woman porn

>> No.20928769

Lmao that’s practically bestiality. People like you shouldn’t comment on women’s looks.

>> No.20929252

Women have merit and unique perspective being the opposite of men. It is the propaganda of women being equal to men and making women compete in male fields against men and then predictably failing there that drives the hate and ignorance of women. Men and women are different. Men are more than women but they need eachother to be complete anyway so that's ultimately irrelevant. Once we respect that and act in accordance you can see what they can bring to the table.

TL;DR: It's the Jews that make women suck.

>> No.20929272

Excellent post, my friend!

>> No.20929287

The technology you use to play dress up wasn't invented before then. And that whole field was founded by pedophiles and other sexual degenerates who did use their power and influence ti hurt more and more people including children. Your identity is founded on the satanic. To any normal person they instinctively KNOW a man can't be a woman just because they think they are. That's common sense. What happened to all the stories with morals about accepting yourself and not denying what you are? You are an obvious fallacy. You are a joke, literally. The idea of being a tranny is so nonsensical it was a source of humour back then. If a man dressed up like a woman it was for a laugh.

>> No.20929316

Ask me how I know you don't actually read

>> No.20929383

>The technology you use to play dress up wasn't invented before then.
there's no technology needed to transition. it's really as simple as saying you identify as whatever gender you want.
>And that whole field was founded by pedophiles and other sexual degenerates who did use their power and influence ti hurt more and more people including children.
i don't know what you're talking about but you sound like a moron.
>Your identity is founded on the satanic.
satan isn't real.
>To any normal person they instinctively KNOW a man can't be a woman just because they think they are.
normal people don't hammer out transphobic screeds on 4chan.
>That's common sense.
common sense to a reactionary westoid maybe.
>What happened to all the stories with morals about accepting yourself and not denying what you are?
that stuff is for cucks.
>You are an obvious fallacy. You are a joke, literally.
i think now is a good time to clarify that i'm not trans. i am a cisgender heterosexual male. not that you're going to believe me.
>The idea of being a tranny is so nonsensical it was a source of humour back then. If a man dressed up like a woman it was for a laugh.
in some places but not everywhere. that you think western ideas about gender identity are the correct ones doesn't make it so. completely ignoring how other cultures around the world see trans and non-binary people to push this weird conspiracy that it was invented by pedos in the 1950s just makes you look like a complete schizo, which you are.

>> No.20929415

>there's no technology needed to transition. it's really as simple as saying you identify as whatever gender you want.
Then why the HRT and surgeries? And then how do you create the distinction between being a man ir woman if you can just be one by saying you are. I am a woman. Am I now a woman?
>i don't know what you're talking about but you sound like a moron.
Blatant ignorance
There's some other stuff about Berlin's period as the world's capital for sex tourism and its ties with sexologists and their "pioneering" I need to look for again too. I'll link when I find it.
>i think now is a good time to clarify that i'm not trans. i am a cisgender heterosexual male. not that you're going to believe me.
I'm not. Because I cannot see how you beliebe in this stuff unless you are deluded like they are.
>in some places but not everywhere. that you think western ideas about gender identity are the correct ones doesn't make it so. completely ignoring how other cultures around the world see trans and non-binary people to push this weird conspiracy that it was invented by pedos in the 1950s just makes you look like a complete schizo, which you are.
Let's see some evidence since you asked for mine.

>> No.20929441

>Then why the HRT and surgeries?
because it helps them.
>I am a woman. Am I now a woman?
no because you don't mean it.
>anprim youtube video
>Because I cannot see how you beliebe in this stuff unless you are deluded like they are.
belief has nothing to do with it.
>Let's see some evidence since you asked for mine.
you provided zero evidence. i mentioned the existence of trans and third gender people in india, thailand, and the americas prior to european colonization. look it up. the information is easy to find.

>> No.20929461

How can you determine I don't mean it? Are there rules? Please define what constitutes being a woman. And I did provide evidence in those youtube videos you didn't watch.

>> No.20929467

i'd say ignore that freak, doesn't worth to try change the mind of a person that's probably gonna %40 himself anyway

>> No.20929469

>the information is easy to find.
Then show me it. Because all I see is what that other anon said. Religious rites, eunuchs and sex freak tyrants. Funny how there's still heaps of backlash for just being gay in those places today despite the supposed historic roots in gender nonconformity.

>> No.20929479

If you stop making noise the other side drowns takes all the air. It's toxic but not being vigiliant just keads to more decay and therefore more tragedy and abuse. I wouldn't wish being an activist on my children.

>> No.20929491

I don't want the future generation having to worry about pedophiles and satanists controlling their society. Destruction of race relations and the family unit. I don't want men not desiring women because all of them are ruined by the cultural zeigeist they're like slaves to. I want people to keep having families and making babies and progressing real fields of science and eliminating war and the like.

>> No.20929493

i know you don't mean it because you called being transgender a pedophile conspiracy. and identifying as a woman is what constitutes being a woman.
this isn't a university lecture on the history of trans people and gender identity. i'm not going to hold your hand and walk you through this shit, especially when you've made it clear that you're not interested in even reconsidering your position on it.

>> No.20929504

Too bad because I udentify as a woman and think transgeders are satanists. And because I identify as something I am that thing. I'm now also african american.

>> No.20929508

I claimed the founders and pioneers of queer theory are pedos and I have a source directly quoting them advocating pedophilia.

>> No.20929518

If I'm not a woman because you don't believe I am how can another transgender be a woman if I don't believe they are. Please define woman.

>> No.20929550

what do these "queer theorists" have to do with people like the indian hijra who have existed for centuries and who are officially recognized as a third gender? i don't get why you keep trying to bring everything back to them. do you think "queer" people just didn't exist and were "invented" in the 20th century?

>> No.20929551

> i mentioned the existence of trans and third gender people in india, thailand, and the americas prior to european colonization
if these people were natural wouldn't you just be able to look in European history and find lots of them? that you need to look at specific cultures(which aren't even transgenders) would indicate that it is cultural not innate

>> No.20929581

if a gay man lived and died without once disclosing his sexuality because he was afraid of being discriminated against, does that mean he was never really gay at all?

>> No.20929646

What does officially recignised as a third gender mean? These queer theorists I talk about are the ones who even bring up these indians in the first place! You wouldn't even be aware of the concept of gender distinct from sex without them! They're the whole reason you think what you think regarding gender and sex, you soggy windsock! They're relevant because they wrote the books you trannies read and take bullshit college courses on that talk about all your bullshit historical fanfiction. They're the people behind the movements! Don't pretend you don't know how they're relevant, you halfwitted lamewalking, jadesmoking, toecurling, sclera-tainting, kiddy-diddling idiot!

>> No.20929654

Prove he was gay and/or discriminated against or even existed.
>There are ghosts in your room because you can't see or feel them.
That is your logic.

>> No.20929676

You literally asked me what queer theory has to do with gender. Do you realise how stupid that is? You need to get real with yourself dude.

>> No.20929693

She's bogpilled

>> No.20929704

what percentage of the population do you think are naturally born transgender?
3 percent of 11-17 year olds in NYC are trans. You'd have to explain why that percentage is lower in different places and in different age groups if trans is innate not cultural.
If 3 percent of the population was truly trans naturally it would be impossible for it to be missing from European records.

>> No.20929796

Also question the correlation of family dysfunction with the appearance of "gender queerness" in children.

>> No.20929799

Still no response from the "totally not a tranny"

>> No.20929857

No one is born transgender.

>> No.20929902

no, that's not what i asked. you said that the founders and pioneers of queer theory, who existed in the 20th century, advocate for pedophilia. i asked why that's relevant when literally all i'm trying to explain to you is that trans and non-binary people have existed for thousands of years. i don't care when queer theory was founded or who founded it and what their alleged motives were. that has nothing to do with what i'm talking about.

>> No.20930021

Imagine body shaming a (beautiful) mature woman because you have absolutely no arguments against her.

Mentally ill males who mutilate themselves and swallow hormones are NOT women. (Not men either.)

>> No.20930033

Nobody hates you. Don't flatter yourself. People are just disgusted by your grotesque appearance and tired of your constant whining and of your unreasonable, arrogant demands.

You don't get to change reality. You don't get to force us to say that a blue pen is red. You are not and will never be women.

>> No.20930082

I hate everyone who expects me to treat them specially or as if their somehow 'superior' or 'optimized'.
Especially when that superiority is born from long conversations with quasi-intellectual psycho-analysts who spend their free time getting pegged, and whose social identity is derived entirely from sexual preference.

Here we all sit, glued to our screens in the final stages of this great failed experiment. Our society perched on the precipice of nuclear Armageddon, and the West twiddles its thumbs and bickers over who gets to wear panties.

Truly these are the end of days.

>> No.20930197

Because what you're arguing about is only used as an argumemt because of these queer theorists that purposely take history out of context for the queer agenda. All the articles suppisedly pointing out evidence of trabagederism are written by people who took gender studues courses which is queer theory. The foundation upon the "facts" you belueve to be true are written disengenuously by pedophiles.
So you shouldn't take them seriously because it's so obvious this nonsense is just a means to diddle kids and destroy lives with wreckless sex acts. And they're the antichrist.

>> No.20930201

Those examples that you won't even source aren't even true. I ask you again to define woman and then think about why you can't seem to.

>> No.20930211

They purposely subvert traditional moral values (which are predominantly Christian) because they're nihilists or anarchists or psychos. They want to corrupt all that is innocent, taint all that is holy and leave the world in a reckless melting pot of sin. They're the Antichrist and anyone who wants to argue that institutionalized pedophilia isn't satanic may have a go. Because that is the end goal. To have sex with children, to groom those children and to have them have sex with children under the new paradigm of gender theory.

>> No.20931007

the fact this debate has to be had is mind boggling

>> No.20931015

>tfw every girl who opens up to you even slightly has the inevitable "I hate trannies" admission moment
Anyone else noticing this lately

>> No.20931456

That actually makes me a lot more interested in the book
JK Rowling knows what the Gay Nigger Association of America is

>> No.20931459
File: 18 KB, 586x219, Weev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.20932039

>the existence of trans and third gender people in india, thailand, and the americas prior to european colonization
I don't know about Thailand and whatever Native American tribes you're talking about, but speaking as a TERF, Hinduism is probably the most sexist ideology on the planet. Seriously: it makes ISLAM look good
They think being born as a woman is punishment for sins in a previous life. Say what you will about Islam, they never set their fucking widows on fire.
So I don't know about the other cultures you mentioned, but I'll bet you my left nut they're sexist as well. Just like transgender ideology is. There's no way of knowing you were "born in the wrong body" unless you base it off of sexist stereotypes. Seriously: the trans movement is the most sexist thing to have ever paraded itself as a progressive cause.

>> No.20932094

she looks like a woman, which you will never achieve.

>> No.20932104

Shes sexy idk, cope dude

Not even a feminist but she’s doing

>> No.20932112

Pynchon's better