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/lit/ - Literature

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20917281 No.20917281 [Reply] [Original]

I am noticing a pattern...

>> No.20917305
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>I'm surrounded by setbacks
>I'm surrounded by narcissists
>I'm surrounded by psychopaths
>I'm surrounded by idiots
Don't tell me people actually believe all that unironically.

>> No.20917312

Many people believe in external locus of control. That's part of their actual setback.

>> No.20917317

I don’t understand how there are full length books on self help. Surely any valuable information these books convey could be distilled down into a few paragraphs, a page or two at most.

>> No.20917321

Surrounded by niggers
or, how to avoid cities

>> No.20917323

>t. first time on 4chan

>> No.20917324

congrats, youre on the path to fully consciousness

>> No.20917329

It's for the wine aunts. Then they become the professional in any relationship and can defend themselves and their actions by pathologizing whoever they are arguing with.

>> No.20917332

The best "self-help" I've ever read was Epictetus and it's mostly him telling his students to stop being pussies. There is nothing new under the sun.

>> No.20917338

>red, yellow, green, blue
>every single cover
They don't want you to notice this

>> No.20917478

What if my problem is that I'm an idiot narcissist psychopath with tons of setbacks?

>> No.20917483

How can 4channers unironically make fun of this shit when this is exactly how they think as well
Since they're all by the same author I just assume this guy learned the formula that works

>> No.20917645

All me.

>> No.20917648

Lgbt and setbacks, narvissists, psychopaths and idiots

>> No.20917874
File: 54 KB, 300x300, thumb_97-smug-anime-faces-album-on-imgur-34-best-smug-53984186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surrounded by Weebs
(Or, how to browse anonymous imageboards)

>> No.20917890

next book
>surrounded by mistakes: how to become self-aware, accept responsibility for your actions, and take control of your life

>> No.20917899

>accept responsibility for your actions
Absolutely not, the point of allof these books is to avoid doing exactly that.

>> No.20917918
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I think you dropped this, fellow Epictetus enjoyer.

>> No.20917919

Yeah, i've taken notes on a few self help books and it always distills down to 1-3 pages of bullet points. The bulk of the material is anecdotes and examples of the ideas in practice, and repeating what those ideas are over and over. Not sure what these authors get out of fluffing up the material, they're not paid by how many minutes it takes me to finish their book

>> No.20917936

Yes, it's an anti-lgbt dogwhistle

>> No.20917946
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Beat me to it, you rascal!

>> No.20917972


>> No.20918087

I read "surrounded by setbacks" as "surrounded by blacks". pretty much the same thing

>> No.20918107
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In my experience the people who think other people are narcissists tend to be the biggest narcissists themselves.

>> No.20918125

/r/raisedbynarcissists can be pretty funny when you watch them say contradictory things like:
>narcissists LOVE each other
>narcissists HATE each other

>> No.20918130

>no u
clasdic narcissism

>> No.20918940

ayo this nigger be lookin at water n shit fr lmao

>> No.20918979

What the fuck can we do about the red, yellow, green, and blue problem bros?

>> No.20919008

I do wonder what valuable ideas could be extracted from these hundreds of pages apart from >go outside and work out and meditate and eat whole foods. These books are not worth the paper they were written on.

>> No.20919024

curious that is mainly women who are into the whole "surviving narcs" thing

>> No.20919222

Yes, this is well known in self help spheres. But no one will buy a book that’s a page or two.

>> No.20919401

Kikes controlling our society isnt subjective
Because you need repetition to internalize things
Thats how it goes. Guy at my work who gets on everyone's nerves by telling them what to do gets terribly offended and calls me opinionated when I disagree.

>> No.20919415

Bullshit. Sam Hyde (an alpha male) recommends books such as these to his audience all the time

>> No.20919742

>tfw I’m a narcissistic psychopathic idiot that constantly and deliberately hinders and confounds the plans and goals of the people around me

It’s a pretty based existence ngl

>> No.20919919

>next book
>surrounded by wetbacks

>> No.20919950

What do I read to into his work every translation I know of is apparently fucked up

>> No.20919955

dangerously based

>> No.20920167

'4channers' is not a person

>> No.20920292

Move to nyc and you'll change your tune

>> No.20920295

based Stirnerist

>> No.20920305
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>> No.20920511
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Rocky horror reference with the narcissist book

>> No.20920519

Narcissist is just a fancy reddit word for "someone I don't like."

>> No.20920653

Yeah look at the gay colors

>> No.20920660

I am surrounded by narcissistic psychopath idiots, who are constantly conspiring to set me back.

>> No.20920662

Yeah well no one forces you to browse 4chan you know

>> No.20920881

I had a woman try that psychology crap on me all the time and I just kept saying "that's all really gay." She stopped after a month or so into the relationship. It was smooth sailing until I broke up with her because she gained weight

>> No.20920971

Lit ironically the only board which is mostly non-anime, non-gaming, non-international and non-images — on an international gaming and anime imageboard…
We‘re all humorless anglo boomers and zoomer red pilled pseudo boomer who also don’t read here. Indeed. Yes. That is a lot of fun.

Do these fags know other people on other boards have fun while doing and discussing what the board name implies?

>> No.20920978

/lit/ is not that bad. If you want to see a board where everyone has completely given up the will to live, lurk /mu/ for a night.

>> No.20921005

Fair enough. But both lit and mu suffer from the same disease. Literature can't niche nowadays and popular literature is without much doubt pretty bad. It's also difficult to produce content for literature.
Music is generally the same, even the most niche music producer will be pretty pozzed and most music isn't that deep. Music is also too popular and making content for music is just as difficult, because it's art, but people are more forgiving because giving a shallow opinion on an album goes more than giving a shallow opinion on a book. It doesn't help that they're both more so subjective than something like /tv/, /a/ or /v/s where most people would play a good game, watch a good show or movie if other people are talking about it even if it's not to their taste. Everyone also watches the stuff and thus discussion is easier.
Everyone here who does reads very different stuff. There are just too many books. We can appreciate some classics, but especially for non-fiction there's just too much.