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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 339 KB, 1013x1455, sisyphus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20905967 No.20905967 [Reply] [Original]

one must imagine Sisyphus happy edition
previous thread: >>20900690

>> No.20905975

>tfw I will never be bossed around by a 13 year old girl and forced to suck her toes

>> No.20905999

I feel like a POS rn because my sibling is hospitalized and I'm not crying. My parents have both been crying but I can't. I couldn't cry when my grandfather passed away either, not even at his funeral. I love these people but I am not able to cry for them. I suppose this is a sign of some mental unwellness.

>> No.20906021


>> No.20906029

Nah, not really.
I didn't really cry when I went to the hospital asking for how my father was doing (spoiler: he was dead).
I cried later
A friend of mine told me "I saw you was hard. You took it right."

>> No.20906051
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I'm going to self publish. I can do it. I already have some artistic skills, I can teach myself graphic design (as far as one can really "teach" something like that), and Photoshop. I can teach myself digital typesetting. I can teach myself copy-editing. I'll save up the money to pay for a nice short-run print edition, and I'll sell them online. I'll do all of it, all by myself.

>> No.20906074

i had a realization last night that I'm too attached to a version of myself that I used to be. I've been filled with despair at the though of losing or having lost the parts of myself that matter and being unable to reclaim them, while at the same time making constant attempts to understand and define who i am. while meanwhile my youth my creativity, my passion, and my ability to write slip away

I know that I need to let this idealized image of myself go, but i don't see what i've gained over the last few years, only what I've lost. this new me is less interesting, less promising, more hateful and selfish. I now struggle with things that used to be easier for me, and used to give my life meaning

is it right for me to accept what I am now if I'm only a more unhappy and unpleasant person as a result of it?

>> No.20906094
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How old are you?

You are probably just different.

>> No.20906100

she is only saying it out loud because she's inviting you to. she likes you. women will not be as direct as she is being unless they like you A LOT. unless they are VERY INTERESTED. it's okay though, im also a headcase and despite being handsome enough to literally frighten women in public and get cat called i have never had sex or a relationship

>> No.20906106

How do you find antivaxx discord servers? Or how do I meet antivaxx people? Anyone have idea?

>> No.20906140

>Or how do I meet antivaxx people?
To do what?

>> No.20906143

To talk about how we are antivaxxers..duh!

>> No.20906199

29. Some of the changes that concerned me are arguably neutral, but there's a lot of explicitly negative ones and i can't think of any positives

>> No.20906216

That's kinda dull desu
t.3dosed, never wanted to do even the first one

>> No.20906249

Dude, by meeting fellow antivaxxers we can talk about how redpilled we are and how everyone else is sheep. Only we see the world as it really is. A vaxxer like you wouldn’t understand partially because the jab lowers intelligence

>> No.20906265

Accept who you are, and then move to change the things you find negative.

>> No.20906351

I've finally moved my stuff in my new city... shit this is really going to be my life for the next two years, isn't it?
should I change my personality? no one knows me there, maybe I should get into boxing

>> No.20906365

Life’s pretty good besides juggling a few girlfriends

>> No.20906435

----- Solaria ----

You're beside a friend
Whose presence is like an atmosphere so sweet

You can say nothing quite so beautiful
Except with sound

Symphonically impossible, inhabiting the infinite room
Familar to sailors and astronomers .


>> No.20906721
File: 57 KB, 976x850, DAC00E03-4000-490C-9368-DB864B9C495C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re on this board and you don’t read books, your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>> No.20906730

My child, the womb is the wisdom of understanding in silence, and the seed is the true good.

>> No.20906760

I’m thinking about reorganizing my library and putting all my favorite books in one bookcase, even if it means breaking up authors, which triggers my OCD. Yay or nay?

>> No.20906763

haha, i'm going to play a video game. idk what though. might finally finish off that cyberpunk cat game. not really in the mood for a third person adventure game though. have to browse my steam and see what looks good.

>> No.20906858

i have simultaneous constipation and acid reflux right now

>> No.20906877

played some street fighter 2 against the computer. my controller sucks so i got annoyed and quit.

>> No.20906914

>be me
>find that drinking is rarely fun anymore so ive gotten into the habit of compensating for this by drinking more and its not working but it always seems worth the gamble when its saturday night and i have nothing to do but have anxiety about going back to work and then i regret it the next morning when i wake up on the floor having had no fun and all and remembering nothing except painting for about one hour before becoming to inebriated to function and then god only knows what i did and ive become exceptional at optimization my own self destruction behavior by hydrating like crazy to avoid hangovers and having aspirin on hand and basically dedicating my sundays for the past year and a half to nursing my hangover so i dont look like the shitbag i am when i have to go back to work on monday when i will spend the next five days fantasizing about really having a great weekend this time

>> No.20906940
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>all by myself
I like your prose, you might make it one day.

>> No.20906977
File: 41 KB, 618x597, b57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense, but how old is the average poster in this thread?

>> No.20907008

>tfw bossed around by an 11 year old girl and forced to give her a foot massage
I'm not even a pedophile, not really, but little girls are just delightful. Those cherubim can ask anything of me and I will be incapable of saying no.

>> No.20907014

Seek help.

>> No.20907035

Probably what you think you've lost is potentialities, and thus hope or confidence or both

>> No.20907121

I've had a lot of issues recently with Brain block and insomnia. Sometimes I just feel like there's a weight on my head and it affects my ability to focus, write, and do other shit. I honestly don't even know if it has anything to do with the insomnia as I've had worse and it never affected my ability to think, and it still happens with good nights of sleep and before my insomnia issues came back. it feels like brain constipation or something, like I want to get something out but it's just stuck there, like mind fatigue but not quite. I know i have to get the flow going again by trying to do things that help my brain as letting it just sit in that state does not help, buts it hard to get yourself to do anything when you just feel like you want to wallow in your own state, when it just feels all so futile.

>> No.20907142
File: 30 KB, 400x400, Ambien-Pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where you're based but this was a godsend, also it was extremely easy to get when I was in Paris, just tell the doctor you're a tourist and you ran out
And you'll be sleeping like a baby in no time

>> No.20907152

Is there any /lit/discord server?

>> No.20907154

what are you wearing today

>> No.20907171

I have endless affection for every innocent and beautiful creature of this earth. Why should I spare a little girl the kind word or the caress? She among all is surely most worthy.

>> No.20907180
File: 74 KB, 600x600, 1661624779246343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This unironically. Knowing someones opinion about the vaxx and covid is my first filter to know if someone is a complete retard or redpilled. If hes antivaxx its 50/50 that hes a complete retard who thinks that trump is some sort of Messiah or hes actually smart and understands the nature and reality of the current corrupt global system driven by greed and profit and controlled through highly engineered propaganda/psyops.
Of you took the vaxx without analizing the possible risks or assuming that it was safe and effective because some faggot on the tv said so you are a complete retard, simple as

>> No.20907217

i dont understand heidegger and i feel stupid. I wish i had friends irl to talk about heidegger with

>> No.20907220
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>> No.20907242
File: 94 KB, 811x527, 1661638433761084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a /lit/ discord server or something? I want to start making friends to discuss philosophy and hopefully play some minecraft or something, I cant stand the loneliness anymore and not having someone else to discuss about intellectual topics

>> No.20907247

my penis smells sweeter when i fap to gay porn

>> No.20907259

andrew tate on weed smoking

>> No.20907302

Part of the cap of my rear-most molar just broke off. It doesn't hurt or feel sensitive.
I should probably go to the dentist yeah?

>> No.20907309

Why does he always lie? I remember a video of when he was homeless in LA and crashing in an abandoned house he was picking the mold off some old bud to smoke it.

>> No.20907311

yeah, but also no big deal if you leave it like 2 years til you get a swollen cheek they're only gonna pull it out anyway

>> No.20907313

What is this from? I want to absorb the prose.

>> No.20907332


>> No.20907338

I used to have issues a few years ago from my wisdom teeth pushing through. Swelling of gums and cheek and would have to squeeze puss out.. Was fucking gross.
Maybe the pressure ended up cracking that molar and it's only just fallen apart now.

>> No.20907410

>I saw you was hard
What the fuck does that mean

>> No.20907415

My parents don't think I should talk to this 17-year-old girl. She looks like a model though, so it's hard for me to do but they're my parents.

>> No.20907417

Three books should show up from amazon tomorrow. I likely wont read any of them

>> No.20907420

Discord wont alleviate it

>> No.20907426

How old are you? If older than 25, drop it. If under 25, go for it.

>> No.20907429


>> No.20907430

Pussy, it's legal.

>> No.20907433

I'm 28. She does ASMR on YouTube and sends me personal audio and lewd pictures.

>> No.20907435
File: 27 KB, 549x438, 372939493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find like minded people then? I'm a antivaxx schizo who loves reading about the occult philosophy and history. Its hard to find people who share some of my interests...

>> No.20907451

Just be loud and obnoxious about your opinions in public and a like minded person will start a conversation with you

>> No.20907452

Can stretch the 25 rule then lmao. When she is 18 you'll still be in your 20s so is all good.

>> No.20907458

10 years of wanting to accomplish the same things and never getting around to doing them is finally getting to me.
All my creative efforts are entirely oriented to creating porn.
Writing? I want to write smut
Drawing? I wanna draw porn
Coding? Porn games
It's literally all I can think of.
But all these ten years all I've done is masturbate because I am lazy and afraid to start.
I rather go roleplay and share porn and fucked up fantasies with retards for hours on a nearly daily basis because somehow, to me, that is less shameful than sitting down and writing an honest to god story about those things I fantasize about.
I lived with fear of failure all these years, of sudden death, of simply not having enough time. Self-fullfilled prophecy.

>> No.20907464

She also randomly said she was a virgin even though I didn't ask.

>> No.20907486

I wrote 1 smut fanfic and it was enough for me. I prefer non-smut stuff. But desu anon you seem to have an unhealthy relationship with porn

>> No.20907496

same what's next

>> No.20907497

It means she trusts you and wants you to take it. Or is maybe just playing games, 17 year olds like to play games too. Either way go for it bro.

>> No.20907498

>I rather go roleplay and share porn and fucked up fantasies with retards for hours on a nearly daily basis
If you're being distracted this bad by it you need to find a way to cut that stuff out for a while. Freud was right (well in this instance), repressed sexual thoughts make for the best creativity, think how much weird sex shit is in media and art. If you channel all those sexual fantasies into a writing project you could actually turn out with something good, and if you don't, oh well, at least you did something productive with your time.

>> No.20907519

>what's next
What this guy said
>channel all those sexual fantasies into a writing project
And then posting it here to see if anyone gets a stiffy.

The secret to success is in finding a way to cope with the uncomfortable feeling of not being able to cum.

>> No.20907531

but it's been 10 years the train has left

>> No.20907540
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The train will only truly leave when you're dead.
How old are you?
When I was 21 I felt like I was a failure drawing because there were 14 year olds in DA who drew better than me. And that stopped me, even though I enjoyed it, even though all I wanted to draw was furry porn for fun.

>> No.20907547


>> No.20907553

Not great, not terrible.
We had a lot of time to learn what it feels like to waste our fucking lives. We are already paying the price, regreting it and living with it. I think it's time to dare to try. I promise I will kill myself if I keep feeling like this for 10 more years.

>> No.20907560

what if you've been trying and failing and seen the pattern too many times

>> No.20907570

What's it like for you?
For me, it's
>Get interested in something
>Pick it up
>Try to learn the fundamentals for like 3 days before getting frustrated
>Try to skip ahead
>Get frustrated when nothing works because I don't understand the fundamentals
>Masturbate, play video games, shitpost for months
>Get interested in something
>Pick it up
The only activity I have consistently done for 10 years is watch porn and come here. That's it. Everything else disappears in a month.
But I can't keep living like this, anon.

>> No.20907625

Answer me

>> No.20907642

Okay I'm actually reading Myth of Sisyphus right now and I just don't get it. Can someone enlighten me.

>> No.20907652

I need something work towards, in general. An idea, project, something like this. I'm out of the post-completion depression now and I'm bubbling with excitement. I'm planning on getting lean and sharpening back up my French & Spanish. As soon as I know what's going on employment-wise I'll have the Big Enchilada of a goal to tie it all together. The wheel of fortune is turning boys, I'm on the come up! AAAAAA

>> No.20907654

try reading it out loud with a french accènt trust me dude

>> No.20907668

i wrote it a few years ago

>> No.20907699

Stop fucking with me!

>> No.20907724


>> No.20907748
File: 198 KB, 1080x1109, 1627684290356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got sexo on my mind
i don't talk to women tho

>> No.20907761

The internet is my personal toilet

>> No.20907809

Did anything ever come of this work? It has a mixture of sauciness and stylistic grace which appeals to me.

>> No.20907866

Talk to them.

>> No.20907884

nah i fapped and don't care about sexo now

>> No.20907940

Why? I dont find them interesting.

>> No.20907984

Why do people like cocaine? It turns them into mindless retards that can't help but talk absolutely pointless shit for hours on end without taking any breaks.
Are they NPCs to do this? Inflicted by some temporary mind virus that just forces them to talk nonstop? The only time I've been in such a state was on a high dose of lsd and even then I was able to recognize subconsciously that 'outside' forces had the influence to make me talk nonsense continuously. Like it was physically impossible to stay quiet.

>> No.20907990

Cocaine is a meme, basically powdered Red Bull overhyped by popular culture - drug for NPC bugmen and w*men. If you want genuine industrial stimulation, try meth. It's five times stronger, lasts five times longer and costs less than a tenth.

>> No.20908015

I finally got a gf at 26 but I'm scared to fart in my sleep bros

>> No.20908016

Meth is for crackheads lmao. Coke is for normies who would otherwise get drunk.
But it was interesting to see the rise of popularity directly alongside narcos style shows on netflix.

>> No.20908021

i've been depressed and suicidal before, but lately i've been feeling actually sad for the first time, and i don't know why.

>> No.20908056

Books are my favourite thing in the world
I really miss my universities library
I used to spend about 2-3 hour a day in it for 5 years and now it's just gone
Looking at photographs of it caused me to cry
I've been eating less so I can buy more books
I just can't buy food anymore without thinking about how many books I could buy

>> No.20908057

Anything happened in your life?

>> No.20908083

The myth of Sysyphus describes my life pretty well in the sense that I like to get high on cannabis, then do it over again after coming down. I am happy.

>> No.20908089
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I am unironically a naive materialist and I see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.20908114

I keep reading crap in order to find that inspiration, that idea.

>> No.20908136

there is no idea. all ideas are false. the truth is right there if you stop thinking about what it might be.

>> No.20908150

It is bizarre and fascinating that "banshee moon" milk on youtube has done so many slutty videos and I can't find a single photo or video of her naked

>> No.20908154

i'm bored.

>> No.20908155

>rise of popularity directly alongside narcos style shows on netflix
before narcos no one knew coke, 2014 cocaine was like an obscure gem

>> No.20908156

is the truth to just stop thinking?

>> No.20908158

this pic made me realize that nico is perfect to be used by companies like channel for advertisement in japan, like those models but 2d

>> No.20908161

it's to use your brain to perceive things purely without ego or preconceive notions or false verbal constructs corrupting what your brain evolved to do.

>> No.20908163

Is it really possible? Seems too advanced for my brain.

>> No.20908177
File: 178 KB, 1374x746, mair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not just possible. It is your default animal state. This is why many religions have a concept of an uncorrupted primal man including taoism and christianity, and also why Jesus says the greatest in the kingdom of heaven is a child. In fact, you are already doing it constantly, only certain aspects of it are corrupted by false verbal reasoning. "My way is easy and my burden is light."

>> No.20908187
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I can't take a woman seriously after I've seen her anus. Bitch, you've shown me your shamehole, do you expect any respect now?

>> No.20908191
File: 59 KB, 780x739, 4 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i got very busy with university.
the 4th wall going, it was running away with itself at the end

>> No.20908196

Im too cynical and sarcastic to ever reach the childlike wonder state to attract any new ideas.

>> No.20908200

your cynicism is a construction of your ego that isn't present in your base state of existence. it's an illusion that can be made to dissipate at will.

>> No.20908208

I love skimming wikipedia to find interesting information to go down rabbit holes about from other less generic sources. I'm very aware I'm only getting a tiny glimpse at every individual thing, but it's satisfying all the same to be able to access so much information like never before and draw conclusions or opinions about anything. the age of information is going to be looked back upon as a fundamental change in how we understand taking in and learning information.

>> No.20908215
File: 105 KB, 907x1360, carr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this

>> No.20908216
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my best attempt

>> No.20908218

what is the base state of existence? being an eternal child?
>it's an illusion that can be made to dissipate at will.
perhaps. It would be very hard to use it on the occasion rather than default way of seeing things. It's very likely that my will is too weak.

>> No.20908231
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robin is pure sex

>> No.20908234

for me, its Nami.

>> No.20908252

---- Solaria ----
(civilization as tone)

Suppose Sisyphus came
Via soundsystem typical of nightclubs and such.

Thereafter, he wouldn't stint at automating any lifting he can conceive
With a little theft or chicanery liberal as the imagination is.

Thus the aesthetic vitalist is indistinguishable from the comedian
Especially on fishing holidays

Or in sight of lands deliberate as bouquets
That seem to go on forever.

>> No.20908284

Can “books for__” threads be banned?

>> No.20908304
File: 370 KB, 590x706, nami zou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this panel has made me tolerate alot of questionable writing.

>> No.20908349

recently i've been posting (sort of bad) photos of me on 4chan. think it helps get over anxieties about that sort of thing

>> No.20908360

is it about feeling bad about looks and other people saying that its all in your head?

>> No.20908402

Sorrow manifests in different ways. If you want to feel human, help out in any way you can manage.

>> No.20908412

That's a shame you never finished it, I was honestly enthused about your writing. Even this 4th wall-breaking stuff is enjoyable. It's almost like Kate is having some kind of manic episode and is talking to Marie in riddles about the nature of their reality. Bizarre shit, but quite readable.

>> No.20908424

The vax turned out to be safe and it was required for many jobs. Antivaxxers seem to be unproductive NEETs

>> No.20908447

why ask questions? the whole point is that what I am talking about can be experience immediately just be being silent.
>perhaps. It would be very hard to use it on the occasion rather than default way of seeing things. It's very likely that my will is too weak.
you don't need a strong will because you don't have to control yourself, you just have to open your eyes and look around in silence.

>> No.20908455

im a novice driver and am not capable of driving to my uni every day starting tomorrow haha might just kill my self

>> No.20908502

I failed at killing myself two months back, nothing has improved and I still wish to die. My method was well thought out but a friend accidentally walked in before going out, as I'd planned, and talked me out of it. I have a loving family and many friends and they just feel like expectations to exist. Had a loving gf and that didn't help. Only fucking synthetic heroin helps. I just thought I'd scream a little.

>> No.20908512

Life improves when you stop doing dope. Start with that. Take my word for it

>> No.20908533

I need to accept that I'm a dad now. In appearance and demeanor that is, not in the sense of having parental status. Few things are more pathetic than a millennial emulating zoomers in an attempt to stay hip and relevant. Dads have a place in the Order of Things.

>> No.20908585

no if you're looking for that kind of thing i wouldn't recommend doing it. it's about just doing things and realising it's fine. i's a bit like when a cleaner walked in my dorm when i was in bed naked and after i realised it wasn't such a terrible experience

>> No.20908638
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i'd wrote the finish

>> No.20908654
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I don't know what is best, so I don't do anything at all.

>> No.20908716

Today I met some people who were still christian LOL

>> No.20908725

I finally came up with a simple idea and the requisite motivation to write a story. First time this has happened in a couple of years and I want to publish again. Only problem is the idea is just a simple and derivative sci-fi gimmick. It is original though and I'm trying not o let my bias against genre prevent me from actually finishing the thing.

>> No.20908735

The burden of a gf is heavier than the burden of loneliness

>> No.20908766

silence is hard. I hear very bad things then.

>> No.20908784

>spend couple years learning something
>to autistic to carry out the societal protocol handshakes to get with people who are doing it irl for employment or otherwise
>get cockblocked or be let in reluctantly only to be kicked out later
>pick up something else

>> No.20908812

This nigga fucks fat girls!

>> No.20908969 [DELETED] 

the only thing that really motivates me is making more money than whatever mediocre bugman my ex married. the whole time we were together she'd stalk old acquaintances on instagram and linkedin comparing them to us, so i know she'll see it. when i croak i'll donate it all to the church or something.

>> No.20908976

fat chicks and hot chicks take the same amount of effort so you might as well focus on the hot ones.

>> No.20908983 [DELETED] 

your ex's kids will be hapas which are mindbroken sluts when female and schizo incels when male

>> No.20909005 [DELETED] 
File: 602 KB, 521x777, Shivon-Zilis-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's south asian. she has those gigantic punjabi eyes and i have blue eyes, so our kids would have looked like shivon zilis probably, but now we'll never know.

>> No.20909012

Have you tried Ketamine?

>> No.20909019

>mindbroken sluts when female and schizo incels when male
That's all gen z

>> No.20909025

Watched 30 mins of Top Gun Maverick and it seemed horrible. I can only assume it has a really good third act.

>> No.20909072

I liked it. A solid celebration of white supremacy and the patriarchy.

>> No.20909119

You know crack is derivative of coke right anon

>> No.20909127

You should watch Slipstream with Anthony Hopkins

>> No.20909160

It would be hilarious if /lit/ or /pol/ had a clash with lipstickalley

>> No.20909261

I can't believe the Early Church navigated dogma so well. Literally guided by the Holy Spirit, no other explanation.

>> No.20909285

I like this.

>> No.20909286
File: 73 KB, 731x592, 'jak204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my life is over. I should just get it over with and just become and tranny and go beat women's records or something so that autists on the internet can call me "based"

>> No.20909293

Make sure you give us a shoutout when you win

>> No.20909361

I'm wondering if it's worthwhile to have a sort of useless major but minor in something that's relatively decent

>> No.20909367

Redpill me on lipstickalley

>> No.20909371

you won't beat any women's records unless you are actually an athlete, and even then you have to have decent genetics to beat the women with the top female genetics. some guys struggle to break 20 minutes on 5k their whole life while some girls break 17 in high school, your v02 max is determined genetically and can only be increased by about 15% through training.

>> No.20909397

Well my dad's asian wife is offering me to marry her niece for a green card. She'd literally move her into my room. Problem is shes educated and employed while I am a neet. Also, this kind of arrangef marriage thing sounded based and redpilled when I was shitposting here but now that its actually a possibility I feel really weird and creeped out by it

>> No.20909409

Black women’s site known for dishing inside info and scandals on celebrities.

>> No.20909420

How does she feel about it? You better clear your browser history, never to return here, and reform your neet ways.
Crazy aunt thinks she’s going to put out or sleep on the floor? Too ridiculous even for a tv sitcom

>> No.20909429

In that case, it would be /tv/ and /mu/, not here or /pol/

>> No.20909437

No, she was gonna move into my fucking room. As in, within a week. I would have to get a new bed to fit us both.
Now, I'm not ugly or fat, I actually keep in shape. And I'm not technically a neet. I do under the table day labor work. But this chick is waway out of my league and I feel like I would be exploiting her desperate want for a green card. Its also fucking weird. My dads wife assured me that this is all consistent with asian culture though.

>> No.20909441

It has a very pro black and women’s slant

>> No.20909468

When life hands you a wife, you start making babies.

>> No.20909473


>> No.20909474

I always knew I was destined to sire happas

>> No.20909512

not that anon, but sell it . what's the point the book is trying to make?

>> No.20909520

lmfao.. did you tell them it's current year lol? do they even have a calendar? fucking embarrassing xD

>> No.20909532

this is really cool. you should write more.

>> No.20909551

If black people went back to Africa we could pay off the national debt.

>> No.20909571

it talks about how hyperlinks and the internet make your knowledge shallow and messes up your attention.

>> No.20909572
File: 84 KB, 500x667, 1659743414649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I make friends?

>> No.20909574

Im watching a video of Taylor Marshall explain justification, grace, regeneration etc. It's all tedious and pedantic grammar divisions. Is that peak Catholic theology? Hyper focussed grammar?

>> No.20909583

I commented in a previous edition of this thread, I think last Sunday, and I was asked to provide an update. I was asked because I said I was going on my first date in years. I wrote all of this on Friday night.
Last week, on a whim, I booted up Hinge and made some slight changes. Within 5 minutes, I got a like notification (I never paid for anything on Hinge) from an 18 year old black girl. I am a 24 year old basement dweller finishing his BA. I am not particularly attracted to black women. I don't hate them, not the classy ones, and I take what I can get, since I get nothing. We chatted for a few days on Hinge, and then, I ask her out for a date. She agreed. I was hoping to be rejected to say I tried, but no, she wholeheartedly accepted.
Yesterday at 11:00 AM at a coffeeshop was the agreed upon time and place for the date. One could say I have been on three dates in my life, and they were all at that particular coffeeshop. Should that be considered pathetic? I'm not sure, I just realized it. I am inclined to think not, since it's a good place to meet up with college students, which is the vast majority of the population my age in this town. I had a doctor's appointment that ran a bit long, but I manage to arrive on-time. I message her on Hinge telling her I'm on my way and then that I am here. I order a cup of tea and wait. I waited for both my date and for my tea to cool. I looked at my phone and contemplated my situation. I mostly went on the date just for the sake of a good learning experience, getting out of the house, and getting out of my comfort zone. I wasn't really sad, just a little annoyed that my time was wasted. I also wondered if I was being stood up or if this was just a case of African time. After thirty minutes, I had concluded I had been stood up and prepared to leave. I had some leftover steak for breakfast, but I was kind of hungry, so I bought a salad. They make really good salads there. Even though there weren't very many orders, they took ages and ages to make it. It must have taken them 15 minutes to make my salad and two others. As I see the staff prepare my salad, I get a flurry of messages from my date saying how deeply she apologizes and about how bad she feels. She had a meeting and got carried away. It switched from me being stood up to a case of African time. If it weren't for this situation, I wouldn't have known how apologetic and polite she could be. She was really embarrassed and sorry for losing track of time. When I messaged her today to thank her for the conversation and to suggest that she make a point of going to the art museum, she apologized yet again and agreed to a second date. That's a first for me. I look forward to talking to her again.

>> No.20909593
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The second, or third if you count the doctor's appointment, event of the day was the pre-opening of my university's art museum. My mom is an important member of the university. When we first arrived here, she was invited to the unveiling of the museum plans. I attended that event with her. And now, we were going to the unveiling of the museum itself. Attached to this post is a picture of me in front of a famous painting worth over $100 million. It has been on tour for the past few years, and for the people heavily involved with the museum, its placement and protection was constantly a point of concern during the event I attended 5 years earlier. Modern art isn't my style, but I was very impressed with the stature of my university's collection. And seeing this famous painting in-person, I must say that it is much better than what photographs suggest. My eyes were weirdly attracted to it. It wasn't like it was a Crivelli or a Monet, but it wasn't a car crash either.
I talked to some people who were saying hello to my mom. That evening, conversation felt especially dead and fake, but there was one conversational highlight. A man bearing a nametag with the last name Griffin looked just like Seth MacFarlane. I could place the resemblance immediately, but I couldn't recall Seth MacFarlane's name. I got it after a minute, and after Mr. Griffin lingered for a while, I told him about his resemblance and said I probably wouldn't have picked it up if it weren't for the nametag. I asked him if anyone else found the resemblance. He said no, but he was amused. This was a little outside of my comfort zone because people who get told they look like someone else frequently seem to be unhappy about the supposed resemblance, but I'm glad I mentioned it. I left with a brick in-hand. They were leftovers from construction they were handing out, and I laughed at the resemblance to George Soros-funded pallets.

>> No.20909610

Checked. My dog is slowly dying as we speak. I've shed my feelings and now I'm left feeling null and devoid of feelings except for this one lingering thought on what it will be like waking up and she is gone

>> No.20909659 [DELETED] 

dude be more discrete you're gonna dox yourself
also someone told me i look like daniel day-lewis, i was like "uhh ok?" not exactly a sex symbol...

>> No.20909674 [DELETED] 

the essay version of that book is assigned in a lot of english 101s. it starts about attention, but it actually covers some interesting shit about the way technology shapes our thinking. like there's this part where it shows this really fucked up early typewriter nietzsche started using as his health declined and you can see why all his later shit is just aphorisms. idk about the book, but the essay is sneaky, it starts off like self-help pablum, but ends up close to literary theory.

>> No.20909681


go out more

get out of your comfort zone

you have to put in the work

good luck

>> No.20909695

>go out more
How do I go out if I have 0 friends?

>> No.20909703
File: 351 KB, 750x762, 1656459068898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to make a /lit/ minecraft server?

>> No.20909720

Catholics and christians in general are cringe.
>You're a heretic b-b-because you just are ok?!
>Yes our sacred and divine church is somehow a degenerate and corrupt institution
>Its the hecking devil and those freemasons who infiltrated our ranks
>Just sin all you want bro, free forgiveness for all!!!

>> No.20909722

I thought it through and sat on this a few days before posting. I knew someone would find the location, but I doubt that anyone can identify who I am. The only people who could identify me from what I have posted here are those mentioned in the post, someone with access to the security cameras, or friends and family. None of those people browse 4chan.
>also someone told me i look like daniel day-lewis, i was like "uhh ok?" not exactly a sex symbol...
Daniel Day-Lewis as Lincoln? Do you strive to be a sex symbol?

>> No.20909731

every time i try to play minecraft i just quit after falling into lava or something.

>> No.20909746 [DELETED] 

>Do you strive to be a sex symbol?
no, but i mean telling someone they look like some fucked up dude who only plays 19th century wackos? how are you supposed to take that?

>> No.20909753

I just want to build an obelisk and a pyramid with egyptian and hermetic symbols.

>> No.20909790
File: 370 KB, 620x360, ddl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the man was fucking gorgeous and as a general rule if a woman is telling you that you look like someone she likes you

>> No.20909817

Im ugly.

>> No.20909820

think that's a bad rule. girls say that a lot

>> No.20909844

>open door
>step over threshold
Congrats, youve made it outside

>> No.20909849

If a woman told you that you look like Don Rickles, she’s not hittin’ on you.
If she says Day-Lewis, or some other guy you may not find attractive (I donno, Pauly Shore, Sasha Cohen w/e) it’s a compliment. Use your head

>> No.20909863

And then what?

>> No.20909866

Do what ever the fuck you want.

>> No.20909877

>Do what ever the fuck you want
I stepped outside and now I want to meet people and make friends. How do I do that?

>> No.20909879
File: 494 KB, 1323x616, lotto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the lottery last night. 3 GBP. I bought a lotto and a lotto hotpick. The latter is where you pick 4 numbers and if they all line up you get 13000GBP return gauranteed.I picked my usualy numbers and went to bed. Whilst dreaming I visualised my ticket and saw multiples on 10 on the ticket. 10, 20, 30. etc. Thought nothing of it but when I checked the lottery numbers on the morning I saw picrelated. It kinda made me trip out for a moment. Definitely inspired some schizophrenic thoughts about how I 'foresaw' something. In the end I've wrote it down to coincidence. When dreaming and having low level thoughts It's likely I just saw obvious and clear numbers. Multiples of 10 stick out and are far easier to envision than any other number. But damn did it feel weird

>> No.20909894

maybe you're ugly, i guess the rule wouldn't apply then

I wouldn't know

>> No.20909903

Put yourself in a social setting. Go to your local park, see some amateurs playing a sport and ask if you can join. I made friends like that.

>> No.20909904

Get outside of your comfort zone. Don’t let rejection deter you.

>> No.20909922

What if she says you look like Carlos Sainz?

>> No.20909936

I keep reading about suicide. Thats what on my mind.

>> No.20909955

Eradicate the fear of being wrong anon, and pursue truth through continuous effort

>> No.20910016

wouldn't advise jumping to that conclusion

nah i'm dead fit

>> No.20910131

Quote of the minute:

"The trouble with being brilliant is that almost everyone else is so fucking boring."

>> No.20910137

excited for you anon

>> No.20910151

>I'm not a pedo BUT...
Pretty much says it all KYS anon.

>> No.20910203

fair enough, but camus was pretty young(although nowhere near god-tier philosopher lvl like Nietzsche) probably why he's so popular with undergraduates. hell i read that shit when I was around 16yo ms. Still cant imagine the fuck happy, just learned to do my best to embrace life(the good & bad) to the best of my ability with... mitigated results... still breathing I guess.

>> No.20910207

Why Nietzsche and Camus are so popular amongst edgy teens and people in 20s?

>> No.20910209

I believe it's from "Les noces" but it's been over 15y since I've read that shit so I might be wrong.

>> No.20910216

Reading Kirkegaards discourse on Matthew 6:25-34 is when existientialism finally made sense to me. He said somethingalong the lines of "make a virtue of necessity." The crux is our mental disposition towards life rather than the conditions of life itself. With that in mind, we can imagine Sisyphus happy given that he had the desire for life, the desire to act. He can be content with his act as thats all life really is

>> No.20910404
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>> No.20910434

What's the closest celestial object with intelligent life? Europa?

>> No.20910452

Intelligent life has yet to be discovered. If it has been discovered, it has yet to be publicized, and thus, the general public does not know where the lifeform(s) is from.

>> No.20910454
File: 121 KB, 1600x624, ban6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not believing in the holocaust is racism now

>> No.20910458

Sometimes I think I should start a business, but I don't have much interest and know in the end that's not for me.

>> No.20910489
File: 323 KB, 838x1280, GGP__18892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of feminists see men as the default sex and women as the deviant sex in society, which is why their strategy is no longer to be 'equal' to men, but to redefine both woman and man, as if male attainment can be separated from masculinity. Masculinity in men is somehow toxic, but masculinity in women is empowering or bold or whatever - men are 'doing' masculinity wrong, so it must be ceded to women, who can do it better.

This is faulty for many reasons, but I think the most salient is that it engages the psychology of teams and blinds women to a) men's DISadvantages in society and b) their own societal advantages. Men's advantages in society, as the group that built it, seem more obvious. Superior physicality, the willingness to accept greater risk, the ability to obsess, etc., these translate well to the achievements that demand these aspects of maleness like sport, artistry, craft, wealth attainment, etc. Things like the Pareto distribution favor men simply because men are driven to produce more, I think.

But the male disadvantage in society is that they receive no attention/grace/tolerance/respect from anyone, especially women (as the sex that selects) UNTIL they succeed in one or more of these areas. This is where women's more passive societal advantage comes into play; women don't have to do anything to recieve deference, it is just sort of given to them.

This is not a 1:1 analogy, but free shelter and access to food is an 'advantage' that one has access to once they break a law and are put in jail. It is a benefit that kicks in once some requirement is met. In the instance of women, the requirement is met when they are born. In society, women are treated like women (in that THEY recognize they cannot do all the things men can do and so they don't have access to the same successes) but they're also still treated like women (in that MEN recognize that they cannot do all the things men can do and so are given deference for their position).

This is not the final version of this thought - nor is it really 'mine', it's just something I've been thinking of while reading pic related.

Sainz is top 3, but below Leclerc. Verstappen is like a 4 in the face but his confidence and focus bumps him up to an 8 for me personally. It's pretty hot how he doesn't give a shit about the theatrics or politics of the sport, only the sport itself (or at least that's how he seems)

>> No.20910494

I'm going to stay away from this website for next weeks, it's becoming tiresome and I'm realizing that I'm coming here more of addiction than having any fun. I'll still browse it today, but tomorrow I'll block it.
Also, have a nice video telling 4chan was already bad 8 years ago.

>> No.20910555

Your acid reflux is a result of constipation.

>> No.20910604

>I'll still browse it today, but tomorrow I'll block it.
See you tomorrow. Don't forget, you're here forever!

>> No.20910631

>frogposter is annoying friendless schizo

>> No.20910638

This week I found out I got a girl pregnant. That’s the second one this month. They know each other so I expected major drama but they seem pretty cool with everything

>> No.20910648

Hornyness covers me like a blanket. Tuck me in and let me coom.

>> No.20910653

>Calls someone else annoying
I know youre the same fag that spams the "dumb frog poster" line on every single thread. Talk about not having friends amirite

>> No.20910686

Be honest, how many friends can you say that you really have? Like REAL friends? I have 0.

>> No.20910704

Should I read multiple books at once or just 1 at a time?

>> No.20910713

0 as well. Though I truly just don’t care about people. There just aren’t many people, especially guys, that vibe with me. I’ve only found one girl that I’ve actually liked enough to consider being with her forever. I just don’t like people, even if they like me. I ghost everyone

>> No.20910785

Most people I know are complete normies. Its quite difficult to connect with people who have a complete opposite view of how society works and how it doesnt.

>> No.20910803

I never developed social skills, I was an outcast and a shut-in and a weirdo since forever. I'm not an actual autist, but I have the social retardatoin of one.
And in addition I am a deformed manlet with man tits and weird proportions. I'm fucking hideous.
I'll never be anythig or happy, I'll always be a loser and it takes just going outside and seeing other people to see how inferior I am. I want to go full Ted Kaszisky, minus the bombs, and live in a shack deep in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.20910989 [DELETED] 
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Globalism won, big pharma won, globohomo won, Klaus Schwab won...
Its over

>> No.20910990

I cannot express the profound pain and and emptiness i feel when I think about the fact that I will never be a father sitting across the table experiencing a moment like this


>> No.20911288

Maybe 3

>> No.20911308

Why not enjoy the laugher there?
Get your life together, if it means that much.

>> No.20911358

Hey babe, I'll leave you constipated ;)

>> No.20911368

Feminism is entirely constituted by penis envy and rape fantasies

>> No.20911373

My misery returns the instant that school returns. I'd rather not wake up at all tomorrow morning.

>> No.20911376

The male’s rape fantasies
And stop obsessing over dick, Freudoboyo

>> No.20911412

The whole based/cringe phenomenon killed a lot of discussion and nuance

>> No.20911428

Twitter was a terrible mistake. Saw that a mile away

>> No.20911483

Its not even meaningful since its buried under layers of irony and feigned irony

>> No.20911500

Congratulations anons! I just scanned the thread and have found ZERO instances of the singular they.

>> No.20911502

Coming to terms with the fact the my depressive inclination is permanent. It comes in waves and I can only brace myself and let it hit. It has made me remarkably strong and resistant to suffering. Ready for everything to be washed away.

>> No.20911508

Someone delivered a letter to my house. They left it in the mailbox

>> No.20911513

You son of a bitch

>> No.20911522

Do you really have a problem with usage like that?
>he or she left it in my mailbox
That sounds so stilted and unnatural. Singular they is the clear way to go

>> No.20911541

A hotdog is not a sandwich

>> No.20911545

If it really bothers you so much you could just refer to the mail instead
>it was placed inside my mailbox

>> No.20911553

Same page as you. I’ve accepted it’ll probably never go away

>> No.20911572

Says who?

>> No.20911574

so she wants to try a long distance thing and i'm willing to give it a shot. but she's already asking how many times i'm jerking off and telling me how frequently (and infrequently) I should be beating my shmeat. she also wants me to send videos of every session so she knows i'm not jerking off to tranny porn (i am sometimes) and only cumming to her nudes and porn models she approves of (they all look like her)

>> No.20911582

A nonretard

>> No.20911590

i'm down for a factorio server or a ksp server

>> No.20911594

am I missing out too much by not having shit like instagram or twitter? seem like my friends are tighter between them because of it, feel kinda left out

>> No.20911599

Online is not for maintaining friendships.
Ask them for a zoom meetup, see how awkward that goes. You should all come to the conclusion that in person meetups are better and real

>> No.20911603

The faustian spirit of western man is to created various invention and use it to the fullest however while he himself strive to created, he is possible to die like many other before him. However what make him separate from other is his spirit, The power of infinite space. His power is unlimited he can create many invention and use it like Car, Plane, Gun, Ship, Industry, Capitalism, Money, Entertainment, Internet etc. but these invention are limited usage and can't fully satisfied him. Even the endless space of this universe couldn't satisfied him despite how vast and empty it is.

No, what faustian man need to is not to created but rather transcend himself toward an higher being in order to created more invention or as I best would describe it: The destiny if faustian man is to become God. A God who can bend reality, time, space and dimension into his own image, A God who can created concept, anbstraction, object, A God who can created everything, A infinite possibilities, Infinite creation and invention, Infinite stories of hero and villian, Infinite reality dimension.

This is the only way a western man with faustian soul can survived.

>> No.20911610

Don't . Get out now

>> No.20911616

I always wonder, what % of girls are nymphomaniacs? Those girls that are actuslly addicted to cum and sucking balls or whatever. Porn has distorted reality in so many ways that its difficult to know wether a female is putting on a facade just to fit in on a degenerate coomer society...

>> No.20911620

what about a burger, is it a sandwich?

>> No.20911626


If real nymphomaniac women exist, they're doing it for attention and don't actually enjoy any of it

>> No.20911631
File: 214 KB, 1200x825, AE5EA3A0-9BA3-4422-ABC8-084C822092C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20911633

Real nymphos were sexually abused and do it for validation or some kind of trauma alleviation

>> No.20911642

How do you not see that is huge red flag? How can a woman try to write you a masturbation schedule and demand you send her recordings of it and you seriously fucking consider it? What the fuck

>> No.20911648

>If real nymphomaniac women exist, they're doing it for attention and don't actually enjoy any of it
If you want to be a cynical faggot you can apply this exact logic to basically everything a woman does.

>> No.20911672

Generally porn addict girls have shit sex, just going through the motions emulating emotionless positions and dynamics they saw in porn. It's like the female version of porn induced ED in men, just harder to spot obviously because it is less physical, but basically they are trying to re-enact what they saw in porn and are sorta confused and let down that it isn't working for them.

Nymphos can very often be the opposite, not all that "freaky" but otherwise insatiable, wanting to go at it again and again. It's a sex drive thing first and foremost.

>> No.20911678

Just being realistic

>> No.20911899

Best friends? 0
Actual friends? 2

>> No.20911926
File: 620 KB, 976x1014, 1660593188566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do females even enjoy sucking cock? Or is it something that they just do to please males?

>> No.20911979

Women enjoy pleasing males.

>> No.20912020

people in relationships like to make each other happy. It's like a man eating out a woman.

>> No.20912021

Kiwifarms is still down :(

>> No.20912029

Women will blow men they arent in relationships with

>> No.20912089

a man eating out a woman is pathetic

>> No.20912093

I'll kill myself when all the little girls I know grow up and there's nothing beautiful in my life anymore and no one to hurt by my suicide.

>> No.20912116
File: 75 KB, 604x591, 1637431714891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite bizarre to think that I might be alive to witness firsthand the collapse of a civilization.

>> No.20912213

Why do you think civilization is going to collapse? I'm betting on the collapse due to war, food shortages and the vaxx causing infertility.

>> No.20912243


>> No.20912273
File: 2.86 MB, 825x825, 1624844176332.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The effect of physical activity on mental well-being is unbelievable, mere 30 minutes of exercise get me from suicidal mood to "eh, okay". Sustained effort - keeping it up for 5 days a week - genuinely change my whole attitude and energy. I don't even care about looking good, it's all about that improvement in brain chemistry.
Wish my father bothered to teach me these masculine basics back in my teens, I could have turned out differently.

>> No.20912283

im happy ive found peace with death for the most part. i just hope nothing particularly gruesome happens to me like getting my throat slit or something

>> No.20912311

Do women even like guys giving them flowers anymore? If you're not in a serious relationship already with the girl, it feels like it has the opposite effect and they just think of you as a creep or too pushy, especially with women wanting nothing but shorter relationships or just straight up one night stands until their late 20s or early 30s. A sweet gesture fallen so hard of fashion...

>> No.20912318

flowers are a spook

>> No.20912339

I miss out on my boys’ dm meme conversations because I don’t have Instagram. I’m late to hearing stuff that goes on between them and jokes. But in the positive light, we have more to talk about when we meet in person. 100% do not regret it. Instagram and Twitter was making me sick, it’s all fake and people advertising themselves, not a good way to spend time. Maybe this place isn’t either but the anonymity breeds raw truth, or at least unforgiving memes

>> No.20912345

You're right, they want to behave like breeding pigs during their most attractive years, then expect to be treated as pure princesses once the looks start to fade.

>> No.20912395

Why Camus is so popular?

>> No.20912399

because nihilism is popular

>> No.20912403

Because of the poignancy of his stories. He was a humanist and a romantic beyond the superficial nihilism of his philosophy.

>> No.20912411

>He was a humanist and a romantic beyond the superficial nihilism of his philosophy.
Was he secretly a theist?

>> No.20912415

Giving flowers to female is the ultimate sign that youre placing them on a pedestal and that you subconsciously think of yourself as lower than hers, so you try to compensate by doing all these actions straight from a romantic comedy like spending money on flowers, dinner, etc... Its often those guys that show to much interest who eventually get ignored, blocked or friendzoned.

>> No.20912470

I never really use the social part of the internet so i decided to take a look at twitter and now I completely understand why people say that anime is for trannies

>> No.20912575

Jesus Christ /lit/, how hard is it to know whether or not a girl likes flowers, she does? Get her some, preferably the ones she's actually fond of instead of the first thing you spotted. Not a flower girl? Don't, that would be like buying a screwdriver kit for a guy who's only hobby is gaming and social media. There's also a proper time for gifting in general depending on the relationship's depth and the partners involved, usually it isn't the first or second date.

>> No.20912591

Dont listen to this advice >>20912575 since its clear its coming from some female or some gay dude. Giving flowers is ok but as long as youre already in an established relationship and just in very specific and important occasions.

>> No.20912686

Gay men do. That's for certain. I think women enjoy sucking dick much less than gays, however.

>> No.20912697

How the fuck do you know? Are you gay?

>> No.20912717
File: 1.07 MB, 1115x1376, theyism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very diligent, fellow they-hater. I'm not that dedicated, I just post my shitty compilation and fuck off usually.

It was left in my mailbox (passive voice)
He left it in my mailbox (assumed male, as most postmen are)
>it sounds so unnatural
Guess what else sounds unnatural, bozo

>> No.20912719
File: 180 KB, 700x518, 1627346873826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women enjoy giving rimjobs or getting pissed on if the man is aggressive Chad, on the other hand they don't cum if their bf is submissive simp, eating their cunt for half an hour. Woman's enjoyment of sex is all about the status and dominance of the man involved.

>> No.20912720

Women should not be lifting weights and getting jacked. This is not any less disgusting, weird and wrong than a man in a dress and makeup. You're a homosexual for posting this.

>> No.20912821

Good bye

>> No.20912824

bye, see you soon.

>> No.20912826

Come back and read my blogposts, faggot

>> No.20912864

People on porn dicords are like "uwu owo order me to do anything and i will obey daddy~" but you order them to read the entire Critique of Pure Reason and write a 10 page report on it and suddenly they're all uppity.

>> No.20912954

Do you have any idea how much stuff has happened? How many things you've done and forgotten about? Even just mundane things, like building up the courage to ask someone out. That happened!

>> No.20912993

for the sake of what is good and courteous and light, and what brings peace and peace of mind.

>> No.20913008

Understanding makes the mind lazy.

>> No.20913022

It's the same trajectory, only turned to marmalade.

>> No.20913058

Contrary to popular belief, sucking dick doesnt make you gay.

>> No.20913075

Not him but nymphomaniacs actually have to not enjoy it to count as nymphomaniacs. It's the dividing line between a pathology and a party girl.

>> No.20913081

You have to do it chapter by chapter. Plenty of them learn second languages and get jobs this way, but you're not micromanaging them enough to let them thrive through their fetish.

>> No.20913128

What motivates you right now? What feels worth doing and why?

>> No.20913139

>What motivates you right now?
My faith in God.
> What feels worth doing
Serving God.
>and why?
It's spiritually fulfilling.

>> No.20913153


Must every single thread be ruined by bots?

>> No.20913160

Yay. As long as their is some kind of organization that makes sense to you go for it.

>> No.20913188

How is it that you're serving God?

>> No.20913221

The Myth of Sisyphus is a fantastic essay for people with low-end or unskilled jobs trying to cope with their lives.

>> No.20913227

yes it does

>> No.20913229

What jobs are high-end in your mind?

>> No.20913466


>> No.20913469

By trying to live a Christian life. Praying, Church, following Christ's path, etc.

>> No.20913489

do you get it now?

>> No.20913536

Admirable. I'm envious.

>> No.20913604

My brother hasbeen with a man for literally an entire year. He has informed me in graphic detail that he is the bottom. He STILL refuses to acknowledge that he is gay

>> No.20913630

What book would you prescribe as a final hail mary to prevent someone from killing themself right before they do it?

>> No.20913635

I hope with all my heart you'll find the path and I will pray for you anon.

>> No.20913660

Thank you.

>> No.20913689

i think so

>> No.20913740
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>tfw you realize cartesian philosophy ultimately leads to trannies

>> No.20913744

next thread please

>> No.20913748

>cartesian philosophy

>> No.20913768

I think in retrospect I should have joined the Army when I was young, younger than 25 for sure.

>> No.20913792

>singular they

>> No.20913793
