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/lit/ - Literature

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20910236 No.20910236 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck are you still reading books?

>> No.20910245

He wrote a book btw.

>> No.20910249

Because it makes me happy

>> No.20910251

>*you're sitting and reading*
>picrelated walks in to the room
>Anon, what are you doing?!
>*he grabs the book out of your hand*
>What's this? Oh, how interesting... *he opens the book at a random page and starts speaking in a mock-serious voice* The lesser spotted chinchilla lies mainly on the...*throws book out the window*
>Anon, bro, you're a grown ass man! How can you stand to read? I can't just sit and read a story book like a child. *mock retard voice while licking finger and turning invisible pages* Durr, da cow go moo! *end of silly voice* I need action! I need things popping off, I need chaos, I need adventure *clicks fingers in front of your face repeatedly*
>*group of 3 9/10 women in fancy dresses giggling at you nearby*
>Tessica, would you date a... No, would you FUCK a man that sits and reads bedtime stories all day?
>*Condescending giggling aimed at you* Tee-hee, I don't know Andrew...

>> No.20910256

every fucking day

>> No.20910262


>> No.20910272

Why did you have to fuckin green text that

>> No.20910277

>What do you mean?

>> No.20910280

To feel contempt

>> No.20910281

You’re an enormous simp

>> No.20910283

>Chinlet mutt thread #382852626

>> No.20910312

unironically based.

>> No.20910321

Andrew Tate is fucking ALPHA as fuck.

>> No.20910322
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>> No.20910324

I was born with a pronounced chin.

>> No.20910328

Based. Truthful and soulful answer.

>> No.20910330

vivid and accurate. very based, all told!

>> No.20910333
File: 122 KB, 1600x1210, Young readers1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading books is no different than porn. You're reading about people doing stuff instead of doing it yourself.

There's a big difference between reading during downtime and reading instead of doing anything. Don't be the loser who wastes his life reading instead of living.

Tate is correct.

>> No.20910337

Yeah bro it's my fault my parents aren't rich.

>> No.20910348

Are you implying that you need to be wealthy to live life?

>> No.20910351

A good scenic writer on /lit/, nice

>> No.20910353

brb going to spent years in jail and then find a treasure on the island of monte cristo!

>> No.20910356

I'm implying that your parents need to be rich to live out a life of pathology satiating action like this chinlet.

>> No.20910365

I never said you should be a degenerate hedonist like Tate. You should be actively living life instead of passively consuming it.

>> No.20910379

No you said he was right which is far more openand general.

>> No.20910416

The only reason I question reading is if it would be wiser to simply do nothing at all. Just watch the cars pass like a cat. I once spent a whole day only lying on the sofa staring at the ceiling. I didn't force myself, I just did. You guys sure love suffering for no reason.