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20903569 No.20903569 [Reply] [Original]

>Dude...why can't I get laid......damn....life kinda just sucks....

>> No.20903579


>> No.20903593
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>heh, you're sad probably because you can't get laid
OP is either a woman or has the mind of one (i.e. a tranny)

>> No.20903602

lol have sex retard

>> No.20903691

After getting to the other side of crippling depression I can attest to the fact that Ligotti is mostly right.
Being born a depressive is like being born a eunuch. There's finally this understanding that you're a creation of your environment and you must accept the fact that certain environments will necessarily lead to eunuchs being born.

Accepting the fact that some people are born appearing normal but lacking certain mental machines that allows them to form healthy social bonds is a pill that will take you an entire lifetime to swallow. You must either accept that misery is vowen into the fabric life (with some individuals embodying it more fully) or that eunuchism is actually good, the latter requiring a mental framework that's beyond the grasp of the eunuch

TCATHR is just the eunuch's perspective plainly laid out, using the wording and concepts that are most readily available to that kind of person

>> No.20903708
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>liked this book as depressed teen
>gained muscle and started banging ho's
>think the book is laughable now
It's literally that simple. Gym -> shower -> pussy. Stop thinking and start fucking.

>> No.20903719

>Stop thinking
Only normies work like that. Autists can't turn it off

>implying getting pussy is something you should strive for

I regret everyday that I lost my virginity at 28. I wish I never did and that I didn't have sex with my gf now.

>> No.20903725

>I wish I never did and that I didn't have sex with my gf now.
That's a weird feeling to have and not natural in any way.

>> No.20903817

>Stop thinking
That's the main problem with a hyperspecialization and technologization. Brains need to become quicker and compute more and I suspect that this is partly done by rerouting mental energy, atrophying social skills. There has to be a compulsion to drive a person to a place where they can start to become valuable, a compulsion beyond an on/off switch.
People who can't capitalize on their technical skills will suddenly find themselves in mental prisons, the walls seeming even more impenetrable at the higher levels of specialization.

Obviously there are intelligent people with social mores but encouraging people to think less wont let us seriously deal with the fallout of technological society

>> No.20903842

Why? Sad about losing out on your wizard powers? I would be, one only has one chance to sling some fireballs in one's life, after all.

>> No.20903848

>Stop thinking

>> No.20903877

these but unironically.
im tall and lean and girls flirt and laugh at my jokes and ive even been asked out twice by a girl and twice by a boy but somehow things never get to the point where seggs happens.

>> No.20903912


>> No.20903926

>I regret everyday that I lost my virginity
same here bro. I hate that I was so stupid and fell for the peer pressure of trying to fit in with my group of friends since they all had sex long before I did.

>> No.20903927

By entering into a flow state doing art. A good way to get to that point is to brute force yourself into it. Instead of 2 hours, try eight. Eight hours of music, drawing, writing or sculpting. Do it until your brain is mush and you can't focus on anything but your next artistic move.
The brain mush is the point. You want to exhaust your rational brain and make it shut down.
Grounding yourself in the stuff that you desire while also keeping the cold fingers of rationality away from it is the key to everything.

>> No.20903934

i fucked once when i was 25 with a whore (sex worker) just to see how it is, and i have 0 will to do it again. It was not bad, i got hard and fucked her for several minutes so i know i am not fag, but for me this is nothing compared to MDMA or LSD high, or when you read some profound sentence in Proust for example or when you solve some programming problem you spend lot of time with. Sex is just not that interesting and pleasurable for me

>> No.20903950

Protip: sex for money is not the same as sex when the girl is actually into you

>> No.20903955

you fell for the conspiracy and you didn't even notice

>> No.20903963

i never did it like that so i dont know what is difference. Only women interested in me are ones i dont find attractive, and conversation with them is not enough stimulating for me so i become bored and stop talking. Maybe if i lift enough hot women will be more attracted to me, just maybe, but i dont have motivation to do such things, cause whore i fucked was hot and professional but sex was not great feeling for me anyway, so i imagine sex with non-sexworker who is hot and less professional will be also nothing special to me

>> No.20903971

Same lost it to the love of my life at 20; couldn't even look in the mirror with her and not dissociate, in a cuddle, I felt an entire universe's distance between us, like I was hugging a mannequin, or I was the mannequin. Proust, Danzi and Pessoa console. The only nobility in man, that which raises him above the worm, is his lonely thoughts/music.

>> No.20903991

It is actually. Feels good man.

>> No.20904042

Hookers are low maintenance and you can treat them like shit if you want to.

>> No.20904063

The difference is way overblown by morons who consider making a girl wet is an achievement and want to flex on incels.
Hookers can be better than virtually all "genuine" sex if you're willing to shell enough money for the high end escorts.

>> No.20904076

t.b.u (this but unironically)

>> No.20904930

lol you're saying trannies are like real woman retard.

>> No.20905071
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I think you must take into account the environment and early upbringing rather than simplifying everything to lack of sex.
If you can keep it mind, you might understand not only Ligotti's nihilism and antinatalism but also the ubiquitous all corrupting evil blackness as the horror present in his works (Tsalal, Nethescurial, Cocoons, Teatro Grottesco, The Shadow at The Bottom Of The World)

>> No.20905232
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That lesbo author that just an heroed was also born in Detroit.

>> No.20905295
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Well imagine being born in Detroit in 1953 or even the 60s and seeing your entire world being blacked. You'd have a bleak view of life.

>> No.20905306

I can sort of relate. I was born in a white neighborhood in the west side of Flint in the 80's. My life was idyllic. I was allowed free domain of multiple city blocks with no danger. Now you can't even stop long enough to take a picture.

(Flint is a lot like Detroit but smaller)

>> No.20905320

On the bright side, Detroit is recovering. Companies are moving in, etc. Flint is kinda fucked though

>> No.20905337

Based. Live according to your instincts and nature. Just fucking live bro good and bad, it's not hard lmao. Choosing your own death is based as well but I don't care for people who just cry and whine and refuse to do anything else.

>> No.20905345
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>Detroit is recovering
Eh, some parts never really left. You have to keep in mind that even though the demographics turned these places into shooting galleries, the real crippling blow was the loss of the auto industry. Detroit built itself up building cars but had some vapors of metropolitan culture to run on. Flint just built cars like a lunatic. Watch Roger & Me if you want a good view, whatever your opinion of Moore.

I watched those massive plants go down one by one. There's a few left, but its nothing compared to Buick City. At one time, GM alone made up 1% of the US GDP.

>> No.20905354

sad cope for never having made a girl fall in love with you

>> No.20905391

Ligotti is such a fag
>Dude we should totally le have a species wide suicide event ....sigh but that will never happen
He sounds like an edgy teenager.
>but just killing myself is a waste of time!...heh no point in that..
Just a lame coward desu

>> No.20905771

>suicide event
nah, just ceasing to reproduce will do it

>> No.20905895

Didn't he say sucide was just another from of suffering? Also this >>20905771 the book essentially just says "stop having sex".

>> No.20905973

Suicide is suffering for a short amount of time and then you'll not be suffering anymore. An incredibly short amount of suffering compared to living it out. If only this brainlet would realize suffering can be used as a positive force to achieve something greater. Instead he is just paralyzed with fear because of suffering. And then spreads his paralyzing fear of doing anything to others. A disgusting cancer.

>> No.20907446

women at his office job were attracted to him anon, he could easily get laid

>> No.20907490

well, at least the cover isn't ass
based. virgins impose ideology.

>> No.20907512

>suffering can be used as a positive force

>> No.20907666

Usually said by guys insecure about their masculinity.

>> No.20907842

antinatalism has nothing to do with sex.

>> No.20907875

A thread died for this.

>> No.20907878

Thomas Ligotti is a fed. All Italians are. From Machiavelli to John Gotti.

>> No.20907883

You did not understand the book.

>> No.20908386

Death to sex havers
Sluts like you moids will never enter the kingdom of God

>> No.20908483

Lol at these incel copers replying to you. Of course there is a massive difference. One of them chose you out of her own free will, and affirmed you were good enough without any added incentive. They are like the fox and the grapes.

>> No.20908490

This unironically sucked. Pages and pages of wailing that life has no meaning. What a bitch. Accept it and grow a spine.

>> No.20908680

You can be perfectly content with your life and still think the world is a vale of tears. Unironically the faggots in here who think ontological problems are solved with cold showers are the biggest fembrains posting. I don't even like Ligotti, never read the book and never will, seethe.

>> No.20908705

I doubt women are in heaven as it is

>> No.20908710

Me and your mother have a lot to do with sex

>> No.20908731 [DELETED] 

Holy shit all you sex obsessed incels completely missed the point of the book. Zapffe literally mentions distraction as one of his four defence mechanisms. (Isolation, anchoring, distraction, sublimation). That's literally what sex is. >>20905337
Animals do exactly everything you have mentioned. That's one of the main points, self awareness is an issue unique to humans. Animals who just eat shit and fuck with minimal self awareness don't have to deal with the horror.

This nigga lives in a world where contraception and abortion doesn't exist.

Imagine placing your self worth in the opinions of women lmao.

>Accept it and grow a spine.
So basically distraction and isolation. Which itself is part of this philosophy.

>> No.20908746

>>20903569 (OP) #
>>20903579 #
>>20903708 #
Holy shit all you sex obsessed incels completely missed the point of the book. Zapffe literally mentions distraction as one of his four defence mechanisms. (Isolation, anchoring, distraction, sublimation). That's literally what sex is. >>20905337 #
Animals do exactly everything you have mentioned. That's one of the main points, self awareness is an issue unique to humans. Animals who just eat shit and fuck with minimal self awareness don't have to deal with the horror.

>>20905895 #
This nigga lives in a world where contraception and abortion doesn't exist.

>>20908483 #
Imagine placing your self worth in the opinions of women lmao.

>Accept it and grow a spine.
So basically distraction and isolation. Which itself is part of this philosophy.

>> No.20909121

>my circumstances are now bad therefore life itself is bad
>my circumstances are now good therefore life itself is good
hopefully one day you can see beyond what's in front of your nose

>> No.20909197

Yh, consciousness ruined sex.

>> No.20910520


>> No.20910540

Don’t ever respond to me ever again with your retardation

>> No.20910838
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>nurse hands him his prozac and a glass of water
>*pretends to swallow but hides it under his tongue*
>"okay now open your mouth"
>"that's a good boy"
>"I want my typewriter!"
>"You know the rules Tommy, no typing after 8PM. Don't want you scaring the children with all those awful depressing stories again"
>"now now tommy don't make me get the whacking stick"
>"aww I'm sorry sweetie, here let me put on season 1 of true detective"

>> No.20910953
File: 413 KB, 714x666, Screenshot_2022-08-28-20-15-04~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this book in a poetic sort of way but I don't take its arguments seriously and no one should considering it's well known the author has a mental disorder that literally prevents him from feeling happiness ever

>> No.20910966


>> No.20911703

good post. high school jock larpers make pessimism threads absolutely insufferable

>> No.20911723

speak english you esl retard

>> No.20911744

More like sex subdues consciousness. Its just another cope among million of others. The only reason this board fixates on it is because its filled with incels.

>> No.20911782

One could make a point that his arguments may appeal more to people who suffer from similar problems. But that doesn't take away from the validity of the arguments themselves.

All humans will die. Our lives will have have close to zero impact in grand scheme of things. We are only here because of a millions of years old evolutionary process and our behaviour is completely guided by our genes. We are meant to eat, shit, sleep, fuck and reproduce, guided by the mindless soulless hand of evolution like a machine. The need to find meaning is completely unique to our perceptions and no meaning exists outside them. You can either strength your defense mechanisms in face of this awareness or take in the horror and go full depressed.

>> No.20911815

This post describes my experience.