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/lit/ - Literature

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20900378 No.20900378 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being so smart and educated that you become aware of not having had a single original thought in your entire life.

>> No.20900388

How is he unoriginal, anon?

>> No.20900403

I think OP is referring to himself and this thread is a thinly veiled cry for help

>> No.20900738

I find it hard to justify taking his books' viewpoints on life seriously considering that he killed himself

>> No.20900750

i really dont think you read his books.
people go too far with this sincerity thing.
almost all of his stuff is actually really pessimistic, honest, but that's that.

>> No.20900807

You're not wrong, I tried reading IF but got bored
I remember hearing that he had uplifting, life affirming messages to give and some of the passages in IF seemed to have that intention on the surface... but I'm inclined to agree more with your view based on the surrounding context I've heard about his life

>> No.20900828

>“The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.”

>> No.20901366

Ripping off Monty Python

>> No.20901370

This man, in my country he is everything

>> No.20901426

He was murdered while he was working on a book about the IRS, IMHO.

>> No.20901491


>> No.20901508

Read his works.

>> No.20901597

why do people always call IJ "IF"? Is it a tick or something/

>> No.20901686

I probably just saw someone else do it first and then never thought about it

>> No.20901711

>Motherfucker got capped by the IRS
The most unbussin way to go fr fr ong

>> No.20901716

That is the first time I have ever seen IF instead of IJ, i assumed it was just an error.

>> No.20901719
File: 447 KB, 2250x3442, 09B680E3-B561-4FD2-BA5A-2494BA95C5C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trolling or something? Where the hell is dfw Ripping off fuckin John Cleese

>> No.20901725

I want to believe this

>> No.20901727

Pale King > Infinite Jest

>> No.20901752

who is this?

>> No.20901759

Chris Chan remember, the sonichu guy?

>> No.20902127

Chances are you haven't done the work to warrant one. And usually it's some teenager losing his mind over originality. You aren't just going to have an original contribution by thinking hard enough and pulling it out of your ass.

>> No.20902384

There are authors that realized the same thing sooner than him and didn't let that stop them from becoming great.

>> No.20902411

Its a bait thread.

>> No.20902425

Name a better writer and tell me your favourite book, please.

>> No.20902448

Please cite the op where it says DFW is a bad writer or that IF is not a good book

>> No.20902478

a) I am not saying you think DFW is a bad writer, I just want to know your literary tastes.
b) I am not referring to IJ.

>> No.20902550

why? why do you want to know
fuck off you child

>> No.20902565

Killing yourself is the most based action you can take. It is the epitome of the Ubermensch.

>> No.20902573

Thank you for the in-depth analysis. By the way, There are numerous masterpieces lacking original ideas, child.

>> No.20902577

We've all become conditioned in one way or another. It isnt the thought content that is important, it is the pattern, like a fingerprint but instead your brain, a brain print. That's what writing really is. THe pattern is the thing.

>> No.20902701

isn't that his entire CRITique on western culture.
A return to an aboriginal thought process ?

>> No.20902703


>> No.20902709

Whenever I see this guy, I think it's Axel Rose.

>> No.20902768

You're fucking brain-dead OP.
Hip cynical transcendence of sentimentality is really just a fear of being really human...or so it goes. Maybe it's from a lack of barbarism gnawing at your chest or in Wallace's case a fear his head would burst at any given moment, but if you gave the slightest whim outside your shit-smeared ideological content diet you'd maybe get somewhere in life- just a clue.

>> No.20903405

I like his interviews but after I saw him railing against big words because they're just academia wasting your time I lost all interest in ever reading him.

>> No.20903434

Mental illness

>> No.20903662

Yeah it hurts

>> No.20903667

>Imagine being so smart and educated that you become aware of not having had a single original thought in your entire life.
That was me. Until finally an original thought popped into my brain.

>> No.20903694

He had a point desu. In the humanities precision and simplicity is often traded for obscurity to evade criticism, which results in a pointless and unpleasant reading experience.

>> No.20903707

Anon the burden is on you to prove he's original. How could you prove DFW has never had an original thought? The proof is that you don't have a counterexample

>> No.20903714

>In the humanities precision and simplicity is often traded for obscurity to evade criticism, which results in a pointless and unpleasant reading experience.
Yah. Infinite Jest is equivalent to "Burn This Book"

>> No.20903717

I don't disagree, but there is definitely joy in reading something more linguistically dense.

>> No.20903750

Of course, but there're texts where that density is actually serving a goal (usually fiction) and most of the published ""research"" where it doesn't. The latter is what DFW is ragging on.

>> No.20903870

many revelations have been occurring to me over the past few days. i am becoming increasingly suspicious of this board.

>> No.20903885

thank me for that. i'm unraveling a personal awakening for many people it seems

>> No.20903913

yes, i was going to name you in particular but decided against it. i suspect that you are samefagging very hard and adopting different personas, or at least mild variations of the same persona.

>> No.20904011
File: 240 KB, 1243x1600, David-Foster-Wallace-American.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post writing nigger, before criticising David Foster Wallace

>> No.20904110

Axl Rose wrote a book or what?

>> No.20904116

damn. i thought i gave people enlightenment but i ended up giving people
well, trust me. 1 of the 3 reasons i'm using a trip is because I think /lit/ should have IDs. i'm categorically against samefag gong, especially on a place like /lit/, and I don't think my ideas need samefagging like the F Gardner retard at all.

they're good enough on their own

>> No.20904143

The argument for reducing big words in academia is not completely based in farce. Some words are so needlessly complex when realistically a more normal word can work.

>> No.20904149


there's all these thoughts in my head and they came from "books"

>> No.20904158

You are not using a trip, just a name. Also, you screw up your trip/name sometimes when samefagging, forget to take it off for a post or leave Anonymous as your name for a post, and poster count does not increase as it should in your threads. More importantly, your language usage is fairly obvious and I can find your posts even on my phone which hides trips/names.

>> No.20905470

>Also, you screw up your trip/name sometimes when samefagging, forget to take it off for a post or leave Anonymous as your name for a post, and poster count does not increase as it should in your threads.
I don't do that. however i do have a number of impersonators who have a personal agenda to denigrate my work. the attempts fail because they don't have my brain, nor the energy to sustain the effort. however this might've muddied the waters enough for you to kind of go schizo about this. my condolences

My names are all normal, not misspelled, not stupid, and I have a few trips that confirm my authenticity, you could just check the archive. I use a few passwords because sometimes you can get banned for 3 days and you can't use the same trip

>> No.20905486

>not misspelled,
I did not say the where, I gave the example.
>not stupid

>> No.20905491

>the where
kek, the heat is getting too me. THEY WERE.

>> No.20906617

One of the passages of infinite Jest in the movie rips off Monty python.

>> No.20906631


>> No.20907815

No one here reads. It was obvious from the start.

>> No.20908387


>> No.20908399

jesus christ reading this was like dropping into a gore thread on accident

>> No.20908431

btw he is a psychopath thats why he has anhedonia and doesnt feel any emotions & hence why life is extremely boring

>> No.20908592

So DFW also hates insufferable pythonfags, nice.