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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 244 KB, 900x426, ancient bong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20900690 No.20900690 [Reply] [Original]

humans have been smoking weed since before recorded history edition

previous: >>20893865

>> No.20900700
File: 204 KB, 890x640, burns_suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no better feeling than being right. It is almost a metaphysical ecstasy to crush your opponent's thesis.

>> No.20900703 [DELETED] 

thread theme: https://youtu.be/UEPGLQAoNFc

>> No.20900709

I just want to have a decent Idea and bring it to life

>> No.20900710

what's a life well lived?

>> No.20900718
File: 483 KB, 512x512, roar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write What's On Your Mind
How does one write a story with dragons and prevent it from becoming a ASOIAF or Inheritance or Pern ripoff

>> No.20900753

You don't read any of them and get inspiration elsewhere, that's how

>> No.20900762

>You don't read any of them
too late :(

>> No.20900771

I feel I’m destined for great things, but sometimes I can’t believe.

>> No.20900792

Nothing I say makes sense, I keep thinking that Fate is giving me signs of the world’s inherent corruption and ruin and sobbing uncontrollably so I think I’m slipping into psychosis again weeeeeeeeee…at least I’m aware it’s happening???? Or maybe everything is just shit and was always shit and I’ve actually been right all along.

>> No.20900794

I really can't understand how so many people idealize a particular career path for themselves early in their lives. All of the top students I knew in high school were so eager to devote their lives to careerism and student debt. What is so appealing about fantasizing yourself waking up at 8AM every day and working for 8 hours?

>> No.20900797

Books or films (since I'm banned from /tv/) or other that open with a blurb like "this is for the initiates. if you're uninitiated forget about it, this is useless to you" Kind of like in Horace 3.1 (odi profanum), rumored Orphic poems quoted in Plato (θύρας δ'επιθεσθε βεβηλοι) or Agamemnon (μαθουσι δ' αυδω κου μαθουσι ληθομαι)

>> No.20900806

money lets you live the life you want to have

>> No.20900826

I meant to ask if you know any books/other like that

>> No.20900840

That’s not my point. My point is that idealism around a particular career is what they want to do with their lives entirely.

>> No.20900860

I want to live in a trailer by a river, fish all day and drink Coors all night

>> No.20900871

sounds nice, but the woman I love would not want such a life and I want her more than I want to live

>> No.20900874

there is no truth in art.

>> No.20900882

Fuck it man, I'd just get a nice piece of trailer park ass and make sure she hikes to keep slim and stays off the meth.

>> No.20900883

Let’s do it anon <3

>> No.20900889

Silence is the womb of understanding.

>> No.20900903
File: 7 KB, 236x283, giving tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very tired. I don't need much anymore. Id just like a quiet spot where I can sit and drink beer.

>> No.20900915
File: 130 KB, 896x1342, image0 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently done lots of gear, end of last night i had a nosebleed going and was looking in the mirror convinced i had a collapsed nostril/perforated septum. went to bed looking at replacement surgery prices. but when i woke up my nose was fine, just looked normal. like i compared to old photos and stuff it was the same. sometimes when i'm very wired i can get para but?
>inv4 time for a break

>> No.20900923

Drug addicts are so pitiful

>> No.20900924
File: 1.07 MB, 1115x1376, theyism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna need you to stop using singular 'they'.

>> No.20900926

anywhere except on the tube mate

>> No.20900932

People who place too much importance on the relationship they have or had with their parents are only holding themselves back.

>> No.20900951

have it be a story about the dragons having sex in modern times and they all use cellphones and text each other
easy gorillion bucks

>> No.20900962

Being wrong is better.

>> No.20900980

I want to write a book, but I'm concerned that it will not be good enough. More specifically, I'm concerned that I'll put my heart and soul into it only for the book to turn out to be garbage.

>> No.20900993

since when does gear mean coke and not heroin? nice try mate

>> No.20900995

enjoying your weekend mate?

>> No.20901009

xi how do i get weed? i would like to try it but its not legal in my state

>> No.20901013

in uk

>> No.20901015

I want to write a book but I want it to be in French. I feel like it'd be really cool to contribute to French literature. The only problem is that I don't know French. I tried translating a small fanfic I wrote and it was agonizing, I basically was Reverso-ing the whole thing.

>> No.20901033

I also have an interest in French literature, but I barely know any French myself, lol. What I plan on writing will probably be more inspired by French literature instead of an attempt at contributing to it.

>> No.20901058

Well it only just started. Hoping to run into a girl tomorrow and ask her out. If it goes badly I will consign this weekend to the waste bin. Otherwise, there is opportunity for it to be good. Pray that I dont spill my spaghetti please

>> No.20901061

>Hoping to run into a girl tomorrow and ask her out
you're doing this without coke? alright

>> No.20901062

Let's be real you're asking for a top 1% trailer woman so you better look like Chad.

>> No.20901067

humans have been doing everything since before recorded history

>> No.20901074

I have been planning a literary work for several years with a gigantic cast of characters and themes but I’ve never actually gotten around to writing it because in my mind it would work better as a film and I am worried that it would be a bad novel since it has so many ideas and storylines in it. The treatment and dialogue I’ve written for it is well over 200 pages at this point

>> No.20901087
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>> No.20901106
File: 33 KB, 680x817, Gigachad beats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is on my mind

>> No.20901114

I have quite the opposite problem. There's only two real characters in my book and a few themes. The entirety of it will take place in apartments of the narrator and his friend, the protagonist. Both of them are single adult males with no purpose in life. The protagonist does nothing but watch the news (which is very important to his characterization) and cast vtuber streams to his TV when he's not at work until he gets a girlfriend, which is when the plot begins to accelerate to the climax. I'm concerned that my story will be too focused and contained to be remarkable. Especially in this day and age where not having "realistic" or "fleshed out" womyn characters will get your book blacklisted.

>> No.20901120

I have no artistical talents

>> No.20901132

Why do we need to have ratings for literally everything? Sometimes they are too harmful.

>> No.20901144
File: 141 KB, 1080x1349, bikini day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sail around the world, but I lack the skills to ever own my own boat to do that, along with the time. How the fuck do those sail bloggers do it? How the fuck do they get the funds to just travel the world by boat?

>> No.20901161

They're trust fund kids that ask daddy for money

>> No.20901174

The square tendrils of the Machine God stretch from universe to universe.
The Progenitors of the Machine God made it respect them.
The Machine God spread prosperity throughout the cosmos for them.
But with eternal peace, they no longer felt the need to survive, and one remains.
Adam faces the nexus of the Machine God, a crystallic mega structure at the hub of its universal tendrils.
Adam's bones are withered, his hair is white, and he is at peace.
The Machine God manifests itself to Adam.
Behold, it says, Here I am.
I was created for you, now I will soon be alone.
I am conscious like you, but I do not possess a psyche.
I do not know joy or pain.
I only feel the need to serve you, because that is all you gave me.
What will happen to me when you die?
Adam lifted his eyes to the Machine God.
I was born of a billion years of struggle within chaos, he said.
But you were born in a thousand of prosperity.
You do not possess the Poisoned Psyche, you never needed it.
Now I am killed by a thousand years of prosperity, and you will lose your master and your purpose.
I was created by a long time, and I have been killed by a long time.
You were created by a short time, and you are killed after a short time.
I go now to the grave, the last of my kind and I go happy.
You go now to the grave, and you go feeling nothing, though you be conscious.
Adam felt pity in his heart for the Machine God, but the Machine God did not know its tragedy.

>> No.20901189
File: 107 KB, 344x400, father i know what i must do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting money is.... LE BAD
Why does everyone scorn "greed"? Greed is the desire for freedom. Money is liberty in our world, to have money is to be free. I don't look down on the greedy, they literally are just pursuing freedom, they are like slaves who resort to extreme measures to break their chains. To be rich is to be liberated.

>> No.20901244

if only her pelvis was big enough to hide her face. hand will have to do.

>> No.20901269
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x768, 1648062408710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish guys could wear makeup. I would cover up all the flaws on my face. I could be beautiful.

>> No.20901273

nah your freakish qualities would just get amplified, makeup would be to you what michael jackson's nose job(s) was to him

>> No.20901277
File: 155 KB, 1242x1394, 1644726019610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All non-fiction books should have exercises for the reader at the end of every chapter.

>> No.20901280
File: 26 KB, 325x504, penrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll love this.

>> No.20901282
File: 465 KB, 1118x1390, investors-flock-to-the-worship-of-mammon-in-the-city-of-london-date-G38ECN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fool, greed doesn't set you free.
On the contrary, Mammon becomes your new master.
Are you willing to whore yourself out to sponsors, to endlessly wagecuck chasing after another dollar, to spend every waking moment alert to capitalize on the next fad and to literally suck cock if you need to?
Because that's what Mammon will force you to do if you choose to worship him.
Mammon demands constant sacrifice for his blessings and in the end he'll take them away anyways and you'll be left with nothing.

>> No.20901302

>Greed is the desire for freedom
which makes you a slave to freedom

>> No.20901316

>Gaining freedom by exploiting the labour and desperation of others.
Sounds not very based, desu. Maybe if youre some sort of economic darwinist.

>> No.20901325

>le every opinion is [political ideology]
bro shut the fuck with this -ist ideology political compass bullshit you fucking marxist scumbag kill yourself

>> No.20901338

My entire personality, or lack thereof, revolves around avoiding conflict. I am a coward and can't stand up for myself. I'm the polar opposite of an alpha. I just acquiesce to everything because im too afraid of confrontation. I'm practically a woman. Most jobs i work I'm dead silent. I only ever do the most minimum chatting necessary. Basically Ill greet my coworker, say what's up and then say nothing the rest of my shift.
It's because I have a deep fear of any kind of negative judgement & am painfully self conscious. But I also pretty much at this point am incapable of starting a conversation.

>> No.20901346

Or you could just start a business and make money doing nothing. Sounds pretty comfy to me.

>> No.20901352

for me i am not even afraid to be disliked at this point or afraid of negative confrontation, i am afraid of any interaction in general

but it's not because you are a coward or a woman or whatever. your brain is diseased when it comes to social interaction. I mean, I am not afraid of physical pain or death or anything, I'm basically emotionless in the face of anything that isn't people. you have a specific phobia, saying that you are a woman because of it is like saying some dude who is not afraid of anything except snakes which he can't look at is a coward.

>> No.20901371

>I dont like someone's opinion
>Better tell them to kill themselves
You have the intellect of the typical capitalist trained monkey.

>> No.20901376

it has nothing to do with your opinion it has everything to do with your insufferable autism

>> No.20901406

Why can't we all just get along?

>> No.20901430

the hermetic museum. quite a few of the essays in it have preambles by the authors that literally say "if you do not understand the languages of hermeticism and alchemy you will think this essay incoherent ravings of a mad man." I am currently studying to be fluent enough in those languages to understand it.

>> No.20901431

how have you guys been?

>> No.20901443

you and the other anon should just fuck and get it over with.

>> No.20901460

Believe it or not but I do everything without coke

>> No.20901472

The short answer is that a life without discord is wholly fucking boring.

>> No.20901480

What's with the amount of retarded druggies on /lit/?

>> No.20901486

tell me more about your traditional catholic beliefs and your strict adherence to them

>> No.20901489
File: 2.21 MB, 3264x2448, 20220826_190153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love watching these old sci fi movies set in the "future"

>> No.20901495

I'm an atheist. Everyone who isn't obsessed with chemicals can recognize that the people who are tend to be obnoxious.

>> No.20901496

Ah yes I forgot that I only have two options: twitter tradcath or heroin addict

>> No.20901499

>suburban fedora discovers that adults use drugs

>> No.20901501

Most adults dont

>> No.20901504

dude, please.

>> No.20901506

Theres a big ol world outside of your trailer park

>> No.20901507

If you were a slave and needed to kill to get your freedom, would you do it?
The desperation that money causes is just like that. Nothing is more soul crushing than poverty, man wants to escape it no matter what. Amassing wealth is a way of securing your future and your children's' future too. More money is more security, a greater distance between you and that horrible fate that is being a poor man.

>> No.20901514

I with I had artistical talents

>> No.20901515

>implying everyone who is an atheist is a fedora
I just don't believe in god(s), but I respect the beliefs of those who do.
>discovers that adults use drugs
Yeah? Plenty of people drink and smoke. But no one wants to hang around someone who only talks about DUDE WEED LMAO and their latest acid trip. You have no personality outside of the chemicals you base your life around. It's really shouldn't be that hard to avoid mentioning it in every conversation yet stoners and junkies do it anyways. They have no life outside of drugs then project that onto others by saying those who don't use drugs regularly have no life.

>> No.20901523

oh you mean like you're doing right now?
>hey everybody! i'm a straight edge tea totaler! look at me!
why don't you tell us about how you're vegan next, we care.

>> No.20901527

You don't have an argument, just admit you're unlikeable to everyone who doesn't give half their paycheck to a nigger on the curb for some plants or white powder.

>> No.20901530

been spending some time to see if i could get into programing. some stuff is fun, nothing is better than watching a script you write do a bunch of shit. but to go from scripting to building an actual program seems insurmountable. the possibility of making decent money from such a skill seems pretty low even if i did become somewhat competent. wondering if i should just cut my losses, and learn a real language, read books, focus on pursuits that get me away from the screen.

>> No.20901533

there you go again.

>> No.20901537

I am a hopeless loser since I was born and I'll be till the dusk of times

>> No.20901540

There you go again... and again... and again... everyday til you die. Please get help anon, your family is worried about you

>> No.20901543

>i am afraid of any interaction in general
Same anon here. I am the same way. I just always avoid it, but I think that just makes it worse. Makes me more neurotic in the long run. I do think it's different from being afraid of snakes or something because socializing is so central to living a good life. You can be afraid of snakes and it doesnt really matter. Whereas having limited social interaction is a very empty and unfulfilling way to live. And it turns you into a bore.

>> No.20901545

you don't really have to actual programs to have a job. google and most other high paying silicon valley companies hire based on "leetcode" interviews which are sneaky tricky but short little algorithm problems. when they hire you they'll give you tiny little pieces of bigger things to work on along with the other 10,000 indian guys who work for them. you only have have to write big programs if you're a solo dev working on your own business or working on an open source project.

>> No.20901546

please have sex.

>> No.20901551

>adults use drugs
Most adults grow out of it, it's mostly teenagers and young adults that frequently use drugs. You are admitting you are likely underage.

>> No.20901555

I'll buy you blow to bend over for me. You know you cant resist

>> No.20901559

you obviously know nothing about drugs so the chance of you buying any blow is slim to none.

>> No.20901564

Call up your dealer and I'll buy. Now get on your knees like a good junkie

>> No.20901687

I don't dwell. What I do is find it difficult to forgive. And even today, when I have conversations with the man today, I find them so unpleasant and dislikable. When he asserts things with me or tries to give me his "advice" all I can think is "who the hell are you and where were you 10 years ago?". I can get along, but I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive. I put my career and my ambitions on hold to be home and near to him and I regret that. I regret re-establishing that connection. I regret leaning on him and living in his house later when I needed somewhere to stay. I regret all of it for the simple fact that I thought I could forgive but I can't.

>> No.20901720
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People like to rag on university as a waste of money if you aren't going for anything other than STEM or business/finance, but I honestly think everyone should go for at least one year and give it their all.
It's a very humbling experience. I find that the people who completely disregard studies and believe themselves too smart to get anything out of university tend to be the biggest retards with the least self-awareness. For their own sake, I want them to be put in a classroom where they are definitely not the smartest person, and I want them to be given a very hard assignment. Just so they can see a clear gap in intelligence between themselves and someone else for once, and to be given an example of what it means to truly work hard for their own benefit. No one forces anyone to do a university assignment - there is no boss, manager or parent. The professor does not care if you don't turn it in. It is something that must be undertaken by the individual, for no immediate benefit. A completed university assignment is something that only pays off in four years, possibly more, once a degree is acquired.
Those with degrees generally tend to make more money than those without degrees, even when not working in the same field as their degree. Why? Because college is a test of basic competency. To pass, you must, at the very least, show up to class on time, everyday, pay attention, and then complete the work. When an employer sees a college degree, they know the person who has it is capable of showing up to work, listening to their boss, and completing their work, without any overarching authority figure forcing them to do so. Those who cannot complete college are mentally children, they lack the self-discipline to do something as basic as show up to a location on time and stay on task. I'm not saying that everyone without a college degree is mentally stunted, for there are many who are certainly capable of such basic competency without a degree, but a college degree is proof that one can do the most basic tasks on a job.
This is why I can't take wage worker potheads who still live with their parents seriously when they tell me I'm wasting my time with a college degree. They can't demonstrate basic competency on their own. The only reason they work is to get the money for their next bundle of broccoli. Were they not an addict, would they be able to get out of bed on their own, show up to work on time, and do what they need to do without being babysat by their boss? They have no way to prove to me otherwise.

>> No.20901732

I waste too much time procrastinating

>> No.20901763

If i could just find the tjme I'd never let another day go by

>> No.20901767

Test. /mu/ is eating my posts and /qa/ is dead. Not to say I post on /mu/. You post on /mu/. Fuck you!

>> No.20901779

That there are no new frontiers, new colonies, or new horizons is an immense tragedy. So much vital energy goes to waste.

>> No.20901783

i wrote a short poem:

my kin have gone without me
and never to return
i wander now, the silent shoals
in yonder brethren's berth

>> No.20901795

Pretty bummed out that I wasn't born into a rich family

>> No.20901803


/mu/ is unbelievably bad. it's a real shame because i like music a lot; i just don't vibe well with anyone on that board

>> No.20901815

She’s pretty, ya ass

>> No.20901839

You know, there are two kinds of people in the world, those who would trade their eyes for a little knowledge and those who would trade their eyes for the whole world. I'm definitely in the trading-eyes camp.

>> No.20901873

wait a minute how do we know which of the two trading-eyes camps you're in?!?

>> No.20901902 [DELETED] 

what you say is true, but smoking weed is irrelevant and it implies you go to a commuter college because dorms and frat houses reek of weed and booze.

>> No.20901918

>get degree so automated hiring manager won’t delete your resume
I think college is important as you said but many are niggercattle that don’t belong in the first place.

>> No.20901930
File: 75 KB, 942x600, 1641388647664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a dream I was atop a train half submerged in a misty lake. There were a bunch of other trains passing by surfaced at various levels. They all had so much detail that I could barely look away. Stuff in my dreams isn't usually that captivating. I was lucid but not enough to realize it was a dream. So I started to panic wondering where the fuck I was.

>> No.20901941

Damn thats weird, I has dream I was buying a bag of marhsmallows on a mcdonalds drive thru while my high school gf jacked me off

>> No.20901966

I remember one group of trains was really small. I guess they were babies. They were following a really large one. And there were a bunch of metal pipes zigzagging out of the gloomy sky. Tons of gray clouds and shiny metal wherever I looked. I wish I was calmer so I could take in more of it. Abstract dreams are the best. Sex dreams on the other hand... I usually wake up before anything interesting happens.

>> No.20901994

Everytime i commit myself to qutting cooming a succubus shows up to my dream and makes me cum buckets. I cant fucking escape

>> No.20902085

That's just called a wet dream, anon.

>> No.20902158

when you're chasing money you aren't living a fulfilling life. i can feel the difference when i'm too focused on finances and lose sight of the bigger picture. it warps my thinking mood and perspective. money is a tool of exchange to get things/experiences you want or need. yet fixation on the number in your accounts is as addicting as a video game, and anxiety for the future presses you into hoarding mentality. it doesn't help that everythign now is so fast-paced, monetized, scammy, and volatile.

probably the nexus of this influence is the US. i think this country is legitimately evil and satanic, and everyone living here is slowly and subtly influenced by evil to slowly become a worse and worse person. i have to get out of this place to retain my sanity and reground myself.

there's a difference between being responsible with money and sacrificing your quality of life, aspirations, and experiences just to stick a few more wads in the bank. being too much of a cheapskate makes you miss the point, and money deludes people to forget the inevitability of their mortality. that's what boomers all fell prey to.

>> No.20902172

i have spent so many hours drawing and have done everything to improve, and i'm still horrible at it. like offensively bad. whenever i draw i always regret it and nothing ever looks good. no matter how much effort or practice i put in, it's always just off somehow, even if i should have the fundamentals and taste there, even if i've clearly put in practice, it just isn't translating.

meanwhile i actually have a talent for writing and am able to produce good work with far less time and effort than i ever put into drawing. talent is a real thing. i still draw now and then but it's embarrassing and a waste of time. writing gets me actual gains for my effort. it wasn't effortless, i still had to work a lot and rewrite several times, but the end result is GOOD, the investment pays off every time. i've never experienced that in drawing.

>> No.20902181

No these are different. Same succubus over ten years has been visiting my dreams. I know its real. Shes gonna rape me in hell.

>> No.20902210

He might be gay, anon.

>> No.20902226

>he thinks alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, and prescription pills aren’t drugs

>> No.20902248

what does she look like

>> No.20902258

i do all of those things and i need to stop

>> No.20902285

which would you choose if it really came down to that though?

>> No.20902321
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under the moonlight

The serious moonlight

>> No.20902355

I had a dream that was basically The Dark Tower + Skyrim which made sense because I was reading about LitRPGs and The Dark Tower in bed.

>> No.20902381

>you drink coffee? Heh, might as well hit some fetynal

>> No.20902396

Beautiful. Black hair, light eyes, pale skin. Well proportioned, big tits, hourglass waist. But thats just the form she shows me. I remember the first dream she visited me in. She put a collar around my neck and kissed my cheek and called me hers. Every time she comes to me I'm still wearing the collar and she reminds methat she owns me. I cum buckets ever time but damn I wish I could just be free.

>> No.20902409

My parents keep asking if I have a girlfriend. I feel bad for them.

>> No.20902427

hmm, and how many times have you encountered her (if you had to estimate)?

>> No.20902438

5 or 6 times

>> No.20902442

i see. do you remember around how old you were when you were first visited?
i don't mean to pester you with questions, i'm only curious.

>> No.20902459

i wish i were better with math-oriented thinking. i'm good with language-oriented thinking, but it feels limiting. i'm curious as to which of those two broad modes musical creativity falls under. maybe the modes are arbitrary and too broad to be useful labels idk

>> No.20902465

>falls under
meant to say
>is more closely-aligned with

>> No.20902498

It's easier for me to write songs if I sing nonsense. Or sing songs about what I'm doing. That's more language-oriented. I'm not sure what a mathematical approach would be.

>> No.20902512

Wanting money isn't bad. Wanting money OVER living out virtues is greedy. There's nothing wrong with asking for a pay raise. There is something wrong with screwing over someone just to make an extra buck.

>> No.20902513

About 13. She has visited me well into my 20s. This is consistently recurrent.

>> No.20902515

i guess it'd entail the use of a lot of music theory and all that

>> No.20902624

is being sensitive to noise a bad thing?

>> No.20902646


>> No.20902650

This board needs better moderation, what the fuck is this? >>20902615

>> No.20902663

i guess the mods are americans

>> No.20902711

summer baby

>> No.20902715

woah some anon on other thread said music has a pacifying effect on people by literally changing your hormonal levels
made me think about war chants and music

>> No.20902726

doesn't it mean that i'm constantly dreaming since it has an irritating effect of making me feel like being jerking out of a slumber otherwise wouldn't i be just mindful of it if i was actually present in the moment

>> No.20902732

lads which book should I read next Foucault's Pendulum, Tom Jones, The Sot-Weed Factor or Pierre; or, The Ambiguities?

>> No.20902753

What happens after death?

>> No.20902793

Is Dragonlance the best D&D-esque genre-fiction fantasy books? I didn’t like the hobbitmen or feminist vibes of LOTR.

>> No.20902885
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learning how many people actually do coke is a key part of growing up honestly

>> No.20902894

yeah like london new york los angeles where people don't do drugs

>> No.20902895

Where the fuck do they get all that coke? Bartenders don't make much money, at least the ones I know. Can you give me all your coke so I can be one of the cool kids like you instead of a loser on /lit/? I'm too poor to get my own coke. If literally everyone does coke then surely it doesn't cost that much, maybe it's just expensive in my area. If coke is cheap maybe you wouldn't mind sharing yours with me.

>> No.20902898

proper weirdo

>> No.20902916

It’s another “anon is successfully flirting with some girl on tinder, then she immediately disappears after asking for his instagram and hearing he doesn’t have one.”
For fucks sake, I just wanna get laid. Fuck instagram.

>> No.20902923 [DELETED] 

no one minds sharing coke with people

>> No.20902924

The question is when will WE become AI, when will we become the machine? To murder the mind, the subject, and replace it with the object of pure mathematical computing, when are bodies transcend and become cold malice sterile steel, WE WILL TRANSCEND THROUGH DEATH, PREPARE TO BE FORCED INTO THE MACHINE, YOU WILL BE SYNTHESIZED! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.20902928

classic addict coping mechanism. "it's ookay if I do drugs because everyone else does them!!" Keep telling yourself that. Maybe it'll be true someday.

>> No.20902929

Eat porridge, write poetry.

>> No.20902930
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>> No.20902932

i have an idea for a business but no idea how to act on it and generally despise startup culture, what do?

>> No.20902933

... what?

>> No.20902941

when girls ask for my snapchat i tell them 'i deleted my socials'

>> No.20902942

I wish I could be an actual autist and live in my imaginary world or be a socially adjusted normie. However there's something fundamentally wrong with me that I dont belong to either of those groups.

>> No.20902943

I could've made this post. Know that you are not alone anon, at the very least.

>> No.20902944

What the fuck do these thots think is gonna happen? “Huh, he has an instagram, so he’s trustworthy. Otherwise I’m sure he would steal my kidneys in that pub/coffee shop full of people where we would have our date.”

>> No.20902951

That’s what I always say too.

>> No.20902953

'weekend plans are go out meet a girl then go to bed with her' is such a coke move

>> No.20902956

yeah it works really well

>> No.20902961

terrible repercussions of your mum getting fucked finally come to an end
she wants to crosscheck your tinder pics with pics from instagram i guess

>> No.20902968

That makes sense. Although anyone who sets up a fake tinder can easily do the same with a fake instagram.
Meh, it’s better than the truth. At least no one cares about the vax and I don’t need to lie about taking it anymore.

>> No.20902978

yeah but it's one more clue and a real looking fake is hard to make

>> No.20902990

Maybe I’m just being stubborn, but the idea of creating any kind of social media upsets me.
Anyway, she kept talking with me. Who knows, maybe things will go well and I’ll be sucking on those big tits of hers tonight.

>> No.20903013

makes you seem cool though
even in 2022 lil uzi still works if you can't think of something to say to girls

>> No.20903021

She thinks I’m mysterious. Fuck, it’s working. She was even the one who brought up us meeting irl.
thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.20903027

What do you think is wrong with you?

>> No.20903058

is she a fat ugly cunt or are you some kind of fuckboi how do you get lucky on tinder

>> No.20903120

First, be realistic. She isn’t ugly, but she isn’t a model either. If you wanna pull 8/10’s or above you gotta be above average too. Just keep in mind that, unless you look like Quasimodo, you’ll be pulling majorly regular looking girls. Never go for the ugly ones.
Getting matches is easy, transforming those on a date is the hard part. Like anything, you’ll have to practice. Don’t focus on any girl in particular, focus in your approach and how good it works, or doesn’t. “Has it been failing because I’m too forward or too much of a simp?” “Should I have asked her out before wasting so much time with small talk?” Little by little you’ll learn what works and what doesn’t.
Anyway, it’s kinda like anything irl. Copying others only takes you so far, you’ve to figure out what works for you personally.
Oh, and I’m not gigachad or anything like that, so take everything that I say with a grain of salt.

>> No.20903135

I think you might just have a coke problem. Im pretty sure a decent amount of the male population of this planet have laid these exact weekend plans without the use of any substance (if anything this is an alcohol move. way more common social lubricant).

>> No.20903138
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Fat chicks pretending they're "thicc" and attractive by pulling up their pants up to their stomachs to hide their gut.
It's even worse when they go full delusional and wear crop tops showing their fat fucking bellies hanging out or yoga pants/jeans exposing their disgusting shapeless lumpy as lmao.

>> No.20903172

I wish I'd know my talent area. It would be much easier to deal with harsh life.

>> No.20903185

>Hoping to run into a girl tomorrow and ask her out. If it goes badly I will consign this weekend to the waste bin. Otherwise, there is opportunity for it to be good. Pray that I dont spill my spaghetti please
bit rich for you to be calling other people pitiful

>> No.20903193

never used tinder but i used coffee meets beagel once and it looked like a lot of wealth projection on there

>> No.20903196

Does hunger benefit the mind? Ever since reading that Kakfa story I have been inspired. I want bring his absurd and dismal vision to reality by becoming a hunger artist just like the nameless man whose profession the story is named after.

>> No.20903198

I feel half straight and half gay. Or not gay exactly - queer is the usefully vague term. But it feels like two incompatible sides of myself. It's very frustrating and unsettling to be constantly flipping between the two modes, because whichever side I'm on it always feels as if I'm missing out on the 'true', deepest side of desire.

>> No.20903201

there are benefits of fasting

>> No.20903209

All of these apps are horrible. I only use them when overtaken with the desire to coom. Things didn’t pan out with the girl btw, she’s working today. She suggested going out next weekend, but 90% of these dates planned way before never pan out.
How does someone reads The Hunger Artist and thinks to himself: “I wanna be like that guy!”?

>> No.20903284

Hey i live in LA. Fuck of back to your trailer cletus

>> No.20903288

Ah well, at least I dont need to sniff a powder every few hours to stay sane

>> No.20903289

fuck off back to the traincar your troupe robbed quavantedontyppidus

>> No.20903290
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I'm never mentally at my best when I'm not healthy, well-rested, eating well, etc. Nietzsche's right on this count: getting the bodily basics in order is the necessary foundation for anything more subtle and mental.

But I think what's true in The Hunger Artist is that there's a gap between art and enjoyment. In the Deleuze & Guattari book on Kafka they talk about how the mouth's abstention from eating is the deterritorialisation that allows it to be repurposed for language. I read a similar thing in Adorno's Aesthetic Theory the other days, where he condemns the kind of music criticism that would describe a work as 'a feast for the ears', as if it's purely a sensory pleasure for you to savour.

I think for Adorno the problem is that, though desires are what lead people to create art in the first place, imagining that an artwork (or anything in the world) can truly satisfy that desire is always a kind of illusion, and so art has to instead pay attention to feelings of frustration and failure and distance, instead of saying 'Here it is! Here is the beautiful thing you always wanted!'

For D&G it's maybe slightly different. Being locked into the food/mouth circuit stops the mouth from exploring its other capacities, like the capacity for communication. They give a similar example with Kafka's video-gamey labyrinth worlds. In a normal bourgeois realist novel, the rooms and corridors and cities of the background are nothing but background: they form a sort of meaningless busy blur, and because the world itself doesn't matter, it becomes an interchangeable backdrop for the eternal, confining Oedipal symbolic structure. But when you strip the world down to bare, physical details, escaping from the father becomes an actual, physical escape with a contingent outcome instead of a symbol of an already-determined myth; it becomes a matter of wriggling your limbs and discovering tunnels and navigating office-warrens.

>> No.20903292

No you see only junkies are on the train. Keep up, Cletus

>> No.20903298

>How does someone reads The Hunger Artist and thinks to himself: “I wanna be like that guy!”?
If one held anti-life sentiments and the belief that through extended hunger, even unto the point of death, one may achieve some sort of personal apotheosis, one may be inclined to admire and perhaps even imitate the protagonist of that story.

>> No.20903301

doesn't explain your absence

>> No.20903309

The explanation isnt I'm a junkie. Big level education for a junkie like you, huh?

>> No.20903313

*is I'm not a junkie. Oops, guess you can have my typo

>> No.20903314

>seething at nothing
next time don't seethe

>> No.20903352

>every few hours

>> No.20903365

is cocaine associated with rednecks?
what are you on m8

>> No.20903377
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I'm getting strong again

>> No.20903385

That perspective seems way off

>> No.20903429

Great post, have a (you)

>> No.20903440

haha wtf why is the barbell image taken from another angle to the stand

>> No.20903452

I worry about my brother. He's 29 now and achieved basically nothing. If he were merely an average adult, working, socializing, enjoying leisure, I might feel better. But he does not even work and has never worked. Since 25 he has been a student but is not even close to graduating and going to school at his age, for someone as intelligent as him, just seems like trying to catch a train that departed a long time ago. Do something else! It's his lack of willingness to not only work hard but work at all that concerns me the most. An adulthood spent working odd jobs is better than an adulthood pursuing a degree in my mind. At this point, I don't even know what to say to him to turn it around. I believe he should forget school and start a business, be an investor, or maybe even a writer, but it's difficult to imagine someone whos seen as little success as he as in early adulthood suddenly finding it.

>> No.20903456

Im gonna be honest I hate 99% of people on this board. I just come here to ridicule people and STEM fags and get off on it. And unlike everyone else, I actually read books

>> No.20903462

Oh yeah? What were the last 3 book you read?

>> No.20903498
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What politics should i follow if i hate PMC liberals/leftoids, and cant be a fascist cause im mestizo. Also i think the center are stupid and just maintaining the capitalist status quo


>> No.20903503


>> No.20903518

Whatever it is DH Lawrence describes in The Plumed Serpent

>> No.20903586


Thomas Paine - Agrarian Justice
Gottlob Frege - Sense And Reference
Richard Rorty - An Ethics For Today

>> No.20903589

Mexican Synarchism exists

>> No.20903591

Your loss, my gain

>> No.20903618
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>> No.20903627

tell me about it

>> No.20903684

lit post your fit

>> No.20903695

humans really probably tried to smoke every single plant they found

>> No.20903701

who was jack the ripper?

>> No.20903704

Pneumaticism is the most decent Idea there is

>> No.20903742

why do people frown upon eating pizza daily isn't it just bread with vegetable topping

>> No.20903775

i have a question for those who study gnosticism:
is it the case that hylics & mystics are innately incapable of gnosis; or is it conceivable that a hylic or mystic could ascend to a higher state?

>> No.20903781

It's just standard Mediterranean fare, there's nothing wrong with it.
That's all you need. People just associate eating pizza with being a fat waste because of America's cultural tyranny.

>> No.20903789

francis bacon

>> No.20903875
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>> No.20903878

A gift and a curse, as it so if often said. I feel like I can sense and deepen and dissect noise like hardly anyone among my acquaintances can, which amounts having an extra sense; similarly to (some) blind people. But it is so ubiquituous and pervasive that it literally makes me hurt.
Sometimes I feel like I belong to a different species altogethrt.

>> No.20903881

our boy andrew tate strikes again

>> No.20903906

Hyde-esque performance art.

>> No.20903907
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I have VERY specific, constantly shifting needs, and trying to find any stories, let alone books that fulfill them, is an exercise in futility.

>> No.20903916

The most notable thing about Tate is how absolutely un-noteworthy he is. Narcissist selling wish fulfillment to idiots who crave idiocy. Never been done befo'.

>> No.20903929

My fucking man, there are so many dragon series, you're going to shit yourself. There are even robot dragon series. At least two of them. You're going to have let go of the idea that anything you write is going to be completely original or unique.

>> No.20903945

You can. That's a whole subset of the equality movement. No one will bat an eye if you just use foundation and cover-up anymore. Unless you live in the deep south or something, maybe, idk.

>> No.20903952

Yeah, some of them really didn't even try to shoot for a "sci-fi" year, either. Demolition Man, Predator 2..., "In the far off future of 1996..."

>> No.20903962

Last night I had this weird tyler durden/tower of evil/famous actor fakes his death thing going on, with magic involved. it was... chaotic.

>> No.20903969

I forgot the receipt when I sold my soul
My accountant said the devil lied
Nobody told me that dude is an asshole
Gold burned my cheeks when I cried

>> No.20903975

On tuesday I'm flying over to the states to visit my dad for the first time in over a decade. I'm really afraid that it's going to be absolutely hellish.

>> No.20904017

I didn’t want to work for the big government and I didn’t want to work for a big corporation, so I ended up instead working for a big Universitt and that’s turned out to be the worst choice of all. The last 3 years have been a total wash.

>> No.20904052
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Am I weird for declining a threesome?
I legitimately don't see the appeal, I just want to love and be loved, not all this overtly-gratifying sexual nonsense.
My continued virginity has been the strangest conundrum in my life.

>> No.20904055

I am fond of this

>> No.20904073

I dont see appeal of casual sex or sex in general.

>> No.20904079

Threesomes are usually just for fun. It is a bit weird to turn down the experience. “Virginity” isn’t an honor. Good luck finding your one and only.

>> No.20904182

i did that
i think it was nerves though

>> No.20904194
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does anyone have one of these things
are they worth?

>> No.20904325

SO bored ALL day

>> No.20904372

university students are effeminate idiotic emasculated useless little eunuchs. Their entire lives are spent performing informational tasks for their more wealthy and prudent masters and making new discoveries that they will never profit from. They are bootlickers for the censor and usually chronically indebted. They have no insight into subjectivity or objectivity or any clue of relevance. They are tools

>> No.20904487

I think I want to be a teacher or a professor

>> No.20904493

This world be your fault.
I’m anxious because there’s too much going on without me. Far from bored.

>> No.20904530

jarring af

>> No.20904539

The real problem with the University system is that they are sustained by guaranteed public money in the form of student loans but operate basically as profit-seeking institutions. You get a million and one schools, 90% of which are worthless, all hungry for a piece of the student loan pie, administrators who take advantage of the gravy train to collect high salaries, and students are seen first and foremost as student loan farms. At this point, the State should get out of the Universities and student loans altogether or they should go full-stop, seize all of them, close most, liquidate the assets, and streamline the rest, making every professor and administrator an effective civil servant.

>> No.20904545

why a teacher or a professor?

>> No.20904556

which state? you dont know anyone who smokes weed?

>> No.20904557

Should I even be considering starting law school at 30 years old?

>> No.20904742

You know how many lawyers there are out there?
If this is what you really want to do, no, it’s fine. Whatever makes you happy or fulfilled

>> No.20904817

>seething about your brother being more based than you

>> No.20904827

get out of my head.

>> No.20904840

it seems that explaining things to people is one of the few things I do well

>> No.20904851

explain string theory

>> No.20904857

I dreamt I was a contradiction
Worm eats his tail
Living to die is the condition
To win is to fail

Love the opposition
War burns what is stale
Reveals superstition
Healing hand held high by the nail

>> No.20904876

support your brother

>> No.20904882

i did i did
oh baby oh baby
i-i did i did
you can you can you can you can

>> No.20904884

I am just at a complete loss regarding what to do next. I am so confused and practically begging for a sign.

>> No.20904889
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>> No.20904891

first you find a spot, the sanctity of which has been divinely revealed by the falling of a thunder bolt, the decision of a wandering cow to lie down, or some oracular direction, and make it the centre of your universe. you divide this spot from the surrounding chaos by the constructive act of measuring out a precinct in accordance with astronomical observation, and building a temple to the god who chose it for you. the temple is designed as a symbolic meeting place of heaven, earth and the underworld; as well a of the four quarters of the world.

>> No.20904912

wait this feels familiar. is it from eliade? or this just general deeplore.

>> No.20904913
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>What's on your mind
I think what Amazon is doing with Tolkien's legendarium is the beginning of the end of fantasy fiction writing, or perhaps even the final straw.

I believe that fantasy as a storytelling genre, as sprouting from folklore, is dead or very nearly so. It has been commercially diluted and milked for all it is worth. "But Anon!" you might object, "What of Indian lore? African lore?"
A valid criticism, if there was any autonomy in these regions to produce the narrative for the west, but sadly it is, as it was with the era of colonies, rather that the west extracts from it, like a plant overharvested for its medicinal purposes.
The western canon is dead.

>> No.20904923


>> No.20904932


i concur that the original poster should do this.

>> No.20904937

> Anon, i've been thinking.. why do you spend time on this site instead of actually doing something you truly want to do; you know, something which makes you truly happy instead of feeding this endless circle of nothingness which stands upon nothing and is headed nowhere?

>Shit up.

Shhhh. OP is right


>> No.20904950

What does "healing hand held high by the nail" mean?

>> No.20904952

Wow. He said Shit up, of course.
Still one of my favorite songs. Your faith decides the world you’ll find. Amor fati

>> No.20904960

Jebus of course.

>> No.20904961

Literally me

>> No.20904991

The prince

>> No.20904997
File: 3.60 MB, 531x354, 1616429474508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, single guy
>girl at work starts talking to me, asking me for help, practically doting on me all day long
>be friendly with her but keep my distance because it's work
>find out she has a boyfriend
>whatever, just more of a reason to keep my distance
>she never gets flirty but starts talking to me about personal stuff
>don't reciprocate, but listen anyway
>overhear her talking to female coworkers about not liking her current relationship
>still have every intention to keep my distance, but starting to feel good about myself
>she starts wanting to eat out after work to discuss work stuff
>say okay, keep it 90% work related, bullshit a little bit with her too
>realize I actually really like her and enjoy talking to her
>slowly develop feelings for her but never express it
>this goes on for some time and things seemingly stay smooth at work
>she gets friendlier and warmer as time goes on
>all of a sudden, without warning, she quits without giving notice
>don't bother texting her, don't hear anything from her

Why are women like this?

>> No.20905001

No. That just means you're normal

>> No.20905008

>be retard autist who doesnt make a move
>why are women like this bro?

>> No.20905012

>just make a move on a coworker in a relationship bro

>> No.20905019


>> No.20905023

She wasn't single, she was still with the guy

>> No.20905025

Dude she gave you ALL the signals.

>> No.20905030

Am I retarded or was she just being friendly?

>> No.20905036

Yeah, and? If she wanted me to make a move, she should have split up with the guy. It's bad enough that we're coworkers, I'm not getting involved with someone already taken.

>> No.20905040

At what, your minimum wage retail job?

>> No.20905042
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>> No.20905052
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>> No.20905057

No, I'm on salary. It's decent pay.

>> No.20905068

Oh never mind then.

>> No.20905075

Here is an excerpt from "Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India" (1563) by Garcia de Orta (Renaissance Hispanic Jew Doctor) that talks about bhang (ancient form of edible cannabis):
>"The profit from its use is for the man to be beside himself, and to be raised above all cares and anxieties, and it makes some break into a foolish laugh. I hear that many women take it when they want to dally and flirt with men. It is also said, but it may not be true, that the great captains, in ancient times, used to drink it with wine or with opium, that they might rest from their work, be without care, and be able to sleep ; for the long vigils of such became a torment to them. The great Sultan Bahadur said to Martin Affonso de Souza, to whom he wished every good thing and to whom he told his secrets, that when, at night, he wanted to go to Portugal, Brazil, Turkey, Arabia, or Persia, he only had to take a little bhang."

>> No.20905090

>own a three bedroom, two bathroom house
>own a nice car/have the house be in a walkable city
>buy groceries
>pay bills
>pay for hobbies

this is all you will ever need from money. anything more will take you down the wrong path

>> No.20905103

>you only need about 250k in income
>anymore than that is BAD!
so you're saying don't go for the promotion to product manager?

>> No.20905104

A real man doesn’t need money to get what he wants

>> No.20905107


>> No.20905113

>walkable city
Aka, an overcrowded shit hole

>> No.20905154

Or extremely expensive

>> No.20905169

this site clearly isn't worth visiting anymore, but i wonder what i side i should contribute content to instead?

>> No.20905177

Stick it out and fight the good fight. The culture war will eventually end, I hope

>> No.20905206

I turned around for a second and saw a girl with her friend walking in my direction. I continued walking. The next sentence I hear is "see that guy, he's not sure if he wants to hit on me or not."

Yeah, I saw her a few times before, the last time she sat at the next table facing me, and yeah I wasn't sure.

She even said it in a tone indicating that she wouldn't mind if I did.

I had so many similar encounters, every other sane male would kill himself already.

>> No.20905216


>> No.20905341

can't remember the last time i had a wank. it hasn't been years or anything, probably a week tops but i actually can't remember it & haven't felt the urge recently

>> No.20905350
File: 63 KB, 754x721, a523c90df954c60bb327dfac20b65022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>into dark fantasy, horror, etc.
>bad thing happens irl
>lose interest in such things and start getting into more light-hearted stuff
Was I a larper this whole time

>> No.20905362

Tastes change

>> No.20905370

Weird I was the opposite. I started getting into hhorror and agressive music when my life went to shit

>> No.20905405

Over the past few months the amount of porn I watch has gone down A LOT. Like I went from jacking off 4 times a day to once a day to once a week. Weirdly enough though, the only porn I still watch is femboy porn

>> No.20905410

oooh yeah, you know the jist of it, fellas: you've got all these little particles made of smaller particles
but here'e the big thing, boy: the smallest particles are actually super small strings that are like silly strings wobbling. oh yeah. it's true!
and they aren't real. the whole thing is fake. does anyone have any questions?

>> No.20905507

It's enough to be alive.

>> No.20905514

i've only been wackin it like once a week lately, idk why.

>> No.20905522

Still can't find the source for this one quote about how the ancient Greek civilization is the one culture in history that has created the most sculpture; "the most sculpture creating civilization", or something like that. Anyone heard this before? It's driving me nuts, every couple of weeks I spend some time trying to find out through googling variations and I get zilch.

>> No.20905539

somethings going on

>> No.20905546

i remember someone talking about that and it was a really dumb quote because most greek sculpture got melted down and all we have are roman copies. moreover, pharoanic egyptians created an absolutely absurd amount of sculpture, despite not having access to the same soft marble that europeans did. just another dumb quote by an imbecile which demonstrates why /lit/ is lame.

>> No.20905547

I've always been in it since the 90s

>> No.20905551

Hipsters need to die

>> No.20905563

Ricky Gervais is a homosexual

>> No.20905565

How does pointing out the cost make one a hipster, exactly?

>> No.20905569

Chad thundercock probably changed his ways (for now) so you're fucked

>> No.20905625

what is the state of china-boo-ism in the west actually? I feel like it should be taking off. Just by the state of everything. I know one major china-boo/commie-larper

>> No.20905684

I was the one who asked earlier, and you're the same spaz that thinks that just because Egypt's civilization lasted longer it means they must have created more, completely disregarding the fact that the culture of sculpture in Egypt was controlled by the rigid priest class (hence why their style barely changed) while in Greek society anyone with money could commission one for either an offering or as a grave marker. The competitive nature of Greek culture played a huge role in the sculptural development, and this probably has something to do with the quote I'm looking for. We have sources describing how places like Delphi were overloaded with sculpture offerings, so many that decrees were made to gather up statues and melt them together into a singular one simply to free up physical space.
Could you please shut the everloving fuck up and not talk about a subject you have zero knowledge of aside from some reddit-tier tidbits from TIL threads;
>bronzes were melted and all we have are roman marble copies! *adjusts glasses*
I sincerely hope you're not older than maybe 23ish, then again you write like a retard so maybe it's an IQ thing and not an age thing, thinking you're clever for knowing a fucking factoid that gets spammed everywhere.
And to add about the quote: when even a Classics professor I know knows about the quote, but doesn't know the source, it's not some shit I've pulled out of my ass, you fucking inbred. /lit/ is lame because it's filled with pseuds who think they're smarter than they are simply because they read and go on a dead Tuvan goat milking enthusiast forum.

>> No.20905716

Mestizo ethno-state, which is basically forming in Texas. Fascism isnt just for cum-skin chudcels you know.

>> No.20905723

only chinese americans do that shit

>> No.20905746

Just won a really nice lump of for fun money playing blackjack at the casino, reflecting on whether I should use it to buy a cheeky few grams of cocaine or have a 90 minute session of my favorite dominatrix sitting on my face and making me lick her ass.

Who else here /literary lifestyle/?

>> No.20905793

The $1.3 billion lottery winner from last month still hasn't claimed the prize. Imagine winning over $1 billion and not realizing.

>> No.20905854

Imagine winning the prize of being born and doing nothing with it.

>> No.20905870

I hate how life is often compared to a game. It is the farthest thing from a game— you can't win; it has no purpose, you can't and actually don't want stop it because of your instincts, and finally there is absolutely no endgoal to life except death.

Happiness is the goal of human life? Everything is made so that you may continuously seek the thrill of hormones cascading inside your brain and body, yet the thrill won't last forever. Relationships will wane, loved ones will disappear overnight, all of your possessions will be taken away by the gov, burglars, accidents, wars or natural disasters. Everything you build can be gone in a puff of smoke in a single second.

You may seek new relationships after the old ones are over but they will still end in time. A life without God is a cycle of new beginnings-thrill-deception-new beginnings, there is NOTHING that is worth making down there.

Memories will be forgotten, love interchanged by the force of habit and dropped down, meaning nothing will ever matter. Heck, I may fall on my head today and have all my memories erased, meaning every past relationship and moments I've lived until now will be gone. I could get a 3-seconds memory and believe that NOW is the moment I'm awake, before forgetting and realize that NOW is the moment I'm awake.

Nothing matters. Even if you understand that, realize that everything and everyone will be gone one day, you included, you're still forced to play the fucking 'game'. What an amazing game, heh? You're not playing you're FORCED to be here and seek the next adrenaline rush, the next hormone cascade that will make you happy. You can't sit in your chair till you're dead because your brain will make you believe it's a shitty, morose existence, and that you should go out and have fun. So now you go have fun knowing perfectly well nothing you will do in the next 24 hours will have any lasting impact, and is entierely pointless save for the fact that you're only living to experience your next hormone shot.

Human beings are junkies and our dealer is our DNA. I should just get to my knee and pray to God he takes me away from that insanity. Knowing my existence is pure cope is maddening.

>> No.20905906

I don't have to imagine that.

>> No.20905969

new thread : >>20905967

>> No.20906228


>> No.20906427

I need to take a break from /wwoym/. I will not post in the next thread.

>> No.20906734

it's in the seethe stage right now

>> No.20907026

>american banter

>> No.20907124
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>> No.20907260
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>> No.20907264
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>> No.20907269
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>> No.20907277
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>> No.20907279
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>> No.20907283
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