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/lit/ - Literature

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20900519 No.20900519 [Reply] [Original]

I forced myself through it hoping it would get better but it never did. Half the book is descriptions of landscapes and trails. It's literally like reading an encyclopedia for fauna more than an epic fantasy.

>> No.20900523

well, not only we liked it, but we wish tolkien made even more walking simulators and went into even more details for his fantasy creatures encyclopedia. there are too many questions unanswered

>> No.20900533

yeah maybe he could've addressed more of them if he wasn't constantly describing the shape of slabs of rock and the look of patches of grass and fields

>> No.20900538

and i meant flora, there's barely any creatures, there's like a balrog and a troll and that's about it

>> No.20900552

Are there any modern fantasy novels that don't feel like they are written for slightly edgy 14 year olds? I have tried Sanderson and Rothfuss and they both feel like they are aimed at teenagers.

I really want to like fantasy but I feel that I am constantly let down when I compare it to other fiction.

>> No.20900992

You're greatly exaggerating. His restrained descriptions give colour and set the stage, and they're balanced by dialogue and action throughout. Try some Scott sometime, and see how his landscapes strike you.

>> No.20901004
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>Lord of the Rings is the most uninspired, boring, walking simulator of all time.
That's why you read The Hobbit and stop there, my incredibly retarded fren.

>> No.20901184

You were filtered, anon.

>> No.20901278

Who is the angriest/most violent elf in tolkien's writings?

>> No.20901332

Possibly Fëanor.

>> No.20901340

>I didn’t read the book and just repeat memes

>> No.20901350

This is /lit/, anon. No one here reads.

>> No.20901425


>> No.20901449

You would get if you went on a trip (on foot) in real life.

>> No.20901516

artistic angst.

now Fingolfin had some anger issues.

>> No.20901525

Not him but Feanor is definitely the most angry/violent elf. He declared a crusade against Morgoth that kicked off all of the action related to the Children and *critically* he did it in complete defiance of the Gods. He was one of the only elves in history to stand up to them which of course led to his ruin and the ruin of all of his children but he stands basically alone among his his race in this, the closest other rebellious elf would probably be Galadriel but she isn't even close to him. He made his sons swear an oath to Illuvatar to reclaim the Silmarils no matter the cost, even if they had to kill the good to do it, and they did, committing multiple massacres of other elves during their quest

>> No.20901655

Filtered weeb needs an animu version stat or he’ll go into a conniption