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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 236 KB, 1074x931, Kzoh2ru2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20900369 No.20900369 [Reply] [Original]

Hope prevails edition

For General Writing
>The Rhetoric of Fiction, Booth
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>How Fiction Works, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing
>https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCv6n1whoI23GmdBZienRW0Q0nFCU_ay Robert Butler

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Note to anyone posting a sample of your writing for critique:

Traditional Publishing
>you get to focus mostly on writing
>you must write a proposal to the publishers and sell your story to them
>you make 10-15% profit max, but they also eat all the risk and the costs
>self publishing is basically like running your own company
>you only need to do some simple marketing and reach out to readers
>you make 10-15% profit max
>self publishing you make 70%+
>they’ll still require you to do all the leg work of a self published author anyways

Finding Agents

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To
>risky, but much more profitable
>you must pay for everything yourself
>if you do, you will spend more time on running a business than writing, but can be worth it

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Anime Writing (^・o・^)
>Manga in Theory and Practice, Araki

For advertising

AI-generated book covers

/wg/ Authors and Flash Fiction Pastebin

Other forums

>> No.20900401

My story starts inside Harvard Hall 202.

>> No.20900429 [DELETED] 
File: 862 KB, 1334x534, 0823C02A-C95F-4475-9628-DD285EFA1952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any of these for the non Gardner books in the pastebin?

>> No.20900451

My grandad wants me to write him a short story around 5-6 pages long, what should it be about lads?

>> No.20900499

WWII or some other historical event he's into.

>> No.20900511

Self-pub question: anyone ever get their books printed on their own dime and regret it? Like, hardback with dust jacket, or embossing or foil etc, it would be a big investment, but I also feel like the POD options out there are all so shit.

>> No.20900611

I don’t have it, but I know one ive seen one for Eggplant

>> No.20900638

ugh bros, all these books have such cool deep epigraphs and I'm a rube and dunno any epic profound quotes to use. what do???

>> No.20900642

>hardback with dust jacket, or embossing or foil etc
sounds gay. just do amazon paperback publishing. significantly cheaper and it doesn't make you look like a deluded, self important, fart sniffing, head up ass "self published" author

>> No.20900650

Can I post my terrible Final Fantasy fanfiction here? It has things in it R*ddit dislikes.

>> No.20900695

Duck and cover drills in school during the Cuban missile crisis, from the perspective of a young boy.

>During the Cuban Missile Crisis, US military planners expected that sabotage operations might precede any nuclear first strike by the Soviet Union. Around midnight on 25 October 1962, a guard at the Duluth Sector Direction Center saw a figure climbing the security fence. He shot at it and activated the sabotage alarm, which automatically set off similar alarms at other bases in the region. At Volk Field in Wisconsin, a faulty alarm system caused the Klaxon to sound instead, which ordered Air Defense Command (ADC) nuclear-armed F-106A interceptors into the air. The pilots had been told there would be no practice alert drills and, according to political scientist Scott D. Sagan, "fully believed that a nuclear war was starting". Before the planes were able to take off, the base commander contacted Duluth and learned of the error. An officer in the command center drove his car onto the runway, flashing his lights and signaling to the aircraft to stop. The intruder was discovered to be a bear.

>> No.20900731

While you aren't wrong, even POD paperbacks are trash. It's not that pretentious just have higher standards. Plus, a lot of book reviewers take it more seriously if the book looks good and not obviously self-pub, beyond a good cover.

>> No.20900739 [DELETED] 

I have a copy of Call of the Crocodile and it honestly looks pretty professional.

>> No.20900793


>> No.20900842

A homeless man getting lost in a subway.
World leaders debating the merits of starting an invasion.

>> No.20900854

just copy paste cliff notes for brokeback mountain

>> No.20900859 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 640x653, 72B94D52-089B-4AD4-9AF2-BB4C339A22E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people keep shilling COC? Is this the author’s guerrilla marketing campaign? Supposedly the book has endless grammar and spelling errors.

>> No.20900886

How do I get back into writing after not having done it in a while?
Try rewriting one of the stories I wrote in the past?

>> No.20900894

>The intruder was discovered to be a bear
Really, comrade?

>> No.20900913
File: 92 KB, 784x1000, 080F979D-DBC1-4269-BF94-9CFF9AA428E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you actually get a cover image you like after throwing prompts at an AI for half an hour.

>> No.20900933

Fanfiction is against board rules, so no.

>> No.20900977

Why do people Sneed post? It's just an annoying meme used to shitpost?

>> No.20900978

>read dictionary voraciously as a youth, wanted to memorize every word in one by heart for some autistic reason.
>don’t recall most of it, gave up about halfway in
>still remember enough that long, uncommon(considered by others) words are still used in ordinary speech/writing

ie. Cacophony, versimilitude, etc, but to put it into perspective, i remembered enough to recognize most of the non-Spanish obscure words in Blood Meridian on a first read.

should i accept being accused of writing with a dictionary by my side, or should i instead rebuke them and accuse my accusers of being wordlets/poorly read?

>> No.20900981

That sucks. I guess /b/ is the only place I can post it? I just want a couple people to read it. I find it enjoyable. But it’s also terrible. In a good way.

>> No.20900998

You can try Substack because they have zero rules there.

>> No.20901001

You might try sharing it in /ffg/ over on /vg/

>> No.20901018

These sound like good options. Thank you.

>> No.20901028

Rules don't mean much on 4chan. As long as no one reports it will be fine.

>> No.20901037
File: 11 KB, 324x369, shit nigger....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a (working) typewriter for $7 at Value Village. It's just a 90s Smith-Corona and I've bought tape for it. Now it's just up to me to actually use it to write.
Unsure if I should do what Kerouac allegedly did when writing The Road where he used one long spool so he didn't have to change the paper or if that's just really autistic. Unironically using a typewriter is already incredibly autistic on its own so?

>> No.20901060

rather than immediately getting to writing I think you should stoke your muse by getting a pipe and smoking tobacco
first you need to grow your own tobacco. this is easier than it sounds. okay, now you got your pipe and tobacco and you're ready to write
now you need to go on a journey to a faraway land. meet new people and get in some adventures. once you've done that you can get back to your typewriter and
a typewriter isn't really trendy enough. you need to get a quill and ink. in order to do that you need to raise your own geese. so get some geese and get to raising
tl;dr you're a fag for your typewriter faggotry

>> No.20901082
File: 417 KB, 750x722, Pain..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was so cheap that I thought I might as well get it - I wouldn't have otherwise and hadn't really had an active interest before, but now that I've bought it I could use it for relatively distraction-free writing where I can't just keep deleting each sentence after I've written it. I'm really more of an overly-anxious, shopaholic hoarder than hipster swine.

>> No.20901164

How many threads are you going to ruin?

>> No.20901200


>> No.20901205

I've only got about 5-6 paragraphs to write a short story.

What do I write about?

>> No.20901206

Digits confirm

>> No.20901220

Oh man I wish I was able to write
Oh man oh man I have so many mediocre ideas that I wish I could flesh out and put into writing

>> No.20901227

Write about Dong Dunderhead, a man who must do battle with corrupt government officials who are using the dreaded gay laser to turn the populace gay. Dong must swordfight these government officials to the death literally using his dick against theirs. It is called Dong Dynasty and it will be getting an anime adaptation from Studio ISHYGD in 2023.

>> No.20901265


>> No.20901335

Keep throwing time at something and eventually you’ll have a product.

>> No.20901372
File: 423 KB, 1080x2112, call of the crocodile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first page of Call of the Crocodile.

>> No.20901390

Huh? Since when?
And since when do we have rules?

>> No.20901438


>> No.20901445

Speedily, I closed the browser.
"No, sir, I don't like it," I thought to myself.

>> No.20901458

If this doesn't end up being a calvin and hobbes style imagination fantasy bait-and-switch watergun fight I'll be disappointed.

>> No.20901461

>Riffle vs. rifle
>Flipping between young man and boy
>Whispers through his lips

>> No.20901464

That's it Frank, I'm coming to your fucking karate class an opening a can of whoop ass.

>> No.20901529

During the work week I've been writing for 90 minutes before work and 90 minutes at the end of the day. It hasn't been too effective since it takes me too long to get a groove going in the morning and I'm usually too pooped at night to focus. I'm going to try waking up earlier and having one long writing session in the morning instead.
Just curious, what works better for you guys?

>> No.20901580

>what works better for you guys?

>> No.20901582
File: 1.57 MB, 1377x766, 1652527065980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three men Rob the same place at the same time
Illegal bugfights.
Renovating a haunted house.

>> No.20901586

How can I write my game?

>> No.20901639

Ugh...you're back?
You never listen to any of our advice, then you seethe so furiously that even 4chan trolls think you've gone too far.
Just go away.

>> No.20901651

Been up for a while breh. Check the 4chan Rules page under /lit/.

>> No.20901657

What compels a man to make videos like this, do you think? Would you imagine yourself happy if you were him? Can you imagine he is happy?

>> No.20901660

Well, advertising/begging is also against the rules, and yet the shill-spammer is allowed to proceed unchecked.

>> No.20901664

I listen to your advice, I write and practice. I don't have talent, you saw my shit.

>> No.20901674

One must imagine him happy.

>> No.20901677

You're essentially asking how you can run the marathon immediately.
I try telling you that you need to practice and build up the necessary skills with smaller challenges.
Then you seethe and whine and bitch and moan.
If this stuff was easy, everyone would do it.
Some of us have been at this for decades.

>> No.20901690

I just want good but clinical prose. I have scenes for my original idea, ready and on paper. The original comic.

I think I have a good grasp on voices since out of habit I act out the dialogues and they sound distinct but I need to be better.

>> No.20901698

I have years with private comics and some text adventure stuff. I have some mileage and good media literacy.

>> No.20901701 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 354 KB, 717x981, A0A82BDD-A46F-4461-8297-C6D98A3FC784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20901707

/wg/, how do I get my morale back? somewhere along the line I stopped believing in myself, and now even thinking about writing causes me to be overcome with anxiety, hopelessness and shame

>> No.20901731

Money? Not sure if he's any happier than Joe Average.
If your Disco anon, I asked you to post something from your game, you didn't at the last second. I asked if you could write the opening for a jrpg, you just sad posted instead. Others have tried and yet you continue to ignore them. Why do you think someone from here can help you?

>> No.20901746

Stop clinging so hard to the identity of a writer (by continuously reminding yourself that the identity is not necessary to write well) and focus instead on your process. Try forbidding yourself to write for a week or two and just read as much you can. Take notes if you need to but don't write prose. By the time two weeks are up you'll be raring to go.

>> No.20901747
File: 54 KB, 631x612, wordswords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20901749

What if I post one of the dialogue trees of my game and you call it shit? What about the premise?

>> No.20901756 [DELETED] 

Amazing. You’re the next F Gardner.

>> No.20901758

it's not the identity of a writer I cling to though. it's the identity of me. the version of myself who was capable of things. the version me who hadn't worn away, decayed and lost everything that made me me

>> No.20901760

this board is completely ruined. thank you trannies. thank you gardner.

>> No.20901787

The first sentence is fucking unintelligible. What the fuck dude.

>> No.20901789

Same thing. You don't need that identity (or any identity) to write well. Just focus on process.

>> No.20901790

Is this from Revelations?

>> No.20901796

I think you should work through the book mentioned here: >>20900480

>> No.20901797

This is absolutely unreadable.

>> No.20901805

Is this what they mean by "purple prose"? All these words that mean nothing?

>> No.20901808

F gardner posters
maybe real people

>> No.20901821

I've been reading the Bible lately.
I think it's making me go peculiar.

>> No.20901826
File: 16 KB, 658x230, 00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this more readable you low iq mutt?

>> No.20901837


>> No.20901838

You need to learn how to use punctuation. That's why I recommended that book. Stop taking things so personally and go work through it.

>> No.20901842

post your work then fantasy tranny. 0 prose non-fiction reader tranny. Vile disgusting Gardner tranny.

>> No.20901854

Post it here or in the science fiction general, who cares about the rules

>> No.20901855
File: 63 KB, 858x472, Screen Shot 2022-08-26 at 11.55.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20901856

Me posting my work isn't going to help you get better at using punctuation. I'm actually working through the book myself and have found it immensely helpful. I wouldn't have recommended it otherwise.

>> No.20901857

Amazing. You’re the next F Gardner.

>> No.20901858

You know it's really weird that you used so many unnecessary words in the piece of toilet paper you posted and all you put in the post text itself was "thoughts?" when what you clearly meant to say was "use the muscle which resides in your mouth which produces your saliva and place it longingly upon the underside of my turgid phallus so that I may receive the euphoria of dopamine within the insular cortex of my brain in the same way that good fairies dance upon taodstool mushrooms in deciduous forests."

>> No.20901860


>> No.20901861

Please, no. We already have one too many.

>> No.20901865

The first sentence is fucking unintelligible. What the fuck dude.

>> No.20901868

Yeah what the fuck is a "light collector"?

>> No.20901871

Awful first sentence my man.

>> No.20901874

Is this from Revelations?

>> No.20901877

I think you should work through the book mentioned here: >>20900480

>> No.20901883

This is absolutely unreadable.

>> No.20901884

Guy writing a game. I try to be too diegetic, even my comic was like this.
NPCs with dialogue only meant for worldbuilding, and only what they know and the way they'd say it. Characters are mostly naturalistic in dialogue so I feel like it lacks the verbosity of Disco Elysium, Pathologic and Planescape. Their answers are mostly medium sized, no huge walls of texts unless you read lore documents and then that only serves to have information handy for choices. Some characterd have them but it's not common

>> No.20901887

You should take a look at this: https://dramatica.com/resources/assets/dramatica-comic-book-2004.pdf

>> No.20901890

Is this what they mean by "purple prose"? All these words that mean nothing?

>> No.20901893

you wont ever write something a tenth as good as disco elysium. you should quit before you make yourself sad and waste years doing something you know you wont finish.

>> No.20901899

sucks. you should check out a book called "call of the crocodile' by this author named F. Gardner. he's real good. you might learn a thing or two.

>> No.20901908

You want some help?

>> No.20901913
File: 78 KB, 640x653, 72B94D52-089B-4AD4-9AF2-B1252-19289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people keep shilling COC? Is this the author’s guerrilla marketing campaign? Supposedly the book has endless grammar and spelling errors

>> No.20901915
File: 109 KB, 472x341, a-Schematic-description-of-the-sun-light-collector-and-fibre-luminaire-of-the-SP3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genre fiction...

useful feedback, thanks bros

>> No.20901917

Yeah what the fuck is a "light collector"?

>> No.20901919

I don't give a shit about the storytelling on Disco Elysium. If I had the budget my game wouldn't be a Pynchon book as a game, it'd be a Gaspar Noe movie as a game.

>> No.20901925
File: 56 KB, 844x459, Screen Shot 2022-08-26 at boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first page of Call of the Crocodile.

>> No.20901929

During the work week I've been writing for 90 minutes before work and 90 minutes at the end of the day. It hasn't been too effective since it takes me too long to get a groove going in the morning and I'm usually too pooped at night to focus. I'm going to try waking up earlier and having one long writing session in the morning instead.
Just curious, what works better for you guys?

>> No.20901931

Yes exactly. Equinestration.

>> No.20901935
File: 114 KB, 1000x1024, 1643756330198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game and you call it shit? What about the premise?
If I do call it shit, so what? Most of my writing is shit and would be called awful on here. Does that mean the people calling it crap are right, does that mean I can't get better?
>What if I post one of the dialogue trees of my game and you call it shit? What about the premise?
Anything is fine, that fetch quest was just an example.

>> No.20901937

I don't get the appeal of story games. I prefer the story to emerge naturally from gameplay. You should read the book on game dev by the dude that made Rimworld. It's a guide on how to do exactly that. Rather than trying to shove what should be a screenplay or novel down your player's throat, you'll help the player create their own stories.

>> No.20901938
File: 15 KB, 320x366, shit nigger.......................jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a (working) typewriter for $7 at Value Village. It's just a 90s Smith-Corona and I've bought tape for it. Now it's just up to me to actually use it to write.
Unsure if I should do what Kerouac allegedly did when writing The Road where he used one long spool so he didn't have to change the paper or if that's just really autistic. Unironically using a typewriter is already incredibly autistic on its own so?

>> No.20901942

I don't give a shit about the storytelling on Disco Elysium. If I had the budget my game wouldn't be a Pynchon book as a game, it'd be a Gaspar Noe movie as a game.

>> No.20901948

I don't give a shit about the storytelling on Disco Elysium. If I had the budget my game wouldn't be a Pynchon book as a game, it'd be a Gaspar Noe movie as a game.

>> No.20901954

Amazing. You’re the next F Gardner.

>> No.20901957

I don't give a shit about the storytelling on Disco Elysium. If I had the budget my game wouldn't be a Pynchon book as a game, it'd be a Gaspar Noe movie as a game.

>> No.20901961

That's the thing, the way it plays is not isometric. It needs to play like Deus Ex because it comes from that genre.
The premise, setting and factions are solid, I did my research, hard fiction.
I have a troll now, he's going to compare it to Disco Elysium.

>> No.20901972

Am I having a stroke?

>> No.20901976

The replies made it evident that everyone here is a brainlet genrefag who can’t read anything that deviates from the norm.
>but p-pontuation
But /lit/ allegedly likes Bernhard's The Loser.

>> No.20901978

What type?

>> No.20901980

Amazing. You’re the next F Gardner.

>> No.20901983

Do you smell toast? Or almonds?

The second one isn't stroke related but something different.

>> No.20901988 [DELETED] 

Amazing. You’re the next F Gardner.

>> No.20901989

No, I was referring to all the repeat posts. Genuinely thought I was losing my mind for a second until I realized it was just an oddly creative troll.

>> No.20901992

Fuck off Janny Gardner

>> No.20901993 [DELETED] 

Is this the start of an epic new meme?

>> No.20901995

Amazing. You’re the next F Gardner.

>> No.20901996

You should still be concerned if you smell almonds.

Or, not concerned at all depending on how long it's been, because it's already too late.

>> No.20901998

You will never be a meme samefag

>> No.20901999

>You should still be concerned if you smell almonds.
>Or, not concerned at all depending on how long it's been, because it's already too late.
You should still be concerned if you smell almonds.

Or, not concerned at all depending on how long it's been, because it's already too late.

>> No.20902004

genre fiction...
useful feedback, thanks bros

>> No.20902006

I don’t know why but the extra periods in the file name genuinely made me laugh. Fuck. I’m easily amused.

>> No.20902011
File: 115 KB, 471x336, a-Schematic-description-of my balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genre fiction...
useful feedback, thanks bros

>> No.20902020

>Writing dialogue, character motivations, plot events
>Describing scenery
Absolutely not fucking fine
My protagonist is just going for a casual stroll through a damn forest and I have no idea what to put

>> No.20902029
File: 664 KB, 704x512, Blacksmith_building_inside_a_beautiful_elven_city_made_of_white_marble_anime_lush_trees_fountain_a_fantasy_digital_painting_by_Greg_Rutkowski_a_-W_704_-n_9_-i_-S_1043587668_ts-1660123474_idx-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generate some pretty pictures using one of these AI things until you get one you like and describe it.

>> No.20902044
File: 3.91 MB, 1787x1300, forest1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some inspiration, friend.

>> No.20902046
File: 3.78 MB, 1856x1350, forest2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20902057

I'm going to say I don't like it for another reason. You've squashed together all of these disparate elements - the schoolchildren, the liquor store, the church and the drunk homeless man - to what end precisely? You're putting the absolute dregs of society right next to the most innocent. The scene wouldn't exist. It's an unbelievable scene. Parents wouldn't drop off their uniform wearing children to such a ratty looking area or there'd be police around keeping the vagrants away. You made it ugly simply to be ugly and you added the children to increase the reader's revulsion. I hate it because it's both unbelievable and filth.

>> No.20902061

I worked at a liquor store that had these things next to it. I watched kids get picked up when I would go on my smoke breaks. between the liquor store and the church was about 10 feet of road.

>> No.20902065

It's called Detroit.

>> No.20902067

I have a similar problem. I've found that if you're not good at it, it's best to keep it short. If you try to force it, you just end up exposing your shortcomings.

>> No.20902081

vagrants would be chased off. the auto parts store would have a barking dog keeping the bums away
then he should mention their skin is as black as their unsavable souls. I only deal in stories with humans

>> No.20902086

What is happening to this thread? Is it getting botted?
Why are there so many posts repeated verbatim?

>> No.20902089

Thanks bro, I like image 1 the most

>> No.20902091

some guy got really worked up over people calling his writing shit probably

>> No.20902099
File: 3.86 MB, 1787x1300, forest3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some cabins.

>> No.20902121

Don't pay your (You)s no mind. /wg/ is filled with amateur genre shitters who don't understand experimental prose or literary fiction. This is stylistically a very interesting piece and you got me to read the entire thing.

>> No.20902126

Look, I love The Protomen. Act II is one of my favorite records of all time. It's smooth and clean and wonderful and well produced and I love it and the reason it's so clean sounding is because it takes place before the world went to shit. It's a prequel.

Act I takes place after shit goes down, and to reflect that, the album intentionally sounds like garbage.

But the fact that it sounds like shit on purpose and succeeds at it doesn't mean the album still doesn't sound like shit.

>> No.20902138

>feel like i haven't written in months
>just finished last novel in july
>legitimately too busy with life stuff to get sucked into another project right now
maybe the mental distance will do me good but this is so miserable. all i have time for now is light reading.

>> No.20902161

thank u fellas. :)

>> No.20902185

I see you Tynan.

>> No.20902196

When I get the groove going, I can write and stay focused on writing for upwards of 5 hours in a single sitting, nevermind how many words I may produce.

What ends up happening is that I look at a blank page or a short paragraph, and end up trying to psyche myself up to write. However, to me, it’s like trying to muster up the courage to jump off a cliff into a pit lined with cushions a thousand miles beneath it. I know that I will love the experience, yet I cannot seem to bring myself to do it.

Are there any particular exercises for easing yourself into writing?

>> No.20902212

I know exactly how you feel. Some days or nights you get into a rhythm and crank out 1500 words, the very next you're beating yourself up for not being able to replicate that
For me, I just start reading someone else's work. Reminds me of how fun this is, how others can do it and so can I. The important thing is to not dwell on what makes a "good day" or "bad day". As long as you're still trying that's what counts

>> No.20902266

Try some kind of warm-up. Bradbury would make lists. Hemingway drank. I like to take excerpts from victorian literature and rewrite in a modern style.

>> No.20902311

Our main character questions his mortality. Remember, many abstract concepts that we use regularly are unknown and alien to him. Such as measurements of time. He also has a slightly limited vocabulary as a result.
>I don’t remember being alive for all that long. It wasn’t too long ago that I broke out of that hazy place and swam away, but am I going to be around for that much longer? My body grew very fast, and I think it’s done growing.
>I remember that thing I liked. It grew bigger, almost like me. But then it stopped growing and started being sick later on. And then it stopped moving and it broke apart in front of me. It died. Is that going to happen to me? Am I going to become sick and die? I don’t like thinking about that
>But what about her? She has been alive for much longer than I, and she isn’t sick or dying. She showed me how long she was alive for, and I’m related to her.
>Am I going to live long or not? I don’t know
I could’ve captured his “Intelligent savage” thing better. He’s definitely an emotional and intelligent creature but he lacks a lot of abstract understanding

>> No.20902316
File: 108 KB, 1111x1600, fernando-pessoa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talked to a buddy of mine yesterday. We've both been writing stuff since we were kids and back in middle school wrote shitty fantasy stories together in a shared setting.
He said he still writes every day but it's all "fragmented" and not for other people to see. Is my friend turning into Fernando Pessoa?

>> No.20902322


they found The Spirit
inside of Germanic and single-spaced
data inputs
beside the dichromatic lamp
which reflected hues of orange and yellow,
slightly confused as to what it meant to be
a flicker in the tunnel of a room—

omnipotence is continually found
inside of .coms and .orgs,
next to the pop-up ads with pseudoscience,
and post-ironic silhouettes against cyber
foregrounds, backgrounds, Newgrounds:
the Lords that can't find their Edens
but can find their Infernos inside
matte-black metal cases;

is that it?

the sermons still have glossolalists
but they're screaming in binary
at one another:
running down the aisles screaming
"Saved it! Saved!"
to a hard drive.

an obsession of change and tradition,
as 6:14 read:

and [the Narcissists]danced before the LORD
with all their might;
and [they] were girded with a [purple] ephod.

>> No.20902324

I call it "world building". It's like writing in a diary.

>> No.20902335

More like homoletics.


>> No.20902343

The world building trap snares many young writers. Sad!

>> No.20902357

It's a fun hobby, I think. Not everything needs to be for the purpose of publication or needs to produce something. Self-enrichment is fine.

>> No.20902366 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 1280x437, Le intentional dry prose meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20902421

I don't know what any of these fucking words mean in the order you've written them in.

>> No.20902423

What do you mean?

>> No.20902426

That's what I'm asking you.

>> No.20902437

Right now I just got positive feedback on my visual art on another site. Fate tells me that I can't write, I have to accept this.
I'll never be a writer. I'm sterile ground.

I should have picked visual arts completely, too late now. I'll kill myself in 5 months.

>> No.20902452

>He'd wait and it'd pass. Some alley, crawling below a truck, a lucky tree dark enough. He'd wait. A pack of wild dogs chased him out.

I had to read this shit 10 times before I understood what the fuck you were trying to say.

Some dude is trying to get (away from) somewhere without being seen. He's ducking into alleys, under trucks, and fallen trees.

Why do you have to write it so fucking retarded.

>> No.20902458

What will happen if I push a 7 inch thin metal rod into my eye with decent speed?

>> No.20902467

Just use plain language, dude. People shouldn't have to decipher your metaphors unless you're intentionally trying to be obtuse. I'm not saying "be stupid" but holy shit, dial it back A BIT.

>> No.20902472

Yeah, I'll kill myself.
I could just draw a fucking comic instead of this shit. I'm too visual to ever be a writer. My brain can picture ANYTHING with VIVID fucking detail.

>> No.20902481

Are you the same anon who, at first, spoke of Disco Chaos or whatever, then upon getting any sort of criticism, not only gave up on any idea of your inborn talents but also declared that you gave up on life itself?

Get it together. Talent is only a multiplier, without work it means nothing. A man with the least of talents who writes incoherently yet works to get better is infinitely better than a born Melville who never writes.

>> No.20902493

>A hand comes his hair. A hat now on his head, two brief spins. They look.

What's happening here? Whose hair? His own? The guy being followed? Whose wearing the hat? Did the elder guy chasing the MC comb his hair with his hand before putting his hat on? That makes sense. But what's spinning? The hat? After he put it on his head?

"The man combed his fingers through his hair, brushing it from his face before giving his hat two brief spins and placing it on his head."

Just describe what the fuck is happening. My biggest issue/crutch is my use of "as" statements but at least people know what the shit is going on in a scene.

>> No.20902506

No, my brain is not meant to write. I have a visual brain. OTHERS are lucky to be able to write for their game.
Narrative game with no dialogue? WITH MORE BUDGET I COULD PULL IT OFF?

Do you have any idea the amount of animations I would need to make my game if I went for full visuals? Might as well kill myself.

Wish I still had a way to contact my writer almost "ex", I'd send her a message describing my suicide method to perfection.
I knew that was going to happen. I knew it but I'm not and will never be hemingway except for when I get the gun and blow ny brains out, I wish I could cum inside my own corpse. I hate human life.

Everything there I could get to perfection with a camera, a crew and some time.
I think in visuals and movement, I cant focus on turning that into writing.

>> No.20902525

But you're not writing what you're seeing in your brain. If you have a character standing in the middle of the road leading to a cliff with their arm raised between two cars, just say "She stood there with her arm raised between two revving sports cars." and not "There stood an oak tree of bronze skin in the solemn sun, it's limb held high and waiting for the right wind to lower it, signalling the roaring beasts at her flanks to tear off into their awaiting demise."

Actually that's not even true because I did MY BEST there to write something unintelligibly flowery like you and it still gets the idea off pretty well, even though it's absolutely pretentious.

Just use normal fucking words, dude. You know words. Use the words you're using in your posts on 4chin.

>> No.20902530

Maybe I can write to her, /wg/
>J, I am going to kill myself on January or February. THE MOVIE YOU NEVER WANTED TO WATCH WITH ME inspired me. Been checking out the tools, knives. I FOUND A VERY SHARP ONE USED BY SPECIAL FORCES. ILL DISEMBOWEL MYSELF WITH IT ON JANUSRY OR FEBRUARY

>> No.20902538

You're a stupid dwarf, like a little penguin. You're a sad little penguin watching ships go by, you're a little schizophrenic penguin shaking with schizophrenic fervor cooking your own little bird brain with schizophrenic fever.

>> No.20902542

Am I a dwarf or a penguin? Pick one.

>> No.20902543

You're the first penguin in the history of life to get a fever of that intensity. You're melting the ice penguin. Schizopenguin fucking cunt. You're that penguin, burn baby penguin. Burn in hell.

>> No.20902551

It's cold and I an dying of fucking cold out here in the artic. I SEE YOU PENGUIN BOY!
Thin ice around you, youre hot little baby penguin.
If I carve you up, making a good starting hole in your body I can be the first man to fuck a feverish penguin.
It will last me for ages until they find me here in the fucking artic penguin boy.

>> No.20902555

Penguins come premade with holes, you don't need to make new ones.

>> No.20902563

>its very basic really when they catch you very early morning yeah very early morning and you know this is it so you run a lot and run some more some shithole alley I really dont have anywhere else to go and the dogs and the other fuckers and the dark night basically mean i cant run away but its ok because forced labor means i can still kill myself i shouldnt have joined the military but i larped and larped well but whatever and they use a shitty fucking drawing to identify which is quite frankly a little disgusting i am a runner man i got away in the end andnive fucked only the best i made up tjis grentext because i dont give a shit abiut writing anymlre
Its about pride, never fuck something you didnt make yourself

>> No.20902566

>Its about pride, never fuck something you didnt make yourself
I'd accuse you of being a daughter-fucker but you could never have a daughter because you didn't make your wife.


Get fucked, virgin.

>> No.20902567

I don't give a shit about writing anymore. I have no talent. If I have no talent I'll never ever be a writer. SIMPLE.

No point in crying about it. Game? What game? I should have a platformer instead. A lobotomy would have fixed me but Id rather never be born I hate human life including my own

>> No.20902578

If I had a wife and kids I would just kill them one day. Probably something entirely random like being bad at writing and them mentioning writing around me or just feeling like its time. Id like to do it because life is like a tv show but I dont want to get a wife and kids just to snap one day and kill them. I wish I could though. 2 boys and 2 girls and my wife of course

>> No.20902585
File: 45 KB, 479x640, images - 2022-08-27T172207.607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can hate on niggers, homosexuals, transexuals, the disabled and normalfaggots but don't you dare mock the penguins.

>> No.20902587

I could test if Moloch is real if I had a wife and kids.

>> No.20902598

But that's just writing like Sanderson.
That anon is right I'll never make something like Disco Elysium. My brain is too kinetic/visual

>> No.20902621

Fuck you all.
YOU encouraged me to write like a retard by "liking" this >>20881874

>> No.20902626

Write how you want to write, lil guy. Ultimately your writing should please you (a version of you that's well-read and has good taste in literature) instead of a revolving group of anonymous strangers on the internet. Don't blame anyone else. There's no point, because blaming others also hands them the keys to your emotional car. I wouldn't trust anyone here with that responsibility, personally.

>> No.20902643

No, fuck you.
People here "liked" that piece of shit snd I paid the price for it. My genes are not made for writing. Genetic potential or lack of it, that's my god.

>> No.20902648

Good taste? I've read a lot and I have nothing to show for it.
Mishima, Hemingway (who I have been trying to ape btw) Pynchon (who I can never even take one single thung from since Kurcitz did it first)

>> No.20902651

Also, none of us here are the arbiters of Quality. We all just have opinions. The dominant opinion is that simple prose good, ornate prose bad. As such, most people are going to look at what you wrote and conclude Bad Because Ornate, when in reality it's just neophytic. I see what you were going for. You're going to have to dial it back a notch or two and focus on teasing out some more lyricism WITHOUT sacrificing sense, but the suggestion that it should all be simple action verbs and terse minimalism is just opinion stated as fact. So many of these Simplicity Fans genuinely think they are stating facts, but it's just not the case. Treat prose as an artform in and of itself and you'll go far once the Simplicity Fans fall out of vogue, as always happens with literary fads — which it is. Just keep reading and writing and don't worry about anything else except reading and writing more. Everything, every single discussion had, argument mounted, etc., is all just in service of reading more and writing more. Do that instead.

>> No.20902652

Maybe you should go take a cold shower and calm down or something. You're being irrational.

>> No.20902659

I am actually an Arbiter of Quality.

>> No.20902665
File: 1.10 MB, 920x811, Android 18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to the schizo. Reminds me of that guy who went insane over GTA 5.

>> No.20902669

Never have I seen a wg thread more deserving of a pruning. Wakey wakey jan jan, this one needs a sweepin.

>> No.20902671

Anon is having a hard time. We've all been there. It's not schizo, but it is something we all have to go through. We all have to learn that no matter how talented you are, you have to go through a period of shit. I go through one every couple months, where I doubt my talent and slip into despair and consider giving up. I always come out the other end stronger, more confident, and emotionally tougher than I was before. If you have real ambition and aren't a borderline narcissist, you're going to have doubts. The greater the ambition, the stronger the doubt. Just hold the line.

>> No.20902673
File: 10 KB, 267x230, 1651381542681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really browse /wg/ but I decided to check this thread because I'm becoming more interesting in literary composition myself.

Am I losing my fucking mind? There's so many duplicate posts I thought I was having consecutive deja vu moments. Are these all bots? Autistic ritual posters? Is this what happens if one tries to learn how to write?

>> No.20902674

You're wrong. Kurvitz can do that since he has superior genes, I can't. He can write ornate because of his genes. It would take me thoisands of years to even hope to be lile Disco Elysium

>> No.20902676 [DELETED] 

>what happens if one learns how to try to write?

They become the next F Gardner.

>> No.20902683

Ill kill myself because its rational.
My genes are inferior and I believe in this.

>> No.20902689

Youre right. Ill never be a good writer and a game just for visuals lacks what I want plus being too expensive.

Kurvitz has superior genes, I have no writing genes.

>> No.20902694

>Anon is having a hard time.
Its been a month at least.
One crazy poster has latched onto /wg/

>> No.20902695

I considerable part of these threads has turned into one person attentionwhoring and retards giving him attention. This person is easily recognized by constant "oh woe is me I can't write please encourage me and give me validation" style posts, spamming images of Rhea Seehorn and referencing Disco Elysium obsessively.
Do not respond to him. He does not write. He is here to derail the thread and make it about him. He is here every day for hours on end. He is mentally ill. Do not respond to him.
This is the end of my PSA.

>> No.20902699

It looks like you're having a really hard time with regulating your emotions. You're feeling bad, and it makes sense — something you were proud of and liked was criticized. It's a pretty naturally human response to feel bad when criticized. I've been there myself. That said, the "genes" argument is pretty weak. That Kurwitz guy has been involved with his craft for 20+ years, according to Wikipedia. It's unrealistic to expect that you can just pick up the craft and be as good at it as he is. You have to put the work in, but anyone can do it. If a literal ESL Estonian can, anyone can. Genes have nothing to do with it. But you need to get a handle on this emotional regulation thing because literally any creative pursuit is going to require it.

Genuine suggestion: try actually reading every single sentence in this post instead of using it as a springboard for shitting on yourself.

>> No.20902706

Stop responding to him. He doesn't want to learn to write, he's legitimately insane and this is his means of getting attention. Stop giving him attention and he'll go bother someone else.

>> No.20902707

I think I'm going to go with my "emotional regulation" stance instead. It seems a bit more rational and plausible.

>> No.20902708
File: 6 KB, 251x201, 1635683346416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to practice my prose and narrative composition, but I can never think of anything to write about that isn't one of my "big" ideas that I would like to save for when I'm a more experienced writer. Can any anons suggest prompts, or tell me some place where I can find some?

>> No.20902713

>my "big" ideas that I would like to save for when I'm a more experienced writer
There's no point. Most writers spend their entire careers fleshing out the small, core group of ideas that are important to them. As you develop as a writer, you'll find ways to look at them from different angles. Plus, the writing process will in and of itself help to flesh them out even better. Write your ideas, no matter where you are along your journey.

>> No.20902714

Every single day. For hours. For weeks. This is not healthy. Sane people do not do this. You are enabling it.

>> No.20902717

Just take snippets from published stuff (good or bad doesn't matter) and rewrite it in your desired prose style.

>> No.20902720

That sounds like a good idea, I'll try that. Thanks anon

>> No.20902725

Regardless, there's something important to everyone in it. Managing fear and disappointment and self-directed negativity are themes important to anyone involved with creative pursuits. It's the unfortunate side effect of actually giving a shit about the quality of your work. Some of us have a harder time with it than others. I can have a really tough time of it myself, so I can empathize a bit.

>> No.20902729

But do you try to destroy the writing general on /lit/ by attentionwhoring and avatarposting for weeks at a time every single day when you're in a slump?
Do you try to turn the thread into your personal blog?
Do you post self-deprecating rants in the hopes of someone complimenting you?
No, no you don't. Because you are not insane. This other person is. Stop responding to him.

>> No.20902739

I think these are behaviors arising from emotional dysfunction than they are desires to do any of these things in the strict contexts you're proposing. Ironically, by asking me these personal questions, aren't you inviting me to turn the thread into my personal blog? Regardless, if anon's been doing this for a bit, it doesn't seem like your proposed approach is working all that well towards your goal of... what, preserving the general? This is the writing thread on 4chan. We're allowed to talk about these things in the same way that dialing in your nutrition would be relevant to a general thread for athletics.

>> No.20902751

Fine, let him destroy the thread then. There's no fucking point to this.

>> No.20902759

my writing is so absurdly pretentious and over-the-top that i honestly get a good kick out of it when i read it back to myself

>> No.20902792

Which one of these sounds best?
>You know you can call it something other than just “The beam thingy,” right? It’s kind of awkward to get out
>What else am I supposed to call it? Giving names to powers is a little embarrassing.
>Have you considered naming that something else? “Beam thingy” sounds a little silly
>Anything else would sound even sillier, so I just call it that for brevity’s sake

>> No.20902810
File: 480 KB, 1200x1200, a0844372611_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any method on how to divide chapters?

I never bothered with any of that, i just wrote the things

>> No.20902831

Both are pretty bad. Smells like unsweetened s*y milk. Consider not writing anything in which the words "beam thingy" could ever plausibly arise.

>> No.20902837
File: 219 KB, 413x339, Check Mark Story Plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here use the checkmark method for story planning? I've just planned my story points with one and it feels like a good way to make sure your conflict is always balanced and escalating.

>> No.20902850
File: 80 KB, 844x844, 1637914394370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know wordy and boring, but I'm looking for constructive criticism.

>> No.20902884

Your first few sentences are all of similar length, which doesn't make for interesting reading. It feels a bit jarring because it makes the narrator feel robotic, but then you seem to be going for a kind of colloquial thing later on with "would've or could've". Seems kind of a muddled style with regards to that.

Henry and I *are* kindred spirits.

>His tables and counter-tops are clean, with the exception of a very thin layer of dust
So they aren't clean. Do you mean they're not cluttered but dusty?

>Has transformed itself into a sinking feeling in my stomach. I feel that I should be anxious, yet I am not.
I think many people would associate that sinking feeling with anxiety. You then go on to describe the actions of a person anxious with what he is about to find: quiet steps, waiting at the bedroom door without entering, taking a deep breath, nausea, legs quivering. It seems like the actions of the character and the thoughts don't marry up. If this is intentional - like an unreliable narrator - then it needs to be done in a more subtle way, otherwise it just seems like the author doesn't know what the character is supposed to be.

>My steps were no longer smooth and rhythmic, as was my breathing.
This is weirdly said. Do you mean that the breathing was also no longer smooth and rhythmic? Would 'nor was my breathing' be better? Also, if his steps weren't smooth and rhythmic, it makes it seem like he's stumbling or something, I don't know why this would be the case.

I think because you've created a detachment between the main character and Henry that it feels like there's nothing at stake. It might be better to place more emphasis on how because they are so similar that he could see himself in this situation. Make it feel like he could be looking in on himself?

>> No.20902913
File: 3 KB, 115x167, schizo freakout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love schizoposting like that. I have an entire folder dedicated to screencaps and documents.

>> No.20902918

>So they aren't clean. Do you mean they're not cluttered but dusty?
That would be a better way to describe what I was trying to go for. I was attempting to characterize Henry as a neat person, but he hadn't been around to clean.

>I think many people would associate that sinking feeling with anxiety. You then go on to describe the actions of a person anxious with what he is about to find: quiet steps, waiting at the bedroom door without entering, taking a deep breath, nausea, legs quivering. It seems like the actions of the character and the thoughts don't marry up. If this is intentional - like an unreliable narrator - then it needs to be done in a more subtle way, otherwise it just seems like the author doesn't know what the character is supposed to be.
Yes, I think I didn't do a good job at describing the feelings of the narrator, I was hoping to convey that he either becomes increasingly anxious, or is in denial about his anxiety. I should change or remove that line where he says he's not anxious.

>This is weirdly said. Do you mean that the breathing was also no longer smooth and rhythmic? Would 'nor was my breathing' be better? Also, if his steps weren't smooth and rhythmic, it makes it seem like he's stumbling or something, I don't know why this would be the case.
That was the result of a botched attempt at fixing a prior grammatical error. My intent was to say that neither his breathing or steps were rhythmic anymore as the anxiety starts to kick in.

>I think because you've created a detachment between the main character and Henry that it feels like there's nothing at stake. It might be better to place more emphasis on how because they are so similar that he could see himself in this situation. Make it feel like he could be looking in on himself?
This was the first mistake I've noticed after posting it here. I've completely stopped describing any connection or similarity between the two after the first couple of paragraphs. At the same time I didn't want to spoil the fact that Henry had killed himself, although I suppose that was obvious in the third paragraph and could be inferred from the first.

I think these issues came from the fact that I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do with this piece. Did I want to demonstrate the narrator's anxiety? Build tension for a big reveal? Or describe the thoughts and actions of a man whom the one person he could relate to had committed suicide? I tried to do all three of those and failed at each one of them, it's why some aspects of those can be found only in certain paragraphs.

>> No.20902938

I think it's pretty obvious from the start that he's killed himself. The narrator is aware of the fact, he knows what he is going to find - because of his similarities to Henry - and that actually comes through, which is good. I think that the narrator not finding him in the bedroom is good, because it makes the reader feel like the narrator was completely wrong the whole time, when in fact he just needs to look in the bathroom.

>> No.20902954

Some theorize that three letter agencies use it on /pol/ and other boards to mark threads to be monitored.

>> No.20902970

These replies have been very helpful, thank you anon (or anons). What I got out of this is that I need to write with clear intent and check my work for inconsistencies and things that betray my authorial intent. The most important thing I wanted the reader to take from the passage is that Henry had killed himself, even if the narrator doesn't directly state that, so it's good to see that works out. It's just when I become less sure about what exactly I want a piece of text to detail that my writing starts to fall apart. It's also a damn shame that LibreOffice doesn't pick up on all my grammatical errors.

>> No.20903228

>had a dream about a major event in my book in full detail
What a way to start a Saturday. I feel like I might just make it.

>> No.20903244

I feel this pain. I finished my last novel in April and I have been slacking hard on getting an agent for it. I may have found one but if she rejects my proposal I feel like I'll never get it published.

>> No.20903265
File: 230 KB, 507x316, bite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slightly OT, but why do dogs do that thing of expanding their jaws to get their mouths around the other animal they're playing with?

>> No.20903277

In this case, they're recreating the metaphor of doom consuming hope, but you see, hope doesn't even care that it's being consumed because hope endures forever.
It's also called play mouthing and is a less aggressive interaction than biting. So in our metaphor, doom is merely playing with hope, and they are in perfect balance as all things should be.

>> No.20903399

He has artistic genes, I have been predetermined to fail.
Fuck literature I just want to have good dialogue in my game

>> No.20903416

Hi, Robert Kurvitz. I am looking for you, I know you live in the UK now.

>> No.20903449
File: 553 KB, 1100x1333, Rozz-Tox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems weird that your project is an expansive rpg video game, especially since it seems to be one of your first projects. You're setting yourself up for failure and frustration.

Why don't you do something small and low-stakes just to try things out and have fun? You mentioned comics earlier -- why not a four or five page comic? Or a short, focused Twine game?

>> No.20903482 [DELETED] 

Amazing. You’re the next F Gardner.

>> No.20903496

Literature. I like it and I definitely enjoy Mishima, Hemingway, Ligotti, Hunter, Mccarthy, K Dick. But I don't really care for it myself, it's dishonest, all I hate about human thinking focused into an art form. It's just so fucking convenient. Easy to hate, masturbatory.

It's a plastic mind. The Paul Schrader film is superior to Mishima's own literature, Apocalypse Now to Blood Meridian.

I might hate being a human and anything human but I am still one. Film and the visual focused arts are human and authentic, literature is some alien invader. BURN THE FUCKING BOOKS, BURN THEM ALL.

>> No.20903537

No book has ever made me feel like The Grid sequence. First time I saw it I had trouble breathing, pure awe. Primitive shapes being overtaken in such a way, the force behind the camera, pure flow. Books are inferior but I lack the budget, no way in.
It's simply convenient and cheap.

>> No.20903556

It's a reactive rpg. I hate Kurvitz, he was taking his failed novel and made it into a game. I'm even lesser, stillborn movie.

>> No.20903584
File: 1.93 MB, 1263x836, piplotti-rist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's The Grid sequence?

Also, humans are humans because they can step back from the immediate, dominating presence of the world around them. This is what language does: it reflects on how things could be different, mourns lost presences, makes jokes about things that can't change. Contemporary film, in its attempt to totally immerse the viewer in its images and plug their nervous systems into its sensory circuits, encourages passive submission to the domination of nature.

I don't actually believe that, or I'm not sure if I believe it, but I think it's interesting what you were saying about visual arts being more human and language being the alien parasite, and I wanted to see what an opposing perspective would sound like.

>> No.20903601

Best craft book for novel writing?

>> No.20903610 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 420x599, 02FF3B8F-E63D-474D-BE46-BFB83B74363F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20903620

Koyaanisqatsi's The Grid. One of my favorite films, no dialogue at all. Nothing more I hate than it being called a bacground movie, same argument you're making now.

Words are this other abstract being, I'd call it shit, the brain and context shitting itself into the world. Meaning and concepts taking away from reality, by the time you allow narrative to form you're infected.
It's part of a personal system I made (which breaks my own rule) in which I took a part of the tao te ching.

>> No.20903624 [DELETED] 

/wg/ has become an F. Gardner meme factory.

>> No.20903631 [DELETED] 

Language does what it does because it needs to keep itself alive.
There is no need to "step away from the dominating presence of the world". It is.

>> No.20903649

"Thing did thing. Thing was thing. Thing things as the other thing thinged. Thing did thing"

How can I add more variety to my sentences?

>> No.20903666

You need larger, cross-sentence structures of meaning, and the intra-sentence structures will take care of themselves.

'Thing did thing. Or so they thought. The thing the thing did, however, was a thing unlike any thing they had seen before. Though some felt that things were not as they seemed, things were even stranger than they imagined.'

>> No.20903682

My game, ideally, would look like Shadow of the Colossus. You merely exist in a reactive place (the potential for games is empathy through simulation) and like stepping into another incarnation.
I don't agree with Kojima or Kurvitz, literary or cinematic games. African culture holds the key, it's a ritualistic dance, the art of process.

I think of a shark being born, complex machine thrown into the world. The crucial moment is instinct guiding it. A turtle being born is exactly the same, it knows what to do and follows the order to precision or dies. Gameplay is art but only if properly done and I lack budget.

>> No.20903697

Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass. I hear his other one is good too but haven't read it yet.

>> No.20903748
File: 98 KB, 462x438, tumblr_67cc2a0ba64647f025e3a67295063432_f1286f74_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You merely exist in a reactive place (the potential for games is empathy through simulation) and like stepping into another incarnation ... African culture holds the key, it's a ritualistic dance, the art of process
Sounds interesting. You might like thecatamites writings on games -- he's literally the only guy I've found who writes about games in a way that seems insightful, and it's affected how I think about aesthetics in general. Plus he's opposed to the idea of games as just 'another way to tell stories'.

Some random, but good, posts of his:

>> No.20903758

Sounds pseud.

>> No.20903773

But it's semi-coherent and genuine, so who cares.

>> No.20903787


it's a podcast by real life published authors
except for howard. everyone hates howard

>> No.20903791

It's not coherent though. You described a vague idea with no follow of what it would be like other than metaphor.

>> No.20903807

I didn't post it, but I thought I could see what he was getting it, hence 'semi-coherent'. What I think the original poster was getting at is that his ideal video game would not represent a narrative but instead offer a way to experience being a body in a system, and the way to engage the player in that position is by making them adapt to the rhythms of the system's operations.

>> No.20903819

Exactly, it's a "life emulator"
Slice of life more about the implication.

>> No.20903883
File: 440 KB, 512x512, A_Lovecraftian_monster_in_the_style_of_a_pixar_character_xsbu5crcmrsp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/wwoym/ is a good place for that. Other wise maybe use an ai art generator to paint a scene then you use words to describe it. Or go to a cafe and spark up rando "how do you do?" Or "hey whats that?" Kind of conversations with people there.

>> No.20903919

This is the most sheltered post I've ever read.

>> No.20903968

You're giving too much background too soon. Stick to the immediate scene. You can explain the two character's relationship later.

Instead of overexplaining, you could just say, "Henry hadn't been to work in a week. My coworkers volunteered me to go check on him."
That's enough of a hint for the reader to figure things out on their own. Let them read between the lines.

Try to get out of the main character's head and into the physical scene. He shouldn't stand there and ponder about the door being locked. Just have him check.

'lump in throat' and 'sinking feeling' in stomach and 'deep breath' are cliches. They weaken the description.

>> No.20903984
File: 47 KB, 735x719, a731c439b50018eced56111c046e7377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so we all agree I have no talent.
How can I get clinical descriptive prose for my game? How can it carry a dialogue focused game? Inhuman, like a misanthropic machine wrote it, that's what I want, what I am. Human dialogue, hateful robotic prose for everything else.

>> No.20904022

Why don't you just write it plainly and functionally, without trying to draw attention to the style? If it's there to provide info, people will treat it as a source of info; they won't be scanning it for prose pyrotechnics.

>> No.20904025

Steering the Craft by Le Guin. Also listen to a Sanderson lecture series from start to finish on YouTube, also anything from ShelinWrites within the last year. Each has a very different writing style/perspective and you can get all of it free easily.

>tfw a Howard-Head
Sorry you can schlock with the best kiddo. Writing excuses is unlistenable at this point however, but first 10 seasons were decent half the time when it wasn't live.

It's criminal how few decent writing themed podcasts exist.

>> No.20904040

I've lived in shittny neighborhoods before. Do you know what happens to the bums? They aren't permitted to loiter around businesses. They get forcefully told to stay out of the way and not bother customers. Autoparts store and liquor store scream industrial, working class neighborhood. They don't permit bums.

>> No.20904043
File: 37 KB, 551x550, 1638580547942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I can meet the deadline I set for myself anymore but I am gonna try. Maybe it will all come together anyways. I can't delay this forever.

>> No.20904051
File: 418 KB, 512x512, bfb2832d-afe4-495f-93db-d9e6193cd09d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scriptnotes is good and sometimes they talk about things which can be used outside of screenplays.
Have you looked at any of the old Greek dialogues? They helped me once I "discovered" them, I used to see dialogue as a way to make each character shine, but now I see it in terms of arguments and desires. Each character has a position and the dialogue is used to articulate it, among other things.
If you want a cold misanthropic robot talking just keep in mind whatever end goal it has and color the dialogue with that outcome in mind.

>> No.20904059

I'll be called a shit writer, which I am.
Everything but how to tell the story is good, decent, can be improved but there's potential there.
I already tried this by using measurements, I lack the skill to make that work.

>> No.20904066 [DELETED] 

feel free to send this guy your fanmail at 879 Beaconsfield Ave. Detroit, MI

>> No.20904084

What if isekai but in reverse and magical being dies and comes to the regular world but still harem

>> No.20904088

We can't help you.
You're beyond help.
Go away and stop spamming up the thread with your self-hatred.

>> No.20904099
File: 421 KB, 512x512, An_oil_painting_portrait_of_Martin_heidegger_holding_a_book_2reua80cbvwn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another thing I recently realized, you have to be "in the mood" to tell a story. Since this realization I am much more aware of those times when I'm in that particular mood. I imagine it can be cultivated with good habits.
Before sitting down to right, ask yourself, "am I in the mood to tell this story right now?"

>> No.20904118
File: 120 KB, 1200x675, ESc6TtwU4AA83yP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was from I Have No Mouth. In other words, if you want to write, read more books you n word. What are your favourite books

>> No.20904123
File: 757 KB, 818x1348, jealousy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll be called a shit writer, which I am.
No you won't. No one will register concise, functional prose as 'bad'. Robbe-Grillet's Jealousy is one of the classics of high modernism, and it's basically nothing but precise description. What will instantly come across as bad is if you've used some annoying stylistic contrivance because you feel that it's obligatory for good writing to be weird.

And fundamentally, no one will read your work at all if you keep on asking vague endless questions like 'how do I write descriptions' instead of actually working on your project. If what's stopping you is that it needs to be perfect and should express every conviction you have about what a video game should be, then you've chosen too ambitious a project. Like I said before, if you're still this uncertain about the fundamentals of creating the kind of art you want to create, then why don't you work on a small, low-stakes project?

>> No.20904129

When do you know you should give up?

>> No.20904139
File: 266 KB, 565x476, do-it-or-else.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give up.
Don't allow sadness to crush your spirit.
Strive to make the art that will change it all.
Push back against the failure of culture to maintain its strength.
Drag it kicking and screaming with you, if you have to.
Feel pity if you must. Feel sadness, feel rage, feel hopeless, and feel fury. Then write.

>> No.20904146

NGL that’s some gay ass shit, there. Are the rest of you such faggots?

>> No.20904152

Describe how the forest makes you FEEL if you don't want to describe every single leaf on every branch of every tree of the forest. Take, for example, a misty forest at night, and a cool forest in the morning with all the singing birds
Do you know coding? Or 3D modelling? Given the chance, can you make a single functional game of Pong that you can play? Can you compose simple Yume Nikki-like music for your game?

>> No.20904169

NTA, but in the words of Bukowski:

"if it doesn't come bursting out of you
in spite of everything,
don't do it.
unless it comes unasked out of your
heart and your mind and your mouth
and your gut,
don't do it.
if you have to sit for hours
staring at your computer screen
or hunched over your
searching for words,
don't do it.
if you're doing it for money or
don't do it.
if you're doing it because you want
women in your bed,
don't do it."

>> No.20904175

You don’t need to be able to do any of that.
I’ve seen asset swap RPGmaker games with public domain music be carried by writing.

>> No.20904204
File: 62 KB, 726x909, FawvMXCVEAEvbvE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need to spell this out for you, Bukowski is right in some respects, but he's wrong in some other respects. A writer who has to wait for passion to strike to get on writing is a writer that spends most of his time not writing.
In my experiences, I have to force myself to sit on my ass and write. At first it's a pain, but when the pen starts rolling, I can write for hours without stopping. It's because if I don't do this, the thoughts and ideas in my head will have no place to go, and they'll fade away eventually. I like stories, but what's frustrating is that sometimes, I'd expect a story to go this way, but the writer makes it go that way. An example of this is in the Texan anime RWBY. It's supposed to be a "innocent girl desperately holds on to traditions in a changing world as the industrial revolution looms over her head". But RWBY's writers write the story to be about: "KEEP MOVING FORWARD AND TRUST IN LOVE. ALSO YOU MUST COLLECT ALL THE DRAGON TESTICLES TO DEFEAT OUR PRINCIPAL'S PSYCHO EX"

>> No.20904215

Based. BASED.

>> No.20904292

I know those two, yeah.

>> No.20904302

That's flowery language. In practice you've described something like The Sims, or a sandbox mmo, or a battle royal/survival game.

>> No.20904309

Is there any future for my story if it it's not an isekai litrpg with a harem

>> No.20904310

Yes they do. Source? I'm waging with a bum outside as I type this.

>> No.20904322

In what way was it ever that first theme.

>> No.20904324

Trends don't last a lifetime. You should write it, whatever it is.

>> No.20904332


>> No.20904351

Keep in mind that "Moby Dick" was a massive commercial failure for Melville.
He followed that up with "Pierre", which blatantly pandered to base instincts, in order to make money.
"Moby Dick" wasn't appreciated for another 60 years or so.
And also remember that Marcel Proust had to self-publish the first volume of "In Search Of Lost Time".

>> No.20904357

It's not flowery, it's abstract, to match the level of abstraction of the original posters ideas. And though the fact that it's abstract means that it could be describing an mmo, it also lets you see how these ideas could also be implemented differently in practice.

>> No.20904382

How can I write about love if I’m a cynical, lonely incel?

>> No.20904392
File: 29 KB, 640x640, 854D0662-B390-47FA-8AA9-DD7C1705F06A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I find a server for writers that isn’t shit?

>> No.20904400

it's not that hard, read like two or three romance novel, create naive but cute female lead falling for dark and troubled hero, sex, something like marriage and babies probably
insert some conflict like one is a protestant and the other Catholic, and it plays like in Northern Ireland during the 90's
Boom! Story plot done

>> No.20904402
File: 406 KB, 512x512, 0f6643ff-5575-4141-8a7d-4d680390bc97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the outside looking in. How else?

>> No.20904421

No. Write an isekai litrpg harem instead.

>> No.20904422

I've gotten rejections from genre publishers/agents because my book is too literary and from literary agents/publishers because my book is too genre. Otherwise my feedback has been very positive. Am I doomed to self-publish? I have no budget.

>> No.20904423

Wanted to add: call it; the troubles of love

>> No.20904433

Abstractions don't work very well for games.

>> No.20904489

>those hips
I'm gonna coom.

>> No.20904494

But Proust didn't have twitter and other social media presence. How did he self-publish then?

>> No.20904509
File: 81 KB, 379x415, Pipe_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternatively, "Pipe Dreams"

>> No.20904522

it really makes you think about the longevity of books.
will stephen king's books be popular in a 100 years
will jk rowlings?
probably not

>> No.20904535 [DELETED] 

Our lad F Gardner is somehow going to end up outlasting them both.

>> No.20904540

King's no, but Harrypottershit transcended a merely literary medium and became a cultural phenomenon (unfortunately).

>> No.20904577

Wait. There are people here that actually write books as a full time job? I thought everyone did this as a fun weekend thing at Starbucks? Or is that just me?

>> No.20904582

I made you some content.

inb4 >furry

>> No.20904583

Fuck off Gardner

>> No.20904586
File: 344 KB, 1566x1569, content.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, here's the actual content. Fuck me.

>> No.20904591 [DELETED] 

I think F Gardner writes full time. Due to the amount of books he’s written in such a short period of time. But I don’t know if he counts or even actually comes here. I don’t know who else.

>> No.20904597 [DELETED] 

Amazing. You’re the next F Gardner.

>> No.20904599

How do I get people to read my writing? I post to twitter when I add a chapter to Royal Road but nobody cares. Also when I went from biweekly to weekly updates it didn’t seem to draw in any more readers.

>> No.20904600 [DELETED] 

Lol. There’s just no way he does. It’s an overblown meme.

>> No.20904602

I hate omnipresent writing

>> No.20904603

You honor me with your kind words, anon.

>> No.20904609

You mean third person?

Or is that something different I'm not familiar with.

>> No.20904624

Something different. The all knowing all feeling all explaining narrator. >>20904609

>> No.20904627

Fuck off Gardner

>> No.20904631

"Proust paid for the publication of the first volume (by the Grasset publishing house) after it had been turned down by leading editors who had been offered the manuscript in longhand."
In other words...by being a total chad.

>> No.20904633

NovelAI doesn't count as content. You are not the next F. Gardner.

>> No.20904645

You wouldn't say an artist isn't an artist for using photoshop.

Yes you would.

>> No.20904660


>> No.20904662

Is that not what third person is?

I don't understand the distinction.

>> No.20904668

I knew I used the Wrong one. thanks. Either way, I hate omniscient writing

>> No.20904675

y tho.

>> No.20904695

What's the going rate for a hitman in Chicago? It's for a story.

>> No.20904698

I think it's drab and removes any guess work from the reader. I'm here to hear a story, not be told a lecture.

Frank scribbled onto the paper his masterpiece. The next twenty days he sat and scribbled.

It took Frank twenty long days to write his masterpiece. He sat at his desk and wrote it on pieces of paper.

>> No.20904701

A crisp clean white Nike shoe.

>> No.20904702
File: 34 KB, 540x505, FaExjk6UsAAx7Je.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This distinction isn't real. You're just making this up to fuck with me. These are all literally identical just worded differently.

>> No.20904708

I’m not Gardner, you’d cocksucking nigger fag. I hope you get aids and die!

>> No.20904723

read more books

>> No.20904732

Fuck off Gardner

>> No.20904763

New thread >>20904761
because the time is short...

>> No.20904768

New Bread >>20904757
You're a minute too late

>> No.20904788

fight fight fight

>> No.20904791

Go to agents that publish "upmarket" or something. Keep trying.

>> No.20904809

At least you found a literary agent. Every agent I see is searching for genre shit or fag stories.

>> No.20904825

Omniscience and limited fill two different functions. Limited is like watching a play. Omniscient is like being told a story by a blind hermit narrator.

>> No.20904887 [DELETED] 

879 Beaconsfield 879 Beaconsfield 879 Beaconsfield AAAAAAVE
just make sure to write your complaints to 879 Beaconsfield Ave apt 3

>> No.20904919

I would but it would bring back too many painful memories of writing letters to my trans-Atlantic Kansan pseudo-gf

>> No.20905853

I can't explain what it was that gave me that idea. I was just studying the Industrial Revolution while watching RWBY and it just clicked

>> No.20906028

He >>20904763 won

>> No.20906092

It's not a competition.
t. >>20904763