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File: 1.71 MB, 3000x1688, Providence, Rhode_Island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20893865 No.20893865 [Reply] [Original]

Providence, Rhode Island edition

previous: >>20889109

>> No.20893876
File: 224 KB, 1200x800, providence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how have you guys been?

>> No.20893883
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In remembrance of /lit/izen
who fell for the slimy siren

>> No.20893889

Well I've spent the last two hours masturbating, browsing 4chan, and watching youtube. Think I might masturbate again

>> No.20893896

This student debt relief act by Biden has revealed to me how resentful the working class is of college educated people

>> No.20893958

>be part of a system which screws over the working classes
>be surprised that they hate you
many such cases

>> No.20893964

I didnt screw anyone over by going to college

>> No.20893993

Im a Virgo and unironically a 30 year old wizard.

>> No.20894000

>There are people in this world that really think everything becoming fake is a positive development.
If your degree is so valuable why doesn't it produce any value? Why is it so hard to get even $10k out of it? How do you expect to sustain this?

>> No.20894017

What are you even talking about? Did you reply to the right person?

>> No.20894029

>I am utterly braindead and just want to reiterate that

>> No.20894036

Anon is having conversations with himself again

>> No.20894050

What do you suggest is the correct reply to someone who just told you he's unable to understand the simplest post? No elaboration, no specific questions, just a statement that he's too retarded to grasp anything said to him on any level.

>> No.20894060

Well given that your post had absolutely zero relevance to my statement I think you should look in the mirror and ask yourself that same question

>> No.20894086

Single, unemployed, lacking job prospects, skipping meals and with a fucked up sleeping cycle. I also feel physically sick most of the time and rarely leave home.
I am taking steps to change all of this, though. Today I managed to sleep and eat better, and as soon as I don’t feel like a walking cadaver I’ll go do some exams to find out if I’m lacking any vitamins and go back to the gym. I’ve got a solution to the job situation too, but it’ll take me at least a year of disciplined study to achieve it.
Tbh, the thing that’s frustrating me the most right at this moment is dating apps. I’m tired of girls immediately treating me like a leper the moment they ask for my instagram and I say I don’t have one.
Anyway, how about you, anon? Doing well?

>> No.20894101

>Well given that your post had absolutely zero relevance to my statement
If you were sincerely interested in anything, a curious person instead of mindless cancer, you would ask for clarification about things you don't understand. Instead you make up stories in your head to avoid thinking.
What don't you understand about the post? What could you possibly need clarified? It's not like it's a complicated deep post. I can't read your mind so without you actually communicating all I can do is restate what I already said.

>> No.20894148

someone say something interesting quick

>> No.20894170


>> No.20894172


>> No.20894204

I'm in one of phases in life where several things start moving really fast all at the same time. Feels like years of progress in a week or two. It's pretty cool. But if it all comes off I'm going to have a hard time loafing about like a slacker/loser all the time. Only ever imagined myself as a Phillip J Fry type in perpetuity.

>> No.20894391


>> No.20894436

the deterioration of my mental health has made me so desperate today I sent my psychiatrist a suicide threat if she wouldn't switch me over to another antidepressant.

I can't keep going like this. I am a hollow shell of the person I used to be

>> No.20894443

Woman will always tell you that she is hated but not why she is hated.

>> No.20894444

Australia needs to be turned back into a prison colony but for all brown people.

>> No.20894455

Meds won't fix your problem. Threatening suicide makes you a horrible person. You have an underlying issue with your approach to life. I would tell you to ask yourself why you think threatening suicide is acceptable behavior, but it's clear that you were just doing it for attention and because you thought that getting put on different pills would somehow make your problems go away. Your problems won't go away until you fix them yourself. Maybe your problems shouldn't go away. Maybe you deserve it for being a horrible person that threatens to kill themselves over something as retarded as placebo chemicals.

>> No.20894501 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20894591

years of therapy, medication, taking breaks, exercising, eating better, touching grass and ruminating haven't solved my problems. at this point I don't believe anything will. I feel powerless, I spend days agonizing with shame, doubt, disappointment, frustration, bitterness, hopelessness, helplessness. I am rotting. I can't endure this anymore and meanwhile every time I try to share the brief momements of happiness I do get I'm insulted and berated by people I was being considerate by sharing my joy with. and am forced to watch as everything I value in the world deteriorates in the pursuit of greed and stupidity

at this point I can't care about these people anymore. my own happiness is the only thing I have to focus on. I need myself back, and I won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to regain it

>> No.20894593

I cant control how much value people put into my associate trade degree, only how much I will accept which is, since I need to eat and have a place to live and a way to get to work, the highest offer. which is still not all that much. thats free market economics for you. the thing that gets me is the value that people say is on having a degree is much greater than the value buisenesses put on having a degree. and with tuition prices going up and buisnesses ensentivised to spend less and less on their work force, that divide is only growing. meaning that every kid whi buys the "get a degree or be a failure" meme that is pedaled bu their parents, teachers, guidence counslers and media, are fucked solely for the crime of naivety.

>> No.20894611

nah you are retarded. its pretty easy to see how his response was a critique put forth by those you consider to be making mean coments about the debt releaf solely out of resent resentment (its a coherent critique that doesnt have to do with resenting debt holders).

>> No.20894619

You decided to buy something worthless. Now that it's not returning anything you think it's reasonable to ask people who made better choices to subsidize your poor investment. Sure, you were lied to, so was the retard that took loans for NFTs.

>> No.20894651

Reading early gnostics feels like reading the thoughts of 4channel seething incels.

>> No.20894668

>Sure, you were lied to, so was the retard that took loans for NFTs
sure but there are 2 very inportant distinctions there
1) the people that I was suposed to trust to have my best interests at heart told me I NEED a degree to win. the nft shill dangled a shiney thing to a bunch of strangers just comming off of the high of making 100 bucks trading crypto currency.
2) its a scam targetted toward children, which seems like a weird thing to defend.

I am going to go with I am fine with the government funeling %1 of the defense budget (which by the way I have a unique perspective on since I repair electronics for the government. $4000 dolors for radio modems that go in targets for shooting practice is not a better use of your tax dolors. ps they are shit and break all the time) to allow themselves to forget about the money they are scamming out of kids using their loved ones and mentors as pupets.

>> No.20894675

share some quotes?

>> No.20894685

Tradies, wagies, and paypiggies are just seething because they were too stupid to hop on the government gravy train. I could have paid off my debt years ago, but I refrained from doing so when Biden took office because I knew he'd throw me a bone. Sorry about you're bad financial planning anon.

>> No.20894705


>> No.20894781

I'm not denying that student loans are an issue but Biden paying off student loans is clearly a cheap shot at buying approval ratings and votes.

>> No.20894784

I don't know what to do anymore. IwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodieIwanttodie

>> No.20894821

I feel like a brainlet for fucking up my university resits and will most likely get kicked out/have to retake the year because of it. Idk what I’ll do if I get kicked out, probably kms

>> No.20894842

My favorite thing about democracy is that I voted for Trump because I'm against all that Democrat shit, but I still get to benefit from Biden without violating my conscience

>> No.20894844
File: 91 KB, 742x1128, 5C4BF72C-C64F-4F94-824E-8829DE1A92A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how people who basically do nothing get the big bucks and people who actually work for a living keeping this country moving get peanuts.

>> No.20894860

This guy makes 300k not doubt.

>> No.20894862

Lately I've been going into cafes and restaurants Ive never been to before and asking the cashier to reccomend me something. Girl at this taiwanese tea shop flat out told me she doesnt drink her stores own stuff. Had a good chuckle

>> No.20894883

>the people that I was suposed to trust
The people you decided to trust without thinking for yourself. The same criminals you were warned about a million times. Now you want those criminals to force people that didn't fall for the scam to pay for it.
The point I made is about sustainability, systems that output more than you put in. The only industry you have is "defense" and the moves you're making undermine any hope you retards ever had of some kind of future. It's all pure corruption like you point out, these institutions are there to funnel money and that's how you really use them.

>> No.20894895

Bitcoin made pedos and drug dealers into multi millionaires, meanwhile a physics phd graduate from my university jump off the roof of a call centre he was working at. Clown world

>> No.20894899

I should add that this taiwanese chick is so fucking hot I'm literally dying

>> No.20894907

>The people you decided to trust without thinking for yourself
if a young person cant trust his loving parents then he cant really trust anyone. though I understand how you think you are somehow being punished by mistake when I was young, I assure you the government is doing far worse with your money already. at least with this your fellow man is getting some kind of releaf.

>> No.20894915

exactly. value in this world is wildly misplaced.

>> No.20894916

America passed the point of no return a long time ago. Anyone who still contributes to this doomed system is retarded.

>> No.20894928

So because everything is fucked anyway it's good when the criminals get more power because you can leech off their corruption? That's the gist behind what someone means when they say the Biden debt relief is a good thing?

>> No.20894947

one of those worse things being giving out student lones in the first place.

>> No.20894963

I guess Thrasymachus was right all along

>> No.20894987

And some very privileged, college educated people have the gall to still call themselves Marxists

>> No.20895008

I have made the decision to continue drinking and smoking weed.

>> No.20895037

>debt relief act by Biden has revealed to me how resentful the working class is
Midwit take. There's much more that hasn't yet been "revealed" to you.

>> No.20895051

What are you and why are you on 4chamel?

>> No.20895054

good for you man. fuck what others say. as long as its working for you wothout ruining your life have at it. its not ruinig your life... right?

>> No.20895060

>my conscience
Audible Kek. Good one.

>> No.20895088 [DELETED] 

most of the people that are pissed about it are people who either paid off their loans or went to worse but cheaper schools than could have to save money. i have a wasp friend from a wealthy family who still has unpaid loans from the 1990s. she regularly goes on trips to europe and only works part time.

>> No.20895091
File: 24 KB, 375x375, 1657806598507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm incel.

>> No.20895093

you're misunderstanding.
you don't get rich by doing "nothing". what they're doing is just beyond your grasp. that's what makes them rich.

>> No.20895101

sounds like your own party is fucking you

>> No.20895105

obviously. you post anime avatars. you're that 30 year old neet who lives with his mom.

>> No.20895116

Power is under it all but love is still stronger than hate, it's a structured thing that creates, a system that outputs more than you input. If you find some semblance of love for something, even just your family then it should be the foundation of whatever you do. The disruption of the family and the extended family of communities and nations is what allows corruption and apathy to rule. Everyone wants to base their lives around what they love so the easy answer isn't love, the goal is love, the answer is tariffs and Elon Musk sending all rootless cosmopolitan commies to Mars.

>> No.20895124

some of the takes on this site are so dumb it's not even worth arguing.

>> No.20895132

You're coping because you know I'm absolutely right.

>> No.20895134

Everyone is fucking me.

>> No.20895142


>> No.20895150

> accept a post-grad post at University, thinking I'll use it to pay for a master's degree and change careers
> 3 years later have taken a single course and hate job

>> No.20895151

Says the retard unable to even string together any hint of a thought process.

>> No.20895153

I'm not 30 years old and I'm not a NEET but I do live with my mom and I do want to move out, it's just too expensive and she probably doesn't want me to move out.

>> No.20895158

I can't even blame the way I am on my parents, my brain is literally retarded and perceives literally everything that happens as a world ending social failure and now I am afraid just to be seen by people.

>> No.20895160

In the simplest simulations of life analogues some kind of "ethnocentrism", preference for those similar to you is the basis for basically anything happening except diffused chaos. The American experiment is pure death and for some reason it's being exported globally.

>> No.20895162

Yeah housing costs are fucked. Thinking about getting on section 8 but Id rather live with my parents than niggers

>> No.20895209

Feel bad but he should've known better to sleep with whores

>> No.20895216

>Id rather live with my parents than niggers
Ain't this the truth. In my area there is the county wide business Association that has recently taken up the "housing crisis" because they like the area and want to have their companies here but they dont have any place for new people to come and live. Its a total revelation to these retarded and spoiled boomers. Now its a "crisis, bc their businesses are stalling, but will they ever realize this problem didnt just spring up out of the blue?

>> No.20895248

this anon gets it

>> No.20895309

How do I stop being paranoid about my girlfriend? I'm too insecure to have a relationship and I believe she's using me to get over her ex.

>> No.20895386

your own fault faggot, should have studied harder

>> No.20895392

he thought he was a genius because he talks about books he hasn't read on /lit/

>> No.20895418

Damn this hits

>> No.20895437

Sometimes I wonder if my partner is only with me because I come from a "good" family+ getting to have access to my body. I'm very strange and offputting. I don't want to give my irreplaceable time, love, and energy to something that isn't real. I often times fantasize about life in the 16th when every relationship was one of convenience. No one had to worry about if what they had was real or not.

>> No.20895449

go to therapy and talk to her about it

>> No.20895452

ok boomer

>> No.20895456

I studied really hard all summer, had to cancel seeing a bunch of my fave bands at a festival so I could study and I still failed. I really want to do well and I wish I could have a second chance, I love my course

>> No.20895475

Trump sent people checks in the mail.

>> No.20895481

Do you really not realize how bad shit is? How many millions were completely stolen from the government during the PPP scam? Its everyone for themselves.
You can make an argument that scamming the system is a moral act - allowing one to survive to eventually establish a new just society. Either way its happening everywhere.

>> No.20895532

I didn't appeal to any morality but nothing is possible with cancer like you "contributing".

>> No.20895564

>another false equivalent

>> No.20895644

America is terminal dude. Just pull the plug already

>> No.20895654

Is /lit/ a city?

>> No.20895669

and yet

>> No.20895701

I'm involuntarily not celibate on account of all the fucking

>> No.20895710
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tfw no flapper gf

>> No.20895714

just spent an hour pouring my heart out into a 1,500-word email to someone who will never see it.
i am glad i did.

>> No.20895728

I kissed myself on the mouth by sucking in my lips.

>> No.20895746

So we should replace capitalism with a gift economy?

>> No.20895817

Seems like everyone I know is just letting themselves go at age 21/22. Sad to see it.

>> No.20895840
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I think, even if I got my act together, and became attractive and sociable and a suitable partner, I would still remain an incel, or rather become a volcel, simply because I can't bear the notion of possibly getting cucked or having a relationship with a girl who has had so many more sexual partners than me.

I am approaching that age, and I feel much more responsible than I ever have before in my life. I approach my studies with a sense of duty, and even if I hate the self-improovment meme that many people have fallen for, I still have some drive to drag myself out of failure. Although I do know some people at that age who have just degenerated. They no longer care about anything except for weed and acid, they have no desire to improve their lives, and only continue to work just so they can get money for the weed and acid.

>> No.20895859

F 23 here
Always open to hear from those in agony.

>> No.20895861
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>> No.20895864

>I sent my psychiatrist a suicide threat if she wouldn't switch me over to another antidepressant.
Don't bring others into your turmoil. That's pathetic and petulant.

>> No.20895871

Perhaps there was never anything there to begin with.

>> No.20895873

>a whole year of studying

>> No.20895881

It’s actually not that I don’t know what to do. There is nothing to do.

>> No.20895885

>The disruption of the family
Society is a labile dynamo -- it shifts and bounces back. A new configuration is needed to supplant the family unit.

>> No.20895887

>letting themselves go
What do you mean by that? Like, gaining weight?

>> No.20895889

I really am though.

>> No.20895891

We should hang out. Where you from?

>> No.20895904

I hope for their sake, no anons add a random stranger from 4chan that claims to be a woman on Discord. Sounds like a great way to get manipulated. It's probably better if she isn't a real woman, then at least the serpentine nature is absent due to the Y chromosome.

>> No.20895910

No suck luck. I'm a viper.

>> No.20895916

I got some luck for you to suck ;)

>> No.20895941

I'd rather the poison diffuses through your venous stream.

>> No.20895949

Wow so dark and edgy

>> No.20895954
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>> No.20895956

Hey! Leave her alone!

>> No.20895958
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>> No.20895964

There are trillions of individual living cells working together to make up a living human being. Does any philosophy or religion address this? What field of science or whatnot explores this? It seems like we're operating and thinking on a very tiny plane of reality and ignoring or being oblivious of the rest.

>> No.20895977

Unironically Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.20895983

uhh, biology?

>> No.20895997
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There are trillions more molecules that make up living cells. Trying to cut things open into smaller and smaller fractals is the narrow thinking you're trying to avoid. As if knowing that inside of molecules are atoms and inside atoms are particles and inside particles are collapse wave probabilities -- will somehow render reality better for you. Why do you think that? Are you going to wake up every morning and count the living cells or collapsing waveforms?

>> No.20896044

I see RC Walden at my university every now and then. I saw him earlier this year or last year and he was smoking a cigarette (I think). Just a few days ago as I was leaving a building I thought I recognized him near me, and when I heard his accent I knew it was him. I can't say it without sounding like a creep or something, but I just thought it was cool. It's a small world.

>> No.20896045

I explicitly said cells because they're living things, I'm not interested in the quarks and strings in this context. You've made a number of baseless assumptions. There's nothing wrong with broadening one's breadth of understanding.

>> No.20896054

Why do you live in Melbourne?

>> No.20896056

i think i'm going to switch to another board. idk which one though.

>> No.20896061

I think he was just a newfag who didn't know which board to post in.

>> No.20896062

same rules are replicated on different planes

>> No.20896066

huh? most of the people i've seen complain about student debt relief are upper middle class people who attended ivy league schools.

>> No.20896071

I was born here

>> No.20896073
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I should need to fund poor choices, but the reaction is silly nonetheless.

>> No.20896080

How can you hope to understand living cells if you don't understand the molecules they're composed of? Why the interest in living cells?

>> No.20896081

I shouldN'T phone post.

>> No.20896102

what would you realistically do in this situation

>> No.20896114 [DELETED] 

sweet so now my phone plan is going to include satellite connectivity through starlink

>> No.20896130

Yeah basically, maybe it's an Australian expression.

>> No.20896172

I've heard it used here in the US but it's not really just limited to gaining weight but also partaking in bad habits like drinking too much and not bothering to take care of oneself.

>> No.20896175

Does unimelb still suck anon? I did not enjoy my time there.

>> No.20896194

Yeah that's a better way of putting it

>> No.20896199
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I love Omaru Polka

>> No.20896322

I’m convinced the average anon here is in the 16-22 age bracket.

>> No.20896326

I know the average anon here is in the 16-22 age bracket. In fact most 4chan users are in the age bracket.

>> No.20896340

test to see if my chan app works still.

>> No.20896355
File: 26 KB, 520x600, 1635311989132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think that I'm not actually anonymous at all on this website, and all of you can somehow identify my posts.

>> No.20896361

summer is real

>> No.20896391

I quite like it but I think it depends on person-to-person, and what year(s) you were there.
The biggest problem I'm finding is that it's difficult to have a "uni life" similar to what they have in America. Unless you live nearby it's hard to justify going in unless you have a class, so barely anyone spends much time at the uni.
Also, I'm not sure what it was like when you were there, but it's super difficult to make friends there nowadays because everyone has their own social group and they don't want to change things up (I'm guilty of that too). It's basically an accepted thing, so when you finish a tutorial most people just leave individually without talking to anyone, even they had just spent the whole class talking.

>> No.20896411

Old /lit/ definitely had a higher average age than most boards I think.

>> No.20896456
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>> No.20896474

stop watching porn

>> No.20896480

I graduated last year and yeah it was like that, quite disappointing. The general standard of teaching didn't make up for it.

>> No.20896505

>old /lit/ is old

>> No.20896510

I mean the average age on /lit/ even just 5 years ago was much higher than now

>> No.20896558

It's actually crazy how big of an impediment graduating with bad grades turned out to be.

>> No.20896578

I graduated 2 years older than what is normal for a college graduate too. So I was 24. So I wanted to go to graduate school to overwrite my bad undergraduate grades, and I figured 3 to 5 years was a reasonable time frame to do that. So I planned on doing whatever for 3 years, then going to graduate school at 27. Then COVID lockdowns happened, closed everything, and I never went. Now I'm 5 years out of undergraduate, which is a somewhat reasonable amount of time between undergraduate and graduate, but I'm 29, and I think that's just too old to be going to graduate school. I feel like I lost 2 years from my own mistakes, but I also lost 2 years because of lockdowns and I feel bitter about it now.

>> No.20896580

I am a shit writer, no prose no talent.
I have to face it, no talent and I will never get better.
I've been thinking about killing Robert Kurvitz before killing myself

>> No.20896587
File: 172 KB, 609x678, 367f6b92425049c842da1f256cd094b6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if time doesn't heal all wounds?

What if time just hurts you further? Time is a thief. Passing by quickly, never to be caught.. Stealing away every good moment.. replacing it with agony, regret..

>> No.20896595

If it was 5 years ago then it would only be 5 years older

>> No.20896605

Most left

>> No.20896613

you should have done a remote masters, with covid you could have easily banged out a cheap mail order degree from some cheap fly over school online and no one could say shit cuz of covid lockdowns.

>> No.20896641

Rub a dub dub thanks for the grub.

Yay God.


>> No.20896669

I probably should have done something, anything. Actually, instead of spending those 3 years in a graduate program, I ended up spending them working for one of the Universities I was considering.

>> No.20896677

well that's not bad. there's always old fucks in masters. one of my old bosses at work did a masters when he was literally like 75 and our employer paid for it and then he fucking retired on their ass.

>> No.20896693

It's not bad, but it's not good. I'm not satisfied with it, probably in part because of what I did before that, but that's a long story. It could be worse, 'm sort of out at a loss now.

>> No.20896703

You know I was having a pretty damn good month. Week long road trip with a friend, week long camping trip with some others. Worked maybe a total of a week and a half doing a decently enganging andfulfilling job. Feeling pretty good, being active, moving fast. Then suddenly in the past couple days my depression hit me like a brick.
Think its from two things. Ive had a few days off work and no plans. Now, you might be thinking that to be making these road trips I must have so many friends, but truth is I dont. I see those guys maybe 3 times a year. As a day by day thing I dont actually have anyone to really meet. So when I get time off I aimlessly drift around the city alone. So that I have no one to meet and nothing to do is one aspect.
The other is that we're getting closer to the end of the year. The years end always leaves me depressed but this year I suspect it will hit harder. This entire year I desperately tried to hold the moment and be active and use every second, but the reality is that the moment passes. I remember back in april I was sprinting through the mountains feeling so engaged but I kept telling myself "soon this will be a memory, soon the year will be over and this wont even feel real."
Worst yet I was extremely unproductive this year. Made no advancements in my life. Totally dropped the ball. Great year for working on myself mentally, shit year for working on my life by any other metric. I'll be 24 soon, still in community college, working whats basically a fake job, no gf, receding hairline. And thats what hits me hardest is that now each year means more than the previous.
My depression used to be sad and whiney but now its becoming spiteful. Im really entertaining the idea of suicide just to spite people which is not something I have ever thought before. It disturbs and sickens me and I immediately recognize how depraved it is as soon as that brief satisfaction passes. I think I'll just bury that and let it pass. My resentments usually fade after a while.

>> No.20896767

Write What's On Your Mind, Melbourne, Victoria Edition

>> No.20896795

r8 this song i'm listening to it nonstop since few days

>> No.20896824

Dude it's Chinese

>> No.20896840

Los, with hammer lowered, the task accomplished
To weaken Urizen, so that Pathos may reign.
Lakshmi Herself lowered, yet attains Magnificence.
Eros In Jubilee, Ethos in Admiration.
Sunset, sunrise.

>> No.20896894

Im gonna go to sleep and pretend that I don't exist for 8 hours

>> No.20896912

The Rehearsal by Nathan Fielder was good.

>> No.20896961
File: 258 KB, 683x1024, 1659963914438181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is time for me to come clean about my utter incomprehension of human taboo. I literally do not understand human morality or disgust. Morality is especially bewildering to me, statements like "you should do x" literally just come off as grammatical errors to me; "you should do x if you want y" is the full form of the statement.

Disgust is just as weird to me, that people get upset over poop or cadavers or maggots or whatever. Obviously I dont want to put these things on me or anything but they're just objects, they're not like actively threatening. Like you can just scoop them up. Actively violent threats are a different matter and I understand fearing those, an animal or human attacking you is a concern. But "disgusting" things I dont get how they are different than just "irritating" things like a person who annoys you.

I have spent my entire life pretending I understand what these words mean but I genuinely do not fucking get what people are talking about when they mention them. Why is raping someone immoral but just manipulating them into sex not seen as immoral? I literally dont see the difference between these things apart from getting caught. Why are dead bodies seen as disgusting but a cripple is seen as sad and even heroic? They are both just broken weird forms of humans you should avoid.

There is something fundamentally weird about these concepts of morality and disgust and I feel insane sometimes when nobody seems to get this

>> No.20896966

You are either autistic or sociopathic, possible schizoid.

>> No.20896976

A psychologist did once diagnose me with "anti social personality disorder" when I was a teenager but they were clearly wrong because I feel quite a lot of empathy for people, and sociopaths apparently dont feel that. I honestly am almost soft towards people, I just dont understand what morality or disgust are. I do what people consider bad things but it's not because I'm some sadistic monster, I just get upset and have low impulse control and forget about empathy sometimes. I am really not a sociopath. And that's not what I'm talking about here with not understanding taboo, I really dont get why normies get like scared of certain ideas or behaviors. It does annoy me intensely sometimes so I might get a bit cruel but overall I am an empathic person.

>> No.20896977

It reminded me of a Miyazaki theme at first.
It’s okay pop. Is it Chinese?


>> No.20896983

what's a good performance of hamlet? i want to watch it before i read it

>> No.20896991

Normoids just get scared of certain ideas and behaviors because they are retarded, and if you truly had empathy you would at the very least understand some interpretations and aspects of morality, although I find arguing about morality to be pointless.

That doesn't baffle me as much as how you don't feel disgust apparently. It would make sense for humans to want to avoid things such as feces and dead bodies because such things carry disease. If you are not repulsed by such things you are making yourself more prone to disease. Also, what's not to say that dead bodies aren't sad as well as disgusting? You seem to have a very juvenile understanding of emotions. One can be sad that a life was lost, but also disgusted at the festering nature of such.
If you are incapable of feeling disgust, I hope to never come across you in person because you would likely reek of shit and would not be a pleasant person to be around.

>> No.20896992

What is this meme of women having male names? Ryan, Alex, the list goes on... is this some kind of plot to make men seem gay? Such unflattering names

>> No.20896994

>Morality is especially bewildering to me, statements like "you should do x" literally just come off as grammatical errors to me; "you should do x if you want y" is the full form of the statement.

Playing the neutral interlocuter here, morality is defined as what one ought to do. So when people say "you should do x" it's the same as "you should do x because it is moral and moral acts are what one should do" which is the same as "you should do x because it is good." Of course, I get what you're getting at, moral anti-realism or subjectivism, and I'm not correcting you on that, only on your claim moral statements are simply grammatical errors in the way you described.

>Why is raping someone immoral but just manipulating them into sex not seen as immoral?

Are you suggesting neither are moral/immoral or both are equally moral/immoral.

>> No.20897001

Smelling good is an obvious strategy to make people like you. It is ridiculous that you think that wouldnt have occurred to me. It also feels good to shower so that isnt even a purely social thing.

You have no idea what talking about. I have spent my entire life feeling that people are just insane, like nothing they say makes sense. They are just so incredibly afraid. Like they think there is some Biblical thing going on even if they think were just animals, just matter fluctuating

>> No.20897005

I literally don't get what morality is at all. I don't understand the sentence "you should do x". I have no fucking clue what this is referring to.

In my mind there are only descriptive statements:things are this way

>> No.20897029

You're saying you don't understand or conceptualize the idea of the Good at all? If I said to you "hey anon, you should do X," your response would be "huh, how does that type of statement work" as opposed to "no, I don't"?

>> No.20897043

My response would be that you couldn't possibly know the good

>> No.20897060

Right, but such a response/argument means you must understand what idea we're talking about to begin with, you see my point? Again, I'm not saying anything about the truth-content of such prescriptive statements, only about their meaning.

>> No.20897062


>> No.20897065

Or perhaps saying it in a much better way, there's a difference between saying 'I don't even know what people mean by moral statements" and "all moral statements are wrong/have no truth-content to them." That's all I'm getting at.

>> No.20897093

It can also be related to brain damage or wiring across your sensory-motor areas

>> No.20897154

I've been good, I hung out with a girl today and we went to a bookstore and now we are both going to read Lolita together

>> No.20897248

let go of your desire for money and desire for just enough to live. Your greed is your undoing

>> No.20897253

is it still pop with old instruments

>> No.20897254

Date a girl with a very high number.
She falls in love with me right away.
I treat her good and try to build a real bond with her.
She becomes sweet and caring, and starts to reflect on her ways.
After few months becomes incredibly beautiful, starts radiating, everyone around her notices.
Goes on a vacation for couple of weeks.
Can not communicate very well with her long distance.
Starts to fall back.
Comes back as a whore and has fallen to her old ways.

Its just sad bros. I started to like her.

>> No.20897258

maybe it was supposed to be a relativity experiment

>> No.20897263


>> No.20897271
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>take 1 hour nap in the afternoon
>assume this will mean that I will simply have to go to bed 1 hour later
>4 hours since bedtime, had to get up after 2 hours of laying in bed doing nothing
>still can't sleep, open up 4channel out of boredom
Fortunately I don't have to do much tomorrow, but I will still prefer to not be tired when I do such.

>> No.20897279

I have zero self control. Most my days are spent mindlessly browsing social media, playing video games, and watching Netflix. Just obsessively re-checking and opening 9 different tabs.
Used to read so much, but now I barely can at all. The internet has liquidated reality, made life itself into a series of caricatures . I have been dissolved into the content feed--it feeds on me and I on it. Digitally decomposing 24/7, yelling and laughing at pixelated frogs to please my ego.
Reading just isn't all that worth it to me anymore. I read a book and it might give me some cool stuff to think about, but my life won't have changed tangibly. I'll still have no life.
And without a life, reading about fictional experiences that I've no relation to starts to verge into pure escapism. Which feels pathetic. Like indulging in the fantasy of a life that I have never known. Taking in everyone else's story to avoid having to make my own. All my memories are of consuming media. My memories are not my own. When I was 12 I spent the whole summer watching Netflix: Futurama and The Twilight Zone specifically, and playing videogames alone. From the age of 14 to 18 I spent most of my freetime on a Garry's Mod server.

>> No.20897294
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Reality is sobering.

>> No.20897379

If you don't see the difference in 'consuming' great art and simpler works of entertainment, then you shouldn't be bothering with literature or this board to begin with.

To start, great art is not something you just mindlessly and lazily 'consume,' but rather it is something you actively engage with intellectually, emotionally, and aesthetically. Great art is immensely rewarding in a variety of ways, from unbounded aesthetic bliss in the moment to long-term spiritual transformations and ways of approaching the world. It is because you aren't properly understanding and appreciating these works that leaves you feeling short-changed and unable to see them as more than just 'pure escapism' instead of worthwhile experiences in themselves. From time to time when I think over my life, remembrance of things past, reflecting on memories of people and experiences, I feel the same intensity of joy and gratefulness when I am thinking of some of my best friends and past lovers and all the good times I had with them as I do when I think about the music of Beethoven and Scriabin, the novels of Nabokov and Henry Miller, the verse of Shakespeare and Yeats, the films of Godard and Tarkovsky.

Hopefully you get what I mean and give literature another chance and come out the better for it. Or maybe you're just a dirty philistine and are more animal than man, as art and creativity are the most significant and essential achievements of humanity, who knows, best of luck, anon.

>> No.20897411

You just don't have any problems in your life.

>> No.20897426

which branch of gnosticism do you follow

>> No.20897436

do it lol

>> No.20897653

are you me? internet just made my brain complete mush.

>> No.20897873 [DELETED] 

you probably just have a really low iq more akin to a prehuman primate.

>> No.20897960

I am alone

>> No.20897962

Whatever branch you dislike the most. How are you all this retarded? This board just might be the dumbest group of brainwashed commie retards that has ever existed. All of you deserve exactly what's coming to you.

>> No.20897967
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12 rules for life

>> No.20897968

I dont get it.

>> No.20897978

theres this girl im talking to in grad school. its coming to a point where i need to tell her i want to be in a relationship or not. For some reason I find the prospect of being committed so hard. They represent me and stuff like that. I tried to end it with her but I think I like her too much for that. How do I know what I should be doing here.

>> No.20897979

there are 12 months in a year so a lot of old shit is based on 12s

>> No.20898028

Gotta figure, ending it now or ending it later if it still doesn't work out to your liking ends up in the same outcome either way, so why not enjoy it for a bit longer is how I see it.

>> No.20898034

Yesterday my boss sent me an email with the subject line 'A strange antagonism...' and the body text 'You feel it?', then 15 seconds later emailed me again to say he sent it to me accidentally and that it was meant for someone else. What does this mean?

>> No.20898043

all the women Ive known called alex was short for alexis or how ever they spell it. I could see ryan being short for ryana or something like that. Chris short for christine. things like that. it has nothing to do with a gayifying psi-op. get back on the meds.

>> No.20898050

I am literally Cornelius Suttree

>> No.20898078

is there such a thing as a knowledgeable dilettante

>> No.20898120

You need to have a project or some kind of direction to your reading, even if it's loose and a bit sprawling. You need to have some kind of force or investment that drives your approach to things, so that you can evaluate material, be challenged by it, use it to modify your existing ideas. It's that orientation that being deeply trained in an area gives you. Otherwise you just drift by things, everything blurs together, seems kind of interesting, kind of forgettable, neither connected to anything else nor distinct enough in what makes it unique. You can gain that orientation even if you're a bit of a dilettante, but it takes discipline, and you have to be rigorous about paying attention to what you really care about, and selective about what you read. You can kind of feel when your knowledge is 'going somewhere' vs when it's just accumulating like an indiscriminate heap.

>> No.20898126

My college record and early career have been such disasters. What a confusing and haphazard mess.

>> No.20898193


>> No.20898211

Trying to figure out how to overcome a deep sense of shame about who I am and actions I have taken in the past

>> No.20898335

You'd control your sex drive and not have sex with stupid women.
>downsides: you miss out on good penis feelings, you cry about tfwnogf on 4chan, people call you a loser
>benefits: you are free, you can enjoy life, nothing bad has actually happened, you can go outside, you can read a book, you can talk to your friends and family, you have a full life ahead of you

I've dealt with crazy women too. Most people are total simps, and a woman can ruin your life because all she needs to do is cry about it and people will attack you. Think about it like a video game boss battle, where you trigger a big bad boss and he sends waves of mobs at you. Those are NPCs, stupid men, other women, cops, the legal system etc.

So, just don't. You don't miss out on anything.

>> No.20898347

>you don't get rich by doing "nothing". what they're doing is just beyond your grasp. that's what makes them rich.
can you explain?
I know that guy lmao. I mean, I've read about him.
It is not. Think about it.

>> No.20898352

Either it was a mistake or he has a personality disorder.

>> No.20898390


>> No.20898401

he thinks some1 is sus. theres a impostor

>> No.20898407

I need to 'knuckle down' and finish my work. Then it's a three-day weekend. I have a headache and I feel like I might be ill. That will indeed spoil the three-day weekend somewhat but nonetheless it will be the weekend and I won't have to think about work. I wont have to think about work, that is, if I stop scrolling lit and 'knuckle down' and finish my work. Oh Lord oh Lord give me the soulstrength to keep going until I'm all done.

>> No.20898475
File: 100 KB, 462x558, yotsuba cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking wait to finally escape from Providence.

>> No.20898479

whats wrong with it?

>> No.20898496

Impossible to get a job or get anywhere unless you know the right people, and antifa assault people in broad daylight while the cops do nothing about it.
Still, could be worse. I could be stuck in literally any other New England city...

>> No.20898499

>And some very privileged, college educated people have the gall to still call themselves Marxists
Never stopped 'em

>> No.20898505

By land, air or water?

>> No.20898516

Whatever it takes as long as I have enough money and the prospect of a job somewhere else

>> No.20898641

what should i read if i feel bad about being a nigger

>> No.20898645

Based tranny jannies deleting the tate thread

>> No.20898650
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When nobody knows who you are, you can become anybody you want.

>> No.20898655

>so I choose to be melt corpse jack

>> No.20898688


>> No.20898704

why would you hate yourself?

>> No.20898770
File: 762 KB, 768x1042, 1659424417051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>told me i would become a new person
>10 seconds of thinking like a new person
>whole experience hasn't been mentioned since and will probably never be brought up again

I seriously do fucking hate you niggers.

>> No.20898806

deciding what to do about multiple job offers (law). should I stay in the midwest city i’m from or move to LA?

>> No.20898882

How would you know

>> No.20898891

Naps are a trick. Dont fall for them

>> No.20898901

There is no light at the end of the tunnel

>> No.20898923

the concept of sleep scares me. like, I don't want to enter an altered state of consciousness that convinces me im living a different life scenario.

what do I do to ease my anxious mind when trying to go to sleep?

>> No.20898934

Don't worry, you die every time and some other guy with your memories wakes up in the morning.

>> No.20898943

anon help me out for once

>> No.20898947

accept it as a natural part of life

>> No.20898952

>Checking in with my MtF friends/FOBs to make sure they haven't done self-harm since we last spoke
I can't help but feel that this is not what normal women do

>> No.20898969

>he gets to check in with his tranny friends
>they don't 'check in' with him via their weekly attention seeking meltdown because they're a 31 year old man who spends all day on Discord intending to watch graphical design tutorials
Lucky yours must be unusually stable

>> No.20898981

Normal women dont have penises

>> No.20899005

What's helpful depends on your predisposition, testosterone levels and jawline.

>> No.20899026


>> No.20899054

Shakespeare's use of language: Express everything as extreme as possible - even dullness.

>> No.20899062

Psst kid, you bored?
Are you interested in badass fights, extremely detailed technological design, hot girls and pseud-philosophical musings on freedom?
Read Air Gear. Team Kogarasumaru, kill ‘em

>> No.20899078

That’s already self harming

>> No.20899084
File: 312 KB, 1417x1100, 057F1AC5-3FC5-4A57-8245-061FE31C0419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psst kid, you bored?
Are you interested in badass fights, extremely detailed technological design, hot girls and pseud-philosophical musings on freedom?
Read Air Gear. Team Kogarasumaru, kill ‘em

>> No.20899092

Not sure if I should pursue the weird autismo I met in this rhetorics course. I've probably got chances since I can talk well enough about fucking anime and manga and god knows what but it seems a bunch exhausting and I don't know if I would want to introduce that kinda person to my parents.

>> No.20899128

Elaborate further. Is this an aspie gf?

>> No.20899136

David Ferrie dry humped Lee Harvey Oswald to completion.

>> No.20899174

I still understand what kind of person this is, but why not let them be friends. Everyone needs the practice and support

>> No.20899186

nobody cares fag keep your aids and monkeypox to yourself

>> No.20899201

the things i would do to be from Providence...
t. Philly

>> No.20899245

It would be if I went for it and we liked each other enough. Not sure if to go for it.

I've got enough friends but haven't had a gf in a year and I miss the flirting and closeness sometimes.

No I'll spread it until we're all monkeys. prepare your bum

>> No.20899260

Can i find salvation if i have no intention of giving up sin? Maybe i could cut down on some but others i would never quit

>> No.20899281

Well, what do youhave to lose

>> No.20899284

I didn't ask for the pretentious lecture mr Professor. My point was that literature can also be escapism for someone like me that lacks life experience. A way to escape from life. I wasn't knocking literature or saying that this is how one should ideally approach it . Also no, theres not something inherently better about literature than other mediums. Other mediums also have great works of art. God you people are such pretentious proselytizing dick suckers. No one is buying this fake as shit "patrician" act.

>> No.20899292

shut the fuck up the other guy is right

>> No.20899327

How. I never even said escapism was a good way to approach lit. It's like he didn't even read my post, and instead went off on an ego stroking tangent about how I'm not properly enjoying literature.
My point was that you have to have some kind of life to properly enjoy great literature. Otherwise it can easily end up being a form of escapism. I never said escapism was a good way to approach art. Quite the opposite if you read my post it should be clear I wasn't lauding it.

>> No.20899379

Im always the odd man out because I DON'T watch anime. I fucking hate this decade

>> No.20899408
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I farted at work today. It sounded like an angry duck quacking.

>> No.20899430
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why is so hard to beat some addictions ? especially porn or gambling, i am weak or they are too strong?

>> No.20899463

Weak. It's not that hard to quit. The only danger is encountering it in the wild. It needs self-awareness of your online habits mostly.
Difficult. Needs a professional, someone to keep you accountable.

You can do it brother.

>> No.20899507

I made the wrong choice out of desperation and I failed to correct it in time.

>> No.20899572

>why is so hard to beat some addictions ? especially porn or gambling, i am weak or they are too strong?
Yes, you're mentally weak. Take the Satipatthana-pill and realize the true nature of internal and external phenomena.

>> No.20899591
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condolences from RI, friend

>> No.20899624

we all have our own vices. like i can drop alcohol with no problem and completely skirt around drug addiction, but garbage youtube videos fixate me like nothing else.

what you're really doing though is getting something out of those addictions that you sorely lack somewhere else i.e. an unsatisfying sex life and idk a lack of thrill or excitement or something. instead of trying to beat the addiction, sate what is lacking in your life that causes you to be addicted in the first place.

>> No.20899826

>2 family members have died to opioids, 1 has ongoing gambling addiction.
this city is a black hole.

>> No.20899832
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>> No.20899848

>they don't 'check in' with him via their weekly attention seeking meltdown because they're a 31 year old man who spends all day on Discord intending to watch graphical design tutorials
holy cow we have the same friends.

>> No.20899869

pretty meh.

>> No.20899873

People say that after 5 years, no one cares about your GPA. That's only because after 5 years you've been totally excluded from whatever avenues you might have been able to pursue had you received good grades. Of course, no one at the car dealership cares you got a 2.5 and not a 3.5, but that's the reason you're at a car dealership and not an investment bank or a graduate school.

>> No.20899889

Zoomers can’t sideload or root phones.

>> No.20899892

Nobody ever told me how much this thing would stick to me like a bad face tattoo. Like an idiot, I went back and took this job thinking I could use it to fix my grades or get a grad degree, but I was wrong. Now, I've wasted what? 3 years? 4? 5? Show me someone great who has such a rocky start. Maybe I could have fixed it if I tested highly into graduate school right away, but now I have these poor grades, an old age, and a confusing work history that makes me look like a damn clown. And why do I care anyway? What do I even want to do? There's nothing to do. Nothing worth doing. Everyone is just out to make more money or the next title.

>> No.20899909

What is the best edition of Fear and Trembling? Keep seeing bad reviews.

>> No.20899912

>neurotic, kinda lonely fag befriends me
>"bro you're like my best friend really"
>do a bunch of stuff together
>months pass
>he gets a bigger friend circle
>ghosts me
I swear I've been the practice friend for my entire life and I still can't pinpoint why

>> No.20899916

thats actually pretty cool

>> No.20899968

Anyone use netgalley? Have you found any good reads lately?

>> No.20900027

why do I enjoy playing Max Payne more than I enjoy reading?

>> No.20900036

Gotta read it in its original danish

>> No.20900047

beyond the borders of my imagination, there is actually a man like him.

>> No.20900053

>singular they
You KNOW that HE is a male so stop calling HIM a they

>> No.20900055

It's a great game

>> No.20900059

I feel like everyone who was ever really great in any respect started to find a lot of success in their 20s. At the very least, they were sort of clearly on the path they were supposed to be on in their 20s and not just bouncing around. That I'm still bouncing around and not successful at the age of 29, makes me feel like there is just no hope for me to actually meet my ambition. That's what is causing me the most mental anguish at this moment. Everything I did, I did wrong.

>> No.20900064

>3 family members have meth addictions
>all of them have attempted suicide at least twice each
>none of them have cars so they all expect me to be their taxi

>> No.20900068
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>> No.20900069

Max has a way with words

>> No.20900071

Should I? It's not like I've not considered it.

>> No.20900081


>> No.20900089
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>> No.20900094

I want a penpal or two but most people on Interpals have photos as profile pictures and I don't like pictures of myself and this is stressing me out!

>> No.20900096

there are three options
1. kill yourself
2. live but wish you were dead
3. stand up for yourself

>> No.20900101

Southern California. They also think that my savings are also their savings. I'm getting real sick of bailing them out.

>> No.20900103
File: 7 KB, 236x283, giving tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very tired. I don't need much anymore. Id just like a quiet spot where I can sit and drink beer now.

>> No.20900116

Wow you're literally me

>> No.20900254

That’s sad.

>> No.20900273

I know

>> No.20900294

no its not, you just don't understand us.

>> No.20900342

Stand up for myself? It's not like I have a bully.

>> No.20900367

did the vax give you chronic fatigue like it did to me? lol oh well ya i just like to chill now

>> No.20900371

I stopped masturbating to women because they reminded me of her. I can still masturbate to very hot straight scenes but they'll get me nowhere as hard as imagination.
It's been a bit more than a year. I had another girlfriend I think 8 months after she was gone, and even during these sessions I couldn't maintain hardness for moderate periods of time. I left the new one after a few months.

Feels like I'm a broken toy. There have been improvements, if I had to take the experience positively; I can somewhat have fun with others now. However I still think of her every day, at least once an hour.

Even when I'm not thinking of her, people remind me of her. I went to the supermarket and saw a pretty vietnamese man and her face automatically transposed onto his face today. It's like vietnamese people all have the same fucking face; somewhat plump lips with pretty, neatly arranged teeth, a nose that doesn't seem to have any cartilage when you touch it and is a little pressed down, and very cute plump cheeks. It's like 90% of vietnamese people I've seen of my life. They're also all named Nguyen for some reason, fuck this. I miss her so much.

>> No.20900453
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>> No.20900472

I have so many regrets but reconnecting with my father and living with him is the biggest one.

>> No.20900483

maybe. im just tired and would like to sit for some time. i dont want to play anymore.

>> No.20900492

Every great man lost their father when they were young. Alexander, both Caesars, Thutmose, Mehmed the Conqueror, Napoleon Bonaparte, all of them. What to make of the fact then that I lament not losing my own father at a young age so that I too could be great...?

>> No.20900497
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>wishing your own father was dead so you could be a "great man"

>> No.20900507

My father left when I was 14. I made the mistake of reconnecting with him at 24 and over the years I've come to regret this. So if he was going to disappear, why should it not have been in a way that might have urged me onward, instead of lull me into thinking I had recovered something I lost when I had not. Even now just thinking about this relationship drives me crazy, and no man is ever really a man until he supplants his father or becomes father himself. I am far too old to have no become a man.

>> No.20900515

And worst of all, the rest of the family that I supported as young as 14 and until I was 25 has since begun to rely on him. Being the man of the household pushed me onward. It gave me a purpose, a way of living. Now that I don't fill that role anymore and I don't have that goal anymore, I've started to unravel, and I resent him so much for that.

>> No.20900517

How can you ever expect to be a great man when you use the singular their

>> No.20900530

It's the result of reckless and yet incredible typing speed. Rest assured.

>> No.20900531

ayy my father kms'd when i was 15. but im not really a great man.. hm

>> No.20900534

Not yet.

>> No.20900539
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>> No.20900545

I cut off my relationship with my father since he had two children and I just couldn't pretend I didn't resent them for actually having him around in their childhood.

>> No.20900557

Wtf I thought /lit/ was certified /mommyissues/
Whered all you fags with bad relationships with your dads come from

>> No.20900558

your shadow is bullying you

>> No.20900563

Kinda cringe to resent your siblings, bro

>> No.20900585

real men have both

>> No.20900594

I don't know if I regret not cutting off the relationship. What could I have done, really? If someone reaches out to you in good will, the just thing is to be receptive. What I'm resentful of, honestly, is not my choice but my fate. That he should ever come back in the first place and put me in such a position feels like an injustice. That he should take up this seat as head of the household and person to be relied on, and everyone is receptive, fills me with rage. In general, I don't regret any of my choices, but I despise the way things were fated for me.

>> No.20900599

Any man with an absent father also has a complicated relationship with his mother, especially if they are the oldest of the children.

>> No.20900603
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That Target poster inspired me to go buy Sailor Moon from Target but they didn't have volume 1! How could they do this to me!

>> No.20900616

And you know the strangest thing? The man had a severe heart attack not even that long ago. Fate and modern medicine intervened and he survived. I was sure to be helpful during his recovery. Do I feel guilty about all this? Yes, absolutely. Am I still resentful? Yes, absolutely.

>> No.20900622

Ah yes, the son-husband

>> No.20900630

BROS I just popped a pimple that I've had since 2016. I'm so excited, its finally gone.

>> No.20900662

someone make the new thread or ill make it and the edition will be weed related
you have 5 minutes

>> No.20900681


>> No.20900694

it didnt need to be like this
it didnt need to be like this
it didnt need to be like this
it didnt need to be like this

>> No.20900851

I feel like I've been in similar moments as you anon. Some advice, do what you will with it: Nothing lasts forever. Life is found in the doing, it's not just about the success but the struggle to get there. Figure out how you truly wish to live your life and make that your main goal and activity; even if you mostly experience failure and struggle, every victory no matter how tiny will bring great satisfaction. Our peace of mind comes not from what we have but from the simple living in harmony with our ideals.

I've always been happiest when I was in hard situations and had others with me; when I had camaraderie essentially. I love people and want to bond with others, I've struggle with having a healthy relationship with people due to emotionally painful childhood experiences making me a very closed and guarded person. After a painful experience with slander from an ex last year losing me all my friends and causing me a great loss in my self-confidence, I've never been so unhappy. Additionally having friends made it easier to avoid my mother who is my greatest source of stress and anger, being lonely for so long had led to me trying to enjoy her company but I regret it everytime. But I'm not too worried, after much thought and mental exploration I can tell now that I've found my source of confidence once again, and that it's about time for me to leave the metaphorical bird's nest and make myself vulnerable like before.

>> No.20900908

>Why are dead bodies seen as disgusting but a cripple is seen as sad and even heroic? They are both just broken weird forms of humans you should avoid.

I feel like you are being disingenuous with your arguments here, the difference between a corpse and a cripple is very obvious (a corpse being a person who is no longer alive as well as rotting which brings disease and bad smells) and shouldn't even need to be explained unless you literally do not know what a corpse is.

you sound like you are young and quite dumb and that you take far too much stock in your own assumptions and beliefs, which is very natural for someone who is very socially isolated and/or young
maybe take a glance at the board you are on and try reading some books? If you pay attention you will actually learn things.

>> No.20900920

My father also left me when I was 14. I don't see any reason to dwell on one's relationship with their parents, however. You are holding yourself back by obsessing over your relationship with your father. Because psychology places so much importance on one early development many of us tend to fall into the trap of blaming our issues on what happened then, rather than looking at the present and trying to fix what we can fix. Our parents are nothing more than just two people.

>> No.20901679

i'm doing 2 how do i get to 1
everytime i think of doing it i just feel hilarious then i do have a habit of making a mockery out of my problems

>> No.20901735

He wants to have sex with you

>> No.20902090
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