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20889342 No.20889342 [Reply] [Original]

>had had had had

>> No.20890070

>The new tool has the same number of functions as the old tool he had had had had.
checks out

>> No.20890073
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>Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

>> No.20890077

>fish fish fish fish

>> No.20890891

Should I put dashes between "fish" and "and" and "and" and "chips" on my fish-and-chips sign?

You can make it "fish fish fish fish fish" as in "fish that fish fish go fishing for fish" although maybe the verb fish can't be transitive, I don't know (even though I'm an EFL)

Using the pluperfect with the present doesn't make sense. "The new tool had the same number of functions the old tool he had had had had" better.

>> No.20890935

we say fish for

>> No.20891260

It's not true that humans can't know anything for absolutely certain; one thing that I know for certain is that I am, because, as Descartes says, "I think, therefore I am". But here's the thing: if I can say that I am and be certain that I am, I can also say that I know that I am. So there's two things that I can know for certain: that I am, and that I know that I am. But we can take things even further and add a third thing to my list of absolute truths: I know that I know that I am. And fourth: I know that I know that I know that I am, and fifth: I know that I know that I know that I am, and sixth: I know that I know that I know that I know that I am, and seventh: I know that I know that I know that I know that I know that I am, and eighth: I know that I know that I know that I know that I know that I know that I am, and so on forever. So contrary to the propositions of the skeptics, who go about saying that nothing is certain and absolute truth doesn't exist, I can be aware of an infinite amount of absolute truths.
But wait, there's more: If know that I am, then I know that there is such a thing as "am", that is to say: to be is (which means, existence exists). And if I know that I am, then to know is (that is, knowledge exists). Now, if I can say that to be is, then I can say that I know that to be is and if I can say that I know that to be is, then I can say that to know that to be is is. I can take it further and say that I know that to know that to be is is and therefore, to know that to know that to be is is is. Can you see where I'm going with this? If I can say that to know that to know that to be is is is, then I know that to know that to know that to be is is is, and therefore, to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is. Now, you may be getting the pattern, but here we go. If I can say that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is, then I can say that I know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is, and If I can say that I know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is, then I can say that to know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is is, which means that I know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is is, which means that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is is is. So if I can say that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is is is, I can basically say that I know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is is is, which means that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is is is is. We can continue following the same logic and come up with the following propositions:

>> No.20891264

"if if if if if if if if if if"
-President Obama

>> No.20891291
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im waiting

>> No.20891295

I know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is is is, which means that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is is is is.
So I know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is is is is, which means that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is is is is is.
And you can keep on going with this forever and ever as you can see.
I can say, for example, that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to know that to be is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is.

>> No.20891301

I got lazy, sorry

>> No.20891318
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bro who else is could do it but you? i want you to post it so i can show it to my friends.

>> No.20891398

The syntax for infinite loops in English is "etc" noob.

>> No.20891860

now say it in latin

>> No.20891981

scio me esse
scio me scire me esse
scio me scire me scire me esse
scio me scire me scire me esse

esse est
scio esse esse
scire esse esse est
scio scire esse esse esse
scire scire esse esse esse est
scio scire scire esse esse esse esse
scire scire scire esse esse esse esse est

>> No.20892397

>Et cetera
try again.

>> No.20892505

>John, while James had "had", had "had had". "Had had" had a better result.
Maybe you could make them all but the second one past perfect, too.

>> No.20892845
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