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20886292 No.20886292 [Reply] [Original]

>reality is whatever I say it is
It’s solipsism

>> No.20886327
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a spook

>> No.20886355

>reality is whatever I say it is
I don’t believe that’s what stirner ever said this. Might you be thinking of Descartes?

>> No.20886364

Free will is potential, and is only made actual through conscious effort. There's the unique, and then there's the Unique. Only one has anything 'it's own', much less to share with coevals.

>> No.20886381
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>> No.20886401
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>> No.20886437

Nah, he aknowledges other minds when talking that the sultan and god and whoever are only interested in themselves.
It's just that your own interest should be the only/most relevent interest for you and he attacks that this isn't commen because people attach themselves to ideas, ideals, philosophies, religions, ideologies etc (spooks).

>> No.20886453

>reality is whatever I say it is
If that's the case why don't I have a bunch of money if I say I'm rich

>> No.20886468
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>> No.20886495

Take a dollar and mentally value it at $1000000. Go to the store and try to buy something with it. If the cashier does not recognize your currency, he is merely asserting himself over you. Walk out with the goods.

>> No.20886647

Yeah there he even denies solipsism, I'd say, because the outside "I" turns into a concept or an idea(l) he calls "The I", which makes it into a spook and is seperate to his "unique I". He emphazises a seperation there. So it's not "I'm the only one" per se but "I'm the only one, to me", which I would say even is one of the most important part, because if you are everyone, there is no need for.true individualism.

>> No.20886651
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>> No.20886696

>"I'm the only one, to me"
Same thing unless you want to recognize something outside of yourself as a source of truth.

>> No.20886722

>the strong have to dominate the weak
Not what he says.

>> No.20886767

That is the spook. That it's the common thing to look for the "I" outside as a "true I", which he rejects. It's like Nietzsche attacking the moral imperative because morals are a personal thing. Not one abolute/universal but a unique personal.

>> No.20886792

I’m saying that since Stirner sees himself as the measure of the truth, the statement “to me” is redundant. If you agree that he is all-in-all to himself, then he is actually all-in-all and you and I are just parts of him.

>> No.20886806

stirner assume you are unique too. what you say doesnt make sense.

>> No.20886814

That’s not possible if
1.) Stirner sees himself as the source of truth
2.) Stirner sees himself as all-in-all, i.e., there is nothing outside of him
One of these positions needs to be changed for that to make sense.

>> No.20886827

do you remember the final part of the book?, the union of egoists?.
this is more of me vs society
me vs existence

>> No.20887986
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Spooky post, OP.

>> No.20888137
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thats Neetsche, not Stirner

>> No.20889811

That argument doesn't work, as no state is not all powerful. If you don't like their commands, don't follow them, and consider getting rid of them.

>> No.20889817

What is this?

>> No.20889827

*no state is all powerful
Don't know how I made that typo

>> No.20889843

What the fuck is that?

>> No.20889850

>reality is whatever THEY say it is
It's spookism

>> No.20890246
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Negima, be warned that its initial premise (10 year old Welsh wizard teaches English to middleschoolers and gets up to hijinx) is like a strange joke compared to where the story goes. There's loads of fanservice and slice of life-y bits at the start but it undergoes a massive genre shift part of the way through to one of the most interesting battle manga I've read. The fanservice does continue even into the story and fighting oriented parts though which turns some people (normalfags) away from it, but even so the fights and parts of the world/some of the characters are great enough to warrant reading it.
Unfortunately, the character I posted first isn't introduced until over halfway through the whole manga. There was a storytime on /a/ last year, I saved a few panels of dialogue I liked, pic related.
Also, none of the anime versions are worth watching at all.

>> No.20891713

Philosophers who address this?

>> No.20891751


>> No.20891760

Some kind of word invented by a Jew probably.

>> No.20891882

>That argument doesn't work, as no state is not all powerful
No one said that. Nietzsche really did not like the state and thought it was a monster, i.e human.

>> No.20891900

If everything is a spook then existence doesn't exist

>> No.20891904

Solipsism cannot be refuted and it can even be A spring board for ethics