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20884844 No.20884844 [Reply] [Original]

what are the best books to make me more mechanically inclined? im a girl whos mechanically declined and im working mechanical job and i want to get better at it..

>> No.20884847

stop taking hrt

>> No.20884853


>> No.20884857

Pick up an intro material engineering textbook.

>> No.20884859
File: 2.76 MB, 1440x1902, 56CBF4E9-4218-4B57-B347-0B19A47E268A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That information is going to cost you 2 bobs and a vagene. Pic un rel.

>> No.20884872

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

>> No.20884874

What do you mean by "mechanically inclined" "mechanical job"? Are you an engineer or a mechanic? With the former I think a proper education is your best bet, with the latter being a good mechanic comes from experience and practice, just tinker with vehicles and such.

>> No.20884881

i operate a machine

good idea desu

>> No.20884897
File: 267 KB, 1170x1191, FFED8FEC-C109-4F2C-8B5E-AB53F11C32E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

juggling is proven to rewire your brain… any activity like that in which there are immediate consequences to your interactions with the physical world will really help… not an overnight thing but it’s something
ik this doesn’t really answer your question, so…
antifragile by taleb (in a roundabout way)

>> No.20884906

t. carpenter

>> No.20884913

ik how to juggle lol p well desu

>> No.20884918

a woman who reads? are you a dream?

>> No.20884919

>I'm a girl
Fuck you and get the fuck off our website. Why the fuck do women always have to ruin everything that's male dominated? Dumb fucking bitch, if I could I stab you a thousand times in minecraft.

>> No.20884926

u scream i have a small penis lmao

>> No.20884928

No it's a tranny

>> No.20884934

Lol the fact that you think that's an insult just proves ur a dumb bitch

>> No.20884944
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know if you fucking losers spent as much time on literally anything else in your life as much as you spend obsessing about trannies you'd all probably be confident and successful men in your day to day

>> No.20884951
File: 770 KB, 2400x2400, DC75A9D6-FDC2-460E-B5EB-5DE2277C08C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she ain’t ruining shit Eugene

>> No.20884950

it is an insult lol

>> No.20884971

>in minecraft
Die zoomer. And "in minecraft" is supposed to ward off the feds who think you're plotting against the government. You can say you want to kill women like a grown-up, you pussy.

>> No.20884978

>i operate a machine
Maybe try learning how the machine works. Also simply with more experience using the machine you'll start to understand it better.

>> No.20885014

Go to crystal cafe not 4channel.
You don't belong here.

>> No.20885016

ok...i guess i just wanna be better overall idk

>> No.20885022

Post tits

>> No.20885023

You operate the ass n tiddies machine? Cuz that's all I can help with, hoohoo!

>> No.20885667


>> No.20886074


>> No.20886380

Hello I am an engineer at a factory, what kind of machine are you operating?

>> No.20886389

picrel reminds me of coraline's mom

>> No.20886426

British cuisine at its finest

>> No.20886436

Go back to r9k you don’t belong here
A lot of these anons need to shove off

>> No.20886576
File: 575 KB, 576x803, 1653756269903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>j-just shove off, man!
>I need to protect m'lady's feelings

>> No.20886600

This is literally a literature board and women have always posted here. It was a better place before you retarded malcontents muscled in here.
Doesn’t even matter if OP is being sincere or not. Your foulness ruins the place. Look! You can’t help yourself. You had to post ugliness

>> No.20886610

there's this really lengthy tome of information called a Y chromosome. It might help

>> No.20886613


>> No.20886638


She's probably better off on crystal cafe, there's a lot less open hostility and horniness towards women because that imageboard is intended only for use by women. OP will likely .get better replies there

>> No.20886650

Uh hu. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t bludgeon the trash out of here

>> No.20886709

Watch YouTube videos of men doing mechanical stuff. You need to see what tools and techniques experienced people use and then try it yourself. You can't become mechanically inclined from books.

>> No.20886818

Search about engineering of methods, procces mapping, hand diagrams, men machine diagrams, single minute exchange of dye, lean manufacturing.

Your supervisor should instruct you about operating a machine in a proper way and some of those topics.

Basically, you need to work less and produce more, to achieve that you need to simplify your movements, optimize your time (can you do 2 or more things at once?) and create logical procedures to deal with every activity.

>> No.20886856

Femanons declare themselves openly to bait out attention, or if they're a bit savvier, to bait out negative reactions. Both responses can be seen in the thread. There's no other reason to mention that, especially not in a "Books to understand x?" thread (these threads are always low-quality anyways without exception).
It does matter whether OP is being sincere, it always matters whether a thread is a bait thread, but we know exactly what's going on because of how she phrased her post.
Nice digits though

>> No.20887212

>Look! You can't help yourself
Dude LMAO we all know you read. Stop typing like you're writing a book when you're making an internet post. I read this shit in the stupidest public speaker ass voice every time. It's so forced man.