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20884314 No.20884314 [Reply] [Original]

>only pursue women you find interesting and think you may connect with

What if I don't find women interesting?

>> No.20884315

Im a virgin btw

>> No.20884318

Women are attracted to loud voices and fart jokes. Anything else is cope.

>> No.20884320
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Pic related. And no I'm not an incel I've had multiple girlfriends and have realized women are just plain boring and uninteresting and now I don't see the value of being around them unless I get to fuck them.

>> No.20884322

and loud farts also

>> No.20884325

kek have you guys read the latest edition of that book? he says something about adapting it for sexual freaks

>> No.20884345
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>you do not know anything about boba fett

>> No.20884350
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Same OP. I'm not a fan of anecdotes and I naturally don't find conversation very interesting. I'm only interested if it leads somewhere, like plans or action

>> No.20884356

i always read the title of that book as:
>models attract women through honesty
to which i say well duh of course they do, they're models

>> No.20884362

I only find my /lit/bros interesting and a few people in other websites. I have never found an interesting woman.

>> No.20884486

this is me
I also found out about porn early and through fapping twice daily never got horny enough to try to get a girl

>> No.20884522

Then you're going to have a hard time getting their pussy. It's a lot easier when you connect. And hell, you may actually want to keep them around.
That's a possibility that's up to you to explore. Certaintyfags get nowhere in life.
Expand your hobbies.

>> No.20884540

It's a play on words, models(actual human ones) and mental models.

>> No.20884554

We men have to go through hell to become confident enough to connect to women and comfortable enough to feel the uncertainty and continuing, you wouldn't get it, your parents probably loved you unconditionally that you have hobbies too, because you love yourself from having a good childhood.

But yes, mostly what you said is true. Being brutally honest to yourself helps.

>> No.20884593

Truly interesting women are 1 in a million. It's fine, you don't have to find your gf/wife intellectually interesting in order to have fun hanging out and enjoy the sex, make babies etc. Real camraderie exists only between men. Adjust your expectations accordingly.

>> No.20884600

I'm a guy who was jaded enough to become redpilled, blackpilled, whitepilled, and then all the way back to purplepilled. My childhood sucked, though it could have been worse. My family life was awful. I felt alienated from people around me, tried the whole Dark Triad thing until I became sick of myself. Then the truth dawned on me. I came to grips with the fact that the world doesn't owe me anything, men and women are different, and sex isn't that important. It's certainly not important enough to "cycle plates" or whatever the manosphere lingo used to be back in the day. I stopped trying to attract people who repulsed me, and now I only go after women that interest me, and my life is much better.

You know, you could always choose to have interesting hobbies if you really wanted to, right? Maybe if you liked dancing, cooking, and art shows, you'd have something fun to talk to higher quality women about. Not saying there's many of them out there, but for every dumb bitch, there's an equally pathetic "man" out there.

>> No.20884608

At the end of the day you still need to fuck from time to time to avoid going crazy

>> No.20884676

>What if I don't find women interesting?
Women will find anything you find interesting interesting themselves as long as they like you. So it doesn't matter if they're not interesting as long as you're interesting to yourself.

>> No.20884727

a guy i know who got cucked by his girl later on used to recommend this book to me.

>> No.20884749

I'm really interested in making electronic music, but I don't know where to begin because of financial commitment needed to start it.

>> No.20884757

just get an Arturia Minilab 25 bro

>> No.20884758

? I just said I don't enjoy anecdotes. It's not my problem if all you do is tell stories. Not everyone wants to hear a story.

>> No.20884760

Not only that, I can't stand people complaining about their lives. You'd think they'd get off their ass and do something instead of complaining so much

>> No.20884765

You just need a decent computer and MIDI keyboard for 150 bucks. I have 600 GB of studio software worth over 20 thousand, all pirated via russian torrents.

>> No.20884767

>600 GB of studio software
Nice. What kind of software? All I know is FL Studio.

>> No.20884782

All kinds of virtual instruments and effects, but my favorites are Studio One (daw), Kontakt (vsts) and iZotope (fxs, mastering). iZotope stuff especially elevated my production from cringe to semi-pro. Arturia has excellent synth collection too, and IK Multimedia for amping guitar + virtual bass and drums.

>> No.20884858

A lot of problems in our lives are emotional problems, mental blocks and mental models of ourselves.

It's also a bit meta of you to be frustrated about people simply unable to find their own mental model of how they work, and honestly, many of us here struggle too.

Mark Manson comes from a PUA background and he rehashed his career as a superset with entering the self help world because like I said here >>20884554 many didn't have ideal childhood, many are not well adjusted for whatever reason, be it poverty or trauma or abuse or sexual assault or whatever.

The best we can do is empathize and forgive people for their misfortunes, and nudge them so they might become self efficacious and forget their learned helplessness which came from their maladjusted life. This comes from self knowing, having a meaning for life if you are not spiritually or religiously or culturally inclined.

We have a meaning crisis going on all over the world. What does it mean to alot of us is that we simply lack intrinsic motivation to be the best versions of ourselves to self actualize despite having safety, security, food because most people don't see it, they are involved in vices, sex, drugs, etc. It doesn't mean they are bad people, it's simply that they feel that's enough for them and I think it's good if they think its enough. If someone is happy, why try to provoke a feeling of inadequacy within them? You may see potential but they might not and they are happy.

And you are aware of all of this, use their failures as a lesson. And for this, you need to relate to people.

We cannot improve, we can only push the tolerance we are capable of tolerating.

>> No.20884909

Well yeah, you like doing the same thing and exploring the same worn-out possibilities over and over again. You've got a boomer mindset. Find a woman who has the same boomer mindset and maybe you'll be golden.

>> No.20884955

You have to, or you have to learn to pretend.

>> No.20884966

that's what I do, especially to get some one night stands.
But sometimes I really do try to find them interesting, these relationships last at maximum for 6 months

>> No.20885074

You might be homosexual

>> No.20885094

You might be gay, uninterested in people generally (thus making you an uninteresting person yourself), or both.

>> No.20885106

Literally all men were like this back in the day. Modern feminism and muh equality forces the modern man to think woman are even remotely interesting beyond possessing a sweet pussy and a warm mouth.

>> No.20885113

It's like you've never even read a work of literature from "back in the day." I understand if you're a repressed faggot, but at least be a repressed faggot who reads.

>> No.20885124

you don't know how to loosen up and have fun. that's something men could do easily back in the day that you certainly can't

>> No.20885127

I've read enough to say that men were like this. What is love poetry if not this? It's pure eroticism. They like women because they can fuck them not because of their intelligence or taste. This is all over the place. From the lowest culture to the highest culture.

>> No.20885137

I can have fun alright. Doesn't mean women are interesting. Women are IMMENSELY boring. If they didn't have sweet cunts and warm mouths, I wouldn't even bother.

>> No.20885169

>What is love poetry if not this? It's pure eroticism.
If I had to imagine the literary takes of a repressed homosexual, this is the shit I'd come up with. Anon, it's okay to be yourself.

>> No.20885177

>beyond possessing a sweet pussy and a warm mouth.
Buy a fleshlight, I did and now I'm wondering why I ever bothered wasting time and money dealing with women in the first place

>> No.20885180

>likes sex with women
>you're le homosexual!
Impressive feminist argument. YWNBAW.

>> No.20885213

How can you like sex with boring people?

>> No.20885218

Talk to more people, man and woman are equally boring.

>> No.20885232

You don't have to get to know someone to fuck her or be attracted to her. What you're saying is extremely feminine. Women are the ones who need to know the person and all that romantic nonsense. It's ironic that you accuse me of being a homo when you're very feminine.

>> No.20885279

Women try very hard to fill up their cup with life experience. And yes I realize how euphemistic that is. But they try much harder than a lot of men to be interesting, at least in the sense of getting outside and socializing, and traveling. And they make good money for doing very little.
What I'm trying to say is that they're walking treasure chests. Give them a chance. If you make them like you, you can get more from them than just sex and validation. You can get social contacts, material gifts, and life opportunities generally.
Reducing them to just sex objects is a mistake. Sex is their tool they use to get things from you. You have to overcome it to get value from them.

>> No.20885291

I don't really care. I'm not interested in other people complaining or telling stories about their lives

>> No.20885292

Yeah but I'm not attracted to men

>> No.20885297
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good thing all you have to do to be "interesting" is dress up like some extra from the crow movie.

>> No.20885298

I'm misogynist myself but come on at least I can admit women are interesting. I can make conversation with some women all day and it is fun. And I'm not even gay.

>> No.20885299

Wtf are you smoking bro, women's hobbies are mostly just Netflix, tik tok and Instagram. I have already overcome their use of sex to get things from women which is why I am able to see they have no value other than their ass, tits and mouths

>> No.20885306

Fun convo =/= interesting convo

>> No.20885309

What kind of women? They're fun for chitchat but not really interesting. I don't remember having an interesting conversation with a woman. I'm not being hateful, just honest.

>> No.20885321

None of these books help, almost like they are written to make money. Society is fucked, it is over... not even kidding. Unless Fortuna smiles upon you! That's our last way out.

>> No.20885322

Don't you see you're fixated on sex and obsessed with it? You're being manipulated. Sex is something to give to women because they want it from you. It's the least valuable part of them (unless we're talking LTR/children).

>> No.20885332

I don't know how you guys do it. I remember I was dating this woman and we got drunk then got in the car because it was raining outside. There, she asked me what I liked about her. I genuinely didn't know what to say. I only liked her because she was pretty but invented something about her personality or some shit. We kissed after that.

>> No.20885380

That's exactly what you should've done. Of course the reason we like women are because they're sexually attractive, that's arguable the most powerful motivation for a man to do anything. But you have to believe you are more appealing to her than she is to you. And the way you do that is convincing yourself that there's something more important than sex, or at least pretending to convincingly.
Hence, being unable to socialize with women because you believe all they're good for is sex is a way of enslaving yourself to them. Unless you're famous enough to get the "conveyor belt" experience like DiCaprio and countless other musicians and etc. But in that case it's obvious that sex is the cheapest thing women have, and they'll give it away in a second if they think it will get them something.
The whole culture of getting laid, sexual conquests, and chasing women is - I won't say feminist, but it's giving away all your power.

>> No.20885471

What if i want pussy but cant stand women? They are so shallow, so stupid and uninteresting

>> No.20885480


>> No.20885496

Yeah but i want that sweet conection love sex. Prostitutes you cant even kiss

>> No.20885503

>Prostitutes you cant even kiss
Some allow you to but I wouldn't advice it kek

>> No.20885561

>Women try very hard to fill up their cup with life experience. And yes I realize how euphemistic that is. But they try much harder than a lot of men to be interesting, at least in the sense of getting outside and socializing, and traveling. And they make good money for doing very little.
>What I'm trying to say is that they're walking treasure chests. Give them a chance. If you make them like you, you can get more from them than just sex and validation. You can get social contacts, material gifts, and life opportunities generally.
>Reducing them to just sex objects is a mistake. Sex is their tool they use to get things from you. You have to overcome it to get value from them.
This is sagely advice. Obviously ymmv, and this makes women a mere jack-of-all-trades, but a jack-of-all-trades has a lot to offer you if you know how to ask.

>> No.20885700

Depends on what you think is interesting I guess.
I like religious stuff and music and I think a lot of women enjoy those topics as well. Though they obviously approach them in a different way from men. But that can be interesting in and of itself if the girl is smart and knows how to carry a conversation.

A lot of women are never forced to learn how to have a good conversation because no matter what they say men will still fall over themselves to get her. She doesn't have to impress anyone, so she develops into a boring bitch.

Yeah that is common but there are plenty of women to whom it doesn't happen to.

>> No.20885857

I'm not attracted to boring people, sorry. It's just not worth the effort. And I wasn't the anon who called you a homosexual.

>> No.20885876

>It's just not worth the effort
what effort? lmao

>> No.20885883

The effort of trying to pretend I'm interested to have sex with them, then the effort of trying to keep them at an arm's distance without starting drama?