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/lit/ - Literature

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20884161 No.20884161 [Reply] [Original]

Alright anons, I'm going to actually read a book in its entirety this time. I'm not going to start it and forget about it.

Please reccomend me some enjoyable books that will get me into reading.

>> No.20884226
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>> No.20884260


>> No.20884305

What other stuff do you like? Also, there’s a bunch of charts in the sticky/wiki.

>> No.20884326


>> No.20884809

Finnegans Wake

>> No.20885154

I remember really liking Watership Down. I think it's kind of long but it's supposed to be a children's book so shouldn't be too hard.

The old man and the see is really short and would maybe be a good start. I'm by no means a bookworm, however

>> No.20885165

Siddhartha is kind of a good classic starting point although it just depends on your interests. If you're just getting into reading it can be a good idea to read some fun schlocky stuff that you can tear through in a day or two, to get your motivation up. Heinlein's Starship Troopers or The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, or the Foundation series, for example, or even decent fantasy schlock like The Black Company.

>> No.20885168

What kind of book are you looking for? Just something easy but critically acclaimed? Be more specific anon.

>> No.20885175

phänomenologie des geistes

>> No.20885230
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I second that, Watership Down was mindblowing when I read it, i went expecting funny childrens tale about rabbits on its hill and found a more mature exodus type of story with rabbits

>> No.20885231

Combo of easiest to read and most acclaimed in my opinion:

Robinson Crusoe
Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
Catcher in the Rye

There's also a lot more in fantasy or sci fi that's super approachable.

>> No.20885258
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you could try the Sherlock Holmes books, start with the first one, a study in scarlet, it is short and a nice introduction to detective trillers

>> No.20886302

Anything by Carl Schmitt

>> No.20886821

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.20886929

Anywhere to find free audiobooks of them?

>> No.20886940

Nah they didn't leave any recordings

>> No.20886965
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>> No.20888323

The Blind Owl

>> No.20888375 [DELETED] 

My best recommendations, take this very wise advice to your heart, you will find it of great use, anything from this list goes, I even included the translations:
>Fiction and non-fiction
*Plato's Republic (C.D.C. Reeve, 2004)
*Hesse's Siddhartha (Bernofsky)
*Crime & Punishment (P&V)
>"Genre fiction"
*Hobbit & LotR
*Starship Troopers
>Science fiction
*The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
*Non-Stop, and other stories by Brian Aldiss
*Roadside Picnic (not sure which translation)
*The Left Hand of Darkness, and other stories by Ursula Le Guin
*Solaris (French->English translation)
*Futurological Congress
*The Man in the High Castle
*Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
*Three Stigmata of Paul Eldritch

>> No.20888394

My best recommendations, take this very wise advice to your heart, you will find it of great use, anything from this list goes, I even included the translations:
>Fiction and non-fiction
*Plato's Republic (C.D.C. Reeve, 2004)
*Mythology by Edith Hamilton
*Storm of Steel (Original 1929 translation or Michael Hoffman, these are translations of different editions which differ in the overall tone and "message")
*selected books from the Bible
*Hesse's Siddhartha (Bernofsky)
*Crime & Punishment (P&V)
>"Genre fiction"
*Hobbit & LotR
*Starship Troopers
>Science fiction
*The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
*Non-Stop, and other stories by Brian Aldiss
*Roadside Picnic (not sure which translation)
*The Left Hand of Darkness, and other stories by Ursula Le Guin
*Solaris (French->English translation)
*Futurological Congress
*The Man in the High Castle
*Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
*Three Stigmata of Paul Eldritch

>> No.20888403

Also, there's a treasure trove of Mystery and Horror (or "Weird fiction") stories (Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Lovecraft, Ligotti Grabinski and... Stephen King... the last one if you're seriously bored, ADHD and book-averse)

>> No.20888710

Find some on YouTube

>> No.20890042

Yeah if you want audio recordings you have to probably start around Tolstoy

>> No.20890823

Grapes of Wrath

>> No.20891687

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.20892343

H-how do you even win the Snorlax?

>> No.20892365

Project Hail Mary

>> No.20892409

Notes from the underground. While your reading it try to see if you relate to anything he says constantly then self reflect.

>> No.20893702

Game of Thrones

>> No.20894209
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Start with the Australians

>> No.20894683

Is this actually good or are you just memeing me?

>> No.20895800

Stop shilling your books

>> No.20896633


>> No.20897023

jekyyl and hyde gets slept on
good rec

>> No.20897026

I am also waiting for this answer anon

>> No.20897037

Not OP but im looking for a short book (around 200 pages) that has that melancholy feel to it, you know the one im talking about. Any recommendations :)?

>> No.20897544

How is that beginner friendly?

>> No.20897583

The Holy Bible

>> No.20897828

Ew why are you even here???

>> No.20897896

Trying to recommend books is like trying to recommend shoes or food.
Most of these lists are just popular books. If we don't know the taste of OP we can't make good recommendations

>> No.20897908
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>> No.20898144

Not a meme, and I mentioned it cause it’s short, I finished it in a weekend.

>> No.20898500
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>> No.20898512

haven't been on /lit/ for a while, why is this book a meme here? does the author post here like the crocodile and behead all satans guys?

>> No.20898568

Yup, he's just shilling his own book.

>> No.20898592

premise sounds interesting enough so i might give it a shot. i bought behead all satans a while back but haven't read it

>> No.20898598

Orwells Down and Out in Paris and London.

>> No.20898601

Anon who wrote it was giving it away for free, so ya that might be him but I know there are some people have read it

>> No.20899858

>the Greeks
Start with them

>> No.20900113

Ok where???

>> No.20900198

Project Gutenberg

>> No.20901283

Some say he is still trapped inside of there.

>> No.20901852

Old Yeller
Where the Red Fern Grows
Call of the Wild

>> No.20901888

Start with Aeschylus

>> No.20901894

holy based