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/lit/ - Literature

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20881689 No.20881689 [Reply] [Original]

Try Prince of Nothing series, its grimdark and much more complex than other fantasy. Plus Bakker is young, smart, proflific, and HOT. unlike other bald men and old fat asses that write fantasy.


>> No.20881704

Why is /lit/ so bootyblasted by Bakker? Is it because he's a genre writer who dares to venture outside of his desginated shitting street and you're all a bunch of moldy-brained traditionalists?

>> No.20881728
File: 343 KB, 1080x1184, 1661215550872498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it because he's a genre writer who dares to venture outside of his desginated shitting street and you're all a bunch of moldy-brained traditionalists?
Because he's a fag who writes fag scenes.

>> No.20881735

pretty based ngl

>> No.20881737

>a scene of gay rape that's supposed to be horrifying and disgusting

>> No.20881741


>> No.20881744
File: 226 KB, 891x1200, a20d30b9ef9064e30eebddc76cc676f1_55c57fe7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't understand the sublime nature of this text.

>> No.20881752

You got filtered and now you seethe at the sight of this real man.

>> No.20881766

This scene is a real whopper in its context. The false messiah god-emperor figure reveals his falseness to his most devoted disciple by raping him both physically and spiritually. Hit me like a sack of bricks when I got to this chapter. The Great Ordeal is still Bakker’s best IMO.
>inb4 Bakkerlets seethe and whine as they usually do in these threads
The author being a half-mad, heavily autistic, thin-skinned brainiac is a plus about the series and does not detract from my enjoyment of its schizokino whatsoever.

>> No.20881769
File: 348 KB, 585x902, Bakker’s blog war against the right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t be so surprised by this. Leftist are know to add that type of things in their books. They just can’t help themselves adding politics/agenda in their books. Such is the ways of Americanize leftoids.

>> No.20881774

The author is an intelligent, golden haired noble man who mogs all those before and after him, in the fantasy side of things, he rules supreme.

>> No.20881781

>some butthurt faggot went out of his way to add that image to the post just because he doesn’t like bakker
man you losers sure have way too much time on your hands

>> No.20881784 [DELETED] 

trump is lowly american, Bakker is a supreme Canadian and he is just acting like this to rule supreme over america by making them look dump for voting for drumpft.

>> No.20881794

>You got filtered and now you seethe at the sight of this real man.
Kek I know good books when I read them. This is dogshit in every sense of the word.

>> No.20881877

Can a gaze be "swollen"? Eyes can be swollen, but I don't think that works

>> No.20881888

Bakkerfags have already destroyed /sffg/. We don't want them shitting up the board as well

>> No.20881898

So you got filtered, you can't understand the power of Bakker so you resort to seething.

>> No.20881909

It’s poetic license you absolute fucking brainlet. A figure of speech. Non-literal description. Many authors use similar techniques, if you actually picked up a book now and then.
My God, this board is in sorry shape.

>> No.20881911

The only thing I can think of is the aura of a gaze swelling up, like when Gandalf scared Bilbo with his aura.

>> No.20881912
File: 106 KB, 736x736, 21880c6a3076db3b29b4951fa7d728f6--fan-art-humor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakkerchads created the best memes and made /sffg/ into a high brow board, instead of the low brow sandersoy and litrpg.

>> No.20881916


>> No.20881935

He causes bootblast because he is at the top, pun intended.

>> No.20882042

based, now i'm reading it

>> No.20882244

It's literally like one guy (maybe Bakker himself).
Very unstable behaviour

>> No.20882259

Fairly certain Bakker is the guy who sometimes drops in on threads and starts spamming links to various obscure-ish wikipedia articles in reply to everyone

>> No.20882415

Bakker is an ardent liberal why in the fuck would he care or want to post on a chud website like 4chan?

>> No.20882493

Because he can't resist owning le chuds, like all of the other ardent liberals here

>> No.20882512

Bakkerchad travel the road of supremacy
Sandersois travel the road of misery
Bakkerchad will supremely rule
Sandersois will miserably drool

>> No.20882519

I browsed /sffg/ so much I had a nightmare with fantasy authors in it, for some reason I was terrified so much of them.

>> No.20882531

He writes fag fiction

>> No.20882542

so? there is a difference between soft gay and hard gay, soft gay is the pozzed type and hard gay is the red pilled anti-women type, which is what Bakker right

Hard gay = red pill

>> No.20882571

Sounds really fucking stupid.

>> No.20882621

I read the first three books. The world is interesting, the lore is interesting, there are some really great scenes (certain battles during the holy war). I did not enjoy reading about the characters, I did not enjoy the cuckoldry, gay rape, multiple descriptions of what men's anuses smell like, etc. Ultimately I felt that it was simply unpleasant to read and I did not continue.

>> No.20882688

Did anyone else get hard when Cnaiur fucked Conphas? God he dominated him

>> No.20882792

Greatest living fantasy author, hands down.

>> No.20882845

>MULTIPLE descriptions of what men's ANUSES smell like
Bro it was like 3 lines tops across 7 books. you're like one of those faggot she squatted in the grass meme drones. stop having meme interactions with reality. it's fucking sad

>> No.20882854

No faggot, I didn't. If you get hard at anything in these books, he's talking about (You).

>> No.20882867

I don't want to read any descriptions of it. I recall the phrase "honey of unwashed anuses" being used specifically. No thank you.

>> No.20882977

>murder, rape, mass crucifictions, necrophiliac monsters, pedophilia, incest, torture, cannibalism, sodomizing victims of nuclear fallout, forced impregnations? Fine

>> No.20883004

Yeah it is, sorry bro.

>> No.20883061

I accept your defeat.

>> No.20883094

I don't like the books and I'm not going to continue reading them, so yeah you win (?).

>> No.20883116

this is the part where you cope

>> No.20883118

How is that a cope? That article is very well written.

>> No.20883121

the image is in the blogpost. Or where you just angry because anon posted that specific screenshot to show that Bakker is progressive?

>> No.20883160

Where is angry?

>> No.20883164

Well I can't verify any of the information you have shared except the fact that, according to the pic you posted, the Bakker man IS hot.

>> No.20883170

>a fucking leaf

>> No.20883188

To pleb brained the understand Bakker. Kellhus HAS to rape everyone, the good guys, the bad guys, the gods, the rape aliens, the nonmen. It's how he asserts his total dominance.

>> No.20883192

sounds like an anarchist wet dream.

>> No.20883197

What does "The Place" look like?
Is it just some guy or an evil demon like in Rosmarie's Baby perhaps?
No homo

>> No.20883205
File: 218 KB, 1818x1136, clt20aknjve81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be most intelligent man to ever exist, able to see all possible futures and select the best path forward
>every path is filled with rape and murder

Ya can't get raped by the rape aliens if you go to their rape fortress and rape them first...

>> No.20883230
File: 1.84 MB, 1313x1600, en5bpz5ss5l21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Place is a somewhat relatable character in the original series who at this point is more akin to a hurricane or an earthquake in terms of his moral goodness or evil.

Said character doesn't even seem invested in the core plot trajectory anymore. Based on clues in the book he is battling with the world's vicious gods and attempting to defeat them, attempting to wake a greater Solitary God, or attempting to become a god himself.

My reading is that, after BTFOing everyone, he has essentially sacrificed the entire world and humanity to whatever his plan was. Maybe we'll get more books that explain it some day.

No one should have trusted this shit bird in the first place since he was clearly the villain, but the beauty of the books is that retards still fall for his "lesser of two evils," bullshit, even when it's been shown he is the greater of the evils time and again.

>> No.20883269

Do you guys thing Bakker let's his wife peg him? Hell, maybe even his daughter? It's a progressive century after all.

>> No.20883357

What was Aragorn's gay rape policy?

>> No.20883437


>> No.20883625

Warrior-Prophet is the single greatest fantasy novel ever written. Every disagreeing opinion is likely a form of cope or seethe from sandersnoys or tolkienkeks

>> No.20883725

I will not get memed into reading Bakker.
I will not get memed into reading Bakker.
I will not get memed into reading Bakker.

>> No.20883745

Think about that means. You are depriving yourself of reading one of the best modern fantasy series all because a couple of total strangers on the internet act retarded about it for fun. Basically you're letting several completely random men intellectually and emotionally cockblock you. You're gay as fuck.

>> No.20884233

Imagine hating fun.

>> No.20885058
File: 214 KB, 1948x1885, 1645255129626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20885062

Bakker bots inflated the result. The real answer is Wolfe.

>> No.20885068

I wasn't asking.

>> No.20886165

Its because you won't ever just SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT FOR FIVE MINUTES

>> No.20886938

Perhaps it was the ground wracked and beaten, hauled into scarps and slopes, heaved to heights that could defeat sun and clouds let alone the aspirations of mere men. Perhaps it was the weight of the inexpressible, the hard bone of the world rearing into horns that hooked the skirts of heaven. The titanic precipices , the pulverizing leaps, the distances ramping into the clouds. The Skin Eaters, each in their own way, seemed to understand that this was the prototype, what tyrants aped with their God-mocking works, mountains into monument, migrations into pageant and parade. This was the most primordial rule--the world itself--too vast, too elemental, to be called sacred or holy.

And it weakened the knees, as all true spectacle should. The Ziggurat had become as much argument as mountain, posed not in claims or premises, but in immensities, in features that encompassed experience, saying, murmuring, You are small... So very small.

I love Bakker bros.

>> No.20887001

Based Wolfe styling on hoes even in death

>> No.20887082

This chart pretty much settles it.

>> No.20887087

Yes, Bakker rules and sanderson drools.

>> No.20887894
