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20874935 No.20874935 [Reply] [Original]

what the FUCK is the dao

>> No.20874949

If I told you, you would mock me

>> No.20874950

I can't tell you about the true dao, cunt

>> No.20874952

It is the way(tm)

>> No.20874953

I can’t tell you what it is, but I can tell you what it is not.

>> No.20874962

That is really ugly font
Comic sands of china
Very ugly

>> No.20874990

Ask Heraclitus, and wait till he says nothing then you'll know

>> No.20875004

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.20875012

Chinese for "logos" or "reason"

>> No.20875014
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>> No.20875017

Wouldn't you like to know!

>> No.20875034
File: 17 KB, 211x299, B3E6B4E9-CC8D-44A7-85B1-17442E33092E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clap with your dick and wait for the rain

>> No.20875598

Okay, so imagine Hakuna Matata but when Nala and Rafiki come to drag you back to reality, you just let them abuse you until they get tired and then you go back to rolling around on the grass and strutting before waterfalls. Also the entire time you are like 80% sure that everything is a dream and maybe you are the talking lion or maybe he's a part of you or maybe you are just high and watching Disney films.

>> No.20875630

>what the FUCK is the dao

The ultimate "if you have to ask you'll never know"

>> No.20875658

non-dual reality

when you break the subject-object distinction;
that's why you can't say anything, because the structure of language does not correspond exactly to the structure of reality
the grammatical subject doesn't exist on reality, it's just an imposition, an idea

>> No.20875691

any taoist chart?

>> No.20875704

No. Charts can only lead you away from the Tao.

>> No.20875784
File: 3.81 MB, 7610x8060, Daoism Chart 2022 v.2.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20875863


>> No.20875870

Nigga what the fuck.Only gweilo read books on the Dao.

>> No.20875888
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Can the Dao turn me into a great magician? I want to turn my friend's shirt into the color red. Or do I have to practice martial arts for that?

>> No.20876112

The nature of the dao can only be peripherally described by a series of negations. Ultimately, the dao is not an “entity”, it is not something we can describe with subject-object predication and categorical thought. It is something to be experienced.

>> No.20876231

Good job anon

>> No.20876247

The dao that is the dao is not the dao.

>> No.20876902

first line of the Daodejing
>the Dao can't be put into words
>I need to read a MILLION books about this!

>> No.20876948

is taoism better than buddhism? i bought yoga book but then i heard its hinduism, and i don't like elephants so i bought buddhist books instead. but not existing is boring and i like anime and japanese jew fearing samurai and panda bears are also chill so maybe i should forget about the other books and be a taoist. you just have to sit on a rice mat and have some old guy hit you on the head with bamboo stick every hour or two, right? whats this bullshit with needing a teacher anyway? where did the first teacher have its wisdom from?

>> No.20876998

Buddihsm is nonsense. Its an entire religion about pleasure.

>> No.20877044

Iirc Buddhists spend an entire book having a monkey beat the shit out of Daoist demons.

>> No.20877067

buddhists are right about pleasure
t. used to pleasure myself alot
maybe pleasure requires two, one who plea and the other who says "sure"

>> No.20877076

maybe the dao is the "S" between Sam and Ara?

>> No.20877161

Yes but you'll have to learn from the secret taoist school in mount Shan in the province of ShengFen where they will teach you the Art of Slaying Dragons. Only after mastering this art can you move on to the more esoteric arts such as changing the color of cloth through focused meditation.

>> No.20877324
File: 54 KB, 1080x726, 20220822_102828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dao is the Origin Of The World, like L'Origine du Monde by Gustave Courbet. Search for that if you do not know what it is. Pic related completely explains the Dao.

>> No.20877331
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Here is a modern reinterpretation of L'Origine du Monde by Gustave Courbet, The Origin Of The World that is the Dao. It probably only makes sense if you know the original painting. I think this is what yinyang, the Dao and Yindao are about.

>> No.20877351
File: 28 KB, 377x530, 20220822_104122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a better one for you. Spring Autumn Period

>> No.20877362
File: 36 KB, 358x559, 20220822_104500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the cursive script of the Tang dynasty, I like this one by the insane drunken monk calligrapher Huai Su. His style was praised by the poet Li Bai

>> No.20877422

The Dao is:

Yu ruled the world by causing the hearts of the people to change. It was assumed that each man had a heart of his own, that recourse to arms was quite all right. Killing a thief is not a case of murder, they said; every man in the world should look out for his own kind. As a result, there was great consternation in the world, and the Confucians and Mohists all came forward, creating for the first time the rules of ethical behavior. But what would they say about those men who nowadays make wives of their daughters?

The white fish hawk has only to stare unblinking at its mate for fertilization to occur. With insects, the male cries on the wind above, the female cries on the wind below, and there is fertilization. The creature called the lei is both male and female, and so it can fertilize itself. Inborn nature cannot be changed, fate cannot be altered, time cannot be stopped, the Way cannot be obstructed. Get hold of the Way and there’s nothing that can’t be done; lose it and there’s nothing that can be done.

>Piss and shit
Master Dongguo asked Zhuangzi, “This thing called the Way—where does it exist?”
Zhuangzi, said, “There’s no place it doesn’t exist.”
“Come,” said Master Dongguo, “you must be more specific!”
“It is in the ant.”
“As low a thing as that?”
“It is in the grass.”
“But that’s lower still!”
“It is in the tiles and shards.”
“How can it be so low?”
“It is in the piss and shit!”
Master Dongguo made no reply.
(as I explained here, from the other thread)

>> No.20877428

the Dao is /gif
/gif is the Dao

>> No.20877449

Ying Yang is dualistic, dipshit

>> No.20877485

the dao is where questions go when they look for answers

>> No.20877491

The Dao is also
>literally masturbation, Onanism
Pure spirit reaches in the four directions, flows now this way, now that—there is no place it does not extend to. Above, it brushes Heaven; below, it coils on the earth. It transforms and nurses the ten thousand things, but no one can make out its form. Its name is called One-with-Heaven. The way to purity and whiteness is to guard the spirit, this alone; guard it and never lose it, and you will become one with spirit, one with its pure essence, which communicates and mingles with the Heavenly Order.
(The important thing to realise is that the word 精 spirit here can also mean essence/semen. This passage is literally interpreted as such in Daoist sex magic)

>anti-miscegenation, White Supremacy
Whiteness means there is nothing mixed in; purity means the spirit is never impaired. He who can embody purity and whiteness may be called the True Man.
(This one might just be the idiosyncratic American Burton Watson translation from Columbia 2013. I would translate Whiteness more as The Immaculate, I have seen some editions translate it as Simplicity vs admixture, or some other synonyms for Purity. A better translation of True Man might be Perfected Man.)

>> No.20877504
File: 778 KB, 1715x2144, kevin-cassidy-mk-marketing-side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if every time you performed self-pleasure, this happened
>Pure spirit reaches in the four directions, flows now this way, now that—there is no place it does not extend to. Above, it brushes Heaven; below, it coils on the earth. It transforms and nurses the ten thousand things, but no one can make out its form. Its name is called One-with-Heaven.
Truly this is the work of Perfected Sages

>> No.20877513

>Logos, Reason
I think that is more akin to 德, the Virtue - power of Discernment of the Way. The main difficulty with these concepts is because the different schools had different conceptions of them, Confucian, Daoist, Mohist, Quietist/Primitivist, Naturalist, Legalist etc all had different notions for each concept, and even within one school, the Zhuangzi notionof De / Virtue / discernment power is very different to the Laozi / Laodan Daoist approach that came before.

>> No.20877522

Dao is nothing but bullshit. Same as all the other pump and dump scams

>> No.20877530

I bet you're a fucking christfag though, bet you don't thinks ITS bullshit

>> No.20877535


>> No.20877536

no im not and i think that long haired faggit deserved to be nailed to the cross for public drunkeness and flipping tables like an asshole

>> No.20877543

Dao is piss and shit, I explained it already here
no need to repeat things

>> No.20877545

Attainment of Dao is akin to Stoicism or the ephectic ataraxia of Pyrrhonism. Those Greeks believed ataraxia as the path delivering eudaimonia. The approach of Zhuangzi was to align one's actions and disposition with Heaven:
So it is said, Grief and happiness are perversions of Virtue; joy and anger are transgressions of the Way; love and hate are offenses against Virtue. When the mind is without care or joy, this is the height of Virtue.

Hence for the mind to be free from sorrow and pleasure is the perfection of virtue; to be of one mind that does not change is the perfection of quietude; to be conscious of no opposition is the perfection of vacancy; to have no intercourse with (external) things is the perfection of indifference; and to have no rebellious dissatisfactions is the perfection of purity.'


>> No.20877584

tldr: live life like a boring NEET and no one can hurt you. No wonder chinks are such gay pussies.

>> No.20877629

How do you live?

>> No.20877630

is it the same as sunyata

>> No.20877641
File: 3.59 MB, 498x280, setsuka soul calibur iaido.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dao 道 can be iaido 居合道, also called iaijutsu (the technique) or 拔刀术 badaoshu in Chinese, battojutsu in Japanese.

It is the anime samurai thing where you quickdraw unsheathe your sword, bisect or decapitate the enemy in one slash, and resheathe your sword flawlessly afterwards.

Setsuka has it in Soul Calibur (see gif)

That is a Dao.

>> No.20877653

I already explained the meaning of Dao here
No need to repeat things

>> No.20878239

dao shall suck on these nuts

>> No.20878248

Following the way of dao means letting things be themselves rather than seeking domination over things.

>> No.20878348

Buddhists have always seethed at Daoism. Daoism is an enigma and non-Dharmic.

The Buddhist suffers in samsara. The Daoist may "suffer", but does not act like a thoughtless beast and reject the negative. He ushers it in, another fascinating aspect of the Dao to meditate on. This is abhorrent to the Buddhist. It's a grave trivialization. The Daoist, in complete absence of Dharma, exhibits pure delusion and ignorance. And yet, they act as though they have a perspective higher than the gods themselves. Suffering is merely another sublime aspect of the dao. It is not that the barbs of samsara phase through these men, it is more that they violate fundamental rules, a total mockery of Dharma. Rather than be stuck and bled by these thorns of existence, they impart strange knowledge and delight. This is not supposed to happen. This is not the way things work. These interlopers scare me.

>> No.20878368

infinitesimal fraction of how some parts of the dao manifest

>> No.20878398
File: 15 KB, 199x300, christ-the-eternal-tao-book-cover-199x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Way, the Word, the Logic, the Logos, the Christ, Jesus Christ, the Son, the Trinity, God Almighty

>> No.20878454

No it fucking isn’t fuck off with this bullshit geunon fag/fr seraphim fag whatever you are

>> No.20878457

Tao is prior to yin yang retard. “Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to all things.”

>> No.20878465

Kys, you are misleading people and spreading ignorance. This is just bad scholarship.

>> No.20878480 [DELETED] 
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this is the tao you fucking pagans

>> No.20878488
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>> No.20878532

Believe it or not, Daoism is not some hippy-tier pseudo-philosophy, but an actual tradition with a long history and many different modes of practice and worldviews.

>> No.20878570

Liu Xianxin said,"the Buddhists stressed the emptiness of all, discarding all; Daoists stressed the greatness of all, wanting all." Additionally, in the Zhuangzi people who practice the Dao include fisherman, and most shockingly, a butcher! This s stands in sharp contrast to Buddhism's narrow-minded and dogmatic "Right Livelihood," where butchers and hunters are reviled (and in some cases forced into low castes).

>> No.20879018

pusy juice

>> No.20879029

The real Dao is the friends we make along the way.

>> No.20879038

it is chinese for "road" or "path" you fucking retard

>> No.20879055

It's also the Chinese for "to speak/say" you absolute tranny.

>> No.20879079

it's literally not, there is no translation of dao that is "to speak or say" or "word", I am way more racist and based than you could ever be tradfag but I atleast get my scholarschip correct and am not a fad hopping tranny who converts to Christianity for the aesthetic. I've read my confucius unlike you.

>> No.20879089

>it's literally not, there is no translation of dao that is "to speak or say" or "word"

>> No.20879102

there is no usage of the Classical Chinese words for "say" nor "word" in this sentence

>> No.20879119

>there is no usage of the Classical Chinese words for "say" nor "word" in this sentence
This is barely English.
Anyway, yes the second 道 in literally the first line of the Daodejing is frequently translated as say/speak. Hide the thread and go ack yourself immediately. It's over.

>> No.20879120

In a chinese xanxias it is most often referred to as heavenly law(s). Think of physical laws that govern the world, well the dao is sort of an additional set of laws that applies to world and people, they are sort of magical, metaphysical and even philosophical ideas or mechanisms allowed/enabled by heavens will/gods etc, often closely related to chinese traditional medicine, martials arts, and chinese spiritual practises and awakening. For example dao of sword is something beneficial to a warrior, a swordsman but I have never heard of dao of coins or money, because one is a spiritual swordsman ascending heavens and the other is a filthy merchant.

>> No.20879148

Give any translation ( preferably the ones used by most scholars like Legge or something of the sort) not made by the Christfag author who wrote Christ and the eternal Dao or some shit.
>This is barely English.
you obviously don't know how to read

>> No.20879217
File: 65 KB, 756x134, dao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

道 means speak as well as path. That's why you've probably heard the first line translated as "the dao that can be spoken" as well as "trodden"

It's the reason why in Mencius
is translated as
There were none of the disciples of Zhong Ni who SPOKE about the affairs of Huan and Wen.
and not
There were none of the disciples of Zhong Ni who PATH about the affairs of Huan and Wen

It's the reason why a modern commentary on the Daodejing can say of the first line:

It's the reason why “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”is translated in Chinese bibles as 太初有道, 道與神同在,道就是神
Hence why Christians who want to coopt Taoism like to harp on the word.

>> No.20879233

>Piss and shit

The closest that pre-unification China came to good metaphysics. The bit about the words being separate from the meaning is also good. The rest of the pre-unification metaphysical work is just dualist and presentist confusion. Later, the xuanxue commentaries offer a few bright sparks here and there.

>> No.20879246
File: 198 KB, 918x452, dao2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To conclude, here is an excerpt from the The Routledge History of Chinese Philosophy. The interpretation it speaks of wouldn't be possible if 道 couldn't be understood as speak!

>> No.20879258

I'm more concerned about the actual scholarly context of the translation, I realize it can mean "speak" but the appropriation of a daoist saying by Matteo Ricci because of his confucian utopianism is not as valid as a more modern translation of the same phrase, see:https://qr.ae/pvwd8O
for context. The idea that say is a literal translation from such a case is not only less common with more accurate/recent translations. For a better approach to the "literary" translation of Chinese into English see Pound or Legge. They do good at incorporating the literal translations and respect of Chinese idiosyncrasies while also into the greater tradition of English literature (Pound even in the style of the Elizabethans).

>> No.20879262

You cunts are just cut that monkey beat youse up. Monkey had mastered the Dao btw before the Buddha palm piss incident.

>> No.20879266

too bad there are 90 interpretations of the same phrase and the one you refer to was done by a Jesuit not an actual chinese person.

>> No.20879580

Behold! The best Buddhist "refutation" of Daoism: fantastical stories! Also, be careful about violating Right Speech there.

>> No.20879586

Based Christians salvaging the worthless Chinese "philosophy" turning it into something decent

>> No.20879620

it‘s a based book
best part when the monkey pissed in a bowl in a daoist temple and the daoists drink the piss believing it‘s some holy water

>> No.20879702

Conveniently ignores the parts of history where Buddhists were parading around China with Buddha's supposedly magical finger bone (see Han Yu's Memorandum on a Bone of the Buddha).

>> No.20880280

14 year old chudjak

>> No.20880705

yo momma is dualistic
this is the dao