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/lit/ - Literature

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20878105 No.20878105 [Reply] [Original]

Also spread thread

>> No.20878137

>the amazon curated recommendation book list

>> No.20878138

i like some of your books, but showing them off for reddits upvotes is incredibly feminine and gay and the authors of every book you wrote except maybe nick land would be ashamed of you
books are to read and learn.. if you want to show off and appear cool you're better off going to the gym for a few years

>> No.20878179
File: 2.38 MB, 2103x1300, TRADPOLTROON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20878184

It doesn’t warrant a second thread/10

>> No.20878316
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, 602ADA76-40C0-40EF-91CB-2BE6F359D238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turning anti-modernist literature into a commodity so you can have le heckin based trad boi persona yet drown in impotency anyway and you wont understand the true meaning of the books and we all know this because you still make posts called rate my spread and the very fact that that is embarrassingly ironic is wholly lost on you but when people of a higher ranks tell you to shut up you'll once again reassert your ignorance forever in an endless loop until it totally fills up the one space we have to try and disseminate information and propaganda thus when people google search capital T Traditionalism they dont see results for cogent ideologically delicate material they see pictures of cute girls standing in cornfields with vhs tape filters over them because you fucking retarded idiots also got the bright idea to try to jump in on the meme creation side which you once again think is about fulfilling some sort of childish play pretend world and basically you are just the kid who ruined every game of "house" because you played too many nintendo games or rpgs or read too much narnia or something so you created a whole shitty recycled narrative in your head and derailed the entire game in a useless attempt to somehow spontaneously get everyone to just start acting out the delusion you have in your head except we're all grown ass men and im probably going to end up getting drafted for the wrong side or put in a labor camp because of your tactlessness or worse we are going to epically miss an opportunity for momentum for another century+.

>> No.20878321

You know what? I like you.

>> No.20878325

what a faggot

>> No.20878400

There's one book missing in the upper rightmost slot

>> No.20878412
File: 154 KB, 1439x1484, received_4938173719620501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20878463

Guess 4chanX deleted the filter for your name
But I guess its more funny looking how pathetic you are and how everyone ignores you in every thread
Nice .png, reminds me when we made postcards in kindergarten, huh

>> No.20878508

predictable retard

>> No.20878525


>> No.20878537

Either I got filtered or it was overrated as fuck.

>bro your son died but don't be sad about it because it's natural and natural things can't be bad

>> No.20878547
File: 108 KB, 1080x970, Based Personality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ can't handle a few meme books I threw into a pile as a joke. What's so offensive about it?

>> No.20878556
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>> No.20878560
File: 850 KB, 1359x892, Evola Poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for the record Evola, Mishima, and Aurelius (even if he's overated) are the only ones I take offense to.

>> No.20878576
File: 1.04 MB, 828x912, Buddha Anti Feminist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the Dharma Manifesto is pretty based. I have to mention it.

>> No.20878784

me daría ñáñaras si te viera en la vida real

>> No.20878789

Post Chin incel faggot

>> No.20879356

spread my ass cheeks twitterfag

>> No.20879908

the raw egg cover looks amazing. try It Doesn't Have to Be Like That by Francis Forever

>> No.20880079

>pictures of cute girls standing in cornfields with vhs tape filters over
if you think that "traditionalism" amounts to anything more than this you've been memed pal

>> No.20880439

>chad studs get triggerd by books
Have sex

>> No.20881723

Which publisher of Sun and Steel?

>> No.20881992

Gothic Violence was more enjoyable. Harassment Architecture got old fast

>> No.20882245


>> No.20882281

I own it too on kindle (not same anon) should I read it?

>> No.20882285

With your dad

>> No.20882521

It’s terrible.

>> No.20883014

Yes. The author is what he calls a "Dharma Nationalist." He name drops Evola and Devi among others. He makes a link between Vedic religions and Germanic paganism as well as calling the Abrahamic religions "demonic" with a strong sense of dualism between Abraham and the Vedas. Very interesting.

>> No.20883705
File: 65 KB, 667x550, bapbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope your parents will accept you for who you are anon!