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20876337 No.20876337 [Reply] [Original]

I cracked the code of reality, I cracked philosophy, I cracked aesthetics, I cracked art, I cracked history, I cracked "esotericism" and perennial knowledge, I cracked what matters and what doesn't, I cracked who are our friends and who are our enemies and I cracked which is the right side of history.

Plato, Marx and Heidegger can be all connected. Kant can be refined, as can Hegel and Ellul, and these can be crucially expanded. All while respecting Wittgenstein's contributions.

How do I best summarize that? The last time I tried, it came out to 10 full-sized /lit/ posts. Should I post?

>> No.20876363

If you truly think you’ve made such a grand achievement you should probably not waste it on a /lit/ post. Pearls before swine, as they say. Maybe self-publish an essay or whatever. Also, I’m assuming you want credit for your ideas and don’t want someone else to present them as your own. In all likelihood, though, you haven’t cracked anything.

>> No.20876391

/lit/ is more apologetic to the shitpost-with-a-kernel-of-truth format. I believe that 4chan is the only proper place to organize a philosophical debate that mirrors Plato's dialectic. in the real world people fall down on eristic and rhetoric too much and so dialectic is really hard to be had.

i also predicted (planned) everything when it comes to my project (thanks to me cracking the code of reality) so I've already been utilizing several trips for future credit. this idea is both broad and specific, and therefore highly idiosyncratic. so credit is safe because copying parts of this idea won't work, it only works as a whole because it's basically one grand system derived from a singular, effective analytic platform which stems from CT (but tries to go beyond that, beyond the descriptive, into the prescriptive). the summary is something akin to the anatomy of history and a new phenomenology of the spirit. the Heidegger connection is tenuous but it's expressed in an early draft of the first version of my manifesto. if you wanted i could link that one.

anyway, should i get on with it already and post in the hope that there's anybody with enough time and patience to read it all, or should i keep it to myself?

>> No.20876530

Post it

>> No.20876548

Attend and participate in public lectures/forums hosted by universities or other institutions and talk to professors and other speakers. Enroll in a university course. Talk to people who know philosophy, professionally, if your aim is to make a mark or offer new insights. People online are dumb and not real.

>> No.20876594
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I've read a LOT of the right books and here is my conclusion:

The process of globalization (which started with the Age of Discovery) is inevitable. It's merely a function of technological progress and capitalism (which started in 12th century Northern Italy)
In the wrong hands, globalization is degenerative, but it doesn't have to be.
This degenerative process of globalization is most aptly named "globalism" though it's a vague term. I would say materialist globalism, but nowadays, politically, I think the term "neoliberal globalism" is the best term that is also politically correct. As it turns out later in this treatise, "Anglo globalism" is also a good term as the main driver of this materialist globalism is America (and the UK, thanks to the City).
With Anglo globalism (the "traditional" uniform of the CCP is called the suit and stems from England), all cultures of the world have been subsumed by one global culture, which quite clearly, evidently and directly stems from Western culture
Martin Luther didn't intend to destroy the Church, just renew it (reformatio) by merely fixing the corruption festering inside which only got out of hand after the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages (including the Western Schism of 1378-1417). Martin, sadly, ended up completely subverting the Church when German princes realized they got a real prize on their hands, one that finally allows them to disconnect from the Church and embark on unashamed, metaphysically empty statism. The historical moment was Hegelianistically perfect because they also had another political reason for this in the shape of Charles V, who was both overly ambitious, and too weak at the same time, not physically present within the HRE for most of his reign, and within this power vacuum chaos festered. This however would've been just a nuisance for the Church, one that would've been killed off, had it not been for the Anglo:
Western culture had existed before, but doesn't since 1534 when Western culture split into Continental and Anglo cultures with the Act of Supremacy.when a mere king (rex) decided he is greater than the Pope (the hitherto nominated purveyor of God on this Earth) and ended the almost 1,000-year long communion between England and the Continent (i.e. the period when the West was united and at its best--I'm referring to Christian universalism, which continued on the Continent but died in the Enlightenment) since the Synod of Whitby in 664
"Anglo-Saxon" is an empty misnomer. It's just Anglo. A fittingly ugly word.
What remained of Reformation would've been completely killed off during the Counter-Reformation, if not for the Anglos
Anglo culture doesn't really exist and is just vulgar Materialism (hence the "anglo bugman" meme), this in turn stems from the combination of the worst features of Germanic and Romance cultures, i.e. the creation of "England"

Part 1 out of 9

>> No.20876597

Continental culture also doesn't really exist and is just a reaction to vulgar Materialism stemming from both technological progress and the Anglo and/or Materialist threat
Thus it can be concluded that true Western culture, which started with and centers on the Greeks and can be pinpointed at the earliest to the Olympic tradition which began in 776 BC, quite simply died in 1534 (and this itself was already after it had been revived with Christianity, after the soulless Roman conquest of Greece)
The Romans are in no part originators of Western culture, they're at best merely originators of imperialism and statism, the first concept becoming "outdated" (it's still well alive, just went overground) with WW1/WW2, the latter concept becoming outdated with the end of the Bretton-Woods system (1971), unless you consider a singular global state some kind of ideal, deriving metaphysical fulfillment from serving the state (patriotism) is DEAD in the post-1971 world
The world was ruined because of the Catholic Church's flawed response to the Reformation problem, which stemmed from the Church's inability to reflect on & fix itself. This is when Western culture died and the devil (Chaos) creeped in, winning against good through divide et impera
A vestige of Western culture, the Continent, died with the Enlightenment. Although there were efforts to imbue this materialism with God/metaphysics (most notably Napoleon), the "enlightened" regimes defeated him and "heroism" was chosen as the way to go for the Continent (mostly as an "acceptable" reaction to Napoleon/republicanism and also the threat of the Anglo "entrepreneurial" [materialistic] "spirit").
Culminating with national (an)heroism, ultimately killing the Continent with WW1 and then finishing it off with WW2; the Anglo finally completely took over and while steering the inevitable tide of globalization (which inevitably stems from inevitable technological progress and capitalism) with the Bretton-Woods system (1944), thus implementing some republican/statist/patriotic vestige of metaphysics during the Cold War, it dismantled any notion of patriotism or the state with the beginning of modern finance thanks to the dismantling of the Bretton-Woods system (1971)
Anglos rule the world and other particular cultures help them in this task. Anglos, as a whole, are evil. Some Anglos aren't inherently evil.
America isn't the devil, it's merely a product of the devil (Materialism, you can also interpret "the devil" as "England")
Americans aren't inherently evil. But, the English most definitely are. Thankfully they are ultimately subservient to America since WW2-decolonization. The Catholic Church also isn't inherently evil, in fact since John Paul II it has been set on one of the 2 only paths of Good in this degenerate world (the other being a salvaged America)
Because of the above, there is hope.

>> No.20876602

I could just read Derrida who already did the same

>> No.20876609
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Hope has 2 centers rn. The United States and the Catholic Church. The United States should redeem itself, to salvage itself, and the Catholic Church (which already knows the way forward since John Paul II) should be embraced by the EU, to salvage the EU.

>the Catholics are globohomo
Nice try anglo, or that other particular anti-Christian culture that helps anglos.
Here's what John Paul II (also called St John Paul II the Great) had to say about the globohomo in his last book before he died in 2005:

Looking at things chronologically, seeing as we are in an age that has been dubbed "post-history" (yuck!), we can conclude that History "operated" (intentional past-tense) on only 3 evolutionary axes, from most important to least
>A. Globalization ("westernization")
>B. Capitalism
>C. Metaphysics (Hegel started the focus on this, but he failed at arriving at an answer)
A. connects with C. and forms a circle, because the history of globalization is the history of the spread of "Western culture" (Anglo bugman culture?), and thus we can form the final conclusion: #20
The hitherto History of Man is the History of Western culture

With this in mind, we can create 4 partial theories of History (bugmen would call it "historiographies") which together will form a complete theory of History (bugmen would call it "historicism"):
>A. The History of Western culture
>B. The History of Globalization
>C. The History of Capitalism
>D. The History of Metaphysics (including a history of materialist globalism)
I call this the Historiosophy of Pneumatics, or, to suit a bugman, pneumatological historiography.
is addressed in two penultimate parts, where I publish the broadest of all 4 layouts of History that I had to craft, which mostly pertains to the History of Western culture.
The history of globalization is appropriately described on Wikipedia and in many books. What is important to remember is that globalization proper only begun with the Age of Discovery.

There is "capitalism" as a mode of life, which ultimately is just nominal and was easily subsumed by supposedly vehemently anti-capitalist ideologies such as communism and fascism (see: Russia and Italy).
There is also Capitalism, which begun in 12th century Northern Italy, spread across the Blue Banana, and kept evolving there.
Capitalism can be divided into the following periods:

Part 3 of 9

>> No.20876612

There is "capitalism" as a mode of life, which ultimately is just nominal and was easily subsumed by supposedly vehemently anti-capitalist ideologies such as communism and fascism (see: Russia and Italy).
There is also Capitalism, which begun in 12th century Northern Italy, spread across the Blue Banana, and kept evolving there.
Capitalism can be divided into the following periods:
Intra-feudal capitalism (my term). This is the earliest form of Capitalism as it began during the Medieval Warm period, sometimes called proto-Capitalism, though this term is vague.
Inter-feudal capitalism (my term), also called Early Modern Capitalism. It developed during the Little Ice Age, when agriculture itself stopped being good enough for the grift and there wasn't any industry yet. This is the beginning of finance.
Industrial capitalism.
Late capitalism. I consider it beginning only in 1971 and thus I depart from Marx (and rightly so, Marx himself departed from Marx as History failed to materialize according to his predictions during his own lifetime)

The History of Metaphysics was the hardest part for me to comprehend. This is where I surpass Hegel. Bear with me.
Metaphysics, in the historiosophic (bugman term: historiographic) sense, can be most broadly understood as the way people form Meaning (definition: spatially- and temporally-limited approximation of Logos) about their lives, their selves, or as Heidegger would put it, their Dasein.
The History of Metaphysics was the hardest part for me to comprehend. This is where I surpass Hegel. Bear with me.
Metaphysics, in the historiosophic (bugman term: historiographic) sense, can be most broadly understood as the way people form Meaning (definition: spatially- and temporally-limited approximation of Logos) about their lives, their selves, or as Heidegger would put it, their Dasein.

I realized that only through the deepest study of History (specifically, Western history, but without cherrypicking and with reference to all other cultures' independent histories and their shared History after contact with the West) can Pneumatology of Spirit (pneumatological phenomenology), and therefore the Logos, be ascertained.

The metaphysical layout of History is such:
>1. The Ancient period (3500 BCE-AD 250)
>2. The Christian period (AD 250-1350)
>3. The Modern period (AD 1350-1971)
>4. The Post-modern period (1971-)

This concept bases on the following idea.
Understandable pressures stemming from the combined forces of globalization and capitalism have eroded Metaphysics to the point of non-existence.

Part 4 of 9

>> No.20876618

Metaphysics, the System of Life, was whole at first, in the first two periods, from time immemorial, until 1350, when the Christian period ended and the Modern period started. That's when the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages came, and the Western Schism occured, and when the seed of Modernity was sown, which errupted first with the Italian Renaissance (really their second renaissance, counting the Renaissance of the 12th century, which I do mention in C.) and then spread across Europe as humanism, culminating with Martin Luther, Reformation, Counter-Reformation and the Thirty Years' War.

Expanding upon Nietzsche's Death of God, I found 7 consecutive Metaphysical Deaths, the last one being "final," each representing a combination of increasing degeneration and increasing (hidden) dogmatism.

Following terms are all mine except for the "Death of God," which is Nietzsche's
>1. Death of the Church
Started with the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages (1300s), finalized with the Act of Supremacy (1534)
>2. Death of God
Started with the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), the gruesomeness of it, and of its aftermath.
>3. Death of Aristocracy, or the Second Death of God
>4. Death of the Enlightenment
1815. Expanded upon in Paragraph 14 of the Manifesto.
>5. Death of Heroism
1914. Expanded upon in Paragraph 15.
>6. Death of Nationalism
1944. Paragraph 15 touches upon this. Let me explain. The Cold War was essentially preplanned in 1944 with the launching of the Bretton-Woods system, which the Soviet Union and its satellites were not supposed to ever be part of. Nationalism was replaced with patriotism, i.e. a form of statism that in the post-WW2 (Western) world means republicanism and the pride of being a Citizen (the idea technically stemming from 1789, but really stemming partially from Ancient Greece and completely from Ancient Rome).
>7. Death of the State, subsequent Death of Metaphysics, or the Final Death of God
1971. The dismantling of Bretton-Woods. The official explanation is that it happened in response to the underlying economic problems of the Bretton-Woods system. But the real explanation is that the Capital (the force behind the USA and the City) simply stopped worrying about the Soviet Union. Suspiciously coincidentally, this is also the year when the COINTELPRO program ends. This is the real year when the Cold War ends, not 1989, not 1991.

1971 is the triumph of the Capital. It's when the monetary supply stops being "real" in the sense of any (at all) specific space-temporal attachment. This isn't bad in the lolbertarian "end the Fed" sense. This is bad in the post-Marxist sense. This is because with the end of the Bretton Woods system, the Capital (or for your /pol/ brain: the globohomo) has become near omnipotent, able to perform social engineering on a mass scale to select for and target the Perfect Consumer(TM).

Part 5 of 9

>> No.20876620
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In essence, the death of Western culture, which began in 1534, came to completion in 1971, and from then on, a global anti-culture has ruled the globe, i.e. the "culture" of the Capital i.e. the anti-culture of Humanity.

>What is the Capital?
The Capital is an unthinking, impersonal and abstract hyper-entity that is the resultant of the globalized economic calculation of hitherto capitalism (but not of Capitalism as a basic system). The Capital can also be called the International Capital. I depart from both mainstream Marxism and mainstream Post-marxism here by implying that there is no diffuse bourgeoisie with different interest but rather that, with the ending of the Bretton Woods system, a sort of mostly united international Bourgeoisie has emerged, because the Capital needs to look for itself, and for that it needs institutional and military means (it already has money, from definition: it IS money). I depart, therefore, because I imply 2 things:
>1. the bourgeoisie has become a united, centralized force
>2. which also remains categorically impersonal; the Capital is a hyper-entity, meaning something that isn't a classical actual entity, but which nevertheless manifests itself in the real world. It is therefore something between noumenon and phenomenon, and ends up being responsible for all the phenomena of the modern world, which doesn't actually exist and is just a hyper-reality created by the Capital
For more on hyper-reality specifically, read up on the Situationist movement, Guy Debord and Baudrillard. You can also read Deleuze and Derrida, but in my opinion these two, although valuable, are just a waste of time.
The Capital can also be understood as a form of AI, although all forms of macro-social organization can be thought of as AI (which isn't really "A," because it arises organically, which is actually quite an interesting conundrum: can AI arise organically? is it really "A"I then? what is it? PS this, and also the question of Life and Consciousness, is also solved by Pneumatics, but I don't have space for that here, but I may explain later)

With the Capital thus defined, we can proceed to explain the modern world in a very simple, logical and predictable (predictive) manner.
The Capital has only 2 basic principles:
>1. revenue maximization
>2. profit maximization
The end goal of these 2 principles is the Perfect Consumer. The Perfect Consumer is someone who:
>does not control the Capital, except through consumption (voting doesn't matter, the Capital utilies voting merely to probe preferences on... "the market of ideas;" the electoral system is a sham)
>and whose consumption is so conformist that it can never harm the Capital and the inherent power structure in any way, ever
The Perfect Consumer will be the slave of the upcoming global crypto techno-fascism.

>> No.20876624
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Derived from these 2 principles, the goal of the Capital is to construct the Perfect Consumer. The Capital utilizes 4 active measures to achieve this goal.

>1. Discreditation
("'the Capital' or "neoliberal" are antisemitic dogwhistles and you're a nazi!")
>2. Appropriation of the adaptable parts of anti-Capital thought
(resulting in the philosophical chimera that is the irrational anti-philosophy/secular religion of the Capital i.e. "the modern world" and simply a form of sophism)
>1. Infantilization:
Kierkegaardian leveling as a method of profit maximization. Hence the appeals to the feminine, the minor, and in general: the formerly-disenfranchised (because it is upon these that the Capital can truly efficiently construct, as their actual identity is non-existent post-emancipation as their previous pre-emancipatory identities got deconstructed and replaced by nothing in particular, this void has been exploited by the Capital which since then has sought to foster all kinds of dualisms and pluralisms [atomisms]). Gender ideology is the foremost ideology of the Capital since it works from the irrational assumption that gender is your essence and there exists a gender binary (a dualism of the human essence), and utilizes divide et impera to atomize, therefore, the individual, so that it can then "put him back up" resulting in the Perfect Consumer. @leveling I rec this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leveling_(philosophy)
>2. Pseudo-individualization:
hedonism and "egoism." examples: beeing Yourself(TM) is the ultimate endgoal! you're so Yourself(TM) when you're the Perfect Consumer! how to bee yourself? select from these preselected identities (genders, ideologies, in general: labels)! micro-identities are awesome! being the Perfect Consumer is awesome! when you are the Perfect Consumer, you're rebellious! ur lusted after! when you're the Perfect Consumer, you're the chad! be chad! be chud! atomize yourself! SUBMIT.


You might think that the Capital is omnipotent after reading this, but it's not.
The Capital's only flaw, since ultimately it's an unthinking system, is that under the Capital's system, people do not want to procreate. The Capital is fundamentally anti-Life in its being pro-Capital. This is its limitation: the Capital, in its unthinkingness (which ultimately stems from the partaking humans' own egoism) is ultimately self-concerned and in its self-concern it is anti-environment and anti-human. It is anti-culture. It is anti-everything. It is anti-Life.

>What is Life?
Life can be best understood as a form of Algorithm (capital A), the same kind of Algorithm as crystals, stars and black holes. Capital-A Algorithms can be best understood as anti-entropic systems, which take the form of anti-entropic localities (since an anti-entropic totality is impossible because of the first law of thermodynamics).
More on this some other time, as I said in Part 8

Part 7 of 9

>> No.20876627
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So in essence, Life can be best compared to a star, and the Capital can be best compared to a black hole. Let me sum up this introduction to Pneumatics with the promised limited Historiosophy of Pneumatics (being an update to Hegel). Here:

*Abstract thought begins (behavioral modernity)
>100,000-25,000 BC: Middle- to Upper Paleolithic (Toba explosion, Neanderthal competition)
*Sedentary lifestyle begins (not for the ancestors of the West i.e. the proto-Indo-Europeans and their ancestors, who in this timeframe are WHGs, ANEs on one side and CHGs on the other)
>25,000-12,000 BC: Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic (resource-rich ecosystem overlap)
*Agriculture begins (not for the proto-Indo-Europeans and their ancestors)
>12,000-7000 BC: Early Neolithic (Younger Dryas)
*Proto-civilization begins (proto-cities)
>7000-3500 BC: Late Neolithic (Jericho)
*Civilization begins (origins of Western civilization)
>3500-1300 BC: Bronze Age (Mesopothamia, Egypt, Bronze Age cultures)
>1300-700 BC: Bronze Age collapse, transitional period, Phoenicians (proto-Jews) influence the Greeks, basileus rule turns into oligarchy
*Western civilization begins
>700s BC: Olympic tradition starts, Roman Kingdom gets founded, "Homer" and Hesiod synthesize Greek mythology
>700-500 BC: oligarchy is replaced by fragile tyrannic rule
>509-44 BC: the beginning of democracy and Greek domination (Solonian Constitution)
>44 BC-AD 250: Roman domination (Crisis, Caesar, Actium)
>250-500: barbaric revolution (fall of Graeco-Roman culture)
>500-800: the Dark Ages and Roman Catholic domination (fall of Rome and of Justinian)
>800-1789: "feudalism" and European aristocracy (Holy Roman Empire)
*Western civilization spreads...
>1789-1918: proto-modernism/enlightened European aristocracy (French Revolution)
*Western civilization becomes global
*Global civilization begins
>1918-1939: modernism (WW1)
>1945-1991: post-modernism (WW2)
>1991-2022: meta-modernism (Fall of Communism + Gulf War)
>2022-2045: neo-modernism/sophistic modernism/"globalism" (COVID + War in Ukraine)
>2045-2100(?): the Dark Age (demographic crisis)
>2100(?)-2200: pneumatic modernism/enlightened globalism (new baby boom)
*Global civilization becomes interstellar
*Interstellar civilization begins
>2200-3000: cosmism (interstellar colonization)
>AD 3000+: galactism (entire Milky Way populated by Humanity)
>Far future: Humanity harvests high-energy plasma jets from accretion disks of black holes of Degenerate Era universe
>Ultimate fate: reintegration into everything with the conscious self-sacrifice into the black holes of Degenerate Age universe while asleep (but not dead)—the ultimate moksha of Humanity, reintegration into the Everything
the conclusion to which will be the
>dissipation of black holes
>Big Rip/heat death of the Universe

>> No.20876630
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So what does this historiosophy tell us about this Anglo-Capitalism? One thing is certain: automation won't save it.
I call this "perfect" (it is "perfect" in the Hegelian way) storm the Cataclysm. As the Cataclysm is encroaching, and by its nature, as it besets upon Humanity, technological progress starts slowing down. This, in economics, is called the productivity paradox:
We're in the Second Productivity Paradox, but I would just call it THE productivity paradox, or simply, the Cataclysm. The cause of which escapes economists because they cannot go beyond their materialist programming. That cause is demographic in nature, yet this explanation is so harder to wrap your head around. It's just so many factors mashed together, but the end result is always binary: either there is something (1) or there isn't (0).

This perfect storm will not be so perfect for us as individual humans, tho.
The Cataclysm, that is, the Collapse and the Dark Age that will follow, will not be fun at all. It will last decades at the shortest. It's already beginning. It will not be WW3, it will not be nukes, it will not be over in a matter of minutes/hours, we're NOT "accelerating" toward ANYTHING, we're slowly rotting away into nothingness, as is the essence of the Capital, which is a metaphysical black hole.

There are only 2 questions left unanswered by Pneumatics:
>is the Cataclysm completely avoidable?
>if not, can its duration be reduced?
The answer to these 2 questions is the ultimate, foundational, fundamental goal of Pneumaticism

My initial observation is that this (dis)order of things will be extremely hard to change because it's become so ingrained in the "modern" human psyche. the hyperreality of the Capital became the absolute, surest reality for almost 8 billion people.

So the initial observation is pessimistic. in general, a good heuristic for life is:
>hope for the best
>prepare for the worst
the worst is the Cataclysm occurring and the Dark Age a few decades if not more
the way to prepare for THAT is:
>1. (most important) find a person you truly Love, who Loves you back
>2. own LAND, preferably without debt. if your parents own land, you're still good to go
>3. have other immovable and liquid assets. also, prep.
that's about it. the terror of the initial post-Capital work will be strictly financially (wealth inequality exacerbated by the Capital's i.e. the techno-industrial complex's techno-totalitarianism) and emotionally (see modern Japan, the crisis of loneliness and fem-/inceldom) based. if you load up on these beforehand, you're good to go. but, as Steve Jobs (the personification of the Capital) would say: One More Thing.

Part 9 of 9

>> No.20876658
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>4. become pneumatic, meet other like-minded people (pneumatics) and ORGANIZE
this piece most perfectly explains what's going on, from beginning to end:
To quote the late DFW:
>I wish you way more than luck.
But I'm going to quote Jacques Ellul (PBUH), too. His most famous adage is:
>Think globally, act locally
The following will be the foremost EXAMPLE of this adage.

I first crafted pneumatics ("think globally"), now I have crafted a pneumatic vision for Poland ("act locally")
I live here, and I know my society very well because I possess the Weltgeist, or to say less narcistically, because I am a pneumatic.
Here is a hypothetical Pneumatic party that would objectively satisfy over 60% of voters:

>Komitet Odnowy Rzeczpospolitej (KOR)
>Commonwealth Renewal Committee (CRC)
>(conservative) liberalism
>Christian democracy
>(unironically) enlightened centrism
>positive accelerationism (hence, pneumatics)
hidden ideology of all pneumatics (which are good but cannot be revealed to the vooters or they will not vote for you)
>positive eugenics
>peak Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Warsaw Confederation)
>Polish Golden Age (began with Casimir the Great)
>vestigial Christianity
>(in architecture) a balance of stone and glass
Separation of the Church and the State, but respect for generalized Christianity
Promotion of Polish idealism (pneumatics), the Polish "response" to German idealism (in quotes because Polish idealism actually predates German idealism, just wasn't formalized until the 1930s [Stachniuk]-2000s [me])
Fighting political correctness (the foremost tool of the Capital, being THE end-product of its 4 active measures), gender ideology (including LGBT-themed corporations, BUT NOT our equivalent of pride parades, the so-called "equality parades," which, ideally, should be renamed to Freedom Parades)
Not changing the constitutional definition of marriage (relationship of a man with a woman), introduction of same-sex civil partnerships on nearly equal legal standing (without adoption). Thus, both the Polish right-wing and the Polish left-wing is satisfied, although both not fully. This is also the program of the PO party, who are neoliberal scum, but I consider them the best choice for Poland with a possibility to reform them into this pneumatic party (PO keeps losing elections after ruling for the longest time out of any government in modern Poland--2007 to 2015--because it fails to adequately define Polishness and its rival PiS [for worse] does it better)
Conception and anti-conception: the majority-preferred Polish "abortion compromise" (wouldn't fly in the West), freely OTC all other contraceptives, "free" (paid from taxes) conception in-vitro

>> No.20876663

Fighting for Polish capital.
Investment into R&D and a project of a Polish version of chaebols
Military reform, starting from the administration, saving matters of equipment for the last, elimination of vestiges of the previous system (socialism) in the organization of the Armed Forces, bringing us on par with American military standards
Unionization of the entire Polish work force
Openness to Ukrainian/other immigrants, focus on assimilation, NO to non-European "refugees."

The Praxis of Polish idealism:
>1. "From Poland will come the spark which will save the world."
Pedagogy of self-reflective pride, not pedagogy of shame
Liberal democracy on a Christian core (until the people become pneumatic and won't need Christianity anymore)
Capitalism, entrepreneurship, industry
The Vatican cannot be above Poland.
Germans are categorically not our allies, at best they're our respectful rivals.
The European Union is us.
America is our ally, but only out of reason. We're ourselves, not an offshoot of America.

>> No.20876794


>> No.20877174


>> No.20877203


>> No.20877253

can't be a schizo if i'm coherent and Godel-complete. you're more of a schizo if you're a christcuck

>> No.20877298

Oh all right I see how your party satisfies 60% of the voters. I was intellectually amused, but now I see you're just a schizo.

t. your fellow compatriot

>> No.20877303


>> No.20877346


>> No.20877360

Your shit sucks. I can't believe you think this is impressive. Never touch a philosophy book again until you're at least 25

>> No.20877373

It's an analysis, critique, synthesis and proscription. It's a self-containing, total philosophy and a robust system. What's your argument?

>> No.20877444


>> No.20877478

tldr Anglo-Jews rule the world

>> No.20877964

This, my fellow gentlemen, is what happens when you don't read Evola.

>> No.20877996

Op here! Forgot to mention that I have also perfected the art of pleasing a man orally. Let me know if you want me to elucidate that subject too

>> No.20878013

Imagine being so schizo you post your same fucking garbage every single day on a 4chan literature board, the same garbage no one bothers responding to since it's an utter, retarded bullshit mix of entry-level philosophy and nonsensical parallells.

Just stop with this, it's embarrassing. You are just a kid, you are not smart.

>> No.20878032

Oh wow, it got even more embarrassing. Guess the ban wasn't long enough, eh.
You must really be a true pneumakike.
/x/ would be a better place for these offtopic rambles THOUGH

>> No.20879489

Bump, turn it into a pdf op

>> No.20879507

put a coom bait picture in the op next time

>> No.20879542

are you by any chance bipolar?

>> No.20879547


meant to send to OP>>20877444

>> No.20879555

It's the same Polish guy.

>> No.20879561

The argument is that Poland sucks and will never be a superpower. You can stop trying now.

>> No.20879603
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>> No.20879774

address the mathematics question

>> No.20880046

please take your meds mate

>> No.20880220 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 695x919, 1623390056948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good analysis but you've mistaken the Anglos for the Jews. The Jews took over English aristocracy at an early stage compared to all other states...


>> No.20880300

He is a self stylized schizo, med won't help, we just need to wait for him to grow out of his edgy phase. He literally made a thread attempting to prove he was schizo, one of his first thread I believe.

>> No.20881660

I posted a thread about you here:

>> No.20881698


Literally what no pussy does to a mf

>> No.20881808

why are you so mad?
and why is it entry level, faggot?
it's better than most posts on /lit/ where people just use "smart people words" like metaphysics, ontology, etc. to sound smart while saying nothing

>> No.20882089
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>this in turn stems from the combination of the worst features of Germanic and Romance cultures, i.e. the creation of "England"
Could you expand on this anon? What are the worsp aspect of each culture and how are they manifested in England? How would you describe the fusion of these in france`? What would the "best" aspect of these be?

>> No.20882191

>Hope has 2 centers rn. The United States and the Catholic Church.
The Pope is literally the antichrist bro.

>> No.20882386

lmao imagine calling deluze, derrida, baudrillard etc entry level. Ur the faggot, faggot.

>> No.20882740

You’ve put evil into the people and made them inherit of it, you have solved nothing but more bloodshed. Rather than lighten the world you have darkened it and indeed created your own dark age.

>> No.20884174

based nigger shitter

>> No.20884651

Best post ITT

>> No.20884980

thanks for positive feedback
I got pussy
Romance liberty, individuality combined with a Germanic hivemind from the outside, and the resulting soullessness and bugmanism

>> No.20885024

I honestly didn't read but I saved these nice pictures :D

>> No.20886149


>> No.20886154

it's a qt girl, faggot.

>> No.20886161

if you're still here, might as well read the whole thing

>> No.20886351


>> No.20887081

this is quite literally the most retarded thing I've ever read

>> No.20887088


>> No.20887157

The post that started
The schizpocalypse

>> No.20887179

It's just an example of a sort of synthesis of left- and right- wing views that would work for Poland to preserve a pneumaticized version of the identity (which is basically an extrapolation that would sort as a sort of metaphysical foundation for the metaphysical fulfillment that comes from pneumaticist cosmogony, ontology and cosmology)
point out 1 incoherency about my historical materialism

>> No.20887209

>I cracked the code of reality, I cracked philosophy, I cracked aesthetics, I cracked art, I cracked history, I cracked "esotericism" and perennial knowledge, I cracked what matters and what doesn't, I cracked who are our friends and who are our enemies and I cracked which is the right side of history.

nah he just needs to lay off the >>

>> No.20887261

Not an argument. Read patiently.

>> No.20887286

can anyone tell me how shit like this can be public without anything happening? like why isn't Hillary questioned about any of her emails. why isn't Obama or anyone else?

>> No.20887294

Interesting theory. In any case, I do conclude that I am certain England is the seat of the Devil, however I find England subdued under the strong spirit of the American people. Israel doesn't count on America. That means we COULD count on America.

>> No.20887295

reminder that you are a generic atheist who is infatuated with post secularism thinkers and think science is awesome and yet never ever fucking studied it

>> No.20887312

I'm a neutrally-monistic panpsychic pantheist. I worship the Monad.

>> No.20887434

The monad only cares about domination. The whole world is about dominating others, that is ethics

>> No.20887448

I worship the Gonad.

>> No.20887452

The monad doesn't care, the monad just is. We care about domination. Yes. The way we manifest domination in the modern world, which is just the Western world extrapolated onto the entire planet, is the Faustian way. Thus we need to dominate outward. I already explained the intros to the Pneumatic cosmogonic/metaphysical vision here:

>> No.20887563

He has never touched a philosophy book to begin with

>> No.20887566

You aren’t even using the term Monad correctly retard, no one ever used “Monad” to mean the One in the history of philosophy.

>> No.20887570

The Monad is just the Everything. I'm not a historian of philosophy, I'm a philosopher. Back off.

>> No.20887579


>> No.20887642

>t. doesn't know what the one is
>t. also a panentheistic brainlet

>> No.20887648

you're nothing. you appropriate from others but you never even give back, not even the courtesy of reading people's books before criticizing them. you're a degenerate. you're lower than scum.

>> No.20887655

I do give back, and I would invite you for a debate but I can see you have no arguments so you reduce yourself to cheap rhetoric. Now I kindly ask you to fuck off.

>> No.20887673

This thread speaks for itself, you are a hylic, in other threads you have admitted to drug abuse, you need to lay off the crack, it's rotted your brain

>> No.20887733

How would you respond to Zizek?

>> No.20887740

I don't abuse drugs, you keep on spouting rhetoric, you're arguing in bad faith, you're using ad hominem upon ad hominem, you do not want to have a proper discussion, so I'm kindly asking you to fuck off.
I would respond by saying that Zizek would promptly describe the guy above you as "pure ideology"

>> No.20887745

So are you though. The One is the All is Everything. Sounds like a naive monism, inferior to Hegel's auto-propulsive One

>> No.20887756

>inferior to Hegel's auto-propulsive One
Hegel is inferior to me, but I already told you to fuck off because I'm not going to have that conversation with you, you dumb ideologist.

>> No.20887841


>1. The Universe is Everything.
>2. Everything is All.
>3. All is One.
>4. One is Monad.
>5. Monad is the Divine.
>6. The Divine is deistic (the only Divine intervention was the act of Creation aka the Big Bang)
>7. The Universe was predetermined at the Big Bang (the world follows a complex but singular path)
>8. In this point I'd just like to adnotate definitions of the following words, already pronounced by me in this and earlier threads: Human (the Hylic and the Gnostic), Hyper-Consciousness, Consciousness, Life, Algorithm, Gnostic Consciousness
>9. The Traditional Metaphysical Module has been degraded by the combined forces of globalization and capitalism into non-existence and now there's a gaping hole in the Human Spirit. The True replacement won't be any sort of return or "RETVRN" (quasi-/meta-/pseudo-return) to "traditions" or "Tradition" but a Pneumatic Metaphysical Module (for the ambitious), or at least a Gnostic Metaphysical Module (for the less ambitious).
>10. The Pneumatic Metaphysical Module rests upon Absolute Knowledge of the Fate of Humanity in the Universe.
And my manifestos are an attempt at finding precisely that. And I did find it.

>> No.20887920

I, too, remember being 17 and thinking I was deep because I had read some Deluze and Derrida. Don't talk unless you know what you're talking about, which goes for both you and OP.

>> No.20887925

I know what I'm talking about, I also know that:
>you have never produced a single novel thought
>you have not made a single point in your life

>> No.20887935

You're using rhetoric to respond to me, that's an automatic self-disqualification.

>> No.20887944

>I don't abuse drugs, you keep on spouting rhetoric, you're arguing in bad faith, you're using ad hominem upon ad hominem, you do not want to have a proper discussion, so I'm kindly asking you to fuck off.

>> No.20888012

lol what? I know what the One is far better than you, and it has never been called the “Monad”.

>> No.20888017

panentheism is dumb and disproven by the fact that there will be no rebirth of this universe. either the Heat Death or the Big Rip

>> No.20888021

Humans are social animals, and each peer group wants to be its own and none other. Currently we're situated in a crisis of values started during the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages, which culminated in 1971. I recommend getting into pneumatics, specifically the last thread linked below.

The short introduction to the doctrine of pneumatics:
Introduction to the introduction of the "introduction to the long introduction of the doctrine of pneumatics":
>1st link in post >>20808545 (7th post in the thread lined below)
The long introduction to the doctrine of pneumatics (entire thread replete with links):
Introduction to the long introduction of the doctrine of pneumatics:

>> No.20888023

You don't even read the books of the people you're critiquing. You're an utter retard.

>> No.20888030

I do read books. Just because I didn't have time to read the author you're fan of (Evola) doesn't mean you have to project so hard.

Read the thread.

>> No.20888062

Literally what the fuck are you talking about? Where did I advocate pantheism? Take your meds

>> No.20888138

>tries to gotcha me on the One/the Monad
>can't differentiate between pantheism and panentheism

>> No.20888182

>I do read books. Just because I didn't have time to read the author you're fan of (Evola) doesn't mean you have to project so hard.
If you don't have the time to read somebody's book, then you don't have the time to critique them either you utter pseud.

>> No.20888190

No I do read, currently, I've just begun to read Spinoza's Ethics.

>> No.20888204

There is a difference between your brain recognizing words as a whole instead of letter by letter and blatantly misusing a term simply because you haven’t actually read anyone who ever used it. Also, what the fuck are you talking about? Where did I advocate panentheism?

>> No.20888213

>Where did I advocate panentheism?

>> No.20888224

I didn’t advocate panentheism in either of those posts, I said you didn’t know what you were talking about schizo

>> No.20888225

>claims to have solved philosophy
>hasnt even read Ethics yet

>> No.20888238

I'm just 20. I have not seriously claimed I have actually solved philosophy just yet. But I am on the path. I already know the starting point, I know the ending point, so metaphysically I'm on early Marx's level now.
You don't advocate anything in particular then. If you don't advocate panentheism then I do not know what you advocate. Here are some easy tips:
>Plato was a panentheist
>World religions such as Judaism/post-Judaism(Christianity)/post-Christianity(Islam) are panentheistic religions
>Spinoza is a pantheist
>Certain Eastern religions are pantheistic religions

>> No.20888260

I literally quit academia because I was tired of teaching retards like you

>> No.20888267

Stop it. Communism doesn't work. Wake up.

>> No.20888268

You will never walk on the path until you shed your unfathomably disgusting ego.

>> No.20888280

That's the issue with all these faggots. They think they can transform the world from within, they don't see that their delusion doesn't change reality

>> No.20888324

I'm not a commie, I'm a post-Marxist, though I do believe that from the "near" distant future till the Ultimate Moksha humanity will be a fully automated society of post-scarcity (robots will make robots which harvest energy and other resources no matter how highly-processed they are, including human resources), which presents crucial implications for both Humanity and Capitalism. I still think the fundamental framework should be Capitalist as it fits the Human nature more than Communism. But Capitalism definitely needs a moral reform that it never in its entire history had received. A moral reform that finally satiates the specters of Marxism.
My judgment isn't clouded by any ego. What you call ego, I call confidence in Fidelity. In fact one other term I've come to use for my philosophy/worldview/ideology is Fidelitarianism.

>> No.20888333

>A moral reform
You mean Christianity... More Christianity! As if we don't already have enough.

>> No.20888334

>What you call ego, I call confidence in Fidelity
I mean, that's what having an ego is. Faith in yourself. We're saying that your faith in yourself is horrifically misplaced. But you've constructed an elaborate shield around you to prevent any real contact with reality to upgrade your own abilities.

>> No.20888347

He actually suffers from a lack of ego.

>> No.20888361

It's both, isn't it? His public ego is huge ("I solved everything!"), his private ego is small ("I'm afraid of reading books.").

>> No.20888363

>How do I best summarize that? The last time I tried, it came out to 10 full-sized /lit/ posts. Should I post?
Post that shit. you can lead them to water, but forcing them to drink is called drowning. let those who have empty cups fill their vessels, let the ignorant fools complain they are parched within a sea of sustenance.

>> No.20888370

Whoever his caretakers are, ain't shit. I absolutely refuse and it's nothing you can say to me to make me believe this individual willingly and knowingly asked for this. I would fucking punch the <whatever gender> who cares for this individual in their face, fucking bullying corrupting bitches.

>> No.20888419

Good words. I already posted, btw:

>> No.20888426

No. I'm not a christcuck. Jesus did not resurrect, and it's likely he never even existed.

>> No.20888434

>"I'm afraid of reading books."
That's just your projection. I do read books. The problem is Time.

>> No.20888477

Read the Twilight of the Idols. Plato was a fraud. Right now you're his slave.

>> No.20888491

I transcend Plato
>Plato was a fraud
I wouldn't say so. He had intellectual and practical rigor and lived a long, happy, accomplished and fulfilled life.

>> No.20888501

If time's your problem, then why are you posting on /lit/? Kek, you're not a serious person. You would be much more productive if you spent one second reading a book instead of 100 hours trying to pretend to us that you've read one (and failing miserably to convince anyone).

>> No.20888504

>If time's your problem, then why are you posting on /lit/?
Examination through dialektike

>> No.20888553

He was a homosexual who took young boys regularly. You're embracing a homosexual cope.

>> No.20888562

This isn't the 18th century, you're pitifully behind.

>> No.20888566

You seem to me a very insecure person. Perhaps you are latently homosexual, but I'm not. The ad homs and 0 substance thing is getting kinda boring to be honest.

>> No.20888573

The dialectic is 4th century.

>> No.20888579

>He had intellectual and practical rigor and lived a long, happy, accomplished and fulfilled life.
You keep lying. You're in such denial, you need a serious wake up. Plato was a degenerate pedophile homosexual.

>> No.20888588

Indeed, but you're worshipping Plato like if it was the 18th century. Nietzsche happened, God was found to be a lie, and Plato a liar.

>> No.20888593

He lived according to his ethic, which he had examined first elenctically then dialectically. All because he first and foremost respected Reason, and only then Faith. That by definition is not a fraud.

>> No.20888597

just read what I wrote already, you're tiring me Lisa:

>> No.20888603

>Anglo culture doesn't really exist and is just vulgar Materialism (hence the "anglo bugman" meme), this in turn stems from the combination of the worst features of Germanic and Romance cultures, i.e. the creation of "England"
Finally someone said it

>> No.20888612


>> No.20888617

Marxism is just materialistic Judaism/Christianity/Plato you fool -- all copes by cowards who cound't face reality. Embrace capital, embrace competition, embrace reality.

>> No.20888624

I'm a post-Marxist.

>> No.20888628
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>Embrace capital, embrace competition, embrace reality.

>> No.20888631

There is no significant difference. All Marxism is Jewish and all Judaism is cope for weakness -- "I am miserable so all of you should be too". Find strength and you will be liberated from this disease.

>> No.20888651

It's funny how you think you're ahead of me. Futile effort. I reject ALL organized religion and I'm not against Capitalism per se.

>> No.20888671

Then why are you against capital?

>> No.20888676

I'm not against "capital" I'm against the Capital.

>> No.20888677


>> No.20888681

The Capital is not a human entity and yet is self-interested and all-absorbing, leading Humanity to violence (destruction), self-destruction and eventually extinction. If you read you'd know why the Capital is bad.

The Capital = WEF

>> No.20888694

Capital as a hyper-entity leads to peace and war only in an abstract economic form. Poland is not that poor, you can compete. You need to face reality.

>> No.20888699

You're never going to be a world power. Accept it.

>> No.20888702

You're still not distinguishing capital from the Capital. I'm afraid you might be too dumb for the concept, but on the chance that you're at least a midwit, I recommend getting into Nick Land, maybe he'll unfold and open you up a bit.

>> No.20888722

I get that it can dehumanizing, but you know what's more dehumanizing? Christianity.

You say you're not religious yet Christian morality is in everything you say. Exploitation and the imposing of the stronger will over the weaker will is part of human nature.

>> No.20888731

You need Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. Read from original sources.

>> No.20888769

I'm in fact anti-Christian. There's no such thing as Christian morality, Christianity is just Hellenized Judaism stemming from an earlier movement of Hellenistic Judaists.
Nietzsche is who I started with when I was 16

>> No.20888792

>Nietzsche is who I started with when I was 16
Then why can't you find individualism?

>> No.20888799

I don't understand the question. Pneumatics is a synthesis of the individual and the collective. In other words, Pneumatics is proper individualism that also actually offers metaphysical fulfillment at the same time.

>> No.20888800

>Plato was a degenerate pedophile

>> No.20888826

You have no identity, you identify with the collective.

>metaphysical fulfillment
You see, you are seeking religion. That's the problem.

>> No.20888863

You need the courage to be. You need egoism. Right now you're detached from yourself, from your balls.

>> No.20888870

>Exploitation and the imposing of the stronger will over the weaker will is part of human nature.
Does this mean it's ok if I fuck children?

>> No.20888874

You are contradicting yourself:

>> No.20888882


>> No.20888887


>> No.20888907

>Nietzsche is who I started with when I was 16
>It's funny how you think you're ahead of me. Futile effort.
>I transcend Plato
>My judgment isn't clouded by any ego. What you call ego, I call confidence in Fidelity.
>I'm just 20.
>Hegel is inferior to me
>I'm not a historian of philosophy, I'm a philosopher

I have never wanted to forget my own cringy pseud years more than this moment. Don't bother replying friend, I'm going to close this thread and do my best to forget that it ever existed. I wholeheartedly wish you the best in your future endeavors and hope that you can refine something succinct and intelligible out of your thoughts before you die of embarrassment.

>> No.20888910

Not at all. You seek religion because you have no identity. You have no identity because you're detached from yourself.

>> No.20888926

That wasn't me.

That was me.

>> No.20888937

My spirit is beyond the hylic shackles of age. I know more than you do and it's not arrogance, in fact this confidence stems precisely from the combination of the breadth of my knowledge and my humility
I reject religion. I have an identity, within Pneumatic ethics, which is something I came up with. It's like the ultimate individuality. Your point is moot.

>> No.20888951

>within Pneumatic ethics
That's not an identity, that's a cope. You seek metaphysical fulfillment because you have no identity. Look at yourself in the mirror and accept who you are.

>> No.20888991

>You seek metaphysical fulfillment because you have no identity
Well, when you get to brass tacks like that, you get to the conclusion that no one has identity and identity doesn't exist, but that's a thought as new as Lacan and as old as Gorgias

>> No.20889029

Just because philosophers are decadents doesn't mean there aren't real men in the world.

>> No.20889086

What's the point of posting this on 4chan?

>> No.20889127


>> No.20889203

Read nationalism and culture by Rudolph Rocker, edit, revise, try again

>> No.20889466

You are much better informed than I have previously given you credit for. You should lean more on your history background.

>Catholic Church's flawed response to the Reformation problem, which stemmed from the Church's inability to reflect on & fix itself
Books on this
> Materialism
Y tho?

>Catholic Church (which already knows the way forward since John Paul II) should be embraced by the EU, to salvage the EU

Do you have a definition of capitalism? I would be very careful you've thought this through

>post-Marxist sense
Ditch this descriptor immediately

Read Hipsters On Food Stamps
thelastpsychiatrist.com/2012/11/hipsters_on_food_stamps.html then part two and three. Essential.
>consumption is so conformist
Are you intentionally implying there is non-conformist consumption?

Why do you like the "nominal government"?
>>1. Infantilization
>>2. Pseudo-individualization
Bang on. Again, TLP blog

This band and song suck dick
>>Christian democracy
I agree both this one has huge potential. I've also considered entryism to the institutional left-wing party as a valid option. My name was always The Antirevolutionary Labour Group
>until the people become pneumatic and won't need Christianity anymore
Gay. Christianity = Humanism in the last instance

>More on this some other time, as I said in Part 8
Give a paragraph run down

>> No.20889492

I don't understand why he thinks the Catholic Church is the best way forward while calling other people Christcucks all the time. Makes no sense to me.

>> No.20889529
File: 2.30 MB, 972x1635, Rublev&#039;s Saviour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pneumatics is a synthesis of the individual and the collective. In other words, Pneumatics is proper individualism that also actually offers metaphysical fulfillment at the same time.
Yet again, the Gospel got there first
Fucking pleb
You should genuinely read Hegel. You definitely have not surpassed him yet.

>> No.20890604

1. Not 17
2. Haven´t read Deluze.
3. I been reading philosophy for about 5 years and I havent read them. So I know for a fact that it is not entry level. Entry level would be one of the greeks or perhaps enlightenment thought. To engage with These authors in a serious manner one should have read Hegel (which require almost all previous canon) or at least Kant (which at least require some familiarity with previous though). In no way does that qualify them as entry level.

>> No.20891493

I think the concept of imagined communities way better describes "nationalism and culture." I recommend the book Imagined Communities. If you don't have the time, just skim this:
>Books on this
The Theological Origins of Modernity
>Do you have a definition of capitalism?
I recommend reading Braudel (PBUH) for everything-capitalism. He co-founded the Annales School, if you're unaware. He wrote this wonderful tome, The Structures of Everyday Life. One crucial thing. There's market economy, and THEN there's Capitalism. So it is necessary to start with the first distinction. Braudel clearly separated the market economy and capitalism. The market economy was a reflection of material culture on the upper echelon of social life and emerged in the 10th and 11th centuries, when European regions began to emerge from the peculiar autarky that had persisted throughout almost the entire early Middle Ages. Thanks to the opening of markets, the emergence of fairs, markets, and broader economic cooperation between town and country, we are seeing the phenomenon of a renaissance of trade. However, it should be stipulated that we are obviously not talking about a free market economy. People were still constrained by traditional laws (dominial monopolies, estate laws), by regulations of smaller political centers (guild system, top-down price fixing in urban centers) or, finally, by state activity (customs duties, tolls, monopolies of central authority, whether royal or republican). Capitalism, on the other hand, can be described as an "overgrowth" on the market economy. The top tier of economic life, in which the cleverest, most enterprising, with the best connections operate. To gain and maintain their positions, they use both market mechanisms (most often bending them) and cooperation with the centers of power to escape the described restrictions and compete on an unequal footing. In the book, Braudel traces this system to the 12th century and focuses on its evolution from there to the 15th century, and onward up until the 19th century.
>Ditch this descriptor immediately
Nope. It describes me accurately. For more on post-marxism, read Derrida.
>Are you intentionally implying there is non-conformist consumption?
There IS ethical consumption under capitalism, "ethical" as defined pneumatically. Two types of it. There's ethical consumption of first-hand goods (obviously food, basic clothing) and ethical consumption of second-hand goods (everything else, including most other clothing, that should be the goal). Unethical consumption should be either avoided or achieved through piracy. The caveat is that I think first-hand tech goods are exempt so long as they truly serve to expand your abilities and help you on your pneumatic path, without sacrificing any part of your identity or life for corporate overlords

>> No.20891505

If you are 20 years old and have “cracked” philosophy after reading it for a few years as a teenager, you are probably the greatest philosopher ever. In some years you’ll look back on this and cringe I guarantee

>> No.20891510

>Finally someone said it
Its literally the first thing he's wrote off his Manifesto that is accurate and not completely schizo.

>> No.20891546

So for example I bought a Kobo Libra 2 quite some time ago. Brand new. However, I keep pirating books. I define this whole interaction as ethical consumption:
>1. No money is given to Amazon
>2. No money is given to publishing ****
At the end of the day, ethical consumption defined pneumatically is how much a purchase can meaningfully improve your life VS how much you have to pay (and possibly enslave yourself) to the Capital
>Why do you like the "nominal government"?
I'm not an anarchist. Although at heart I am. But in the real world it's not a feasible proposition. So the nominal government will always be there, the question is what people, and how structured the government is, based on what rules, what principles.
>Bang on. Again, TLP blog
I might check it out finally ;)
>This band and song suck dick
I think the band is meh, and I'm not a fan of post-rock (crescendo-core) in general, but the song is nice. They nailed the atmosphere and the narrative layout of the world to come.
>I've also considered entryism to the institutional left-wing party as a valid option.
What do you know! I also decided to join my country's designated "pseudo-center-right pseudo-center-left" neolib party (PO). But I don't want it to win the upcoming election. This is a tense period and Poland needs PiS to win a third term to preserve its identity under the globohomo onslaught. I dislike PiS, they're clear-cut authoritarians, but I trust Mr. Tusk (the leader of PO, former PM and former President of the EU) much less than the leader of PiS--Kaczynski.
>Gay. Christianity = Humanism in the last instance
World religions will mostly die, by 2200 at the latest
>Give a paragraph run down
I talked more about the following:
*Hyper-consciousness (human consciousness)
in other threads
just ctrl+f the necessary keywords or skim through the thread
>I don't understand why he thinks the Catholic Church is the best way forward while calling other people Christcucks all the time
Because that's only for the time being. And I didn't say it's the best way forward for America, the Church is foreign to America. But it is the best way forward for the EU.
Schopenhauer wasn't a pleb and Hegel simply didn't get it all right. Schopenhauer's critique of Hegel holds water. Hegel said a lot of things but his system holds no predictive power and is a truistic tautology at the end of the day.

>> No.20891602

Only LARPing is cringe. Thank God i don't do that. How's your Evola?

>> No.20891649

Never read Evola and never will. He’s a symbol of what /lit/ has become so I hate him

>> No.20891661

If you treat them just as mere educators of esotericism, hermeticism and the occult (in the same vein that Zizek can be treated just as a mere educator of Lacan, or JBP as a mere educator of Jung), instead of muh serios thinkers and philosophers in their own right, then Evola and Guenon are alright. But the moment you start taking their word as gospel is the moment you go full retard.

I think it's good reading for a midlife crisis.

>> No.20891668

I’ll still never read him or Guenon(pbuh) for principle

>> No.20891723

I recommend a book called War for Eternity that basically documents how these early ideas of Traditionalism tie in with modern alt-right (Steve Bannon, Olavo de Carvalho, Aleksandr Dugin). I wrote a shitpost-essay on Dugin and Russia if you want I could post it, might open your eyes.

>> No.20891772
File: 22 KB, 278x181, meaninglessness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dugin is a dumb schizo who tried to arrive at the Absolute Meaning (Logos) of the utterly meaningless, empty "essence" of life and culture in Russia across its history, and realized that the system which fits best is fasci- err... "national bolshevism" (what an astute conclusion, genius! the meaningless, irrational totalistic and inhuman political system that has "defined" Russia throughout its entire history and which originates from and takes after the Mongols, i.e. the doctrine of chaos, is best summarized in the modern world as fascism!) but then realized that kinda disagrees with Stalinist anti-nazi/anti-fascist propaganda, realized that if his vision has to be proper "Russian" (hint: there's no such thing), then it also has to be anti-fascist, so he made up the straw man that fascism doctrinally preaches racial purity and said that Russia transcends that because it's a mutt shit-empire like Brazil and therefore it can't be fascist.

Apparently he forgot that there were other fascist systems aside from Hitler, and that Mussolini had solved the racial question by having the concept of a pure core and whatever-colonies (Russia already has this), while Franco had already arrived at "Dugin's" position without all the dumb pseudo-moralistic schizophrenia (welcome to Russia), and already welcomed people of all races (coming from former Spanish colonies) to his Christian Fascist Spain.
Regardless, all these "diffuse" ideas are philosophically recognized as fascism across the board, and Dugin is a complete embarrassment and there's no "fourth" political theory.

>Russia's Logos is... nothing. Nothingness. Chaos. Meaninglessness.
The same as the Mongol Empire's (hint: it collapsed after colliding with a metaphysically superior civilization--the Faustian West)
But it's also wrong to suggest that his ideas have no power in the Russian security state. You might say it's meaningless schizophrenia but by trying to ascertain the "Logos" of Russia he basically inadvertently cracked the real "code" of Russia, which is just crude power for power's sake and the banality of evil under a disgustingly pseudo-moralistic disguise.
Hence Limonov, Zhirinovsky, Surkov, Prilepin, Putin, Patrushev and... Dostoevsky.

It's because of this that Dugin receives a lot of attention from Western security states. He tried being smart but ended up revealing the idiocy behind Russia, and it's also why America has been able to play Russia's foolishness so deftly since Feb 24th, even in fields where Russia used to rule, such as information warfare.

Russia, you're not even a has-been. In fact, you're a never-even-been.

>> No.20891788

I’m not interested in the alt right as I’m pretty apolitical. Thanks anyway

>> No.20891869

Well I posted it anyway

>> No.20891941

the media wont report on it since they're in the pocket of the wealthy elite and normies not only don't care, but actually prefer not to know about any of it since they want stay within the realm of normalcy.

>> No.20891973

What were you teaching, anon?

>> No.20892189

Anon, each of their frameworks lie back to back like in a revolver gun chamber. But the shooter is the Chaos Magician.

>> No.20892250

Chaos is an illusion of the unexamined observer.

>> No.20892270

Seems we got ourselves a bonafide cracker over here.

>> No.20892717

>Because that's only for the time being. And I didn't say it's the best way forward for America, the Church is foreign to America. But it is the best way forward for the EU.
Well, the Catholic Church is the largest religion in America. For a variety of demographic reasons, the Catholic Church is probably a good idea for America too.

It's still weird that you denigrate the solution all the time.

>> No.20892747


>> No.20892758


>> No.20893130

You used to talk about chanting a mantra to protect you from the CIA what happened to that?

>> No.20893432

It's a real shame that you wrote all of this, got a really good narrative going on with a powerful direction, only to miss the most important question of all. You have good taste, but you have no understanding. I treated you kindly in the beginning when others mocked you, and we had a good discussion that led to aporia on your end. So I was able to kindly prove to you that you had work to do. Alas, to no avail. Lots of incremental gains, but the crux of today's era went completely unaddressed. And, ironically, you still embody it.

Because of the irreverent way you've treated other posters who've suggested thinkers to you that introduce you to this problem, plus your inability to give respect to the people who have thought about this carefully in the past, I'm not going to tell you what it was. I know for a fact you won't be able to solve it because it would require a personality change in you, to see things from the other side, that you seem utterly incapable of doing. This is your Zen koan.

But the thing is, you're built different, so I'll let you figure it out. All the information you need is on /lit/ and the archives. After all, you don't need us. We're all delusional. We haven't sifted through the trash to find nuggets that you've simply lifted from us without any sort of gratitude or respect for the process. We simply don't appreciate how you're built different and had all of these insights beamed into your head at the ripe old age of 15. Best of luck.

>> No.20893697

this is a hot woman
this is a good post

>> No.20893901

>It's still weird that you denigrate the solution all the time.
What solution?
>Well, the Catholic Church is the largest religion in America
Protestantism is.
I'm not chanting a mantra, I just said it's a good explanation for future reference. I'm doing everything with the future in mind, and I imagine glowies in the future using AI in cooperation with ISPs to back-trace user profiles across the internet and sift through their output to see if they're "dangerous" and deserve to be put on a watchlist, or not. So I just put it out there for the future overseer to know, and it's not bunk either, it's sincere
You're just a christcuck, aren't you? I've addressed Christianity so many times already. Christianity is the final bluepill. Our authentic spiritual ancestors, as Westerners (or, in the modern world, Terrans, rather), are the Greeks.

>> No.20894010

>You're just a christcuck, aren't you? I've addressed Christianity so many times already. Christianity is the final bluepill. Our authentic spiritual ancestors, as Westerners (or, in the modern world, Terrans, rather), are the Greeks.
Kek, you call people Christcucks and the final bluepill in one side of your mouth, yet your manifesto clearly states that the Catholic Church is the only way out. Which one is it, schizo? Why would you doom us all with the final bluepill?

By the way, when we spoke, I said nothing about religion. I feel pretty good knowing something you are constitutionally incapable of knowing, even though it's what you sorely need to finish your manifesto. To give it that finale OOMPFH, that "it" factor. But it won't be yours!

>> No.20894154
File: 17 KB, 337x372, 1641266905629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont understand. why does everyone dance around critiquing OP instead of addressing any of his points directly? it seems like people are mostly suggesting he's wrong for one reason or another, but refuse to say exactly why he's wrong. not just that, but you guys are outright antagonistic towards him for seemingly no reason. the guy only wants to hone his new idea into something solid. i dont see what's wrong with that.

on the surface, doing a skim reading of it, he makes a few very good observations. i like the bit about the "perfect consumer" since it resonates with a lot of my personal experiences and imo makes sense. i dont see anything in his manifesto that warrants so much anger. he's not saying "kill all blacks and jews" or something.

>> No.20894265

Because he has a habit of being a retarded prick seeking attention, usually by polluting other threads and slandering authors he's never heard of. He gets exposed quickly, then he gets defensive and calls everybody else too dumb to understand him. People get tired of it, especially since he jousts with core thinkers of the /lit/ canon, but doesn't even address what they wrote.

For example, I mostly agree with what he's saying in this manifesto on face value too. That's why I said he has good taste. But what he's saying is missing UNDERSTANDING. He reads like somebody threw /lit/ into a GPT-3. The worst thing about is is that he's haughty and thinks that he can figure it out all on its own without our input when he clearly sounds like he's cribbing from us. The worst is to steal and to not give credit, gratitude, or even basic respect.

Like, how fucking stupid do you have to be to say something like:
>The world was ruined because of the Catholic Church's flawed response to the Reformation problem, which stemmed from the Church's inability to reflect on & fix itself. This is when Western culture died and the devil (Chaos) creeped in, winning against good through divide et impera
>Americans aren't inherently evil. But, the English most definitely are. Thankfully they are ultimately subservient to America since WW2-decolonization. The Catholic Church also isn't inherently evil, in fact since John Paul II it has been set on one of the 2 only paths of Good in this degenerate world (the other being a salvaged America)
>Hope has 2 centers rn. The United States and the Catholic Church. The United States should redeem itself, to salvage itself, and the Catholic Church (which already knows the way forward since John Paul II) should be embraced by the EU, to salvage the EU.
Only to swing around and say >>20893901
>You're just a christcuck, aren't you? I've addressed Christianity so many times already. Christianity is the final bluepill. Our authentic spiritual ancestors, as Westerners (or, in the modern world, Terrans, rather), are the Greeks.
This betrays a surface-level understanding of things, which anon refuses to acknowledge. You can crib together an infinite amount of "based" points, but without understanding, you'll never make them coherent, nor be able to replicate the genius that made basedness even possible.

So that's why I feel very smug in saying >>20893432. Because I never brought up Christ or Christianity in any of my discussions with him. I brought up something in good faith that he didn't have an answer for, something which I KNOW to be one of the gravest problems, if not THE gravest problem, of philosophy. Something rooted in the Greeks of all people! And I could make it very easy for him to figure it out. He just has to learn something as a person first. But he won't. I know that. Because he thinks he knows everything. So, if he thinks that way, I'll let him do all the hard work.

>> No.20894454

oh I didn't know OP was a known guy around here. this is my first time seeing his stuff. if he's as you say he is, then I really dont have any room to speak. it makes me wonder what his real goal is then with posting his ideas if it's totally resistant to any critiques.

also, i agree that it's backhanded and seemingly nonsensical to put down christianity after calling it one of the final hopes. im not sure why he did that.

>> No.20894473

>it makes me wonder what his real goal is then with posting his ideas if it's totally resistant to any critiques.
I mean, he's changed his manifesto quite a bit. He's a lot less cringey now that he's not obsessed with refuting solipsists and whatever. But, there's something missing. The thing is, you have to really be super friendly to him and jump through all his arbitrary hoops for you to listen to him. Even if he's being a prick by doing things like, idk, flooding the board or attacking a straw man of thoughtful author who he's clearly never read. He requires so much patience to deal with. I pretty much report his off-topic threads whenever I get the opportunity now.

>> No.20894478

>for you to listen to him.
for him to listen to you*

>> No.20894510

>>Americans aren't inherently evil. But, the English most definitely are. Thankfully they are ultimately subservient to America since WW2-decolonization. The Catholic Church also isn't inherently evil, in fact since John Paul II it has been set on one of the 2 only paths of Good in this degenerate world (the other being a salvaged America)
do you have a personal issue with OP, faggot?

>i dont understand. why does everyone dance around critiquing OP instead of addressing any of his points directly? it seems like people are mostly suggesting he's wrong for one reason or another, but refuse to say exactly why he's wrong. not just that, but you guys are outright antagonistic towards him for seemingly no reason. the guy only wants to hone his new idea into something solid. i dont see what's wrong with that.
The real answer is that the guys ITT are even bigger pseuds than he is, and do not and cannot give real arguments, but they see themselves in his ramblings, and that's why they think he's wrong and attack him.

>on the surface, doing a skim reading of it, he makes a few very good observations. i like the bit about the "perfect consumer" since it resonates with a lot of my personal experiences and imo makes sense. i dont see anything in his manifesto that warrants so much anger. he's not saying "kill all blacks and jews" or something.
But that's based. There's nothing wrong with that, man. Blacks and jews want to kill you, too.
What's your solution? Suicide? No thanks.

Triggered pseud.

>> No.20894554

you forgot your fag tag pneumatike. thats not very genuine dialektik of you

>> No.20894563

I think I've solved the mystery. Pneumatike is guenonfag

>> No.20894590

>But that's based. There's nothing wrong with that, man. Blacks and jews want to kill you, too.
I like blacks and jews and think they have provided a lot to this world.
regardless, i think it would be a massive waste of time, resources, and manpower, and it's totally unrealistic anyways since a lot of people like them and would fight to defend them. i also don't agree with the idea that blacks and jews want to kill off white people. i don't know what else would make you think that except overgeneralizing based on the very few among them that actually do want that (black supremacists and zionists). but for the most part, they're either insular or try to assimilate themselves into white societies, jews especially. almost none of them are trying to ethnically cleanse white people, regardless of how the minority of jewish journalists make it seem. most people regardless of race only want to be happy with their own lives instead of actively ruining others.

>> No.20894638

Yeah because he keeps shitting up good threads, which annoys me. And he gets good arguments in response, but oftentimes he provides nothing to work with.

Like, how would you work with somebody who is clearly posturing about something they don't know? He even knows that he doesn't know things, because if you try to do a Socratic bit with him, he'll get very angry and refuse to make the last jump where he has to admit that he doesn't know something, hasn't read something, etc., and start calling you names. Ofc, the fact that he has told on himself escapes his awareness. But he continues to live in the delusion, and we cannot pierce it no matter what we do.

For example, Pneumatike made a thread the other day criticizing Evola for wanting tradition, thinking that Evola means going to church and walking in wheat fields. Tradition means having a metaphysically complete system of knowledge, an ingrained relationship with the world, space, and time, an understanding of spirit. In fact, what Evola wanted to do is comparable to what Pneumatike is trying to do in this thread, albeit with a secular (and arguably misguided) approach.

But here's the catch. Pneumatike not only never read Evola, he admitted to have never read Evola, only vague summaries of him. So, we know that he's bullshitting, and he's happy to be bullshitting. After all, how can he claim in good faith to have criticized Evola effectively? People tried pointing that out, but it was in vain. He just ignores anybody who doesn't tell him "wow you surely got him! let me check out your manifesto!" Even recapitulating the Evola's text to him is often a vain effort, since he can't recognize the source (since he didn't read it). The only option that is left is mocking him for being a smug retard and moving on.

But for me? Why do I care, besides the fact that he's polluting the threads I like? The thing is, I want to help him because his goal is noble and he has potential. At the very least, he has good taste. But I'm not gonna enable bad behavior. I can't do it. I can forgive, but I refuse to enable. I already gave him the insight that he needed in the past anyway, so I can wipe my hands clean.

>> No.20894686

Blacks are jews are violent, hyper-competitive and toxic to the human race. If you disagree move to a brown neighborhood, or try to get a job in a field full of jews and try to deal with their nepotism and loxism.

>> No.20894708

oh fuck that actually makes sense... we need a side by side comparison.

>> No.20894734
File: 3 KB, 200x200, fish eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pearls before swine

>> No.20894743

Well, you know, he considers us all swine, but he also wants our insightful critique. And he ends up stealing our insights without giving us credit or even some basic human decency. You wouldn't understand it though, his brain is just built differently.

>> No.20894766

>but it doesn't have to be.
Citation needed.

>> No.20894770

Shut up, pig, and eat from the trough. Do you want more arguments? I can give you 40 sub-arguments.

>> No.20894777

That's rude. I may be a pig, but I can sniff for truffles very well.

>> No.20894800

Have you read Splenger?

>> No.20894893
File: 1.49 MB, 750x948, 6ACB3721-23AB-4C14-B8E1-63823DC6F22E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BUT NOT our equivalent of pride parades, the so-called "equality parades," which, ideally, should be renamed to Freedom Parades)
Too late.

>> No.20895021

>lacks are jews are violent, hyper-competitive and toxic to the human race.
looking at the history of europe, the same could be said about whites. blacks were content on their own continent. jews, on the other hand, are tightly connected to white history. in fact, it's safe to jews are white considering "white" itself is a silly term anyways.

>> No.20895032

I was thinking the same.

>> No.20895035

stupid pic, it's not like they didn't have a pride parade in 2012.

>> No.20895039

you did it again pneumatike. the only thing worse than a tripfag is an inconsistent tripfag.

>> No.20895047

Now look closer.

>> No.20895073

The kali yuga will take care of itself in time. You only have to wait and hope. No need for elaborate pseud philosophy sysytemization. Just see for yourself what is about to happen.

>> No.20895081

funny how jews are white and non-white at the same time, depending on whether it is convenient or not. They're not white when it comes to slavery, they're not white when it comes to their scientific contributions, they're white when it comes to banality and things that do not matter.

>> No.20895117

jews were cast out and denigrated multiple times in europe for being different. the idea that they're non-white probably stems from centuries-long trauma much like it is for other middle easterners. i cant say for sure because im not jewish.

>> No.20895130

They know how to take advantage of it, as opposed to gypsies who have had a worse history but they can't take advantage of it at all. They have the trauma, but everyone hates them.

Additionally, jews have been kicked out of many, many nations. Maybe around 100 as far as I remember. Calling it "denigration" is like me getting fired from 100 jobs and telling the 101th company that they hated me for no reason.

>> No.20895135

>The kali yuga will take care of itself in time. You only have to wait and hope. No need for elaborate pseud philosophy sysytemization. Just see for yourself what is about to happen.
Do you have any idea what's going to happen? Something good? or bad?


>> No.20895155

We shall go back to a traditional state of things, in balance with nature and with the supranatural. However we have done so much harm to the ecosystem that I suspect it will take a long time for us to escape the dark ages. Some say 40000 years, I might suspect it might take less time than that. Maybe in 2000 years things will get better. But before that they will get much, much worse.

>> No.20895555

>i.e. the period when the West was united and at its best-
oh fuck off

>> No.20895675

I didn't finish replying to you in an earlier thread. You say technological progress and the increasing robustness of capitalism were predictable. But how can you prove this, starting from the point of eg. the early Middle Ages? They were not constants at the time.

>> No.20895849

I dont know what your point is here. Are you saying that jews shouldn't bring up their trauma because gypsies have trauma too? because i would totally disagree with that. besides, gypsies have very little interest in assimilating while jews always try their best to integrate themselves into whichever society their in.
>Additionally, jews have been kicked out of many, many nations. Maybe around 100 as far as I remember. Calling it "denigration" is like me getting fired from 100 jobs and telling the 101th company that they hated me for no reason.
because it was denigration. from my understanding, the reasoning behind them being kicked out was always shifting mentalities towards their practices, which is why they were let back in later on.

>> No.20896943

Jews don't integrate, this is a very naive view

>> No.20896951


totallizing metanarratives are 'over' so I've heard

>> No.20896973

You're dumb and arrogant and you lack basic intellectual humility. Who's surface level here? I already said I had addressed Christianity many times, and the question of the Catholic Church, even within this thread, but you won't bother to read my posts, if anyone here is cribbing points, it's you. You're such a slimey projecting fuck.

I addressed Christianity here for example:
And the question of the Catholic Church here:
>Because that's only for the time being.
and here, based on the case of my country specifically:
>Liberal democracy on a Christian core (until the people become pneumatic and won't need Christianity anymore)

Now kys.

>> No.20896984

>For example, Pneumatike made a thread the other day criticizing Evola for wanting tradition, thinking that Evola means going to church and walking in wheat fields. Tradition means having a metaphysically complete system of knowledge, an ingrained relationship with the world, space, and time, an understanding of spirit.
That's not what I criticized. I criticized Evola for thinking organic societies were "more in the know" than modern people in any measure. They were even more bluepilled than us, they were just happy because they lived in epochs (zeitgeists) filled with metaphysics, meanwhile (what I refer to as) our Traditional Metaphysical Modules have started wearing down in the West since the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages. I read books, and on this specific topic I recommended a book, Theological Origins of Modernity, but you won't listen.

I know it hurts to see an idol demolished, but you should kill your idols (except for Plato and Socrates :3)

>> No.20897006

The entire pneumatic manifesto that follows is a citation to that statement.
Nope, but I know the basics. I judge thinkers based on the initial gist of their theories, their explications, and their conclusions. Spengler is simply pseudo-scientific and it's clear his tirade is based on a sample size of 1--Rome--and not even the full Roman Empire, just the Western portion of it which died in the 5th century, even though the other half kept on thriving for another millennium. So it's basically typical self-conscious Western anxiety magnified with the dramatic example of Rome, which has inspired Europeans for thousands of years. It's a fun fantasy but there's no more merit. There will be no caesarism, there will be no "decline of the West," the crucial factor is globalization, the entire globe is "the West" now, basically, and the entire globe has been subsumed by the toxic anti-culture of hitherto capitalism. When you look at China for example, how individual people live their lives, there's very little collectivism actually. They are atomized and live in nuclear families of 1 child each. The child is supposed to study hard because there are dozens of millions of other children competing for a spot at a company or institution. In Confucian times, life wasn't easier, but there was a clearly collectivistic aspect to it, and not everyone was supposed to study hard. What is evident in China now is that the organic culture has been erased and replaced by this toxic anti-culture of hitherto capitalism. That's what's evident. Hence, my postings.
>he considers us all swine
No. I give praise to many different thinkers and posters. I just don't like the hylic (bugman) mindset, which is, admittedly, quite prevalent. I'm talking about the reductionist tendencies of so many people on here, it's so typically Anglo.
I don't switch my trip off to samefag. ITT all my posts are with the trip (except for bumps).
Not my point. I kind of take after fascism (and freemasonry) because I think that a State should emanate all key metaphysical concepts that underlie its foundation through all institutions, public buildings, public marches and so on. And in this sense, I see "pride parades" (here in Poland they're called Equality Parades and they're less degenerate than in America, and a lot of people marching are simply allies) as an opportunity for a kind of march that manifests your true identity which is independent of any indoctrination, whether religious, ideologic OR corporate.
Gibberish. That's why I don't like this pseudo-Eastern-influenced New Age stuff (let's call it for what it is)
what's your objection? you should read more about christian universalism

>> No.20897024

>But how can you prove this, starting from the point of eg. the early Middle Ages?
The Early Middle Ages are a period after the collapse of Pax Romana. The Roman Empire fell apart because it suffered a wholesale socio-economic collapse, whose origin point was the fact that Rome's existence came to clash with Rome's pre-selected economic system. Expansionism and the latifundium system were hardwired into the economy and military of Rome. As soon as Rome stopped expanding (and that more or less started in the late Republic), problems started mounting, in fact this is the reason for the crisis of the late roman republic, and the transition to empire. The fun fact is that the Roman Empire actually barely expanded compared to previous acqusitions achieved under the republican system (a vestige of which was kept in the imperial times)

So basically this is the "starting point" of the Early Middle Ages. No Pax Romana, chaos, and isolated, precarious settlements. It is in this context that the feudal system began to arise, beginning in the Frankish Kingdom and the system of dominia/manors, fiefs, vassalage. Feudalism proper didn't get codified until the Italian law, specifying the relationship between town and country, got developed, and then spread across Europe in various other regionalized formulations. Later onward, from this, a market economy arises, and later onward, on top of this, Capitalism. More on this here: >>20891493

>> No.20897079

how could you possibly say that when there's a wide range of ethnicities of jews throughout the world? how could you believe while at the same being well aware of the success they have in the west?
they're not at all like gypsies who are concentrated in one small part of the world with a centuries long reputation as being a conniving underclass. jews, in comparison, are represent in all classes and all roles in western society. at this point, they're indistinguishable from anyone else.

>> No.20897112

I mean I myself am 1/4 Jewish by ethnicity. Yet I'm so integrated I would consider myself a Polish nationalist without any judaistic programming.

>> No.20897130

>No. I give praise to many different thinkers and posters. I just don't like the hylic (bugman) mindset, which is, admittedly, quite prevalent. I'm talking about the reductionist tendencies of so many people on here, it's so typically Anglo.
Can you elaborate on that?

>how could you possibly say that when there's a wide range of ethnicities of jews throughout the world? how could you believe while at the same being well aware of the success they have in the west?
Their success is nepotistic, self-centered, etc. I'm not saying it's bad, and I actually wish Europeans were more like the jews. I wish I had been born a jew, too.
>they're not at all like gypsies who are concentrated in one small part of the world with a centuries long reputation as being a conniving underclass. jews, in comparison, are represent in all classes and all roles in western society. at this point, they're indistinguishable from anyone else.
They're greatly over-represented in finance, law, economics, culture, medicine, and other important fields.
It's a long discussion but there's obviously something peculiar about all that.
Imagine if you kept hearing Zimbabwean names and seeing Zimbabwean people when reading about financial news, looking up a large company to see who owns it, etc.
There are almost 15 million Zimbabweans, and if we add their diaspora to that we get 16-22 mil according to wikipedia. There are about 14 million jews worldwide (Israel, America, and other diaspora), so the comparison is fair.

>> No.20897141

I'm not talking about you specifically, I didn't mean to offend you. I was saying something similar to "the British were colonialists and had a strong empire", which is only true for a small percentage of them.

>> No.20897171

Is Cum Town pneumatic?

>> No.20897190

>Their success is nepotistic, self-centered, etc.
Just about every race does this though, especially Asians. Hell, sometimes people get preferential treatment just based on ethnicity (irish, polish, russian). The reality is nepotism supersedes meritocracy in our society since we're ultimately still tribal animals. Im not at all an expert and this isn't something I have looked heavily into it, but it feels like meritocracy is mainly put in high regard by Western Europeans and somewhat North Americans.
>They're greatly over-represented in finance, law, economics, culture, medicine, and other important fields.
It's a long discussion but there's obviously something peculiar about all that.
I dont think it's peculiar at all. You listed out a pretty broad range of professions there. Asians are massively overrepresented in tech and medicine, yet no one makes a fuss about that. Really all I get from this as that Jews tend to do well for themselves.

>> No.20897229


>> No.20897259

Asians? We're talking about billions of people.
Jews? Around than 14-16 mil. And even among jews there is great inequality, greater than in other races, you implied this yourself.

>World population: 8 billion (rounded)

>Out of 1,426 billionaires living today, 165 are Jews, whose fortune amounts to 812 billion dollars, according to the Israeli Forbes Magazine.

11.57% of 8 billion = 925600000 (almost 1 billion)

>As of 2020, the world's "core" Jewish population (those identifying as Jews above all else) was estimated at 14.8 million, 0.2% of the 7.95 billion worldwide population.

0.2% of 8 billion = 16000000 (around 16 mil)

Now let's compare this:
925600000 / 16000000 = 57.85

Which means 5785%

Now check this article:
>Faces of Power: 80% Are White, Even as U.S. Becomes More Diverse
But around 60% of people in America are white. Compare these two percentages:
>0.8 / 0.6 = 1.33
Which means 133%

Compare 5785% with 133%.

>> No.20897275

The last comparison is a bit irrelevant, but my main point was that jews are incredibly over-represented when it comes to power, wealth, etc. The total population of jews in the world is similar to that of Belgians and Zimbabweans, yet you never hear of those 2 groups of people, even though Belgium had an empire, and they're a 1st world country, so it's not like they were unfortunate.

>> No.20897394 [DELETED] 

Well, I already tackled the JQ:
>Anglos rule the world and other particular cultures help them in this task.
Jews don't rule the world.
Cum Town/Chapo/RedScare don't achieve anything, it's a circlejerk. You're pneumatic when you know your goals (which fulfill you metaphysically) and strive to achieve them, and also spread this secular metaphysical fulfillment for the new era, across society.

And please don't devolve into stupid racist discussions guys. Dualism is an illusion. Pluralism/atomism is an illusion. Only in monism lies the Truth.

>> No.20897397

Well, I already tackled the JQ:
>Anglos rule the world and other particular cultures help them in this task.
Jews don't rule the world.
Cum Town/Chapo/RedScare don't achieve anything, it's a circlejerk. You're pneumatic when you know your goals (which fulfill you metaphysically) and strive to achieve them, and also spread this secular metaphysical fulfillment for the new era, across society.
Also, Breadtube is dead, just FYI.

And please don't devolve into stupid racist discussions guys. Dualism is an illusion. Pluralism/atomism is an illusion. Only in monism lies the Truth. All human beings have the same nature and just respond to their context.

>> No.20897401

>You're dumb and arrogant and you lack basic intellectual humility. Who's surface level here? I already said I had addressed Christianity many times, and the question of the Catholic Church, even
You think people can believe in something because it's functional but not because it's actually true. You're the most intellectually hubristic person of all of them. Go ahead and call your Polish brethren what you truly think of them, Christcucks, and see where that gets you. People get really good at catching onto when people are merely pretending. It didn't work in the USA with Straussian neoconservatives, it's definitely not going to work in Europe.

The funny thing though is that, even though I'm "Anonymous" to you, so you're confident in thinking I'm just another /lit/ member... I know who I am. I've seen you actually compliment me on what I've had to say. I've stumped you several times before and made you look forward to the trip. And yet you still treat random strangers this way as if you're superior when you hardly know anything, as if you could do everything by yourself.

Anyway, I'm wiping my hands of this. I'm not critiquing your manifestos from now on. I won't even read them. I'm brutally confident in your inability to finish what you started because you're constitutionally incapable of realizing the truth. Best of luck. You'll need it.

>> No.20897413

The Anglos are ruled by the jews. The jews always fled to safe or neutral countries. Take for example Switzerland, America, etc.

>> No.20897416

>You think people can believe in something because it's functional but not because it's actually true.
Umm, yes? What do you find outrageous about this? That's a truism, in fact.
>People get really good at catching onto when people are merely pretending.
I'm not pretending to be a Christian, I'm merely saying it's better to respect Christianity than not, and that, as far as masses go, instead of doing some weird moral revolution in the French/communist vein, it's best to just reinforce these good-enough Christian traditions, while offering a sort of outlook that goes beyond that and provides additional fulfillment
>And yet you still treat random strangers this way as if you're superior
Nope, but I will admit that I have adopted quite an aggressively "defensive" stance but that's because there's no other way to systematically pitch any grand idea on /lit/, or on any board on 4chan for that matter. this place is such that even when you aren't conspicuous yet, just have potential to be, everyone who gives a shit will give a shit just to take you down while everyone else will ignore. just check the first half of this thread

>> No.20897417

>The Anglos are ruled by the jews.
Yeah Evola said that, and some before him, but I disagree, for the simple reason that the Anglos were wicked way before the Jews even got anywhere in England. As I said, it started in 1534.

>> No.20897423

>The history of the Jews in England goes back to the reign of William the Conqueror. Although it is likely that there had been some Jewish presence in the Roman period, there is no definitive evidence, and no reason to suppose that there was any community during Anglo-Saxon times. The first written record of Jewish settlement in England dates from 1070. The Jewish settlement continued until King Edward I's Edict of Expulsion in 1290. After the expulsion, there was no overt Jewish community (as opposed to individuals practising Judaism secretly) until the rule of Oliver Cromwell. While Cromwell never officially readmitted Jews to the Commonwealth of England, a small colony of Sephardic Jews living in London was identified in 1656 and allowed to remain.

Also, being wicked is one thing, ruling the world is a totally different thing. Jews control the world, and they always choose to operate from safe countries. As I've said, Switzerland, Ingerland, America, Russia, etc.

Think about Switzerland. Mountains, well-defended, neutral, rich.
Think about Ingerland. Isolated, strong navy, not having had to deal with the land conflicts of continental Europe.
Think about Russia. Huge country, a shit ton of land and resources, always opposed to other empires and countries.

>> No.20897437

>Umm, yes? What do you find outrageous about this? That's a truism, in fact.
Faking it will always be inferior to being a true believer. Dante Alighieri wasn't faking it. The crusaders weren't faking it. Christ wasn't faking it. Faking it until you make it is just a pastiche of American culture, yet everybody suffers from depression, nihilism, and imposter syndrome because, well, we faked it, we materially "made" it, but we have no idea why it even matters. You criticize hylic culture yet you propose emulating its methods. Not going to work.
>I'm not pretending to be a Christian, I'm merely saying it's better to respect Christianity than not, and that, as far as masses go, instead of doing some weird moral revolution in the French/communist vein, it's best to just reinforce these good-enough Christian traditions, while offering a sort of outlook that goes beyond that and provides additional fulfillment
Christianity already offers that. It has a long tradition of esotericism. Have you read the Bible? Have you read Meditations on the Tarot?
>Nope, but I will admit that I have adopted quite an aggressively "defensive" stance but that's because there's no other way to systematically pitch any grand idea on /lit/, or on any board on 4chan for that matter.
The more defensive you are, the more hate you will attract, and the less receptive you will be towards good ideas. Again, you want to be on /lit/, you're going to have to deal with shitposters. Don't sweat the small stuff. A shitposter is a bump, and the better your reaction (or lack thereof) is, the better your ideas will look.
>this place is such that even when you aren't conspicuous yet, just have potential to be, everyone who gives a shit will give a shit just to take you down while everyone else will ignore. just check the first half of this thread
If this place is such a shithole, then why even come here? That's a good question. Not throwing pearls before swine is VERY sagely advice. Knowledge comes at a premium. Obviously, you think /lit/ has value. So, you'll have to win our affection. Or are you a masochist? Do you enjoy wasting your time, throwing your pearls of a manifesto at porcine shitposters who will tear it apart without even touching upon the ideas? That doesn't seem rational to me. The time cost-benefit analysis is off.

>> No.20897451

Let's get to brass tacks. America runs the world. America isn't run by Jews. America is run by Anglos. There's the old WASP elite, and there are also the Catholics. That's all.

Antisemitism is myopic and a distraction from the real enemy, which unites all our enemies--the Capital

>> No.20897453
File: 188 KB, 1000x800, CDEA35C0-5D0E-4165-94EE-718E0333FB29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I have a never ending hatred for the eternal Anglo, I hate christcucks almost as much
Try again

>> No.20897464

You're in luck! Read the 9 posts.

>> No.20897483

See this post here:

Jews rule the world. Americans and Anglos (the Anglosphere) are now the "headquarters" of the jews. This is why they have power and wealth. I agree with that point about the WASPs, but again, their wealth comes from the jews. You could say that now they are independently wealthy, which is true, but the real issue is that of the jew, the JQ.

>Antisemitism is myopic and a distraction from the real enemy, which unites all our enemies--the Capital
I agree with that. I'm not a commie though.

>> No.20897486

That's fucking hideous. Did that faggot get executed?

>> No.20897511

>I know it hurts to see an idol demolished, but you should kill your idols (except for Plato and Socrates :3)
I don't get it. You say that people in the past were not more enlightened than we were. Yet you cherish Plato, a thinker who was the epitome of what people would have called tradition, if only he was a tad bit more spiritual. Plato is mystical in a way you don't give him credit for. And if people like Heidegger and Evola make me want to re-evaluate somebody like Plato, then they're important stepping stones for getting to the truth. What's wrong in recognizing that? Again, you're inconsistent because you lack understanding. The lack of understanding makes for a shallow, rickety foundation of ideas.

>> No.20897599

>Plato is mystical in a way you don't give him credit for.
I totally do. What I wrote within 9 posts isn't everything I know to be true, just the gist.
>You say that people in the past were not more enlightened than we were
Well, there are always people who have their third eye opened, and those who don't. That's what I meant. As far as the Greeks go, I already said enough here:

All I mean is, if you ripped Plato from the time of Socrates' execution and placed him in AD 2020, he might've gone crazy.

If you want to read more
The short introduction to the doctrine of pneumatics:
Introduction to the introduction of the "introduction to the long introduction of the doctrine of pneumatics":
>1st link in post >>20808545 (7th post in the thread lined below)
The long introduction to the doctrine of pneumatics (entire thread replete with links):
Introduction to the long introduction of the doctrine of pneumatics:

>> No.20897605

I've already read your stuff. I'm >>20897437 anon.

>> No.20897753

I don’t think it’s worth it to read all this nonsense that’s probably the drivel of a schizophrenic anyway so I won’t but I’ll just say anyone that says “I figured the nature of everything out!” Is simply either arrogant or retarded.

>> No.20897827

Sounds like my project. Give me back my notebooks.

>> No.20897831

>Also, Breadtube is dead, just FYI.
Of course dude. Stillborn.

>> No.20897866

OP, what if space and time meant nothing to me? Why should I care about your system?

>> No.20897933

>I don't switch my trip off to samefag. ITT all my posts are with the trip (except for bumps).
sure Ill just take your word on that. especially given the fact that you clearly made an exception. you really do think Im retarded dont you?

>> No.20897965

These. Narcissism is a hell of a drug. Imagine thinking you solved philosophy when 90% of what you read was as a teenager. OP seems like an extremely unlikable person, more so than many on this shitboard

>> No.20898379

Bro, you won. I have nothing against you. But maybe.. please? Be kind to me. We' re all brothers, we lit fires of posting. we generate light in those threads. Sure you can ignore my attempts at solveing the worst obstacle we have: the phjilosophy, that monstrous construction of wicked frankenstein of the Enlightenment. Sure bro whatever. You can hate me.. I can take it. I'm just a nice Polish-Jewish boy with a soul full of genuine striving.. I want to help my brothers sitting in the trenches of shitposting. dunno man, many are traumatized. that is true. but it sure is a good thing to have a moment of cheer amidst the the, banishing gravity with a light temper.

>> No.20898519

OP is a classic narcissist and he's also a jew, which makes it twice as bad. I had friends like him, they kept telling me this shit, that they are:
>truly smart, unlike others
>it's really simple, lemme dismiss that completely, instead it's <this stupid shit I think>
>no, I'm never wrong, no, you're quoting him wrong, nope, no, that book is the wrong edition, it's a bad translation, your sources are bad, you are wrong, I'm right
><famous thinker>? completely wrong, I'm 10 times smarter than him
><thing you like>? it's total shit because I like <this thing>
I've wasted years having friends like that until I realized these people WILL NEVER CHANGE. You can talk to them for thousands of hours, they are brain dead and legitimately insane.

Most of this board is like that, though. I'm talking about most posts, not most anons. Most posts are made by the mentally ill anons, who think they're "misunderstood geniuses", who think that by skimming 1000 books a year they are "greater than Nietzsche" or "greater than Plato". It doesn't make sense. We're wasting our time talking to them.

>> No.20898532

We are wasting time talking to each other as well. There should be only voidposting: speech directed into the nothingness, completely ignoring the other. The less relatable a post will be the more genuine poetry could be extracted from the gaps. Also, that would solve the seething as there will be no reason for it: every post as a silence echoing.

>> No.20898540

>The world was ruined because of the Catholic Church's flawed response to the Reformation problem, which stemmed from the Church's inability to reflect on & fix itself. This is when Western culture died and the devil (Chaos) creeped in, winning against good through divide et impera
What's wrong with this?

>> No.20898546

Why do you apply personality traits to ethnicities? Why do you believe the Jews rule Anglos like a cartoonish emperor ruling his lackey? You act like millions of people share the same values and self-interests. It seems like standard mindless envying, with all the foolishness of an uneducated North Korean thinking the Americans all want to kill him. Unless I am confusing words from other posters with your own.

>> No.20898574

Well, I'm not faking authenticity, I believe I stand with the Truth, and I'm not pretending to be a christcuck in any way shape or form, or place, or time. So I'm not sure what's your problem.
>Christianity already offers that
Christianity remains a fairy tale.
>The more defensive you are, the more hate you will attract
I want to have a discussion, when all I get is just dumb shitposters not adding anything to the topic except bad faith arguing and ad homs, it's not my fault. This thread only got rolling in the past 24h
>If this place is such a shithole, then why even come here?
/lit/ has some really smart people posting here. I'm not here to proselytize the entire board but either hear out good critique, or join powers with other smart people if they realize we have the same goals and vision. That's my pneumatic work
I think Sowell posted the best (politically correct, too) explanation of the JQ. Kevin Macdonald did not (although his writings are amusing). Sowell's concept is called "middleman minority" and it describes Jewish stature (and plight) throughout centuries/millennia quite well
i dont have infinite time to entertain you guys with various personas, thats just weird to me
did you read the threads too? or just the beginning, the texts? it's just that i don't want to reiterate myself and i think you have some issue that could be resolved with better reading comprehension
That might sound schizophrenic. But if I just said "I figured out a proper code of ethics" you wouldn't mind. What's the difference after all? It's the same thing in the end. The thing is, the "nature of everything" is already being figured out 24/7 by the machine of capitalism. Better take matters into our own hands instead of succumbing to the algorithm.

>> No.20898584

>Why do you believe the Jews rule Anglos like a cartoonish emperor ruling his lackey?
You might be confusing me with someone else.
>Why do you apply personality traits to ethnicities?
1. I'm not applying personality traits
2. neither are the descriptions/categories peculiar/specific.
Mine are very broad and fundamental metaphysical distinctions:
3. i'm not talking about ethnicities but cultures
and I conclude that there's only 1 culture nowadays, the globe-spanning culture of late capitalism. there's no /pol/tard hyperfocus

>> No.20898909

I really recommend you guys to read the philosophical explanation behind this manifesto/this thread:
here you will learn:
>what are the fundamental questions of philosophy upon which everything else is based
>what are the answers to these questions, among which
>monism vs dualism
>what is consciousness, is there any, and to what extent can we trust it if it exists?
>is there objective truth?
>is there objective good?
>is there free will?
>what view of the world, humans & reality arises from these answers
>what are the implications
this thread could honestly be called a mere continuation of that effort

>> No.20898980

geez just make a blog already

>> No.20898994

are you new to 4chan that the idea of the OP linking to his earlier thread is somehow bizarre and overlong?

>> No.20899013

4chan is full of ADD zoomers now, anon.

>> No.20899030

I'm not. Efforts to solve philosophy by more ''philosophy'' are stupid. The medium is the message. Until now you were showing an obvious style + edgelordism of a youngster (not a reproach, blind basedness is ngl based) + chutzpah. It takes something absolutely different to make this place closer to a minor even. Accusing ''''anglos'''' of ''''''semetic''''' materialism is so stale and old it is brainrotting. Even if it is ''''true''''. That is what jannies dream of sneeds doing. Yet alas, It's over. None are entertained. None are involved. Typical for a provincial climber you push hard, you ready to grift. But sneeds are not impressed. Show spirit, show abundance. Calling yourself 'Pneumatic' doesn't turn you magically into one.

>> No.20899034

>to a minor event

>> No.20899172

Anglos are derided only in the first 2 parts out of 9, the next 7 parts go way deeper into the way our modern global world is structured, the origins of modernity, and the implications for the future

>> No.20899226

Exactly, this effort to find a connected grand narrative screams schizophrenia.

>> No.20899232

Gardener already solved this, you're behind the times.

>> No.20899390

are you retarded? this is what every great thinker has tried to do
how can you write such disgusting shit, you cunt nigger?

>> No.20899397

Pneumatike is based, but I have a bigger theory cookin' in my noggin, bro. I'm a hydraulik

>> No.20899399

Alright. I'm not shitting on your project, honestly. In fact, I believe in the future ethics when there would be a flood of creative spirits and they wouldn't be resentful but generous and fearless. What I mean — those who are of the past see every new venue as threatening and ready to disturb their defective unity. Thus the zero sum logic of their game. But future Gamer ethicc is founded on the non-zero sum of Pneuma — the Divine Breath.

You generate and bring out Pneuma through genuinely creative acts. And that is the question: how to build in the new ways.

>> No.20899404

>what every great thinker has tried to do
Lick their boots and go back to school kid. Yes, may philosophers were psychotic. Is this so surprising?

>> No.20899406

Creative arts? That doesn't help me with anything. Do you have more specific and less generic advice? No offense, maybe I'm misinterpreting you, or maybe you've got something truly interesting to say.

>> No.20899413

This is just a /lit/ way of saying "meds now". Fuck yourself, pseud. Only brain dead morons think that they life has to be a big mess that doesn't make sense.
>oh, my tv? I punch it and it starts working again
>I don't know how it works
>is your computer broken? you need to reinstall its OS or replace the hard drive, don't punch it
Brain dead NPC.

You do not deserve my hydraulic attention, niggerman...

>> No.20899414

>>are you retarded? this is what every great thinker has tried to do
yeah and all your great thinkers were wrong or just spout out the normie perennialist crap that atheist women like OP love to so much lol

>> No.20899422

>>>what are the fundamental questions of philosophy upon which everything else is based
>>what are the answers to these questions, among which
lol philosophers have been asking thousands of question over thousands a of years and answered non of them

>> No.20899425

Keep licking their boots in awe you disgusting lapdog. You don't have any idea what I'm talking about anyway

>> No.20899428

>muh <buzzword of the month>
muh perennialism, muh transhumanism, muh new age, muh eastern philosophy, muh everything bad

muh shut up, nigger, and listen to the air and water flowing through my pipes

>> No.20899436

Goyim like you feel like they're smart by copying a stupid counter-cultural trend. You're like the male version of a feminist. You're so wise and unique and cool, but you're one of the 500 million whores that have dyed their hair pink earlier this year, stupid moron! Stupid anti-pneumatic, anti-hydraulic nigger shit.

>> No.20899440

>The United States and the Catholic Church. The United States should redeem itself, to salvage itself, and the Catholic Church (which already knows the way forward since John Paul II) should be embraced by the EU, to salvage the EU.
Yeah a country built by bourgeois tax evaders and a community of goyims desperate for a jew guru to come back will salvage the crappy society built by the same bourgeois an goyims tax evaders, sure....
Atheists are so retarded it's insanity at this point.

>Verification not required.

>> No.20899444

>lol philosophers have been asking thousands of question over thousands a of years and answered non of them
And science was invented 500 years ago, roughly 200-300k years after the birth of our species. Just how fucking stupid are you, you stupid, dumb, low IQ niggerman? NIGGER GOY

>> No.20899445

>Plato, Marx and Heidegger can be all connected. Kant can be refined, as can Hegel and Ellul, and these can be crucially expanded.

Nobody gives a single fuck about these bunch of literal whos. Oh boy, if you think you've "cracked reality" by reading them you're in for a surprise. Your understanding is myopic and limited.

>> No.20899451

>And science was invented 500 years ago, roughly 200-300k years after the birth of our species. Just how fucking stupid are you, you stupid, dumb, low IQ niggerman? NIGGER GOY

Yet within 450 years it managed to send man to the moon

>> No.20899459

>the foundation
We have had enough crackpots like you here. just get the rope and make it easier for everyone.

>> No.20899464

>Yeah a country built by bourgeois tax evaders and a community of goyims desperate for a jew guru to come back will salvage the crappy society built by the same bourgeois an goyims tax evaders, sure....
>Atheists are so retarded it's insanity at this point.
Christcucks are just cucks that wait in the corner of their lives, staring at Gawd and the Hawly Charwrch fornicating with their lives, and we don't even have to insult them, their title of Christcuckery is by itself insulting, as they are cucked and cursed forever to wait for the delightful "SLOPPY SECONDS" of the after-life, after Gawd (the sky-kike) will have finished clapping the cheeks of the current-life with his Big God Dick in a furious, sweaty, divine fuckfest, shooting the Logos Spermatikos all over the place.

>> No.20899487

I'm not into system buildings. I firmly believe into the bottom-up approach. To make a difference you first make yourself bountiful, you lvl up until your no longer dependent and angsty, i.e. becoming a total individual. That is how I understand what OP is doing: that is the way towards an individuation. Once that individuation is fulfilled — even though it is a cyclical process through multiple dissolve&coagulation stages — an individuated gamer becomes a strong node in a gamer network empire creating his own pneuma and living in it (Sloterdijkean sphere). Gamers communicate with each other through unique artifacts of art that are charged with pneuma/unique vibrations. They are alive through their art.

Systemic approaches are top-down, they try to watch through eyes of a demiurge. However, the demiurge is not an Artist but a mere imitator. Hence the janny-moment within Islam (strict monotheism banning attempts at genuine creativity; yeah, I know there are esotericisms in Islam).

Not sure if what I have said is interesting. Simply put, to make a change, there needs to be a theory of the local environment. And then pneuma-charged freespirit memetic engineers will craft unique and 'autistic'/self-referential language (already happening) to describe the advancement of the sn33d mmorpg (also known as the Maincraft).

>> No.20899941

You've said some interesting things, thanks for the effortpost. Can you please expand on that part about memetic engineers and self-referential languages?

>> No.20900134

>Systemic approaches are top-down, they try to watch through eyes of a demiurge. However, the demiurge is not an Artist but a mere imitator. Hence the janny-moment within Islam (strict monotheism banning attempts at genuine creativity; yeah, I know there are esotericisms in Islam).
>hence the janny moment in Islam
Hence? Janny moments are not unique to Islam hence the founding of America. Very profound. You and OP will change the world, but you haven't even begun to conquer yourselves, no? Look at OP, he's already effortlessly cracked the JQ, what a man, what wisdom.

>> No.20900394

Memes are emanations of corresponding monads. I see monadic multiplicity where at the 'final level' there are two grand (meta)monads: the monad of generosity/Light and the monad of greed/Mixture. In this model, we either work for bringing more opening and light. Or we shit and complain, and become pawns for the mixture; the negative void of husks.

Why 4chan was memed to be an engine of the internet? Is that true or not? To me it doesn't matter. I be just chucking my sneed because that is how it is: self-reference is the foundation for sovereignty. Most of them non-gamers are in it for various clouts (the life-blood of zero-sum). However, if non-gamers meet gamers and the latter will meme their memes disregarding whatever heteronomy is trying to impose itself — the gamers will triumph in realizing their essence. Non-identity: an essence doesn't need to be certified by names. Non-gamers fight for names/symbolic order positions.

That being said, I do not see OP as an enemy (as some itt do) but as a friend: it is not wars of name1 vs name2, etc. but names vs essences. 'Go and find your own language to describe what you see in life and try to put it into art. Then it will redeem you and help others to be redeemed.' That is how I see it.
Janny-moment is greed of the counter-monad. That, of course, does not mean that jannies cannot be (crypto)sneedified.
>You and OP will change the world, but you haven't even begun to conquer yourselves, no?
>he's already effortlessly cracked the JQ
Based basedness. And you have an audacity to complain? Imagine shittering souls for hundreds of years about muh-whatever and then some dude just solves the question like finally. Bruh, you really cannot go on these wheels. Say something outright stupid or say something polished but being in the mid — not gonna make it. By reacting to whatever we ontologize it. Affirm it.

>> No.20901676


>> No.20901944

Well it's sad that so much of this thread has been wasted by bad faith, ad homs and unfunny trolling (impersonations etc.) but it is what it is. I have still not received any substantial critique. I will return. I would appreciate you to be more prepared when I do.

>> No.20902021

It's very easy to criticize this intellectual system, since it is another flavor of judaism.

>> No.20902058

Judaism is overly materialistic and every Judaist subconsciously rejects (by consciously ignoring) metaphysics and any notion of afterlife/transcendence. I'm quite critical of such an approach throughout my postings so I don't get this critique

>> No.20902068

Didn't you say you are a Polish jew?
It's just judaistic word salads.
And don't you know that most people here are Americans? They hate salads

>> No.20902077

No, I said I'm a Pole of partial Jewish descent (1/4). By ethnicity. Judaism ended on my great-great grandparents (turn of the century) who were reform afaik and quite assimilated, my great grandpa was already atheist, fully assimilated and a socialist, and my grandpa married a Polish woman, and there I am.

tldr I'm quite far removed from Judaism
>word salads
the 9 posts ITT are quite straightforward

>> No.20902092

Though I will admit that, personality-wise (and looks-wise), I have more in common with an average Jew than with an average Pole. But I'm a Polish nationalist (albeit mild).

>> No.20902093

It's Twitter garbage. Go and read something useful. You will look back at this in a few years and cringe at yourself.

>> No.20902100

It's actually my attempt at refining and expanding Plato. So your input isn't very useful.

>> No.20902402

Has anyone ever told you that you sound like a Cruelty Squad NPC?

>> No.20902526

I'm ESL and not aiming for eloquence, just functionality. For the time being. Maybe that's it.

>> No.20902568

write a book then.

>> No.20902719

The best advice you got is from mr. gamer up there. Cultivate a language, a fullness, that's your own, and let go of the kinds of formal/logical skeletons you keep accumulating here.

>> No.20902777

Lol it's none of that.
Not related to CS, but it's just that none of your writings are interesting, useful or entertaining.

>> No.20902861

I think you should make a thread, Truth-chucker.

>> No.20902863

nice digits, but you're being too harsh to OP

>> No.20903162

>Systemic approaches are top-down, they try to watch through eyes of a demiurge. However, the demiurge is not an Artist but a mere imitator.
Dude, I already cover this, read my definition of the Capital

>> No.20903166

It's not a novel, I already explained:

>> No.20903250

>All while respecting Wittgenstein's contributions.

How the fuck can you believe this? This is to me the strangest part of your philosophy.

>> No.20903254

Oh and stop listening to the doors.

>> No.20904224

>The process of globalization (which started with the Age of Discovery) is inevitable


>> No.20904725

OP should make another thread.