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/lit/ - Literature

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20872292 No.20872292 [Reply] [Original]

Literally just Diary Of A Cuck

>> No.20872303

I dropped it 3 pages in when I realized it's gonna 1000 more of a boring, plotless story for midwits to masturbate over.

>> No.20872315

that's nothing, i dropped it in the bookstore when i saw how many pages it had. then the guy made me pick it up and put it back on the shelf but whatever

>> No.20872317

litbros is this true? Is Ulysses just a midwit dick waving book?

>> No.20872358

Of course! Never read books

>> No.20872383

It is supposed to take place over one day, but the audiobook is 38 hours! Fuck that shit! I think it is an interesting idea to do 'a day in the life' story, but it needs to at least be about an interesting day.

>> No.20872395

>I think it is an interesting idea to do 'a day in the life' story, but it needs to at least be about an interesting day.
goes against the point.
midwit thread.

>> No.20872477

Just to clarify, I read portrait of an artist prior, but since that was technically an autobiography, I expected it to be boring. But I was ready to get what the hype was with Joyce. Sorry but I ain't reading 1000 pages of "ordinary life events but written in a masturbatory style and prose with refrences to the greek tragedies"

>> No.20872604

Yea. Even if it's good or whatever. Who cares if it's forgettable and you aren't interested? It won't change your life in any meaningful way then it's safe to drop a book for these reasons.

>> No.20872616

Wow nice audiobook its boring, has no happiness in it but still makes you feel uncomfy.

>> No.20872721

I listen to the audiobook to fall asleep, it's nice

>> No.20872792

You can tell other people you've read it and they'll think you're cool :)

>> No.20873376


>> No.20873568

(You)r diary desu.

>> No.20874172

Unless you marry a virgin you're a cuck.

>> No.20874185

if Ulysses ended with this, probably would have changed the history of the world and we wouldn even be talking here

>> No.20875451

>Diary Of A Cuck
No, OP, the story is called Diary of a Madman.

>> No.20875694
File: 115 KB, 723x689, bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished reading it for the first time a few days ago, I was behind on /lit/ reading it together. A good deal of it had me lost with moments of clarity and I made plenty of personal notes on interesting literary techniques Joyce employed. I don't I even really appreciated the book until Circe, which is pretty late.

>> No.20875711

We wouldn't have Gravities Rainbow or Infinite Jest, imagine!

>> No.20875724

>I made plenty of personal notes on interesting literary techniques Joyce employed
Care to share if that's not much to ask? I've been thinking about reading Ulysses for a while just for this reason. I actually read Faust for the first time recently so I can get the most of the chapter of Circe (also read Flaubert's Temptation of Saint Anthony, but for different reasons).

>> No.20875741

How exactly did it end? At least from what I gathered there were signs that Poldy enjoyed it but also despised it and Molly suggests Poldy wanted her to be a slut yet she also indulged men because she was a pervert as well and could get things like new underwear. Then it kind of ended on a romantic note that Molly reminisces about the proposal because she believed he understood what women were. Are you saying if it had ended with divorce it'd have had made a very different impression on people?

>> No.20875847
File: 264 KB, 1500x998, 1655330913354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's too much to mention but here are a few things:
>chapters experimenting with different character voices, some chapter voices go extremely scientific or Shakespearean, one chapter is in advertisement format, one is in a screenplay format, one is in Q&A format, one just a gigantic 40 page sentence without commas or apostrophes
>in the chapter without apostrophes he writes "well see well see now shes well"
>tons of words you may never have seen before or may never see again
>corruptions of quotes from Dante, Shakespeare and the Bible
>gigantic lists of names and other sentences so obnoxiously exhaustive you will start to laugh
>colloquialisms, writing out nearly indecipherable dialects "Did ums blubble bigsplash crytears cos frien Padney was took of in black bag?"
>compounding words and spelling things out like "U.p.: up on it to take a li...And he doubled up."
>nursery rhymes, poetry and just good jokes "tooraloom tooraloom tay" "he saw me on the polo ground of the Phoenix park at the match All Ireland versus the Rest of Ireland" "once a woman has let the cat into the bag she must let it out again" "By Jesus, I'll crucify him so I will."
>just about ever turn of phrase imaginable and plays on them "half and half" "as the day was long" "born out of bedlock"
There are also a lot of references that only Irish people will get but it's satisfying to read even if you miss them. There are definitely parts where the book slogs but I think it's worth it. There are not many books like it.

>> No.20875949

>There are also a lot of references that only Irish people will get but it's satisfying to read even if you miss them.
Yep, there so much I know I'll miss but I already assumed it. I know because some of that happened to me when I read Dubliners, some notes helped me understanding some context.
Well I don't know if I will ever read or try to reas til I can't Finnegans Wake. How about you, would you hit the reading of it some time?

>> No.20875956

Also thanks for the notes, I'll keep it in mind while reading.

>> No.20876192

>Hasn't read Ulysses
>Assumes Bloom is the narrator
>Shitposts anyways

>> No.20876210

What is with this thread and so many people quitting before they even started AND being proud of it? If you're not even willing to entertain the possibility of reading Ulysses and somehow think that's a badge of honor, why are you on lit? Stop polluting this forum please. Leave or change your attitude.

>you're an idiot! you're claiming that people have to love Ulysses to post on lit? that's a stupid standard
No, I didn't say you have to love it or even read it. I just said that you're an idiot if you're proud of your refusal to even try.

>> No.20876294

It's only going to get worse, friend. Intelligence shredders are real, and these posts are just examples of what happens when the worlds gets full of more clay-brained mulatto favela trash.

>> No.20876314
File: 1.29 MB, 1929x2500, james-joyce-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read it twice. Once as part of a class, once on my own, with the class' old notes for help. I felt like I knew what was going on much better the second time.

Also I kept wanting to fuck characters. I think I've gotten hornier than I used to be. I wanted to fuck Gertie, I wanted to fuck Molly, I even found myself wanting to fuck BLOOM when he was being emasculated and described/portrayed with feminine modes. That part was really weird.

It's not casual reading but it's an achievement in art, and I respect Joyce for it.

Also, reading it makes you appreciate why Joyce left Ireland and never came back, because Ireland in Ulysses comes across as the absolute most self-defeating, naval-gazing, crabs-in-a-bucket place on the planet. Nobody could ever hate the Irish as much as the Irish seem to hate themselves.

>> No.20877307

Stop replying to mass replies.

>> No.20877612

I'm reading Dubliners next week but I might look at Finnegan's Wake next year.