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File: 18 KB, 231x319, Simone_De_Beauvoir2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20867648 No.20867648 [Reply] [Original]

I hate modern philosophy so so so fucking much. It's so pretentious, pop, and meaningless. Just stick to the classics please.

>> No.20867654

The only good philosopher of the past 70 years was Althusser. Very applicable to right wing thought because he isn't a humanist retard.

>> No.20867682

Sounds like the stupidest shit ever.

>> No.20867709


>> No.20867714

>right wing thought

>> No.20867720

>Also tranny

>> No.20869019
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Agreed. Read this.

>> No.20869690

>right wing thought
Anon, I...

>> No.20870071

Not always true

>> No.20870496
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>> No.20871278

This but what is the sonig supposed to be?

>> No.20871300

>It's so pretentious, pop, and meaningless
That's all philosophy.

>> No.20871331
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The classics are fucking BORING

>> No.20871899
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please stfu and go back, you clearly have a very limited knowledge of what you term "modern" philosophy, although your picrel of a 20thC philosopher makes me think you are probably talking about contemporary philosophy, a distinction you wont hear made by you favorite youtube self-help philosopher. read picrel, you should know who he is.

>> No.20872945

Modern philosophy is a pathetic husk of frivolous materialist drivel that is a far cry from the true Philosophy of the ancients which was an active spiritual praxis of inner transformation and transcendence meant to bring one closer to the divine.

>> No.20872988
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>read a modern philosopher
>always read everything once, assume the nuances of the text are not worth analyzing and just skim over the tedious parts
>read ancient philosopher
>always make sure to be focused, assume that even the simplest idea expounded might have a deeper meaning, read many parts twice or more.

>> No.20873205

You REALLY need to take your medication, anon

>> No.20873211

Nobody cares

>> No.20873287

Although Althusser is by no means the only good philosopher of the last 70 years, he is definitely the most palatable 20th Marxist one. OP is right here that his analysis of the Ideological State Apparatus is applicable to RW thought because liberal progressives have become the state apparatus, and they control the mainstream discourse in the way Althusser describes.

People both left and right need to understand that the analyses of Marxist thinkers in the 20th century about how state power operates are near perfectly applicable to the current regime now. The reason leftists are intellectually stagnating and have been completely placated within the regime (only right wing politics threatens the system, this is obvious from just the system’s reaction towards it) is because they haven’t understood that conservative Christians aren’t in charge anymore, we are ruled by liberal global capital who has drank the progressive koolaid. The reason leftist critique is so ineffectual currently is because they have completely wedded themselves to social progressivism (aka gay shit and anti racism) that the system has adopted (even if you think just in name) as well. Althusser lays out the analyses for understanding how this is, he just does it for the conservative capitalism of the mid century, which is completely dead in 2022. You guys should actually read On Ideology, or keep listening to Joel and Keith.


>t. Actually read Althusser in theory courses at my libtard university

>> No.20873695

Ranciere GTFOed Althuser 50 years ago. Get new material, faggot.

>> No.20874159

>only right wing politics threatens the system, this is obvious from just the system’s reaction towards it)
this bullshit every single time

>> No.20874432

Still in the 2014 “denying it’s happening” era of leftism I see. Don’t you know your buddies have all moved onto the “it’s a good thing it’s happening” stage?

>> No.20874449

>only right wing politics threatens the system
Lmao nice copium. That's why we have exclusively capitalist parties ruling all governments, constant crackdown on unionising and a capitalist apparatus desperately trying to commodify and neuter all revolutionary movements.

>> No.20874478

What the fuck is a SANIC

>> No.20874635 [DELETED] 

I'm not am*rican
none of your political categories apply to me

>> No.20875246

Capitalism =/= right wing politics
Get your head out of the Cold War. Right wing thought, and to some extent even conservatives, have moved past economics as a signifier of politics. To literally all right wingers social conservatism and traditional values are more important than any dying economic system that was artificially paired to social conservatism during the Cold War to fight communism. It should be extremely clear then that considering every Western government is explicitly hostile to traditional conservative values (religion, the family, nationalism, pride in history and race) and work to undermine them at all costs, that yes, like I said, liberal global capitalists have become The System and its RW thought, not Marxism, that it seeks ultimately to silence.

Its just simple fact that you are more ostracized as a racist opponent to multiculturalism than you are as a "eat the rich and take all their money" Marxist


>> No.20875272

Nailed it. Good post.

>> No.20875285

Which right wing ideology isnt capitalistic?
>Inb4: fascism
Not true. The funny thing is that right wingers present no threat to the system and never have

>> No.20875340

>keetard "triplevaxxer" woods
no thx

>> No.20875345

you march for blm and lgbt pride all the same buddy don't kid yourself

>> No.20875372

>every Western government is explicitly hostile to traditional conservative values (religion, the family, nationalism, pride in history and race)
I wish

>> No.20875374

>you march for blm and lgbt pride
If only you knew how wrong you are...

>> No.20875379
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>> No.20875410

I am failing to understand what has philosophy done recently for advancement of mankind.
To me it is clear that only stuff like medicine and engineering has advanced mankind, while almost 90% of academia just parasitize my tax money. I honestly dont even see the consequence of philosophy and similar fields disappearing tomorrow from universities. Its just more money for engineers. I could definitely imagine consequences of engineers disappearing.

>> No.20875416

Underrated and the objective truth.

>> No.20875418

This will only end when capitalism end

>> No.20875419


>> No.20875425

case in point >>20875410

>> No.20875457

so for philosophy to work, you need everyone to be illiterate feudal peasant who believes in fairytales?

>> No.20875461 [DELETED] 

Yeah, America is retarded, this is not a ground-breaking discovery

>> No.20875472

bro the average person today barely reads a book a year and can't sit down for five minutes to read without checking their phone, and you want to go around saying we wuz literate n shiet?

>> No.20875480

Medieval farmer kids had more knowledge about the world than any STEM graduate engayqueer working 9/5 in a cubicle today

>> No.20875495

so why did medieval farmer kids not have nuclear reactors?

>> No.20875500 [DELETED] 

Yeah dude a bunch of retarded illiterate barbarians knew a lot of the world from their shithole farms in the middle of nowhere

>> No.20875505

Define 'advance mankind.'

>> No.20875514
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give us more food to consume so we can feel good while dancing and being fat

>> No.20875535

I hate nike so much it's unreal

>> No.20875558

this isn't america buddy >>20875514

>> No.20875571

Without even getting into the anti capitalist nuances of Fascism or National Socialism, to your second point, fascism in the Interwar Period was becoming the European paradigm, especially after Franco's victory in the Civil War. Salazar, Franco, Hitler, Mussolini, Dollfuss, Antonescu, and even Poland was ruled by a military junta. The New Dealers and the interest groups that ruled Churchill (who was a notorious allegiance-swapping charity case) literally led a war of annihilation against the Third Reich and Europe that (especially in the UK's case) was entirely against their material interest. I mean how many times did the UK refuse a peace offer? Its not like at the Casablanca Conference they declared that only unconditional surrender was acceptable from the Axis and then at the Nuremberg Trials essentially made it illegal to be right wing. Yea right wing politics have definitely never been a threat to the system bro! It's not like the EU High Court is literally suing Poland because it doesn't want gay shit in its country. Stop replying to me retard.


>> No.20875575
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>> No.20875576

STEMslaves work to advance knowledge, humanities students work to post hot takes on discord and twitter.

>> No.20875589
File: 229 KB, 1280x960, 0B3735FA-4249-492E-9EED-9A49E7704900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one man be so based

>> No.20875597
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>we wuz advansin nahlij n shiet

>> No.20875781

Shut the fuck up with your historic revisionism. Nazism and fascism posed no treat to capitalist powers like comunism do. Why do you think the allies reluctantly started the war after hitlers agression? Oh but they wouldnt accept surrender or a peace deal. Of course not, because the fascist ideology had already accomplished its main purpose. When capitalism shows its full incoherences they appear with a "revolutionaire" ideal to calm the proletariats mind and stop revolution, then they blame some foreign treat on why capitalism is so horrible. When the tide of crisis in capitalism goes out and without ever solving the capitalism problem, fascists are then discarted like used condoms by the national or international bourgeoisie and a full capitalist liberal democracy appear.

>> No.20875935

It seems like you could use some historical revisionism in your life considering how terrible your understanding of fascism and the historical circumstances in which it rose are. I’ll leave you with this if you’re interested in understanding fascism outside of what’s been conjectured by Marxist court historians.

Also your understanding of communism being the bigger threat to the West doesn’t take into account how many Communist sympathizers were in the New Deal regime and how Roosevelt courted the USSR like no other state. FDR and his cabinet’s dogmatic anti fascism being hidden in liberal terms like “protecting freedom and democracy in Europe” goes completely out the window when you see how completely they allied to the USSR and let the entirety of Eastern Europe fall under an arguably more oppressive regime than Hitler’s during the course of the war. It wasn’t until Truman takes power and the Truman Doctrine of anti communist containment comes into force that America actually starts to see communism as its greatest threat. It evidently had no problem working with them (and giving them billions through Lend Lease and then half a continent) during the war to defeat fascism. I mean, just look at which radical non-capitalist ideology is legally outlawed as criminal in the American-led Nuremberg Trials. Hint: it’s not communism


>> No.20875939

>gomunism wuz teh reel threat
holy shit kek

very based

>> No.20875954

And what unshakeable metaphysical grounding was this active spiritual praxis of inner transformation and transcendence meant to bring one closer to the divine founded on? Are you sure they were right about this spiritual praxis? How can you ground that belief?

>> No.20876160

I do not have the time to watch some literally whos fascism apologist youtuber or an obscure blog full of half truths and distortions. Say what their points are or dont bother linking up a video or anything. About the communism never being a threat: false, the ussr had to fight not only a civil war but international armies invading the country and it is always that way with every comunist revolution. Now what war or capitalist reaction did mussolini or hitler faced from anyone? Nothing but plain silence, and there was talks about allignment between mussolini and capitalists before he went full retard. About the fdr thing: another lie. They alligned against hitler because it was simply benefitial for both of their interests since hitler was disrupting capitalism in europe and the world because of his dumb useless war (that would end in more power then ever to capitalism), and the us didnt gave shit to anyone. Not only that but bombed japan just to show power to the ussr

>> No.20876198
File: 58 KB, 1030x533, brown hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn dude, you need to learn history AND English. I don't think I can help you

>and the us didn't give shit to anyone
Lend Lease? Hello?

>> No.20876276

Wow dude, you saying... you just saying that allies help each other in war? And then you post a heckin based racism. You are a genius. Nice arguments

>> No.20876278

Time for you to dil8 and move to venezuela

>> No.20876309

>Le all lefties are trans

You’ve no coping skills

>> No.20876312

NTA but this is dumb and non-responsive. Then again you seem to think the system is "desperately trying" to commodify anti-capitalist movements, and not spiking the football on your predictable and defeated asses.

>> No.20876320

Pearls before swine, brother. What the subhumans here want is for you to waste your time and energy replying to them while they argue in bad faith. Post the truth whenever possible but ignore hostile replies. Those with a mind for truth will come to it eventually. The rest are hylics and/or agents of the counter-initiation.

>> No.20876347

Imagine posting yourself on a tranny forum

>> No.20876364
File: 505 KB, 900x506, 777oast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am deeply humbled that you would liken me to based thomas777

>> No.20876410

>eceleb self-promotion

>> No.20876444

After some deep thoughts on my life i concluded that politics is for losers. So i try to not get into this kinda debates.

But god is so hard when leftist straight up deny obvious reality.

Man, do i even need to make a argument? just look around.
Please self reflect. You are denying this fact because it opposes your narrative.
I'm not saying your believes are fake. Just review your views to correlate with reality.


The same to the guy above. Also, fascism is not capitalist. You are doing the same shit.
Let me explain you why you are doing what you are doing.
In your worldview. Society is in a struggle between working class and owners.
Communism and "Left wing" ideas are though for the betterment of the working class. Liberalism and your political enemies are the product of capitalist to remain in power and stupidify the population.

So by this line of thought everything that opposes you must be against the working class. Though fascism being capitalist.

>> No.20876481

>reclaiming socialism from the left

I’m never going to listen to yer meme boy YouTubber. But what the F?
Socialism is the left. The idiots you keep calling left are just liberals. GET IT THROUGH YOUR SKULLS

(Directed at anyone in general)

>> No.20876522

Eww wtf is that thing?

>> No.20876673

the man railing u're mum

>> No.20876707

An old nazi chud

>> No.20876865

Assuming I've understood you're question correctly, there are many names for it, this "grounding" as you put it, but fundamentally it is the only true ground there is. It's mentioned all throughout the ages by various groups, though in different ways and for different purposes: the one, the source, the absolute, moksha, kingdom of heaven (within), brahman, arrhetos etc. Most major religious/spiritual teachings in some way reference this same essence, though in different manners depending upon the particular teaching and time period. They all reference the same substrate which is the only substrate that ever has or will exist. See also Plato's Parmenides, which excellently demonstrates this ground's paradoxical nature. Essentially, everything I could say to even begin to describe it falls short of the mark and really only bastardizes its true nature which is ultimately inconceivable to the human mind.

>> No.20876885

*your question.

>> No.20876894

stop trying to find excuses for not being a good person
and stop coping, give your ego a break

>> No.20877002

>you’ve no coping sk-ACK!

>> No.20877011

leftism is about grooming children into cross dressing not unions

>> No.20877049

Conservatism always loses, because it is not cool to embrace tradition. Our brain seeking novelty etc etc
And I think right wing - left wing dichotomy must be solely based on economics.
How can nazi Germany can be right wing if it was socialism? That's just boogeyman and very convinient monster that lefties using in todays but it have nothing in common with true right wing values which is free market, equality in rights, weapon allowance and independent judging system.

>> No.20877052

That’s liberalism. Liberalism isn’t leftism

>> No.20877070

I came to the conclusion that philosophy is just slightly more fanciful poetry. Philosophy is pointless, but it is nice to read. Beauty can be found in man's thinking.
That's my approach to philosophy anyway. The world is a piece of coal, a pointless black spot, an empty hole. That's the one, actual "great truth", I feel. But the things people thought about it, the web of meanings weaved around it, they are fun to look at.

>> No.20877383
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>> No.20877460

corporations are considered people
its okay to censor people you dont like as long as you arent the american government
women are cuck magnets
the economy is largey based off of what ifs and ious.
4chan just update to allow vp9
nazis are bad
giving someone a shitty dick is considered a great honir and should be respected
all government bullshit and political sciebce posturing can be traced to the rothchild family

>> No.20877475

>how can you ground that belief
I am in hysterics

>> No.20877479

The greatest threat to the bolsheviks were other leftists lol. Baltic fleet, Mensheviks, et al, all had superior political programs than the bolsheviks. And giving fellatio to the bolsheviks over any other leftist group is extreme anti materialism

>> No.20877540

Why does it say Burger 3 times beneath it?

>> No.20877558

Your completely right anon. The illiterate retard working everyday of his life that never read even the literature of the faith he believes in and never even seen 50 miles past the place he was born in knows more about life then the common man today.
I will say that modern people live like slaves but your claim here is absolutely fucking retarded and you only said it because your a le trad faggot that can’t do anything but worship the past.

>> No.20877562

You looks like your schizophrenic and will break any second. A sort of terry Davis type character

>> No.20877567

Wouldn’t this just be based on your biases? Your acting like this proves one is better then the other(I mean the ancients probably are but I’m still right

>> No.20877649

“To a strict rationalist, it is inconceivable that past societies could have understood through experience what we now know through data”
You have Reddit brain

>> No.20877943

he knows how to till the fields
you can't even wield a sickle

>> No.20877946

Medieval peasants built the gothic cathedrals and invented the scientific method (Robert Grosseteste was a peasant), invented the printing press, paper, mechanical clocks, the blast furnace, cannons, discovered important principles in magnetics and optics as well as navigation, had a high literature and musical culture, all the while working 1/3 the hours of the average Silly Con Valley serf you pathetic sheeny goon.

>> No.20878170

Isn't it funny on a platform with free speech where right and left can both freely express their ideas, only the right thrives (esp. in spite of all of the horrible demoralization posts)?

>> No.20878313

>I am failing to understand what has philosophy done recently for advancement of mankind.
they did nothing for manking.
what they did is create a leftism compatible with megacorporatism. IE wokism.
The bourgeois created communism (ie the sterile circle jerking of the plebs, thanks to freedom of speech, over what the bourgeois are doing), social welfare (literally created by a banker named Lloyds and Churchill), and like anything made up by atheists over the last 300 years , it back fired. The output of this is that megacorps needed a new toy to throw at the retarded wageslaves desperate to be wannabee philosophers since the 70s and all the leftists post 2008 agreed on this thanks to mass internet.

>> No.20878342

There is no ''right'' politics in democracy
-rightists= monarchists
-leftists = republicans
guess what happens to the right when there is no more king because the bourgeois killed him. the answer is that the right becomes the left and there is only the choice between bourgeois and bourgeois lol and the bourgeois revolution is achieved whose only goal was dodging monarchist taxes........hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
it's like the ''''''''''''''''''''people'''''''''''''''''''''' was a just gimmick to seize power and create a society based on global mercantilism...