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20874022 No.20874022 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Joseph not in the Quran but such an important figure and role model in the Bible?

>> No.20874034

Joseph is hardly in the bible, either.

>> No.20874051

He is in the non filler parts

>> No.20874096

After describing the multiple times Muhammad (pbuh) had sex with minors, the writers of the Quran ran out of room.

>> No.20874121

Quran is gay shit the vatican made up

>> No.20874176

Because the prophet confused the virgin Mary for Moses's sister Mary so he probably thought he already mentioned it when talking about Jacob's son Joseph

>> No.20874281

Because Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) does not fuck with cucks

>> No.20874339

Are you sure you even read the books in question?

>> No.20874360

Joe who?
t. mudslime

>> No.20874373

Muhammad was a vatican agent.

>> No.20874383
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based gnostic anti-globohomo freedom fighter

>> No.20874394

nah religious are man made, sorry schizio.

>> No.20874477

Very sure. It was such a huge fuck up it really stood out to me

>> No.20874499

Mary gets condemned by her people on coming back precisely with that title so it is clear she isn’t married since no husband is present

>> No.20874512
File: 801 KB, 3710x2536, R (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and men were made by god

except for the queen of england, that stupid hole

>> No.20874565
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>nah religious are man made, sorry schizio.

So what do you believe? Eating bugs and consooming will help humanity? Yeah fuck that.

>> No.20874679

what was the end goal ?
source ?

>> No.20874828

They want to take Jerusalem dude

>> No.20874878

>role model in the Bible?
Because originally whoever designed Christianity, tried to mimic Babylonian-type of parentage, where you could be simultaneously fathered by a mortal king (in flesh) and by a god (ruah, pneuma, etc.).
That's why they even bothered with tracing Joseph's lineage to king David. But to your average jewish peasant herder that idea was way too complex. So Joseph was retconned into a cuck.

>> No.20874958

>Joseph an important figure and role model in the Bible
Islam is generally less cucky and homo than the other one, naturally they wouldn't feature the cucked out step-dad so prominently.

>> No.20875183

The Catholic Church wants to take Jerusalem?
what's the end goal after the taking?

>> No.20875213

Nobody wants Hierosolyma, only the Christians are interested in having Jews there in order that the Jews get nuked and then Jesus comes back to help the Christians stop being homosexuals and crack heads which is beyond their intellectual capacity to do by themselves.

>> No.20875215


>> No.20875415


>> No.20875444

make everyone gay and retarded obviously

>> No.20875449


>> No.20875695

Muhammad forgot about him and abu bakr/uthman decided not to slip it in when quran was compiled. Or maybe it's one of the missing quran bits from some of muhammads friends who dies before it was written lol. But because its bullshit anyways

>> No.20875740
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>> No.20875773

no praying definitely will though.

>> No.20875861
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>> No.20875938

Joseph is barely even the bible itself. There’s only a few sentences about him. He was also considered a fairly insignificant figure for most of Christian history.

>> No.20875978

It’s a work of pedophilia not cuckoldry

>> No.20875979

Joseph was not traditionally regarded as a role model by Christians. He wasn’t even made a Saint by the Catholic Church until much later on. The bible does not even record one spoken verse by Joseph.

So around Muhammad’s time, Joseph would simply not have been mentioned by the average Christian cause he would have been regarded as insignificant.

>> No.20875987

Because...q*ran isn't telling the truth? Hard to figure out!

>> No.20875989

Zeus was a pedo. The western gods that built western civilisation are either pedos, adulterers, or LGBTQ+ plus types. This is why the western world is the way it is today.

>> No.20876004

>docile cuck
>role model
Christcucks everyone

>> No.20876017

Zeus may have been a pedo but he was one hundred percent straight, yeah i know about his greek rentboy, unlike Odin and Loki.

>> No.20876033
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No. Zeus was literally a gay pedo. There’s also a whole myth about Zeus and Ganymede who was a little boy.

>> No.20876038

> doesn’t understand the definition of a cuck just like a tranny doesn’t understand the definition of a woman

Typical. Where in the bible does it say that marry cheated on him sexually?

>> No.20876053

So was Rome a civilisation of cucks for often adopting non-biological children as their own?

> Unlike medieval royalty, the Romans were more concerned with continuity of family name than with bloodline.[2] If a man recognized a child as his, this was accepted by law, and the issue of who the biological father was did not arise.[2] Emperors often adopted their successors. There are no recorded examples of aristocrats in classical times accusing other aristocrats of being illegitimate, as was common in later periods.[2]

>> No.20876056

Christcucks are both cucks and violent monsters.


>All around, the Druids, lifting up their hands to heaven, and pouring forth dreadful imprecations, scared our soldiers by the unfamiliar sight, so that, as if their limbs were paralysed, they stood motionless, and exposed to wounds. Then urged by their general's appeals and mutual encouragements not to quail before a troop of frenzied women, they bore the standards onwards, smote down all resistance, and wrapped the foe in the flames of his own brands. A force was next set over the conquered, and their groves, devoted to inhuman superstitions, were destroyed.

>> No.20876084
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Modern pagancuckery is just a religion for insecure men who try to overcompensate for their lack of masculinity by worshipping a bunch of muscled warrior Gods (who ironically got defeated by some peace loving hippie lol).

Some of the most insecure men I’ve ever met were pagancucks

>> No.20876107

He is obviously a White Christian though. You'll never find this depravity coming from an actual Human. This is like bringing up your evil heroes, like Hitler, in order to shame Africans for a little machete plunder.

>> No.20876121
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>Some of the most insecure men I’ve ever met were pagancucks

>> No.20876131
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>> No.20876132

>So was Rome a civilisation of cucks for often adopting non-biological children as their own?
You're bitching about Meritocracy, if you notice. As opposed to hereditary despotism. With maybe only a couple of exceptions the children of reigning Emperors were pretty absent-minded; born into power without having to earn it, is the difference.

If I'd gone to the trouble of taking over an Empire spanning half the world and if my only son was a spoiled retard I wouldn't ruin my name by letting him take over and set my advancements back through ineptitude. I'd pick my best and brightest General instead.

Who wouldn't?

>> No.20876141
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>> No.20876179


>> No.20876182

ah yes, christian rome in 60 ad

>> No.20876201
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>> No.20876222
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lol meanwhile in actual reality romans seethed because the norfern barbarians were taller and fairer than them
they were the swarthy little hobbit dancing before the White barbAryan chad

>> No.20876260

Digits of truth

>> No.20876306

>Quran Joseph
>dad of one of the prophets

>Bible Joseph
>the man who raised God Himself
Pretty obvious difference

>> No.20876581

Zeus was not a pedo, retard

>> No.20876684
File: 168 KB, 928x1099, Big Bang in Quran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check this my bro
study both and compare,
>use this site: quran.com
>use both 3 of this translation: Khattab/Clear Quran, Ghali, Haleem

raising God? how?

>> No.20876692
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>predicted 1400 years ago

>> No.20876704

>assume the contrarian position
Why do you even go on this board. Half the threads are on philosophy and all philosophy is inherently anti religion.
Go make your theology board somewhere on his or whatever.

>> No.20876718

Dangerously based.

>> No.20876729
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muslim world translated a lot of Aristotle work into Arabic back then

many Christian thinkers contributed a lot to Western Philosophy too, like Augustine and Aquinas

also this is what Hegel thought on Islam:

>In Mohammedanism (i.e. Islam) the narrow principle of the Jews is expanded into universality and thereby overcome.

>Here, God is no longer, as in the Far East, regarded as existent in an immediately sensory way but is conceived as the one infinite power elevated above all the multiplicity of the world.

>Mohammedanism (Islam) is, therefore, in the strictest sense of the word, the religion of sublimity.

>> No.20876779

desu, they'd also run out of room to discuss all the goat-dicking he'd gotten around to as well

>> No.20876814
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>> No.20876838

>still not awake and break out of the lies of "scientific miracles" peddled by biased apologists and evangelists who twist words to make vague words look like something else profound
people already destroyed all this shit even more than a decade ago. your kin are getting louder here on /lit/ for some reason. signs of a degenerated imageboard site.

>> No.20876874
File: 194 KB, 1735x1235, Suicide vs Religion_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree. this board is getting 'degenerate'. you can leave this degeneracy

i honestly looking for genuine religious thread but all i found is insult.

>> No.20876941

Christianity is cuck philosophy. Everything about it is cuckoldry.
>Mary (wife) and Joseph (cuck) raising God's (the bull) son
cucking at the physical level
>the Christian (cuck) inviting God (the bull) into his life (wife) by having faith, hope, etc. and letting God (the bull) do whatever He wants with his life (wife)
cucking at the spiritual, philosophical level
>the Christian (cuck) not caring about the current life (wife) and virtuemaxxing, prayermaxxing (cuckmaxxing, getting cucked) by trusting God (the bull) to give him a decent life afterwards (sloppy seconds)
cucking at the life level

>> No.20876942
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>> No.20876974
File: 141 KB, 809x656, ded (by AIDS).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more fag / anti-religion philosopher

Nietszche is just a closeted homo with syphilis, truest proto-LGBTQ+ philosopher
>Nietzsche's insanity was originally diagnosed as tertiary syphilis, in accordance with a prevailing medical paradigm of the time.

>The diagnosis of syphilis has since been challenged and a diagnosis of "manic-depressive illness with periodic psychosis followed by vascular dementia" was put forward by Cybulska prior to Schain's study. Leonard Sax suggested the slow growth of a right-sided retro-orbital meningioma as an explanation of Nietzsche's dementia; Orth and Trimble postulated frontotemporal dementia while other researchers have proposed a hereditary stroke disorder called CADASIL. Poisoning by mercury, a treatment for syphilis at the time of Nietzsche's death, has also been suggested.

>Nietzsche scholar Joachim Köhler [de] has attempted to explain Nietzsche's life history and philosophy by claiming that he was homosexual.

>Köhler argues that Nietzsche's syphilis, which is "... usually considered to be the product of his encounter with a prostitute in a brothel in Cologne or Leipzig, is equally likely.

>Some maintain that Nietzsche contracted it in a male brothel in Genoa."

>The acquisition of the infection from a homosexual brothel was confirmed by Sigmund Freud, who cited Otto Binswanger as his source.

>Köhler also suggests Nietzsche may have had a romantic relationship, as well as a friendship, with Paul Rée.

>There is the claim that Nietzsche's homosexuality was widely known in the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, with Nietzsche's friend Paul Deussen claiming that "he was a man who had never touched a woman."


Foucalt, another fag philosopher who died of AIDS also believe that there is no such thing as 'universal morality'
>Chomsky was stricken with Foucault's total rejection of the possibility of a universal morality, stating "He struck me as completely amoral, I'd never met anyone who was so totally amoral [...] I mean, I liked him personally, it's just that I couldn't make sense of him. It's as if he was from a different species, or something."

He also fucked young kids in Tunisia
>In an interview with the French public TV channel France 5 on March 5, Sorman confirmed that while visiting Foucault, he “witnessed what Foucault did with young children in Tunisia … ignoble things. The possibility of consent could not be sought. These were things of extreme moral ugliness.”

>In a second interview with the British newspaper The Sunday Times on March 28, he recalled that “they were eight, nine, ten years old, he was throwing money at them and would say ‘let’s meet at 10pm at the usual place’”, a local cemetery in the town of Sidi Bou Said, north of the capital Tunis. “He would make love there on the gravestones with young boys. The question of consent wasn’t even raised.”

>> No.20876987
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another degen/fag philosopher who doesn't believe in objective morality

>Nine years later, in 1772, Sade committed sexual acts that included sodomy with four prostitutes and his manservant, Latour. Sade later hid at Lacoste where he rejoined his wife, who became an accomplice in his subsequent endeavors. In 1774, Sade partook in orgies at his home.

>While Sade mentally explored a wide range of sexual deviations, his known behavior includes "only the beating of a housemaid and an orgy with several prostitutes—behavior significantly departing from the clinical definition of sadism".

>Sade was a proponent of free public brothels paid for by the state: In order both to prevent crimes in society that are motivated by lust and to reduce the desire to oppress others using one’s own power, Sade recommended public brothels where people can satisfy their wishes to command and be obeyed.
practically wanted to prevent crime by giving potential criminals state-mandate fucking, really can't make this up

>> No.20877027

Joseph is in the Quran you dumbasses. He even has a whole Surah (chapter) dedicated to him.

I have no idea how joseph even relates to cuck shit so I assume that is just something in the bible but not in islam.

>> No.20877850
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Not really true at all; Agesilaus of the Greeks noted the pale womanish bodies of the northern barbarians if that's what you're referring to.

> the norfern barbarians were taller
I agree that using urban levies from Southern Italian and Greek stock was a mistake.

img. lanky white man with church of england face who beat the germans very hard and killed lots of them.

>> No.20878261

>legality of bestiality is "Unknown" or "Unclear" for most muslim countries
>porn stats don't even mention bestiality at all
>muslim goatfucker apologist
>also illiterate
imagine my shock

>> No.20878268

Joseph is just another layer of Biblical cuckoldry for the humiliation-fetish Christcuck who's into cheek-turning, public executions, etc.
Thank you, Allah, for giving us a real man's religion.

>> No.20878271

>t. Dumbass christcuck

>> No.20878281

These people will sleak about the Quran as if they know anything. Joseph is literally a revered prophet. Also what the actuack fuck is up with the bible, if anything Joseph in islam is the opposite of a cuck

>> No.20878882

They're not talking about Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) son of Yaqub (Jacob), they're talking about another man from the time of Mariam and Prophet Isa (so +1000 years later) called Joseph whom the Bibles claims was married to Mariam after she gave birth and he helped her look after Prophet Isa. The Quran and Hadith contain no mention of this man/story at all.

>> No.20878997

At least Joseph gets cucked by God; Zayd gets cucked by a mere man in Muhammad. There was even a verse, eternally existing in the mind of Allah, put in the Qu'ran just for the sake of Muhammad being able to fuck his adopted son's ex-wife

>> No.20879172

Thank you.

>> No.20879335

Why he is omitted from the Quran is anyones guess.
I’ll tell you some things I know though. In the Bible, the birth story is told twice. Luke’s centers on Mary, while Matthew’s centers on Joseph. The Quranic account of the birth of Christ in Surah Maryam is most similar to the account in the Gospel of Luke, starting with Zechariah and the birth of John the Baptist. In Luke, Joseph is only shown actively doing anything in 2:4, the rest of the time he is only mentioned in passing, usually in verses that say “Mary and Joseph.”
Islamic commentators are historically not decided on the Joseph question. As in, did he exist or not. If you just google right now, most immediate resources you find will say that Joseph does not exist in Islam at all.
Looking for Islamic resources I found this biography of “prophet Isa.” Chapter 3 makes a reference to a “Yusuf An-Najjar,” or “Joseph the Carpenter.”
>Imam Ibn kathir (d.774/1352) has stated that Maryam became pregnant like normal women over a period of nine months and there was a pious person who was the caretaker of the mosque and was related to Maryam. He was called Yusuf An-Najjar (Josepth the carpenter). When he noticed the signs of pregnancy on her he was confused and said to Maryam, "I am going to ask you a question, do not be quick in replying. Could there be a plant or tree without a seed or a son without a father?" She replied, "Yes! The first plant and tree which God created was without a seed. The answer to the second question is that Allah created Adam, not only without father, but without father and mother." Yusuf the carpenter understood that this birth would be similar to Adam’s birth and a divine miracle. From Yusuf’s question Maryam noticed and realized that the people would not understand this miraculous birth and would direct false allegations towards her. Due to this fear she went away from the people towards the east."
As you can see, not Mary’s husband

>> No.20879345

Very beautiful

>> No.20879368

I found another story that implies that Mary was accompanied by Joseph on her journey east, though the relationship status between the two (if they are married, relatives, if he is her guardian, etc.) is not mentioned at all
>Ibn Babawayh has narrated from Wahab bin Munabbah that when Maryam approached the palm tree she was shivering due to cold. So Yusuf Najjar gathered wood around her and made a fire. Thus Maryam got warmth. He also gave her seven walnuts from his packsaddle. It was because of this that the Christians light up fires in the birth night of ‘Isa and play with walnuts.

>> No.20879415

prometheus was innocent but zeus is not a sex offender you dumb faggot

>> No.20879841

He is right, he just talk about fucking a goat and not temporal law prohibiting it, also, it is also prohibited to have cousin marriage in almost all countries today, even Muslim ones, but still they practice, same goes to the USA, of course... depends the mutt state too.

>> No.20880323 [DELETED] 

Go to any traditional religious groups forums and you'll find the same level of cringe.

>> No.20880648

>legal if animal is not forced
care to explain this one, Germans?

>> No.20880676

For the majority of population any increase in the time spent not thinking about modern contrivances (attention-parasitic social outrage, shit media, amazon consumerism, etc) should be encouraged. Time spent in church is better than time spent on Netflix, however low your opinion of either time-sink might be.
"Counter-signalling" Christianity, as an activity engaged in by not-unintelligent men-about-net, is comparable to the likewise not uncommon "counter-signalling" of Japan; as far as I can tell your particular reaction to the stimulus is derived not from an appreciation of it as a part of the whole culture, but simply as a part of your personal experience. Christianity and Japanophilia can be lampooned as hives of idiocy, but they also have admirable, or downright laudable, traits.
The entire reason you might see so much of either (and so are familiar enough with them to be annoyed by their flaws), is that you've burrowed away into the corners of the internet detached (at least relatively) from the ineffable horror of the mainstream.
The Christians and Japanophiles are like yourself in that regard, just slightly stupider. So there's no point letting yourself fall into the trap of hating them.

>> No.20880681

meant to reply to

>> No.20881262

add to these the looong list of cuck writers and philosophers:
yes he wrote books, and he was cucked by both of his wives, one of which got pregnant by another man, too
>marcus aurelius
cucked by his wife, coped with drugs (opium)
cucked by his wife with their family doctor, he raised the kid (that wasn't his)
in an "open relationship" (cuck relationship)
got women pregnant and abandoned every child he had

It's not even a question of objective morality, I'd say. These people were mentally fucked up, weak and evil. I can't take these faggots seriously. Their philosophical theories are also some of the weakest I've ever read.

>> No.20881269

christianity is the religion of Cuckery

>> No.20881280

I wish there were a way to brutally silence, murder, exterminate every stupid normie that tells you "you must do this thing, it's the best, stop doing whatever you're doing". This is how you get stupid, disgusting, fucking retarded normies telling you that you should go to church, watch netflix, die in a war, wagecuck at the office, etc. I fucking hate ignorant people who impose their world view for no good reason. I understand telling me "duuuude, don't steal, it's bad!" and I accept it. But I WILL NEVER WASTE MY TIME DOING STUPID FUCKING NORIME SHIT! MY TIME IS MY OWN, I KNOW BETTER THAN NORMIES WHAT TO DO WITH IT! STUPID FUCKING NORMIES!

>> No.20882468

He sorta disappears, really, that's a huge plothole.

>> No.20882503

You know, for the longest time, I thought most christians took it too far calling these types of people demons or reptiles. calling things sorcery and all of that shit. But how can any sane person make a prayer wishing death upon people, whether it is sincere or as a joke, one truly must have a blackened heart to spew something so vile.

>> No.20882611

He was talking about the Persians and all historians think so too. Maybe you should publicize your revolutionary findings and stop coping little manlet. Read a book.

>> No.20882618

This post reeks low IQ

>> No.20882751

sorry I triggered you, normie. Accept dying, please.

>> No.20882984

Weak bait

>> No.20883005

>trying to contribute to a thread filled with shitposters
Thanks anon but it’s not worth it

>> No.20883368

The sartre and hegel stuff sound like the opposite of cuck stuff

>> No.20883391

I'm against being a simp but the only thing worse than a simp is a neglectful father.

>> No.20883604

I don't disagree but that is different than being a cuck