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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 841 KB, 1583x1997, Bertrand_Russell_1957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20868009 No.20868009 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20868016

Every woman writer bar Pauline Reage

>> No.20868652

Midwits have a targeted hatred of Russell, but intelligent people know that all philosophers are sophists.

>> No.20869222

Nice b8

>> No.20869251

Russell is jewiest non-Jew there ever was. He's the eternal anglo.

>> No.20869478

>jewiest non-Jew
That's Heidegger, but Russell isnt far behind in terms of sheer degenerative power.

>> No.20870781
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>> No.20870813

>evil is.....LE BAD

>> No.20870825
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>evil is… le good!

>> No.20870827

'evil' is only bad when it's something that I don't like

>> No.20870875

writes principal maths,
godel debunks with a single statement. russel perma shook afterwards.

>> No.20870877
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>> No.20870885
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>> No.20870906

Yes and Russell unpublished papers by him that disagreed with the materialist worldview. He found that out himself. JRR Tolkein and CS Lewis also knew about a Luciferian conspiracy among the Oxford and Cambridge elite to indoctrinate the world with a materialist atheist paradigm. CS Lewis based the villain in the Space trilogy on Russell, who was a Luciferian proponent of scientism and transhumanism.

>> No.20870910

wdym unpublished lol

>> No.20870922

Fucking angloids!

>> No.20870928
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>> No.20870929

HG Wells
Aldous Huxley
Karl Marx
Ayn Rand
Betty Friedan
JK Rowling
Richard Dawkins
Sam Harris
everyone in Frankfurt School

>> No.20870937

removed them
Russell wanted to rid academia (and in fact the whole world) all thought that did not conform to materialist atheism.
He was a very sick and evil man.

>> No.20870949

Sartre, Foucalt, Jewdith Butler

>> No.20870956

damm wasn't aware.

>> No.20870959

No Aldous, no!

>> No.20870964

this but also Russel and Nietsche as previously mentioned, and Michel Foucault the biggest gay pedo of all time

>> No.20870966

JD salinger

>> No.20870988

Brave New World was his vision for how the future should be.
People think that he wrote it as a warning, but that is the opposite of what he meant.

>> No.20870991

t. has only read one book by Huxley

>> No.20871006

Slavok Zizek is evil or just fat?

>> No.20871378
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>This philosopher is Jewy!
>No this one is!

They all are, thanks for proving a point. Philosphy is Jew-like sophism as a rule. Mark Brahmin has a couple of articles on it.

>> No.20871400

Has there been an instance of an author giving their characters or places names that sound original but are actually mean something embarrassing in real world languages?

>> No.20871565

>materialism is evil
grow up

>> No.20871579

Fichte, Schelling and Hegel.

>> No.20871658

Russell really does exemplify that aggressive, overly-nomenclature-heavy analyticality you only get from anglos. I can think of other writers who have had way more disastrous effects on society than him, though.

>> No.20871670
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Russell went from being an idealist, to being a substance dualist, to being a phenomenalist, to being a property dualist. He was literally never a materialist. /lit/ doesn't read.

>> No.20871676

Why's being nomenclature-heavy suddenly okay if you're a German?

>> No.20871680

Because they're making nomenclature-heavy synthetic judgements (based) as opposed to analytic judgements (cringe)

>> No.20871711

Any writer from Belgium, as all Belgians are inherently evil.

>> No.20872087

Heidegger's literally doing something he calls an analytic. So is Kant.

>> No.20872114

The island of Laputa

>> No.20872144

Filtered by Simenon, I see.

>> No.20872373

Why Huxley?

>> No.20872474

He did drugs

>> No.20872476

And that makes him evil?

>> No.20872482

Yes. Drugs are bad, m'kay?

>> No.20872567

Alan Moore
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Alex Grey
Amber Case
David Cronenberg
Dennis and Terrence McKenna
Douglas Rushkoff
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
Grant Morrison
Hakim Bey/Peter Lamborn Wilson
Hunter S. Thompson
J.G. Ballard
Manuel DeLanda
Paul Laffoley
Philip K. Dick
Robert Anton Wilson
Susan Blackmore
Timothy Leary
William Gibson
William S. Burroughs

>> No.20872589

Huxley family are evil. Tavistock. Eugenics. Technocracy. NWO. Put two and two together, faggot.

>> No.20872590

>almost borderline illiterate
>clearly has not read BNW
>the illiterate thinks he knows what Huxley “meant”

>> No.20872679

absolutely on point

>> No.20872798

What are some Good writers?

>> No.20872807

F Gardner

>> No.20872837

he died?

>> No.20872935
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>> No.20872967
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>> No.20872974

No, he's right. Materialism is the worship of death and is a hylic proposition

>> No.20873023

Lol why, what did he do?

>> No.20873093


Were the Greeks the original Jews?

>> No.20873156
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>"Property dualism describes a category of positions in the philosophy of mind which hold that, although the world is composed of just one kind of substance—the physical kind"
>"just one kind of substance, the physical kind"
>not materialist
what did he mean by this

>> No.20873193

the 4 Evangelists
St. Paul
Wolfram von Eschenbach
Immanuel Kant
Ernst Jünger
Valentin Tomberg

>> No.20873582
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Anon you idiot, materialists proper claim mental properties reduce to material properties, whereas property dualists don't. They believe mental properties are as fundamental as material properties. Yes, they accept one kind of substance, and they assign physical properties to it. But they also assign mental properties to the world. Some of them only assign these properties to macroscopic things, but many assign them even to the fundamental particles. So panpsychists and hylozoists count as "materialists" in your sense, but they're not materialists in my sense. They're property dualists. And the late Russell was effectively a panpsychist who felt the fundamental particles of the universe could have intrinsic mental properties, because he felt physical properties were merely dispositional.
Materialism PROPER reduces mental to physical. Some people believe only physical substances exist, but they're not materialists because they believe those same physical substances are also fundamentally, irreducibly mental. Hence: property dualism. The late Russell was one of those people.

>> No.20874268

No, but there was an element of proto jewish semites among them who influenced people and disseminated ideas. Brahmin hypothesized that Pythagoras and his cult were a semitic mystery religion attempting to corrupt Greek religion. Pythagoras' student Empedocles jumping into a volcano to become an immortal god is a piece of evidence he cites as a sign of semitic volcano god worship that the character Yahweh is also based on.

>> No.20874669

What about Girard?

>> No.20874866
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>> No.20874994

not reading that wall of text, nice try

>> No.20875008

What tangible effect did Russell have in society? Cuckold fetish?

>> No.20875016

Midwits seethe about Russell because they can’t cope with the parsimony of Russelian Monism

>> No.20875018

Only Socrates. And Gorgias, but he was no philosopher.

>> No.20875330

Jews have a material-ritualistic relationship with their religion and god.
For khaballistic jews "god" is basically a system that they can use through magick rituals to obtain something.

Taking that as a premise is obvious that they will produce a philosophy were reality is a relativistic maleable thing.
For aryans reality is an absolute thing that they need to understand, respect, master and conquer.
Very different views of reality.

>> No.20875336

You should at least tl;dr why they are evil for the uninitiated.

>> No.20875381

There's a war going on, the battlefield is the mind, and the prize is the soul. So be careful.

>> No.20875458


>> No.20876220

go back to pol, retarded goy

>> No.20876239

It's true. Hylics can seethe like they always do.

>> No.20876248

which is even funnier when you remember that Russell was a giant pseud with a faggy, pretentious Bri'ish achkshunht whose daddy was this guy:
>John Russell, Viscount Amberley, was a British politician and writer. He was the eldest son of John Russell, who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and father of the philosopher Bertrand Russell. Wikipedia
The pure product of nepotism. This pseud misinterpreted Nietzsche in his stupid overview of Western philosophy. He's as smart as the average /pol/tard, judging from his ability to grasp Nietzsche's work. And his formalization project in mathematics was a colossal failure. A pseud that never had to work a day in his life, who "read" books all day and produced mediocre semi-intellectual shit that he packaged in the form of books.

>> No.20876261

Is his book on western philosophy worth reading?

>> No.20876275

Hence why Heidegger and Kant (cringe) are ignored and Hegel and Schopenhauer (based) are popular.

>> No.20876282

Robert Laymon

>> No.20876511

>This pseud misinterpreted Nietzsche in his stupid overview of Western philosophy.
The Nietszche section might be the only thing in that book he handled correctly. The only people who disagree are delusional idiots who are supermen in their own daydreams.

>> No.20876539

be butchered nietzsche and buddhism in the same section.

>> No.20876820

He said evil not freewheeling and based anon. Yes some of them are occultists but as a Christian I can still enjoy their work.