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20869308 No.20869308 [Reply] [Original]

They're trying to kill the most influential living philosopher.

Alexander Dugin and his daughter Daria Dugina were present on the art festival "Tradition". Daria sat in their car to return home.
From Pyotr Lundstrem's Telegram channel:
>Дyгин дoлжeн был eхaть нa этoй мaшинe, нo ceл в дpyгyю. Глyбoкиe coбoлeзнoвaния.
>Dugin was supposed to drive in that car, but he sat in an another one. Deep condolences.

>> No.20869323
File: 86 KB, 1232x1280, Dugin and daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ceгoдня, нa фecтивaлe Tpaдиция.
>Today, on "Tradition" festival.

>> No.20869326

shut up retard, nobody asked nor cares

>> No.20869336

https://t.me/ru2ch_news/52637 - video of Dugin after the explosion

>> No.20869339

Russia is a third world shithole pretending to be a world power

>> No.20869354

Bummer that he wasn't in the car.

>> No.20869411

It’s over Duginbros…

>> No.20869426

Viva la Ukraine.
Turkish drones are killing white russian males in Ukraine

>> No.20869455

>globohomo in cyrillic

>> No.20869462

seethe harder

>> No.20869483

Very confused about this. Is there any actual evidence that Dugin is the one pulling the strings in Russia?

>> No.20869487

Godspeed to Russia. I hope they win.

>> No.20869488
File: 74 KB, 432x281, Screenshot_20220820-154324-088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny man dugin

>> No.20869506

>Is there any actual evidence that Dugin is the one pulling the strings in Russia?
No. It's quite blown up in Western media. He most likely had some degree of influence on Putin's thinking, but anything more than that is speculation and exaggeration. I've read Dugin's recent Telegram posts and he's gone off the rails, I doubt such schizo ramblings can have much effect overall.

Lmao, win what?

>> No.20869509

>Lmao, win what?
the war

>> No.20869515

oh you mean the Israel vs Israel war?

>> No.20869517

And what would a victory entail?

>> No.20869532

Seethe about what? Russia's economy collapsing?

>> No.20869549
File: 388 KB, 459x976, 1661035012745468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't typically kek at such things.. But dang, this is hilarious

>> No.20869558 [DELETED] 


>> No.20869563

Who is Dugin?

>> No.20869576

this is interesting, becauae it's current events and VERY lit.

Rushdie too. And did you know Alex Jones sells books (but has had 2 Banana republic kagaroo court "default judgments" against him?

>> No.20869580

>shilling that fat faggot

lol why dont you kys huh

>> No.20869603
File: 322 KB, 828x766, EFB209B5-BE0F-4E63-992E-16538BAB197C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s real

>> No.20869610

He is an author. This is lit. The express purpose of the plaintiff's attorney in closing was to end-run 1A free speech and eliminate it. Obviously meaning all avenues, web and print, web video, cable tv, and radio. The attack may be less violent, but I assume it's effective.

>> No.20869620

idk man. was she a slut? i'll assume she deserved it unless the cia says otherwise on msnbc.

>> No.20869629

We still have that Anatoly whatever guy from twitter

>> No.20869648

LARP harder Putin prick

>> No.20869653

oh shit they killed dugins daughter. thats kinda fucked

>> No.20869657

Off topic and no one cares. Go back to /pol/

>> No.20869661


>> No.20869666

>He most likely had some degree of influence on Putin's thinking
Dugin was an adviser to the speaker of the State Duma, Gennady Seleznyov. He also consulted with Sergei Naryshkin, who was the head of the Russian presidential administration and the speaker of the State Duma, who still heads the foreign intelligence service. He's still a high-status, Influential individual in the Russian Federation.

>> No.20869671

That guy emanates fag energy

>> No.20869677

i sampled one of his books expecting some radical shit. it was really generic name dropping that went no where. he's no lenin that's for sure.

>> No.20869680

>Rushdie now Dugin
Not a good month for writers and its only the 20th.
Who’s next?

>> No.20869701

nope. books are /lit/. 1a is /lit/. desu f off to reddit retard.

>> No.20869703

Like what? Invading Poland and losing? If they can't even take a proxy state like Ukraine.

>> No.20869704

Except Rushdie would've been a loss. Fuck Dugin

>> No.20869715

He's anti-Western, that's as radical as you're going to get.

>> No.20869722

yes, and Alex jones was deprived a trial by now two Banana republic kangaroo courts, the express purpose being abolishing Freedom of the Press etc. through civil litigation. Alex Jones made zero statements about the individuals in tx who sued him. additionally, he wasn't given a chance to apologize. The jury was expected to assess damages without hearing the case and knew none if this.

>> No.20869723

the point is lenin inspired generations of revolutions across the globe and in some places still does. not even chuds on 4chan give a shit about duganism or fourth theory or whatever.

>> No.20869744

Remember the time Dugin, Limonov, Sergiy Kuryokhin and Egor Letov were all in the same meme club together?

>> No.20869752


>> No.20869755


>> No.20869762

>Dugin is believed by some to have laid the ideological groundwork for the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022[14][15] as part of his advocacy for Ukraine becoming "a purely administrative sector of the Russian centralized state", which he refers to as Novorossiya.
This was an assassination attempt.

>> No.20869800

That's some fine deductive skills you've got there, anon.

>> No.20869799

The girl isnt even a valid military target. Its a provocation by western intelligence agencies, (tldr: to gain traction for the war and escalate). They are hoping Putin does something stupid in return, which is unlikely, making the murder all the more senseless.

>> No.20869802

>man's daughter dies in professional car bombing

Both the act (and the fact that a new cold war period is dawning, with even less ethical and even more ideologically weird groups capable of doing this to anybody), and the reaction to it, prove what an unimaginable nightmare the 21st century is going to be when things actually start to catalyze.

Think about this: No matter how mentally fucked Nazis and Soviets and third world rogue states fighting for their sheer existence ever were until now, they all still at least understood things like the Hague and Geneva conventions well enough to pay diplomatic lip service to them and to try to preempt and prevent international incidents. Two centuries of imperialist, colonialist, fascist, and all-devouring communist states all "played nice" relatively speaking. Throw the internet and a generation or two without war into the mix, and war now = retarded teenagers worldstarhiphop videos of people being raped and mutilated for internet identity points (BASED X DEGRADING CRINGE Z, Z BTFO!!!).

Even the worst hitherto imagined nightmare scenario of illiterate Soviet or Chinese peasants with rusty AKs raping their way across a continent in a total WW3 situation cannot come close to what zoomers will do because their favorite faggot streamer on some state's payroll whipped them up into an us vs. them frenzy over it. Remember this as the Long World War dawns and consumes the entire planet behind, 95% of your fellow humans are now subhumans, and the other 5% have no idea about it and will buckle immediately when the others come from them. What we're about to go through will make Tang dynasty cannibalism fights, Mesopotamian mass sacrifices, and various dystopian scifi war imaginings of the 21st century look like nothing. It's just going to be I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream in slow motion except we're all doing it to eachother. The upcoming generation can't even remember what it means to see a man in shock because his daughter his dead and not filter it through meme vision, and the only people who could have taught him are soon to be dead boomers whose only reaction to tragedy is "Oh that's terrible!" and changing the channel anyway

>> No.20869814

Dugin is the scum of the earth but killing his relatives is such a fucking disgusting thing to do.
None of the shit he comes up with isn't vetted by the kremlin tho, pretty much like nothing that comes out of Soros isn't vetted by the US State Department, the only difference being Dugin's family was part of the intelligentsia, whereas Soros has always been a front guy.
I feel sorry for his loss but this shit will only escalate, globohomo seems to be really wanting the USSR back so they can pilfer every thing in the next 30 to 40 years when it collapses again.

>> No.20869825

>4chan makes fun of a car bombing where one person died
>this time they've gone too far! i'm OFFENDED!
dude please

>> No.20869831

Not your blog you hysterical pantywaist, and literally nothing will happen

>> No.20869848

>white noise from chronic phone user and downvoteposter who didn't read what he's responding to

>total white noise downvote

Case in point, these are the people who will be setting the tone and context of future conflicts that will already be so bad they would brutalize real humans. These people can't even fucking parse text without going "ok ok ok ok ok i get it!!!" and trying to figure out which "side" it's taking.

I wonder if any country in the world still has people uninfected by this mass mental disease.

>> No.20869849

you can tell this kid is too young to remember 9/11

>> No.20869857

Not disgusting as she is just as complicit with it as he is.

>> No.20869866

>people making fun of a warmonger who got what he asked for
>this is literally worse than nazism and nommunism because 3rd Reich and SSSR didn't publicly praise Holocaust and Holodomor
You're the last person in the world who should act as a moral judge if you're this utterly disoriented.

This. Bitch didn't even watch Borat.

>> No.20869870

Being on the wrong side of history? that crime?

>> No.20869880

Again, example of someone not even parsing what I said, proving me right. All you can do is reduce it to "he.. must be.. disapproving. So he's.. pro-Dugin.. pro-.. moral. But.. I'm anti-Dugin.. so... I'm pro-Dugin the civilian's civilian daughter being murdered illegally.."

What's truly frightening is this person who can't even read a 4chan and assess the standpoint in it probably has a university degree, it could even be some meme degree like International Relations. The Kissingers and OSS chiefs of the world knew what they were doing as they did it, whatever their stance on it, they at least thought in terms of justifying heinous acts etc. These people can't even READ and they have opinions on geopolitics.

>> No.20869897

Lol no one gives a fuck about 9/11 outside america you fucking degenerate. Death to america inshallah

>> No.20869905
File: 5 KB, 200x324, Simulacres_et_Simulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard of Baudrillard anon? You might like him.

>> No.20869920

mmmm yeah no

>> No.20869925

isn't that for pedos?

>> No.20869930


>> No.20869932

I've only read The Consumer Society, and I tried reading Fatal Strategies for a minute. Is Simulacra a good place to start or should you try to read him as a whole?

Why make such empty posts

>> No.20869943

t. wordcountcel

>> No.20869957

They can be short and funny, it just reads like you're lonely and posting to feel like you're "engaging" with social media rather than posting anything in particular

>> No.20869962
File: 29 KB, 595x408, 1661041398097283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

globohomo bros.. i don't feel so good...our power is fading..

>> No.20869977

Some people say you need to read "symbolic exchange and death" beforehand, but I found it readable without it. Most of his work is pretty good, I especially like "the system of objects".
I'm pretty sure he's one of the few French intellectuals who didn't sign the French Age of consent petition.

>> No.20869993

"couldn't care less" larpers all over. kill yourself

>> No.20870019

Game's over Dugin, nobody's untouchable. It's real life, not a fucking game. Talk shit get hit. I'm surprised hohols never got hold of Girkin.

>> No.20870023

hylics started acting like women when there are none watching

>> No.20870051

Actively participating in sowing fascist propaganda isn't a good thing, especially when it caters to people who want to kill others fuck around and find out

>> No.20870062

exterminationist language is extremely common now esp on the left but even on the right
in ancient greece or rome there wasnt this need to dehumanise the enemy, it was understood as man v man, and victory simply a matter of power and strength, no need for moralisation
even w great nations of the 20th c there was some understanding of humanity like you said
its really after the communists that things became exterminationist in the true sense

>> No.20870064

good riddance, too bad they didn't get the schizocuck himself
he's a glowie, so probably checks under his car every single time before getting in and sleeps with a gun under his pillow

>> No.20870094

Reminds me of the book "empire". Are modern-day relies on a sort of legalized morality, it's the same thing with terrorists, we don't understand the conflict as Man versus man, but as Man versus criminal, anyone outside of the international system of "law", outside the accepted acts of the UN or the United States, is outside the system of morality, outside the system of law, we can do whatever we want to them.

>> No.20870095

I want massive scale KILLING to commence everywhere, I want to be wading in blood up to my waist whenever I step outside, I want to see streets strewn with flesh and innards, I want entire fields of pikes with bloody severed heads impaled on them

>> No.20870101

Dugins whole shtick isn't even a third position one, its just traditional philosophy meant to overshadow liberal ideology with that of Russian folk culture against the West, which is not Russian. I would like to know what 'Fascism' he's doing because Fascism isn't just an action I don't like.

>> No.20870105

Zhang Xianzhong moment

>> No.20870112

Do you think she had BBC before she died?

>> No.20870113

Good? idk what you want me to say, this is offtopic

>> No.20870119

Is that the Hardt and Negri book?

Have you ever read Schmitt's late thoughts on terrorism?

Yeah exactly. Following some of the Ukraine stuff is troubling, I don't think these people realize "the medium is the message." When you say "Provided X is objectively bad (as decided by Me, X's enemy, it's justified and good to laugh when he is treated in ways defying international law," that also becomes true when your enemy does it to you

In WW2, the Nazis and the Allies on the eastern front treated eachother very well - they went out of their ways to show shot down pilots respect and so forth. At least until things like Dresden. But on the eastern front they treated eachother like animals. The same power, acting as a "good" western state on its western front and a "bad" rogue state on its eastern front, simultaneously, because of the way the "medium" of war had been structured.

Similar things happened with the Japanese in China. They were told the Chinese were all subhumans lacking honor, so they went crazy on them.

Imagine how different things will be now. In the 90s westerners still illegally waged war on third worlders, but they at least had the wherewithal to consciously disavow the "total war" thesis implicit in suicide bombings and so on. Now every retard thinks he has an opinion, and that opinion is "it's okay to murder civilians related to people I dislike" or some meme shit with pictures of mutilated bodies. The only people who used to be this brutalized were inbred mountain peasants who behead all the prisoners after every battle. You can't even wage effective and professional war with people this brutalized, so it's counterproductive on every level.

>> No.20870120

Nazis routinely broke Hague and Geneva conventions by applying the principle of collective responsibility to subjugated nations and didn't even try to hide it, in fact many Nazi legal theoreticians were at pains trying to justify holding civilian hostages for the purpose of retaliation in an event of partisan action. What you see here is just people desensitized through years of overusing the Internet, nobody is seriously as bloodthirsty as they claim and I bet the average 4channer who posts stuff like this would break down in tears if he had to hurt anyone

>> No.20870132

Christcuckery isn't Tradition.

>> No.20870133

>the banality of evil
begonne clewn

>> No.20870136

>i am right
>also kill anyone who disagrees

>> No.20870141

>Is that the Hardt and Negri book?
>Have you ever read Schmitt's late thoughts on terrorism?
No, I'm somewhat familiar with his opinions on the subject, "theory of the partisan" if I'm correct? I have read some of Schmitt's other work but not that.

>> No.20870143

>the Nazis and the Allies on the western front
Sorry I am drunk

>> No.20870145
File: 493 KB, 500x270, 23-19-58-PdQ5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most influential living philosopher.

>> No.20870151

>They're trying to kill the most influential living philosopher.
But this thread isn't about Zizek.

>> No.20870152

Which of your gay ass old men influenced a country go to war and start another cold war against the west?

>> No.20870153

>Um, sweety, they were sowing propaganda against the liberal democratic states???
> Therefore, kill bomb car daughter
so were going with the wrong side of history moralization?

>> No.20870160

Nigga influenced the start of ww3, I'd say that might even make him the most influential philosopher ever.

>> No.20870162

Most people that know him dont even understand what hes talking about

>> No.20870163

not an argument.

>> No.20870166

mmm yes it was

>> No.20870168
File: 40 KB, 249x249, 1646479866370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start another cold war

>> No.20870174

>Carthago delenda est

>> No.20870175

>they all still at least understood things like the Hague and Geneva conventions well enough to pay diplomatic lip service to them and to try to preempt and prevent international incidents
Ever since they were written, every single cunt in war has tried to up the record, so no big deal about violating some bullshit laws made for politicians who after creating those papers they used them to clean up after peeing

>> No.20870180

ngl googling titanium stuff. titanium watches are boring, watches don't weigh much anyway.

>> No.20870187

>Doesn't read

>> No.20870188


>> No.20870191

prolly angered a gangster or something

>> No.20870193

Poor girl was only 16

>> No.20870195

Глoбoнoмo is what you say when you you're done playing with your globe

>> No.20870196

It was aimed at the city though, not exterminating carthaginians.

>> No.20870198

You're a moron of epic proportions
>muh zoomers are inhuman super killing machines
Funniest shit I've read all year, most zoomers don't even know what gender they are and would piss their pants if they saw a gun irl

>> No.20870199

I'm pretty sure this faggot didn't do that, and if he did, you could call him the stupidest philosopher alive. Russia is done, it doesn't pose a threat and is not the leader of the east. Dowhomst's ideas are bonkers and if he wanted to be influential he should learn mandarin, except nobody cares and nobody will listen to him in this shitty backwater countries. The leaders are responsible for the choice making, and, if anything, their strategical advisers will have a say.
Btw politics isn't philosophy.

>> No.20870204

Where did you read that? You should read the post you accidentally linked to next

>> No.20870205

Marx made half the world revolt. Locke and Hobbes basically invented modernity

>> No.20870212


>> No.20870219

no one wants to read your barely coherent wall of screeching.

>> No.20870221

the french philosophers are sobbing rn

>> No.20870224

Do you think she had BBC before she died?

>> No.20870227

It's the West's and Russia's one and only Tradition.

>> No.20870230

16 and already sanctioned by the treasury department? no i don't think so.

>> No.20870231

That's the point. Who's more dangerous with a gun? A horde of tens of thousands of quasi-lobotomized fleshdrones (not only without a moral compass, but also with a built in identity kill-switch. There's no need to forge them into obedience because they're already castrati) or a few trained navy seal commandos?

>> No.20870241

>I don't read things
I told you, I can tell

>> No.20870242

Hey if it had been someone vaguely leftist you'd be jerking off over the details

>> No.20870243
File: 44 KB, 768x512, DSCF4354-768x512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I graduated in the history of philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University. My research focused on the political philosophy of late Neo-Platonism, a topic of infinite interest. The main line of thought in late Neo-Platonist political philosophy is the development of the idea of a homology of the soul and the state and the existence of a similar threefold order in both. Just as in the soul there are three bases, so in the state (and the Platonists describe the Indo-European model, later perfectly theorised in Dumezil's work) there are also three domains - this model manifests itself in antiquity and the Middle Ages. The existential and psychic understanding of politics is in fact lost in many ways today, as we are used to seeing politics only as a technique, but Platonism reveals a deep connection between political and psychic processes. Today there is an urgent need to re-establish a global view of political processes, that is, to examine 'existential politics'.
>I have the honour of being in the same boat as my father (on the same existential ship), being the daughter of a great scholar of the Tradition, author of the 24-volume work Noomachia ('wars of the mind' - analysis through the three logos of all the world's cultures). The fact that we are under sanctions by the US, Canada, Australia and the UK is also a symbol that we Dugin are on the path of truth in the fight against globalism. Therefore, I would say it is an honour to be born into such a family.
bros, she was /lit/...

>> No.20870245

It's a steaming pile of a shit on our Tradition. They made it as nice as they good, planted flowers and stuff, but you're a retarded larper.

>> No.20870252

I'm sure putin is fucking enthused about being "influenced" by this guy, especially given how the ukrainian war played our

>> No.20870256

They are leftist, they believe in multiculturalism.

>> No.20870258

how into dugin?

>> No.20870259

dude zoomers already rioted in 2020 at the behest of the democrat party and big tech. nothing significant happened.

>> No.20870264

And in any case, I'm pretty sure it's sensationalism

>> No.20870267

It's been going on for a long time. People learn it from their parents. Ever since ww2 you could probably count 10 of these events per year. Every day I read about another person who publically admitted they stepped on the cats tail and they thought it was strange that it didn't pounce, if you know what I mean, only to die in a totally 'inconscpicuous' disaster at the height of their popularity.

>> No.20870268

"Lip service" and "prempt and prevent international incidents" is the key words here bud.
No one's talking about the bloodthirsty, we're talking about the entertainment of death, Baudrillard was a fitting reference.

>> No.20870272

Nigger I'm an aristocrat, if I kill someone it's after formally declaring war by throwing a pilum across their limes and then no funny business like fifth columns or Bezmenov shit, only good old fashioned Clausewitzian assymetrical total war

>> No.20870274

Well The West is only c. 1,200 years old, and Russian civilization is roughly the same age, so there obviously is no pre-Christian Tradition for either to speak of.
If this insult ever had any meaning, then surely you have evacuated the last of it with this post.

>> No.20870275

This is going to backfire on them big time. Dugin is going to go all out on his security now, and will be blackpilled against the West even more. Get ready for ontological destruction.

>> No.20870290

They're just there to dance in front of the camera - it's demoralization on a massive scale really. No matter what nationality you are, it feels bad man.

>> No.20870305

The West is anti-Western.

>> No.20870306

>so there obviously is no pre-Christian Tradition for either to speak of.
It's obviously classical civilization ie Rome that is the real tradition of the West, and not christianity per se, as any trip to christian Ethiopia would confirm.
Russians even used to qualify western civ as romano-germanic which is the most simple way to describe it fro man objective viewpoint.

>> No.20870321

>dumbass CIA botched an assassination of russian civilian
how many months of waiting until ww3 did this cut out?

>> No.20870325


>> No.20870327

Being anti oneself is as Western as you can get.

>> No.20870336

Zoomers are like urban blacks looting, they don't do anything until the mob collectively gets the message that nobody is watching

The really bad shit won't happen until you get BLM riots + whatever powers control the media actively wanting it to escalate instead of just "simmer" like last time + power outages + cop shortages/not showing up + someone taking the first shot at someone else and starting the chain reaction of "anything goes"

I'd stay the fuck out of places like Philly and Chicago

>> No.20870339

>as any trip to christian Ethiopia would confirm
I don't see how this would confirm such a thing at all. The West is still a unique fusion of Teutonic, Romanic, and Christian elements even if some other peoples have adopted Christianity as well. I don't think the Christian part can be so easily disposed of either, it is such a fundamental part of even the atheistic psyche in the West that is should be considered utterly inseparable from the essence of that race.

>> No.20870371

Whole lotta words to say that you're retarded. Brevity is the soul of wit

>> No.20870417

Fuck, it would be глoбoхoмo, right?

>> No.20870434

глoбoгoмo I think
Similar to how Hitler is written as Gitler.

>> No.20870446

those who say it shortest, they are the ones, I often tell my boyfriend - and he agrees - we are gay, you see, happy and H.I.V. positive - as is our dog, gay, not H.I.V. positive - who reign supremest, for if there is a briefness, a minimum, a parsimony, a tiddle that says much by little, well, that's the ensouling of meaning, richness communicated, a wealth, for, by concentration is gold made worth weight, and no number of loose "diamonds" weighing too little cease to be false.

>> No.20870479

Very cool very cool

>> No.20870491

There is nothing wrong with us gays, just because corporations won't hire us if they know. Don't ask don't tell, we just want to live our lives, we aren't coming after your childredn, that's rightwing evangelical kooks saying that. We are two consenting adults. What we do in the privacy of our own homes is our business, and we'll never force it on anyone else. Just let us be happy.

>> No.20870493

obviously you fucking retard

>> No.20870500
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>> No.20870505

you're useful idiots for the pope to institute communism, stop making god cry

>> No.20870516

>a new cold war period is dawning
were you born yesterday or are you just retarded? the cold war never ended and this has been aggressively apparent for at least the last 15 years

>> No.20870521
File: 339 KB, 850x673, 1659702144307973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vile nazi
Feels like living in some parody universe we now have every single side involved in this conflict calling each other nazis and that is the end of their argument. "You're a nazi therefore fuck you, fuck your country, I hope everyone who's a nazi like you dies".
Actual nazis involved in conflict rounding out to zero. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.20870525

>the cold war never ended
Well, we ended losing all serious opponents, so it's the same, really.

>> No.20870548
File: 332 KB, 500x500, 23-19-17-3a34db0c67ea443ac230ee1e092b6339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a dr. who

>> No.20870568

It's going to be that way until we all get over this cultural obsession with Nazis being the worst thing ever.

>> No.20870572 [DELETED] 

China has a bigger foothold on the world's economy than it ever has before and it's only going to get stronger you dumb fucking redditor

>> No.20870578

This sounds exactly like Schmitt's criticisms of liberal states. Basically humanists, democratists, liberals etc. can't psychologically bring themselves to the point of wanting to kill a person, so they have to dehumanize them and contextualize all of their actions as defensive and legal and in service of a the normative order (which is "coincidentally" their order). Just think of how like every country renamed their department of war to department of defense in the early to mid 20th century, it's because the admission of the necessity of war is an admission of the failure of progress

>> No.20870588

More likely it was a botched assassination by Ukrainian separatists (armed by Western governments obviously) who just wanted a high profile Russian nationalist’s death to brag about

>> No.20870590

China has the biggest foothold on the world's economy than it ever has before and for the last 20 years not a day has gone by without the west seething about it you dumb fucking redditor

>> No.20870596

Take Ukiraine, kill the top Jew there.

>> No.20870606

no more brother wars

>> No.20870609

It's not so much the "nazis are the worst thing in the world" stance that's the problem, it's the idea that "the worst thing in the world, therefore there are no longer any rules or codes of conduct". The war on terror was similar. Just call someone a terrorist and boom there goes any need to justify extrajudicial killing, "detention camps" that break your own laws, etc. Russia and China played the terrorism cards as well and continue to (see the uyghurs being labeled terrorists for instance).

Having some special codeword that upends every principle you've sworn to uphold implodes the idea that you had a principle in the first place. "Punch nazis" is another great one, and how people looked at commies around mid century mirrors that attitude. No need for civil liberties or trials, it's a political undesirable so off you go.
Combine this with praising living in a democracy and having rights; you've got some excellent cognitive dissonance soup.

>> No.20870623

> can produce $$$$$ of shit
> can produce any quality tho.
China is nothing, just like India.

>> No.20870625

The actual Nazis are sitting on the sidelines hoping that all of this destabilizes the West and undermines people's faith in Western institutions. Check and check. Also, Dugin did actually call out the Jewish Trot to neocon pipeline so to be fair he probably does have some real natsoc beliefs

>> No.20870626

two more weeks

>> No.20870632

cope. getting rich off selling the west literal garbage is poetry

>> No.20870634

only good post on this board about the topic
are faggots

>> No.20870644

I guess, regardless it's the only thing they can do.

>> No.20870645

Lmao "Z"

>> No.20870651

I think the kind of honor and consistency culture you're pining for was probably only ever possible in a very limited range of political orders. It's basically the "war as a gentleman's game" type deal you had in (Western) Europe for a few hundred years. Probably it was because that was a time when Aristocrats still had social and military power, but also because The Enemy in that time period was not The Other. The Other label will, eventually, be stamped on every single person that isn't a functionary in the neoliberal/globalist order as they face a legitimacy crisis and become paranoid. Sad to say it but I think the orientation towards war and violence you want was probably anomalous

>> No.20870669

Why tf are all of you cunts assuming this is a NATO strike when it is infinitely more likely Russians themselves did it?

>> No.20870676
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>> No.20870693

Ok chang, now have them build a drone that doesnt drive itself into the nearest tree at every occasion.

>> No.20870704

I like how every single Westerner was brought up knowing how silly and crazy and dehumanizing wartime propaganda is but they can't see that they're living in it right now. "Destroy this mad brute!" haha I would never see another nation as a monkey with a club! But those Iraqis, those Russians...they're evil just like my government told me!

>> No.20870733
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post body

>> No.20870734

Yeah, it's pretty depressing.

>> No.20870740

I, on the other hand, really like how every oriental and slavs (same thing, really) resort to screeming "PROPAGANDA" the second we factually accuse them of committing warcrimes. "HAHA I RAPED A BABY" would never be said in another Nation without expecting a strong condemnation, but slavs and asians somehow need to defend this behavior and claim it was all lies.

>> No.20870742


>> No.20870744

>russia is done
Just because of this statement i know you shouldnt be taken seriously and you dont know shit about anything

>> No.20870748

Go back to the ether by taking your own life.

>> No.20870765


What warcrimes?

>> No.20870775

100% mindfucked

>> No.20870786

Like how I say I want to rape Klaus Schwab

>> No.20870793

Like I'm not a fan of Dugin's pseudo-kabbalah bs but this is out of line, go to sleep, Tyrone

>> No.20870798

>vile Nazi
Ukraine literally has a White Supremacist military unit.

>> No.20870808


>> No.20870810

Tbh I want Dugin and especially Putin and his circle of war hawks dead or suffering simply because I know a few Russians, I see that the war harms them (bombs falling on their town, separated from the family thousands of miles with no airline connections anymore, rising prices) and they all could live better in a peaceful Russia better connected to the west. A completely banal insight, of course. I can barely imagine the actual amount of suffering that has been inflicted upon Russians by those idiots, if I alone see so many problems in my own vincinity already (not counting any Ukrainians, simply because I don't know or care about any in particular). It's really retarded that these complains about how muh west is brainwashed assume that you hate all russians.
Besides, I don't think anyone with a brain thinks Darya Dugina actually should've been killed, it's a gruesome and senseless act - neither she nor her father are actually playing much of a role at this point, he was a wankster "philosopher" who is useless in a war and she was some sort of a diplomat/shill in west Europe. But Dugin explicitly wanted war and dead people and destruction of the Ukrainian state, I've read enough of his texts and seen enough of his videos to know this. He unambiguously ASKED for this.

>> No.20870823

>and they all could live better in a peaceful Russia better connected to the west.
You're aware that the west rejected all of Russia's attempts to integrate?

>> No.20870826 [DELETED] 

i guess one could say he fucked around and found out

>> No.20870844

I'm sick and tired of these retarded zoomer phrases. Piss off.

>> No.20870855

The US was the aggressor here, not Russia. They ousted Viktor Yanukovych so they could replace him with an American puppet. It would be no different than Russia ousting Trudeau so they could replace him with a Russian puppet.

>> No.20870884

i don't remember anybody around here getting all misty about the people that got blown up by isis. weird.

>> No.20870889
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Do you read beyond headlines? They're are way better fusion reactors outside of China, multiple countries still have more nukes than them, more than half their population lives in far worser conditions than anyone in the West, and their "real" estate market built on sticks and empty buildings is about to collapse. Anyways, the china-US """cold war"""" is a bit different of a discussion from the nuclear mutual destruction of the actual cold war.

>> No.20870893
File: 2.39 MB, 1659x2208, nlawversion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The US are the aggressors here because they gave money and backing to a political candidate who successfully ran a local campaign.
I fucking swear.

>> No.20870896

She cute.

What’re they saying?

>> No.20870897

Reminds me of that pasta someone on /pol/, /int/ or /lit/ wrote about how the entire world created a new foundation myth at the end of WWII with the fatal flaw that it didn't revolve around a hero but an antihero which is Hitler, and he's the only one we have to look to and everything has his foundations on him and the Nazis haunts this culture.

>> No.20870904

>successfully ran a local campaign


>> No.20870908

why does your skin complexion look like a camo pattern and why is your body hair so patchy

>> No.20870909

They instigated a coup, again, and installed nazis in the military and government. Historically Russian regions declared independence, and the nazis have been shelling anyone and everyone there, committing war crimes, setting up biological weapons and torturing natives for speaking Russian.
Peace talks produced the Minsk Accords. They have been ignored. It was never going to be observed it was later admitted.

Really now. You fucking swear? You know we have Hunter’s laptop don’t you? We know Pedo Pete’s role in all this

>> No.20870914

you look short, i'm sensing a manlet

>> No.20870915

Jesus fucking christ who the fuck let Chapo cunts n my /lit/?

>> No.20870923

>You're aware that the west rejected all of Russia's attempts to integrate?
Which attempts? Putin expecting to be let into NATO instantly? Killing journalists and opposition regularly? Germany was so unfriendly it ended up dependent on Russian gas?

Fuck off with the whataboutism. Even fucking Kazakhstan is moving away from Russia but you need to blame US for the unbelievable act of Ukrainians not wanting to be servants to Putin's rotten regime and not wanting to prosper under it like their Belarussian brothers.
In the same year Russia "peacefully" I guess started supporting the "peaceful" pro-Russian uprising in east Ukraine xDDD

>> No.20870930
File: 56 KB, 750x707, peacefulphilosophyprofessor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.20870931

Nnnno. This is lit. Not pol. Go back, please.

>> No.20870933

People who think Dugin is a fascist got filtered.

He's basically occult political realism; and you won't really understand his work without a background in occultism, same with Evola.

>> No.20870936

i love that despite all the woke bs, the united states still has the guile to snare an adversary in a deep quagmire.

>> No.20870941

oh god is chapo shilling for putin now? i wonder how much of their patreon funding is coming by way of the fsb

>> No.20870944

nice digits Hermes Trismegistus

>> No.20870951

>i wonder how much of their patreon funding is coming by way of the fsb
considering that arm of the russian gov/military seems to be the only competent one, I'd say a large fucking part.

>> No.20870954

>Fuck off with the whataboutism

What about who started the war lol.

>> No.20870955

What are you even talking about?
Are you literally liberal larping or did the CIA 4F you for foreign legion work and you’re an actual neonazi?
I get what I deserve? Ukraine didn’t deserve for the government to be toppled, didn’t deserve nazis running the place. The people of the Donbass didn’t deserve an eight year siege. The people of America don’t deserve this crooked duopoly sacrificing all, risking nuclear war, just for one last heist, Russia itself. Fuck away

>> No.20870958

The US did in fact

>> No.20870960
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Dugin's stated strategy regarding the US (as formulated in his Introduction to Geopolitics) is to try and increase division among ethnic/racial lines by supporting extremist groups on all sides. I wouldn't be surprised if Russian agents were involved with terrorist groups like BLM for example, and while not exactly a revolution, they certainly succeeded in burning down neighborhoods across fhe country amounting to hundreds of millions in property damage and intimidating police and judges to the point where basic rule of law in the US cannot be trusted anymore.

>> No.20870972

>they all could live better in a peaceful Russia better connected to the west. A completely banal insight, of course.
This is like asking Russia not to exist, you're saying they should become an American lapdog like the rest of Europe is. Nothing is banal about this at all, you're shilling for the geopolitical interests of the pentagon and state department all while thinking you're a somewhat neutral party. Western neoliberalism is not normative or eternal, and Americans are going to have to learn to live in a multipolar world order. History is moving again!

>> No.20870978

more likely the alt-right white nationalist crap on here and other sites is pushed by russia. blm has mainstream support from every ruling class institution.

>> No.20870982

Nazis don't run Ukraine retard. The president is Jewish and a gorillionaire Jewish guy funded Azov battalion, and Ukraine has the full support of every Western institution. I can't tell if you're a tankie or a 55 year old "Democrats are the real nazis" boomer kek

>> No.20870992

It's both. Just accept that if you're alt-right you're a "foreign asset" in the sense that they view you as a destabilization tool. Same if you're a Aztlan hispanic revanchist or BBC cuck porn spammer or BLM. In my opinion the whole "you're a russian/chinese agent! no you are!" stuff is totally overblown. Of course states outside of the neoliberal hegemony support anyone who is against the status quo. Who cares

>> No.20870995

> Meanwhile, a Russian nazi mercenary group just got wiped.
Everyone in the region larps as Nazis, Azov, Wagner, the line doesn't matter here and it really doesn't mean shit anyways.

>> No.20871002

Jews fund Neo-Nazi groups as controlled opposition. Putin funds anti-Putin groups in Russia, ironically.

>> No.20871004
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Hmm odd how all these occultists tend to veer into fascist thought...cuz if it quacks like a duck its only a matter of time til it's goose-stepping

>> No.20871010
File: 81 KB, 700x700, 6D29A8C1-1D3D-4100-974B-36C1B0701A13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about who started the war lol
Russia first recognized the Donbass republics as independent republics due to Kiev refusing to implement the Minsk agreement that IT SIGNED and due to continued shelling of the LPR and DPR. After recognizing their independence Moscow signed defense agreements with them and warned Ukraine any attack on them would have a military response. For multiple days before Russia invaded Ukraine was shooting thousands of artillery rounds at the Donbas every day, and Russia came to the defense of the LPR and DPR according to article 51 of the UN charter

>The people’s republics of Donbass have asked Russia for help. In this context, in accordance with Article 51 (Chapter VII) of the UN Charter, with permission of Russia’s Federation Council, and in execution of the treaties of friendship and mutual assistance with the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic, ratified by the Federal Assembly on February 22, I made a decision to carry out a special military operation.

>The purpose of this operation is to protect people who, for eight years now, have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kiev regime. To this end, we will seek to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation.


>> No.20871020

>occultists tend to veer into fascist thought
They don't.

>> No.20871021
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Really sad to see FSB shills infesting my /lit/.

>> No.20871024
File: 13 KB, 364x204, gaza-jew-says-to-destroy-men-women-children-holy-sites-and-cattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is inching towards a Jewish conception of war. This is a good thing.

>> No.20871030

there are definitely leftist outfits that shill for russia, the same ones that still shill for venezuela even though hugo chavez is long gone. ngl i kinda like neoliberal hegemony. like oh no some kids can change their gender and apple is always trying to sell me a better phone every year, truly hellish, if only we could live under a theocracy or authoritarian command economy!

>> No.20871033

Most occultists tend to consciously take themselves out of political discussions because A) They don't know enough, or B) they know exactly what's up but won't spill the full scope or else they kinda lose sight of their current work.

I can promise you that reality has nothing to do with liberal-progressive dementia.

>> No.20871035

You're acting as though the internet chatter poking fun at the incident is worse than it.
Lol quit why pretend that you understand history? People are acting the same as they ever did.

>> No.20871037

Okay poorly worded why do these occultists eventually inspire facists

>> No.20871042
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>> No.20871043

Dugin has nothing to do with boots on the ground.

Tell me about Kherson, you fucking shill.

>> No.20871044

what are you afraid Russian intelligence will do, NOT cut off your son's dick?

>> No.20871047
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>Dugin has nothing to do with boots on the ground.

>> No.20871049

I'm surprised you genuinely thought that wouldn't actually help my point, but I think I was too generous in estimating how much you actually knew. Keep going though, I'll grab another beer.

>> No.20871057
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Where were you, when Russia ACTUALLY gave NATO article 5 justification?

>> No.20871061

>occultists eventually inspire facists
Like who? if you think Dugin is a third positionist you are just straight up being dishonest or uninformed about Eurasianism.

Traditionalists, like Julias Evola, had constant bones to pick with the Hegelian actualists in Italy. Evola also compared the NSDAP social revolution to be similar to Maoism. Fascism being seen as 'right wing' or just an action is just false.

Here's Dugins correct take on Fascism.

>it is absolutely unjustified to call fascism an "extremely right-wing" ideology. This phenomenon is much more precisely characterized with the paradoxical formula "Conservative Revolution." It is a combination of a "right-wing" cultural-political orientation - traditionalism, faithfulness to the soil, roots, national ethics - with a "left-wing" economic program - social justice, limitation to the market forces, deliverance from "credit [protsentnogo] slavery," prohibition of stock market speculation, monopolies and trusts, [and] primacy of honest work. In analogy to National Socialism which was often called simply "German socialism," one can speak of Russian fascism as "Russian socialism." The ethnic specification of the term "socialism" has, in this context, a special meaning. What is meant is formulation of a socio-economic doctrine, from the beginning, not on the basis of abstract dogmas and rationalistic laws, but on the basis of concrete, spiritual-ethical and cultural principles that have organically formed the nation as such. Russian socialism - that is not Russians for socialism, but socialism for the Russians. In distinction to rigid Marxist-Leninist dogmas, Russian national socialism proceeds from an understanding of social justice which is characteristic exactly for our nation, for our historical tradition, for our economic ethics.

>> No.20871071
File: 469 KB, 1080x1898, jewish-men-fleeing-ukraine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>installed nazis in the military and government
Why do you spread such horrible lies?
Ukraine has been run by Jews ever since the coup. The president is Jewish, the prime minister is Jewish, the mayor of Kyiv is Jewish, and the list goes on and on. Which is why military-aged Jewish men from Ukraine are being allowed to flee to Israel en masse while all ethnic Ukrainian men between 18 and 60 are forbidden from leaving the country and instead forced to fight against Russian tanks using molotovs and rusty AK's.
While it is true that National Socialism is roughly based on Judaism (or at least a Zionist interpretation thereof), Jews and National Socialists nevertheless represent polar opposites when it comes to their opinion on who is to be treated more favorably between Jews and indigenous Europeans. A "Nazi" government in Ukraine would absolutely not be clamoring to get Jews out of harm's way while seemingly doing the utmost to get as many Ukrainians killed as possible.

>> No.20871095

They obviously do. The President there is as much a figurehead as here. I’m someone in the Know. You should accept the facts I’ve supplied.
Are you talking about Dugan again? LARPers aren’t in power in Russia. Putin, the regular old conservative, is.
BRICS is coming along nicely. All rising. The US is the only superpower sinking.

I spread the truth. Is this Victoria?
He’s the second president since the coup, cookie lady.

>> No.20871149

>India-China in the same “””alliance””” union
>South Africa and rising lmao
>Brazil being competent in anything
They will accomplish so little. Go add Turkey and Iran and see how well that goes

>> No.20871170

>every single side involved in this conflict calling each other nazis and that is the end of their argument
Its the new religion concocted to drive you way from the truth which is Traditional Catholicism
>The only sin that's left is nazi sin, that's the new religion. And Hitler is the devil, the six million are the redeemer, which means that the jewish people are god. Thats the religion today. And thats deadly absolutely deadly.
Watch the full video it's not long, this is why people call each other nazis, they no longer believe in God which means they also dont believe the devil exists, the jews then swooped in and force fed us this false cultural religion

>> No.20871193
File: 60 KB, 300x355, thumb_india-loses-3-billion-dollar-submarine-because-someone-forgot-to-57639961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BRICS is coming along nicely.
> India

>> No.20871227

>an atheist intellectual is the most influential living philosopher.

please tell me atheists are not this retarded

>> No.20871239

Dugin is Christian

>> No.20871251
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>> No.20871257

>muh "west" was led to greatness by following a jewish religion!
>meanwhile xtian(!1!) africans die of AIDS after being so stupid to think raping a virgin will cure it, their hungry family mourns their loss in a wattle and shit daubed hut and proceeds to eat their free UN food for dinner. The following day, they consult a witch doctor, perform a black magic rite, and then go to a foreign sponsored megachurch to get miracle scammed

>> No.20871268
File: 100 KB, 462x558, 1659561849694239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else legitimately distressed by this, and by the people making memes about it? This is a photo of a man realizing his daughter is dead. It makes me feel awful.

>> No.20871276

It's just revealing to you the inhumanity underlying the so-called tolerant left.

>> No.20871320

Anonymous is calling itself the left now?

>> No.20871328
File: 20 KB, 322x311, 1643694737303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earlier yesterday I was thinking about car bombing as a method of assassination. I thought about how much easier it is to attach a small explosive to an enemy's car than it is to get close enough to shoot, stab, or poison them. Then later that same day Dugin's daughter gets blown up in this very same way. I'm not schitzo enough to claim clairvoyance, but it is odd how this method though crossed my mind just hours before it was used to kill a high profile Russian's daughter.

>> No.20871336

have sex incel

>> No.20871351

>Dugin is the scum of the earth
I read Political Platonism and it seemed pretty based. It's weird how everyone agrees the liberal democratic state is now actively undermining the people it purports to serve but when someone advocates moving toward a better system every screeches "Thats anti democratic".

Democracy is a farce, if things were this shitty under any other system heads would roll but they can't because democracy gives the illusion it was the peoples choice to have these politicians in power. Look at the reaction to a bunch of boomers breaking into the Capitol, that's the system designed to disempower you and think the only legitimate way to change things is to voot harder

>> No.20871419

and the result of all that subtle and ingenious philosophy is that one has to start wars of subjugation and establish territorial hegemony? Boy, I'm glad it's not fascism though!

>> No.20871434

There are no "liberals" on the entire planet anymore. People who say they are "liberals" worship every extreme right-wing practice and belief as long as it's brown people practicing/believing it, plus dumb sex/trans/orientation shit slopped on top of it. The clowns who are supposed to be the opposition to this are dumb God-believers who think that banning abortion (getting rid of shitty babies and not forcing more people to exist in this objectively terrible reality) is a good idea.

>> No.20871441

>Democracy is a farce, if things were this shitty under any other system
t. loser incel that cant build a life in the most prosperous era of history

>> No.20871461

They do.
Even the ultra left, everything-goes hedonic outhouses like Cultus Sabbati and Thelema are fascist in thinking and structure.
>Worship of Spiritual authority
>Glorification of tradition and some mythical past
>Rejection of modernity (all modern innovation are considered heretic; only the things ancestors did are good; chaos magic is shit buy cumming into skulls is good because 10th century Tibetans and pajeets did it)
>Hierarchical organizations
>Heavily regimented rituals
>Heavily imposed and reinforced dogma
>Division into in and out groups where the out-group is demonized as uninitiated, stupid, out of the light
You can academically investigate such degenerate group as the Cultus Sabbati and then compare them with Eco's Ur-fascism and see that the Cults fits his points like dick fits pussy.
Occultism and esotericism are inclined to turn far-right because they're key elements - modernity bad, ancient past good, hierarchy, elitism - are the root elements of every conservative and far right political totalitarian movements.
The only left veering occultist/esoteric movements are the new age and chaos magic, which are criticized by serious occultists belonging to the TRVE occult anusfucking clubs like the Cultus Sabbati or the OTO. Even in the 19th century the left leaning and socially progressive spiritual movement as spiritualism was denigrated by serious occult orders and authorities like Aleister Crowley and The Golden Dawn.
And you know that these three movements have in common: experimentation, improvisations, lack of centralized authority, ability to embrace new concepts and swallow latest technological developments, acceptance of science, flexibility, racial and social and sexual egalitarianism: everything that serious occult orders think is inappropriate and antithetical toward what they consider enlightenment (even though they themselves can't produce a single enlightened individual on the level of Ramana Maharshi)

>> No.20871462

Fuck off. That fucker has advocated the genocide and/or conquest of almost every country close Russia, I love seeing that fucker suffer. In fact seein his (equally cunty) daughter to go up in flames really made me happy. I hope she sufferred while burning alive and I hope Alex heard her screams now and every time he goes to sleep. Well, tonight I'm going to sleep well and happily.

>> No.20871479
File: 222 KB, 598x580, 1661059704589268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. They are getting what they fucking deserve.

>> No.20871486

the usual gibberish and namedropping meant to impress mouthbreathers, very worthy of her father. So yeah, quite /lit/...

>> No.20871491

But doesn't the image, itself, shock and disturb you? I can't laugh at it or anything. That look of distress on his face, that anguish in miliseconds. It's not an image to be memed or mocked. I feel like that's wrong to do. I don't like it. It makes me feel sick.

>> No.20871514

>oh no some kids can change their gender and apple is always trying to sell me a better phone every year, truly hellish, if only we could live under a theocracy or authoritarian command economy!
This but unironically

>> No.20871521

South Africa is actually the only loser on that list. Every other country is better than the atomized shithole of America

>> No.20871529

Dyke, you RUSHED to post.

>> No.20871532

Oh damn it's unfortunate to see innocents die because of their fathers si--
>She was a full grown politician
Not my problem

>> No.20871534

No, it doesn't disturb me, because I know he is a 100% top-grade cunt and deservers everything that happens to him plus more. I mean I can have some of sympathy for people, even for dumb vatniks I watch getting killed on /k/, but Dugins and his devil offspring are not one of those. I would like to personally work him over with some powertools in some Azov cum-pit, Saw style.

>> No.20871540

I saw you post about Rushdie's stabbing, hun, which is equally off-topic

>> No.20871551

People online are just sociopaths at this point. Ignore it. Political people are also more vocal.

>> No.20871556


>> No.20871564


>> No.20871574

No one cares, State Department shill.

>> No.20871577

Soros' son is as involved as his father, he just keeps a low-profile.

>> No.20871578
File: 133 KB, 487x662, duginbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his "foundations of geopolitics" was literally the program for putins foreign policy. Look it up, they achieved a good part of the goals outlined there. Plus, no desk murderer should feel safe, theyll be targeted like they should, their kids will be collateral damage.

>> No.20871583


>> No.20871590
File: 142 KB, 668x1000, 01_00919669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i sharing this board with 50 year-old Daily Mail commenters?

>> No.20871592

>saying this
>on the site where gore spam used to be the norm
Leave, while you still can.

>current thing is bad
>so let's try the old thing that failed so badly it got replaced by the current thing
Your brain on vodka
>If things were this shitty under any other system heads would roll
Your brain on Krokodil

>> No.20871594

they have the GDP of italy,6 months in and they havent taken ukraine who they neighboor with.Russia is done.There's no going around it

>> No.20871600

Considering he preached for war for decades and already tens of thousands died a very avoidable death in part because of him, he deserve the pain. Same if it happened to some piece of shit like Dick Cheney btw.

>> No.20871608

>French Revolution was le based, bring down the tyrants!
>Reeeeee no you can't storm the capitol you're undermining our democracy!!!

>> No.20871611

This coming from a board full of racists who want multiple genocides. Calling for the death of all Ukrainians isn’t the same as killing them.

Proof these people have zero influence over Putin’s policies. The “special operations” are slow and surgical for humanitarian reasons

>> No.20871613

>That fucker has advocated the genocide and/or conquest of almost every country close Russia
Technically the Ukraine isn't a legitimate country so he didn't.

>> No.20871622

>hallucinating arguments nobody made in the thread
French revolution was based because it killed a lot of fr*nch, allowed for the rise of Napoleon, shook the entirety of Europe out of a stagnant equilibrium, and showed early on the dangers of unchecked mob rule.
Capitol tantrum was unbased because it didn't kill a significant number of amerisharts, didn't fundamentally change anything, and only gave the political circus more material to push the same old agendas.
TL DR choke on 15 cocks, newfag.

>> No.20871630

>hallucinating arguments nobody made in the thread
Like "replacing bad thing with old thing" when Dugins entire philosophy revolves around a Fourth Political Theory that has never been tried? Yeah, back to your hole.

>> No.20871632

Dear lord you're a stupid moron. Rome tried to justify every war it ever waged as a defensive war with them as the underdogs.

>> No.20871636

can you outline a single concrete policy from it that has never been tried?

>> No.20871644
File: 140 KB, 236x260, 1661069458643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Dugin ever came up with anything vaguely novel

>> No.20871652

>slow and surgical for humanitarian reasons

>> No.20871659

We must support Russia, acts like this only display the depravity of their enemies and the hordes of NPCs who eat up anti Russian narratives driven by the MSM

Thoughts and prayers to Dugin

>> No.20871663

Sure it's disturbing, but that's just an immediate emotional response. I usually laugh through tragedy anyways, and when the tragedy also happens to objectively improve the world, I see no issue making memes about it.
There are so many people to feel sympathy for in the world. I'm not gonna waste it on fucking Dugin of all people.

>> No.20871664

Reap what you sow. It's very bittersweet, but these people are anything but innocent.

>> No.20871671

Maybe he'll start to have some empathy for the Ukranians who've lost loved ones to bombs in recent months.

>> No.20871672

>acts like this only display the depravity of their enemies
lol Russians have been targeting civilian population for months now. it's only natural that there's retaliation

>> No.20871674

You mean the Ukrainians have been trying to use civilians as human shields

>> No.20871682 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 896x787, 18739 - bloodshot_eyes cap clothes communism crying flag glasses hanging hat kgb medal open_mouth rope russia soyjak star stubble suicide tongue uniform variant_bernd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phew, so much for the tolerant, democratic Ukra-AAAAACCCKKKK

>> No.20871684

>putin's philosophical inspiration

>> No.20871686

>thoughts and prayers to Dugin
The only security measures the russian govt can afford him right now, lol.

>> No.20871699
File: 71 KB, 640x426, IMG_20220821_103015_413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you smoking? There is shelling every day. Of cities in general. Apartment buildings, city streets... The shelling has been going on for months.

>> No.20871706

Only of areas where Ukrainian terrorists are hiding. Maybe your issue should be that the Ukrainians shouldn't be trying to hide in civilian areas? What are the Russians supposed to do?

>> No.20871724

dont spend your 10 rubles all at once putinbot

>> No.20871730

>aiiiiiie russian bots! russian bots everywhere!
Back to the CNN comments section, Susan

>> No.20871733


>> No.20871734

i guess i just cant imagine anyone capable of using a computer shilling such braindead opinions FOR FREE kek

>> No.20871736

>Russians are le evil, all the globohomo outlets say so it must be true
Ukraine isn't even a real country and most of them want to go back to being part of Russia anyway

>> No.20871793

I am. The failure to distinguish between ideological difference and revelling in his personal suffering is gross. But everyone is now the self-appointed arbiter of justice behind their little phones.

>> No.20871794

Russia will soon be a non-real country, and i will piss in desperate russian whores' mouths. I guess that national pride will have to be swallowed lol

>> No.20871795

This is an anti-globohomo board, ukrops tranny

>> No.20871799
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This is a literature board.

>> No.20871804

Dugin himself literally argued for a version of "globohomo", you clown.
Go read a book, defending simply the opposite of what's popular makes you act like a retard.

>> No.20871809

>defending simply the opposite of what's popular makes you act like a retard
It gets you closer to a sane worldview than defending what is popular.

>> No.20871816

>Guenonian trad becomes the most feared thinker in the world

Did we win?

>> No.20871848

Not only your initial post was uncalled for and completely unrelated to the discussion at hand, but even in this you seem completely unable to make a point. How is exactly african syncretism, that, as you say, incorporates extensive amount of both native and foreign witchcraft along many other imported branches of esotericism, a proof against the influence and key role christianity had in the shaping of western (and russian) culture? What do you even define as greatness? Because the true global hegemony of the west was achieved, yes, during a period in which each nation of Europe followed either catholicism or protestantism, with an underlying substrata of christian morals and thought that to this day gives form to the idea of universal rights and countless schools of philosophy. You seem unstable and completely out of depth.

>> No.20871851

>It gets you closer to a sane worldview than defending what is popular.
It's the exact same thing, you brainlet.
I hope you're an actual russian because then you'd actually be defending your own interests, rather than being a full on fifth collumn.

>> No.20871905

wouldn't it be -gomo, like German Jessie?

>> No.20871909

>What are the Russians supposed to do?
oh no, how did i not consider that..

>> No.20871941

Where did you leak from? 9gag?

>> No.20871975

Yeah, this is only gonna fan the flames.
Now they'e gone and done it...

>> No.20871982

chuds deserve to suffer and die, simple as.

>> No.20871995

Anybody have the pasta? Not sure what folder I put it in..

>> No.20872016

KEK yeah idk
half squatting to get in frame but yeah I'm 5'10

>> No.20872017

Control of 95% of natural resources of jewkraine, nuclear labs, black sea access, expansion of borders, million of new population

>> No.20872021

Dugin is in part responsible for the deaths of the family members of thousands of others. with that in mind, i can't say i feel bad for him: there are others more deserving of my sympathy

>> No.20872034
File: 42 KB, 480x640, 4323422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very eloquent and moving. Have an upvote. It's time for New Sincerity. A politician being killed? And people joke... on the Internet? This is cursed. Cursed and demonic.

>> No.20872035

imagine invading a country and acting like the victim lol eat shit ziggers you asked for it

>> No.20872042

Jewish tradition is Russia's and the West's tradition? True lmao

>> No.20872053

Glownigger post

>> No.20872055

>we must support the commies against the ebil Neo-nazis!!!

Sure thing 4chan

>> No.20872062

You can just post the graphs of increasing shelling in donets pre-invasion, that works better than arguing. Hohols have 20 iq and can't argue hence images work better

>> No.20872064

Putin cockholster post

>> No.20872065
File: 199 KB, 1284x1356, 631654643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what that excerpt is supposed to prove. Your whole post is irrelevant anglo cope

>> No.20872074

Is a grift
>white nationalist
Amounts to nothing

Both china and russia support various globohomo groups

>> No.20872082

It is though. Africa saudis and china ease their fuel dependency on america and work with russia and BRICS
Trade has also increased. It's literally happening right before your eyes kek

>> No.20872089

Tbqh i don't care. He doesn't know I exist so why care? Changes nothing

>> No.20872092

Nice dream

>> No.20872102

In case anyone is wondering why there are hohol shills itt who also mention /k/, ukraine literally pays an internet defense force to shitpost
Money laundering scheme since it changes nothing, but just a heads up

>> No.20872113 [DELETED] 

Vatnigger seethe

>> No.20872118

and? nothing will change. russians/wagner keep advancing and cutting off more and more gas to europe
literally changes nothing

>> No.20872138
File: 83 KB, 1200x675, 85431611313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.20872165

>russians/wagner keep advancing
Are you just gonna pretend the lines meme doesn't exist now? Terrible strat.
Kherson liberated within a month.

>> No.20872171

The advance was a feint

>> No.20872200

It's insane, the guy literally denounces National socialism, Fascism, and Communism in the first chapter of his most influential publication. Yet still that the west, and the glowie far right can only resort to calling him one of those names. It really exemplifies the poverty of western discourse.

>> No.20872210

GDP literally means nothing. Wall-street sends money back and forth between two buildings, that's the only reason the gdp is so low. GDP has nothing to do with quality of life, more eastern europeans are homeowners, have cheap access to better quality food, are more self-sufficient all while having 20% the GDP of a western european. It's literally just a propaganda number, Russians can afford more food, housing, electricity and education than Germans or (in some states) Americans. GDP is just a propaganda number for how much you trade with judeo-america

>> No.20872214

You left out the part where the west is commiting collective suicide by slowly poisoning their minds and bodies.

>> No.20872220

Not to mention that the Day of Victory over Fascism is the cornerstone of the Russian ideology, something that the country pushes aggressively to its grudgy neighbors and the object of much controversy.

>> No.20872224

Same leadership

>> No.20872228

>Being opposed to the neoliberal establishment makes you a communist
Jesus christ are we back to cold-war levels of retarded discourse?

>> No.20872237

NATO clearly did. I refuse to believe that people are actually as gullible as you, do you stilö think Iraq harbours weapons of mass destruction?

>> No.20872242
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>Russians can afford more food, housing, electricity and education than Germans
If that was the case, then commie Russian "repatriate" vatniggers living in Germany would hurry to return back. Something that is not happening.

>> No.20872263

>denounce fascism and then go on to advocate for everything fascism stands for while acting as if it's a completely new thing you just made up
Many such cases.

>> No.20872268
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>> No.20872279

That is verifiably 100% false. Do you know what modern bombs do? Have you seen the gaza strip? Clearly explosives have been directed towards military targets, but the ukrainian strategy has been to retreat to cities and make media martyrs out of their own civilian population. Absolutely disgraceful, ukr gov has no qualms about sacrificing their own civilians for BBC-articles. To add to all of thqt they have also been ACTIVELY BOMBING THEIR OWN CIVILIAN POPILATION.

>> No.20872297

This, this place is no fun when every thread has 30 CIAGGERS larping like nazis.

>> No.20872389

Lol, western weapons being turned on Ukrainians so that pictures can be taken to get the west to send more weapons. The economy of the future.

>> No.20872844

You're surprised they fight over cities?
You're not very bright, are you?

>> No.20872942
File: 61 KB, 640x360, c671350f113859a3650b6bf4d81bb785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So modern bombs do more damage than that, but they deserve it because they're in cities and also they're bombing themselves.
Did you get lost on your way to /pol/ or something? This feels like a mix of 4 disjointed QAnon schizoposts you have not yet completely processed.

>> No.20872944

The humane thing to do if you know your city is about to turn into a battlefield would be to evacuate, instead they have blocked of civilians from leaving because they know that means victory for russia would require vast civilian deaths. How would you feel if your country was at war and the soldiers took shelter in your house, because they were trying to bait the opponent into killing you and your family? If the military isn't trying to protect the people, it is not legitimate.

>> No.20873312

Most of the various cities' population had left. The people who stay there choose to stay out of stubbornness or because their close ones are either serving, volunteering or working there.
In fact more than a quarter of the country has left already.

>> No.20873432
File: 385 KB, 702x553, OryxabacusgoVRRRRRRRR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The “special operations” are slow and surgical for humanitarian reasons
The copium is reaching insane levels of refinement.

>> No.20873468

>The humane thing to do
> The humane thing to do is to allow yourself to lose every single war possible.
Cannot possibly be this retarded.

>> No.20873482

According to sources I will not reveal, Dugin has been admitted to the hospital for a heart attack.
This increases the odds that it was an inside job by at least 50%.

>> No.20873709

agreed. there's no hope.

>> No.20873812

chat shit get banged