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File: 65 KB, 1358x900, How to Live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20867869 No.20867869 [Reply] [Original]

Rec me some books.

>> No.20867907

Catcher in the rye

>> No.20867910


>> No.20867915

A Bug's Life novelization

>> No.20867918

>free from beliefs tradition morality
Enjoy getting your ASS SODOMIZED by DEMONS in HELL.

>> No.20867931

ngl that's kinda hot tho

>> No.20867962

whatever... but, rec me some books.

>> No.20867980

might is right

>> No.20868013

the complete works of Plato

>> No.20868035

would be really helpful if you could write couple words on why Plato's works(or any other book for that matter) will be helpful.

>> No.20868077
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>> No.20868269

>might is right
Omg, I downloaded and started reading this. This is actually surprisingly good book. Much better than I expected, at least so far 20 pages in.

>> No.20868279

kek it's satire

>> No.20868282
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That's how I want to live

>> No.20868302

If you legitimately think might is right is a satire, you might be the stupidest nigger alive

>> No.20868308

bitch you live like this?

>> No.20868411

>human nature
Doesnt exist.
Humans are animals (Nature/material) + the power of rational thinking (immaterial).
Dont conflate the two u simp

>> No.20868465

>Humans are animals
That's what I'm talking about. I want to live true to my animalistic primal desires, living otherwise would inauthentic.

>> No.20868503

why do you need books tho? you seem to have figured out what you want to do with your life, now it's just a matter of doing it. you don't need books.

>> No.20868518

>I want to live true to my animalistic primal desires, living otherwise would inauthentic.
That's like wanting to live as a deaf person after receiving a Cochlear implant when you were a newborn.
Living according to primal desires is irrational, therefore not rational and thus not human or authentic.
Stop deluding yourself

>> No.20868592

>That's like wanting to live as a deaf person after receiving a Cochlear implant when you were a newborn.
>Living according to primal desires is irrational...
It is the only rational thing.
>why do you need books tho?
I'm still developing my "treatise" and could use some books from past greats. No way I'm the first person who wants to live like this.

>> No.20868595

Install Linux

>> No.20868635

start with the greeks

>> No.20868644

Damn he must have been rich at to do that on a regular basis.

>> No.20868645

>It is the only rational thing.
Yea u need to go read Plato before talking to me again.

>There have been those who perished because their desires were numerous, there have never been those who where endangered because they were free from desires

Galatians 5:17
>For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh.

>> No.20868732
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>There have been those who perished because their desires were numerous
Doesn't prove anything. Chasing your desires mindlessly can be dangerous, but it's not what I'm doing, see
>Clear mind and sound judgement at all times
As an example, consuming sugar gives me pleasure, but it is detrimental to health and will bring health issues, pain and weakness in the long term. That's why I'm not consuming sugar.
>there have never been those who where endangered because they were free from desires
those people might be safe, but they sacrificed all of their desires for that safety. Stupid trade off.
>For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh.
No such thing as Spirit.

>> No.20868757

hey babe i told u to go read Plato. He explains why ur wrong. It's nice that youre trying to do some critical thinking, but you still have a lot of listening to do before u can produce words of worth.

>> No.20868781

all I read is a bunch of spooks

>> No.20868976

eat ass faggot

>> No.20869088

I like it op, don't listen to other anon calling you cringe. I recommend "Make It Stick" and "Why We Sleep"

>> No.20869562

>don't harm yourself for no good reason

>> No.20869637


>> No.20869655

do you have a single fact to back that up

>> No.20869935

I've read Make It Stick thanks to someone who recommended it here at /lit/. Very good book. Will check out Why We Sleep.
>don't listen to other anon calling you cringe.
I don't care.

>> No.20870717


>> No.20870863

1, 5
2, 3

>> No.20871105

>hey babe i told u to go read Plato. He explains why ur wrong. It's nice that youre trying to do some critical thinking, but you still have a lot of listening to do before u can produce words of worth.
people with high IQ BTFO pseuds who have read thousands of books with ease

every time I enter a thread (t. 200 IQ) I see people talking about shit I was thinking of back when I was a fucking child.

>> No.20871119

>only our friends and family are our equals
This is cope for people who want to dig their comfy little holes. Just be true to yourself or give up.

>> No.20871391

It doesn't need to be. Ethics is subjective, whatever ethical rules we set for ourselves is bound to be true. I adopted only two rules for my to have maximum freedom to pursue my goals. I still can treat people with respect and respect their privacy and rights, but I don't have moral obligation to do so.

>> No.20871476

>Rec me some books.
Catcher in the rye

>> No.20872199

Sure but in this case op is evidently not a high iq individual

>> No.20872208

Well the best way to throw a high IQ person off I've found out is asking them how do I do x.
Okay smart guy how do I get a job as an expat in Thailand that is not English teacher.

>> No.20872504
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>op is evidently not a high iq
Where is your evidence?

>> No.20872514

'being authentic' is a meme. There is no authentic self.

>> No.20872521

I remember reading this, and thing shocking me the most was reading newspapers 5 min after getting up
Even if the evening before I did not do crazy shit, and even if I had a good night sleep, there's no way I can fully concentrate 300 seconds after getting up

>> No.20872522

Be an english tutor

>> No.20872536
File: 99 KB, 604x809, Bronson advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solitary Fitness

>> No.20872544

Unironically Communist Manifesto.

>> No.20872552
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It can be called whatever, no need to microfocus on meanings of words. I want to live inline with my desires and values, without bending to outer pressure and temptations. Can it be called authentic? Maybe not, but it doesn't change the way I'm trying to live.

>> No.20873380

last bump. I got only couple of decent book suggestions. Anything that could be helpful. i'm especially interested in books that can help me to stay in the moment and be observant and sharp, books that help me to recognize and crush my feeling of moral obligation, deal with past experiences etc. etc. Anything that could help me in my journey.

>> No.20873557

So is might right? Might be or nah?

>> No.20874026

If you want to live so badly, why don't just live? Overcome the bibliomania and become the one you want to be.

>> No.20874038

boo-hoo, does anon have a little superiority complex?

>> No.20874929

you all know he was lying about his 'routine,' right?

>> No.20875030
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>”free from beliefs, morality, tradition, rights, and social norms”
>writes up a personal constitution enshrined by all of the above

>> No.20875068

authenticity is a retarded brainlet cope. Authenticity means being stupid.

>> No.20875083

do you morons believe everything you read in newspapers? I recently read the story of a "self-made entrepreneur" on cnbc.com if I remember right. And she said she worked every summer for 15h a day, every day of the week, just so she could pay for a high school or college trip. Normies would automatically feel lazy and inferior, but I know she's bullshitting and I know that's not true, and I know her parents gave her "a small loan of 1 million dollars" or something similar and did not force her to work. Stop believing everything you read online, or in newspapers, or in books. I don't believe anything, and I try to have multiple theories every time I try to understand something. And one of the "truer" theories, if you can say that, is the fact that most people bullshit and lie all the time. His routine is most likely bullshit, but could be half right, too.

>> No.20875089

No. Do you?

>> No.20875282

>His routine is most likely bullshit, but could be half right, too.
Don't lump me into the group that thinks HST's routine is real, you stupid nigger. I already know he lied about it to fuck with the reporter.

>> No.20875299

I quoted you because you replied to the gullible anon

>> No.20875346

Read the first several chapters of Which Way Western Man by William Simpson. The later portion of the book devolves into political cringe but the parts about his personal life philosophy are quite good

>> No.20875706

myth of sisyphus and the plague by camus relate to this and one flew over the cuckoos nest. I've been looking for similar books to these themes and those struck me the hardest

>> No.20876518

Check'd and good recommendation. Also the translation reminds me of old Japanese games.

>> No.20876537
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Ultimately to be free from everything you must be free from your desire to be free. Until you realize that you will be chasing an absurd, paradoxical, unfulfillable standard "freedom".
I implore you to instead think about what you really want to be free from.

>> No.20876549

>free from beliefs, morality, ect.
>entire charts is predicated on beliefs, morality, ect.

I recommend touching grass until you moderate your autism enough to try again.

>> No.20876578
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This life philosophy seems like the ultimate pseud shit. It's like you just read Meditations and heard about New Sincerity and decided you want to mash them together. Have you realized that you won't be truly living authentically if you try to force yourself to do so? You seem to be overly concerned with being a "moral", "knowledgeable", and "earnest" person, which if your true self is likely not. We all have flaws, both intellectually and morally. Your focus on dispelling any perceived inauthenticity only betrays your intent and reveals your insecurity. Traditions, emotions, fears, beliefs, and morality are all a part of who we are. You are holding yourself to an unnatural standard that will take away what actually defines you as a person.

If you want to live a sincere life, just don't worry about. Just be yourself. Accept your limitations. That will be more fulfilling than any self-improovment rat race that TikTok, /pol/, or /fit/ is trying to drag you in.

>> No.20876997

The SAT guide, since you’re clearly 15.

>> No.20877074

All of Bronson's books are entertaining. It's fascinating how his mind works.

>> No.20877107
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>> No.20878089

bumping before it gets archived, so that I can answer later.