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20862659 No.20862659 [Reply] [Original]

Just ordered the whole Sea of Fertility tetralogy (in japanese). What am I in for?

>> No.20862701

The portrayal of the decline of Japanese culture into materialism.

>> No.20862727

Your dick will fall off

>> No.20862748

Maybe if you read Sun and Steel you might get more bitches than your current #, which is zero.

>> No.20862749

all these are valid

>> No.20862775

For a minimalist approach those are relatively decent covers; I must confess.

>> No.20862803

>minimalism, japanese author

>> No.20862836
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The ones I'm getting look like this

>> No.20862863

I haven't the faintest what you're trying to say.

>> No.20862872

They’re good but I like the vintage international ones better

>> No.20863029

odds are you won't *actually* read the books so you're in for nothing like most other people here

>> No.20863096

They’re uninspired and boring desu.

>> No.20863109

I find them to inspire much in my mind.

>> No.20863504

They're quite literally inspired by Japanese Woodblocks each of which is quoted on the back of each book nigga

>> No.20863508

Do they all feature the same characters?

>> No.20863527


>> No.20863954

There are characters that are included in multiple books, but only a few are in all of the books .

>> No.20863958

A whole lot of thinking about death

>> No.20864927


>> No.20866173

This post is uninspired and boring desu

>> No.20867290

what is that on the right? a cd? cover looks great

>> No.20867345

Where did you order these? I probably need to read a little Japanese lit so I don't completely lose what I learned in college.

>> No.20867385

>What am I in for?
Gibberish because you can't read japanese.

>> No.20867395

I've been reading The Sailor who Fell From Grace with the Sea as my first Mishima. I'm into it so far. Did I pick a good starting point?

>> No.20868200

Urge to commit seppukku and gay sex.

>> No.20868380

yes that's a pretty good starting point

>> No.20868415

Cdjapan because I bought them along with some obscure, out-of-print books that I can only get there (for a good price) through proxy shopping. Amazon is good too though.

>> No.20869168

are a japanese native or just someone who learned the language?If the latter then how was it learning the language and reading its lit

>> No.20869292

I'm nordic in blood and soul, but I've always had a soft spot for nip culture, so I learnt it when I attended gymnasium. Learning the language itself took quite some time, mainly because the damn language has as many bloody kanji as the english language has words (at least, that's how it feels), and there's always more to learn. And the grammar is very alien. All in all, the lit is fun to read, and you can extract implied meanings from sentences that aren't possible to convey in English, but I wouldn't recommend learning it unless you have a concrete use in mind for it.

>> No.20869393
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Semi unrelated but I like sadist Mishima. I like it when he talks about wanting to torture and rape dudes. What books of his should I read? I already read Confessions of a Mask, The Patriot and Forbidden Colors (which I didn't like).

>> No.20869397

Japanese culture*

>> No.20869862

The sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea. It features a young boy being driven to sadism by dissatisfaction with his mediocre father figure.

>> No.20869875
