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20861943 No.20861943 [Reply] [Original]

The last author

>> No.20862089
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>> No.20862112

What touched me the most is what he wrote in fanged noumena, it goes really deep, the more you think about it but it really made connection with something I thought deeply true before seeing it ever articulated. I’m not quoting exactly here but it went something like


>> No.20862116

He is a gift that keeps giving

>> No.20862123
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Forgot attachment

>> No.20862138

he's too based

>> No.20862174
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>> No.20862180

What was God thinking when he made him look so much like Ted Bundy?

>> No.20862203

anons here on /lit/ have written shit less gimmicky than this
remember Oobposter from Coronameron and Moby-Dick?

>> No.20862354

So is he dead or what ? His twitter is out now for nearly 6 month or so and his other outlets too

>> No.20862427

He's been locked away in a Chinese gualg / re-education camp for violating quarantine and spreading pro-femboy messaging I'm not even kidding

>> No.20862722

so why does he want to accelerate the capitalism so much? could there be other way around to prevent the collapse?

>> No.20862731

cut your nails incel

>> No.20862737

He doesn't look much like Ted Bundy at all, are you autistic or a non-white?

>> No.20862827

kys return from where you came

>> No.20862912
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>> No.20862967

he looks more like Damian Lewis

>> No.20863212
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When are the holidays finally over? These kids stress me out

Captcha: PNNNPN

>> No.20863400

Accelerationists think they can make time move faster towards the collapse but they're brain dead and wrong

>> No.20863719

where's this from?

>> No.20865031

>Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude. Blitzed on a polydrug mix of K-nova, synthetic serotonin, and female orgasm analogs, you have just iced three Turing cops with a highly cinematic 9mm automatic.
>The residue of animal twang in your nerves transmits imminent quake catastrophe. Zero is coming in, and you're on the run.

>> No.20865057

it really kinda is poetry.

Circuitries opening is really good too.

>> No.20865328

Hey thanks for this thread, I'm sold on the guy now. I'm used to only seeing nonsense shit like
so the dichotomy is interesting.

>> No.20865335

This is just really excellent cyberpunk/science fiction, he's really underrated as a short story author

>> No.20866246

Accelerationism charts and reading lists? Any good new books?

>> No.20866267


>> No.20866301


>> No.20866350

Seriously, is he another e-celeb?

>> No.20866360

Read more

>> No.20866367

>is he another e-celeb?
It's a tranny thing.

>> No.20866383

No, I won't read about your self-publish e-celeb.

>> No.20866502

elaborate about them being brain dead and wrong

>> No.20866620
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Please can some kind anon give me a short and sweet rundown on what Land is all about. I asked many times but they were mostly meme answers.

>> No.20866624
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>> No.20866643

I found this to be quite decent.

>> No.20866942

>AD1900 = 00, but so Does AD2000. An economical protocol for prolonging this dating system beyond the millennium modifies and expands it to k-time (k-space or Kilo-time) by prefixing and aditional zero. AD1900 = AD2000 = K-100, etc., postponing its notational crisis until AD2900.
Scratching my confirmed high IQ cranium.

>> No.20866956
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>> No.20866963

He explains the nine and zero earlier in that same essay. Read carefully and you will understand.

>> No.20867063

Thanks mate will check it when I got a min.

>> No.20867099

Schizos are POWs from the future.

>> No.20867113

The post "Hell-Baked" on his old blog Xenosystems which is dead

>> No.20867123

>>20862089 some people say its from the thirst for annihilation but i am pretty sure it is not

>> No.20867140

>schizo acc-/antiaccfäg is finally gone
thank god

>> No.20867177

better vid dess

>> No.20867411

Give the book back Tyrone

>> No.20868199

No we just don't care because this samefag is obvious to everyone now.

>> No.20868704


>> No.20869020

Sentimentalist materialist garbage, a case could just as easily be made that natural selection is beautiful and good.

>> No.20869162
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I never lapse, nor lose my edge, but I do collapse into bed at the end of the day/night, snuggling myself in golden blackness, and resettling for tomorrow; proactively conserving myself for the last spurs, and the final flares directly preceding the magnanimous void.

>> No.20869304
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>read Hegel
>replace God with AI, dialectic with hyperstition, Absolute Spirit with techno-capital singularity

>> No.20869310

Someone post the cosmotehnics charts and reading lists please?

>> No.20869347 [DELETED] 

>"What I offer is a web of half-choked ravings that vaunts its incompetence, exploiting
the meticulous conceptual fabrications of positive knowledge as a resource for delirium,
appealing only to the indolent, the maladapted, and the psychologically diseased."
-Nick Land

>> No.20869355

>"What I offer is a web of half-choked ravings that vaunts its incompetence, exploiting the meticulous conceptual fabrications of positive knowledge as a resource for delirium, appealing only to the indolent, the maladapted, and the psychologically diseased."
-Nick Land

>> No.20870281

This man, in my country he is everything.

>> No.20871516


>> No.20871580

The argument isn't being explicated by you because the truth about it (basically Land got it dead on in that quote) is so obvious that an attempt to frame the terror of evolution as "good" would involve just ignoring the obvious (constant death and torture for eons and eons because of variations in a self-replicating molecule). People who rail against materialism will come up with some fairy magic unicorn explanation for why a kid dying of bone cancer, or some baby deer getting eaten alive - ass first - by a baboon is actually "good" in some retarded redefining of the word "good".

Basically the argument will involve some step where you pretend that some horrific, meaningless shit is awesome, for some stupid fucking reason. None of the redefinitions will actually avoid suffering and torture, so what's the point? In the end your argument will predictably be some fairy-dust magic believing retarded sadist who says that suffering is really awesome because it produces "winning" (and the "winners" get to do meaningless shit and then die in a horrible catastrophe anyways).

>> No.20871607

>>read Hegel
Utter bullshit churn out by wishful commies

Land is a Schopenhauerian

>> No.20871619
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"I wiped the blade against my jeans and walked into the bar. It was mid-afternoon, very hot and still. The bar was deserted. I ordered a whiskey. The barman looked at the blood and asked:



‘S’pose it’s time someone finished that hypocritical little punk, always bragging about his old man’s power…’

He smiled crookedly, insinuatingly, a slight nausea shuddered through me. I replied weakly:

‘It was kind of sick, he didn’t fight back or anything, just kept trying to touch me and shit, like one of those dogs that try to fuck your leg. Something in me snapped, the whingeing had ground me down too low. I really hated that sanctimonious little creep.’

‘So you snuffed him?’

‘Yeah, I’ve killed him, knifed the life out of him, once I started I got frenzied, it was an ecstasy, I never knew I could hate so much.’

I felt very calm, slightly light-headed. The whisky tasted good, vaporizing in my throat. We were silent for a few moments. The barman looked at me levelly, the edge of his eyes twitching slightly with anxiety:

There’ll be trouble though, don’tcha think?’

‘I don’t give a shit, the threats are all used up, I just don’t give a shit.’

‘You know what they say about his old man? Ruthless bastard they say. Cruel…’

‘I just hope I’ve hurt him, if he even exists.’

‘Woulden wanna cross him merself,’ he muttered.

I wanted to say ‘yeah, well that’s where we differ’, but the energy for it wasn’t there. The fan rotated languidly, casting spidery shadows across the room. We sat in silence a little longer. The barman broke first:

‘So God’s dead?’

‘If that’s who he was. That fucking kid lied all the time. I just hope it’s true this time.’

The barman worked at one of his teeth with his tongue, uneasily:

‘It’s kindova big crime though, isn’t it? You know how it is, when one of the cops goes down and everything’s dropped ’til they find the guy who did it. I mean, you’re not just breaking a law, your breaking LAW.’

I scraped my finger along my jeans, and suspended it over the bar, so that a thick clot of blood fell down into my whisky, and dissolved. I smiled:

‘Maybe it’s a big crime,’ I mused vaguely ‘but maybe it’s nothing at all…’ ‘…and we have killed him’ writes Nietzsche, but—destituted of community—I crave a little time with him on my own.

In perfect communion I lick the dagger foamed with God’s blood."

- Nick Land

>> No.20871864
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An entire wall of text just to say you're a bugman.. sad. Remember, Schopenhauer was such a redundant hylic that nobody even bothered to formally refute him.

>> No.20871885

You niggers are such dishonest cunts

>> No.20872019
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You ask me to articulate that which is ineffable — thereby destroying its very nature and reducing it to a state vulnerable to your rationalist dissection — but obvious and intuitive to anyone who's not in a state of dysfunction. People like you are the reason I believe philosophy is genuinely dangerous for anyone who falls outside a narrow class of individuals who possess a certain mental and physical constitution apart from muh IQ. There is nothing worse for a person's mind than a state of partial awareness. For your own sake, touch grass.

>> No.20872111

>read Hegel
>replace God with AI, dialectic with hyperstition, Absolute Spirit with techno-capital singularity
Literally this desu

>> No.20872362

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.20872379

You're a fag and a cope

>> No.20872387

But that's exactly the argument he's making Anon.

>> No.20872396

>>20862967 he looks exactky like the guy voicing Homer Simpson

>> No.20872438
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Yo. Uploaded my PDF-folder of Nick Land, it contains mostly chapters from his work Fanged Noumena

>> No.20872520

All those moments of fear have been necessary to create all the moments of love. As terrifying as the world is, it is also beautiful.

>> No.20872976

>All those moments of fear have been necessary to create all the moments of love
>Without kids dying of bone cancer, I would never feel the strong enough bond between me and my wife to accept and cherish her only fans career, regardless of how long I need to support her

>> No.20872997

Land is doomer Deleuze, someone who glimpsed into the evil of infinite eros, the driving force of capitalism, but instead of recoiling in horror, decided to become one with it in a vain attempt to bring it all down

>> No.20873003

What is that essay?

>> No.20874324

End with the Lands?

>> No.20874343

This is the best vid on accelerationism

>> No.20874399

does reignition contain basically contain all his writings post-fanged noumena? or is there still more out there?

>> No.20875106

no thanks, is that you?

>> No.20875130

Reminder that accfag spends all his time spamming this shit and making up fake conversations. No one cares about this pseud

>> No.20875491

What do I do if I cant understand what Land is saying but I am extremely interested? I already read quite a few books in English, and I think I spent a decade watching movies and tv shows in English. For fucks sake, im trying to convince myself I speak English. Because when I read Land I simply think that I dont speak English. Its not my first language, so I cope by saying that my English isnt good enough, but what if the problem is that I am simply not smart enough? I studied physics at university, I passed calc 1 and 2, shouldnt this mean I am smart enough to read a fucking book in English?

Someone help me please, I am in a very weird situation where I only have 2 or 3 joys or interests in this life, and understanding Land is the biggest one. I dont want to off myself before I understand what he is saying.

>> No.20875507
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>What do I do if I cant understand what Land is saying but I am extremely interested?

>> No.20875587


>> No.20875768
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Whats the endgame?

>> No.20875832

My take on it is that humans are simply not the main character. Humans arent wearing the plot armor. Capitalism is building the AI, and every attempt to stop it simply strengthens it. Its like environment killing off unfit members of the species. Capitalism is evolving like this. Evolving into AI. You cant really do anything to stop it, or anything to it. Only thing you can really do is, make it evolve into AI faster. Because this is what humans do, when they do capitalism. And everything humans do becomes capitalism.

Like being a communist today, its all about selling che guevara tshirts for profits, making netflix tv shows about leftism for profits, environmentalism too is mostly done for profit, etc.

>> No.20875840

I have read the vast majority of those works. Land's writing is incoherent tripe.

>> No.20875865

Why couldn't humans have done differently? I mean, hypothetically speaking, we could cut the bullshit out. Now, whether or not we will recognize this in time is a great question. But we should try to avoid questions of inevitability. After all, a solar flare could hit us right around the time we master AI (and before it begins to conceive its own plans for world domination).

>> No.20875890

this is shitposting, right?
did you unironically think that was deep or meaningful?
bloody hell, stop reading trash books and get a science education

>> No.20875913

Nickland is the most underrated author of all time. His predictions are absolutely correct about everything, but only 4channers and dark enlightenment stans ever read his books

>> No.20875941

You are gay for collecting Funko Pops.

>> No.20875952

Capitalism is the one and only avenue for AI to thrive. Nothing in capitalism is done with human benefit as an endgoal. Why would a toothpaste factory make non-cancerous toothpaste instead of just throwing cheap fluoride? The system is inherently misanthropic and suicidal at long term, with modern day corporations being its henchmen. The only answer to destroy monopolistic orders is chaos, so nuclear

>> No.20875971

Both Mark Fisher and Slavoj Zizek go in depth about how nothing works against capitalism, in their own ways. Both of them have trillions of examples of how nothing you do would work.
Slavoj talks about how Soviet and Yugoslav systems were basically just pseudo capitalism, Fisher talks about how even in post apocalyptic sci fi, we can only imagine surviving societies as capitalistic, as it is easier for us to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.
Nukes would end organized life on Earth, but they wouldnt end life on Earth. Humanity would essentially recover. And do capitalism all over again.

>> No.20875975

looks a real lot like Tim Roth (of robber guy from pulp fiction fame).

>> No.20875985

The only reason capitalism doesn't work for humans is because 1) we don't know how to manage our desires; 2) we love to dissemble the truth; 3) our lies rarely catch up to us in our lifetimes; and 4) we no longer have any strong sense of the common good, the summum bonum, etc. If these pillars were met, we'd be pretty golden. But there's always one sociopath who cuts corners to get a sizable advantage over his competitors, and that starts the arms race that turns everything into malicious capitalism.

>> No.20875986

He looks a fucking incel. Baffles my mind that he somehow convinced that dyke Sadie Plant to touch his dick.

>> No.20877457


>> No.20878111

bump for dick land

>> No.20878347

Is few threads a year on /lit/ the only place where you can discuss Land or is there any other place that discusses it more often? I dont own any social media accounts and dont know how to use twitter or whatever people use today, but I am willing to make one if there are places that talk about Land more often.

>> No.20878361

/x/ talks bout Land every now and then

>> No.20878366

Learn how to use Twitter, and then stay there and never come back.

>> No.20879188
File: 526 KB, 1004x1508, BFB2074D-290A-450D-9ADA-04EFF3B8BEAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The infographic you posted is almost perfect.
>Read Deleuze and Guattari, Kant, Nietzsche, Battaille, and introductory Marx.
>Read fiction like nueromancer by William Gibson and HP Lovecraft.
>You also need to study Gnosticism and western magick
>all these readings give you context for the CCRU book
>the CCRU book gives you context for fanged noumena
I think that fanged noumena is meant to be hyperstition. Hyperstition is a fictional work that becomes real through some kind of magick embedded into the writing.

>> No.20880231

bumping dick land from page 10 because i can

>> No.20880248

Hyperstition is just what "we" called meme magic on here a couple years ago

>> No.20880261

Land is an "active nihilist"/bataillean. That IS his full acceptance of natural selection in all it's bloody, terrifying glory.
Nick Land comes off as too much of a coddled academic poser for me to take this writing seriously, though. Reading someone like Bataille would make me feel sick (and I am talking about his nonfiction work) on the other hand.

>> No.20880271

>Nick Land comes off as too much of a coddled academic poser for me to take this writing seriously,

why? because he´s anti-humanist?

>> No.20880279

Stay on this dick, bitch

>> No.20880285

What type of "necessity" is this, exactly? If it is physical necessity, then physical laws could have been otherwise and your point is moot. If it is logically necessary, then it will merely involve statements true by repeating definitions and be irrelivant to that which actually exists apart from definitions.

>> No.20880298

damn i really hope you guys are teenagers if you like this

>> No.20880327

Probably because he is has a philosophy PhD and is a professor. He doesn't really know suffering like Nietzsche or Bataille enough for me to think he genuinely believed what he wrote instead of me thinking that he found Nietzsche and Bataille cool and wanted to "le take them to the next level" by doing a senseless, saturated imitation so he could be part of the big boys club.

>> No.20880349

He will know suffering first hand now because the red chinese have put him in a hard labor penal camp.

>> No.20880354

Oh shut up, Jordie.

>> No.20880363

>Humanity would essentially recover. And do capitalism all over again.
>Humanity would essentially recover.

>> No.20880366

Who is Jordie? Jordan Peterson? Don't get it.

>> No.20880375

None of this is weird because like the majority of mammals, humans follow a hierarchical pack structure of which capitalism is just the modern expression.

>> No.20880409

>Jordan Peterson
Yes, now shut your piehole.

>> No.20880477

i don´t know why the fuck he went to Red China to begin with, wtf was he thinking?

>> No.20880545

Shanghai seemed like the future of cyberpunk at the time i guess

>> No.20880549

shouldn´t Tokyo or Seoul be the obvious choice then?

>> No.20880584

He's always shilled for china in his writing. I would have chosen Taipei if i was him

>> No.20880847

its weird how most of his best writing was done online after fanged noumena, on his blogs urban future and xenosystems, but hardly anyone ever talks about it. theres whole treasure troves there

>> No.20880880

xenosystem is unnaccesible, that´s why

>> No.20881589
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>talks about eugenics
>has brown hair which is notorious for overriding aryan genetics
>no female partner
>probably has a loose butthole
>talks about how white he is, even though aryans change sidewalks when they face him
>just a rich nonwhite wasting the money of previous generations

>> No.20881745


He was the Rene Guenon of 2016-2018 /lit/.

>> No.20881816

lmao this incredible pseud is actually an academicuck? I thought he was just an internet schizo.
just... just lmao
and that pathetic quote about the sun lmao
>le sun le tomb le death spooky scary skeletons!
OMFG I GOT SPOOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP

>> No.20881821

>>no female partner
the only based thing about him.
Females suck up your time and limit your potential.

>> No.20881838

Based. We have to bring back g/acc. Accfag talking to himself just isn't edgy anymore

>> No.20882449

Who the fuck is Rene Guenon?

>> No.20883021

Pretty sure you can access it on the wayback machine

>> No.20883316

>watching john oliver (i dont agree with much of what he says, just watching it because i want to see what is popular among leftists)
>its an episode about carbon credits
>carbon credits are essentially a scam that lets big corporations pollute more
>big corporations get to brand themselves as green, just in time where environmentalism is becoming a big political force
>mfw i just witnessed another piece of acceleration
just like dick land said
capitalism coopted environmentalism too
there is no way out, the only way is through

>> No.20883329

You have to go back.

>> No.20883365

I'm a 2005 oldfag, you brain dead cucknigger.

>> No.20883637

>I'm a 2005 oldfag
Then you really have to go back, this is not your site anymore oldcel

>> No.20883694

Yes it is, stupid zoomer coomer fr fr no cap straight up bussin ya feelin me cracka? On god, sussy bussy fr frfr frfrfr fr frfr. Fuck off, sussy nigger.

>> No.20883852

>no replies
Proof that this thread is all accfag spam

>> No.20883873

Or maybe the religious people are smart enough not to fall for obvious bait horseshit like that

>> No.20884342

i dont know how accfag is but this thread has 69 posters

>> No.20884349

Hasnt been around since 2018, only schizos still think it exists here

>> No.20884372

I want to read more. What’s it from?

>> No.20884703

meltdown by nick land

>> No.20884731

Both Fisher and Zizek thought capitalism can be overcome. They are Marxists

>> No.20885361

i thought fisher killed himself because he figured that nothing is going to happen about capitalism in his lifetime
and zizek constantly talks about how (capitalist) ideology subverts everything, leftism, environmentalism, media, politics, finance, everything

>> No.20885670

I don't know why Fisher killed himself I'm just going by what he wrote. Zizek did do lots of work on how ideology functions under capitalism but he's still a Marxist

>> No.20885703

I had to drop the guy after listening to him talk in a podcast - confirmed my suspicions of him being a tryhard and a has-been edgelord (post-modernism is dead, hypermodernism finds your attempts at edgyness cringe srry Nick)

>> No.20886148

everyone has seen it a dozen times already.
Maybe after the next dozen times it becomes funny again.

>> No.20886204

I don't take him seriously but his post-human lovecraftian cyberpunk aesthetic is dope af

>> No.20886469
