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/lit/ - Literature

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20860600 No.20860600 [Reply] [Original]

I always thought it was an exaggeration by the right-wing to characterize "institutions of higher learning" as dens where groomers indoctrinate you with Continental critical theories of identity grievances. But I'm finally entering my last year as an undergraduate and now I basically want to become a racist accelerationist because I've been forced to read so much intersectionalist feminist post-colonial trans-Hegel-don't-be-normative aphorisms. However, even more than that, as a Lit major, nearly every literary work I'm assigned is literal garbage about the same struggle of gender or race written by another middle-class P.O.C. who can't get published without otherwise pandering -- predictable shit like "Underground Railroad" (nigga ain't not James Baldwin), "Lose Your Mother," "Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments" (lol trannies). I guess some people are genuinely moved by the same story of sicial oppression, or the difficulties of assimilation, or how hard it is to be a woman ("oh grandma, all you must have gone through...") told in increasingly less interesting ways. Though at least Sandra Cieceros or Alice Walker try to do something novel while telling you how much you suck for being a white cis male.

So anyway: why, if the "high" literature of the last half a century (in particular) is so clearly bad, can we not just read the good ole works of the cannon (written mostly by white men, but they're basically all liberals; Dostoevsky would be a social liberal, at least)? I mean, clearly writers of color stopped trying to write well when they realized the very structure of one of their literary expressions could be structured from a unary notion -- the conflict, the themes -- everything centered on: "I'm black (queer, Latin/x, a woman, etc.). Also I'm probably poor and my baby is crying."

have a good night

>> No.20860613


>> No.20860668
File: 62 KB, 898x506, charlie-jane-anders-editor-io9-com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Choir Boy
>Twelve-year-old choirboy Berry wants nothing more than to remain a choirboy, surrounded by perfect notes, as opposed to his imperfect, quarreling parents. Choral music and the prospect of divinity thrill him. Desperate to keep his voice from changing, he tries to injure himself, and then convinces a clinic to give him testosterone-inhibiting drugs. The hormone pills keep Berry’s voice from deepening but also cause him to grow breasts. Suddenly Berry faces a world of unexpected gender issues that push him into a universe far more complex than anything he has experienced. A fantastical coming-of-age story, Choir Boy combines off-kilter humor and its own brand of modern day magic in a rollicking, bittersweet story about growing up different.

YWNBAW, pedo groomer.

>> No.20860840

>Continental critical theories
You know, there can be a right wing variation/interpretation of critical theory no more then there was of hegel if people were willing to pursue it, but since everyone is on the internet which is completely disconnected from temporality no one gives a shit. Oh well.

>> No.20860860

Kek I've thought about writing something like this
Seems to not be a great novel sadly

>> No.20860865

I'd honestly be okay with teaching CRT in the classroom. As long they're being critical from both sides. You'd need a way to standardize it so it's balanced for both sides.

But that's literally impossible because CRT is a trickle-down from leftist academia.

>> No.20860893

>written mostly by white men, but they're basically all liberals;
If you look into the politics of modernist writers, you'll find that a lot of them had right-wing politics, even one's you wouldn't expect like Gertrude Stein.

>> No.20860933

It's kind of surprising there isn't a great work of art about the Catholic castrati in some medium (unless I'm just not aware of it.) Seems like a psychologically fraught topic for someone to play with.
What are these "sides," even? Equal time for a /pol/ poster to give his lecture on how the Irish aren't really white?

>> No.20860966

>What are these "sides," even?

Assuming you're not being a purposefully obtuse tranny, it's the leftist, IDpol, commie, piss-orgy, gibmedat marxists vs. the civilization-preserving, law'n'order, survival-of-the-fittest, big-brain, financially-sound conservatives.

>> No.20860999

>What are these "sides," even? Equal time for a /pol/ poster to give his lecture on how the Irish aren't really white?
I guess that would be one way to respond to a lecture about the Irish used to not be white.

>> No.20861002

How much of this is ironic? Does a division between staunch, square-jawed heroes and sniveling, insidious villains really seem plausible, outside a cartoon?

>> No.20861004

>Does a division between staunch, square-jawed heroes and sniveling, insidious villains really seem plausible, outside a cartoon?
That's satire. And satire is a form of humor. And good humor has a bit of truth to it.

>> No.20861005

At least it would be funny to have one of those guys come into the classroom and break down 20 different kinds of Slav by skull shape, that could be a reason to pursue this.

>> No.20861019

>come into the classroom and break down 20 different kinds of Slav by skull shape
Why bring old school racism into this? Just like liberal ideaologies, racism has come a long way. No need for phrenology, we now have FBI statistics and murder rates to go by. Also we invented something called the security camera and youtube a few decades ago. It's a great learning tool for the children.

>> No.20861038

Thomas Sowell wrote some decent books that refute a lot of the leftist BS. Although I don’t think libertarianism is a practical doctrine.

>> No.20861039

As a lit major myself I wasn't forced to read any of this shit, every class I took we were given excellent works from authors with a wide variety of political outlooks from all over the world at every stage of history. In fact, any time there is someone in the class spouting PC bullshit I always shut them down. I'm not conservative by any means actually a commie but many of my professors are conservative and I still respect them.

>> No.20861111

>taking university seriously

There's your first problem, nobody outside of university people does this

>> No.20861259

The Castrati had sex with women. if anything, they probably had more sex because they knew that they couldn't get a woman pregnant. They also grew to be very tall.

>> No.20861659

Wtf, is that a real book. I hate these subhuman cunts so much

>> No.20861692

>I guess some people are genuinely moved by the same story of sicial oppression, or the difficulties of assimilation, or how hard it is to be a woman ("oh grandma, all you must have gone through...") told in increasingly less interesting ways
speaking as a postcolonial intersectional woman(female) who was deeply indoctrinated in this stuff in undergrad and who has since moved far right, i mean, yeah, my grandma did go through a hell of a lot in life and i have a soft spot for well written stories that pay homage to those histories, although yes they are usually painfully earnest and bland through the pandering filters of the bourgeouis whitewashed mongrel grandkids that write them

none of that is serious literature though, what second rate school did you go to where you’re reading NYT popular midwit fiction in lit class? the much more “cutting edge” stuff these days is in conceptual writing, stuff like autofiction, concrete poetry, metalanguage stuff. did you not get a chance to take the advanced classes, chud?

>> No.20861702

>lit major
100% your own fault. Should’ve gone into philosophy instead

>> No.20861712 [DELETED] 
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Absolute state of groomers.

>> No.20861786 [DELETED] 

regardless of whether this post is ironic or genuine, the fact that you managed to string all those buzzwords together into one incoherrent schizopost can only mean that you are permanently and irreparably brain damaged

>> No.20861823

you had the chance to check the syllabus before enrolling for every course. This is your fault for thinking university is high school

>> No.20861849

just disappear into oblivion on the wrong side of history you fucking reactionary retard

>> No.20861854

>It's kind of surprising there isn't a great work of art about the Catholic castrati in some medium
hardly a 'great work', but the closest thing that comes to mind is vernon lee's ghost story 'a wicked voice', worth a look if you are interested.

>> No.20861947 [DELETED] 

has anyone written about rightwing intersectionality like catholic, american, and r1a haplogroup?

>> No.20863061
File: 1.83 MB, 1642x2052, Portrait_photoshoot_at_Worldcon_75,_Helsinki,_before_the_Hugo_Awards_–_Charlie_Jane_Anders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hormone pills keep Berry’s voice from deepening but also cause him to grow breasts.

Apparently, this tranny author has a boob fetish. Pic rel.

>> No.20863227
File: 157 KB, 699x1024, 1656794147765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So presumably you know who Nick Land is, you're late to the party but you could just read him like the rest of us.

>> No.20863271

This sounds like some kind of schlocky PKD-style sci fi story, except it takes itself completely seriously.

>> No.20863274

I'm sorry? Wouldn't permanent testosterone deficit effectively neuter you? I've been struggling to keep it up since age 20 even with nominal test amounts

>> No.20864526

lay off the porn

>> No.20865729

Wtf I didn't know they were this bad

>> No.20865932 [DELETED] 
File: 3.98 MB, 3264x3264, trains4children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Did you think we were just being intolerant assholes? This is nothing. That book is just a glimpse of their perversion of forcing their fetish onto children (in this case via the YA fiction genre). The reality is much more horrific.

The slippery slope is real.

>> No.20865940
File: 3.89 MB, 3264x3264, trains4children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Did you think we were just being intolerant assholes? This is nothing. That book is just a glimpse of their perversion of forcing their fetish onto children (in this case via the YA fiction genre). The reality is much more horrific.

The slippery slope is real.

>> No.20865945

Can we get a reading list for what to do anons?

>> No.20865960

Cool fact: as I grow older my politics get closer and closer to the median Joe Biden 2020 voter, but I'm on edge more, much jumpier, likely to start fights with people when that's something I would have laughed at ten years ago. Pre-boomer radicalization

>> No.20866512

Carl Schmitt

>> No.20866974

>loves titties so much they got a pair they can play with whenever they want
based desu

>> No.20867486
File: 152 KB, 480x476, Khajit_is_tired_of_your_cheap_ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conniving, lying, cheating, subverting, corrupting, etc etc ad infinitum

>> No.20867497

slightly uncomfertble doggo.png

>> No.20867514

>but they're basically all liberals
Relative to when? The "liberals" of 100 years ago are more conservatives than rightwingers today. It's all moving targets.
> clearly writers of color stopped trying to write well
Or you could read authors that aren't from western countries?
> nearly every literary work I'm assigned is literal garbage about the same struggle of gender or race written by another middle-class P.O.C.
I can believe that though.

>> No.20867873
File: 614 KB, 466x1112, 1660908644226867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20868650

Classic AGP smirk. Also his eyes are fixed away from the camera. He doesn't want to be recorded because it knows it's a disgusting freak. Glad it found a rooftop to put itself out its misery.

>> No.20869573

F in chat

>> No.20869658

i hate trannies as much as the next guy but you must have a really shrunken and damaged soul to be actively posting in celebration of someone’s suicide.

>> No.20869816

I'm not celebrating. Their situation is unfortunate. But their numbers need to be culled or else once they reach a critical mass their kind negatively affects civilization and progress. The fact that they are culling themselves is a boon for everyone else.

>> No.20869926

They're actively harmful retard. It's perfectly "healthy" to want people you dislike dead. That's most people for most of human history.

>> No.20869998

contrapoints is an ugly troon

>> No.20870022

Shouldn't have drunk that genderfluid.

>> No.20870025

>to characterize "institutions of higher learning
>higher learning
All schools in general.

>> No.20870043

It's women. Women are different from men. Women like stories about feelings and "struggles." If you've ever wondered why so many books are fucking gay, it's women. They're for women. If you've ever wondered why college education is so fucking day it's women. Women are the majority of college students and disproportionately loud and demanding about the "experience" they want. If you've ever wondered why everybody in general is so fucking gay it's because all the teachers are women and women-approved fags who teach books for women by women to women and if you're a future man in that matrix of femininity you are going to be destroyed and built back up as a woman.

Women enable all the tranny shit too. They vote for any policy that is permissive or that lowers standards or makes it easier for fuck-ups to fuck up and bad people to do bad things. You don't even need to convince a woman that unrestrained immigration is good BECAUSE "those poor immigrants," or that letting criminals out of jail in 3 years even if they bludgeon a grandmother to death with a flashlight is good because "those poor criminals," women are so reflexively permissive that you can just say "It's a permissive law" and they'll vote for it without needing any more details.


>> No.20870090


>> No.20871425

She's not even passable

>> No.20871447


>> No.20871456

They're evil.

>> No.20871464

>who has since moved far right
Always glad to see a brother or sister on this board, but I do wonder how you got there from the postcolonial crap? I would imagine the social pressure from your peers alone would be massive, so how? Unrelated to the thread, I'm just curious.

>> No.20871498

Care to make a complete list of all the indoctrination material?

>> No.20871502

IDK, it ends their suffering and their suffering happens for even dumber reasons than normal (literally to wear dumb costumes, dumb makeup, and do dumb stuff that femorrhoids do like wear lipstick and other retarded crap; that is literally what their brains are so butt-blistered about). Why is ending that misery so bad?

It's not different from a terminal cancer patient turning up the morphine until they die, it's just that the existence is senselessly stupid for a different reason (rotting painfully in a bed until they gracelessly expire, honestly why continue). I'm glad they're free from their horrible brain that imposes so much suffering on them. I'm not even kidding, I'm glad their suffering is over. Suicide in general is not even that illogical.

Even a completely healthy person choosing to commit suicide wouldn't be illogical. They're going to die in some kind of horrible medical catastrophe at some point in the future anyways, it's all completely meaningless, and the inevitable suffering and striving to accomplish stupid stuff is all for nothing, so honestly it's not that surprising when people decide to off themselves.

>> No.20871512

I would love to see a thread or more just about this specifically

>> No.20871522

hey there friend. i’ve been suspicious of
white liberals and their “affinity” with the woke agenda for years, but it was the floyd riots and their aftermath that fully redpilled me to the patronizing, racially demeaning and exploitative nature of wokeism and its subservience to a globalist-capitalist agenda (and now i understand who is behind that agenda). my grandparents were western educated, traditionalist, bourgeois nationalists who fought for their country’s independence alongside the axis against the allies and were subsequently wrecked by communists, who killed many members of my family and turned out country into a thirdworld commie shithole. i truly believe that nationalism(fascism) and western education could have elevated our countries and prevented the degraded fate we now witness. and that anticolonial independence movements were an illusion that led to them being yoked to communism and now fully dependent on western gibs.

if you know of any good postcolonial literature that’s rightwing i’d love to know more since it’s so rare. although i do think fanon was hardly a leftist and that his words have been twisted by (((western academia))) to serve their nefarious purposes.

>> No.20871546

as far as pressure from my peers, well yeah, it sucks. almost all of my poc friends from college and life are fully indoctrinated in retarded leftism. i have like two friends i can speak openly about this stuff with, and i still have to skirt around my real feelings with them (although they have seen me do roman salutes and talk about zyklon when drunk, kek). but most of my other friends would certainly disown me immediately if they found out my true views. it’s quite lonely and isolating really. so i just post on here a lot desu