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File: 514 KB, 1200x1628, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20859792 No.20859792 [Reply] [Original]

>cures le depression

>> No.20859816

>*goes insane because he cannot get pussy*

>> No.20859907

He really does. The ending of Thus Spoke Zarathustra changed my fucking life

>> No.20859911

>you must be the Ubermensch!
>was a fucking pussy ass nigga his whole life

>> No.20859912

nietzsche claimed the throne as the last philosopher by empirically showing nothing, not even the vastest intellect on earth, can make up for lack of pussy. you will go insane and you will seethe, faggot.

>> No.20859920

>t. christcucks

>> No.20859925


>> No.20859928

I conquered pussy

>> No.20859953

Pussy has been the second biggest disappointment in my life so far. It's just not that good. And #1? The rest of the woman.

>> No.20859982

>inspires a bunch of zoomers a century later to become trans

>> No.20860147

Who, me? You are the one following a jewish religion.

>> No.20860158

Wait, what? I don't see how any tranny could ever like Nietzsche at all. His philosophy is all about power, might and manhood.

>> No.20860282


>> No.20860327

Transvaluation of values you 'tard

>> No.20860337

Christcucks still seething at based Nietzsche.

>> No.20860382

And how the fuck does transvaluation of values have anything to do with "transexual"? What's next, you're gonna say transhumanism in sci-fi is tranny shit too?

>> No.20860438

It has everything to do with it, as the name implies: a revalaution of traditional sexual norms so as to subvert and invert them. Nietzsche provided the tools to conduct these sorts of transvaluations, primarily French and Jewish intellectuals of the 20th century simply applied them

>> No.20860470

But that's just people taking a single concept of what he wrote and doing whatever the fuck bastardization they wanted with it. Nietzsche's transvaluation of values has zero, ZERO things to do with neomarxist queer bullshit, he wanted to transvaluate the values away from the christian tables of values—values which, in N's conception, valued weakness and décadent virtues. He wanted man to move away from that and set their road towards a new, strong, masterly ideal, the ideal of the Übermensch.

Anything you hear someone alive in this century saying about Nietzsche should be simply discarded no questions asked. The only way to truly understand his philosophy is to read his works, there's no way around. Almost all of the people you see out there trying to "explain" it are just idiots who will inevitably distort his saying in order to fit whatever agenda they're trying to push. Nietzsche would have despised these people and the bastardization they do of his thought.

>> No.20860486

He went insane specifically BECAUSE he got (prostitute) pussy. Syphilis is no joke

>> No.20860495

Pussy is great. Not amazing. Not life changing. But it's pretty fucking good

>> No.20860498

Correct, anyone thinking Nietzsche would pick a side between trannies and chuds is retarded. In one of his books, don't remember which he basically said, I'm paraphrasing but that in the struggle between the capitalists and socialists he doesn't care who wins because both sides are plebs.

>> No.20860507

I don't think he actually said that, but you are definitely right in what you are trying to say; Nietzsche was a man who was beyond left and right, much beyond conservatism and liberalism.

>> No.20860511

Never went to prostitutes and never had syphilis, the former is taken from his letter to a friend where he said he accidentally went inside a brotherly and was so embarrassed he started playing piano and the latter comes from a speculation, but no doctor ever diagnosed syphilis on him and he never had syphilis signs.

>> No.20860519

>Nietzsche would have despised these people and the bastardization they do of his thought.
There are aphorisms where he tells people to interpret and distort things as it's part of the will to power process. There is no objectively correct interpretation, which lines up just fine with his message.

>> No.20860527

Now i'm not agreeing or dissagreeing with you, but can you post a quotation of his that shows this?

>> No.20860542

History doesn't really care about Nietzsche's original intentions or whatever (discounting the fact that these sorts of bastardizations are entirely (paradoxically) consistent with his thought (no facts only interpretations etc.)). The fact of the matter is that there's an intimate historical and intellectual association between his works and those of the thinkers I've noted above, whose thought is used to buttress trannyism etc., and that these associations can help tell us something about the "true" Nietzsche—that which has functional ramifications for us—unless you believe these associations are entirely random and there's no underlying reality that his thought interacts with

>> No.20860550

Give him a chance and he'll change your life.

>> No.20860552

He doesn't cure depression, but I do:
(History of Everything, Explanation of Everything, Solution for Everything)

>> No.20860597

I thought he went to a brothel during his time in the Franco-Prussian war. At least that's what I've heard

>> No.20860611

I mean of course one can't deny that some of his writings ultimately resulted (due to bad-faith interpretations and taking things out of context) in all of that shit. But that's beside the point: people are arguing in this board as if Nietzsche's intention from the very beginning was to start all of the queer tranny shit, as if he was not only directly responsible but also WILLING to cause this outcome that he would have hated to see.

Saying Nietzsche is to blame for the trannies is like saying Jesus is to blame for the crusades (in normalfag moral values).

>> No.20860635

Again, his intention doesn't matter. There's a reason why he is used to buttress trannyism and not the church fathers or St. Augustine or whataver

>> No.20860638

>There's a reason why he is used to buttress trannyism
Because Nietzsche isn't complete.

Pneumatism completes everything.

>> No.20860640

Ruined my life when I was a teen (ok, I think RAW played a bigger role) but saved it when I was 29. Good dude!

>> No.20860650
File: 513 KB, 500x715, 70EFC3F5-588A-4E9D-9099-707FBDCAF50B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche can be interpreted in such a way

>> No.20860679

Yeah I think it’s unfair. Lots of things are misinterpreted and used to support an agenda which the original writer would not have supported. You even see this with the bible in modern times. People now say the bible was actually pro-homosexual and pro-gay marriage all along.

Nietzsche can also be misinterpreted to support certain agendas. His writings are basically like the bible in that way funnily enough.

>> No.20860697

>His philosophy is all about power, might and manhood.

Umm are you are about that?

> Nietzsche was a fearsome critic of the "blood and iron" power politics by which Bismarck had brought about German unity. He called it an example of the "slave morality" that he lambasts in his great work. On the Genealogy of Morality -- a "lowly" approach to morality, focused simply on relieving suffering.

If you’re thinking Nietzsche would have supported Nazis, you’re greatly mistaken. He didn’t even support Bismarck and imperial Germany. I don’t know why but I sometimes get this sense that Nietzsche would have thought highly of weimar germany and the art it produced like Metropolis, Nosferatu, the magic mountain etc

>> No.20860740

Modern trannyism is, ultimately, only the ultimate result of christian morality.

"Well you said that the meek will inherit the earth, alright, we're gonna take that to face value. Hell yeah slave-morality, fuck power, fuck strength, for the weak and botched shall inherit the earth. Oh wait. We just found out that god doesn't exist. What now? Well that's great, now we can just do whatever! But since the meek will inherit the earth and power = evil obviously, let's just abolish all masculinity and accept that everyone should live as emasculated hedonistic shadows of what was once a man. Gay rights! Trans rights! Love all! Acceptance for everyone!"—it went more or less like this. I hope you can understand my point.

Only by people who haven't read him outside of carefully selected out-of-context shit interpreted in a totally farfetched way that denies everything else ever written by the author.
>"Whatever is of the effeminate type, whatever originateth from the servile type, and especially the populace-mishmash:—THAT wisheth now to be master of all human destiny—O disgust! Disgust! Disgust! "
Thus Spake Zarathustra, "The Higher Man, §3".

And as is obvious to all of us, there are few things more effeminate and servile in nature than trannydom, and all of this modern SJWism in general. And that wishes now to be the master of all human destiny—just as Nietzsche said.
If you posted this quote on some tranny forum that claims to like Nietzsche you could watch plenty of chaos ensue.

It's pretty obvious in his works that he was writing for a very select few group of men, the ones he believed to have the potential to become what he considered to be something great, "the free spirits", "the higher men". Unfortunately tho all of this esotericism in his sayings had catastrophical results as people who were not "predestined for them" (Nietzsche's words) ended up exposing themselves to it anyway and fucking everything up.

>> No.20860750

>Modern trannyism is, ultimately, only the ultimate result of christian morality.
Doesn't make any sense. We live in an age where Christian morality is at it's lowest and trannyism is at its highest

>> No.20860754

>If you’re thinking Nietzsche would have supported Nazis
Read the thread. I explicitly said up there that Nietzsche is beyond left and right.

Also, what's up with someone mentioning might and manhood and people immediately thinking "nazi"? What the fuck has happened to the mentality of people?

>> No.20860755
File: 233 KB, 1438x992, 8106A20A-68D7-4C5E-820D-1E3C73621ADF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you’re saying atheists are the real Christians

>> No.20860766

Oh wow. You found a condemnation of effeminacy by Nietzsche. Even one can find a condemnation of effeminacy in the freaking New Testament

> KJV (King James Version, 1611): Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

It ain’t nothing remarkable.

>> No.20860777

> Modern trannyism is, ultimately, only the ultimate result of christian morality.

Yeah cause transgender people have never existed outside of Christian societies like the Hijra in India

>> No.20860781

you must be at least 18 years old to post on this board

>> No.20860792

Was Niestzche actually an incel? Idk much about him, honest question

>> No.20860803

>christian morality is at it's lowest
That's where you are mistaken, my friend: what we are living right now is the farthest extreme, ultimate result of christian slave morality. They merely ditched the belief in YHWH and replaced it with secular humanism, which is at its core pretty much the same: Jesus preaches love of thy neighbor as practically the greatest virtue. What does modern dogma preach? Also love as the greatest virtue. Jesus preaches, as was said, that blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. And what do they say today? That not only being meek is a virtue, but that not being so is downright evil and masculinity should be abolished.
And i could keep giving examples. All in all, it all comes to the slave morality that ultimately got its big kickstart from what once was Christianity. And now we have this society where weakness is the greatest virtue and you should love and tolerate every human—humans who would not ever be tolerated in non-christian and non-décadent societies.

Current-day atheist humanism is just Christianity dressed with a new garment.

I believe "atheists are the real christians" is an oversimplification. What we see today is the consequence of having the basis of christian slave morality deeply inrooted in the spirit of modern man, even when this man rejects the theological part.

I don't think i understand your point, care to elaborate?

>transgender people have never existed outside of Christian societies
That's not the implication at all.

So, are you an offended Christian or an offended Twitterfag?

>> No.20860805
File: 129 KB, 1207x395, AC055AAB-8994-4621-84F5-15F4B874777F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transgenderism is found in so many societies now and past yet somehow Christianity in the 21st century (after its decline and near death) is to blame? Seems kind of unfair.

What’s funny is that transgender women are more likely to have been in the military. Is the military now effeminate and responsible for causing transgender people like Christianity?

>> No.20860819

If society becomes effeminate then everyone becomes effeminate. The military is no exception to this. Not hard to understand.

Also, what is the first line in your post even implying? Are you saying that people becoming trannies in bumfuck nowhere is somehow the cause for the rise of an effeminate culture in a land thousands of miles away? Doesn't make any sense.

>> No.20860847
File: 141 KB, 1200x640, 30116D52-54D0-4DB5-A264-E472F816E5FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re greatly oversimplifying things. Modern society isn’t rooted in love. Most pro-gay or trans activist won’t tell you that you MUST love them. They will tell you that must accept them for who they are as a person because they were born that way (oddly something Christianity doesn’t preach. The whole being “true to yourself” is actually quite an unChristian view).

And their main argument for why you should accept them always tends be: “it’s not your business what consenting adults do in a free society.” And they’re technically right. Transgenderism is the result of a society deeply rooted in liberty and freedom of the individual.

>> No.20860884

I think transgenderism is just as much the result of science and technology making it possible yet no one is hating science and technology for this

Also prosperity and freedom making it possible for people to waste their time on such things when before they would have been too busy starving

>> No.20860901

>They will tell you that must accept them for who they are as a person because they were born that way
That's the most Christian mentality there is. I see them as evolutionary dead ends. I will not accept them, I will ignore them.

>> No.20860905

Nietzsche would see them as being a result of Christianity. Only the Christian is stupid enough to accept such weakness.

>> No.20860911

Where do I start with Nietzsche and Schopenhauer? I want to read something invigorating

>> No.20860916

You have to read everything. There's no shortcut kid.

>> No.20860922

beyond good and evil

>> No.20860929

> Jesus preaches love of thy neighbor as practically the greatest virtue. What does modern dogma preach?

Modern society preaches none of your business what I do with my body or with someone else, chud.

> blessed are the meek… masculinity should be abolished

You see this problem though. Oh he’s meek and kind and has some feminine attributes then he can’t possibly be a real man and must transition immediately!

>> No.20860937

Thanks. Is there a print edition you would recommend?

>> No.20860950

Science and technology did indeed make it possible, but for it to even have become so common in the first place is due to the latent effeminization of the modern man; of the inversion of values where manhood is considered evil and the opposite is considered good. There are many, many societal factors at play here, but none of any of this would have been possible without christian morals.

When i say that christianity is what resulted in what ultimately became modern tranny culture, i don't actually mean the phenomenon of the transexuals existing in itself—i talk more about the whole culture of the LGBT/SJW movement: i have to disagree with what you say when state
>Most pro-gay or trans activist won’t tell you that you MUST love them. They will tell you that must accept them
Because, based on direct observation, that is most definitely not the case. Not giving a damn about those who are considered "the opressed" is enough to put you under a label of "evil" at the eyes of our society. Another example of this lies not on the LGBT movement, but in the relatively recent trend of "black lives matter": if you didn't say anything about it, you were considered automatically a genocidal maniac, a "Hitler 2". People were put behind the barrel of a metaphorical gun and forced to side with the movement. And this also comes to what i say about slave morality: the BLM was never about treating all of the races as equally capable or adequate, but about rising the supposed "opressed" above, them being the good and others the "evil". See what i mean? It's the entire SJW culture, the DOGMA. The quasi-religious mob mentality where you get labelled evil for not following their slave morality, and they will make every attempt to destroy you. Being civilized and not bashing gays on the street is not enough, you must LOVE the gays and stand up for them, you must openly support that they are the so virtuous opressed and deserve everything or you are done for, you're evil.
You go against the dogma.
It is not whatsoever different from blaspheming the christian god in the times of the inquisition—we have our new blasphemy. The blasphemy against the opressed and the weak. The blasphemy against humanist dogma. The blasphemy against god—because the dogma has become God himself.

To cement my point let me take japan: There are Gays and Transexuals in japan. But do you see this insanely rampant SJW movement there that's become the zeitgeist? No, you don't. And looking back at history, what did the japanese do when the Jesuits tried to go over there to spread the word of Christianity? They chased them back with sword and torture. To this day Christians are a mere less than 1% of the population of japan. The majority of them are atheists. No Christianity. And do you see over there anything resembling the SJW activism of the west? The cult of slave morality? The answer is no.

>> No.20860955

bro just take the trans pill and become all powerful half man half woman

>> No.20860962

>They merely ditched the belief in YHWH and replaced it with secular humanism
So it's not actually Christianity at all? You know, you actually have to believe in Christ to be a Christian

>> No.20860979

The core of a religion lies not in its god, it lies in its values—most importantly here, its moral values. The moral values of Christianity being the ones that are still deeply ingrained in the soul of the average western man of today to this very day, whether he knows it or not.

>Modern society preaches none of your business what I do with my body or with someone else
Modern society preaches "love the gays or the lgbt movement or we will burn you at the metaphorical stake." But of course you are blind to reality and can't possibly see this because you're one of those very modern men created by christianity that i am talking about, as evidenced by the use of twitter lingo like "chud".

I don't quite understand your second point though. Are you criticizing me or agreeing with my line?

>> No.20860985

>Christendom, 1st - 20th century
Everyone is a Christian, no one is a tranny
>Post-Christendom, 20th century - present
Number of Christians is decreasing exponentially, number of trannies, gays and degenerates is increasing exponentially ... but somehow it's still Christianity's fault ...

You're a clown, mate.

>> No.20860995

>its moral values
Like marriage, traditional gender roles, the nuclear family, the sanctity of life (anti-abortion) etc., all traditional Christian moral values that no longer exist today?

>> No.20861011

Like slave morality.
It's all pointed out in my post. The western man has ditched christianity, the christian god, the "small rules" that they consider no longer useful—but the core of it all, the cult of weakness as a virtue, of "the meek shall inherit the earth", that is still running strong, and this very thing was the cause.

Can you name another thing that could have been this cause?

As i said above: tell me one thing that could have been the cause of modern slave morality that isn't Christianity. I'll wait.

>> No.20861036

>The core of a religion lies not in its god
But is it not significant that when you *ACTUALLY* believe in Christ, you don't get trannies? See >>20860755 for an example. Under your heuristic, the atheistic, secular humanists are the "real" Christians. But these people—the atheistic, secular humanists—don't at all resemble the 2,000 years worth of examples we have of actual, historical Christians. Does this also mean that the Christians are the real atheistic, Übermenschen? "Real" for you is entirely abstract and disconnected from real, concrete, historical example. You're suffering from major conceptual confusion and you've actually managed to convince yourself that x /= x

>> No.20861041

That’s your personal opinion and judgement about Christian morality. You think Christianity demands action, such as standing up to someone. John Stuart Mill saw it differently.

> Christian morality (so called) has all the characters of a reaction; it is, in great part, a protest against Paganism. Its ideal is negative rather than positive; passive rather than active; Innocence rather than Nobleness; Abstinence from Evil, rather than energetic Pursuit of Good: in its precepts (as has been well said) “thou shalt not” predominates unduly over “thou shalt.” In its horror of sensuality, it made an idol of asceticism, which has been gradually compromised away into one of legality. It holds out the hope of heaven and the threat of hell, as the appointed and appropriate motives to a virtuous life: in this falling far below the best of the ancients, and doing what lies in it to give to human morality an essentially selfish character, by disconnecting each man’s feelings of duty from the interests of his fellow-creatures, except so far as a self-interested inducement is offered to him for consulting them. It is essentially a doctrine of passive obedience; it inculcates submission to all authorities found established; who indeed are not to be actively obeyed when they command what religion forbids, but who are not to be resisted, far less rebelled against, for any amount of wrong to ourselves. And while, in the morality of the best Pagan nations, duty to the State holds even a disproportionate place, infringing on the just liberty of the individual; in purely Christian ethics, that grand department of duty is scarcely noticed or acknowledged. It is in the Koran, not the New Testament, that we read the maxim—"A ruler who appoints any man to an office, when there is in his dominions another man better qualified for it, sins against God and against the State.“ What little recognition the idea of obligation to the public obtains in modern morality, is derived from Greek and Roman sources, not from Christian; as, even in the morality of private life, whatever exists of magnanimity, highmindedness, personal dignity, even the sense of honour, is derived from the purely human, not the religious part of our education, and never could have grown out of a standard of ethics in which the only worth, professedly recognised, is that of obedience.

>> No.20861047

>The western man has ditched christianity, the christian god
>but the core of it all [...] is still running strong
So they've ditched the core (Christ), but the core is still running strong? You're confused
>Can you name another thing that could have been this cause?
Real people. Historical actors. Intentional agents. Human beings striving for power and self-preservation

>> No.20861051

>Modern society preaches "love the gays or the lgbt movement or we will burn you at the metaphorical stake."
No it doesn't. Trannies are universally reviled, dumbshit.

>> No.20861061

>Nietzsche/The Bible curing depression
You guys are so sheltered

>> No.20861093

You should be thinking that too, because the link is obvious, but you're a scared little faggot. You only pretend to hate this world (sorry: "society", since otherworldly aspirations are slave mentality or whatever), you can't even embrace the only historical force that could have thrown it off track.

>> No.20861098


This would be like characterising nazi Germany and its actions as Christian simply because the people and society they sprung from has been Christian for a thousand years.

>> No.20861107

I see quite a few interesting points in that paragraph and even agree with some, but i think his point would come across more clearly under the full context of the text. Can you give a brief explanation of what ideas are being expressed in such part of the work and their relation to the subject at hand?

>Under your heuristic, the atheistic, secular humanists are the "real" Christians
Not exactly. They are what you get when you take the core christian morality to its logical extreme. They are a result.

>so they've ditched the core (Christ)
As i said in the post above, the core isn't the god of a said religion, it is its values. The core value of Christianity being the so mentioned slave-morality, which is coincidentally also the very core of all modern secular humanism and SJW activism.

>Trannies are universally reviled
A 5 minute look anyone can take at a mainstream social media site immediately disproves this.

>> No.20861128

I didn't mean Nazi as in me thinking it's bad, i meant Nazi in the sense that the modern man looks at someone mentioning manhood and immediately his mind wanders to what he sees as a concept of "evil" in his mind. Which just further proves the obvious, that values of strength and masculinity are being destroyed and the opposite being risen.

There's an often posted quote in here where Hitler declares that he and his movement are a Christian cause. I don't know much about the veracity of it tho.

>> No.20861136

>They are what you get when you take the core christian morality to its logical extreme
So history is some sort of deterministic logic with a predefined and necessary course? History moves man, man doesn't move history. You sound like some sort of Marxist
>the core isn't the god of a said religion
You can believe that, but it doesn't address the fact when you *ACTUALLY* believe in Christ, you don't get trannies, like it was for 2,000 years. See >>20861036

>> No.20861154

Hitler had ambiguous views on Christianity, I think taking all the evidence together, it appears he was a kind of Jeffersonian Christian, critical of the Jewish element in Christianity; essentially what Positives Christentum was meant to uphold.

>> No.20861158

The problem is a link can be made to Christianity to anything in this modern world. Literally everything. You can link the industrial Revolution to Christianity abolishing slavery in Europe, but at the same time it wouldn’t be the only factor. There are people who even link the scientific Revolution to Christianity. You can link the Holocaust to Christianity, but at the same it wouldn’t the only factor. You can just as easily link the extreme and historical homophobia (absent from Japan) in western countries to Christianity just as much you can can link pro-gay movements now evident in western countries.

Although what I found amusing about anti-Christians is they tend to only link things they don’t like in the modern world to Christianity.

>> No.20861177

He hated it with all his guts. He saw it as Jewish.

>> No.20861186

That's true. Though the mental illness of Christianity cannot be disputed, so it inevitably has a link to all unhealthy mentalities.

>> No.20861212

I understand your point that Christianity isn't the only factor and even agree with it; but at least as i see it, it is most certainly the main factor. I don't see how any of this would have been possible without Christian morality being rooted in the culture for thousands of years.

Feel free to convince me of the contrary, though.

>You sound like some sort of Marxist
I don't know where you could pull that conclusion out of.
Ironically enough, Marxist thought is quite possibly the most christian thing there is: Christianity preaches "all men are equal under the eyes of god", Marxism preaches "All men are equal and that's pretty much it". Christianity preaches "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god". Marxist thought all essentially boils down to "eat the rich".

Marxism is all but a product of Christian morality, and of course one of the causing factors of the state we see the man of today in nowadays.

>when you *ACTUALLY* believe in Christ, you don't get trannies
Except that you do. Take Brazil for instance: third world, Christianity still runs rampant and massively widespread. Fervorous believers, literalists. Yet still trannies, gays and hedonistic sexual depravation everywhere. "Judge not, that ye be not judged" is their ultimate defense.
How come? Isn't belief in Christ supposed to be the defining factor for the non-degeneracy of a society?

>> No.20861218

Marxism is Christian because Christianity is Judaism. Jesus was the hyper-Jew.

>> No.20861221

Marx a close second, Spinoza and Wittgenstein tied for 3rd place.

>> No.20861227

You have to consider him an incoherent hypocrite and accept *all* the Table Talks as authentic to believe that. It's just absurd. Most of the Table Talks are probably legit but everyone knows Bormann was the most antichristian man in the Party (along with Himmler) and that some of his transcriptions are incorrect, so he must've at least introduced the stuff against Christ per se. I do agree that Hitler had generally negative views of Christianity though.

>> No.20861234


It's like the Pope said "In every Christian is a Jew".

>> No.20861249

Christianity and Judaism go beyond any teaching, they are a human disease of the mind. They come from mental illness.

>> No.20861253

> Take Brazil for instance: third world, Christianity still runs rampant and massively widespread. Fervorous believers, literalists. Yet still trannies, gays and hedonistic sexual depravation everywhere. "Judge not, that ye be not judged" is their ultimate defense.

You can use Brazil as an example and I can just as well use Armenia, Georgia, or Ethiopia as example, who are oldest Christian countries in the world.

But it doesn’t prove anything. In fact, it can just as well prove that there’s something about the west that makes it distinct besides Christianity.

Although now it’s interesting that we’re linking sexual freedom to Christianity. Oh boy.

>> No.20861256

Do you realize most of the random quotes attributed to Hitler that are floating around are made up? Hitler was transparently not an amoralist, read his actual writings.

>> No.20861262

I'm not discussing your view of either here. If you want my opinion, you're wrong, and the dividing lines are internal to the various great religions.

>> No.20861268

"Pity thwarts the whole law of evolution, which is the law of natural selection. It preserves whatever is ripe for destruction; it fights on the side of those disinherited and condemned by life; by maintaining life in so many of the botched of all kinds, it gives life itself a gloomy and dubious aspect." -- FN The Antichrist

"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live." AH Mein Kampf

>> No.20861271

Both are anti-competitive both are anti-evolution. They come from the same disease that is pity.

>> No.20861273

Even Nietzsche didn’t link sexual freedom to Christianity. Jesus. Kind of the opposite. He hated if for its repression of natural sexual desires and its advocacy of celibacy.

>> No.20861282

Nietzsche flirted with this sort of generalized Darwinism but came to despise it. Your views are a bit shallow.

>> No.20861291

>but came to despise it
antichrist was his last work, dude

>> No.20861301

"Schopenhauer was right in this: that by means of pity life is denied, and made worthy of denial—pity is the technic of nihilism. Let me repeat: this depressing and contagious instinct stands against
all those instincts which work for the preservation and enhancement of life: in the role of protector of the miserable, it is a prime agent in the promotion of decadence—pity persuades to extinction.... Of course, one doesn’t say “extinction”: one says “the other world,” or “God,” or “the true life,” or Nirvana, salvation, blessedness.... This innocent rhetoric, from the realm of religious-ethical balderdash, appears a good deal less innocent when one reflects upon the tendency that it conceals beneath sublime words: the tendency to destroy life. Schopenhauer was
hostile to life: that is why pity appeared to him
as a virtue.... Aristotle, as every one knows, saw
in pity a sickly and dangerous state of mind,
the remedy for which was an occasional purgative: he regarded tragedy as that purgative. The instinct of life should prompt us to seek some
means of puncturing any such pathological and
dangerous accumulation of pity as that appearing in Schopenhauer’s case (and also, alack, in
that of our whole literary decadence, from St.
Petersburg to Paris, from Tolstoy to Wagner),
that it may burst and be discharged.... Nothing
is more unhealthy, amid all our unhealthy modernism, than Christian pity."

He calls it Christian, but it's not. It's a mental illness and it's everywhere. That's why everything appears to be Christian

>> No.20861303

I doubt you'd find a single quote about evolution in there.

>> No.20861309

This guy just posted one >>20861268
You don't really read, do you?

>> No.20861310

Why is the discussion going on ITT when I literally solve this in a thread that is out on the catalog right now.

Jesus christ (ironically)

>> No.20861322

Nietzsche concept of the Will to Power is that not of preservation of life but of the *spending* of vital forces. The strongest *spend* their vital forces, they don't accumulate them to survive and keep going. That's the change he made to Schopenhauer's concept of the Will to Live and how he thereby broke with most philosophies inspired by biology and the nascent Darwinism like Spengler.

>> No.20861327

See >>20861322
Btw what I'm saying here is one of the first things you learn in college studying Nietzsche. You'd get a shit grade for reading Darwinism into OP's quote.

>> No.20861329

Yeah and western countries in the 19th century literally thought oriental countries were hyper-sexual. Even the 19th century Japan had to make itself more prudish in order to appear more respectable to westerners, who were shocked at the open nudity among Japanese. Was the 19th century somehow less Christian than the modern west? What determines more or less Christianity? It seems all arbitrary to me.

>> No.20861336

>what some faggot post-post-post-post-modernist """professor""" says is the supreme truth on the thought of some dude who died a century ago
Guess Nietzsche would be all for the trannies too, huh?

>> No.20861341

everyone arguing after this post instead of going to my thread
is a retard

>> No.20861366

>I don't know where you could pull that conclusion out of.
Because you seem to believe that history moves man; that Christianity's fate has been decided in advance by logical necessity and that it isn't the product of free will
Christianity is declining in Brazil

>> No.20861371

That's fine, but you can't prevent nature from doing its work. Those that are unfit must be allowed to die. Christianity is too compassionate.

>> No.20861374

You're illiterate. You can find quotations of Nietzsche on Darwinism or Spengler everywhere. Here's just one thing: https://withalliamgod.wordpress.com/2013/08/02/nietzsches-rejection-of-darwinian-evolution/

>> No.20861377
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>> No.20861381

The Antichrist was his last work and magnum opus. He's a complete version himself in that book.

>> No.20861387

>you're illiterate
Says the guy who clearly hasn't read N, as evidenced by the total refusal to give evidence from primary sources

>> No.20861401

Your quote from Antichrist doesn't imply Darwinism. Vitalism and its vocabulary of life, srtife and growth predates Darwinism. You think through mere vague word association. You don't read. You're biologically inferior to me.

>> No.20861402

>Those that are unfit must be allowed to die
Christianity killed this mode of thought though. Should we allow it to die as well?

>> No.20861406

This is what the Iranian tranny faggot gets wrong. It’s not the modern west is built on “love your neighbour.” It’s built on FREEDOM, especially religious freedom since the 18th century and the separation of church and state (because religion infringes on freedom, it needs to be done away with).

Japan wasn’t built on freedom. Most eastern countries aren’t. They are built on conformity. Western countries are built on freedom backed up the Socratic method.

In fact, liberals never use love as an argument directly to convince anyone to first accept trans or gays. They use the Socratic method and freedom. Biblical arguments for their acceptance don’t even factor into their arguments.

Arguments are used by the weak to defeat the stronger opponent. You can’t defeat liberals through arguments because it is what empowers in the first place. It is what gives them strength.

This is why totalitarianism can be the only way to preserve tradition, but even then, it doesn’t always work. After all, paganism was destroyed by totalitarian Roman emperors, who preferred Christianity. Otherwise, you need to have an extremely conformist culture.

>> No.20861409

I literally linked you an article full of them nigger. Also, just search "Nietzsche on Darwinism" and read scholarship.

>> No.20861416

Do you not see the irony in your comment? You deny Darwinism yet call to biology to save you?

>> No.20861417

>Christianity is declining in Brazil
It still runs rampant though. Atheism is not even remotely as widespread there as it is in the first world. The last president they elected is a devout christian conservative

>Because you seem to believe that history moves man; that Christianity's fate has been decided in advance by logical necessity and that it isn't the product of free will
Does "free will" in this context mean "things just come out of nowhere and that's it"? People were "normal" one day, and in the next day, they were the abomination we see today and this all happened out of nowhere?
Please tell me if i'm misunderstanding your point here because it doesn't seem to make any sense, it just sounds like denial. Things in this reality don't just happen for no reason. Every event and phenomenon has a cause.

>> No.20861423

I think we have an angry tranny on our hands.

>> No.20861427

Hahahaha you're so fucking ignorant. Do you think biology = Darwinism, especially in Nietzsche's time? By the way, we're not merely talking about Darwinism as a theory of the evolution of species, but as a general trend and outlook in the sciences and culture; Nietzsche's target when he criticized Darwinism was Spengler, who purported to make an entire philosophy out of it, applied especially to human societies and economies.

>> No.20861431

all retards

>> No.20861433

*Spencer, obv not Spengler

>> No.20861445

You don't understand evolution. It doesn't matter what system are in place, evolution has a mind of its own and is always active. What Christianity does is decay the mind of those who pity. You can be atheist and pity also, the SJWs. The point is that the disease is pity, compassion. The virtue of the prostitute.

>> No.20861458

What are you even talking about? This has nothing to do with Nietzsche rejecting Darwinism. By the way, compassion must be advantageous to reproduction if it's selected for among animals and men.

>> No.20861470

>Does "free will" in this context mean "things just come out of nowhere and that's it"?
No. If anything this is what you are suggesting. For you, Christianity represents a historical anomaly, overturning the order of things and locking us into predetermined historical course. Why did this happen? Was it caused by the pre-Christian world? Well then none of this is really Christianity's fault. Or, again, did Christianity just happen? And again, regarding Brazil: Christianity is declining there

>> No.20861476

Are you Brazilian?

>> No.20861485
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>shits self

>> No.20861488

Are you seriously just going to pick and choose as evidence? I can just as well pick Uganda or Ethiopia as an example, which has higher number of Christians. But it wouldn’t prove anything.

>> No.20861489

That's what we're getting to, and what The Antichrist is about. Nietzsche wanted what Hitler wanted, a world where the selection pressure is harder and only the strongest survive. That's what being Antichristian is all about. Christianity is summarized as "The meek will inherit the earth". Nietzsche and Hitler had other ideas.

>> No.20861497

The Christian concept of a god—the god as the
patron of the sick, the god as a spinner of cob-
webs, the god as a spirit—is one of the most
corrupt concepts that has ever been set up in
the world: it probably touches low-water mark
in the ebbing evolution of the god-type. God
degenerated into the contradiction of life. Instead
of being its transfiguration and eternal Yea! In
him war is declared on life, on nature, on the
will to live! God becomes the formula for every
slander upon the “here and now,” and for eve-
ry lie about the “beyond”! In him nothingness
is deified, and the will to nothingness is made

>> No.20861505
File: 212 KB, 591x1081, yeszsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20861515

Brazil actually has the largest number of trans murders in the world. Not example a beacon of tolerance and acceptance, but it has separation of church and state like other western countries, so you can’t just be like “oh homosexuality is wrong” cause my bible says so thankfully.

In fact, the requirement to transition in Brazil is quite strict as well.

> In Brazil Patients must be at least 18 years old and diagnosed as transgender with no personality disorders, and must undergo psychological evaluation with a multidisciplinary team for at least two years, begins with 16 years old. The national average is of 100 surgeries per year, according to the Ministry of Health of Brazil.[8]

I’m not sure where they’re getting this image of Brazil as the den of transgender acceptance and degeneracy.

>> No.20861521

No. Superior ≠ the most fit for reproduction, or the most powerful. If you make Darwinism, if you make mere Nature your guide, whatever dominates, including Christianity, you should thereby submit to. Nietzsche's rhetoric is ambiguous there. I think Amor Fati, this Spinozean naturalist aspect of his thought, is if anything "slave morality".

>> No.20861522

>Nietzsche wanted what Hitler wanted
have you ever actually read Nietzsche? how can you say something so dumb? Nietzsche was just a dumb self-contradicting retard who never actually arrived at any coherent philosophical system because he was too much of a brainlet. but he definitely wouldn't have been a fan of nazi collectivism, resentment, the fucking antisemitism, and what he especially wasn't a fan of was German nationalism

it's like you've never even read Nietzsche and don't understand what he disliked about Wagner

>> No.20861529

Different means to the same end.

>> No.20861544

>English translation
Cringe. You haven't actually read him unless you've read him in German

>> No.20861558
File: 320 KB, 1387x1506, 0DBE00C4-984D-43FE-B482-37C9A6D43136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no trans people exist in the west like everywhere else in the world!!! This must surely be the fault of Christians!

Seriously guys?

>> No.20861595

Is not evolution, it doesn't really make sense. It's not even Darwin that created it, it's all the idiots that followed. The avoid pitying and letting the meek to their own devices is Nitzschean.

>> No.20861600


>> No.20861613

> To cement my point let me take japan: There are Gays and Transexuals in japan. But do you see this insanely rampant SJW movement there that's become the zeitgeist? No, you don't.

The need to make a big deal about trans and gays seems to be mostly an anglo-American affair. It also comes as a strong pushback against the puritanical need to be outraged about every fucking thing that doesn’t fit into the sexual norm. You’re simply behaving as the puritanical Christians did in your outrage against sexual deviancy.

> Oh look at this sexual degeneracy. This surely must be the end of the world and the coming of Jesus!!

Except it’s now

> Oh look at this sexual degeneracy. This surely must be the end of western civilisation and the coming collapse.

>> No.20861619

You're right about N not having a coherent belief system. There is no real endgame to his philosophy other than "individual" ubermensches aiming for...something.

Try to apply that to a collective and you get fascism (probably something closer to Italian fascism than Nazism though).

>> No.20861651

He doesn’t realise it but he too has a very Christian mindset not unlike his enemies. The concept of sexual degeneracy, leading to the coming collapse and destruction is a very Christian one.

> It was the French psychiatrist Bènèfict-Augustin Morel, who, with the publication of his traitè des dègènèrescences physiques, intellectuelles et morales de l’espèce humaine in 1857, first articulated dègènèrescence in terms of a theory of human heredity. For Morel, a devout Catholic, the human organism was not the product of random transformations of the species. On the contrary, he held, in accordance with Genesis, that modern man represented the “morbid deviation from an original type,” a degenerate descent of a perfect, Adamic Urmensch. And by asserting that the primary cause of this dègènèrescence was “original sin,” Morel was responsible for the lasting impression of immorality being both casual and symptomatic: physical degeneration led to intellectual and moral decay, and vice versa. In other words, dègènèrescence is at root medicalised lapsarian myth, a potent mixture of Christian eschatology and Lamarckian theories of heredity: offspring inherit the biological and moral flaws of their parents and transmit these defects to their own offspring in heightened form until the fourth generation, condemned to cogenital idiocy and sterility, marks the end of the degenerate line.

Like I said. Everything is Christian. You can’t escape it.

>> No.20861665

That's because Christianity is the result of Judaism. And Judaism is the primordial mental illness. Original sin is Jewish, not Christian. Adam and Eve are a Jewish creation.

>> No.20861685
File: 59 KB, 1000x500, C790C49D-5E7A-4BDB-A968-12CEEFE9BB84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Original sin is Jewish,

Actually it’s really not

>> No.20861698

How is Judaism the primordial mental illness? Cause it hates and fears trannies like you?

> A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.

> No one [whose testicles are swollen, crushed, or cut] shall enter the assembly of the Lord.

>> No.20861700

"What is Jewish, what is Christian moral-
ity? Chance robbed of its innocence; unhappi-
ness polluted with the idea of “sin”; well-being
represented as a danger, as a “temptation”; a
physiological disorder produced by the canker
worm of conscience...."

Judaism = Christianity

The differences are negligible. Both come from the same illness.

>> No.20861740

>well-being represented as a danger, as a “temptation”

Well, trannies say they transition cause it makes them feel better about themselves. So why you have against trans again?

>> No.20861791

Trans people believe they are doing something for their own well-being instead of continuing to feel sinful or guilty about their “temptation.” They transition because they want to be happy (Christianity thinks happiness matters the least).

So what’s wrong with that? Is Nietzsche suggesting that one should continue to repress their natural feelings if they’re Trans (when Christianity is just as much about the repression of natural feelings, wants, temptations and desires. It’s not just about being nice).

>> No.20861799

Christianity is the rejection of reality. trans people are rejecting reality -- it's the same mental illness.

>> No.20861810

You all need to read The Antichrist. Freddy explains all of this, you're all just too retarded to actually read the book.

>> No.20861814

He went insane because he fucked a syhiphilis-infested whore without a rubber.

>> No.20861820

I went through the thread but I couldnt find a good answer to the question: what books by Neetz and Schop would you recommend?

>> No.20861822

>Rubbers were commercially available during his lifetime
>Goes insane and dies due to contracted STD

Dumb nigger. Not so smart after all.

>> No.20861824


>> No.20861826

Gay used to mean "happy" dumb aids ridden faggot

>> No.20861833

i bet i could tell you use /pol/ by looking at you irl. stop trying to fit in loser

>> No.20861836

All religions are essentially a rejection of reality unless you think sacrificing some cows to the Gods will genuinely grant you something in return.

Either way, trans people are still pursuing their happiness. Why do you have against happiness? Are you a Puritan to condemn it for those who seek it? Well, the reality shows that those transition are less suicidal than those do not.

>> No.20861846

Replacing one evil with another is not exactly progress. What is the point of exposing Christianity if these idiots will find another way to delude themselves?

>> No.20861850

They’re called gay because puritans fucks like you hate the idea of happiness and want everyone to be miserable like you.

>> No.20861851

>Either way, trans people are still pursuing their happiness. Why do you have against happiness?
opiate addicts are pursuing their happiness too

>> No.20861852

They should die. It's more merciful.

>> No.20861853

Great parallel. Christianity is a drug and so is transgenderism.

>> No.20861856

god fucking damnit /lit/. why is it whenever i come back, it's only the shitty contentless threads which survive

why don't you fuckers ever actually read anything before debating strangers online about it?

>> No.20861867

Read the thread boy, it's filled with golden nuggets.

>> No.20861873

>All religions are essentially a rejection of reality
Religions are essentially a framework for understanding of reality, which has its limits, like every perception does. No one perceives reality completely, which is why a framework is necessary.
>unless you think sacrificing some cows to the Gods will genuinely grant you something in return.
It could give me something in return. Most people believe that sacrificing cows will give them health or grilling them will give them a community.
>Either way, trans people are still pursuing their happiness.
They are not. They are pursuing their identity. Anyone with half a brain knows that a miserable person, man or woman, will still be a miserable person. I guess people still think sacrifices bring happiness, even at the cost of their genitals
>Why do you have against happiness?
If you are going to attempt a verbal trick, be less obvious lol
>Are you a Puritan to condemn it for those who seek it?
Are you a Puritan to condemn those who are against it?
>Well, the reality shows that those transition are less suicidal than those do not.
Are we going to judge an ideology based on its suicide prevention? In that case, religion is far away the best ideology and transsexuality is still the worst.

>> No.20861875

>Gets BTFO on trans shit
>attempts an elaborate "just read a book"

>> No.20861876

It's fucking fact homo cocksuck scum.

>> No.20861877

>Religions are essentially a framework for understanding of reality

Exactly the opposite. Religions create reality and obscure the truth.

>> No.20861880

have (heterosexual) sex

>> No.20861887

Why does this fucking shit hole of a board ALWAYS have to have 3-4 active threads about this massive, ugly, unkempt cookie duster having FAGGOT?

Why can't you idiots SHUT THE FUCK UP about this Deutschbag weakling incel LOSER for five FUCKING MINUTES!?

>> No.20861888

Because he's the key to everything.

>> No.20861900

in 3 years you'll remember you said this and cringe from embarrassment of your unwavering confidence

>> No.20861901

Puritans were all about repression, not indulgence. Read some history fool.

Your argument about trans people is essentially that Trans people should be content to suffer as individuals for the good of society. We live in a post-Christian society, which is also not conformist like East Asian ones. Suffering is not something good or to be praised anymore.

>> No.20861907

No, I'm sick of the fakeness of this world. I want the real thing. The more people read Nietzsche the better the world will be.

>> No.20861913

you dumb retard nigger i haven't posted about trans shit in this thread once

>> No.20861918

Stated like a true incel faggot

>> No.20861920

I have, it wasn't amazing, but at least she had an amazing body with banging tits that were really fun to play with.

Playing with her tits was more pleasant then actually fucking her was.

>> No.20861922

I'm a Chad.

>> No.20861925

No Chad refers to themselves as a Chad, cuck.

>> No.20861930

Off course we do. I'm the best looking guy ever.

>> No.20861932

I'm a Chad Chud.

>> No.20861935

Millions of people get unnecessary surgery to feel good about themselves yet somehow this should only be disallowed for trans people?

Also who are you to say you know more than the doctors? The majority of doctors will tell you that gender-affirming care is the only treatment for gender dysphoria.

How are you not denying reality in your own way? What treatment do you have for those who have gender dysphoria?

>> No.20861938

>thread about Nietzsche
>arguing about trans rights
Americanbros.. it has to stop.

>> No.20861942

Because /lit/ is full of fraus.

>> No.20861960

That’s cause anti-trans people are just as much Christian in their beliefs as the pro-trans lobby when you think about it.

> You WILL feel GUILTY and SINFUL for being Trans

>> No.20861972

Friedrich Nietzsches entire philosophy is built upon pure critical thinking. He despised systems of all kinds. These can include religious systems, political systems, or racial systems. He hated the notion of categorizing premises and conclusions in a systematic fashion because, in his point of view, they led to people being unwilling to think critically. Whenever you hear an otherwise incredibly intelligent person suddenly ramble about some kind of nonsense, Nietzsche would call that the end result of systematic thought. He believed people should strive to question everything and ridicule their own premises and ideas the harshest.

In fact, Nietzsche became disappointed with his first book, The Birth of Tragedy, because he believes he was far too blinded by his idealization of Shopenhauer, Wagner and his ideal of the Dionysiac that he essentially created a systematic fashion of thinking. To anyone new to reading the book, it is actually perhaps the single most context-required reading, apart from perhaps Thus Spoke Zarathustra, that one will read. The Birth of Tragedy requires immense context to understand it because Nietzsche is essentially drawing a Hegelian dialectic regarding how humans, through their experiences, transcend those experiences in art. He sees the world as an empty void that, through the works of the tragedies (particularly the Greek tragedies), people expressed themselves and their plights. The Apolline represents the beautiful, seen artwork that people create to distract themselves from reality. He compares it to a dream-like state we may choose to hold. The Dionysiac, however, is a somewhat rambunctious expression through music and festivities and is best expressed through the Greek tragedies. He sees the solution as nearly fully embracing the Dionysiac viewpoint and enjoying life to the fullest, despite the fact we will eventually die. Since life is devoid of meaning and so short, we should relish in it in a purely Dionysiac fashion. In his “Attempt at Self-Criticism,” an essay found in most copies of the book that Nietzsche wrote later, he heavily criticized his own reliance on these ideals to form an entire ideology upon and disagrees with his past self for failing to adequately challenge his own notions.

>> No.20861974

Now, what was the point of all of that? Basically, Nietzsche praised individual thought, rather than systematic (or group) thinking. He wanted people to forge themselves and their ideals in a critical environment as free from self-serving bias as possible, so much so that he even addressed his own past ideas and challenged them. He believed that this process would eventually turn oneself into the Übernensch, or “superman.” He didn’t base his ideal of this “superman” on any concepts of race or gender but, rather, individual achievements and ones own ability to strive for personal perfection regardless of the systems trying to regulate oneself.

So, to conclude, Nietzsche would likely respect transgender people as equals the same way he respected Jewish people (enough to cut off ties with anti-Semites around him) and women, but he would not view transgender people as Übermensch simply due to their transgenderism. For someone to be an Übermensch, they have to accomplish stuff using their own capabilities in their lives and strive for perfection despite whatever circumstances befall them.

>> No.20861975 [DELETED] 

Don't give a fuck. Nietzsche is about joyous becoming — not about societal justice. You are repulsive with your spam, go play with your rectum you diseased mutt-peddling bug eating sodimized chud.

>> No.20861984

And who the fuck said you have to be pro-religion to be against all of this post-modernist transgender insanity?

It has nothing to do with "repression". We're not talking about gays or furries or whatever here. It's not a mere sexual desire that's being discussed, it's the desire to become something entirely different from what reality ever gave you the possibility to be, the desire to be what you are not.

It's literally what that anon said and nothing more: a denial of reality. You deny reality in order to try to achieve "happiness" that's unattainable. You are literally no different than the christcucks who constantly tell themselves that they are going to some made-up heaven in order to feel hope from the imagining of happiness that will never be there. It is literal nihilism.

If our modern medicine were actually concerned they would try to find some treatment to cease the desires of gender dysphoria in people with this condition, so that they can live a normal life as either straight or gay men. But of course these doctors have a dogmatic agenda to push, so they won't do that and transexuals will keep being told to continue and continue to deny reality until the denial falls completely apart and the suicide rates go higher and higher.

>> No.20862011

Does anyone feel like Nietzsche has merely become an excuse to resent Christianity and basically do nothing else useful with his philosophy or teachings? Nietzsche hated other things besides Christianity, but the focus seems to always be Christianity even though it’s dying more and more every decade.

>> No.20862014
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>No, I'm sick of the fakeness of this world. I want the real thing. The more people read Nietzsche the better the world will be.

>> No.20862022

i love that quote. the answer is 'they're both worse'

>> No.20862046
File: 63 KB, 850x400, 54596C78-34DC-489A-8DED-7B8EA03519AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche: the original “be yourself” guy

>> No.20862080

> Nietzsche calls for a transvaluation of values
> okay. Maybe some men are women and some women are men.

>> No.20862101

Denial of reality due to hatred of what is real is precisely the kind of shit he bashed Christianity for. You trannies are just as décadent as the most devout literalist of all christcucks.

>> No.20862136
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> Denial of reality due to hatred of what is real

So you say

>> No.20862139

Nietzsche believed that there are no absolute truths because all truths are relative to the individual and their experiences. He claimed that there are no objective truths that can be universally agreed upon, and that all truths are ultimately subjective. This is because our beliefs and experiences are constantly changing, and what may be true for one person may not be true for another. Nietzsche also believed that truth is constantly evolving, and that what is considered to be true today may not be true in the future. He claimed that there is no such thing as an eternal truth, and that all truths are temporal.

>> No.20862178
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You give me one out-of-context quote of questionable veracity and i'll give you this whole fucking paragraph where neetzsche lays down the hammer on Christcucks for being deniers of reality, the exact same way transgender morons do (as unfortunately they are told by dogmatic doctors).

Just this line right here describes the tranny mentality absolutely perfectly:
>—the whole of that fictitious world has its sources in hatred of the natural (—the real!—), and is no more than evidence of a profound uneasiness in the presence of reality.... This explains everything. Who alone has any reason for living his way out of reality? The man who suffers under it.

>what is considered to be true today may not be true in the future
Very correct. In some 50 years or more we will look back at this era and be horrified at what we did with all of this transgender movement nonsense as primitive barbaric complete madness. I don't believe man is a species stupid enough to keep playing this game of pretend forever.

>> No.20862187

That's an interesting eternal fact

>> No.20862193
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He was solitary virgin and a faggot

>He [Nietzsche] demolished so many idols only to replace them with others: a false iconoclast, with adolescent aspects and a certain virginity, a certain innocence inherent in his solitary’s career. He observed men only from a distance. Had he come closer, he could have neither conceived nor promulgated the superman, that preposterous, laughable, even grotesque chimera, a crotchet which could occur only to a mind without time to age, to know the long serene disgust of detachment.

>What I consider his most authentic work is his letters, because in them he’s truthful, while in his other work he’s prisoner to his vision. In his letters one sees that he’s just a poor guy, that he’s ill, exactly the opposite of everything he claimed.

Emil Cioran on Nietzsche

>> No.20862205
File: 18 KB, 220x298, A91E32B6-AB77-4C01-94FA-5C03045AA8B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is an intellectual not getting bitches (not out of their own will but because of inability) an actual flaw of character that should be criticized in a non meme way? I think it should honestly it does show lack of social awareness at the least and whatever else

>> No.20862208

I’m a fucing retard. I wanted to make this an actual thread Lol oops!

>> No.20862216

Anon are you drunk

>> No.20862228

>The eight patterns of evil thought are gluttony, lust, greed, sadness, acedia [despondency], anger, vainglory, pride.[14] Some two centuries later in 590 AD, Pope Gregory I, "Pope Gregory The Great" would revise this list to form the more commonly known Seven Deadly Sins, where Pope Gregory the Great combined acedia (despondency) with tristitia (sorrow), calling the combination the sin of sloth; vainglory with pride; and added envy to the list of "Seven Deadly Sins".
Sorrow and despondency, the two sides of depression, are sins. For christians, therefore, depression isnt an illness to be cured, just like gluttony.

>> No.20862239

dude, it's created for the intersex people, not trannies

>> No.20862253

>In some 50 years or more we will look back at this era and be horrified at what we did with all of this transgender movement nonsense as primitive barbaric complete madness.

Oh boy. Are we not living in reality now?

Although you must understand that transgender people do try to submit to reality, which is why they try so hard to make a distinction between biological sex and gender. They very much acknowledge biological sex exists, but it’s gender that they question.

It’s also strange for you to blame the influence of religion for people denying reality in the modern day when we’re living in the most scientific age in history. People today are less superstitious and more in tune with reality than any time before. People put their trust in what doctors and scientists say now and the majority tell us that gender affirming care is currently the best treatment we have for those who have gender dysphoria. I doubt there’s going to be a reassessment of that until better treatment is found. As for regret, studies show the super majority of people who get sex reassignment surgery feel no regret.

>> No.20862324

What’s the big deal anyway? If anything trans people just end up reaffirming gender stereotypes.

For a people who put their faith in nature, these anti-trans people sure don’t have a lot of faith in it. John Money’s experiment showed us that one can not easily brainwash someone into believing they’re the opposite gender. This is understandable. Nature simply won’t allow significant amount of people to be trans.

People think trans are the end of the masculinity, I see them as a mere reaffirmation of gender instead of its complete disavowal. Were Scythians any less masculine because of their Enarei?

> The Enarei performed Artimpasa's cult and played an important political role in Scythian society as they were believed to have received the gift of prophesy directly from the goddess Artimpasa (conflated by Herodotus with Aphrodite).[6]
>The Enarei wore women's clothing, performed women's jobs and customs and spoke in a feminine manner.[7][1]
>They were accepted and revered in Scythian society.[6]
>Scythian shamanism involved religious ecstasy through the use of cannabis

>> No.20862361

>Although you must understand that transgender people do try to submit to reality, which is why they try so hard to make a distinction between biological sex and gender. They very much acknowledge biological sex exists, but it’s gender that they question
This has no practical difference whatsoever when we all know that the whole point of the transexual movement is that "I AM A REAL WOMAN! I AM!" and for everyone to accept this and call them women, keep playing the game of pretend. Everyone should call them "she", STRAIGHT men are supposed to be attracted to them or they are "THE EVIL" according to the dogma, "sinful" if you will. The fact that they are supposed to be an actual woman is so serious you can even get arrested for denying this assumption in some more insane authoritarian countries. Every "sinful" person must be purged, I AM A WOMAN.

>It’s also strange for you to blame the influence of religion for people denying reality in the modern day when we’re living in the most scientific age in history. People today are less superstitious
No they are not, because modern science has made of itself a complete bastardization that's supposed to only follow the dogma. Any kind of research that goes against the dogma is expurged, no sin allow–i mean, no "transphobia" allowed here, no man of science shall ever dare blaspheme the gods of social justice and say "this could maybe not be the right way". These men ARE women and you will SHUT UP about it and not question it, my dear man of science.
This is superstition. It's just secular superstition.

>People put their trust in what doctors and scientists say now
Of course they do. It's blasphemy against the gods of the social justice dogma not to.

>and the majority tell us that gender affirming care is currently the best treatment we have for those who have gender dysphoria
Of course they do. It's blasphemy against the gods of the social justice dogma not to.
And let me correct you right there: not the majority, ALL of them say this—the ones who don't get rightfully silenced for being obviously evil.

>I doubt there’s going to be a reassessment of that until better treatment is found.
The only reason there is no better treatment is because they don't want there to be—all it would take would be for them to develop a drug that stops the desire of a person to become the opposite sex; which is an impossibility and will lead to despair, depression and suicide—but of course something like this will never be allowed because, as i say, just shut up and obey the gods, don't say anything that differs from the dogma or you WILL get punished. You're not allowed to give them treatment, you're not allowed to even suggest it, shut the fuck up.

Can't you just see how massively fucked this all is?

>> No.20862366

>Very correct. In some 50 years or more we will look back at this era and be horrified at what we did with all of this transgender movement nonsense as primitive barbaric complete madness.

I can tell you’re an Amermutt piece of shit. I live in Australia and here no one gives a shit about what trans people do. In fact, we wish you disgusting Amerimutts would stop exporting your never-ending culture wars across the world and making issues out of non-issues about insignificant and near invisible minorities.

To me it’s shocking American politicians (and that definitely includes the right) gives such a shit about these minorities that have zero impact on most peoples lives.

It’s like some people just wake up and go “hey there’s so many important problems in my country, what can I do to disregard those problems? Oh I know, I can strip the rights from insignificant minorities and make their lives hell.”

>> No.20862380

Except that none of these so-called "minorities" want just "rights". They have rights. But that is not enough. They want to fucking rule, they want to make you feel "bad" about not being so heckin opressed like them. This is the very definition of Nietzschean slave morality: oh poor me! I am so "opressed"! And i am also so virtuous for being "opressed", and anyone who isn't "opressed" is so evil for not being opressed!

And where do all of this shit come from? You guessed it, it was fucking christianity. The poor, the meek, the weak and the botched shall all inherit the earth, and anyone who isn't as unfortunate as me is evil and will burn in hell. The christian and the SJW share the same ancestry.

>> No.20862430

You Amermutts are so invested and blinded by your culture wars that you don’t even realise how politicians are just using you. From what I can gather online, conservative state lawmakers in America have proposed more than 110 anti-trans bills this year. What’s funny is most of these are being passed in those christcuck religious states you hate so much while atheist ones are happy to let them be and allow it to be a non-issue like here in Australia. To me, it seems like you’re the one denying reality. You’re the christcuck.

>> No.20862467

What fucking politicians? I don't follow no politicians. not a single one of them even remotely represents me; and democracy is a disgraceful degenerated form of rule anyway.

About the trans shit: no you fuck, don't come to me telling me you "just want to be left alone". You want everyone to bow down and be subservient to your majesty the opressed. Nobody with a brain ever bought this silly talk of "dude we just want the right to exist dude".

>> No.20862499

Nietzsche will forever live rent free in Christians minds,
Causing them to sperg out every day on /lit/, like clockwork.

>> No.20862565

Seriously if not for the white evangelicals, this whole tran thing would be a non-issue and well-accepted by nearly everyone in America. Stop denying your roots. All studies I search up say it’s white evangelicals who are most opposed to transgender people while it’s highly supported by over 90% of atheists. Should I just deny these statistics and what they tell me about reality?

Once evangelicals disappear from America (and they will as America is already becoming non-religious), I can only imagine smooth sailing for trans people. I’m not even sure what will happen to republicans once their evangelical base dies out. No more outrage culture I guess or its exportation.

>> No.20862577

>Seriously if not for the white evangelicals, this whole tran thing would be a non-issue and well-accepted by nearly everyone in America
>Once evangelicals disappear from America (and they will as America is already becoming non-religious), I can only imagine smooth sailing for trans people
Absolutely marvelous. Oh boy, i cannot wait to live in the décadent utopia of the last man.

>> No.20862597

Anyone get this sense that this outrage culture has been deliberately fuelled by Chinese owned tiktok?

People on /po/ love to act outraged about these short random videos and as a sign of the coming fall of the west

>> No.20862628

All I’ve learned on here is that somehow Christians are the real atheists and atheists are the real Christians. Fantastic work you guys. Truly trans in a strange way.

> We found consistent evidence that self-identifying as with either being “religious” or as Christian (and to a lesser extent, being Muslim) was associated with increased transprejudice relative to being nonreligious (and to a lesser extent, being Jewish). Additionally, we found consistent evidence that certain forms of religiosity were also related to transprejudice – specifically religious fundamentalism, church attendance, and interpretations of the bible as literal

> Many religions are based on teachings of peace, love, and tolerance (Johnson, Rowatt, & LaBouff, 2012) and thus, at least based on those specific teachings, these religions promote intergroup pro-sociality. However, evidence from studies of religion and social attitudes have paradoxically revealed that religion is typically a predictor of intergroup anti-sociality, or in other words religion tends to predict most forms of prejudice. When conceptualizing religion in terms of self-reported categorical religious affiliation (i.e., Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc.), religiously affiliated individuals tend to report more negative attitudes against a variety of social outgroups than individuals who are not religiously affiliated (Allport, 1954; Shariff, Willard, Andersen, & Norenzayan, 2016). In terms of transprejudice, recent research has documented that religiously affiliated individuals report less interpersonal comfort (Kanamori, Pegors, Hulgus, & Cornelius-White, 2017), and more negative attitudes towards transgender people than non-religious individuals (Solomon & Kurtz-Costes, 2018; similar findings exist for trans-youth, see Elischberger et al. 2016). Social attitudes that are related to transprejudice reveal similar patterns: religiously affiliated individuals tend to be more prejudiced against gay men and lesbian women (Christianity: Whitehead, 2014; Muslims: Anderson & Koc, 2015), and are less supportive of gay rights (e.g., Anderson, Koc, & Falomir-Pichastor, 2018) and marriage equality (e.g., Anderson, Georgantis, & Kapelles, 2017), than non-religious individuals.

> It is often argued that this link between religious affiliation and negative social attitudes is driven by perceptions that the attitude-target is violating their religion’s value system. In addition, most Abrahamic religions (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) contain dogmas in which their respective deity create mankind with individuals who are perfectly entrenched in the gender binary (e.g., Christianity’s Adam and Eve), and thus religions might be instilling cisgender normativity into individuals who ascribe to their doctrines.

>> No.20862678

>using spaces and capitalization on a greentext
>reddit spacing
Fucking disgusting. Lurk for 3 years before posting or gtfo.

>> No.20862768

>transgender women
clearly both you and op missed in the headline the words "transgender people", I assume most of these are FtM, since those guys are extremely obsessed with projecting masculine qualities (and what could be more masculine than joining the armed forces?)

>> No.20862904

why would the Chinese want westoids to hate one of their high-IQ minorities

>> No.20862949

I don’t know if it’s the same for everyone else, but I grew up in Sydney yet I’ve never seen a pride flag (or at least it was so inconspicuous that I just don’t remember). I’ve only met one gay guy in my life and I didn’t know he was gay until I found out he was dating a guy. He never told me and he always came off as straight. I feel like I live in a different reality from the internet, which is American and constantly outraged.

>> No.20863700

There is no happiness in fakeness. The only happiness comes from what's real.